Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

Open Your Bible

Daniel 2:1-24, Psalm 145:1-2, Isaiah 44:6-8

When my husband and I were debating where to attend grad school, I kept one prayer on repeat: “God, please make it abundantly clear where we should go.” I would have paid anything to know we were making the right decision as we logged thousands of miles on our car, traveling from state to state, and weighing pros and cons. Ultimately, God answered our prayer, just about as clearly as we could have hoped, and off to the midwest we went.

But I can count many, many more times in my life when I desperately prayed for a clear answer, and it felt like God met me with quiet and silence. Sometimes, God’s quiet feels empty and leaves me angry or desperate for answers. And sometimes God’s quiet feels like confidence, the kind of stillness that settles over a dark house at night, when you feel safe and at peace, but there is no sound.

The desire for a dream to be interpreted or for a sign to be made clear is everywhere in Scripture. Saul lost his kingship because of it (1 Samuel 13), Gideon tested God in a search for clarity (Judges 6), and even the Pharisees asked Jesus for a clear sign (Matthew 12).

In Daniel 2, King Nebuchadnezzar wanted a clear interpretation of his dream, and threatened all the wise men, magicians, seers, and sorcerers with death if they couldn’t provide him with that interpretation. Nebuchadnezzar was so troubled by his disturbing dreams and so desperate for answers, which we see in his willingness to reward or punish those who could potentially unlock it for him.

But no one could—no mystical prophet of the pagan gods, no wise man, no medium. The Chaldeans even declared, “What the king is asking is so difficult that no one can make it known to him except the gods, whose dwelling is not with mortals” (Daniel 2:11).

But Daniel, a wise man who knew the true and living God who did dwell with His people, had a different response. He called on the name of the Lord, who responded by giving Daniel a vision of both the king’s dream and its interpretation. Then “Daniel praised the God of the heavens” (Daniel 2:19), reciting a true and bold prayer, with promises still true for us today (vv.20–23).

For Nebuchadnezzar, for Daniel, and for us today—only God can unlock the mysteries of wisdom and understanding, because God is the true source of them. God answered Daniel’s prayer with abundant clarity, but He doesn’t always. Whether God writes His answer in the sky or (by our limited human understanding) seems to remain maddeningly silent, we can move forward with confidence and faith. The rest of Daniel’s story will testify to this truth and call us to a deeper knowledge of the God whose answers we can always trust.

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72 thoughts on "Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream"

  1. Lindsay C. says:

    King Nebuchadnezzar knew there was something different about Daniel. He accused the Chaldeans of trying to gain time, yet he gave Daniel time to go home and sleep on it. May my light shine so brightly that others see and notice a difference in me. May it intrigue them enough to grant me favor, that I may be so bold as Daniel to share that my light is from the one true God.

  2. BEV says:

    I am going to face the day with quiet confidence, praising the name of God, knowing that “he sets up kings and deposed them.” (v.21b)

  3. Lissa says:

    Lynn S…praying for and with you. I mistakenly replied to “Traci,” I meant you.

  4. Lissa says:

    Traci, I hear you. I am in the very same situation, now…but God. This is what He spoke to me this morning: Psalm 145:1-2, Jeremiah 31:16. He loves our children to a depth we can’t fathom, I know this. I trust God’s love for my child. Let’s praise God now for the victory He will bring our children to. Let’s have this faith and trust in our God together. God’s time is the right time. Praying for and with you, sister.

  5. Rhonda J says:

    I always enjoy the studies on SRT and the comments, but this current one seems to really connect with me and everyone in current times! (I am missing Tina though, maybe she is posting later than usual) I have even started a page in my notes called Churchmouse thoughts, they are always so good she deserves her on page! My song today would be On Christ’s Solid Rock I Stand!

  6. Jessie Chatigny says:

    I often conflate the Joseph dream interpretation with this one and so have forgotten that Daniel reached out the the overseer before he had the answer: he requested an appt with the king before he even knew what he’d say, then sought the Lord with his community. What faith.

  7. Maura says:

    It almost like King Nebuchadnezzar is calling the wise men in his kingdoms bluff by asking them to not only interpret but tell him what it was that he actually saw in his dream. The improbability of this is astronomical. This story of faith has always amazed me. And each time I read it still leaves me in awe. Because Daniel’s knowledge of God is sure, he knows God knows all things and doesn’t seem to hesitate to ask to go before what would be definitely the end of his life in a tortuous death. But, he knew God and that nothing was impossible. It strikes me that if it had been me as in my life God has revealed things, that I question God. And I would have wanted to have that vision run as a rerun several times because my faith has not been to the standard of Daniels. And yet, I know life through Jesus. The Lamb of God, Emanuel. How Daniel speaks to my need to draw nearer and know in every fiber who God is. Help me Lord to ask for your wisdom, to trust and to know and to speak what you give me. Holy God thank you for the way you reveal to us who you are and who you call us to be. May I be a blessing this day full of your love, joy and grace. In Jesus name. Amen
    Hugs to you Sisters your words bless me daily. Praying for your requests. Joining your prayers you have posted. Keep shining His love. Praying especially for the nurses, doctors, ministers and teachers out there serving others in this season may you know He is with you in whatever challenges you face and feel His merciful love multiply as you pour it out on those you serve. Thank you all.

  8. MARTHA HIX says:
