Paul Defends His Apostleship

Open Your Bible

Galatians 1:11-24, Joel 2:12-14, Acts 9:1-22

“The gospel is about transformation,” a friend of mine once said. We were talking about some current events in the Church, sad and hard and deeply personal stories that called us to question a lot of what was happening around us. My friend’s statement was by no means original, but I’ve found it’s been rolling around in my head for a long time after.

Without total transformation—a turning-inside-out by grace—it can be hard to stand firm in the faith. Every day can feel like another domino falling, the ripple effect of false gospels and faulty foundations. I say this full-well knowing that I could be next. 

Every day I pray for a deeper and greater transformation of my heart. Spirit, Prayer, Scripture—these are my lifelines to a new heart and a closer communion with God. Without them, I’m weak and tired. With them, I am transformed.

As we’ve read through Galatians 1 this week, Paul has been building a case for the rest of his letter using his own story of transformation. First, he identified himself and his motivation: an apostle through Jesus. Second, he introduced his critique: the church in Galatia had fallen under the spell of a false gospel. Third, he qualified his critique and message because of his own past and the total transformation he experienced through Jesus.

Paul used his story, constructing it carefully to set the stage for the rest of the letter, in which he would challenge false teachers who argued that new Christians had to submit to Jewish law. Paul had been a pharisee, self-described as “extremely zealous for the traditions of my ancestors” (Galatians 1:14). He knew the law. He lived by it and for it.

Then Paul explained his own total transformation as “when God, who from my mother’s womb set me apart and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me” (vv.15–16). Paul became an apostle of Jesus; he knew his Savior, and lived by Him and for Him. God called Paul to Himself, and through the work of Christ and the indwelling of the Spirit, Paul was totally transformed. The same transformation is offered to us by God’s grace.

I love how God calls His people in Joel 2.

Even now—
this is the LORD’s declaration—
turn to me with all your heart,
with fasting, weeping, and mourning.
Tear your hearts,
not just your clothes,
and return to the LORD your God.
For he is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger, abounding in faithful love,
and he relents from sending disaster 
—Joel 2:12–13.

This is the invitation before me this morning: to turn to God, to anchor myself in prayer, Scripture, and the Spirit. Because I can trust God and His character, I can trust His process of transformation—His grace, compassion, patience, and steadfast love.

(121) Comments

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121 thoughts on "Paul Defends His Apostleship"

  1. Skyy Freeman says:

    It’s amazing how God can call anyone to fulfill his will in their lives. I pray that the Lord will transform my mind, heart, and spirit, and that I will find my identity in Him. I am thankful to the Lord and I am determined to boldly share my testimony with others ❤️.

  2. Mandi Cavett says:

    Scripture spirit and prayer is what has kept me going

  3. Brittanie Dix says:

    This is a powerful message and I needed to hear it!

  4. Sarah Wong says:

    Lord Jesus, transform my heart, soul, and mind! I need your grace and your Truth moving afresh in me daily! ❤️

  5. Laura Motley says:


  6. Belanna Truscott says:

    Amen!! ❤️

  7. Emily Tucker says:


  8. Misty Portland says:


  9. Lisa L Hill says:

    Amen. I will trust God at all times.

  10. Roxane Richardson says:


  11. Crystal Lusby says:

    Well said! God is my anchor ❤️

  12. Marisa Carter says:

    Praying to strengthen my relationship with God. Actively working on me so that when people see me, they know, God is my center.

  13. Jen Craggy says:

    Keeping on with my transformation journey today

  14. Christen Plough says:

    This devotion was beautiful and much needed! ❤️

  15. Lindsey Bradley says:

    Total transformation going from a caterpillar to a butterfly

  16. Ann Castro says:

    Thank you Lord for your mercy! Thank you that you are slow to get angry and filled with compassion and grace. I humble myself to you, keep me in your ways!

  17. Robin Tella says:


  18. Elle K. says:

    Elizabeth Oster, praying for you and your husband. ♥️

  19. madie varney says:

    Praying for a deeper more intimate relationship with Jesus this evening

  20. Cee Gee says:

    ~”False gospels and faulty foundations”~
    MELANIE RAINER- That phrase jumped off the page for me! What a great book title!
    It’s interesting to see that even Paul took time to work on the foundation of his new faith. Grace brings us to God, relationship keeps us in tune with Him and protects us from falling for a false gospel. I am struggling to state my thoughts so I hope that makes sense!
    Thanks, sisters, for sharing your personal thoughts and experiences. You inspire me every day! ❤

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, good title! And yes, thank you for pointing out building the foundation! We talked about that at jail today! Saved yes, but now we need to build and establish a growing relationship!

  21. Jen Coen says:

    I find it Gods timing that today is my first day ever to SRT and the topic is transformation. This is what I’ve been praying on and searching for. God led me today to this reading, to y’all. Praise Him and Pray for deep transformation in me.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      What a testimony, Jen! Praying with you! So glad to meet you! ❤

      1. Jen Coen says:

        Thank you Cee Gee!!

        1. Cee Gee says:

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      That’s awesome Jen!! God sometimes answers quickly showing us He cares!

      1. Jen Coen says:


  22. Jessica Paredes says:

    Asking Jesus today to transform my life and bring my God-given purpose to light, that only in Him might I live a life of service and grace towards others.

  23. Teresa Donley says:

    I need transformation in my life. Please pray for me. When something happens that causes us not to have as close of a relationship with God, it can be so hard to go back to where we were before. I need to be able to accept my life as it is, and to praise God and serve God through the pain.
    I so enjoy everyone’s comments and thoughts. You open my eyes to deeper meaning in Scripture every day.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Teresa, you are precious to us, sweet sister, but even more precious to God. He is your protective shade. While you may feel distant, He is right there waiting. Call on Him today! Sending love, hugs, and prayers! ❤
      Psalm 121:5 NLT
      The Lord himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade.

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Oh Teresa…I feel you! I have suffered with chronic pain for 20 years now, but it is only in the last year and a half that I feel my whole body responding to the pain. It’s the first time that I have totally lost my fit body and can’t do much like I was just before this started (after the hurricane oddly!!). And I feel like I’m slipping away…and it IS obvious with the way I look and the less I can do!
      BUT…it’s the devil leaping to add to those lies that I am losing my health, and it scares me more. BUT GOD…fear is a liar…God IS my strength, he makes me strong! He tells me that my body is a temple, and that through Him I can do the impossible! I am more than able, because He is able! And you know what, even when I feel crappy, He makes me feel joyful! He is my joy and my peace! YOU dear Teresa are in His hands, he holds it all…your mind and health. Stay here with us, and keep sharing with us, and we will walk with you. Big Hugs!

    3. Mercy says:


  24. Rachel Bozeman says:

    The verse that stopped me in my tracks was Galatians 1:24 “And they glorified God because of me.” At first, I took a look at this verse in a bad light. Previous verses stated the gospel is not
    of Human origin, we are to humble ourselves etc. I then took a look at it again and realized the meaning. People that do not have a relationship with the Lord see Christ solely through human interaction. People that have not experienced his compassion cannot see or hear the Lord through the most simple things (nature, music, etc) I grew up surrounded in a Christian home and I have always known Christ’s love, I have never been without. But this verses reminded me of my posture in Christ, how I need to meet people where they are, and may the Lord shine through ME leading more people to glorify him.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes! Amen Rachel. That makes total sense in that perspective! That’s what I pray to be, when I love on people that are in the world, Satan’s world. I show them love right where they are which is hard sometimes!

    2. Donielle Fletcher says:

      Rachel, I love that. Thank you so much for your post. I also took it in bad light, and I didn’t know what Paul meant. This makes so much sense.

  25. Serenity Jo says:


  26. D W says:

    Thanks so much for the prayers. Feeling better and @Rhonda, I screenshotted those songs to listen to on the plane. I read y’all’s comments everyday and am always encouraged and challenged. So grateful for this community even though I don’t comment often. Feeling your prayers for peace. God is so good and faithful!

  27. Traci Gendron says:

    I want a deeper and greater transformation of my heart. I too often wonder do others see the change in me? Or do I fall back into old ways with old friends? I can’t have it both ways.

  28. Mari V says:

    “Tear your hearts,….” I’ve never heard it said this way. The NIV states, “Rend” but some how “tear” sounds more profound, piercing, I love this! Jesus loves us SO much that HE wants us to return to HIM (or GO) to HIM always! So comforting that our Jesus is gracious, compassionate, SLOW TO ANGER and abounding in perfect love. NOW that’s our JESUS. I don’t want to be anywhere else, but with HIM! AND “YES, Jesus transform DAILY, Please!”

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      YES, amen!! Pierce our hearts Lord! Make us hurt for what hurts you!

    2. Cee Gee says:

  29. Cheryl Blow says:

    The story of Paul’s transformation is so beautiful! NO ONE is too far gone for God yo reach them!! We can’t change ourselves or anyone else but God in His love and mercy can transform our lives and the lives of others we encounter. How? Through the love of Jesus and our total surrender to Him. He will help us love others! My prayer of late has been help me to love You more and to love others like you love me. Laying down my life like you did!

    1. Kris says:

      It is amazing that Paul used to kill Christians and now look at him!!! You are right, NO ONE is too far gone to be transformed by Jesus!!!

  30. Gwineth52 says:

    Yay! Cassie was “transmogrified”! Transformed in a surprising, magical, mysterious manner known only to God. As you, Tina, were embolden & enabled. We never know when we might be called to be an “Ananias”.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Oh yes, never thought of that aspect…”We never know when WE might be called to be an “Ananias!” SO gOOD!! I will remember that this week as I go and serve! I can’t wait to go see my jail girls TODAY!! I want to be their Ananias IF Jesus so wills!! Not of my BOAST but boasting in His power to transform, but oh it’s so beautiful to be in it with Him and to see it!!

  31. G says:

    Day 3! Woohoo! I came yesterday and then was off to the races so didn’t comment. Loved the Joel passage. As I’m praying for a heart change in my son, I know I need to return with my whole heart as well. I’ve just been dialing it in lately, reminiscing on the easier days of parenting while trying not to make my current struggles my idol.

    Meanwhile, God is faithful when I don’t deserve it. He led us to a therapist with an immediate opening for my son. After the session my son opened up and said he likes the guy and feels like he can work with him. Thank you, Jesus.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Good to have you G! Prayers for following the will of God for your son and parenting! It’s would be so hard in today’s world! (mine is 24, and definitely influenced by the world, well…we all are, but you know what I mean!)

  32. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes
    Spirit + Prayer + Scripture = “Empowerment”
    Daily Devotion + Going Deeper + Discipline = “Practice”
    Insights + Testimonies + Praise = “Out Pouring”
    Thanks be to God!

  33. Rhonda J. says:

    Oh transformation…one of my favorite topics! Change! That is our testimony! I think of The Chosen, where Mary says..I don’t know who he is but “I was one way, and now I am another!” Isn’t that how we can explain it…I don’t know what happened, but I GET IT, and I am being transformed in the way I feel, talk, and act!! We feel like sunshine on us after long cloudy days, we feel like coffee in our body first thing in the morning, we feel like holding our first child or grandchild after loss. God transforms us in Big ways (losing our sight and regaining it!), or in small ways over time! But the most important thing we can do is SHARE it! God uses ME as an instrument for others! And that blesses and grows them and us. My biggest growth has been exponential in the last two years by serving and seeing others transformation! I love going to jail ministry every week for the last year and a half and seeing light come to dark faces! Wow! SO Amazing! Then you see it in their attitudes and participation! But the devil will attack, so we have to be diligent and ready, putting on the armor!
    I also have seen it in our homeless community as I go and “try” to preach the good news of Jesus! There I have really had to step out of comfort! But God is really moving there as well, where it seems hopeless.
    We can also see transformation in our churches and small groups! Sometimes we march along, not really sensing the Powerful movement of Jesus, that He needs and wants ALL of us to have earth shaking CHANGE (sanctification), not a melancholy walk with the Lord!! If you have that, I invite you go to another church, serve, step out in by prayer and listen to WHAT God has for you!! Make the effort, don’t settle for mediocre! GOD wants BIG transformation for you and others!!

    The song that comes to mind is my current favorite..”I Was Made For More!” AMEN!! By Josh Baldwin and Jennifer Johnson! So pretty..but YES, we ARE MADE FOR MORE!! Lets get moving and make big changes for Jesus!! Christianity has gotten sleepy..and that is not what God wants for His people!! Even in the hard and the crazy world, WE can make an impactful difference!! Don’t YOU want to experience that She’s?!!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      I was just singing along to that song on my way home from church last night!❤

    2. Diane Smith says:


    3. Mercy says:

      I love this Rhonda. Your yes involves so much sacrifice, to be undignified, to be undone to do such work, and you afford such cost to obey the Voice. Many shes and I have been encouraged to act. Praying for your strength and more capacity. Love you sister.

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Thank you, Mercy! I have been praying for you friend! Hope your eyes are better, and you have not let the situation with your mom get you down. :/

  34. Aimee D-R says:

    I trust in You only Lord. Amen!

  35. Allison Bentley says:

    “Without total transformation it can be hard to stand firm in the faith”- you guys I want total transformation BUT I am so afraid of what God can/will do to get me there. If I’m honest I am afraid of losing my cushy (yes I struggle but not too much- house, husband, three kids, dog, cat, basic needs are met) world for the sake of the eternal world. Yes I profess with my lips that Jesus is my Lord and Savior and I do believe that with all my heart which is why I am saying I am afraid. Think about it- Paul (Saul) was highly intelligent, successful, probably rich, and let’s be honest good looking and all the above and yet he walked away from it all!! Such a testimony to Gods faithful pursuit of our hearts! Happy Wednesday She’s- sending you all ☮️❤️!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I understand the hesitancy..BUT GOD!! YOU ALLISON Bentley was MADE for MORE!! He’s got you!! Transformation is AMAZING! Yes, sometimes we lose it all for HiM!! But most everyone that does, testify of the beauty from ashes! And it doesn’t always have to come from everything burnt to the ground, the Lord blesses those that bless Him! I often am scared to when I pray my son comes glorious to the Lord, truly, to live for the Lord, then instantly I am like…Oh God, don’t let anything bad happen for this transformation to come!! But I trust the Lord that He knows what He is doing!

    2. Kris says:

      I so understand, that fear of God asking/requiring something very hard from us. And He might. And He might not. All I can do is think that I would still rather obey Jesus and have eternal life, than disobey and spend eternity in hell. Whatever we are required to do on earth is nothing compared to the glory we will experience in heaven.

      1. Seeking Understanding says:

        “spend eternity in hell” got me wondering what Satan’s end goal is and what happens to the “undecideds”. Some people think death and the dirt IS the end. Will that be true for them or will they be with Satan by default?How do you reach those that don’t believe in heaven or hell?

    3. Kira says:

      Allison, thank you for taking the time to articulate your fears – I get this. I often find myself wanting to pull back into myself, to “control” and “keep” the good in my life. I pray that the Lord will use me, but then I add on my own little caveats. I am afraid most of losing my loved ones – my husband, my little girl, my parents. And I know in my heart of hearts that this reflects my inner conflict with giving it all up in trust to the Lord. And yet, I still know that all good things come from the Lord, and that, for His purpose, He may choose to take them back. It’s something I constantly am working on – just like forgiveness. But the thing about transformation is that it isn’t a “one-and-done.” Transformation is a constant – we live in a sinful world, and we must consistently choose to follow the work of the Lord in our hearts. It is a battle, and fear and doubt are Satan’s favorite weapons. Total transformation = sanctification at the coming of Jesus. Until then, we must do our best to choose Him, choose to seek out His Word, to open our hearts to His Spirit, and to be a light in the world for Jesus. He will work in us, and it is only through His work in us that we can overcome the fear.

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Amen, good word!

  36. Kris says:

    I can’t agree more: The gospel is about transformation. It starts with a pure revelation of who Jesus is. And from then on, your life is changed. And that’s the key. Change. Without change it means nothing. Oh Father, show me Your Son. Open my eyes to see more. I want change. I don’t want to remain the same. Please let me see Jesus as He truly is so my heart is forever changed and transformed.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes! Love this! Without change…it means nothing! So many people live the Christian life without change. Not sure they have been change, they just come for their Sunday duty!! I WANT CHANGE!! I need change, but it takes work on my part—daily connection and effort in the word, time in prayer, constant prayer…wearing the Armor daily!! And LISTENING prayer! If we only pray but don’t listen, it is only partly connection to Him! We should see changes in what we listen to and watch, and how we respond to the world around us!

  37. Kristin S says:

    Praying for all you teachers that are headed back today. Here in the NW we have a month left of summer break. Tina Thank you for your stories. They are so encouraging.

  38. Jennifer Limbach says:

    Spirit – Prayer – Scripture… lifelines to a more intimate relationship and connection with Jesus. Yes, please!

  39. Melissa says:

    Lord, today may I be totally transformed.

  40. Searching says:

    Those of us who know and have accepted Christ as Savior – I have for sure been changed, but have I been transformed? When I present myself to others, is it the old me or the new me? Who is the real me?

    Reminded of the hymn, Redeemed (or I Have Been Redeemed, Lyrics JAMES ROWE, composer STANCEL A.GANUS) especially the rousing chorus (at least rousing in the little country church where I learned it). Changing up the words a bit –
    I’m transformed, by love divine!
    Glory, glory! Christ is mine, Christ is mine!
    All to Him I now resign, resign
    I have been, I have been, transformed!

    I can hear those long gone saints in my mind now, especially the Glory, glory line – always sang as glow’ry ❤️

    Thank you, sisters, for your continued prayers for my nerve pain. Still waiting on referrals etc.

    Only 3 days into this study and I’m so moved by the comments, insights, testimonies and praises that you have all shared – and encouraged to see sisters returning to SRT after a break as well as the sisters joining us here for the first time ❤️

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I knew you had mentioned not feeling good but I missed the original post of what was going on! I have nerve pain down my left leg since a screw hit my nerve root in the canal during back fusion so I know how horrible the pain is, and am praying for you to get a good doctor to mend the cause. Praying for healing friend! quick!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ glow’ry (smile)

    3. Allison Bentley says:

      So good- pondering on if we’ve been transformed!

    4. Mercy says:

      Praying for relief from the nerve pain, and may the referrals and openings be made just for you by the grace of Him who made all things possible.

    5. Sam Nauman says:

      This perspective really got me thinking and journaling this morning. “I know I’ve been changed, but have I been transformed?” Thank you for sharing.

  41. Jennifer Fees says:

    It truly is about heart transformation. I currently live with unbelieving family members and it is so easy to tell them the do’s and don’t’s of Christianity. Meanwhile, God has done some amazing things in my life in recent months that are now a part of my testimony and I struggle to share out of fear, but this is the very thing that can win hearts for Jesus! I needed this reminder today!

  42. Lydia Huter says:

    I am in awe of God’s love and mercy. We are so undeserving but in spite of that He still loves us.

  43. D W says:

    Could I ask for prayers for peace this morning? Without getting into details, I have not slept well for several nights, leaving on a trip that could be high stress and am feeling so out of the norm anxious this morning. Also concerned I might be getting sick and am going to be with all my family and grandkids so that doesn’t work-ha!

    1. Lisa Keller says:

      Lord cover this sister with Your strength which can be all we need in weakness.. in Jesus Name

    2. Maria Baer says:

      D W, praying that the Spirit brings peace to you this morning and throughout your trip.

    3. MI Sheryl says:

      Praying for health and wholeness for your whole being in and through Jesus’ name.

    4. Rhonda J. says:

      “Peace, Be Still!” Prayers for you! May I suggest the song that title is the same words by Hope Darst. And so many other songs…
      Cast my Cares–Finding Favor
      Fear is a Liar–Zach Willians
      Battle Belongs to You- Phil Wickham
      Take it all Back–Tauren Wells
      Praise You in the Storm–Casting Crowns
      Rescue–Jordan St Cry
      Fear is not my Future- Brandon Lake/Maverick City

      Music is my go to to calm all my fears! And then I can sing at night when I can’t sleep rather than fretting and worrying!

      1. Victoria E says:

        Rhonda J “Take it all back “ is one of my absolute favorites ! I literally dance in my car every time it comes on! Elizabeth Oster praying for you and your husband. Praying for other requests as well, have a good night sisters !

  44. Lanie H says:

    One lesson God keeps teaching me over and over is that when something good happens when I was obedient that it is him not me. I get this sense of pride every time like ” look at me I was faithful”. I usually call my mom and tell her about it, bc I know she will be proud. But God keeps graciously teaching me, not you. It’s so obvious in aninias story. God could have easily opened Paul’s eyes just like he shut him. But he let aninias partner with him. Even when he said no, I don’t want to! He could have chosen someone “braver” who wouldn’t have questioned him, but he didn’t. Paul says he called me by his grace, God says he is my chosen instrument, I must show him how much he must suffer. It’s like wow. On one hand to be Gods chosen instrument, you have to be feeling pretty special, and then on the other hand you are called into a life of suffering, and Paul says I will boast in my suffering. Paul is proud of being nothing, chosen to suffer, so that God can reveal Christ in him. It’s mind blowing. And I pray that eventually my flesh gets there.

  45. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Amen. Thank you for sharing

  46. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Melanie Rainer – third day in a row!

    Cassie (see Tina’s story) and Paul – who would have thought the Lord could break through and change hearts. So thankful that He sees past our brokenness and offers His healing and restoration.

    Gotta sign off, no power here in NE Ohio, so don’t want to use up phone power without being able to charge. Will check in later if it comes back on.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Glad you’re safe! ❤

    2. Mercy says:

      Oh no, was it a storm that caused power outage Kelly? Praying for you and the situation.

  47. Donna Simmons says:

    It does. It’s amazing. Thank you for sharing

  48. Dana Douglas says:

    So thankful for the grace of God and His patience.

  49. Kathy says:

    Y’all, please lift up a quick prayer for me and my fellow teachers. Our students come back today. I am excited and a little apprehensive. Please pray that God will use me to bring about needed transformation in the lives of my kiddos who don’t know Him.

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Praying for you and all teachers who serve the Lord to be a bright light in a dark world.

    2. Jillian L says:

      I am a teacher as well and I’m praying this over myself , you, and all teachers!
      Have a great year !

    3. Shelby Foltz says:

      A fellow teacher! I’ll be praying for you and your fellow teachers Kathy. Have a great first day. Enjoy those new kids that God has so purposely put in your classroom!

    4. Jasmine C says:

      I’m a teacher, too! Prayers for us as we enter this school year. Thank you ladies for you insight. Enjoying this study after a little break. Definitely missed it this summer. Anchoring back into it.

    5. Soma D says:

      Wow, so many of us are teachers here. Praying for all of us as we start a new school year, and our opportunities to transform lives and be transformed in HIS Stength.

    6. Cee Gee says:

      Prayers for all schools starting up through this month! God bless all teachers and staff who pour love and hope into our future generations. ❤

    7. Rhonda J. says:

      Prayers Kathy…Always GOOD to see YOU here!! God is with you!

  50. Jo Turnbull says:

    I loved ‘rend your hearts, not your garments’ ♥️

  51. Tina says:

    I know some of you have heard this testimony before, but it begs to be told one more time..
    As most of you know i cook for the disadvantaged in our community. I have done this for nearly 17 years now.. when I say it is the most difficult, yet most rewarding job, I mean, it is the most difficult, yet most rewarding job!
    I have met, and continue to meet a lot of people, from all walks of life, from those who have served time for manslaughter, to those on class A drugs, to those who struggle with who they are, male, female, indifferent through this job.
    Enter Cassie, a young lady beaten down by the system, the only way to deal with life is in anger… at everything!
    She soon became someone I could not stand or bear, with her demand of things, her disrespect of others and her belief that she was entitled..
    She would often use words like “oi give me” or use swear words out loud to get attention..
    In the end, I told my colleagues, I would not serve her, and that I had no time for this ungrateful, disrespectful human! To be honest, she was disrupting my heart.!
    BUT GOD..
    A couple of months into her coming in, the SRT study was on hospitality.. talk about slap across the face with a wet kipper..
    I was in a battle with the Lord. I knew absolutely without a doubt, this was for me, but the rebel in me was fighting God with words like.. ‘ No. I am not doing it” and words like.. ” she’s never going to change, what’s the point”. I actually walked away from the study, went downstairs to make a tea and returned to it. I could still feel the Spirit urging me to act on what I had read and CLEARLY understood!
    I gave in eventually, saying “Lord you better be with me” check me out, giving instructions to Father God!
    There she was in the queue for food, I looked up to the heavens and whispered..”You better be here, Lord..
    As Cassie approached, I could feel the tension in me, but I had loosely promised God, so I said Good morning to her, looking straight at her. She grunted a response, and walked off with her food..
    I could feel the one upmanship rise towards God as I thought, see, I was right..
    Cassie returned not five minutes later, tears roll freely as I write, she said.. “that was lovely, Tina.. could I have some more please..”
    Sorry! What! I didn’t even know she knew my name, let alone those polite words like please and lovely!
    I was taken aback..
    I met her coming out of the loo, later se told me again how lovely the food was and that she was thankful.. stop it!
    Absolutely stop all the the W.D. Auden poem begins, I could have bottled that moment, and sold it.. labelled. BUT GOD..
    Here’s the thing, it wasn’t just Cassie whose heart was changed that day, mine too was radically changed! My rebellious heart, my unbelieving heart, my ‘I am better than you’ heart, sure did feel that slap!
    I totally and absolutely was changed that day in a way, both hearts were softened in and by His grace, love and mercy!
    The story could ended there..
    BUT GOD..
    This lesson, this beautiful lesson, this testimony had to be set in stone, had to be etched on my heart for future reference, to be spoken of and often.. Cassie came in a couple of weeks later with a friend. I happen to be standing at the door by the kitchen, as she saw me, she ran towards me shouting to her friend.. “This is my very best friend”. Oh the tears flow now, into a crescendo of joyful noise.. as I remember thst not two weeks previous I wanted to kill her!
    What can I say about being transformed..
    BUT GOD..
    I got carried away telling this story.. I hope it blesses someone today..
    Happy Wednesday my dears.. Happy Wednesday wrapped in love from a truly transformed heart!♥️

    1. Tricia C says:

      You and your stories are a blessing, Tina. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    2. Donna Mitchell says:


    3. Kathy says:

      Thank you so much for sharing this story again. I really needed to hear it. My students come back to school today. (I teach high school art.) I have several students that I have had before and I am not sure I’m excited about having them again! But God…just like He touched your heart He touched mine as I was reading over my rosters. He has placed those students in my room because that is where they need to be. I needed this reminder about transformation.
      Thank you!

      1. MI Sheryl says:

        I think that many high school students see art class as a way for an “easy A,” yet soon discover that art can be a safe haven to process and express what they cannot speak. I believe those that are returning have discovered that in your classroom, and their hearts will be softened toward the GREAT Artist and TRUE safe haven found only in Jesus.

    4. Kate K says:

      Thank you for sharing. I love concrete examples of real life transformation! ♡

    5. Jennifer Fritz says:

      Dear Tina, thank you for sharing this, I have read this before but this time it resonated through me. I work in an office with people with many strong opinions and loud voices( figuratively and actually). From my office I can hear people gathering at the reception area and talking to each other. There is one gentleman who often speaks loudly making very raciest statements. He is a nice man and has faith in Christ. I have such a hard time hearing these raciest statements and his statements of faith. The statements are contradictory. I get angry and want to “scream”. After reading your story again today, I sat quietly and listened for God. He let me really “hear” your story of kindness and compassion. He also gave me wisdom and words to say the next time I hear this man make raciest statements, words of compassion and respect for others to say to him. Thank you again for sharing! God

    6. Tara B says:

      Thank you for sharing, Tina. What a blessing and testimony to God’s goodness and grace ❤️

    7. Searching says:

      TINA ❤️ I so love this testimony, sister! Thank you! May we all examine our hearts and attitudes today.

    8. Lisa Keller says:

      That’s truly a beautiful transformation story. God the Father carries us all!

    9. Sherry says:

      Thank you for sharing this, Tina. Your story blessed me. God’s purpose in having you share might have been for me.

    10. Terri says:

      Thank you for sharing this wonderful testimony of God’s transformation.

    11. Michelle says:

      Thank you for sharing it again, Tina! As I am responding to you, I think I needed that reminder- that a good story is worth retelling. I think about when we reread our favorite books (which I’m currently doing!) Or as a kid, we ask our parents to reread the same book to us over and over. My mom tells a story of how I used to return my book to the library, go to the shelf, and pick out a copy of the same exact one! Lol! I actually remember doing that, too. Who doesn’t love a good story??

      1. Michelle says:

        Michelle P :)

    12. Annelyn P says:

      Dear TINA, you are always an encouragement as you share what God has done and is doing in your life. I’ve heard this story before as well, but it brought tears to my eyes as I’m challenged and encouraged to love others as Jesus does – by his power and strength. In our weakness, he is strong. Thank you.

    13. GramsieSue says:

      Yes, Tina, I needed to hear this again. There are people in my life who are hard to love. This was a reminder that God loves them and He is waiting for me to show them love. And just maybe they are waiting as well.
      Hugs to you this morning ❤️

    14. Cheryl Blow says:

      Beautiful story! Thank you for sharing!

    15. Soma D says:

      Thank you for sharing Tina. As an elementary teacher, sometimes I can feel the same way when I experience similar behavior in my classroom. It is such a great reminder that transformation is always possible when we obey the Holy Spirit. He is our strength in our weakness, and I love how you pointed out that transformation happened in both of your hearts. Powerful story!

    16. Diane Smith says:


    17. Kris says:

      Beautiful story, Tina!!! It is amazing how WE are changed and affected by our obedience to God

    18. Elizabeth Allison says:


    19. Cathy McVey says:

      Dear Tina, thank you for sharing this story again. I never tire of your stories and how God uses you time after time. As many have said already, we all have people in our lives that we just as easily could never be around again. Many years ago I started to pray “God help me to love them as you love them. Because right now, I don’t want to be around them”. He did. And He will. So grateful for your stories. So encouraging and enlightening. Love you Tina. Have a blessed day everyone.

    20. Cee Gee says:

      Thank you, Tina, for sharing how your heart was torn and how it all worked to the good. ❤ Like Ananias, you are a great example of an obedient servant.

    21. Mercy says:

      Thank you Tina. I cried with you. Oh the Cassie’s of our life, how would we know they have no one else but us? Another chance we give, another insult we take… from this hurtful world, who knew, who knew that we are turning enemies into best friends? But GOD.

    22. Margaret W. says: