Text: Luke 1:39-56
The thing about womanhood is that in our culture – in this world of Pinterest and a million different magazines, books, and blogs all with an opinion on what a woman should be and do – it’s easy to get all knotted up in what we’re “supposed” to be doing.
Into this mix, the label of “mother” is one more part of that complicated tangle of figuring out who we are called to be.
Like any calling, some days we women who are raising tiny humans—who are taking in stray neighbor kids, who are responsible for a host of younger siblings, who mentor college kids—we wear the title of “mom” uncomfortably. And in response to that dreaded question, “So, what do you do?” we might shrug and mutter the uncomfortable, “I’m just a mom.”
Some days we wear the title like a superhero cape – tattered and proud, it soars behind us as we save lives on a daily basis. Literally. I have two boys and a wild daughter – they require constant saving from themselves as well as an assortment of sticks, bows, arrows and duct tape.
Some days the name and the calling chafes and aches as we try to figure out who we are inside this new skin we’re wearing that doesn’t fit right anymore. And if we spend our days commuting between a calling that plays out in an office and at home between the Cheerios and children, we can feel torn into two aching versions of ourselves.
Becoming a mother requires breaking up with so many parts of ourselves that we used to love – all that free time and sleep and selfish ability to do whatever we wanted pretty much whenever was the most convenient for us.
But God—His call will always blow our lives and plans apart with Holy, unexpected invitation.
So when Mary and Elizabeth literally break into loud, unashamed song declaring the wild purpose of the new life bottled up inside them like so much rich treasure, I want to hold on with both hands and be part of that understanding of womanhood.
Elizabeth exclaimed in a LOUD VOICE: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!”
There’s nothing “just a mom” about this moment. No, this is a victory cry; this is a trumpet call of welcome for the power and wonder carried in a woman’s womb. And Mary – she doesn’t roll her eyes; she doesn’t shrug off the compliment; she isn’t embarrassed that her whole identity is wrapped up in this one word – mother. No, our Mary, I picture her throwing back her head and throwing out her arms as she launches into one of the most fierce prophecies offered by a woman on the pages of Scripture. She is throbbing with this new and totally unexpected life and it overflows in a chorus of praise as she names herself blessed – not tired or boring or ordinary – but BLESSED:
“From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me”
Great things – not “just a mom” things, not “small” things, not “boring” things. Mighty, filled, remembered, lifted up – Mary is a living testimony to the fulfillment of God’s Word – she bears witness to the miracle and she also bears it in her body.
Friends, lean in and listen up. Whether you bear the title of mother, sister, professional, teacher, friend, neighbor—there is nothing common about the unique calling God has placed on your life or that dream He has planted inside of your being.
Your gifts? He has chosen you to carry them. Your burdens? They have been placed on your heart with a holy care. Like Mary and Elizabeth, you can laugh and sing and rejoice with abandon in the life He has created for you and in you.
We, each of us, bear witness to the endless creativity of a God who was entrusted to the womb of a woman.
And because of Him we are blessed, every one.
Lisa-Jo Baker is the author of Surprised by Motherhood and the Community Manager of incourage.me, DaySpring’s online home for women the world over. Born and raised in South Africa, Lisa-Jo currently lives outside Washington, DC, with her husband and their three very loud kids. You can catch up with her daily chaos at LisaJoBaker.com.
For an added layer of worship during this sweet season of adoration and expectation, we’ve created a Spotify playlist for Advent 2014! You can find the complete SheReadsTruth | O Come Let Us Adore Him playlist at this link, or listen to today’s track on the player below. Enjoy!
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101 thoughts on "Mary Visits Elizabeth"
As a teacher there are days that are harder than others to embrace the calling God has placed on my life. As I read this I felt encouraged and blessed to have been chosen for the title teacher. I can look forward to returning to school and continuing to mold the minds and hearts of the little kiddos in trusted to me.
We are more than blessed because we have Jesus! In him, we gain every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places!!
As someone who is not a mother but has longed to be for a decade now this was a little harder to relate to as I feel this particular devotional is geared towards mothers. But if I see this through the eyes of a wife and finding power in what God has called me to be in this season I can exhuberantly proclaim I am blessed. Even if the word mother holds a slight sting for me personally.
Just catching up on the study… AND, I LOVE this post <3
Wow! Just getting caught up today & as a weary teacher hanging on by a thread till Xmas break these were just the words I needed to hear @lisajobaker thk u!
What affirmation from the Lord most High. He is a good good Father. In this season of healing and waiting, I am encouraged by this Sprit-driven hope that my Father is guiding me gently to have courage, be brave, be bold, and realize my dreams and aspirations are fully possible, because they are ever more and firstly HIS dreams and aspirations for HIS glory and my good. Praise.
Thankful for the lovely reminder of how precious and important my calling is. God has blessed me and chosen me to be a mother (full time), and I am so grateful! Today was a challenging day, so this reading brought me peace.
Beautiful. Last night I sat in a living room with several precious women, all in the throes of motherhood, some working and struggling with guilt, some staying at home and struggling with guilt, some with marriages stronger than ever, some with marriages barely hanging on by a thread, some so close to Jesus the light literally shone from their eyes, and some so weary in their walk with the Lord the tears would not stop flowing. We talked about this, this path that the Lord has specifically carved out for each of us to walk and the very specific purpose and calling He’s placed on each of our lives. Right. Where. We. Are. There is so much freedom in being who God made you to be… whether it be a puddle of mess or a running sprint of joy, depending on the season. He has given us life, a very short life, to be lived for a purpose. It is a gift, a gift to be shared with those He has placed in our lives. I’m always incredibly encouaged by these devotionals.
Amen and amen!!! What an encouraging post! I am not a mother, but I am excited and BLESSED to know that my God has called me higher. To serve him with th calling he has placed on my heart! It is not a prideful thing to call ourselves blessed, but an act of acknowledgment and thankfulness to him who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing!
I love this devotional but this one touched on a passage that is very dear to me. Over a year ago I found out I was Pregnant…very unexpected. My husband and I were still newlyweds and having a baby was not in our immediate plans. I wanted to work as nurse for awhile and then stay at home and have kids. But that’s not what God had planned, and I struggled with that. Now I know some women out there want a baby so badly their heart aches, like those of you who have already posted. And honestly I asked The Lord why did He give me a child and not you one bc you wanted one, and I wasn’t ready. But God led me to this passage and opened my eyes to see the issue was bigger than just having a baby when I wasn’t ready.
See, Mary I’m sure had her plans for her life. She was going to marry Joseph and be a respectable woman. Then God comes and tells her something is going to happen that will change what she planned. But Mary didn’t complain, didn’t say woe is me, didn’t argue, didn’t sulk or mope. She looked at GOD’S character and REJOICED! Oh that when my plans are changed by God, that I would respond as Mary did! So yes, the author of this post geared it more towards motherhood bc that’s how God is using her. But even if you’re not a mother or want to be one, how are you responding when God changes your plans? Like Mary, rejoicing? I know I don’t (and just had a pity party yesterday because I want to do what I want to do). I needed this reminder today to remember that our GOD is so much bigger than we are and His plans are the best even if we don’t understand them. Friends be encouraged in whatever season of life you are. Your life may not be what you planned or dreamed but join with Mary and Elizabeth and myself (on the rare good days) and rejoice in OUR GOD!
Loved this :) Thank you!
That was a reply to April K but I don’t know why it posted it’s own comment! Oops!
Kylee, I know it does end up posting it’s own comment even though you press “reply.” I read your post and THANK YOU. I appreciate your prayers and will keep you in mine!
Beautiful, Lisa-Jo.
“His mercy is on … those who fear Him”. Through Jesus, God offers mercy to all who will believe and come to Him in repentance with faith. This is the hope He offers to all on a daily basis. I am not a mom. I desperately want to be one. But at this point that door seems closed. People assume it’s selfishly motivated. But the truth is I would drop everything in a heartbeat if my husband and I could have a child! It hurts! But I am a recipient of God’s mercy. In that I rejoice!
I enjoyed reading today’s post, but like others who have written here, I did feel a bit left out. I am a recent college graduate, unmarried, and have no children. I am trying to focus on the other roles God has placed me in (daughter, friend, sister) but honestly I’ve been feeling very lost. I have been praying that God will lead me, and I’m working on getting more involved at church, but I could really use some prayer. I’m just not sure what career to pursue or how to live my life for his Glory.
Lin-Z, I feel you! It’s cliche but “bloom where you’re planted” is my mantra when I feel lost- God will use you wherever you are!! Xo
This was exactly what I needed after a day where my boys, my day, and my attitude made me second guess my calling. Every word of this resonated in my heart tonight. Because of Him I am blessed and uniquely gifted for that which He calls me to do every day… including being a mom to two little guys that, if I was being honest, just want me to better embrace my calling – and them – a little more each day. “We, each of us, bear witness to the endless creativity of a God who was entrusted to the womb of a woman.”
Such an uplifting read tonight! I am four months pregnant with my first child. Surprisingly, the excitement has been in my heart but I’ve been bashful on the outside. What a sweet reminder for me that I am “blessed” and will be “blessed” in my new title as Mom. How thrilling that, “There is nothing common about the unique calling God has placed on (our lives) or that dream He has planted inside of (our) being.” And that, “Like Mary and Elizabeth, (I) can laugh and sing and rejoice with abandon in the life He has created for (me) and in (me).” So refreshing!!
I love your comment. I myself am not pregnant nor with a man of God yet but when I do get that privilege I hope I remember this passage and your comment. To be blessed and feel blessed.
This is amazing. I love it. For so long I have been a stay at home mom of two boys. Before the boys I worked in banking. I was always thankful for a 9-5 but I wanted to do something I was passionate about. I became a personal trainer and thought that would be my calling because I love fitness so much. I was introduced to something I felt very strongly and passionately about. This may sound silly but it is crossfit. Since the day I first started I have felt like it was placed in my life for a reason and it has always been heavy in my heart to do more with it.I have been doing crossfit for over a year and a half now. So for that long I have longed to do more in the sport. I love being a stay at home mom but sometimes I can get lost in it and feel unaccomplished. Recently I became crossfit certified. Recently as in a week ago! I cried and praised the Lord for allowing me to become certified. As of today, I am a coach at my crossfit box! I know the Lord is guiding me and teaching me to grow spiritually! I feel so blessed and todays study really spoke to me! There were so many nights I would cry and beg the Lord to show me and guide me in life. Help me understand His will and place for me in this life. He answered my prayers. It took a year but His timing couldn’t have been anymore perfect! I pray for the Holy Spirit to work in me to help me put forward Jesus Christ! He is so faithful and I am thankful for the many different roles I play.
That is awesome. So happy for you.
After a rough few days in my current appointed roles (as daughter, sister, friend and uni student) this spoke to my heart. I do not need to compare to others or think that this current season is somehow less meaningful than motherhood or a career. My calling is God-breathed, God-given and God-intended! I must run with it!!! And overflow with thanks to the purposes of The Lord that will not fail. And to the zone who ever walks beside.
I absolutely LOVE the zest and moxie with which I picture Mary and Elizabeth crying out these prophetic blessings! Jesus, may I have just as much zeal for what you've called me to do! Nothing is a waste of time if the Lord has called you to do it. Whether that'd be blogging, being a mother, going to school, etc., Christ has called us all to a very specific mission field, and whatever we do is a holy ministry! THAT is something to be excited about!! Praise Jesus!! Amen.
I love SRT and this (and every!) study but this was a really tough one. In this season of waiting, there are some of us who have not been blessed with a child and don’t know the joys and rigors of motherhood. It sometimes feels like moms try to justify their role like they are not appreciated or as high in esteem as a working woman, but really, there is no need! What some women wouldn’t give to be in your shoes! The author here tried to bring in the non-mothers at the end there but it was a bit too late. I was already kind of saddened. Will keep remembering the joys of our savior, though.
I agree! I’m not married and I don’t have kids yet. While I understood the author’s intent, I felt a bit left out. And I don’t agree that free time before children is “selfish”. Sure, I could us all my weekends and nights for myself, but I’m also very active in my church, I have a blog, and I’m trying to start a writing career among other things As much as I’d love a family, it’s just not in the cards for me right now, and that’s ok! But the waiting is hard sometimes, so I’m glad she touched on that at the end.
I started to feel left out – or like half a mom- towards the middle of this one (I share custody, so I guess I get “selfish” nights to myself a lot- they’re bitterly lonely for me though!) and I can only say that reading the passages of scripture again can help get back to the message the author was getting at, without the motherhood slant:: for me the scripture spoke to my heart when the baby in Elizabeth’s womb rejoiced when she heard Mary’s greeting–how crazy that must have felt!! The instant recognition of our savior. Then followed by a crazy chorus of prophesies and praise, which only solidifies that these women together were SECURE in their callings & could relate to one another- miracle pregnancies all around- and they had each other to resonate their feelings. How great God is to give Mary a (much older) mentor & a friend during a scary & new season of her life! How sweet He is to care for us & grant that companionship – for 3 months! – while the mother of our Lord prepared for his birth. We are shown time and again a God who cares for our hearts, all aspects, and who sees the big picture even when we’re just new at this whole thing. I’ll pray for this season in your life! May it bear much fruit.
As I sit here, scrounging for a few minutes of, “me” time, chaos in the background and a little clawing at my feet, my cup is so filled from this reading. How many times have I read this passage? Thank you for your insight. So blessed by today’s study.
How appropriate is this now that I'm expecting my first child. God bless you all sisters!
I have been so blessed by this advent study. Each day has revealed something new of the Christmas story and today is no different! And it came at the perfect time as I'm wrapping up a week home with 2 small kids while my husband works out of town. Motherhood is such a blessing, thank you Lord!
Wow I wish I had the struggles of “just a mom”
Hey Brittany, I’m sad as I wonder how much pain is behind that longing for you. I thought of many friends as I read who I imagined having a similar response. This post does seem to be super focused on motherhood (I guess because both the women in the passage are about to have literal miracle babies), but I think the point she’s trying to make is that God is calling you to whatever season you’re in, despite longings for that season to look a little different. Motherhood is certainly a blessing, but womanhood (in whatever roles and form it takes) is a blessing! Every calling and role comes with gifts and challenges (and we all tend to think the grass is greener on the other side from time to time). I pray for you and I both that God will HELP us more enjoy the calling He’a given us and COMFORT us as we wait for and follow Him. He cares about all our longings. He really does. And He has a good plan for each of us, for our joy and His glory!
THANK YOU! I am a first time mom, home with a two week old baby and I am just not myself. I have been feeling up and down about my new life- mourning the loss of my time with my husband as “grown-ups” and, at the same time, living this new little boy so much. Today’s reading was just what I needed after an all-nighter with baby Micah. Thank you for being so in tune with the Holy Spirit and following His leading. This was literally written for me today. Blessings!
So spot on! I said to my husband this morning, “I need a day. Just a day to not have this responsibility. I’m tired.” I feel like some days I get so caught up in missing my freedom that I don’t see the stewardship Papa is calling me to in being a mother, and trusting He will make my other dreams come to fruition in HIS perfect time if I am willing to entrust my will to His. Thank you for pointing us upwards. ❤️
Thank you for this one! I’ve really struggled with this study until TODAY! Today has been the first day I’ve felt connected to it. So, so good Lisa-Jo!
Beautiful post. And I must say, I have been reading with the book (just scripture) at home, and then reading this part when I get to work in the morning. I love how similar and different my own reflections and the reflections of this space are. Thanks for sharing, and here were some of my thoughts before I read your post :) http://elmering.blogspot.com/2014/12/a-surprise-i…
"There is nothing common about the unique calling God has placed on your life or that dream He has planted inside of your being. Your gifts? He has chosen you to carry them. Your burdens? They have been placed on your heart with a holy care."
Thank you for this reminder that everything in our lives has purpose. There is a reason it doesn't all come easy. May I embrace the trials, the blessings, the burdens… it's all part of God's unique plan for ME. Thank you.
What a beautifully encouraging article!! So uplifting and edifying for all women! Thank you!
Thanks for joining us today, Dianne! We love having you in our community!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I was having such a rough morning. I was so frustrated because it seems like everyone just expects me to come along behind them and clean up their messes or any trash they leave laying around. They expect me to come along and pick up their dirty clothes and put their shoes away, even my hubby. I needed this post today. Often as moms there is no one to encourage us, no one to tell us you are doing a good job. There is no one to say hang in there you can do this. Somedays it feels like the water may just overcome us. And what's keeping us from letting it? It seems that no one cares what we do for them.
I'll be honest. I had a hard time connecting with this. I'm not a mama. I want to be one in the future, but right now I am not one. I've never had another human being inside of me. I don't know what it's like to have a little someone who depends on me for their very life. I just don't. So this part of the Christmas story has always had me squinting, trying to imagine what it might be like, but failing for the most part.
But I CAN connect with the idea that we are all given our gifts and burdens on purpose, and that we are meant to rejoice in those. Mama or not, I have both of those, and many days the gifts feel like they are burdens! (Heeey-ooo hubby, I love you but marriage is *hard*). I need to pick up Mary's attitude of surrender and joy!
Hey there Emily,
Yes I had you on my heart as I wrote this because I know not all of us are mothers but ALL of us are gifted and called blessed and we bear the miracle of what Jesus is doing in our lives under our very skin. Praying that you will be so very blessed in this Christmas season in all the ways that Jesus has planned for you.
So many warm wishes
This has been my favorite post of this series so far. And it is so much needed in my life right now.
I am in a phase of life where I long to be "just a mom." I gave birth seven weeks ago to our third child. I know I am blessed to have never struggled with infertility and I thank God daily for that while I pray for the many women I know who are struggling. But the desire to stay home and just be mom is stronger than ever. I made my peace when I first found out I was expecting again with the fact that I would have to return to work after her birth. I'm a teacher. I knew not returning to school this year was not an option. But it's next school year and the year after that and the year after that. I never thought I would desire to stay home as much as I do now. I'm holding onto hope that God can change some things about our circumstances so that I can be home next year, or at the very least teach part time. We are still recovering froma period of unemployment for my husband (2010-2012 were not good years to have a background in non-profit fundraising). But God is a big God and can work big and even small miracles. So I don't give up hope.
However, today's devotional reminded me that there is a reason I am where I am. God has called me into this role of teacher. He has placed specific students in my class and coworkers in my path. He has blessed me with an understanding principal who celebrated with me when I told her I was pregnant again, instead of rolling her eyes in frustration at having to find another long term sub (which has been the received response for some of my friends who teach elsewhere). And in this season of life, He's placed this incredible desire to be home on my heart. But maybe I'm not supposed to quit my job and be home. Maybe it's the longing and the waiting that I'm supposed to learn from. Maybe there is blessing in the desire. Maybe God is working something bigger than I can imagine and I'm not meant to know what it is yet- and maybe it doesn't involve staying home and maybe it does. Maybe this is really me just learning to walk by faith and trust His good plans for me.
Maybe it's about being like Mary and Elizabeth and just rejoicing and praising the new life I birthed, the new lives entering my classroom second semester when I return to work, the new lives entering my daughter's life as her caregivers while I'm at work. Maybe it's just celebrating that I am a fearfully and wonderfully made woman with unique gifts and burdens placed on me and in me by our awesome God.
This is refreshing truth and I feel a little lighter today. Thank you.
Praising and praying with you Melody, thank you for sharing and for your transparency. <3
I feel a lot like you, Melody! I was extremely frustrated at “having” to go back to work. Until I realized that God has put me where I am. And if He sees fit to change our circumstances, He will. Sure, I would still prefer to be at home with our son, but there is incredible peace in knowing that He’s got it under control.
THANK YOU! I am about to become a mom any day now (my due date is December 29th) and I often feel like I have no idea what I'm doing, that I am giving up a lot, etc. I will be re-reading this devotional a lot in the coming days.
Congrats Kate! Praying all goes smoothly! My 3rd is due in 7 weeks and it is an overwhelming experience. There is so much gospel in child bearing… it blows my mind. We suffer to bring new life and Christ suffered that he would bring us new life! As not fun as it is to birth a child… The sorrow last for only a night and joy comes in the morning when we hold that new babe in our arms and see a tiny glimpse of what Christ did for us and how God feels towards us as his children, it is a beautiful privilege. Blessings to you my dear!
Oh Kate! So exciting. My second was born December 27th. it feels so sacred to be pregnant during this season of Christmas. Praying deep blessings on you and this new journey and new life. It can be hard and confusing and that's OK – you will find your way through, I promise. And if you want the two am truth and encouragement about motherhood – I think my book is about the closest I can lean over and pass to you to cheer you on — you can read the first three chapters for free over here http://www.surprisedbymotherhood.com
warmest of wishes
Wow. This week has been such a revelation for me. One after another. My boyfriend is an engineer and I often times feel inferior to him bc he is “smarter” than me. How foolish of me. There is no gift given from God that is lesser. My gifts are from Him and for that, REJOICE!
Amen and amen, Eryn!
I have always wanted to be a wife and mother, but God has not given me this gift yet. I have been praying for a long time for this to happen and seem to be losing all faith as I see it happen in those around me. This past week has really taught me a lot about faith and believing. I cannot lose faith, even when the world tells me otherwise.
Hi there Lovely Kara,
Yes, we wait in the tension of our heart's desire and Jesus' good desire for our lives. I love that advent is a season of waiting – that the Holy Spirit waits with us. That God understands the tension of the waiting and how hard it can be and that He never leaves us to wait alone. But that He meets us in the middle of our wait and sometimes all without changing HIs answer and instead changing us. Praying blessings on you this Christmas season, sister.
warm wishes
This was a beautiful read. I am not a mum (yet), but this brought me to tears and makes me want to share it with everyone mother I know. And not just mothers, either. All my girlfriends. We as women, all of us, are blessed. We've been called to a daunting, yet amazing role and I'm so glad of it. Have a great day ladies — wherever in the world you are — and be blessed!
"We as women, all of us, are blessed. We've been called to a daunting, yet amazing role and I'm so glad of it." Amen to that! no one in the world can be who we are to the world around us. We are all so uniquely shaped and molded, no one can affect things the way we, individually, do… we are blessed indeed. <3 Thank you for this comment!
I’m a mother to two daughters. I’m also sandwiched and help my mother often who lives alone. I just came off of a very full long weekend and then working two 13 hour days. I was looking forward to the day off and tackling my extended to-do list. As I sat to read this I got a call from the Life Alert system my mom uses, she fell in her bedroom. Her neighbor is with her. Not much info other than her O2 may be low, she’s not injured. They may take her to the hospital. Praising God for her neighbor; I have to get my youngest on the bus in an hour. And then my oldest has a short day and is done at 10:30.
I’m upset because this is my mama. And her failing health sucks.
I’m upset because I’m selfish and was looking forward to a day off. And now need to figure out if I will be going to the hospital.
Pray for my mom, not sure what’s going on. Waiting for a call back. Pray for me. I’m hurting.
Oh sister, I have been in your same hurting spot and it is H A R D! I will definitely pray for you -may God give you the strength and patience to get through this day. Scripture says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Lean on our Heavenly Father and He will share his glorious strength. Please let his grace surround you and comfort you.
I’m so sorry Melisa, praying for strength and perseverance for you today. Xo
Father God I lift Melisa up to You. Give her Your Strength and Peace and fill her with Your Presence. Help her to breathe in You. I pray for her mom and her healing. Amen.
Melisa, I sit in this role alongside you. Almost identical, sandwich generation twin sister. I have an elderly mother who lives an hour away and is VERY needy of me, two teenage children, a demanding job and I am single. I completely identify with your feelings of upset, concern, selfishness, disappointment, exhaustion, and feeling that my world may shatter in any given moment. Oh, and I should add that I am peri menopausal and feel my own personal heat waves in between the scramble and when I fall into bed every night.
Lisa Jo's comment of "we can feel torn into two aching versions of ourselves" rings true for me almost daily as I have to oftentimes choose between my responsibilities.
I haven't yet completely figured out how to navigate through all his relentless and imperative plate spinning, but I would like to encourage you that you are not alone. Keep drawing from your faith, let this be a time where God shows you just how faithful He is and sink in closer to Him. I ask God quite often what are you trying to teach me through this, what are you preparing me for?
I was NOT looking forward to Thanksgiving or Christmas this year. My Daddy went on to be with The Lord this past March. I miss him terribly! However, I have been digging into is advent study and I have found PEACE, and HOPE, and STRENGTH .
You are not alone, I sit beside you in your mother/daughter role and God will never leave us or forsake us. Draw near to Him, and He will draw near to you. Bless you this day and may you find God's holy and perfect peace and may it sink deep into your soul and may you rest well tonight. XOXO
Melisa, praying for you and your mom. May the lord give you his strength to care for your mom and kids.
Melisa, I'm praying for however this day has ended up treating you. The Lord is using this to show you something, I know it. I couldn't possibly know just how hard this is… I pray that the Lord would fill you with strength, emotionally, mentally and physically, to do whatever it is He's ended up calling you to do today. You are important. You matter. I'm praying for you.
since the SRT Christmas party on tuesday night through yesterday's reading about joseph's faith and today's reading about mary and elizabeth's faith i am just in wonder at the depth of their faith and belief. even when what was told to them was so out of the box and life altering for them.
loved how my esv study bible pointed out that even mary's tense in the magnificat points to the certainty of what she believed God would do:
He (Jesus) :
has looked
has done
has shown
has scattered
has brought
has filled
has helped
just so challenged and inspired in a new way this morning to believe. fully and completely believe.
I so needed this! I’m a young single mother and I’m trying to learn how to become a homemaker and take my role as a mother more seriously.
praying for you Elise….a wise friend once told me the two most important prayers for a mother are:
"thank you thank you thank you"
"help me help me help me"
be encouraged that God will meet you where you are. merry christmas!! :)
All I ever wanted was to be a stay at home Mom. Now at 70 I'm still the same Mom worrying about our children. Blessed in more ways than I can count. All of this is only because of the Lord loves us. Thank you for this daily study. I look forward to it every morning.
What a legacy and a gift to your family. Blessed are you indeed, Nana!
can you put the full verse out on the android app? every time I try to switch out to the bible section, the app shuts down.
Meg, I\’m so sorry to hear you\’re having this trouble! Email me at [email protected]-I\’d love to troubleshoot with you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I’ve been reading the ESV Bible for years now, but I still cling to the NIV translation of Luke 1:45 – “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”
I’m not yet a mother with my own children, but as a teacher, & hopeful someday mom, today’s reading means something new to me. Thank you, Lisa-Jo, for your perspective of Mary as a mother.
You're so welcome, Kat. I feel like I learn something new from this passage and from Mary's story each new year, each new child, each new season. Thank you for reading along today.
I also love that Elizabeth is filled with joy for Mary, not jealousy. It could be so easy for her to feel that her pregnancy was shadowed by Mary’s. But she revels in the beauty of Mary’s role, knowing that we can’t all be Mom to the Messiah. Even still, Elizabeth’s role was crucial. Her suffering without a child for so many years and then receiving a miracle conception as well helped give Mary the courage to accept what the angel told her about her own pregnancy. And even more, God *needed* John to prepare the people for Christ. He needed Elizabeth to be where and who she was so Mary could answer her own calling. And I love that she accepted that. I’ve never read this part of the story (what?! I have failed!), and In just so glad to be sharing it here with all you ladies!
This has always been one of my favorite parts of the Bible. I always loved the friendship and connection between Mary and Elizabeth, but you illuminated the scripture in new ways by focusing on the calling of Mary and her joy in carrying out that calling. It is a great reminder to “Bloom where you are planted”.
Wow. I needed this today. I’m laying here in the hospital after surgery and I just found out that I have to have a follow up more invasive surgery and I keep asking God, “What’s my role? I’m just a chronically ill female.” But God uses me in this role. Just the other day before my pre-op, a lady stopped and told me that my shirt, which had Jeremiah 29:11 on it, encouraged her through her sicknesses.
Never take your role for granted because you don’t know who you’ll impact. :)
So wonderful how you are taking such a positive attitude toward your circumstance! Praying for you today that God will use you in mighty ways for His Glory! (and feel better soon!) ♥
Love your post my dear!! So true!! And I understand your circumstance completely! Praying for a complete recovery for you.xo
Praying for you sister!
Yes beautiful Brittanie-Claire – you shine Jesus right where you are – you there in your hospital bed, and tired mamas covered in throw up in their kids' rooms, and me typing at this computer in a cafe this morning after a long week with sick children. We are all Jesus lights and family and we all tell His story of glory and wonder BECAUSE we do it right in the middle of what looks "ordinary" – that's where the light shines the brightest and it's why people are drawn to it – because we all want to understand our every day stories through Jesus' eyes and He has named every part of who we are beloved. So many blessings to you today!
Oh is this EVER a reminder that I need daily – sometimes hourly. He has chosen my role – and it is important, and worthy of praise. THANK you!!
This is my favorite post of the series so far!! We ALL need that reminder that whoever we are, whatever we do – it has a purpose. It is all significant in God’s greater plan.
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This morning I woke up way too early and needed some quiet time. I must confess I have been struggling with the motherhood thing and the working single mom thing. It usually takes a lot to weaken me and this week has about done it. I sat on my couch silently pleading for God to speak to me. This is the first day of the study I have read and oh man it was for me. When I read the title I wasn’t sure if I was going to really get anything out of it (yeah I know that’s bad). But the words have filled my heart and comforted me. This journey I’m on is not by mistake. I feel so blessed and loved. This devotion was like a warm hug from Above.
Oh Kristin, I LOVE hearing that. Yes yes to a big hug from the Father God who is cheering you on and carrying you on the days you're too tired to take one more step. So many warm Christmas blessings, Lisa-Jo
Wow. I needed this today. Yesterday, I questioned my worth and position as a mother. I was wondering why the Lord would trust me to the care and nurture of these 3 blessings. But WE are blessed, everyone of us, within our calling and Gods plan for our lives. Thank you Lord for this devotional and for this group of women. I
"Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!" {Luke 1:45}
Holding ever so tightly to this promise from Him. Whatever season we find ourselves in, may we hold with unswerving hope to His promises for our life. God is good. so good.
Comparison kills contentment. When my eyes wander, I start to see what could be. I let it steal the joy of what is. Today I will magnify in the Lord for he has done great things for ME! Thank you, Lisa-Jo, for the reminder that I am right where I am supposed to be!
Good morning! For whatever reason, this passage in Luke struck me differently this morning than "all those other times" I've read it before. When Mary arrived at Elizabeth's house, she did so "with haste." The angel had just left her. I wonder if she even saw Joseph before she left. She and Joseph both would obviously realize that they had not had a chance to conceive life together. Would she have told her family of the angel's visit before she left? Certainly, Elizabeth would not have known about it. They may not have lived far from one another by today's standards, but they certainly would not have seen each other often. Yet, when Mary simply greets Elizabeth, the mere "Hello, cousin!" sent the baby and Elizabeth into a spiritual tizzy. I gather (not that I've ever researched it) that the Jews were a very vocal and emotional people when it came to being abundantly happy or exceedingly sad. The long-lost cousins' greetings of one another most likely would have been boisterous, anyway, but for Elizabeth to know from Mary's greeting that Mary was carrying the promised Messiah, and then to comfort Mary by confirming what the angel had told her…. all by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in both the women and the pre-born John…. I can only imagine the exuberance of their greeting, praise, and adoration! I don't know about anyone else, but I can believe that God is able and will do what He says He will do, but that doesn't stop me from getting a bit nervous about the "how," the in between from the time I am made aware of what He will do and the time He actually fulfills it. I'm human, after all, and as righteous as Mary was, so was she human. She probably did not worry as much as I tend to, but she had to feel the discomfort and weight of knowing she was pregnant, unwed, and that her family and Joseph had to come to terms with this new "condition" in their own time…. well, in the Lord's timing. His Spirit would have to do the work in their hearts. And so it is with us as we "just mother." Will our children believe, ultimately? Will they stray from our teaching? Only God knows. Our job is to believe, to plant seeds, to water those seeds, and to sit back and allow the Spirit to work…. and to rejoice greatly and loudly at every spiritual victory! Have a blessed day, ladies!
Beautiful post! Mary has always been someone I've been enamored with, her faith and obedience … beautiful. There is such great truth in understanding the trap of "Just a mom". The enemy loves to make us feel less here, but what a beautiful reminder that a "mom" held such a place with God. As we raise these little people, it's refreshing to know just how special a role it is, to remember that we are not just raising our children, but HIS children …. everything matters…. the many pick ups and drop offs, the kissing of boo boos, the peaceful moments of a cuddle, the roaring loud moments of chaos and even the wiping of noses! ~ B
Blessed is she who believed!
What if Mary had not believed?? Lord, help me to take that first step of believing that You are GOD and You have my best interest at heart and see the Big Picture. I don't. That's what trust is all about, putting your very confidence in another even though you may not see the outcome.
Our God is that big, He is that capable and He cares that much where we are and how we are progressing on this journey called "LIFE". My prayer for each of us today is that we will fulfill that calling that He gave us and "work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." Colossians 3:23.
Blessed Thursday! ♥♥♥
That is a great reminder, Candacejo! We must first believe!!!
Such a beautiful post! It reminds me so much of this quote by Elizabeth Elliot that I read earlier today… // This job has been given to me to do. Therefore, it is a gift. Therefore, it is a privilege. Therefore, it is an offering I may make for God. Therefore, it is to be done gladly, if it is done for Him. Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God’s way. In this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness. //
Love this Andi!
Love this and thank you for sharing!
Yes! Thank you for sharing!
Wow. I love this quote! "Therefore, it is a gift. Therefore, it is a privilege… Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God's way. In this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness." Thank you! This inspires and encourages me with what the Lord has called me to do! <3
I’m up at 2:30am nursing my second baby. I needed to read this tonight! What I’m doing is truly a gift and a unique calling from God.
Blessings on you and that sweet baby, Sarah!
God bless you all who read this! You are loved by Him, and as am I! He will never let you go and never has, even though He seems far. He sent his son to die for your sins. Yours. He loves you!
Love, love, LOVE this post
I needed this! I am not a mother, but I am a sister, daughter,cousin, friend, coworker,student, and many other things. I’m still growing and will keep growing as a believer. And I’m so excited to see my callings and for him to use me as he did humble Mary! (:
So much amen to that, Rocio!!
Powerful, powerful post! Here is to this day not being “just a mom.” Thank you SRT!