Offering Hospitality

Open Your Bible

Romans 15:1-13, 1 Corinthians 11:27-34, 1 Peter 4:7-11, Proverbs 21:10

Before my husband and I embarked on leading our first small group, we consistently prayed that our group would have a mutual affection for one another. We wanted everyone to care for each person despite our many differences and preferences for how community should be. Why did we focus on this so much? Because we knew “the welcome” was just as important as the Bible verse we studied when it came to sharing life with the family of God.

Just like our biological family, the family of God is often made up of people who may not be easy to love and serve. There are always people who will rub you the wrong way or see the world differently than you do. So, we decided to combat these disparities with biblical hospitality.

We sat our group down and asked them to take ownership of “welcom[ing] one another, just as Christ also welcomed you” (Romans 15:7). When a new face walked into our small group, someone would take them under their wing and bring them into the conversation. If someone needed prayer, many would offer to sit with them after formal discussion to pray. When someone was confused about Scripture, others gently helped them interpret the passage. The welcome each person received was a “consideration for his neighbor” (Proverbs 21:10), as each of us learned to build each other up. 

Some may read this and think it’s an ideal, unattainable vision of sharing life together, but that’s the beauty of God’s people being together. It was God’s power working through our hospitality to not only encourage those of us in the group but to be a light to all those who came and went over the years (Matthew 5:14). Things were not always perfect, but our consistent love for one another covered “a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). After five years, it became clear that the family of God was experienced best when we all used our gifts to serve one another. 

Yet often, we assume the family of God is about us. We struggle to love the person in the group whose comments annoy us. We get frustrated when a sister or brother in Christ falls back into sin after discipling them for months. We grow resistant to change when others decide to bring new people into the community. This is why the family of God is dependent on Jesus’s hospitality and not our own. Jesus did not come to serve and rescue those who were like Him. If so, none of us would have found belonging in the family of God. But Jesus came to rescue everyone, which allows us to fully extend ourselves in service to anyone.

Our hospitality—our heart welcome—differentiates us from the welcome of the world; for we find life in giving it away and laying it down for the good of others.

(74) Comments

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74 thoughts on "Offering Hospitality"

  1. belle ingersoll says:

    this was such a beautiful reminder that we can chose to welcome as the world has taught us to or we can have welcoming ♡ ‘ s just as God calls us to < 1 peter 4 : 9 !

  2. Kimberly Forte says:

    I felt this so much!! Im having the same struggle with my sister In law is 7 years and this was so convicting!

  3. Jennifer Lumley says:

    This was such a good reminder of welcoming and loving others just as Christ does. Sometimes I don’t want my “Family” to change and add others but this was so convicting to me and my heart. I want others to feel welcome

  4. ada hurst says:


  5. Ali Hilliard says:

    This is so convicting as my mom and I are struggling to love and accept my future sister in law. Our relationship with her has been a rocky one and now that she’s going to be around forever we’re really struggling with loving and serving her despite short comings (on both ends if we’re being honest). I thank Jesus for his grace and teaching and pray that he continues to soften my heart towards my future sister in law Reena.

  6. Minnette Stevenson says:

    Jesus came to rescue EVERYONE

  7. K D says:

    Churchmouse – your story warmed my heart more than you can know. Thank you for this most excellent reminder that hospitality often means just being with another.

  8. kimmieg says:

    Having trouble in our church. I’m feeling blame-y. Which is the exact opposite of where my heart should be.

  9. Priscilla Mendoza says:

    Iam so delighted to be apart of this great big family of God. I priase our God who makes all things possible!I rejoice over the all that is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord. Our light must not should not be hidden, our love for one and other can and will shine, as long as our dependancy is on God.

  10. Annelyn P says:

    I am praying for you quineth52. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Sue Dalos says:

    Oh Churchmouse, how wonderful for both you and Jenna. What a God given treasure to be blessed with a day like this. ❤️

  12. Pamela Spell says:


  13. Skylar Hilton says:

    Hello dear sisters! I had such a bad morning this morning, but God’s word always helps.

    In today’s lesson we learn that hospitality… the act of giving ourselves and what we have to our neighbor.. is the kind of attitude God wants us to have. I know how hard it is sometimes for all of us to want to share our belongings.. but we all know that is the selfish part in us. Many of us have been used to having everything to ourselves… but we need to get over this attitude. Sharing is a beautiful thing.. and we should simply do it more. I love you guys…. have a great night.

    God bless you all!

  14. Traci Gendron says:

    TINA – that is a lovely story! I can form an opinion on someone right away by their look. I’m from the midwest where “I thought” people dressed normally. Then I moved to Colorado where people are more free in their dress ex: I couldn’t deal with it. How horrible is that? To judge before talking with them. I still struggle because I just don’t understand it. But why do I need to. I pray that God will give me the ability to just love them. So so hard because I find few believers here. I’m judging them….Lord help me.
    ERB – What a great visual. Thank you very much for that! It truly helped me understand.

    We are having Tanner’s celebration of life back in Illinois on the 3rd. I have been worried because of how his father and his friends live. This was a timely lesson for me to remember to be an example of God’s love. We had a service in Colorado Saturday. It was lovely and small. It is only be God’s grace and all your prayers that I have been walking through this. Thank you so much SRT ladies.

  15. Rhonda J says:

    QUINETH52- Yay, thanks for your first comment! AND, it so resonated with me immediately! I know exactly how that feels! All I can say, or suggest, is just keep taking the high road. I used to get so frustrated with my husband’s willingness to drop everything immediately for his grown daughter that called on him for everything. And it definitely created tension between me and him. But then I thought about how I would have probably done the same thing with my own dad, and that made sense to me and help me adjust my attitude a little. Anyway, prayers for you over the holidays!

  16. Sandy Phillips says:

    This is such an important topic… I am gleaming so much from each days readings…

  17. Shabina Skiles says:

    i don’t prefer to go out of my comfort zone or i’m just not able to render a loving heart to someone because I don’t connect with them and/or they’ve rubbed me the wrong way –has hindered my ability to be hospitable and loving like Jesus. Lord, i pray that i decrease and you increase in all areas of my life but especially when it comes to loving others…make me more and more like you! in Jesus name!

  18. SarahJoy says:

    CHURCH MOUSE – I love that reminder. Hospitality is seeing and connecting. It doesn’t take a perfect space or a lovely spread of food.
    My mom always said (in the midst of raising 6 kids), “if I waited until my house was perfect to invite people over, I’d never have anyone here.” And she never has. Simple brunches of waffles after church or friends of her children sitting at the counter to talk while she prepped dinner. She has modeled simply inviting people in. And her legacy has passed on to the 2nd and 3rd generation. ❤️

  19. SarahJoy says:

    So much honesty in these comments. Thank you for sharing your hearts, She’s.

    I am making my way home after a wedding out of state where my brother (5th of 6 siblings) married his beautiful bride. The practice of hospitality for those closest to you in the midst of high stress situations can be especially difficult. Trying to balance all the people challenged me (and I definitely failed at times).
    BUT GOD…
    In the midst of mistakes and prioritizing incorrectly God showed up with love and blessings. Speaking love to the bride and groom. Sweet connections with friends and family from around the country. We are truly blessed beyond measure. I can only hope that I left tokens of grace in my wake.

    Now as I spend the last couple days of our trip with our little brood, I take a moment to refocus. God, help me to love and enjoy and serve my husband and three girls. May our presence wherever we are bring your light and joy to strangers as we travel. To God be the glory.

  20. Lyndi Goodman says:


  21. Church Mouse says:

    When I think of hospitality I often think of those with Martha Stewart skills. I’m not the best baker or interior designer and I’m most definitely not at all crafty. Our four year old granddaughter was here today. She climbed up beside me and I said “Jenna, what would you like to do today? “ She replied, ” Mimi, let’s just sit here and talk together. That’s what you do best. ” Out of the mouths of babes. Everyone has a story and perhaps an act of hospitality is to just sit and listen and converse with whoever is nearby. Check your cell phone at the door and just chat. Not with any agenda. Just to get to know them. So that’s what Jenna and I did today. We didn’t make a gingerbread house. We didn’t play a board game. We just talked. It was a very interesting conversation because Jenna, as a four year old, has a very unique opinion on fairness, right and wrong, her favorite book and “the best day ever.” Yep, it was this one where we just sat and talked. “Hospitality” crossing the generations!

  22. quineth52 says:

    Paused to ponder after reading these words from Tina, today, “Heart welcomes could be difficult, but they don’t have to be, when you have God. He will guide you”. Lord Almighty to need this reminder & mantra as we enter the holiday season. I alternate between envy, resentment, confusion, miscommunication, stress & anxiety over my 39-year old stepdaughter who lives nearby & clings & cleaves to my husband, her dad. I experience her as a “taker”, not a giver. Calling & texting him almost daily over the tiniest, in my mind, issue. She & her brother were raised by my husband as a single dad & the story is she was emotionally & physically abandoned by her biological mother at age 3. I married her dad when she was 9. I have rarely felt accepted & included. I know intellectually I should be a bigger & better person, able to swat down my feelings, to remain calm & centered. But it hurts & creates a wedge between her dad & me. I strive & maybe overdo in being generous, with time & money, but still feel left out & bypassed emotionally. Is there a way to see beyond & hold to the truth & hope of God in this season of Thanksgiving & Advent? I welcome prayer & encouragement & call to love “in spite of”. Please pardon the great length & space I’ve taken in this, my very FIRST post!

  23. Hannah-Rose Dallos says:

    I find it hard to love the unlovely. This was definitely a call to do exactly that

  24. Eva Cunningham says:

    This really spoke to me today and how to help adjust my view in other things I’m involved in that are not faith based, but human based. To offer hospitality and light the way!!

  25. Victoria E says:

    I just got some great news and had to share here. My mom (who is immunocompromised) got her vaccine and booster. For work she had to take a test and it showed that she was exposed to COvID about 2 weeks ago but she never got sick with any symptoms. Her antibody levels from the vaccine are super high , I am just praising God for protecting her from what could have been a very poor outcome using the vaccine.

  26. Tanja Winn says:

    I needed the reminder that sometimes those difficult people that I tend to grumble about, well it is Christ whom I am serving. May I keep that in the forefront and continue with joy.

  27. Victoria E says:

    Ashley B and Rachel from Texas, praying for you and husbands to be able to sleep! Jane K praying for your appointment today, will you be seen in a multidisciplinary pain clinic? Tina- thank you for sharing , your posts are always illuminating. For those who feel like introverts and have a hard time sharing/ being with people for a while I am praying for you and for myself in this. Pre-Covid I was never at home, I was always with people and an extreme extrovert. Covid really changed that and while it brought about the blessing of improved communication and relationship with my husband I am struggling to integrate back into society a little. Maura praying for your girls. Karrie, praying for your teenager. 16 can be so hard. I remember trying to individuate myself from my parents in some not so loving ways. Jen Taylor bless you for the work that you do and may God continue to strengthen you to do it. ERB thanks for your insight on the passage , it is so interesting I never thought of it like that ! AG praying for your cousin’s baby. Thank you for those who have been praying for me and my baby, I have felt a lessening of the anxiety over the weekend ! Praise God. Thank you for continued prayers for peace and a healthy pregnancy.

  28. Ashley B says:

    Good morning sisters! If you could please pray for us this morning. We have been fighting allergies this week and our six month old hasn’t been sleeping very well. We are exhausted. We need sleep and our airways back. My husband and I are also in need of discipleship. We miss it dearly.

  29. Mari V says:

    Aw… Ashley B. I’m going to pray for that right now.

  30. Ashley B says:

    Heidi- that is a great point! Thank you for that reminder.

  31. Lara Castillo says:

    So many comments that spoke directly to me this morning. I love and appreciate this community! Although I don’t comment much I read and pray through all the posts. MARTHA HIX, keeping you in my prayers daily, since my family experienced a similar tragedy years ago. AG praying for your cousin’s baby. Praying for all teachers out there, ministering to your students, families & colleagues. Just a shout out that Bailey Hurley is the guest on this week’s podcast. It’s so good. Have a great day She’s!

  32. Ashley B says:

    Mari- Yes! So important. So glad you found your friend. What a sweet treasure!
    I’m currently in the I need a friend/discipleship. Just someone to share with. It makes life so much sweeter.

  33. Ashley B says:

    Mari- Yes! So important. So glad you found your friend. What a sweet treasure!

  34. Ashley B says:

    Rachel- praying sister!

  35. Ashley B says:

    Tina- don’t let the devil make you feel like what you were led to share this morning is to much or to long. Your obedience to share and help a fellow sister is exactly what someone needed this morning. Hope you have a wonderful week and praise the Lord for changing your situation with her. We don’t often get to see immediate results but it’s always worth the effort to make peace in the end.

  36. Lara Castillo says:

    So many comments that spoke directly to me this morning. I love and appreciate this community!

  37. Mari V says:

    TWENTY-three years ago! Yep, I had to do the math! Twenty-three ago I met my VERY good friend Gretchen! We met in a similar group like the one Bailey mentions today. Home Church. We were all newly married couples. I was a bit older then most. For prayer the women and men separated. Us girls LOVED this as it gave us time to catch-up, chat, laugh and eventually get to prayer requests. One night my friend Gretchen was asking God for a friend to come along. She says, that I responded, “I‘ll be your friend”. We have been friends ever since! Given that she sometimes teases me that I could of been her babysitter (we’re 8 years difference). BUT GOD…. had and still has His wonderful plan! We’ve been through a lot together! We even had our firstborn boys 2 months from each other. Those 2 are GREAT friends today. Our daughters our GREAT friends as well. Gretchen came along side me when I faced one of the hardest decisions of my life! She has loved my kids and I SO much! Yes, home church, small groups whatever you may call them are VERY important part of growing in Christ. We may not be blood related BUT we are family!

  38. Rhonda J. says:

    @ Searching- Thank you for your response! I know there are lots of married couples that struggle with keeping the love, respect, and humbleness, especially us strong-willed women! To remain actual friends over the years can be quite difficult. We have to actively remain in The Holy Spirit and the words we are reading here this week and last!
    I did find a church that seems to get a good response from my husband which I was praying for and will attend, that can hopefully help our bond stay strong. Now praying we can get in a small group for couples!

    Thank you all for your insights and wisdom! Always love your take Heidi, and glad you are back with us!!

    I have been helping to serve at a pantry, and just came from there this morning! I am praying for all those that are in need, and hoping that God can keep showing me ways to serve in my community and through this new Church!!

    @Churchmouse- Did you decide to go back to church? We are praying for your situation.

    I am excited to listen to this week’s podcast later today! May my light shine for Jesus every day, and always! Also, I suggest The Unfolding podcast! Short stories/testimony of Jesus working in their life! They are always so inspirational! It is always valuable to know what others have been through and how they persevered.

    Oh, one more thing, Jane P?, the one with chronic pain, praying for you fellow sister, hoping you will find a solution today with Mayo. I know you and feel you! It is hard, I have been struggling for 18 years with back issues and nerve pain. (That, for one thing, can be the issue with family, having little patience when we are in a constant, persisting, never-ending pain!) Good luck.

  39. MARTHA HIX says:

    I love being a part of this community and I’m so thankful for you all and I am praying for your requests.
    Thank you @Searching for praying for my family this week. After the unexpected death of my husband, I’ve been so grateful for your prayers and thoughtfulness during this grief and loss. I would appreciate your prayers this week as my adult children honor him and make this Thanksgiving a time of celebrating his life. He loved to smoke a turkey at Thanksgiving and they will be honoring him by continuing on with this tradition. ❤️

  40. Heidi V says:

    Jane, prayers that this appointment is the beginning of the healing journey for you!

  41. Dorothy says:

    WOW!!! Bailey once again “drives home the point” I needed to hear at a time I needed to hear it. The last two paragraphs are really what did it. As a nurse hospitality is something I needed to learn early on but in my personal life I had already learned it. I grew up knowing how to be hospitable because my family welcomed exchange students, those who needed a helping hand, church family and friends into our family. I have five exchange sisters and brothers from all over the world. My problems is when I get annoyed with my friends, like Bailey said, I have to learn to hospitality.
    For those who didn’t read Saturday’s post, Finley, the little girl I care for, came home from the Saturday, praise the Lord. She still needs prayer though because she still has a cough, the doctors said she would for up to two weeks and just doesn’t feel up to par.
    I have another praise my sister is back to talking to all family members but we still don’t know where my nephew is.
    Sisters be blessed and show hospitality.

  42. Lexi B says:

    Hi Ladies!
    I want to thank you for praying for me and my uncle. We had to put him on hospice on Thursday and he passed away peacefully Friday afternoon. The beautiful thing in his passing: we were told that his heart and lungs were strong and that it may take him a while to pass. We were ready for a long haul, similar to what we dealt with with my mom who took a while after hospice. My sister and aunt went to visit his mothers grave Friday morning to drop off flowers. As they were visiting, they started to pray. They asked that my uncle feel okay about going home to heaven. They asked God to tell my grandmother to come get him. After the prayer ended, we got the call- he passed. Love that God answers our prayers and although I will miss him deeply, just happy to know that I will see him in Heaven some day. As for hospitality- this study could not be more perfect. Things tend to be a bit tense with my family, but this past week with them was so peaceful and full of joy. God had covered everything even during this hard time.
    Thankful for all of you and praying that you have a beautiful time with your familes this week.

  43. CeeGee says:

    TRYING AGAIN on the commentary; it is worth the 2nd attempt to share!

  44. CeeGee says:

    Good morning, Shes! Love your comments and heart shares!
    I was intrigued this morning by v. 34 in Corinthians so BEFORE I read comments or Bailey’s text I went to Bible Hub to read more. The Ellicott commentary has some great information if you have a few minutes. I tried to post the link, but apparently did not succeed!

    ERB, once again you and I keyed in on the same exact verses! So glad you are feeling stronger and able to share!

    Agreeing in prayer for every need mentioned!

  45. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Thankful for today’s scripture reading and devotional!

    @Rachel from TX – this morning as I was making my bed, I was thanking God and praising Him that I had a nice warm bed to sleep in with a new mattress and fluffy pillows. I also thanked Him for the rest He gives through the night and the peaceful sleep He gives. Then lastly, I prayed for all those who have trouble falling asleep or suffer with insomnia and don’t have those peaceful nights….Little did I know I was praying as well for your husband! Thank you for sharing your request – which now I can specifically pray. I hope that he is healed from his anxiety soon and can once again enjoy a restful sleep – I will be praying!! If you can, give me his first name – I love praying specifically.

    Blessings to all my SRT sisters!

  46. Aimee D-R says:

    Lord help me to always welcome others in a way that glorifies You. In Jesus name, Amen

  47. CeeGee says:

    I was intrigued by verse 34 in the Corinthians passage and went to Bible Hub for more The first commentary offers so much information!It is worth the time to read.

  48. Allison Bentley says:

    “If we were properly judging ourselves, we would not be judged”
    Ouch- this hit me like a ton of bricks. How natural is it for us to judge one another? It seems to be second nature for me! Lord help me to have eyes that see your love IN ALL things. Help me to focus on ‘my gift’ so that I can serve you better!!

  49. Allison Bentley says:

    “If we were properly judging ourselves, we would not be judged”

  50. Eileen Dowd says:

    Beautiful Jenna! Indeed I’ll stand with you in prayer for the ladies at the pregnancy center that they will come to know Christ through your gentle presence and loving words.

  51. Jane K says:

    Good morning sisters! I’m heading out soon to go to Mayo Clinic in Rochester. I would appreciate your prayers that they would be able to help with my chronic pain. I’m not hopeful and I’m dreading this appointment because I don’t think they will be able to help me. But I need to try something. Thank you for your prayers!

  52. Karrie says:

    Good morning ladies, this mornings reading has got me to realize that I have not been dealing with my 16 yr old daughter in a loving way. She is rebelling and distant and instead of trying to build her up, I have been focused on my own anxiety and the pressure I have felt lately rather than taking the time and talking and listening to her. I want her to be the person she was, not this teenager she has become. The scripture that stood out to me is Romans 15:2-3 “Each one of us is to please his neighbour for his good, to build him up. For even Christ did not please himself.” So today my goal is to focus less on myself and my own insecurities, think more positively and seek ways I can build my daughter and others up, finding ways to please others, not myself.

  53. Laura Watkins says:

    Amen! Your honesty is beautiful.

  54. Laura Watkins says:

    Praying with you now. Thank you for your courage to go & be a neighbor. I pray you also experience hospitality, from theses women that you are seeking to serve.

  55. Maura says:

    Praising God for healing from your pain with you Mary Ann. So good. Praying alongside you all Sisters as I read your requests. So thankful for your prayers dear friends. Please keep lifting up my girls. Asking His power, mercy and will for good good things and that they would know He is right there with them and has a plan for their good. Wisdom and awareness, for those they see today. Thank you so much.

  56. Rachel from Texas says:

    Writing for a quick request/plea for prayer. My husband & I have a 2.5 year old and a 4 month old. She just recently started sleeping better (thank you Lord!) but my husband is struggling with anxiety that keeps him up at night. We’ve switched off nights so that one of us could sleep decently for a while but now that she is doing better it is not as necessary.

    Well last night he did not sleep at all (while I took the night off) & it was not because of the baby. Please pray for his anxiety – I sent him back to the guest room this morning to rest while I handle the kids.

  57. Sarah Nunneley says:

    Thank God that He is always the perfect example for us to follow! I was convicted about some judgement in my heart and mind last week, and it’s just now coming back to the surface in light of these texts. May Christ help me reframe my mind and keep me from sin.

  58. Heidi says:

    I do often think of “hospitality” as a way to receive and care for people invited into my home… rarely do I stop and attribute the concept to the people who already live here. Do I offer care and concern and “service with a smile” to the humans who take up residence with me as I do those I invite in? Most likely not. And believe me, the kindness and care I show for guests is absolutely genuine. But it’s also limited. It’s like in my brain I KNOW I can behave this way for a few hours, no problem. And we tend to extend a different kind of “grace” for people whom we know will only be in our presence for a limited time (but is that really grace???…). A challenge I need to accept is seeing my immediate family as those needing my hospitality. Certainly it will look a little different at times (I don’t typically require guests to put laundry away…). But “Hospitality” isn’t limited to entertaining guests. It’s a concept of kindness, generous service, ensuring those in our presence feel loved, seen, and taken care of.
    Why we reserve that for only certain people in certain situations isn’t Christ’s intent for us. Or for our families. So- as I conclude my alone time this morning, I’m making resolution to go make yet another round of breakfasts for all of these little people who inhabit my home, and continue a day that shows them I see them, I love them, and I’m privileged to care for them.

  59. Julie Hurst says:

    May God open this solitary heart of mine to sharing

  60. ERB says:

    1 Peter 4:11 “If anyone speaks, let it be as one who speaks God’s words; if anyone serves, let it be from the strength God provides, so that God may be glorified through Jesus Christ in everything. To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.”
    — Wow!! This verse speaks VOLUMES!!!! I want these words and the depth of their meaning inscribed on my heart, mind and soul!! May it be so Lord, Amen.

    1 Corinthians 11:27-34 all so very good!! But verses 29-30 and 34 REALLY stood out to me!!!
    “29 For whoever eats and drinks without recognizing the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself. 30 This is why many are sick and ill among you, and many have fallen asleep.”
    …34 “If anyone is hungry, he should eat at home, so that when you gather together you will not come under judgment.”
    ….I don’t know if I can put it into words properly but the first thing I thought of when I read these verses was breadcrumbs. I know that seems silly, but just hear me out… Oftentimes when we (the Body) gather together we have the tendency to fellowship over & eat breadcrumbs, when we should be “eating” and satisfying our appetites at “home” and by home I mean the MEAL God has placed before each of us! …so that when we come together (as the Body) we are FULL and not scavenging!! In other words, we are not living off of someone else’s leftovers, but we are eating from the Source. The Source (which is God) keeps us from falling asleep and falling prey to wander and cast judgement on one another & ourselves.. when we come together we should come together with FULL bellies so that we are adding to the feast not taking away from it!! Does this make sense to anyone else? I hope so….

    Have a Blessed day dear sisters!!

  61. Jenn Taylor says:

    After a 6 month furlough back in Canada, I am finishing my quarantine in Chile and heading back to my city of service this week to begin my second term as a missionary here. I work as the director of a crisis pregnancy centre and often find myself tired and overwhelmed with the stories we hear and the lack of resources to help. And yet, more than anything, each lady that walks through our doors needs to feel and hear the love of Christ through me and our team. Please pray for hospitable hearts for all of us – that we would be faithful bringers of Good News to women and families in crisis, and that through our constant, gentle presence in their lives, our ladies would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus and not only be ‘clients’ but also sisters in Christ!

  62. Shalyn Byrn says:

    Yes Maiya it really is a work of the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to the opportunities that He has for us in welcoming others! May we walk in the Spirit and be obedient and pleasing to Him!

  63. Michelle Patire says:

    Gosh, I woke up this morning agitated with the lives of my siblings. We were raised in a Catholic home with really not a ton of biblical principles. My father and mother were both raised Catholic, but of course, with brokenness in their homes. My mom would instruct us not to do things, but wouldn’t really give us a “why” behind the rule. Religion without the love evident to me. So, I was a very rebellious and angry kid in response to her restrictive lifestyle and my dad’s passive parenting.
    I am now almost 30 and I watch my siblings all make compromising choices. Sleeping with others really gets to my heart. This morning, I woke up upset again that my younger brother, who I have been disciplining, has been sleeping over his new gfs house (who is also a young believer)- “God, doesn’t he feel convicted? Why is he ignoring sin? why are they both ignoring sin?”

    Then I realize I’m not playing God, I’m playing Satan. God is slow to anger. God says through these Scriptures to continue to welcome my brother in love. I ask God this morning to help me stop living for the rebuke of my brother, but help me to be hospitable toward him despite his sin…. because Jesus is literally doing that for me– TODAY Gosh. I also do focus on the self-examination bit— SELF. God, help me examine my own heart, not others!!!

    Love that Bailey includes her heart for disciplining others in this devo. Helps me have grace for myself…

    Praying I have patience, love, and GRACE for my six siblings who are still learning who God really is — I am still learning, to. Lord, help my mind be renewed this day and continue to hold fast to love and not judgement/condemnation.

  64. AG says:

    1 Corinthians 27:31 “If we were properly judging ourselves, we would not be judged.” My goal in the respond section of the study book is to reflect on my day and see how I treated others to work towards treating others like Christ more.

    Please pray for my family. There is a situation with my cousins 5 month old and it is not looking good. It is their first baby and he is as happy and sweet as can be. I asked for prayers for my grandma the other week and she is recovering! The doctors had said she would not. I know God is good and can heal him if it is in his plan and am asking for all the prayers for my cousins baby now.

  65. JL says:

    Thank You so much for our reading this morning, Bailey. So timely with family gathering this week for extended time together around Thanksgiving. Some members of the family are like oil and water and it’s always a juggling act to keep the peace. I’m feeling called to not be concerned about keeping the peace as much as just truly welcoming and loving each family member and pray that God will use my home for building us all up in love.

  66. Pam Seipp says:

    Paying for the heart and mind to open my ability to be more welcoming and hospitable this Thanksgiving and Christmas. This study is “spot on” in timing for me!

  67. SEARCHING says:

    TINA – no apologies needed for your “missive” as your words touch so many, sharing something that someone needs to hear that day. Today it’s me, and likely many others. I’m dreading an interaction coming up during this holiday week, with someone who judged me, that I thought was at least a friend (though not close). Hope you have recovered from COVID.

    Praying for needs and requests – TRACI GENDRON, MUNCHKIN, FOSTER MAMA, CHRIS S, MARI V, MAURA, DOROTHY (Finley).

    MARTHA HIX – will be thinking about and praying for you this holiday week.

    RHONDA J – praying for you and your husband. I spend a lot of time biting my tongue and asking myself whether something I want to comment on (typically in a negative way) will matter in the long run. After 3+ decades, I mostly know the silent treatment triggers and try to navigate around them and focus on his many good qualities.

  68. Kristen says:

    Good Morning! Tina, thank you for sharing! Please keep them coming! @Blessed Beth, that is wonderful that you were able to do that! What a heart you have to serve. God bless! @Mary Ann W Yes, He is awesome and the Healer and our Wonderful Savior! Thank You, Lord for the things You have done!
    Thanks to those that prayed for my coworker’s situation with her ex and for the children. I haven’t heard from her this weekend, but I did reach out. Prayiing that everyone has a great day!

  69. Kelly says:

    As an introvert, I charish time away from people. However, I understand how God is glorified in having a welcoming and hospitable attitude. Only through the Holy Spirit’s power do I overcome my preferences and comfort level.

    Peace to you this day, Shes

  70. Blessed Beth says:

    Oh Tina I look forward to your writings, thank you and God Bless you.
    Yesterday I had the privilege of working with four others to prepare and serve an entire thanksgiving meal for our church. What a privilege I was so honored at the age of 70 to be able to spend 7 hours on my feet preparing, serving cleaning up for approx 70 of His family.

  71. Mary Ann Graves says:

    At church yesterday I asked for healing prayers for pain from a pinched nerve in my back. Pastor Matthew and another woman laid hands and oil on my back. Hallelujah!!! Nerve pain is gone. Just have some of my arthritic pain in the hip. God is awesome!
    He’s my savior and my Healer.

    1. Penny Courtney says:

      Praise God!

  72. Tina says:

    Last week I wrote about the young lady who was difficult and I had decided I didn’t like her..

    BUT GOD..

    But through the conviction of Gods Word, His presence and grace, there was a shift in both of us that has led us to be friends..
    That story could have ended there and still been a beautiful story of obiedience (albeit a tad stubborn), and God at work, but..

    BUT GOD.. He never does things in small, no matter what He does, yes, no matter how small, it is always bigger and better than we imagine..

    So, to continue the story..
    Hospitality, ‘heart welcome’ is so important, and the way you are with people is too. People often know whether your hello is false, body language can give you away..

    When I said Good morning to the young lady, that morning, it was partially to appease God, funny thing to say, right? But true, and also, almost to say to God, I KNOW this lady!

    BUT GOD..
    He had a plan to redeem us both. He had a heart for us both. He, knew how broken we both were, and how, though our stories were different, we could help each other in the peeling off another layer of the hurts and mis beliefs of our lives..
    I looked into her eyes that morning, when I said, Good morning. What she saw, was someone SEEING her, someone FINALLY seeing her, behind the anger, behind the wall she had built for protection, so as not to be hurt anymore from judgemental people, like me making the call before i have heard her story. Why did I need her story to like them? Why can’t I like her first, then get to know her through her story?
    Here’s the thing I have learnt through this story, still being written, we are all looking to be loved, accepted, and to belong, whether it be in our families or the outside world.. we can only be by accepting each other, showing Gods love. When we have known it, show it! Being gracious, I don’t know about you, but I experience grace daily, hourly, every moment of every day. Let’s extend that grace to those around, in our words and actions.
    I have grown some, since that day, and continue to grow, because HE first loved me/us. He looked beyond the outer,(which is often what we do) and saw our shattered hearts, our brokenness because of lifes choices or just life..
    Heart welcomes could be difficult, but they don’t have to be, when you have God..He will guide you


    There she goes again, a missive. Sorry sisters..

    Happy Monday wrapped in blessings.❤

  73. Maiya K says:

    Happy Monday!! I pray that you all have a blessed start of the week…and that all of our eyes are open to moments where we get to put in practice “welcoming” others.