Offerings, Festivals, and Laws

Open Your Bible

Numbers 28:1-31, Numbers 29:1-40, Numbers 30:1-16, Hebrews 10:1-10

I once heard a pastor-theologian say, “Freedom isn’t the absence of restraints but the presence of the right ones.” That line has always stuck with me. While I was at physical therapy recently, a quote on a graffiti-covered back wall read, “Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you most want.”

These two quotes share a common theme: they emphasize that true freedom is often attained through making choices that align with a person’s purpose. Without the presence of definition or structure, we cannot truly become who we are meant to be. 

As I read through Numbers 28–30 today, I observed the same principle at play. While I was reading through the chapters, I couldn’t help but think that the people of God truly valued their festivals and feasts. However, as I delved into the details, all the specific dates, days, times of the month, burnt offerings, various drink and food-related offerings, and the requirement to abstain from ordinary work, it became clear that these offerings and abstentions were not mere acts of duty. Instead, they were celebrations of what the people had been saved from—and who had saved them—to become who they were meant to be.

Each individual offering, feast, and law carried with it the weight of a decision (and a story), leaving a mark in the present that reflected on the past (e.g., the Passover, wilderness wanderings) and shaped their future. Reading the dates, days, and details proved to be rhythmic; the rhythms of the feasts, offerings, and sacrifices set the movements of the people daily, monthly, and yearly. It was like the cadence and steps of a waltz. Each specific offering represented a step, and each feast was like the chords composing the music. When the cadence and steps are in sync, the people of God can joyfully experience all that life has to offer, reveling in the composition and choreography and dancing with delight at the work of God has done for them.

As I reflect on the significance of the feasts, offerings, and festivals in the life of Israel, I can’t help but see them as a foreshadowing of the good things to come in the context of modern Christianity (Hebrews 10:1). I see the Church being shaped through Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost. Practices like baptism, communion, and the regular gatherings of the Church on Sundays shape us into the likeness of Jesus. All of these rhythms can provide us with the right restraints that enable us to celebrate true freedom in Him.

Written by Ryne Brewer

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58 thoughts on "Offerings, Festivals, and Laws"

  1. Caroline Bridges says:

    My notes today are mostly questions I thought about while I was reading today’s scripture. What if they observed nothing? What is the difference between a blemished animal and an unblemished animal? What if someone stayed single their entire lives in biblical times? In today’s world it’s nothing. What if no one found out a woman had made a vow to the lord? Promises were never to be broken and they still hold true today. They might seem silly to you, but in my head they’re not.

    1. Seeking Understanding says:

      I’m right there with you Caroline.

  2. Natasha R says:

    Like a loving father, God sets boundaries and rhythms for His children. Morning devotion, Wednesday Life Group, Sunday Church, Lent, Easter, Advent, Christmas…This rhythm has anchored me through the different seasons of my life. I am so grateful.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Oh Yes! So true, I often tell people it my groups and things I do that keep me going through chronic pain sometimes, but yes…keeps me focused on the Lord through life!!

  3. Kris says:

    1. So, I had to do some digging into Chapter 30 – the vow thing. In Judges 11 a man, Jephthah, made a vow to God that if God helped him defeat the Ammonites, he would give to God the first thing that came out of his house when he returned home. Well, the first thing out of his house was his daughter. So Jephthah had to dedicate his daughter to the Lord, which meant she could not marry and have children to carry on Jephthah’s lineage. In Matthew 5, Jesus says not to swear an oath at all, but let your yes be yes and your no be no. Provers 18 says the tongue has the power of life and death. I think God is wanting us to be very careful about what we say, what we promise to do or not do, and to be ready to fulfill our oaths. Being slow to speak sounds like a pretty good thing right now. What promises have I broken? What promises have been broken to me? What ill-effects are there because of these? food for thought….
    2. I love the celebrations, times of remembrance. A friend of mine celebrates every year on the anniversary of buying her house. She takes the day off work, keeps her kids out of school and they go do something fun. It was a big deal, as a single mom, to be able to buy a house and she wants to celebrate every year. She calls it Yay Day! I’d like to do more of that…..

    1. Foster Mama says:

      Yay Day!!! I. Love. That!!
      People make fun of me because I still celebrate little things (e.g. the day my husband gave me his phone number… on a gum wrapper, the day we closed on our first house, first proper date, etc…) and still call my sister on the anniversary of her getting her driver’s license (37 years ago!!) because it was a big deal to a much younger sister:D!! There is so much difficult in our live that I love rhythmic opportunities to give thanks…like on the anniversary of Dad’s massive stroke that should have killed him but didn’t!

      Please pray ♥️ for our epileptic friend and entire family.

  4. Adrienne says:

    Good morning! Playing “catch up”, after a long weekend out of town with my sister. Can’t read today’s comments. I’ll try again later. (Sometimes that helps!)

    Don’t know if you can read this, but have a blessed day, sweet sisters!

  5. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Victoria E – So glad your surgery went well! Continued prayers for a complete recovery.

  6. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    All while reading about the offerings and feasts, I kept thinking – Wow! That’s a LOT of animals! Where did they all keep coming from? And if that wasn’t enough – after all the many animals being sacrificed, there was always one more needed for the atonement of sin.
    Praise and thanks to God for sending Jesus as our sacrificial, spotless Lamb of God – who took away our sin. He died in our place and we have been made holy. Glory to God!

    Have a blessed Tuesday dear sisters!❤️

    1. Em says:

      I thought the same thing about the amount of animals! I always imagined less abundance…I guess I underestimated God’s provision and blessings!

  7. Allison Bentley says:

    I couldnt help but notice the word “unblemished” in today’s reading (I underlined it 12 times) and thought Thank You Jesus because I am not unblemished. Yet because of Jesus I am worthy and learning daily to be more like Him!!! Happy Tuesday she’s! Sending ☮️❤️ to you all !!

  8. Mercy says:

    “mingled with oil”, “sacrifice made by fire”, these repeated phrases stood out to me today. In the crushing, there is oil- the anointing. The virgins earn their oil, manage their oil, until the moment the bridegroom returns. The olives are hard pressed by the stone mill, crushing and more crushing. “Mingled with oil”, mingled in the hardships, our sacrifice is made in the hardships. And not just that, sacrifice is made through fire. Dear she’s, this week has been hard and unconventional. And yesterday, I returned to work with several meetings with management, to learn that the promotion (which I petitioned for last year and asked for prayers), they gave to my opponent, a new hire, who was hired to fill in for me during my maternity leave two years ago. I felt devastated. There has been some layoff as well. I needed to make peace with this. I gave God the sacrifice of thanksgiving yesterday, and thank Him for what’s remained. Who am I to exalt myself, but promotion comes from God. “For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another” (Psalm 75:6-7). I am thankful for God’s words which gives clarity in times of confusion. I would appreciate your prayers for this fragile state I am going through. The Lord is good, and His comfort has been with me. It’s my reasoning that needs to play catch up.

    “…thou shalt offer it, a sacrifice made BY FIRE, of a sweet savour unto the LORD” (Numbers 28:8)

    Thankful for you and your friendship.
    Be blessed dear sisters.

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Mercy I am so sorry that this happened. It’s difficult at times to remember in the thick of things, that God sees, He knows, He is with you. Although it may have seemed the perfect position for you – God always knows best, and He can see what we can’t…I will be praying for you as you work through this difficult time.

      1. Em says:

        This!!!! I went through something similar, but I keep reminding myself that God’s timing is perfect, his plan is perfect, and He already knows the perfect spot for me once my time comes. I pray that you find rest.

        1. Mercy says:

          Amen. Thank you EM.

      2. Mercy says:

        Thank you Sharon for your wisdom and sweetness.

    2. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ agreeing with Sharon. Also, it’s easy to fall victim to disappointment when it’s piled on top of fatigue.

      1. Mercy says:

        So true. I never look at disappointment as an enemy, but it sure is one right now.

        1. Rhonda J. says:

          I’m so sorry Mercy, agreeing with the other she’s and your own great reminders above!! You are so strong in you scripture which you see is there for life’s ups and downs, and for sure our disappointments. But God, I’m sure there is a perfect plan for you Mercy! Faith is in the not knowing but trusting. Hugs.

    3. Kelly (NEO) says:

      So sorry…continue to look up to Jesus. He has promoted you from death to eternal life.

      1. Foster Mama says:

        I love this KELLY and am sorry this happened to our beloved MERCY but praying for God’s perfect plan.

        Just started read “Its Not Supposed to Be This Way” by Lysa Terkuerst….

        Praying for you.

  9. Cindy Hanna says:

    Good morning She’s! May has been a very busy month for me and while I have not missed any day reading along, I have missed the devotions and community comments. Like Rhonda J, I felt underwhelmed by today’s reading until I encountered the devotional and the sweet thoughts of Tina on her calendar of rhythms. How beautiful.

  10. Cheryl Blow says:

    So thankful that Jesus came to bring salvation!

    1. Missy Csonka says:


  11. Deb Dolak says:

    One thing I notice about these festivals are that they outline God’s Redemptive Plan for human kind through Jesus Christ.

    + Passover: Jesus is our Passover, dying for our sins, giving us grace and life everlasting.

    + Week of Unleavened Bread: This depicts that when we come to Christ we are to live a life of Holiness, putting sin out of our lives daily.

    + Pentecost: The gift of God in us, The Holy Spirit.

    + Feast of Trumpets: This day depicts the return of our Savior Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

    + Day of Atonement: This day depicts that we will finnaly be at one with our Triune God.

    + Feast of Tabernacles (booths or shelters): This festival depicts the future 1,000 rule of Jesus Christ on planet Earth, the Millennian.

    + 8th day, last great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles: Depicts the Great White Throne Judgement at the end of God’s redemptive plan for mankind.

    It amazes me how perfectly God’s Word is constructed to give us all that we need. God’s Word is Jesus Christ from Genesis 1 through Revelation. Everything relates to us and our walk with Jesus. We are free from all of those sacrifices through the work of Jesus Christ who died once for all. Praise be to our perfect, loving, faithful, and merciful God!

    1. Rhonda J says:

      Amen, so good!! I am coping this and putting in the digital journal for this study!

  12. Rhonda J. says:

    GM..I love how the devotion and your comments turned the scripture reading from somewhat daunting, repetitive, and underwhelming into something that makes sense for me! Sometimes, oftentimes, we skip over chapters, or even whole books of the Bible that aren’t “popular!”
    I love what Tina put about having our “own spiritual calendar” to mark the good and the bad, that affect our sanctification, our forever growing in the Lord. God is a God of order, remembrance and celebration, prayer and rejoicing, mourning and all grows our reliance and growth in the Lord!

    It is so important to keep our perspectives and gratefulness in Jesus. I love having journals to put prayers in and see how God works over the years. Like I mentioned last week, I was able to give my “life story of living with chronic pain” to a friend at church for her to summarize and put in a book she is doing. It has really touched me in recounting and even seeing more places where God has been there faithfully all along, through the bad and ugly..the long and daunting, sadness and struggling…YET..BUT GOD BIG moments!! He worked small and big miracles throughout, around every corner that I couldn’t see at the time, all in His great timing!

    Lord, keep my She’s protected in the valleys, in the wait, that your hand is upon them and working all things out for the good of those that love you Lord, trusting in You to bring about their needs and prayers. Sometimes it looks totally different then we think Lord, but YOU are the creator of our lives and know just what we need for us and for those around us. Help us to stay steadfast in trust and obeying as you are our mainstay, our rock. You hold all things together and you care about our lives. thank you heavenly Father for your .Son Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice, that we may come directly to Him for every need, and the Spirit giving us direction, comfort, and peace.

    In Jesus name, amen

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


    2. Cee Gee says:

      Amen ❤

    3. Tricia C says:

      Amen. Thank you for that.

  13. ERB says:

    My journal notes from yesterday and today..

    Hebrews 10:1-4
    *Jesus came to fulfill the law, but NOT in the way we expected!! All God’s laws are GOOD, just and righteous!! They lead us to God and remind and help us to keep Him first in ALL things!! No blood or sacrifice on earth could purify us once and for all.. so God sent His Holy willing Son Jesus to do this for us!! We just have to be willing to accept, believe and live in the holiness & freedom God provides!!! May we never take His sacrifice or holiness lightly!! Amen.

    Hebrews 10:9
    *my hearts desire is to do Your will and Your will alone!! I am no where near perfect in doing this, but You don’t require perfection, You want willingness!! So Lord help me be willing from the top of my head to the bottom of feet!! I give it all to You!!! ❤️

    Numbers 28 & 29
    *May I be a pleasing aroma to and for You Lord!! Amen.

    Hebrews 11:13-16
    *Wow!! SO MANY examples of people who BY FAITH lived in and out the promises of God whether they saw them fulfilled in their lifetime or not!! They didn’t do this perfectly but they DID do it, and God got the Glory in the end!!! May I, like these people, see, greet and believe with heavenly eyes!! May I desire God and His realm and NOT this earth or anything in it!! Amen.

    Joshua 1:5-9
    *these verses speak and witness very strongly to me!! May I live out what they say!! Amen.

  14. Taylor says:

    I have definitely fallen out of the rhythm of daily Scripture reading, and I miss it. I pray God would open my eyes and my heart to carve out time to be with him on a daily basis.

    Ladies can you please pray for me? This is my last week at my job. My first job as an occupational therapist. Over the last month I was in the process of applying for jobs, interviewing, and have accepted a new job offer. Praying the Lord would lead in my new endeavors. I’ve also been having some issues with my boss over leaving my current job so prayers for a smooth last week.

    Thank you and praying everyone has a blessed Tuesday <3

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Praying for you.

    2. Arlene says:

      Praying that this last week would be a good week, that it wouldn’t be awkward and that God would prepare you for the new job.

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Praying for you Taylor. Once we get out of sync in reading the Word, it can go on indefinitely – unless we purpose in our heart to get back in. May you find the time before starting your day to be in the Word.
      Praying for your new job & new endeavors!

    4. Changed Life says:

      Praying for your transition week, dear Taylor. May you wrap up this last week with patience and gracefully prepare for your new start. God bless you as you begin a new chapter in your work life. And May your heart beat peace, allowing you time to care for your soul as you rekindle the love of connecting with God each morning. ❤️

    5. Tina says:

      Praying Taylor for peace to reign 1) in your heart, don’t stress give it to the Lord.. remember if God is for you.WHO can be against you.. 2) that your current boss also has peace about your leaving. That her heart shifts to wishing you well, rather than making life difficult in your last week in your current job. I remember the prayers and the joy of getting the job.. praying thst same joy is in your heart this week, Taylor..
      I’m going to say it.. Happy last week!♥️

    6. Cara P says:

      Praying for a smooth transition for you Taylor.

  15. Karen Y says:

    After reading today’s passages, I have a new appreciation for the greatness of Jesus. All those decades of our own sacrifices, all that blood, all that preparation and time involved getting them ready, all that cost – replaced by Jesus. One time, for all forever. Amazing.

  16. Annie says:

    True freedom is only found by the boundaries the Lord sets.

    Thanks be to God that You care to give us the right boundaries and true freedom in You.

  17. Michelle P says:

    @Victoria E- ♥️ praying for healthy recovery for you

    @Mercy – thank you so much ♥️ I pray to do the same. In my weakness, may His strength and glory show.

  18. Aimee D-R says:

    Father guide my steps. May my words and actions be pleasing to you. In Jesus name, Amen

  19. Searching says:

    As I read through the specifics the Lord laid out for Israel as they remembered, repented and praised, I am so thankful God made a way for us through Christ’s sacrifice. May the Holy Spirit remind and nudge us when we forget to remember.

    Numbers 30 – be careful making vows and promises. The Lord provided a safety net, so to speak, for vows made out of immaturity or thoughtlessness in certain situations during this time, otherwise the vow stood. A good reminder of the power of my words and the pitfalls of a hasty response.

    VICTORIA E – praise for your report, praying for swift recovery
    CEE GEE, ARLENE, MERCY and others – loved yesterday’s insights
    CHERRIE BREWER – praying for the Lord’s guidance and wisdom as you navigate the job challenges

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ that reflection! Any updates on prayer requests?

  20. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “Freedom isn’t the absence of restraints but the presence of the right ones.”

    Definitely something not understood in our culture today. :-(

    I love that God “commands” celebrating Israel’s milestones as a way of remembering His faithfulness to them.

    VICTORIA E – happy to hear your update

    Have a blessed Tuesday

    1. Cee Gee says:

  21. Tina says:

    On Saturday, I gave thanks, I sang praises to God for the gift that was my daughter, now home with the Lord..

    It would have been her 47th birthday..

    For the last 15 years my personal church calendar has had other dates added as part of my rhythmic year, dates that affect my heart, dates on which my story changed forever..

    BUT GOD..

    Though my story changes, with every significant date that upturns, downturns, shifts my life in a direction I was not expecting, good or bad, I have been thankful, thankful for God’s presence, guidance, and overwhelming love. I have been grateful for His leading, His grace and mercy, His Word, on which I can stand.. always, no matter the struggles, the sorrows, the hopes dashed, the fight.
    The grace, the hopes fulfilled and realised.. He is worthy of the dates added to my personal calendar, in rememberance to give thanks and praise.

    He is worthy of celebrating everyday!
    Everyday should be a festival of praise to the One who has us, each and everyone in His loving arms.. always..


    Celebrating and giving thanks for you my dear She’s,

    Much love and hugs,


    1. Kelly (NEO) says:


    2. Searching says:

      Beautifully said, TINA ❤️

    3. Carol M says:

      Blessed to be included, Dear Tina… BUT GOD, INDEED!! Thanks for sharing your ♥️!

    4. Cee Gee says:

      Tina, you have such a gift with words;thank you for sharing it here each day! Your comment reminded me of 2 songs: He is Worthy by Chris Tomlin and Every Praise by Hezekiah Walker. ❤

      1. Tina says:

        Every praise was one I had on repeat my family had to tell me to change my record!!!!
        I love it!
        Every praise is indeed to our God, Every word of worship is to our God..
        Indeed , Every praise is to Him, and only Him..
        Thank you CEE GEE for the reminder of thst song… off to play it right now..♥️

        1. Cee Gee says:

        2. Foster Mama says:

          Thank you for sharing Tina…I am similar in remembering and pausing with many dates.

          I don’t know that song and will need to check it out…if you almost broke the “record” :D ♥️

    5. Rhonda J. says:

      So good! Amen

    6. GramsieSue says:

      Yes, Tina. Perfectly spoken. ❤️

    7. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


    8. LindaK says:
