Moses and the Ten Plagues

Open Your Bible

Genesis 1:1, Exodus 7:1-25, Exodus 10:21-29, Psalm 105:27-36

Text: Genesis 1:1, Exodus 7:1-25, Exodus 10:21-29, Psalm 105:27-36

“I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night and strike every firstborn male in the land of Egypt, both man and beast. I am Yahweh; I will execute judgments against all the gods of Egypt.”
—Exodus 12:12

I thought about Egypt a lot as a kidthough growing up on the Great Lakes, I was about as far from the Nile as you can get. Our house had an attic with a low ceiling and one dim light, and I was afraid to poke my head inside because I was sure I would see the Anubis. Have you ever seen a drawing of this creature? It’s a man, with the head of a jackal. For me, there’s nothing so terrifying as a man’s figure walking upright wearing the head of a jackal. Why did the Egyptians have to put animal heads on their gods?

The pantheon of false Egyptian gods was a terrifying mix of half-human, half-sacred animals;  because in the absence of the one true God, we can only invent gods in our own image, or in the image of things we see around us. False gods are just imitations of the natural world. The Egyptians created supermen, but that’s all they were: imagined concoctions of everyday things elevated to the rank of deity.

Each major aspect of Egyptian life was tied to a specific god. For example, Hapi was the god of the Nile River. The welcome seasons of flooding and the dreaded seasons of drought were linked to the the vagrancies of his changing moods.

Moses would have known all about Egyptian gods. (Maybe there was an attic somewhere in his childhood too—a place where he feared seeing the spectre of the Anubis!) And Moses, like all children raised in Egypt, would have seen the Nile’s waters turning to blood as a blow struck specifically against the god of the Nile (Exodus 7:20).

Each plague targeted one of the gods from the Egyptian pantheon and, one by one, Pharoah watched the pillars of his power turn to ash. This pattern fulfills a specific promise that God made through Moses to Israel and Pharaoh:

“I will surely pass through all the land of Egypt and on every one of the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: for I am the Lord God over the whole of the earth” (Exodus 12:12).

In spite of this, Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he waffled about whether or not he should let Israel go. In his indecision he ignored this truth that Moses already knew: there is but one God, and He is God over all the earth (Exodus 10:8). He is present and sovereign throughout history, and He will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7).

Pharaoh never learned this lesson, but the Egyptian people did. Their awe of the one true God inspired them to press their gold and jewels into the hands of their Hebrew slaves departing for the Red Sea.

When reading about the plagues, it’s easy to see them as an assault on the Egyptians and Pharaoh himself. While that’s partly true, the central point was to destroy the idolatry of the false gods. One by one, God chipped away at their false authority. The words, “Let my people go!” not only meant freedom from slavery, but freedom from idolatry.*

We don’t have to live in fear of supermen with jackal heads or fertile women with frog faces. There is only one God, and He is good. In His great goodness, He not only frees us from bondage, but He also unmasks the gods and powers of this world. History is filled with this resounding declaration: Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Romans 14:11).


*George Grant. “The God’s of Egypt and the Exodus”, 2015.

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53 thoughts on "Moses and the Ten Plagues"

  1. Jacki says:

    Fascinating! I just interrupted my husband at work to show him the Egyptian Gods list. So, so interesting!

  2. Kate K says:

    I love how the Lord uses the Nile in not only Moses life but in the Life of Egypt. First the Nile is Moses deliverance. Despite Pharohs plan to kill all male babies, God uses the Nile to deliver Moses. So when it comes time for the first Plague, God sends Moses back to this familiar body of water. I can’t help but wonder if the Lord did this partly for Moses. To remind him of where he’d come from and how the Lord saved him for this purpose. And partly for this new Pharaoh, I wonder if he’d been told of Moses former life. Of how this very Nile saved him. So as they both stood on familiar ground both claiming power over it, I can’t help but see how God is in every little detail. The Nile was a reassurance to Moses that God would deliver and a punch to Pharaoh that God would deliver yet again His people. What a foreshadow. God is destroying the idols in the Egyptians but also in the Israelites. They spent so much time in Slavery, many of them took on the Egyptian Gods. And God was making it known HE is the one and only God. Our suffering has purpose. In it God draws us to himself, destroys idols in our life, and proves to us He alone is God. And he moves and works for OUR GOOD. AND HIS GLORY!! in his mercy, he doesn’t leave us where we are. And in His grace, he gives us more of himself.

    1. SarahMarieT says:

      Kate. This is such beautiful insight. Thanks for sharing what the Lord put on your heart — I love how God reminds us of the work He has done before as we’re going out to new journeys and new mountains!

  3. Sarah_Joy says:

    I am so curious about the list of parallels between the Egyptian gods and the plagues. Does anyone have a good resource to learn more?

      1. genesis says:

        That was so interesting! Thank you!

      2. Sarah_Joy says:

        Thank you!

  4. Amy A. says:

    Freedom! Amen!

  5. Anna Buchanan says:

    It is humbling to realize that God took such extreme measures to destroy idols in the Egyptians peoples’ lives. He is willing to do the same for His children. He is jealous for us and longs that we be devoted to Him alone. As I look at my life and the struggles that I am facing I begin to understand that the Lord is trying to topple my idols. He will have His way in my soul. Oh Father, let me surrender to your moving and captivating Spirit and work. May I be clay in your hands. Soften my heart to your work by reminding me of your great love.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Love this, Anna! Thanks for joining us today!


  6. churchmouse says:

    Egypt came under the judgment of God, the one true and holy God. There was a darkness that engulfed Egypt long before God sent the 9th plague. God gave the Egyptians opportunity after opportunity to repent and turn to Him. But they did not. And judgment fell. I can’t help but feel a comparison to my own country. There is a darkness that can be felt that is slowly but steadily engulfing it. God has repeatedly tried to get our attention to repent and acknowledge Him. As surely as He judged Egypt, He will judge the United States, and all the nations . God told Moses that he was to speak whatever He commanded him (Exodus 7:2), no matter how unpopular or politically incorrect. We are called to do the same. Lord, forgive us for our personal and national sins. Let us turn to You, the one true and holy God. Help us to stand firmly for Your Word and Your ways regardless of opposition and criticism. We answer to You and You alone. Thank You that You empower us with Your Holy Spirit. Let us not be afraid. There is nothing impossible for You. Let Your light come forth in such a way that no one can deny You. You are God. You are good. We love You and we praise You for Your great glory. Amen

    1. Heather (MNmomma) says:


    2. Carolyn says:

      Let us all join with you in that prayer! “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” ~2 Chronicles 7:14

      1. Nath says:

        Pray, seek Him, & turn from our wicket ways.. Lord help us to be bold & courageous to spread your message ..!

    3. Sue says:

      AMEN! Thank you for your prayer words today.

    4. Mary says:


    5. Joanna says:


    6. Ioneem says:

      Thank you for the reminder that God is in charge and we do not have to be afraid. May each believer be bold and speak the truth to a nation that is in a peck of trouble.

    7. cindy says:

      Amen! If we would only look, turn to Him. Then we would see and He would heal our land. Oh Lord, open or eyes! Open the shutters! Greater is He who is with us, then he who is against. Praise you Jesus, send your Spirit!

  7. Tina says:

    There is only one God, and He is good….AMEN.

    That is all I need to know….

    I have tasted…I have seen…I have and continue to know that my God is the only God, and that, with my whole heart, I know He is good…

    Oh,I remember the days of ‘your stars’ in the newspapers and magazines…thinking every word of..’ will meet the man of your dreams today…’ was gospel, and looking into the face of each man I would walk pass.. wondering, is it him? Now I realise, I missed the blessings of the day, hanging on the word of someone who does not even know me…Or touching wood, for luck…ehh dah…what was that piece of wood going to do for me….
    My point is, things may not go according to MY plan for my life, but here’s the thing, I was and still am not the perfect person to plan my life, let alone words from someone or something that does not love or have feelings for me, oh yes, I have dreams, I have thoughts and ideas….But God..But God….He has much much more than I could ever plan or dream for me…
    Rebecca, thank you for this line…such a reminder of how far I have come…..”One by one, God chipped away at their false authority. The words, “Let my people go!” not only meant freedom from slavery, but freedom from idolatry….” A big resounding AMEN to that….
    Thank you Lord God for the freedom received from You and found in YOU….Thank you Lord God..Thank you…
    Praying the Lord God Almighty turn His face to shine on you today with grace peace and love….Blessing you abundantly in all you do and are…x xxx

    1. Elaine says:

      Received! Amen sister!

    2. Heather (MNmomma) says:

      Blessings to you too today! xo

    3. Nath says:

      I love your thoughts..freedom received from God & found In Him…

    4. Joanna says:


  8. Elisabeth says:

    I never knew about the parallelism between the plagues and the Egyptian Gods. Thank you for this insight! May we also let God free us from the “false gods” in our lives, whatever they might be.

    1. Carly B says:

      Amen! I love that insight and that was new to me too.

    2. Carol Walter says:


    3. Heather (MNmomma) says:

      It was new for me too! It was really eye opening!