Day 2


from the This Is the New Testament reading plan

Mark 9:33-37, Mark 10:35-45, Isaiah 52:13-15, Isaiah 53:1-9, Philippians 2:5-11

BY She Reads Truth

 This Is the New Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. As we read, we’ll gain a broader understanding of the redemptive story of Scripture. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. 

What Is Mark? The Gospel of Mark is a fast-paced narrative about the ministry of Jesus. Likely written by John Mark, who knew both Peter and Paul, this Gospel emphasizes Jesus as both the Son of Man and the Son of God. It also shows Jesus as a humble servant leader, willing to suffer and die on the cross. 

How Mark Fits Into the Story: The Gospel of Mark clarifies the nature of the promised Messiah. Though many individuals in Jesus’s day tried to claim the title, Mark redefined it in light of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection. Jesus, the one, true Messiah, was a suffering servant, both fully human and fully divine. Mark’s Gospel shows us how Jesus’s authority, in both teaching and miracles, is present alongside His humanity. 

Reflection Questions: 
1. How do today’s readings about Jesus’s character and demeanor change your understanding of God’s posture toward His people?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

Post Comments (93)

93 thoughts on "Mark"

  1. Dorothy says:

    I love reading the info SRT provides as well as all of your posts. In the section “How Mark fits into the story” I found the last paragraph interesting and new info I hadn’t known — “Mark’s Gospel shows us how Jesus’s authority, in both teaching and miracles, is present alongside His humanity.” So often we take for granite what is said in the Bible and don’t care about learning anything new. Because of these two studies I have decided I want to take time and “really closely” read through the Bible. I want to do it in chronological order though because I think it might make more since. I also will probably use several different versions so I can understand it better. I hope to use a study or devotional or two also to help me.
    Have a great day sisters and be blessed. The has blessed me today — I’m getting ready to pick up a bonus check from my work for staying on with them. Some will of course goto the Lord.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Wonderful to hear about your bonus Dorothy! I have also been reading through the Bible in order- I’m in 2 Samuel now. Let me know if you have good resources you like, I have a cultural study guide Bible that I like to read from.

  2. Anna Cyr says:

    After watching the first season of the “The Chosen” I hear Jesus in the voice of the actor who played him. That series really brings out for me that Jesus was very much fully man. Kind, intentional, and full of all emotions. And yet the scriptures remind me how much he is also fully God. Kings are silenced because of him. Such a beautiful paradox that brings me to a point of pause and praise.

    1. Stacey Pittsinger says:

      I do the same thing. Jesus in The Chosen is a very different portrayal than the one in say “Jesus of Nazareth”

  3. Makenzie Benish says:

    I see Jesus as so humble and forgiving. Every time I stray from Him I know He will accept me back with open arms.

  4. Sarah D. says:

    Amen Teresa!
    Also, prayer request for me…in two weeks I’ll be starting my full time job at my college I just graduated from!! Part of me is excited, and the other part is nervous because…Well, this is it. I’m moving out of my parents house and living on my own (with roommates/friends I know though, so that’s a blessing for sure). I’ll be paying rent myself and groceries etc., so it’s just a little crazy/overwhelming. Also a full time job…I definitely did not expect this 6 months ago. But God. I’m praying that this is where he wants me, and that he would continue to guide me. I’m continually surrendering and trusting him, and asking that if he doesn’t want me here, to take it away or show me where to go. I just want to serve him witn my life. After 6 months of working for the university, they will be able to pay for a masters program. I’m glad I still have time to decide whether I want to get a master of teaching in elementary ed…hoping to shadow a teacher at some point to see what it’s like in the classroom. It’s definitely a shift from what my major was, but I’m praying that God would open and close doors and show me if he wants me to become a teacher. Sorry I’m rambling, lots of emotions but I know even in the changing seasons, God remains the same! Thank you Lord! Love you wll , praying for your requests as well.

  5. Sarah D. says:

    Man,the theme of Jesus being the suffering servant struck a chord in me…who am I to think I’m so great or better than others? This is a small thing, but at work yesterday a guy asked me if I’d rather spend a day with Miley Cyrus or Katie Perry. And my immediate response was neither, because I don’t like either of them or their styles…but as I think about it now, even though they aren’t Christians and do some pretty inappropriate things, if I had a day with them, I could share the gospel with them and try to understand their hearts. I automatically thought I’m so much better than them because I don’t do the things they do, but in reality, we’re all sinful. And Jesus came for all of us. He did not come to call the righteous, but the sinners. He came to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. Thank you Lord, you came even knowing my sin. help me serve like you served.

  6. Teresa says:

    The servant leader verses stand out to me, as does the radical hospitality in it all. A pastor challenged me this week, saying, if Jesus showed up at your home today, how would you treat him? Roll out the carpet, find the best meal, circle up and listen close? (Like Abraham to the three strangers?) Then he said, “now picture someone you’re not getting along with showing up to the door. Different politics, religion, ideologies, lifestyle etc. What would it be like to welcome them like you’d welcome Jesus?” And that melted me. What if I could put down all the “but he/she is wrong!” And actually love on people the way that Jesus asked me to? And suddenly, I remembered a lot of redeeming qualities about the people I’m not to fond of right now. How one of the bought me clothes when I was broke and pregnant. How another cooked us meals after his divorce. How others have insights and love to offer, even if there are walls that divide us. I want to be more hospitable this year, and these verses make me wonderfully uncomfortable about exactly what that really means.

    1. Caroline Farmer says:

      Thank you for sharing!

    2. Melody Bates says:

      This is very convicting for me in my current situation. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Nads says:

    @ TRACI GENDRON, Amen Lord!! Clean the inside of my cup!

    @ OMORINSOLA AJAYI, it should seem apparent but, sometimes so easy to forget — “If God can die for us, there’s nothing else He won’t do for our own good.”– Thank you

  8. Nads says:

    @ ANGIE & MARI V…I also reached out to SRT re: Churchmouse… excited they know how to reach her. I’m praying she is well and feels blessed by our love.

    @ MARI V, your comment resonated with me “I need to keep in mind I am at my work place to serve…As hard as it is to say that, that’s OK because my identity is not in my position at work. Even though it hurt sometimes… called to do a job and to do it well. I am blessed to say, “I love my job!””

    @ERB and @KATHY, I’m praying.

    @ ANGIE (and all my sisters with physical pain / ailments)… praying! What are the chances you can get “school starts in less than a month” out of your mind for now?! ❤️

    In the meantime,…thank you for the insights about MARK the Evangelist and how God can use each of us…I LOVE THAT!! I will add that my studies show Mark was headed to Libya but, as he was passing through Alexandria, he broke his sandal strap which led him to visit the shoeshop of Anianus, who became the first Christian convert in Egypt. Through this and other interactions, MANY, many were converted. He is credited with being the instrument God used to bring Egypt to Christ!! (Egypt is also where he died for the name of Jesus.)

    Really, Lord Jesus?! Can You use ME like that?!

    1. Mari V says:


    2. Beverly Watley says:


    3. Chris Swan says:

      Wow. Loved that bit of info

    4. Victoria E says:

      @Nads that is so awesome!! Thanks for sharing that information

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