Many Gifts but One Body

Open Your Bible

Romans 12:1-8, 1 Corinthians 12:12-14, Ephesians 4:1-16

It is clear from these readings that Paul understood human nature. Even the early church suffered division, comparison, and judgment. Be encouraged; there is nothing new under the sun! Some had walked with Jesus in the flesh, and they still struggled with understanding how the body of Christ fits together. 

Have you ever felt this way? Have you ever looked at the Instagram page of a dear sister and felt envy? Or maybe you feel you’ll never measure up to your own mother’s gifting? Does a difference in strengths cause conflict in your marriage? I know I’ve fallen prey to these types of thoughts.

Fitting together as one body is hard; it can be complicated and complex. Our sanctification is incomplete, so we are tempted toward jealousy and judgment. We look to our neighbors and think that if they just got on board with our ministry, the world would function better. We turn our noses up at a social media post by a friend because we think she isn’t doing the most important work. 

Or we ruminate on the same type of judgment but in the opposite direction. We look at the portion God has given us and think we aren’t adequate. We can be tempted to wallow in pity that we aren’t as good at speaking, writing, or creating as that other woman. We think we could serve the kingdom better if we were more gifted at hospitality. Or maybe we’d be more important if God gave us a different set of gifts. Paul encourages us to mature by putting this type of thinking away (Ephesians 4:14).

As Romans makes clear, we are saved by grace through faith alone, but the fruit of that salvation will compel us to present our bodies as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1). 

Society will continually have us fighting over which cause, type of person, or set of gifting is greatest in the kingdom. We could change our opinion of who has value and what is worthwhile based on the whims of culture. Testing these conclusions against Scripture, giving the benefit of the doubt, and serving shoulder-to-shoulder with other believers is practicing Biblical discernment. 

As God is faithful to grow and sanctify us, we can look at ourselves and each person in our life, thanking God for every gift. No one is insignificant in the kingdom of God. We can also look to our own hearts and ask the Holy Spirit to convict us of any division that we need to confess and seek forgiveness for. 

Christ is the unifying head of our body—won’t he do it?

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42 thoughts on "Many Gifts but One Body"

  1. Jessica Thomas says:

    What jumped out at me is Romans 12, 6-8.

    God placed this on my heart a little while ago when I took on a ladies craft group from a leader suffering bereavement. It was supposed to be a group commitment yet I felt like I was carrying the load. I prayed about it and God told me, this was a skill he had given to me and I was most suited to the role. He also told me to stop grumbling and give my gift cheerfully!

    Today, I have found the scripture that supports that prayer and it renews me with strength. God has a plan for me, I just need to trust him!


  2. Isabella Ibrahim says:


  3. Christina Sach says:

    16 from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. – Ephesians 4:16
    This is so beautiful.

  4. Chelsea Wilson says:

    Thank you for sharing your heart from todays bible readings. I learn from many of you because God has laid great insight on your hearts. I am a missionary and one things I tell our ministry team is that we are working shoulder-by-shoulder. I am not superior to the nationals because I am a missionary. I am to work together with the team God is forming here so we can each take our significant role in the body of Christ. Sometimes we must humble ourself to work as one, and sometimes we must have the confidence that can only come from God to work as one. Meaning, sometimes we feel superior and other times we feel inadequate, but no matter, we can work shoulder-by- shoulder as one. I love the picture that we all are part of the body, we all have a role that is no more or less important than another. We all have to be in communication for the body to function well, and we all must be sensitive to the voice of the Lord to clearly understand our function so the body can go on well. If someone feels insignificant then the body cannot work smoothly, if someone take on too much of the load than that part of the body will become weak… it’s complex, but also beautiful. We are all important in the work of the Lord!

  5. Teresa Donley says:

    Kimberly Z – thank you for pointing out the need to cleanse from social media. I pray that God strengthens you and leads you in this endeavor. I, too, have the problem (addiction?) of spending too much time on social media. I ask for your prayers.

  6. Claire B says:


  7. Kimberly Z says:

    What a great reminder today as I am often stuck in scrolling paralysis from social media. I need to do a cleanse from it because it does take up so much of my time. @MERCY – love your comment about wanting to stay a small side business because I too have felt that prompt but often hold myself back out of fear. Praying you find a way to go for it and that it works for you and your family. @RHONDA J – praying for your back pain and you find ways to be thankful for things like your pain group. Happy Friday ladies! Praying for all of your requests.

  8. Kimberly Z says:

    What a great reminder today as I am often stuck in scrolling paralysis from social media. I need to do a cleanse from it because it does take up so much of my time. @MERCY – love your comment about wanting to stay a small side business because I too have felt that prompt but often hold myself back

  9. sophie marie says:

    looking at other ppl and thanking God for their gifts can be a game changer…need to do this more often!!

  10. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    One body, many parts – working together to accomplish God’s will: unity in the faith, unity in the knowledge of God, and becoming mature. (Ephesians 4:12-13) God has designed the “body” so beautifully. He has gifted each of us in a particular way to accomplish His purpose and to fulfill His plan. But in order to be successful, we must each do our part but also work together. We are all needed, not one of us is insignificant. Don’t fall into the trap that I so often fall into – thinking I have no gifts, nothing to offer or that what he or she has to offer is better than what I can. I constantly have to remind myself – it is God who gives out the gifts, His choice for each of us. I want to practice being thankful for the gifts He has given me – and stop complaining about the gifts He hasn’t given to me but has given to someone else. His way not mine. His way is perfect – mine is not!

    Blessings to all of you – have a wonderful evening! See you all here tomorrow!

  11. Mercy says:

    @SEARCHING: what great insight! Why do we keep doing something if we know we shouldn’t. This reminds me of Dave Ramsey’s wise words, human nature is 20% head knowledge, and 80% behavior.
    @KELLY NEO: amen to the tendency of crawling off the altar lol.
    @RHONDA J: glad my holler made you smile. Your comments often make me smile too. Praying for your back pain healing.
    @ALEIDA: safe trip to CA and successful reconciliation with Victor.
    @ALLISON BENTLEY: prayers for you and your best friend to turn away from gossip. This takes intentionality, and I find that this sin slips in very sneakily. Happened to me too and I had to repent & ask God to guard my words / conversations before I spoke to a particular person.
    @COLLEEN DEVEAU: amen and amen! Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts.
    @KRISTINE LOUGHMAN: praying for a school year of peace, unity, and more strength, healing for your feet and overall. By God’s grace, may you be kept away from division and anything negative/ toxic that the environment can bring. Hugs!
    @TEACHERS/SCHOOL STAFF SHE’S: big thank you and appreciation to you for your daily sacrifice to raise and mold the next generation. May God give you wisdom, strength, endurance, joy, and many rewards & great blessings to you and your families.
    Be blessed dear sisters. I hope you all have a great weekend! Love and blessings to you all sweet and faithful shes.

  12. Mercy says:

    Happy Friday dear she’s.
    I can’t express how much I love the devotional today. Thank you KASEY MOFFETT for such wisdom and beautiful writing. What a gift of communication you have.

    My a few take-away points from the Scriptures today:

    1- Be the Holy living sacrifice: do we give to God an offering that costs us nothing? (2 Samuel 24:24). No, we don’t and should not. Sacrifice will cost us something, whether our time, our great ambitions, our focus and attention, our previous ungodly friends or old habits that we need to separate ourselves with, or even family members (this hurts). May our sacrifice be HOLY and ACCEPTABLE to God. Without holiness, no one will see God.

    2- Testing to discern God’s will: three levels are mentioned: GOOD, ACCEPTABLE, and PERFECT (my translations KJV and ESV). This implies “what is good” might not be acceptable to God… or else acceptable would not make its own category. Acceptable is higher than Good, and Perfect is higher than Acceptable. Yikes. Besides, what’s acceptable to man might not be acceptable to God (God’s ways are higher). Testing to discern God’s will is one of the more challenging navigations for me. Recently I had to discern which dentists to choose, a job transition that has many details to weigh if it fits our family’s needs and goals, and even a nudge to do a small side business that I have been terrified to start (please please pray for me). But something is so encouraging, we have a God who said (in writing and in covenant), ask of Me anything, anything, and I will give it to you so that your JOY might be full (John 16:24). Since He said it, He would do it. So may we be soooo encouraged to ask Him for insights and wisdom to discern correctly according to His will, to reach and come close to the PERFECT will of God, along with courage and determination so we may be able to carry it out. I remember Moses, when he knew God’s PERFECT will is to confront Pharaoh through him and his stuttering, he got terrified. But again, back to “ask of Me anything”, may it be courage, eloquent words, etc. so we might be equipped to go forth with joy. How amazing it is that we each have various gifts of Grace from our Father of All Grace, Father of All Wisdom, Father of “All things are possible”. We need not compare our gifts or measure up to other members, but each is significant in its own rights.

    3- Grow up in EVERY way into Christ, joined and held together by every joint (Ephesians 4:15-16). Not grow up in some ways, but every way. Not individually as a lone star, but together knitted with the community of faith (the Body of Christ). We strive for the ONENESS by the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3)

  13. Erica Chiarelli says:

    So good and such a great reminder..I see others with different gifts and it’s hard sometimes and I wish I was different…but God made me to be me. I can bless Him differently than others…my calling is different…

  14. Terri Baldwin says:

    We can ask the Holy Spirit to convict us of any division that we need to confess and seek forgiveness for.

  15. Tia Watkins says:

    What a great reading today. I read verse 8 in the message and it really encourage sober thinking on another level.

  16. June Pimpo says:

    Such a rich scripture today and good devo. Oh that we would know what it looks like to be a living sacrifice today.

  17. Cheryl Blow says:

    3 For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. 4 For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, – Romans 12:3-4

    Help me to not think more highly of myself but to think with sober judgment.

    It seems that the only person I should be judging is myself. Help me to daily take a sober assessment of myself but through Christ ‘s lens of love and righteousness.

    3 For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. 4 For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, – Romans 12:3-4

    Oh, wow! I needed this lesson! Even in just judging myself so critically! God is good and He loves us. When He convicts us, it does not tear us down. It leads us to repentance and change. Not condemnation!

  18. Maria Baer says:

    To all the educators in this group— we see you and we are praying for you. You are entrusted with a big job and we know it’s not easy. Praying that the Holy Spirit guide you all throughout this new school year.

  19. Mari V says:

    “No on is insignificant is the kingdom of God”. I love this and needed to hear this, and and in Kasey’s last paragraph, I am encouraged to search my own heart and get those ugly thoughts out of my head that I’m better than others, because I’m not. I’m just a sinful as they are, yet , I have one advantage, I am a sinner saved by Grace, and they need to know that.

    Happy Friday sweet She’s! So far, my training in my new position is going great! Last night we had an event at our school where we met our students. The kindergarten teacher that I’m going to be a para for was unable to make it. So the kindergartners and their parents met me. It’s all GOD! My Lord, my Jesus gets all the glory! It went great! I’m looking forward to getting to know these little ones! I’m so excited! God is so good!

  20. Laura says:

    I love this section from Ephesians 4…growing into maturity with a stature measured by Christ’s fullness. 14 Then we will no longer be little children, tossed by the waves and blown around by every wind of teaching, by human cunning with cleverness in the techniques of deceit.

    I want to strive to be mature in my faith and knowledge of God’s Word so that I am not easily tossed and blown around by the deceit of the Devil.

    To all of the school employees out there, my prayers are with you as well, for encouragement and steadfastness in your witness. It is not an easy task. Working with children, parents and fellow teachers really can be a daily challenge to stand firm in your faith and beliefs. This will be my first year NOT returning to the classroom after 30 years of teaching. Many have asked me if it is bitter-sweet, and unfortunately it is mostly just sweet – haha – as I will not miss much of the bureaucracy and hypocrisy that was happening at my school district, but I will miss the students and my team, who served as a mission field to me over those many years of teaching but also as a source of joy and love.

  21. Lori Lackey says:

    Kristine, I was also convicted, but am excited to see how God will work through public educators this year!! Where two or more are gathered ( . God is with them!!

  22. Lori Lackey says:

    Wow! Today’s reading just became my theme for the 2023-2024 school year. I am a Superintendnet of a Charter school with two campuses. We have over 100 employees. My desire for this year is to (non verbally) express how important and vital for our success, each and every person is. Staff, students, and even parents. ❤️

  23. Allison Bentley says:

    Thank you for such a beautiful devotional and all the comments- my heart is convicted. Asking for prayer – my best friend whom I love dearly is someone I gossip with and judge others with. Every time I engage in these sins my heart is immediately convicted and I kick myself but I can’t stop- I know that what we say to each other is held in confidence and we even sometimes use the old “we should pray for them” but I am really looking for Gods direction on how to move forward with our friendship- Lord I ask for help on how to approach her about this so not as placing myself above her and to stop this bad habit! Happy Friday sisters!!

  24. Rhonda J. says:

    That’s funny, comment with to Administration.

    MARIA BAER your comment made me laugh that “teaching is not for the faint of heart!” I tried to substitute and it lasted only 3 teaching days! I was not good! lol. And that was with 3rd grade, 1st grade, and kindergarten!!
    Prayers for all you teachers, especially public schools. Although that is challenging to be among unlike minded people, you are needed there!! Thank you!

  25. Kristen Marino says:

    For Him, Through Him, and To Him! He deserves the glory! Please let this be our anthem. Make us repentant and humble. Please cleanse us and help us to walk worthy of your calling! Amen
    @Kelly Neo Thanks for what you shared. May God give you wisdom to know your role and may you shine for Him each day! Amen

  26. Rhonda J. says:

    GM She’s! Happy Friday!

    Thank you Kelly for that, I never want to sound like “bragging” at the things “I dO,” I just really do love to use my time now more wisely for God I don’t want to be caught up in business that really does nothing for the kingdom of God. I spent so much money and time on hair, clothes, shoes, stuff, shopping…all such superficial stuff, all though I loved God, but I knew he was convicting me to “think first of the kingdom of God.” That’s what’s important. I used to think I wasn’t good enough to lead or teach, but I have been trusting and stepping out in faith. My class is wrapping up tomorrow, and it was such a blessing! I want to do another one in the Fall, but trying not to get ahead of God by doing what I want, and not what He wants. (that is sometimes hard for me to hear what is from God.) Plus deciding on a book to study is challenging as well. I feel on my heart that I want something “easy” that doesn’t take lots of time for all the busy people that work, so we can come together on Saturday mornings and drink some coffee outside Panera, but yet direct EVERYTHING BACK to Jesus and how he wants to be the center of our lives! Thank you if you could pray for the right book to be chosen if God is leading me to do another group!

    Thank you all for the prayers for my back. It is definitely giving me some extra headaches, but if it didn’t then life would be grandiose and I would probably not going to a Pain group, where we can pray for each other and keep our eye on the prize…One day perfect healing in eternity! Prayers for all of you! Let’s keep our eyes on the prize, what God has for each of us in the sanctification process! Who we can minister to, who we can give a helping hand to, who we can invite for dinner or make a meal for, who we can give an encouraging word or smile to! We have gifts from our Father God Almighty…which is pretty AMAZING!

  27. Michelle Patire says:

    Good morning, Shes! Happy Friday!
    Thinking of @Aleida today – hope you are doing well with your visit with Victor.

    Thankful for all of you!

    Before reading today, I was praying and was reminded of Romans 12:1-2 (and how it has played a big role in my life) and woah, there it is in our devotional! I remember that verse being taped to the back of my bedroom door in NY (so I could memorize it), when I first started doing Bible studies as an adult. I would see it every time I left my room. It has stuck with me and man, how I needed it!!

    God bless you and keep you,
    Make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you!

  28. Maria Baer says:

    KRISTINE— Teaching is not for the faint of heart, and I am so grateful for those who, like you, become educators to guide our children. Praying that the weekend brings you refreshment of the soul and body. Happy weekend!

  29. Maria Baer says:

    The way this study, but especially today’s Scripture, has been convicting to me and has helped me identified areas in life where I need to improve and areas where there are divisions that may be causing straying where there shouldn’t be none. Thank you, Holy Spirit for opening my eyes via your discernment and counsel, to take account for these areas and put the negative thinking away. And let me be happy with the gifts that you have given me instead of wishing I had others. Because you have equipped us the gifts you know we need. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  30. Aimee D-R says:

    I can fall prey to this easily…judging others or myself harshly. Father forgive me and give me Your eyes to see and wisdom to understand and a heart to love. In JESUS name, Amen

  31. ERB says:

    KELLY (NEO) you got it my sister!!! Praying for wisdom and discernment.. that God would give you His eyesight and that you would boldly and confidently walk in what He is showing you. You are a light and an integral part of the Body and your work team. Find your definition in Him and Him alone. He has GOT you and He is SO proud of you!!! You are SO loved and SO valued!!! You are SEEN!!! Keep walking in what you know to be true!!! Love you!!! And will keep praying!!! Xoxo

    Today’s scriptures… Wow!!! These verse are POWER-PACKED!!! There is SO much in them!!! Life adjusting, altering and changing stuff!!!

    Ephesians 4:1-6
    **God is above all, through all and in all!!! Walk WORTHY of the calling you have received!!! Wow!!!! There is SO MUCH in here!!! Lord, help us live according to Your Way and Your righteousness. Amen.

    Ephesians 4:13-16
    **Unity. Maturity. Discernment. Truth. Faith. Love. Understanding Christ, His position and His FULLness. Wow!!! Again, there is SO much here!!! I will be soaking ALL of this in… letting it change, mold and make me like clay in the Potter’s hands.. not comfortable or easy, but SO worth it!!! Amen.

    Romans 12:1-3
    **we cannot live in mercy without God. And we cannot be living sacrifices without His mercy!!! Amazing how God connects/weaves it all and brings it full circle!!! May we subject and submit ourselves to Him and Him alone! For He is the One who renews and transforms!!! Let us give our hearts and minds over to Him FULLY & COMPLETELY!!! Forsaking this world and age for the eternal inheritance God has so graciously and faithfully promised/fulfills for us!! Let us not think of ourselves more highly than we think of God!!! Amen. Wow! That hits home deep for me!!!

    Romans 12 6-8
    **”according to the grace given to us, …and according to the proportion of one’s faith” REALLY stood out to me!! Made me think of the mustard seed. If faith THAT small can move mountains and seas…where is my faith at? Am I trusting more in myself than I am God? Am I believing in what I’m seeing and not believing in what I hope for? Yikes!!! Definitely makes you stop and think!!! What also STOOD out to me was: giving with generosity, leading with DILIGENCE and showing mercy with CHEERFULNESS. All of it, definitely brings in accountability and gives a good chiropractic adjustment and alignment!! Thank You for this God!!

    May each of us let God’s word and Way soak down deep within, and change us!! We love You Lord!!! Amen. ❤️

  32. Brooke P says:


  33. Lynn Sokolowski says:


  34. Samantha A says:

    Thankful that the responsibility to complete this good work rests on the eternally capable and powerful shoulders of Jesus. It is not my job to sanctify my family, friends, or myself! HE began this good work, and HE will carry it on to completion ♥️

  35. Searching says:

    Contrast, compare, judge, feel superior, feel inferior, ugh. When I take a good, long, hard look at myself, it’s easy (+ uncomfortable) to see there’s a lot of work I need to do on myself – which shouldn’t leave me any time to focus on improvements/changes “I think” others need. But guess what, somehow I still find the time :( and that reminds me of the saying that when you point a finger at others, there are 3 pointing back at you. We are all gifted in different ways and my focus should be on unity rather than division, commonalities rather than differences, ways to move forward rather than backward or remaining at status quo, how can my gifts be used to help you use your gifts?

    KELLY (NEO) praying for wisdom as the workplace transition continues ❤️

    JENNYL, CLAIRE B, TRACI GENDRON, CHANGED LIFE, KIMBERLY Z, COLLEEN DEVEAU, RHONDA J, THERESA and others – JennyL, thank you for sharing and starting a conversation on feeling or not feeling close, or as close, to the Lord as we have or want. There is a lot of comfort in knowing I am not alone in feeling an ebb and flow in my relationship with Him as I learn more about and lean on Him. I need to always remember God loves me and that never changes. Praise the Lord!

    ALEIDA – praying for Victor and you

    ERB – thank you for the update on your brother, awesome to hear! And thanks to KELLY (NEO) for asking ❤️ I am thankful you are able to join us again, I am blessed by the insights you share.

    KRISTIN ❤️

    KRISTINE LOUGHMAN, SARAH D, CEE GEE’s son/DIL, MARI V and others teaching and working in the schools – praying as preparations are made and the new school year starts this week for some and the next few weeks for others. Especially praying for children coming to school that are dealing with unseen/unknown challenges – hunger, grief, bullying, mental health and more. I read an article earlier this week about an issue that had never crossed my mind – children whose families don’t have access (or consistent access) to laundry facilities, and the missed school days because they don’t have clean clothes.

  36. Linda in NC says:

    Colleen, what an excellent illustration you gave with Mary Poppins! It seems so simple to understand God’s giftings. Blessed Friday to each She and continued prayers for each situation our lives

  37. Colleen DeVeau says:

    Good morning, dear sisters. Thank you for all the things that you share each day. I am encouraged by them and so grateful for you. Father, help me to keep remembering to pray for each one. My memory isn’t the best, but You’ve called me to pray just the same. Help me to lean on You in this.
    As far as today’s reading goes, I’ve read these verses before — I’m sure you have, too — but I read them differently today. Isn’t God so good? I’m going to share some of my notes & prayers with you.
    Romans 12:1-2 — What we have been given is from Him, for Him, and to Him. The renewing of our minds and presenting our bodies to him as living sacrifices are daily needs and practices. I love that quote that you shared, @KELLY (NEO). Oh, how I wish we would just stay on that altar where we belong. Abba, help me and humble me. It is all by Your grace and all for You and Your glory.
    Romans 12:3-5 — No person or gift is higher than another. God gives that “measure of faith to each one,” no one else.
    Romans 12:6-8 — It is ALL BY GRACE — I keep saying this because I need the reminder. We need to use our gifts properly, for each gift is GIVEN BY GRACE.
    1 Corinthians 12:12-14 — One body. One Spirit. No one is better than another. We were all given the same Spirit to drink. Remember that scene in Mary Poppins ( the one with Julie Andrews) where she pours out the medicine for each kid and herself, but it all comes out in different colors and flavors? That’s what the Spirit being distributed to us is like. It’s all coming from the same bottle, but it’s different for each person. None is better. It all does the same thing as it is for the same purpose. It just may be colored or taste a little different. (God just showed me that as I was typing up these notes. Here is so good!)
    Ephesians 4:1-3 — Father, PLEASE help me and humble me. Help me to remember HOW to use my gifts and WHY I have them in the first place.
    Ephesians 4:4-5 — ONE body ONE Spirit ONE hope ONE Lord ONE Faith ONE baptism ONE God and Father of ALL who is above all through all and in all. So much obnoxious underlining here for emphasis. I need this to get through my head. It’s all united for all and for Him.
    Ephesians 4:7-15 — I hate to chunk this together as there’s so much here, but…Here we go. All of the grace that we have been given is according to the measure of Christ’s gift. No one deserves or has earned more. He chose, not us. It is not based on us in any way, but it is solely based on Him. We all MUST work together with what He has given us for the growth of the whole body to occur, and it all must be done in love so that everything can work properly as He intends it to.
    My prayer: You have given me a lot, and it is all by grace. I have done nothing to earn it or deserve it. It is not by my faith — You gave me my faith anyway. And each gift You have given me was made by You, for You, and for the benefit of the body. I, therefore, have the responsibility to develop what You have graciously given, watering it like a young plant, keeping the bugs and weeds of pride and jealousy away for the benefit of Your body — not mine. It is for You, by You, from You, and to You alone. Please, forgive me for ever thinking otherwise. Help me and humble me, Father, so that I may use what You alone have given for Your will, Your way, and the people around me. Teach me more and more each day to trust You and not to forget what You have said and promised. I love You, Daddy. Amen.

  38. Kristine Loughman says:

    Ooh, this one hit me where it hurts. I’m quick to judgement, and starting school again has just given me another arena in which to be judgy. Ugh. There are certain people I work with who I just want to get on board already! They cause division in our team because they don’t seem to have the same goals and priorities. This was an excellent reminder that we’re all one body and must find a way to work together, and me pointing out someone’s flaws is revealing my own heart to be just as flawed. Sigh. It’s a never ending work and I’m relentlessly grateful that Jesus doesn’t give up on me!

    Ladies, there aren’t no tired like first day of school tired. But here we are in day two and it’s Friday! Prayers for my fellow educators and all you beautiful She’s!

  39. Donna Mitchell says:


  40. Gabby Morris says:


  41. Kelly (NEO) says:

    I’m sure you all have heard this pithy quip, but it is true, “the trouble with living sacrifices is they tend to crawl off the altar.”

    JENNYL – prayers for the Lord to bring you peace and help you to silence the whispers of the enemy. The fact that you are seeking more of the Lord shows the Spirit’s work in you. The unredeemed have no such desire. In past times of such “dark night of the soul” seasons, finding a new way to serve others help break the funk. In other tomes, I found being challenged to a deep dive study by a more mature Christian friend who would keep me accountable got me over the dull drums.

    ERB – so glad to hear the update on your brother and that he healed up, was able to finish school and is doing what he wanted to do. Pray that I would have God’s wisdom in my workplace. It has been in transition with new (good) leadership in the last two years and I’m trying to navigate my role in all of it. Thanks.

    RHONDA J – thankful for the ways you serve Jesus and the testimonies you share.

  42. Juanita Mills says:
