I Need Thee Every Hour

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 4:15-16, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, John 15:1-11

Text: Hebrews 4:15-16, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, John 15:1-11

“…apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5b, NIV

The first time I can remember acknowledging feeling completely and utterly in need of Jesus — not just in theory or heart, but emotionally and physically “if you don’t come, Lord Jesus, I’m not gonna make it” in NEED of the Lord — was when my daughter was two years old.

I adore my daughter. She is stubborn and kind and smart and just the right amount of crazy, and I’m in awe of the way God made her. But when she discovered the art of disobedience I thought it would be the death of me. We went head-to-head on a daily basis—me with my expectations and rules and her with her fearless, freakishly-strong toddler will—and more often than not I’d end up in tears.

What was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I do this? Why was I so bad at patience and discipline and grace and having fun, and why was I so emotionally fragile that a two year old could push ALL MY BUTTONS?

To say this was a rough patch in my parenting career would be an understatement.

Oh, but that little girl taught me—teaches me!—what grace looks like. She offers it to me like candy, and I offer it back to her. We apologize a lot. We talk about how we want to love each other well and we ask Jesus to help us do that. We ask Jesus lots of things, actually.

I ask Jesus to help me mother. I ask Jesus to help me listen to my friends and really love them. I ask Him to help me look strangers in the eye and really see them.

I ask Jesus to care for all the people I love because there are so many I lose count and I don’t get to hug any of them as often as I wish I could. I ask Him to put a blanket of peace and comfort around my friends with achy hearts.

I ask Jesus to fill in the gaps where I’ve been negligent. I ask Him to forgive me of the damage I’ve knowingly and unknowingly caused, to smooth it over with the holy spackle of His grace. I also ask Him to help me write true stories with odd metaphors.

I ask Jesus for all the things, but I don’t ask Him enough.

“Apart from me you can do nothing.” That’s what Jesus says about us in John 15:5. Do you hear the freedom in that today? You and I don’t have to manufacture our own goodness, our own enoughness. Everything good is from Him and for Him.

This hymn has always been one of my favorites, but this quote from author Annie Hawks sealed the deal.

“One day as a young wife and mo­ther of 37 years of age, I was bu­sy with my reg­u­lar house­hold tasks. Sud­den­ly, I be­came so filled with the sense of near­ness to the Mast­er that, won­der­ing how one could live with­out Him, ei­ther in joy or pain, these words, ‘I Need Thee Ev­e­ry Hour,’ were ush­ered in­to my mind, the thought at once tak­ing full pos­sess­ion of me.”*

Isn’t that typical of how God loves us? We’re busy doing life the best we can when God gently or not-so-gently nudges us to say, “I’m right here. Can’t you see? I’m what you need.”

May this hymn be the prayer of heart today and every day.


Annie S. Hawks, 1872

I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like Thine can peace afford.

I need Thee, O I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.

I need Thee every hour, stay Thou nearby;
Temptations lose their power when Thou art nigh.


I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain;
Come quickly and abide, or life is in vain.


I need Thee every hour; teach me Thy will;
And Thy rich promises in me fulfill.


I need Thee every hour, most Holy One;
O make me Thine indeed, Thou blessèd Son.


*quote source: cyberhymnal.org

Find an exclusive hand-lettered print with lyrics from “I Need Thee Every Hour” in the She Reads Truth shop!

Click below to hear “I Need Thee Every Hour” on the She Reads Truth |Hymns Spotify playlist


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236 thoughts on "I Need Thee Every Hour"

  1. Emily Perkins says:

    I need you God in every minute, hour, day, every step of the way. I love you and lean on you. Thank you for all you are and all the good. Please watch over me and cover me with your peace and love. I love you! Amen.

  2. Lois East says:

    Amen! Every single hour!!

  3. Regina Price says:

    Every single minute of every hour ♥️

  4. Hannah Lanz says:

    Man, can I relate to the mom with all the buttons pushed! I need grace, my kid needs grace.

  5. Alana Wells says:

    Okay I have like 5 things to say! ;P
    1 is: This speaks really close to my heart because alot of these thing I tell myself daily. And this Hymn is great and—oh! This is just really great! :D Thank you❤️
    2. We have the same initials! ABW
    Well, maybe I didn’t have as much to say as i thought!

  6. Alana Wells says:

    Okay I have like 5 things to say! ;P
    1 is: This speaks really close to my heart because alot of these thing I tell myself daily. And this Hymn is great and—oh! This is just really great! :D Thank you❤️
    2. We have the same initials! ABW

  7. Alana Wells says:

    Okay I have like 5 things to say! ;P
    1 is: This speaks really close to my heart because alot of these thing I tell myself daily. And this Hymn is great and—oh! This is just really great! :D Thank you❤️

  8. Alana Wells says:

    Okay I have like 5 things to say! ;P

  9. Crystel Garrett says:

    I do need thee every hour. I need to be better at seeking you in moments of joy and I need to remember that apart from you that I am weak.

  10. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    I also have a very strong willed two year old that is bringing out things in me that I didn’t know existed. Not great things either. Oh how often I forget to let go and let God when I’m at my whit’s end. Too often I resort to anger and yelling. God, help me to be a better mother and heal whatever hurt I’ve caused her.

  11. Val M says:

    This devotional reminded me how much I tend to forget to rejoice, pray continually, and give thanks. In doing this I remember how much I need God and how much he’s done for me.

  12. Luna Milne says:


  13. Dianne Pacewicz says:


  14. mckenzie helmuth says:

    I want to constantly be reminded that I am not enough in this life to make it on my own. I need him ❤️

  15. Sue Brouillette says:

    It is so hard to know I can’t see my children or my grandchildren during this Pandemic. I pray everyday that They will be safe and that one day soon this will end and I can once again be with them. I truly need God every hour of my day.

  16. Elise Eti says:

    “I need Thee every hour most Holy One, O make me Thine indeed, Thou blessed Son.” I’ve always struggled with finding my sense of belonging. This line was a blessed reminder that I am always home in Christ. Thank you Lord for accepting me as I am, and for continuing make/form me into the person I ought to be.

  17. Caitlyn Stark says:

    “Temptations lose their power when thou art nigh.” This is the word I needed today.

  18. Gina Del Russo says:

    This was so relatable, thank you for sharing your heart!

  19. Ashley Ngo says:

    I can do nothing without God, I can do everything with God❤️

  20. Mackenzie Tezak says:

    amazing :)

  21. Caroline Lowe says:

    This reminds me of the newer Christian song, which says “Lord, I need you, oh I need you. Every hour I need you”

    1. Savannah Fowler says:

      It’s based on the original hymn! I like both, but the hymn is so deep and rich.

  22. Garland Welsh says:

    Reminds me of a song we used to sing in youth group:
    Love Him in the morning when you see the sun arising
    Love Him in the evening because He took you through the day.
    And in the in between time, when you feel the pressure coming, remember that He loves you, and He promises to stay.

  23. Monica Davis says:

    Every minute and every hour, lord I need thee

  24. Emily Baxter says:

    My thoughts came up with this phrase while reading John 15:1-11 – “Remain in the steadfast love of Christ Jesus.” I think it makes total sense.

  25. E Hong says:

    may we always remember that He is always with us -ellie

  26. E Hong says:

    I pray that I can ask more of Him when I pray

  27. Sharon Ide says:

    As you help us recognize our need for you, Lord would you also help us to abide in you, to keep your commandments, and abide in your love to be fruitful for your glory.

  28. Angela Holmes says:

    What a great reminder for us all.

  29. Radhe Krishna says:

    Imagine you’re witout a doubt inside your university a short time in addition to destin breast augmentation however anyone can’t choose a day. Or perhaps inquiring an individual for a time can be a misery for yourself. As well as, you see that hard that will solution girls along with lacks self-assurance in you.


    1. Kassie says:

      Radhe, may Jesus bump up against you continually with His sweet grace no matter what you’re going through. Every difficulty is a chance to let Him get bigger as we get smaller- big difficulties and little difficulties. We really do need Him every hour.

  30. Addie King says:

    Love this so much great way to end the day ❤️

  31. Ashley Echevarria says:

    I love that this song was written by a woman!

  32. Joy says:

    Love this plan! <3

  33. Lizzy says:

    I need thee every hour! Amen

  34. Tanya says:

    My little one has been sick for several days & this is so true!

  35. Melissa says:

    Right there with the author.

  36. Maddy says:

    Great way to start a day☺️

  37. Carrisa says:

    ‘Cause who doesn’t love holy spackle?

  38. Lisette says:

    This devotional was sooooo needed today! Right on time! Will be praying for you ladies!

  39. Christine Lowrance says:

    I need Thee, Oh I need Thee. Every hour I need Thee. Having struggled with depression, with a miscarriage, with depression again, with hormone changes, and with daily life itself – from my biggest struggles to my smallest ones I – I need Thee every hour. Somedays I am more aware of how much I need Him, and other days I forget that my heart is constantly praying to Him but my need for Him is constant and limitless just like His help and love for me.

    1. Lisette says:

      Praying for you sis! I know EXACTLY what this feels like! ❤️

  40. Kelsey Leita says:

    Lord I need you I find myself getting easily flustered, trying to tackle my own problems. Help me to pray in the moments of stress and in the happiness. Thank you for being my rock

    1. Jasmine says:

      You should be praying to the Lord about your troubles instead of typing it on here, that will not do you any good.

    2. Rachel says:

      Thankfully, God hears our prayers no matter how they’re expressed. Even when we have no words and the Holy Spirit must translate what’s on our hearts. ☺️ Thank you Jesus!

  41. Emily says:

    Oh how I needed this tonight. With a tantruming almost 2 year old, a 2 month old with colic that never seems to stop crying and about to be moving states and having to start completely over….I’m an emotional and anxious mess. What a reminder that I am not in this alone. He is by my side continually. Lord I need thee.

    1. Barbie says:

      Same here, although the tantruming 2yr old has become a stubborn 4yr old with the screams of a 15-yr old. It was nice to read I wasn’t as crazy as I thought.

  42. Striv4Fellowship says:

    I currently am in a big transition season. I’m getting married, moving, changing jobs, and my new husband will soon be leading a youth group with me….alot of changes in 5 short months!
    It is a constant reminder of how much I need Jesus and how every good thing I have comes from his hands.
    I am also determined to need jesus not only in my valleys, but also in my mountaintops.

    1. SarahJane says:

      Same here! So blessed to have read this today.

  43. Phylicia says:

    Dear Lord, May my joy be complete in You; may I abide in You and shine You out to others. May my joy be a reflection of You. Amen! What an amazing testimony through this hymn and a reminder of His grace and love for me. I alone can do nothing – with Him I can do all things! It is His will for me!

  44. M says:

    I need Thee every hour ••• Stay thou nearby

  45. Kinsey says:

    Thank you for your honesty and for speaking truth, I have been in the same position lately with my little one! Many mornings now I’ve prayed, Lord Jesus fill me with your grace and your patience, I cannot do it! What power and peace comes with knowing Jesus is right there holding our hands, helping us! Praise God!

  46. Carie says:

    SRT, you are on point! As a mom to toddlers, I feel like this song , well the new version, is my anthem! Thank you for this reminder today that I can do nothing without my Jesus!

  47. Laney says:

    11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. “You and I don’t have to manufacture our own goodness, our own enoughness. Everything good is from Him and for Him.” This is kind of exactly what I needed to hear today.

  48. Kirsten says:

    This was so helpful to me as a first year teacher. God is so intimately present our lives – every hour.

  49. I love the words to this hymn. It goes hand in hand with “He’s As Close As the Mention of His Name”. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus… Lord, may I not forget my need for you. Daily, hourly, minute by minute. How sad to think I could do anything without you. Thank you for your undying love and limitless mercy. Please help me to abide in you always.

  50. Glorymoon says:

    I NEED THEE every hour I need thee. How true this has been in my life.

  51. Kamijojayhawk says:

    I’m reading this as I lay here with my 3 month old son. I know parenting will get tough, but I appreciate this encouragement.

  52. Emily says:

    This was exactly what I needed today. It was almost an exact copy of how my son and I are right now- in that stubborn toddler stage. I prayed and asked the Lord for grace and patience and He did. He is truly gracious and amazing.

  53. Karen says:

    Oh how I need you Lord! It’s so incredible how you always find the right answer and comfort when you call him. Right now I’m almost crushed to pieces because I feel like it is all to much for me: work, university, … Of course it comes all together when you’re stressed out. I have a tight neck and incredible headaches since one week and right now I’m crying because I am in so much pain and it is all just too much. But as I’m lying in bed right now (I didn’t want to go to bed with such negative feelings) I decided to cheer me up a little bit before. Almost naturally I found myself clicking onto this app and when I read this title which was my next reading task, I knew I made the right choice. I will abide in you Lord!

  54. cilla says:

    “apart from You I can do nothing”…

  55. Christina H. says:

    The refrain of this song will be my prayer today. And not just because it has become an ear worm this morning. I try to do a lot of things on my own power at my job, and lately I feel that I’ve been behind and failing, which has led to getting even further behind. Today, I will work as unto, for, and by the power of the Lord!

  56. Bri Joy says:

    I was literally just in the shower asking God if he would be by true source of joy despite all my stresses. I’m so glad I took a few minutes to sit and read this Devo because I totally heard what I needed to from him!

    1. Bri Joy says:

      “11 These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”

  57. Summer says:

    My family and I just moved 7 hrs away from a town we have been in our whole lives. My husband started a new job my daughter started her new school in the 6th grade my two year old is well….2years old (enough said) and I have decided to go back to school. I’m so use to being surround by my family and friends all I have here are my husband and kids so i have felt very lonely my husband hears some of my vents and complaints worries and insecurities but he is so nonchalant about everything. But I’m learning to call on God every hour! Because I need Him every hour! I’m constantly talking to Him, growing. I have never felt so encouraged and relieved of everything. Moving here I have really started my relationship with God!
    Thank you for that devotion it was well needed!!

  58. Krystal says:

    Oh how I need the Lord!! I can really relate to how having a toddler reveals even more to me that I am in desperate need of him. Even as I write this my 2 year old is pushing my buttons.

  59. Kayla says:

    I often forget in my busy days how much I need my father. But when I call out to him he is there every time. When I glorify and honor him he blesses me so much and I’m so grateful. Help me father to make my life more fruitful so I can honor you. I can’t live a life that is fruitful without you Lord.

  60. Nicole says:

    7 ‘If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
    Wow, that’s powerful. I realize every now and then how incomplete my days are whenever I don’t start my day in his word. Still it is a little battle every day to really focus on it in the morning and dig into his truth. I pray that I will long for the lord and that I feel in need in him not only every day but every hour. – become my first priority, Lord Jesus.

  61. Martha says:

    “Put your life on the line for your friends.”

    Those are words I never thought would speak to me.

    Lord I NEED you more than anything in this moment and this place……..

  62. Morgan Hoff says:

    I needed to hear this this morning as I have quit my job to move across the country to lie somewhere where I know no one and have no job. I am learning to put full trust in the Lord and how much I need him and can truly do nothing on my own.

    1. Adyson Holt says:

      Praying for you!!!

  63. Alissa Hodge says:

    I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain;Come quickly and abide, or life is in vain.
    I always say being a stay at home mom of 3 kiddos 3 and under that the mood, situation, state of our home, obedience, “good” or “bad” is based on a minute to minute analysis. I need thee ever hour is the perfect hymn for this season but an even bigger reminder it’s not just in this season it’s EVERY HOUR. Not the hard ones, but in joy or pain, in toddler season or empty nester. He says in John 15:5
    5 ‘I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.

  64. Rebecca says:

    I love that it says that we are part of the vine so that our joy may be full. Our joy comes from nearness to Christ, our love.

  65. Savannah says:

    this is so true & eye opening! it’s so true that without him, we’d be nothing. Even days when we feel useless, his spirit is inside us, empowering us to live and go through each and every day!

  66. Mrs_Bolton says:

    I loved this! So timely, thank you!

  67. Elizabeth says:

    I was struck a couple of weeks ago when a friend was talking to me on this subject and he was saying that we literally can’t do anything without Christ. We couldn’t eat, we couldn’t move, we couldn’t breath, our hearts couldn’t best without His love and power. I have found myself blown away by that on multiple occasions when I’m just getting on with my everyday life and I now know that that is God giving me a gentle reminder of His all-powerful and loving presence. Praise the Lord for this!

  68. Rachel says:

    This is such a good word today. I’m in a constant struggle with prioritizing my quiet time with the Lord over my time with friends or social media. And in that weakness, even today checking Twitter before prayer, I said to myself “that was a mistake.” I need Thee, EVERY HOUR, I need Thee! In every moment of every day, we need to rely on His grace and unending love instead of these worldly desires. Pray for me ladies, I’m always so blessed by these comments.

  69. keileev says:

    Peaceful reminder of where all peace flows from!!! My Redeemer lives!!! I need HIM every hour!

  70. Mary says:

    This was perfect for both me and my friend today! God is faithful!

  71. Ana Anthamatten says:

    Sooo what I needed today!

  72. AK says:

    love this

  73. Arlynn says:

    I am struggling with parenting my preschoolers and feeling like I constantly fail every day. This hymn and this devotion resonate so strongly with me. Jesus I need thee.

    1. Hi, Arlynn! My mother definitely felt helpless as she was raising me. And half of my elementary ages and to this day she is a single mother. I’m a teen, and want you to know that as long as you are raising your child in Christ she will one day be thankful. Obviously I can’t give parenting advice, but I just wanted to say that when you’re young one is a teen they will never think you have failed.

    2. Mrs_Bolton says:

      Me too! I often try to do it in my own strength & that usually never ends up well.

  74. Calin says:

    I recently have been going through a situation with a friend who kinda walked out of my life unintentionally. I was talking to my mom about it and I was feeling very hurt and I said to my mom why do I have to keep trying and showing love to her when she obviously just doesn’t care anymore and I told my mom it seems like the only time she comes to me is if she needs something and my mom then said well how many times do we just go to God when we need something. And then I read this and it really hit. Such perfect timing.

    1. Hannah-Joy says:

      Wow, I am going through a very similar situation with a friend and my mom said very similar things in response. May the Lord give you peace to love and forgive and let go of this friend if need be. You’re in my prayers sister.

  75. Heather H says:

    as a young mom I needed this. thank you!

  76. Alexis says:

    Dear God, I truly need thee every hour. I have realized that I tend to become easily jealous and it overcomes me. I need help every hour. I need you to help me get rid of that sin and instead constantly abide in yku

  77. Jenann27 says:

    Dear Heavenly Father, reveal Yourself afresh to Anna! Please let Your love and peace rain down on her today and always.
    In Jesus’ Name, amen

  78. Anna O'Brien says:

    Would you all pray that I see God in a clearer way and that his love would just wash over me please!!

    1. Jen says:

      Holy Spirit,
      I lift Anna up to you that you may show your righteous love and redeeming grace in her life. Please reveal yourself to her in everything she does.
      In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    2. Cynthia says:

      Father give Anna a fresh revelation of Your love today! Fill her from the top of head down to her feet with your love grave and mercy in Jesus name we pray. Amen

  79. Abigail Aldridge says:

    It’s truly amazing how God puts verses and hymns in front of our eyes that impact us in the most perfect and life changing ways. His timing is never off. I love that about Him.

  80. Tori says:

    I was going through my normal daily routine today when I felt the love of God wash over me! it was the first time it happened and I had no words. I had been asking for it for so long. this devo echoed exactly what happened to me today. Gods timing is perfect! thank you!

  81. Emma says:

    Dear Heavenly Father,
    Silvia needs you every hour; don’t leave her side. Her family is being tested right now, and they need Your strength, guidance, and peace. Without You every family seems to fall apart, but with You, even the most broken of homes can be restored. Give Silvia a blanket of comfort in this trying time. Amen.

  82. Dana says:

    Amen Sylvia.

  83. sylvia says:

    hi I’m Sylvia I’m 19 I’m new here. I just read this beautiful hymn ❤ Godbless you. if someone still gets on here can y’all pray for me and my family were going through a rough situation and we need strength peace and guidance to show us his will gbu

    1. Lizabeth says:

      Praying for you and your family now, Sylvia. Stay close to God.

  84. This is perfect for me today. God definitely is yearning for us to realise that we NEED Him in our lives. Today it has been on my heart to be obedient to Jesus and abide in Him.

  85. kandas says:

    This was the perfect message for me today while I struggle to find patience within myself to mother my independent 2.5 year old daughter. I couldn’t find it because I was looking in the wrong place, I need my Lord!

  86. Sara says:

    While I’m holding my stubborn, stomach virus cranky, two year old daughter I read this. Thank you Lord for this. I am not alone.

  87. Rachel says:

    Such a good reminder. Beautiful devotion.

  88. Ang1228 says:

    I just heard this song yesterday at church and today I am reading it again. I truly do need Him every second of my day.

  89. Madeline says:

    This really touched me today, sometimes I forget how much I really do need Him.

  90. Debbie says:

    Oh, that we would all be desperate for Jesus & realize how much we need Him all the time.

  91. Elexa says:

    Thank you, Amanda. This spoke directly to my heart today and brought me to tears. Oh, how in need of Him I am!

  92. This may be one of my favorite hymns! I love the thought that there is freedom in our need of Jesus because it signifies our reliance upon His grace, strength, love, and power in each moment – not our own!

  93. Bumble says:

    That should read “2 weeks later I lost my husband”

    1. Praying for you in this valley, Bumble – that Jesus would draw near to you and that you would rest in His love and peace.

  94. Bumble says:

    I have loved this hymn since i was a teenager. Over the last 2 years it has been my anthem and my constant prayer. I lost my dad then 2 weeks later I lost my Dad. Oh Lord how I need You every hour, minute and second.

  95. Tracy says:

    Just as I’m sitting here growing impatient with some people, I open this and am reminded just how much I need Jesus. Most of the time, people think that they only need Him when a situation gets so bad that they are crying for help. But I’ve been reminded that we need Him every single day. I need His heart and His eyes and His love not only for myself but also to pass on to others. God please give me your heart and let me be filled with your spirit every single day.

  96. Nikki Boyd says:

    John 15:5 is one of my life verses. It goes so well with Psalm 16:2 – “I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.” Without Jesus I can do nothing, I have nothing. He is our everything!

  97. Tonilynn says:

    This devotion has been a wonderful entryway into this beautiful app. I am looking forward to diving into another study. Thank you ladies for sharing- each day has been an encouragement.

  98. Tori says:


  99. Hannah says:

    This post was so warming to me. John 15:5 is one of my comfort verses. I have heard it every communion I’ve taken at my church since I can remember. I am the vine, you are the branches. Cut off from me you can do nothing… Now when I read that it registers in me “every hour I need thee”. Sometimes growing up and first learning God “cut off from me you can do nothing” sounded like a threat. But grace has taught me that needing him means I am not cut off. Opening up my weaknesses to God makes His love and grace that much bigger and better. Thank you, God for being with me every hour I need thee.

    1. McKenna Curlee says:

      I felt exactly the same way about it feeling like a threat. I love how I am seeing it now as a promise that with Him, we can do anything! We need Him every hour to get through all the lows AND highs of life. So thankful for this realization today.

  100. Hope says:

    I was so in need of this. Thank you! :) God bless you! Always!

  101. Meghan says:

    I love her honesty about being a mom of a toddler. I have a three year old with more will than I can handle sometimes. I feel like I fail EVERYDAY. I’ve never looked at our relationship & seen the amount of grace we each offer each other each and every day. She teaches me so much!

  102. Makenzie Smith says:

    To be honest, I’ve always kind of struggled with that verse that says, “Apart from me you can do nothing,”. Something in me rises up in protest and says, “Not true! I can do a lot!” and I feel like Jesus is saying I’m inadequate when I know I’m capable of doing a lot. When I really think about it and realize that what I’m saying, I realize that what I’m saying is I don’t need GOD. I’m not sure how to change that response in my heart but I’ll be spending the day singing this song. I am so grateful for this app and this series! It has blessed my life in amazing ways!

  103. Rachel says:

    I love that she pointed out that there is freedom in that verse: apart from me you can do nothing. I always pictured that to mean, you can’t be a “good Christian” without Me. But it really means NOTHING. In every single part of my day and my life, I need Jesus Christ. That is so freeing to me!

  104. Rebecca says:

    I loved this plan! They were all some of my favorite hymns. I greatly enjoyed taking them apart and really learning the meaning of the words that I for so long have sung. It really will bring a new level of understanding my worship. Thank you! :)

  105. Margaret says:

    It’s nice to be reminded as a mom and wife that although I feel that others depend on me, I have someone stronger to lean in, give strength and I can admit weakness and need…desperately at times.

  106. Rachael says:

    I want to say how much I agree with “nudges”. They are so subtle sometimes and I have recently have been struggling with his word. I’m looking forward to seeing his works in me in the new year!

  107. Marilyn Y says:

    We always need him and I get these nudges all the time since I’m such a worry wart. I’m glad I am getting a nudge again to believe in his will and how he can continue to help me!

  108. Allison M says:

    this struck me while reading Hebrews 4:15-16… how opposite are the notions of weakness and boldness? when I’m weak or have fallen short, I am not bold… I cringe in shame while confessing my shortcomings. and yet we are to approach the throne of grace boldly. at first I imagined boldness as self confidence. but then I realized, it would not be self confidence bit confidence in the perfected, completed work of Christ on my behalf. so I can say, “I am weak, but he is strong. I have failed, but he never fails. I am needy, but He is all I need.” how often do I shrink back from the throne of grace because of failure, when I have a perfect Advocate beckoning me into the mercy and grace of the Father?

    1. Britt Fisher says:

      Love this! Thanks sharing!

    2. Camille Camejo says:

      Amazing ! Thank you for sharing.

      1. Rebecca Lefranc says:

        It was amazing!

    3. Miranda says:


  109. Jenna Hickman says:

    This is my last day on the hymns.. I love them❤️ thank you!

    1. We\’ve loved having you with us, Jenna! Blessings to you today!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  110. Laura B. says:

    My husband passed away just a bit over a year ago – I thought I was okay – but I am not. I certainly NEED God every hour

    1. Sarah Sethman says:

      Praying for you Laura!

  111. Aerin says:

    I’m a college student and my mom has been reminding me a lot over the last week of how we should take absolutely everything to God in prayer. Every time I tell of something bugging me or that’s on my mind a lot and she’ll ask “Have you prayed about it yet?” Last night I had the opportunity to pray for mental strength and focus I am usually lacking during an all night project. Every hour, even more than every breath, I need His heart to inspire and push mine forward. Reading the verses in context of the hymn made things click in a totally new way! It also makes me think of one of my favorite modern worship songs: Lord, I Need You by Matt Maher. #sogood #soulfood

    1. Jacqueline says:

      I loveee these hymn series! So powerful & I find myself singing the hymns throughout the day. This one especially was a perfect reminder – would love to read more! :)

  112. Karla says:

    Oh how my very soul needed this tonight. I am so tired my eyes were closing after a very hard day with my almost 2 year old who hates naps. I could have written your words. Jesus used them to sweetly minister to my soul. Thank you so much

  113. Reggiemama says:

    Oh how I needed to read this! Read this morning at around 5:30 and have been singing it all day long thank you do very much

  114. Alyssa says:

    Great reminder that HE is always with us. We get busy with everyday life. We struggle and lose sight of Him. I need to remind myself that I am not alone. He is with me every step of the way and He wants me to seek him. He wants to help me!

  115. Even being someone who is nowhere near motherhood, this speaks volumes to me. I don’t have to be good enough because All good things come from God! Such a huge burden that takes off me!

  116. Taylor says:

    I just want to read this all over and over again. Exactly what I need to remember daily as a wife and mama of two under two.

  117. Corrie says:

    If only I could be more AWARE of this…

  118. RachelBooker says:

    Amanda’s “emotional and physical” realization for Jesus struck a memory for me. I grew up in a Christian home, I attended “the world’s most exciting evangelical Christian university”, and yet it wasn’t until I had made the worst decisions in my life and was in the most intense physical pain that I made the same realization. I had such guilt that I couldn’t bring myself to read my Bible. I was in such constant pain that I could barely take a shower or sleep. It was in my darkest moments that my stubbornness finally broke and I, truly for the first time, realized my physical need for Christ. My life has never been the same since that day and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I need Him every hour.

  119. Erin Sienna says:

    Will y’all please add more to the Hymns series?? This has been such a wonderful selection of songs and together with scripture has spoken to me SO deeply. The devotional shave also been refreshingly honest and encouraging. Please write more!

    1. Lauren Olson says:

      I agree! More more more :)

  120. Anna says:

    I am obsessed with this hymn. (Besides “be thou my vision” you guys have done every one of my favorites in this series!) There’s a cover on YouTube by Sam Robson (it’s like an 8 part harmony and he does the whole thing himself) that I’ve been listening to on repeat for months. There have been times that the only peace I could find was within this song. So thankful that y’all covered this one!

  121. Carrie Koopmans says:

    Another great song similar is Lord I need you!!!! Very moving song and it speaks to me.

  122. Taylor says:

    I am new to SRT, and just did the 5 day reading in an hour to catch up. I so needed to hear this tonight, as I’ve been struggling for the past few weeks with anxiety. It very much calmed my soul, and rest assured God is always with us. ;) please keep me in prayer as he knows the struggles.

  123. Valerie says:

    I just now read Day 5 and have been feeling guilty for having been so slow in getting to the final day of this series. But, it was His timing as I am feeling very alone and do so need Him.
    I humbly ask that you please pray for me and my husband, Mark.
    Thank you!

    1. Valanne says:

      Never to late to be in God's word ;) Yes, just prayed for you and Mark. God knows the details and I pray you rest in HIM.

      1. Valerie says:

        Thank you so much for praying! #resting

  124. Ashley says:

    I've really enjoyed this series. I find myself singing the hymns all day!

  125. Christina Jones says:

    I need thee o Lord. Such power

  126. Dianne says:

    I’ve been lamenting all the things I don’t do, or don’t do well, frustrated with my slackerliness (making up words here). This is the perfect reminder that it’s not about my abilities of determination or motivation – it’s about abiding in Christ and trusting Him to strengthen me to do His will. I truly, desperately need Him every hour, every moment. Thank you for this series. It’s my first with She Reads Truth and such a blessing.

    1. Valanne says:

      Love the made up word, and stick around, the studies have been awesome and so honoring to our Lord.

  127. I was sad before reading this. But now I know it’s Jesus who I need every hour. Praise the Lord!

  128. Melody says:

    Every day, every hour, every minute, every second. I need Him. What a lovely post to end the week.

  129. klremus says:

    I often know that I need Him every day, hour, minute, etc. but it is often muffled with the sound of chaos and everything “I need to do”. I NEED to remember that I NEED God first, above all things, and only then can I truly make a difference the way He has intended.

  130. julie says:

    So very fitting today for me. I need Him. So simple and so profound.

  131. teawithsb says:

    Beautifully written. "I need Thee" Every day. I forget this a lot of the time, until it is too late; I am in the middle of a meaningless argument with the hubby or in the middle of a negative, gossip filled conversation at work. I am so thankful He covers me with "his holy spackle of grace", and that He is my goodness.

  132. Sophie says:

    Please do this type of series again. I really loved it. So rich!

    1. SheReadsTruth says:

      We've loved having you, Sophie! I hope you'll join us for "In Everything Give Thanks!" :)

      xoxo-Kaitlin for SheReadsTruth

  133. Marcella says:

    Matt Maher has a wonderful rendition on this Hymn called Lord, I Need You. One of my favorites!

  134. Maria says:

    Just wanted to share my heart this morning. I go through periods where my faith is put on back burner. I think "Oh, I'll open my Bible and start devotions when things settle down." and worse yet "Things are going so well, I don't even know what to pray about..". I went through that patch for most of this year and it hurt to think about it and I didn't know how to start my relationship with Him again. I was ashamed. My heart knew I was pulling myself away from the Word, but I did nothing to stop it. Then I received news that shook my world (and that of my family's) and humbled me to the core. I needed Jesus. Everyday. When things are good. When things are bad. Every single hour. It took something like this to get me out of my rut? That's not the type of Christian I want to be. If there's anything good that is coming out of this situation, it's that I'm now talking to Him more than ever. Praying. Praising and feeling whole again, despite turmoil. This message reminds me that yes I do need him all the time. Through good times and through these rough times I'm facing now. I don't ever want my faith to become that relaxed again. So thank you for this devotional as a starting point for me to build my relationship with God again.

    1. Beth Warner says:

      Good for you Maria. Isn’t it so nice to know that God accepts us back time after time. God Bless.

    2. Valanne says:

      We've all had those times when we profoundly see, yet again, why He was nailed to the cross. We all need Him daily even when we don't feel thirsty, He is still worthy of us drinking Him in to bring Him praise and honor (talking to myself here). Lifting up your situation in prayer, Maria.

  135. Angie says:

    My son with Autism had a really really rough day yesterday. God kept showing how much He loved and that His grace is sufficient for me.

  136. Gema Muniz says:

    Oh God! I need you every hour of my life. I couldn't imagine my life without God in it. Is amazing how much we need him every hour, every minute of our lives. I'm six months pregnant and of course when my husband and I first found out we were expecting we were ecstatic, we had so many plans for the nursery, for our future life with our little one, but then came all the fears, the uncertainty, and unknown situations. We are very thankful for the home we live in today, but is not equipped for a baby specially having to deal with a leaky roof, a leaky ac unit, a two story home, and a non-ventilated extra room. Due to this we started the new task of looking for a new apartment, which has been impossible since we live on a budget and everything in Miami, FL is super… expensive to rent. We decided to use our savings and try to buy a townhouse, since is cheaper than renting. When we finally found something we would like to purchase we were denied the loan due to a very silly miscommunication with one of the credit cards. To make matters worse we are now dealing with fact that my husband’s work site is closing down and he will soon be without a job unless he finds something new.

    Therefore, to sum it up we have a new born coming in three months, don't have an equipped home to bring him to, and are uncertain about how our finances will be in a few months. But besides all of the unknown we have stood still, we continue to have faith and wait on God’s timing, we know he is with us and he will redeem us. Thank you Jesus for your peace and joy during these difficult times, we will continue praising you no matter what situation we are in.

    I'm happy to let you ladies know that a few minutes ago my husband txt me and let me know he was able to clear up the situation with the credit card company, therefore we may be getting the loan after all. Thank you Jesus!… For you are good all the time.

    I pray for peace for anyone of you ladies that is dealing with a difficult moment, may you feel God's love, his unexplainable peace, and may you be redeemed from whatever situation you're in. God bless you all!…

  137. ClaireB says:

    Amanda. I may write me a prayer to remember from your lovely and so fitting words. Thank you!

  138. Emily says:

    I've loved this hymn for a long time. It just rings so, so true. Life is just….HARD. All. The. Time. That's the reality of living in a broken world. It should be the posture of every Christian to sing, "I need thee, OH I need thee, EVERY HOUR." Every hour. Every day. For the rest of forever. I will never not need Him.

    The woman who led my Bible study in college talked about John 15 ALL THE TIME. One of the things I remember that she said most was the idea that a branch doesn't try to grow, does it? It just clings to the vine, and it GROWS. Because it's holding on to the thing that makes it grow. So don't YOU try to make yourself grow. Cling to Jesus and you will grow, because you're getting what you need."

    We really need him every single hour.

  139. Beth Warner says:

    Temptations lose their power when Thou art nigh. Love that!!
    My kids are grown but I remember so well the days that you’re talking about Amanda. I went round and round with my daughter. She was quite strong willed. God used it to turn her into a wonderful young woman, and she now is such a good little Mama herself. I just love watching her with my granddaughter. I know those times are so tough, but they are gone in a heartbeat. God Bless all you young Mamas out there, keep strong.

  140. Sam Grant says:

    I guess I would sympathize with this devotional more if I had children.. But I’m only 18 and in college aha. But the message was the same. I get frustrated and upset with class and college itself.. It drives me crazy how much it costs or the ridiculousness of some of my classmates. I just have to remember to stay in the lord and he will provide me with the reassurance, faith and love I need.

  141. Rebecca Lescay says:

    The hymn was beautiful too. http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=i+need+thee+every+hour&fr=iphone&amp;.tsrc=apple&pcarrier=Verizon&pmcc=310&pmnc=038

  142. Rebecca Lescay says:

    I needed this Devotional this morning! I woke up this morning with a migraine hoping not to get sick from it. Brought my son to school and when I got home I opened she reads truth! What a blessing. I need him every hour. There are days I need him just to get through every minute or even every second. Truly felt blessed reading this this morning. I can resonate with this as a mom as a foster mom. Thank you!!!

  143. Crystal says:

    Amanda, your story of losing your cool, crying everyday, all because of a two-year-old…this is my life! The past few weeks have felt so dark and lonely and frustrating, I've felt like I'm going CRAZY! (I have 2 year old and three year old girls, with girl #3 on the way), and many times, in tears, I've prayed, or sobbed, "God, help! Just, help me!" Man. I too love these little babes more than I ever knew I could love, but dang! They definitely know how to push every.single.button…at the same time. What a great hymn for me today. I start each day so well, but it's hard to keep perspective as the day wears on. I often lose sight of Him and my need for Him, but I hope to be singing this all day, as I navigate the waters of mothering toddlers, praying they can see Christ in me…not just a nagging, frustrated, tearful mom!

    1. I’m with you girl. I have a 1 and 2 year old girl. Irish twins are no joke. you gotta be a special kind of crazy to survive them. lol Congrats on #3. Tearful and all you’ll make it through just fine. Totally agree. this was am amazing hymn for us tired and weary mommas!

    2. Oh, friend, I have been there. Still there on many days. Your heavenly Father is full of love and grace for you. Give yourself some grace, too, okay? Love to you today. xo, Amanda

    3. stacie says:

      Praying for you, my dear sister. I too know this battle. My girls are 5, 4, and 1 and I feel God blessed me with them, partially, to keep me dependant on Him. There's no way I can do this in my own strength. My tears, my fears, well, God sees them both and He's right here with us! God bless you today.

  144. I wasn’t going to do my devotional today. My 2 year old was driving me off the wall and my 1 year old was needing a major diaper change. I changed her diaper. Spoke harshly at my 2 year old. dressed them and got us into the car an hour earlier than we had to leave so that everyone would be strapped in their seat listening to VeggieTales so I could think and write down everything I had to do for the day. When I sat down in the driver’s side I opened my phone to check our ever depleting bank account when I decided instead to open SheReadsTruth… and this hymn, this message, this little hug from God was waiting for me. Very touched by today’s devo. Always loved this hymn but today it took on a whole new meaning knowing it was written by a woman, wife, & mom like me. Girl power! ;)

    1. Sarah Martin says:

      Vanessa, I love how honest you were about your morning. ALL moms have been through those moments…you are not alone. Grace abounds! Sometimes we just need a bit of quiet space provided by Veggie Tales to allow us to refocus. Hugs!!!

      1. Thanks so much. ♡♡♡

  145. DesLeiloglou says:

    I have been struggling with my three small-ish girls. 5,4 and 2 years old. I have use my outdoor voice inside a lot this week and I see the pain on their faces mid yell. I want to stop…I hate yelling at them. My frustration overwhelms me in that moment. Guilt sets in and the Yukon cycle turns over and over. I apologize to them and tell them I don’t want to keep doing it and they all forgive me and love on me…that even makes my guilt heavier. But hope spoke through this post, the prayers that she lifts up can be daily, sound like she prays them daily!! it’s like I didn’t know I had permission to ask and to ask daily. And then just as He always seems to do He gave me this: “thou art coming to a King, Large petitions with thee bring; For His grace and power are such, None can ever ask too much…” -John Newton
    “Take no rest , all you who pray to The Lord. Give The Lord no rest.” -Isaiah 62:6-7
    Thank you for this hymn and this post. I needed more than you could know.

    1. stinav96 says:

      Thank you for reminding me to petition the Lord daily for my attitude and responses to my 8, 5, and 2 year olds! I struggle with this same thing a LOT! It is amazing how forgiving our children are, is it not? My kids are the same way. I absolutely love the Isaiah verses you've shared. Those will be on my heart all day. Thank you!

  146. Kelly T says:

    Wow. I needed this today so badly. Recently I have bought into the lie that God doesn’t hear me cries. Like he is some distant kinI who doesn’t care. But this is the word I needed in my desperation today. He hears me, and I need him, and he makes himself available for me.

    In the last few weeks, God has put a call on my heart to go back to Uganda and continue my missions there. As amazing of a call as this is, it is also so scary. After responding to his call, I checked my bank account and saw that my university had a fee on my account and withdrew almost all my money. I freaked out haha. But I think God allowed this to happen to teach me something more important than financial stability, he wants to teach me dependence. And man. I suck at learning dependence.

    And now,my parents won’t let me fundraise for my trip, and theg won’t let mw borrow any money from them. I have been feeling hopeless and desperate, and like God doesn’t here.

    BUT HE DOES HEAR SISTERS! And this is proof! He has taught me today that I CAN’T do this alone, I NEED HIM and he hears and responds. What an amazing… amazing God!!

    If you’d like to hear more about my trip go to: gofundme.com/kellygoestouganda

    Thank you sisters!!

    1. Gema Muniz says:

      Wow! how great is this. At times we try to do things through our own strenghts without seeking help from God. But yes sister he is showing you to depend on him, stay strong and you will see how he provides, for he always provides. God bless you!

  147. Valanne says:

    A friend is in ICU this very hour with kidney transplant rejection. Three friends are walking stage 3 and 4 colon cancer. Two friends and one cousin are battling reocurring breasted cancer and another cousin is struggling with brain cancer. Oh yes how they need Jesus every hour, but three need his salvation even more. I need him every hour because standing in the gap and bearing these burdens is so heavy if I forget to lay them at Jesus feet and try to carry them myself. This hymn is so precious and I will never tire of it.

    1. SheReadsTruth says:

      Praying with you, friend. You're not alone and He is so eager and able to carry this burden. Asking Him to be so near to you and your loved ones. Love to you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

      1. Valanne says:

        Kaitlin, thank you!

    2. tina says:

      Valanne, will you mind if I join you in prayer for these precious friends and relations of yours….Holding you in prayers too as you will need the Lord God and His protection and wisdom….hug to you sister…x

      1. Valanne says:

        Tina, thank you! How awesome is our God to have sisters half way around the world praying for the same thing.

    3. Tamisha says:

      Hi I am new to Shereadstruth and I must say I am loving it. Thanks god for Christian community!!!!

  148. Cory Lynne Myers says:

    I love that a 30 something year old woman wrote this when she was dealing with everyday life.
    I sing this often when I’m at my end. This stage of life, more than any other so far, I feel I need the Lord nearer daily.
    I need Him every hour!
    Thank you for these short devotionals. I have shared them and they have been good for my friends too. :)

  149. Sofiya says:

    “Everything good is from him and for him”.

    These powerful words have stuck me this morning and I pray that I am reminded of God’s wonderful gifts all day :)

  150. Debbie Madison says:

    I have loved theses 5 days of hymns so very much! You picked 5 of my favorites. They speak so to my heart and soul and they never lose their power! Thank you for this study!

    1. SheReadsTruth says:

      Debbie, we've loved having you so much! Thanks for joining us!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  151. A Karis says:

    Exactly what I’ve been needing this week. To seek God not even at each hour, but at each moment. I long to see the day when I fully rest in Gods faithfulness and strength!

  152. Catherine_K_L says:

    Holy spackle of His grace. I need a Costco sized jar. Grace to fill those God-sized gaps I've created. Oh, I am aware of them, I think I might like to hide under the covers today thinking about the ones I am not aware of (but sure they exist). I need thee, o I need thee, every hour I need thee. Sometimes the fruit of the Spirit is not evident in my behavior towards others.
    I'm taking my big ole jar of God's grace with me today. The prayer of my heart today is that I would slather that grace everywhere it needs to be so that God can redeem what I've messed up. Praying for a fresh filling of the Spirit to renew that fruit, especially the patience and kindness part. Oh, and the self control part….I need a big helping of that, too. Thank you, Jesus that we can ask you these things.

    1. SheReadsTruth says:

      Yes, Catherine! Pass around the Costco sized jar :) Thanks for joining us today!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

      1. Catherine_K_L says:

        Yes! And I will hand it out like candy on the flip side…….loved Amanda's metaphors!

  153. Sara S says:

    I love the Annie Hawks quote because we do need Him in joy & pain. I live in awe of the goodness of God! Thank you Lord for joy!

  154. Daisy says:

    What a beautiful reminder that apart from him we can do nothing! Thank you Lord for promo him to never leave us do that every hour we can be sure you are with us!

  155. Katy Beth says:

    My father passed away very unexpectedly five weeks ago tomorrow. I’ve always loved this hymn, but it’s words are now ringing so true in my life – “I need Thee every hour, in joy or in pain…Every hour I need thee…” Father, Creator, True Vine, I need Thee, oh I need Thee.

    1. Erica C says:

      Katy. I’m so sorry for your loss. Praying for you now! <3

      I lost my dad unexpectedly 5 and a half yrs ago and I remembered all too well how much I needed Him. And Jesus was always always there. He is faithful and walks with you.

    2. Beverly says:

      Katy Beth, praying that God would comfort you and wrap His loving arms around you & your family during this time.

    3. Tammy says:

      Thank you for sharing Katy. Praying for the comfort of the Holy Spirit to reach deep within you when you need it. May the memories you built with your dad bring smiles to your face and joy on those hard days!!

    4. Sarah Martin says:

      Katy Beth, my heart is hurting for you. By clinging to Jesus you are placing yourself right where you need to be to receive His peace and comfort. He hears your pain and He feels it, too. Hugs to you!!

    5. tina says:

      Holding you up in prayer Kath, that you may know His peace and loving arms around you in this time of sorrow…Sending you a hug filled with love…xxx

  156. Candacejo says:

    One of the classics…and such a ministering message. I hadn't paid much attention to this verse: Temptations lose their power, when thou art nigh. When we stay close to HIM we can resist temptation, sin, and the desire to be around things that are not pleasing to God. Stay nigh to me, Oh Lord!

    I love this version that Selah does of the hymn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-LkUTjYSUs

    Blessed Friday, sisters. Pray your weekend is filled with the Spirit! ♥

    1. tina says:

      Ah, candacejo, this is a beautiful version….sang to my soul just now…Thank you…friend…xxx

  157. joanne says:

    Love this.in the midst of the typical, He is there. And He is needed.

    1. shereadstruth says:

      Yes, yes! In the midst of the typical. Oh, I'm so glad! xo, Amanda

  158. Tammy says:

    My heart is heavy this morning. My dear friend's father is losing his battle with melanoma and my heart hurts for her. Oh "every hour she needs Him". She needs the peace of His tender voice and the presence of His spirit. Thank you Lord that we don't have to be alone, you are here.

    1. Sending prayers of healing and peace to you, your friend, and her family.

    2. Candacejo says:

      Praying for your friend and for the Lord to give you precious, comforting words. And when those do not seem sufficient, just be there. ♥

    3. jenig23 says:

      Praying for your friend, her family, and you.. xoxo

    4. Angie says:

      Praying for friend and her family.

  159. Lydia says:

    Oh so one of my favourite hymns sung so may a days thru tears I have been so enjoying the hymns every and sung all of them whole day which ever one was assign for the day and wondered what would be next and excitedly waited for the next day and here God thru you chose the best for His children today , I am where you where with 2 year old twins …… what an amazing reminder when I am at my WORST , tired at the end of the day….. I need the every hour….. thank you thank you thank you…..hugging you with each thank you and will sing calling and asking His grace in my not so good days ….God bless you and the entire She reads Truth family

    1. Hi Lydia! I have twins, too – they’re 5 now. It is a unique challenge indeed. You will make it, friend! You will. There is so much grace for you and for me. Praise the Lord, there is grace. xo, Amanda

    2. Angie says:

      Hi,Lydia! I’m a twin momma also. Gods grace is so amazing for all of us. Hang in there, Momma! You got this with Gods amazing love helping you along the way.

  160. yoongz says:

    Oh how much i needed to hear these words today!! Thank you for sharing!
    My son has been facing issues at school – academically he's good but it's the social interactions which get him down… he's not the social butterfly his mummy is, when frustrated, he has difficulties expressing himself accurately & positively & has low-self-esteem. This mummy's heart aches & doesn't know how to help him… we have been dealing with various aspects of this since he was in kindergarten (he's 10 now) & i'm at the end of my own human power/knowledge/strength…
    Today it all came to a head for me… with so much work & then trying to think how to help him… i can't do this anymore… i was so distracted i couldn't work properly… God nudged me… He said – hey, that app you have been waiting for is here – you installed it last night – NOW go look at it… i hesitated… so much work to be done still… but i looked & OH How i needed these words!!
    Thank you all for being here & being faithful, delivering God's precious words.
    It is in God's Hands & He will be with us & He will do what needs to be done, move the hearts & hands as needed, give knowledge & grace where needed…
    May the Lord bless you all & your loved ones always. :)

    1. Candacejo says:

      Beautiful story…God's timing is perfect. ♥

    2. Beth Haynes says:

      Prayers for your son.

  161. Cari Jo says:

    We live in a time where we are constantly on the go, trying to fit in everything we absolutely can. It’s so easy to think we only have our own agendas to attend to, and a sense of independence creeps in. I know in my own life, I can get stuck doing my own thing, and can unintentionally think I can do life on my own. This isn’t the case. Whenever I start doing my own thing, I soon realize I cannot do anything without the Lord’s help. It is necessary to remind ourselves that without being connected to the vine, we branches are in major trouble!

  162. tina says:

    I LOVE this hymn…one I played over and over when I first heard it…it was my anthem for a while….IT'S COMING BACK, I'm going to find it and remind myself and to 'reboot' that thinking, just how much, how very much I need Jesus, every hour every minute, every day, I need Him…I need Jesus…

    ….Apart from me, you can do nothing…..
    Thank you Lord God…that apart from you I can do nothing….that apart from you I am a clanging gong, that apart from you, I am alone, that apart from you, nothing fits, that apart from you, my life is empty.. that apart from you, there is no connection….apart from you I walk alone….I do most definitely need you Lord, every hour….my guide, my refuge, my delivered, my strength, my shield, my comforter, my friend…my all in all…I need you Lord God, every hour, I need you…And so it is…I need you…AMEN…

    Sending love and hugs across the pond and beyond, this rainy day…xxx

    1. shereadstruth says:

      Every hour, every day. Thinking of you, friend! Amanda

    2. Onfaith says:

      Hey you! Missing your beautiful words in the new study! Hope all is well with you, your Mom and your sweet family. Thinking of you! ~ B

      1. tina says:

        Ah, B, thank you so much for your message…all is well here, I have been commenting, just keeping a low key, and also have been turning up later…hope you are well and that life is good for you and yours…big hug and love…xxx

  163. abarnes2 says:

    I just got some disturbing news from my mother over the phone because she is out of the state. I was devastated and almost couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I felt so alone, yet I know God is with me. In this world we are so materialistic that sometimes we lose our grip on faith. I have gotten so caught up in everyday life that this had unfortunately happened to me. I definitely needed to read over these words of a hymn we sing oh so often at my home church. It is one of those hymns where we sing it so much we forget to pay attention to the words and what it is actually saying. Little did I know these words were exactly what I needed to hear. Thank y’all for all that you do. :)

    1. yoongz says:

      Praying that whatever news you had received, the Lord will be there with you as you deal with it & that you will lean on Him…

    2. Candacejo says:

      So sorry for your pain today. We are praying for you…right now! ♥

    3. SheReadsTruth says:

      You're not alone, sweet friend. Aching with you and trusting Him every hour to bring peace and comfort. We're with you, sister!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth