
Open Your Bible

Malachi 3:13-18, Malachi 4:1-3, Hebrews 1:1-9

This is the last week of This Is the Old Testament! Next week, we’ll continue our thematic overview of the entire Bible with This Is The New Testament. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book or two of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. 

What Is Malachi? The book of Malachi rebukes Judah’s sins by quoting their own words, repeating their own thoughts, and describing their own attitudes. As a motivation for obedience, the prophet Malachi pointed to God’s demonstrations of love for Israel, their spiritual and covenant unity with God and one another, and a coming day of salvation and blessing for those who fear Him.

How Malachi Fits Into the Story: Malachi is the last prophetic message from God before the close of the Old Testament period. Malachi reminds us that we have a great, loving, and holy God, who has unchanging and glorious purposes for His people. This God calls us to genuine worship, fidelity to Himself and to one another, and expectant faith in what He is doing and says He will do for His people.

Reflection Questions: 
1. How does today’s reading offer closure to the Old Testament narrative? How does it also foreshadow the hope of Christ to come?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

(77) Comments

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77 thoughts on "Malachi"

  1. Claire B says:

    Prayers for negative and a good trip.

  2. Kathy M says:


  3. Katie J says:

    I will definitely pray for Alyssa! God bless!

  4. Mari V says:

    Please pray for my daughter Alyssa as she impatiently is waiting for negative Covid results so she’s able to go to camp. She’s so stressed and moody.

  5. Melissa Mcronney says:


  6. Victoria E says:

    @HopeTrent- here is a verse for you in your TWW: “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Gal 6:9

  7. Claire B says:

    PamC, I remember that as well now that you mention it. Social media has turned many away. I know she has a daughter her in Alabama but I never asked where. Hopefully she will pop in to say she is okay.

  8. Victoria E says:

    Ashleigh Horner thank you. I really needed that encouragement!

  9. Miriam says:

    Have so appreciated this OT study! Something that stood out to me the whole time is how much God pursues His people. He goes through great lengths for us! Also praising Him for His faithfulness to each one of us–so evident in all these comments!

  10. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that we are God’s possession. He always protects and provides for his people, the people who serve and love him. I have loved this study; seeing how much God loves and fights for his people. Have a great weekend ladies!❤️

  11. Ashleigh Horner says:

    Congratulations to you and your hubby, Victoria! Praying for your continued health in this pregnancy and for a healthy baby at the end of it. I can highly recommend you hide some verses in your heart because, if you are anything like I was after a miscarriage and finally success in IVF, you may find fear that makes it hard to remain joyous and hopeful in this season. Romans 12:12 and Zephaniah 3:17 were good verses to cling to for me.

  12. Ashleigh Horner says:

    Before this study, I can truly say I did not give the OT the reverence it deserves as a part of the Bible. By that, I mean that I tend to treat it as old history that is interesting to read but not tying it to the redemption story the way I should. Malachi certainly gives me much food for thought as he prophesied before Jesus came about Gods provision for us.

    Praying for all the prayer requests shared. I would love prayers to be brave and find a church home to be a part of. My hubby and I have floated for far too long at our current church. I’d like to try new ones out then determine where we fit best. If it’s at our current church, then fine. We need to be more committed and active in our church.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Ashleigh I am adding this to my prayer list.

  13. PamC says:

    This study has been Amazing! Thank you SRT, and all here.
    Nads, Donna Wolcott on the topic of kneeling…I too was brought up in a church that kneeled (Episcopalian). I MISS being able to kneel. Nads your post had me sobbing for your bold and generous offer. Thank you for all of us whose old knees just can’t work that way any more. May the Lord bless you greatly.
    Rhonda J I too am appalled at what and who young people today miss. I heard a sermon this past Sunday from Passion City Church by a Andrew Scott. I don’t know how to link stuff but it’s on YouTube in their feed. He talks about 94% of the world’s population knowing about Coca Cola but only about 50% knowing about Jesus. He goes on to talk about not needing to go on “missions”, but to just go live our lives & share Jesus throughout the world. Sometimes I think we forget that we need to be doing our job right here.
    Victoria E. Praising the Lord. Lauren, for you too! And Crystal…yay!
    ERB, Rhonda J, Karrie (you & your family), and all the other requests I’m praying.
    Brenda Walsh I don’t know about Churchmouse’s name, but I do remember she told us last summer that she had gotten off and closed all her social media accounts. They were stressing her out too much. I’m praying we’ll hear from her too. I miss her.
    My prayers for a blessed weekend for all y’all.

  14. Dorothy says:

    But God — He lets His people have it in Malachi 4. The first part of Malachi 4 reminds me some of parts of the book of Revelation. But God — He is a forgiving, loving, caring, compassionate God. Yet He will rebuke you if you do wrong.
    Father, I praise Your name and love You. Forgive my wrong doings, You know best what they are. Help me through my troubled times and be with me in the good times. Alleluia and Amen.
    Prayers sent to all who need them and be blessed sisters and have a great weekend.

  15. Victoria E says:

    Melanie, MelanieK, ERB, Donna Wolcott, Taylor, Maura, Nads,Deanna, CeeGee, MariV and ALL, thank you! Thank you all for your continued prayer for a healthy pregnancy. I firmly believe prayer is powerful! I am speechless at al the insightful comments, raw testimony, emotional openness and support here in this community. This is such a wonderful example of God’s kingdom here on earth that I have never seen the like of. I will continue to pray for those requests mentioned here. @Karrie thank you for sharing your request here today. @Maura and ERB praying for you as well. @HopeTrent praying for your peace of mind and that Hod’s might hand will be evident to you in your life during this TWW and always. This study has been great, I’ve never done the entire OT, having always felt “afraid” of the God in the OT but as someone mentioned He has not changed and His love is evident throughout the OT despite the Israelites fickleness. How can we ever deserve such a mighty and loving and just God? Never ! Sometimes that is too much for my mind to comprehend and I just have to read Romans to hear Paul explain this amazing news. Sorry so long today!

    1. Claire B says:

      Blessings upon blessings for you and your family. So many young women Victoria, with pregnancy issues. Thank you for allowing us to pray for you and yours and your medical team. Listen to Him he will guide you.

      1. Victoria E says:

        Thank you Claire B! Thank you so very much for praying.

    2. GramsieSue . says:

      So happy for you and your husband Victoria! Praying for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby! Hugs ❤️

      1. Victoria E says:

        Thank you @GramsieSue! I hope you are recovering well, praying for your brain and blood vessels !

  16. Sharon - Jersey Girl says:

    “For I am the Lord, I do not change’… Malachi 3:6. I know it wasn’t part of the reading, but to get a grasp on verses 13-18, I went back to the beginning of the chapter. It gives much more meaning to Malachi 3:17, where God says, “They shall be mine,”..on that day, I will make them My jewels.” It is so awesome to be reminded that we serve that same God! So much promise so much hope! Thank Lord for your word, & for You who never changes – always the same – yesterday, today & forever!
    Have a blessed weekend my SRT sisters!
    @Karrie – adding you to my prayer list!

  17. MARTHA HIX says:


  18. Traci Gendron says:

    Once again, I so enjoyed this study! Thank you SRT ladies for all you comments. I read them all and I’m praying over you. 17: They will be mine says the Lord of Armies, my own possession on the day I am preparing, I will have compassion on them as a man has compassion on his son who serves him. What a joy it will be to sit with our Father one day!

  19. Katie says:

    I don’t know what to say right now, but Malachi 4 inspired me to listen to this song:
    I hope you enjoy it. It feels like such a relief. COVID has been a dark time in my mental health and I am feeling hopeful that I can “skip about like calves, coming from their stalls at last!” I feel like I’ve been cooped up in a stall with my family for so long…

  20. CeeGee says:

    This study has been such a blessing and how appropriate that Malachi is the exclamation point for the old testament! Thank you, SRT, for this thematic presentation of God’s Word. I know it required an extreme amount of time and great commitment from your staff!

    VICTORIA E – Happy Dancing over your good good news! What an AWESOME God we serve and I join my prayers to the many others for this precious gift of life. Relax, enjoy the journey, and take care. Hugs!

    ERB, what brave and strong spirits you and your parents have! You continue to bless my heart with your words. I know they come from God, but what an incredible display of your faith and obedience that you take the time and make the effort to share your blessing!!! Praying with you and others that the Ex modification works and that you continue to feel God holding your hand!

    KARRIE and MAURA, prayers for you and your families. That is such a hard thing and every heart is different and processes at its own pace adding anxiety for you. Feel the prayers!

    Praying along with the other requests also. There is trouble at every turn but God isn’t surprised or unprepared for any of it. He is right beside us!

    Joining y’all in searching out Churchmouse and praying she is okay and Will join us again soon.

  21. Lisa Z says:

    On the topic of kneeling….I grew up in a “kneeling” church and home. Parents nightly kneeling together to pray. I do not kneel much now. But sometimes, like NAD, I am brought to my knees. I can’t imagine the Lord cares as He is looking at the heart. But I can see that posturing could be an offering. Awhile back, I felt I should kneel daily. Even if only for a moment to look up and say “Thanks, Dad, for another day.” I was in the habit for a bit then fell out of it. Now, thanks to this discussion, I am going to get back in the habit. Just a momentary physical lowering to prostrate myself for a pause in the day.
    Thanks,SRT, for this amazing community. All you sisters have brought a richness to my life that is truly incredible! Love, hugs and prayers to y’all!

  22. Mari V says:

    The Lord remembers us. There will be a distinction between the evil doers and the righteous. We serve a righteous God. I take a big sigh. Sometimes our sinful nature wants to see just and fairness it’s always best left in the hands of God. He takes care of it much better than us.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Amen Mari V I could not agree more.

  23. Kristen says:

    @Victoria E Praise God! I’m so glad to hear your news!
    @Rhonda, I am a teacher. I see this too. Some don’t know the basics or why we celebrate holidays. Ladies, please let us pray for our nation. A nation where you can’t say the Name of Jesus in school as Rhonda mentioned is alarming. His Name is being treated as a bad word. Meanwhile, His Name is the Name above all names. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God! Let’s pray that they do this now, even today! How do we expect God to keep blessing America when we don’t honor Him, but push Him out!? I think of this verse: “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
    ‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭7:14‬ ‭NIV‬‬
    Then I ask God to have mercy on all not following Him so that they may be drawn and be His people. Then, I pray the rest of the verse. May change come to all as they are drawn to God. May the Bible be the standard for how we live and make laws and statutes.May we hate what He hates and love what He loves. May we care more about pleasing Him than men. I am asking this for our leaders and for all in our land.Please God, draw them by any means necessary. May our leaders be surrounded by those that love You and speak truth and about The Truth. May Your Name be regarded as Holy and May Your Name be praised! Amen!
    @Nads I heard a message by Dr. Charles Stanley called: Where to Turn in Time of Need. He encourages the people to pray the verse in Hebrews that talks about approaching the Throne of Grace boldly. However, he says that we should come reverently and suggests they get on their knees to pray and that this can transform their prayer life. He recognized that you can pray anywhere and there are people that can’t get on their knees. However, he asked them what would keep them from getting on their knees and reading this encouraging passage and he asked why they should in the first place. Of course, he said they should just for who He is! I encourage everyone to listen to his words instead of my paraphrasing! Here is a link;
    If you don’t want to listen to the whole message, you can go to approximately the 30 minute mark.
    Here is part of Hebrew 4: “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
    ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:16‬ ‭NIV‬‬
    Hope this is helpful. This message stood out to me. God bless you all!

  24. Nads says:

    @ RHONDA J – You’re SO RIGHT! We REALLY need to pray re: our kids & world and their knowledge of the one true God, even within our Christian circles.

    Just two examples:

    a) I was alarmed when speaking to the child of a friend I grew up with in church…I referred to “David” and her parents said she wouldn’t “know who that is”. What?! When I said “You know, David and Goliath!!”, I just got blank stares. Doesn’t even every atheist know D&G?! (The girl’s name is even that of one of David’s wives.)

    b) Teens I know go to a supposedly faith-based school — they were taught by their RELIGIOUS EDUCATION teacher that in the “Feeding the 5000”, Jesus already had ALL the bread and fish “up His sleeves”…He was simply “testing the faith of the apostles” before showing them that He had the solution.

    The church can be so divided along denominational lines and it breaks my heart (TOO big a topic for today) and can make people cynical but, I think we can agree about certain things, No?!?

    I’m praying Jesus works miraculously (Yup! I, for one, believe He works in ways above our understanding) in us and hearts all around us…transform us, Lord!! God, help us to spread the Word, INSIDE and outside the church!!

  25. Nads says:

    @ KARRIE, Absolutely! Praying for you and for your children and for your husband! I am praying a hedge around each and all of you, where only the Spirit of the Living God is allowed to reign.

    @ MAURA, Praying for all you said. May the power of His love and your love overwhelm, even in moments when no words are spoken.

    @ ERB, It is TOTALLY clear that you are a “writing things down” person :D…I just know sometimes are thoughts are faster than our hands!
    Praying for all the “private” things that only Jesus knows.

  26. ERB says:

    MAURA, just read your comment from today on Isaiah 59!! SO Good!!! Of course we can take the weekend off and pick up with chapter 60 whenever you’re ready! It’s important to be present with and for your family right now!! I hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend with your parents and your daughter and baby grand!!! May this time be everything your heart needs and more!! May you be filled to the brim with blessings and kindness and a soft place to fall!! Love you dear friend and we will catch up when it’s good for you!! Lots of love and prayers being sent… And thank you for your thoughts prayers!!! They mean a lot!! Xoxo

  27. ERB says:

    MAURA, we are getting towards the end of Isaiah!! Only 6 more chapters left!!! It doesn’t seem possible, does it?!! What an awesome journey!!! Here are the verses that I highlighted today:
    Isaiah 60:1-5
    Isaiah 60:9
    Isaiah 60:17-22

    What stood out to me today was the absolute FAITHFULNESS of God!!! I love how the light and glory of God shines through and sticks with every verse!!! I think of the phrase from my YWAM days: “To know God and make Him known” God is making Himself known and it is changing the way they do things and how they operate!!! God’s bringing His people together!!! What an AWESOME thing!!!! God is SO good!!!

    Hope you all have an awesome day!!!

  28. Karrie says:

    Good morning ladies…I wanted to thank u all for always commenting here daily. I’ve been following SRT since last November when my life fell apart and it’s truly the one thing I have looked forward to every morning. The comments help me so so much to understand the readings as well as to find hope each day. I pray each day that God will show me what I am supposed to do in my marriage. My children are so angry with my husband and I’m trying to teach them forgiveness but it’s so hard. I pray everyday for guidance, clarity and strength. Ladies, please add me to your prayer list. ❤️

    1. Victoria E says:

      Karrie you are on my prayer list. You are so loved by God and all of us may God give you wisdom and mercy and grace in this situation.

  29. Anna Cyr says:

    Malachi as a “mic drop” moment (Kelly). Love it!!!

  30. Maura says:

    Victoria E, so happy for you. Thanking our God and asking His blessings on you and your little miracle. Will be praying. Hope Trent praying for you more good news to come. Malachi reminds me it is so important what comes out of our mouth. And that through Christ, by the Holy Spirit we can take every thought captive. 2nd Corinthian 10. I don’t know about you all, but my reactions sometimes do not honor. Praying that my heart and tongue will only speak with love of and not complaint, with the hope we have in Jesus and of His grace for all. I love Malachi 1:2 But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings, and you will go out and playfully jump like calves from the stall.” How lovely His healing will come. I helped my Sister and Brother in Law when I was young and they were leasing a dairy and the joy of a baby calf warms my heart. They prance about a bit like lambs but more awkwardly because of longer legs. Sweet. And this chapter of Hebrews showing the distinction between Jesus, the Son of God versus the angels. Tina, thankful always for the gift of your words. Dear ERB, I hope it is okay to be a day late today. And to comment on 59. And save Chapter 60 for Monday? You are on my heart dear friend and I pray for you whenever God gives me thoughts in the day. Praying for revelation and wisdom for your Doctor, of a treatment or something natural, or just Jesus touch to take it away. I praise God that you are dwelling in the Word and know He is holding you in this time. I went to read Enduring Word commentary on Isaiah 59 and learned that Isaiah is reminding in the first verses the way our sin/iniquities separate us from God. It is not that, as this people were trying to blame God, He was not seeing or hearing. It was sin, plain and simple. These verses show the hopeless state of sin, the darkness, the chains we step into when we sin. It reminded me that with sin comes pride that brings lies. And still, God loves us and by His grace and Jesus blood forgives us even when that pride blinds us to our need for repentance. Isaiah 59:16 And the Arm of the Lord will bring salvation”, and Isaiah 59:20-21 show Jesus, “The Redeemer will come to Zion, And to those who turn from transgression,”
    Says the LORD. “As for Me,” says the LORD, “this is My covenant with them: My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendants’ descendants,” says the LORD, “from this time and forevermore.” Oh it overwhelms me the grace we have been given. And How He loves us Sisters, even me with such Amazing love. I am off tomorrow to go visit my parents, and then I do get to go see my Daughter and my Baby Grand. Thankful that I get 10 days away. But, I haven’t started packing yet, and have a full day of work, today. I ask prayers for travel and this time, for His joy, for time to just be with . . and please continued prayers for my sweet grand daughters and this custody battle, God’s protection and love around them. And my heart to trust God with all and while I am being limited in my contact with them that they would know not just how dearly I love them, but How incredible His love is for them. Thank you ERB and all my Sisters. Our God is mighty, Almighty, Prince of Peace, Lord of Lords. He is about Miracles, this I know. His Love and Joy to your day.

  31. ERB says:

    These are the scriptures that stood out to me this morning:
    Revelation 22:12-13 “Behold, I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, to give to each one according to what he has done. 13 I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”

    Malachi 2:3-4 “But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings, and you will go out and playfully jump like calves from the stall.A 3 You will trample the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day I am preparing,” says the Lord of Armies.”

    God is SO GOOD and SO FAITHFUL!!! Super grateful!!!!

  32. ERB says:

    NADS, wow!! Thank you so much for your comments, prayers, encouragements, and suggestions!!! You are a beautiful soul!! I am also a fan of organization, lists & records… and keep a few different journals as well as notepads and a note based calendar..all old school and hand-written! I record absolutely everything!! Haha!! It helps me process and is also an amazing source of encouragement when I go back and read through things! I always come away with assurance, a smile and a giggle or two!!
    As far as having someone to help me through the frustrating bits… I do prescribed brain exercises everyday! Which help!! Emotionally I am pretty private person, but I do have a couple people that I open up and talk to/process these things with.. it’s such a blessing to get unbiased and honest feedback!!
    Really appreciate all of your kindness, thoughtfulness and prayers!!! Maybe one day we will be able to sit down and enjoy that cup of “tea” together!! Many Blessings dear sister. God’s GOT this!!! ;)

  33. ERB says:

    MAURA, dear friend…thank you so much for your prayers, encouragement and insights. You are a blessing not only to me but to this community as well!! Truly appreciate you!!! ❤️

  34. Susie H says:

    Is there an SRT plan that sparked the “But God” comments? I’d like to take a look at it if so. Joy and God’s blessings to you all!

    1. Claire B says:

      Susie, I don’t think so. One of the SRT members, Tina, used it and it caught fire as best I can remember.

  35. ERB says:

    TRACI GENDRON, thank you so much!!! People like you and my parents aren’t often in the spotlight, but YOU are the ones at the forefront holding the line and battling to keep it!! I SO appreciate you dear sister and all that you are doing not only for your son but for the body of Christ!! You’re amazing!!! Thank you for your prayers!!

  36. ERB says:

    DOROTHY, you are an encouragement and hope to me!! So sorry you have had to walk this journey too, but I am so grateful to know that you’re out there and that you are doing well!!! Praise be to God!!!

  37. Donna Wolcott says:

    Victoria congratulations! Nads I grew up Catholic and of course always knelt at home and church. Over 40 yrs ago I became an American Baptist. There are times I kneel at home in prayer but I must admit I usually pray seating. Kneeling can be away of recognizing the majesty of our Father and in honoring Him. Perhaps it’s time to get on my old knees again. Have a wonderful weekend ladies.

  38. ERB says:

    VICTORIA E, YAYAY!!! Congratulations!!! Praising God with you!!! This little life is an ever present reminder of how AWESOME, MIGHTY & FAITHFUL our God is!!!! May His hand continue to be on you and your husband and may you know that His blessed anointing is on this little one!!! SO Happy for you guys!!! And thank you SO much for your prayers they mean a lot!!

    1. Victoria E says:

      Thank you @ERB! Yes our God can bring the dead to life to call into existence things that do not exist yet. I thought about this verse from Romans 4 a lot embarking into this conception journey after having an early miscarriage in April. May we all have faith like Abraham’s!

  39. Rhonda J. says:

    Oh How He Loves us is right Tina! I mean, don’t you just look out at the world and think how crazy and how far from God so many have gone. Mostly I feel sad for our young kids today. I find it shocking that so many have never even heard of the once-popular bible stories that even unchurched kids knew of back when I was growing up. I was shocked a few years ago when I referenced Jesus to my grandchild and she said they were not supposed to say that word at school! For us that have had kids out of school for a long time, we are not quite as aware of the teachings, but it is scary. Not to go on a tangent that way but to emphasize how important it is for us to be more vocal and not only in our actions. We read the old testament and think how crazy these people were not to see the God right in front of them and the awesome power and love, yet in every book the people turn their back and go their own sinful wordly ways. Lets be more deliberate in sharing God in a mighty way to all those around us! Have a great wkd!
    I am so worried about Churchmouse, in all the years she has commented except for a short stint earlier this year. Let’s all pray that she is ok.
    @Victoria So happy for you!!

  40. ERB says:

    Just wanted to take a moment to THANK ALL of you wonderful ladies, whether you comment or not, for your prayers, kindness, encouragement, and insights!!! You are a beautifully amazing example of what the Body of Christ looks like in motion!! Truly appreciate each of you and all that you give and bring!!! ❤️

    1. Victoria E says:

      Amen ❤️❤️❤️

  41. Karen Y says:

    @Sarahjoy – Thank you for the reminder that the hope of the Israelites was that He will come. And our hope is that He will come again. No wonder the Israelites sinned/strayed so often. They didn’t have the experience of Christ’s life and death yet and they didn’t have the Holy Spirit.
    Today, we have proof of Christ’s coming plus the Holy Spirit, and still we are sin factories. Let the hope that I know He is coming again encourage me through refining times as I go through the process of being ready for Christ’s return.

  42. Nads says:


    I commented yesterday that LISA Z’s comment brought me “to my knees” and it did. But, this has been an interesting topic for me. As kids, we always prayed just sitting in bed, occasionally standing, rarely kneeling unless in church. I know God hears no matter what but, I have recently been convicted by the fact that our posture can be an offering too. My mother recently commented to me how much she misses being able to do prostrations when deep in prayer, the health of her body making it impossible…she once asked me to do one on her behalf as we prayed together.

    SOOOO, also for my own spiritual growth,…I am offering my body to you, my sisters! If there is anything that you have difficulty doing because of chronic pain, recent surgery, a growing belly, old injuries, fatigue,…. WHATEVER…I will do it on your behalf…just ask!

    Also, I wonder about other people’s perspective re: posture. DOES IT MATTER?!

  43. Angie says:

    Malachi 4:2 “But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings, and you will go out and playfully jump like calves from the stall.” Young calves, puppies, young children, full of energy and bounding with joy – yes, when He comes again Joy will reign for those who fear His name, His children and we will leap and jump. We will also stand, bow, kneel, lift hands, praise – it will be All Good.

    VICTORIA E. – Woo Hoo!!! Celebrating with you. Praise God for He is the giver of life. May He carefully hold you and that little one as it grows inside. God be praised. YES!

    CRYSTAL – congratulations on your baptism and the visual you present to the world for the new life in you.

    LIZA Z. – I had heard but forgotten the refining fire information, thank you for sharing it again. It is beautiful. You explained it eloquently.

    RHONDA J, MELANIE, & even TY – My prayer is that God would be with each of you and help you exactly as you need. While every person and situation is different, our Father God is big enough to handle them all. God and Savior, help them I pray.

    LAUREN – So thankful your counseling has been helpful. Thank you God. Hold her Lord as she steps forward in the confidence of who You are and trusts your heart.

    ERB – Thank you for your faithful posts daily during all that you are going through. God intervene for this sweet lady. Guide her and the doctors to the medicine and activities that will relieve the seizures and clear her mind and brain. Bring her memory back to it’s healed state. Thank you Lord for we trust You. Amen.

  44. Nads says:

    @ERB, I just reread my own comment from yesterday – not sure if it was clear I was saying “voice recording”

    @CRYSTAL – I have no sufficient words…my heart is so full for you…ummmm….SO, SO GOOD!

    @BRENDA WALSH – I will see what I can do to find something … For now, we pray for Churchmouse

    @VICTORIA E – Good morning! :)

    @ MAURA ❤️

    @ LISA Z – I can’t tell you how you changed my day yesterday with your comment. It truly blessed me and sharing about your comment blessed others in my life. Sending you so much ❤️

    @ ALL who put forth big burdens or even what you felt were tiny requests, you are in my thoughts / prayers

    1. Victoria E says:

      Hello @Nads! Thank you for praying for me have a blessed day!

  45. Nancy Singleton says:

    Thankful for this study, & the way all of God’s word points to our Messiah & King, Thank you Lord for loving us, & never abandoning us!

  46. Rachael Ferguson says:

    Yes!!! ❤️

  47. Deanna says:

    Hugs, Victoria! We are all in prayer for you!

    1. Victoria E says:

      Thank you Deanna !

  48. MelanieK says:

    I’ve only commented once before but have been praying for so many of you and was so anxious to hear Victoria’s news!!! PTL!! For those of us that don’t usually comment… I am so encouraged and blessed by you ladies every morning and God is using SRT in so many ways for so many women!! Thank you!!!

    1. Victoria E says:

      @MelanieK yes may God be praised and glorified through this news ! Thank you

  49. Allison Bentley says:

    God give us peace- throughout the entire Old Testament I have seen God be faithful to His people and I can trust that if I continue to love Him and walk in His ways He will be faithful to me too!!! What a relief! God clearly is in control and that gives me even more peace of mind!! Happy Friday Sisters!!

  50. Lauren says:

    The quote above: “The sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings.” So, so good. My counselor said yesterday that she feels like I’m at the conclusion of my therapy, one more session. Months ago I couldn’t see the sun for the darkness of pain and despair but now, God’s faithfulness and loving grace has brought me to the light of His love. He has great plans for us and this study has revealed so beautifully just how incredible those plans are, if we just put our complete trust in Him… Amen!

  51. SarahJoy says:

    Malachi – the ultimate cliff hanger…
    “They will be mine,” says the Lord of Armies, “my own possession on the day I am preparing.”
    “… the day is coming…”

    When? When will this happen?
    400 years of silence

    But God…
    In Malachi God leaves His people with hope. HE WILL COME. And it echos to us. HE WILL COME BACK.

    God does not abandon His creation. He has a plan of redemption from the beginning. He will complete His plan in a new heaven and new earth!

    1. Victoria E says:

      SarahJoy this comment gave me so much joy today!! Amen!

  52. Melanie says:

    So happy for you Victoria!!!! Malachi was awesome finish. I sometimes think of Gods judgement and remind myself that I am forgiven. I am His. I am not part of his wrath. A reminder to be set apart.

  53. Taylor says:

    @Victoria E praising God with you in this great great news!!!! Continuing to pray for a “sticky baby” as others mentioned in the comments :)
    @Crystal praising God for your decision to get baptized!!! So wonderful! Please continue to share with us your journey!
    @ERB lifting you and your family up for your seizures! Hopefully the doctors can find the proper adjustment of medications. So thankful for the way you pour into this community :)
    @Dorothy you mentioned earlier this week that you were feeling sluggish/not able to do much outside of the necessary. Praying for you that you are feeling more energy. Sometimes the body/soul just needs more rest.
    @Sarah D I know I’m late but CONGRATS on your new job!!! I know you will be a blessing to your students :)
    @Melanie praying for answers and action-oriented solutions from your tests

    Have a wonderful weekend sisters! I can’t believe we finished this study! It was soo incredibly enriching to my faith! Looking forward to meeting with you all again on Monday to dive into the NT :)

    1. Victoria E says:

      Taylor thank you! I am praying for your situation please give us updates as you can/ see fit!

  54. Mari V says:

    I couldn’t sleep! And it’s only 3am here in the West Coast so I came here to SRT. When I saw Tina‘s comment I had to go back to yesterday’s comments.
    VICTORIA E! I’m SO excited for YOU!!! Praise our Lord Jesus for this wonderful joyful blessing. And so excited we your sisters here at SRT get to walk this blessed journey you! Congratulations sweet sister!

    1. Victoria E says:

      Thank you Mari V!!!

  55. Kelly says:

    1. In a way Malachi is God’s “mic drop” moment. He reminds His peole of His faithfulness, tells them of the future judgment, and glory, then walks “off stage.”
    Jesus is the fulfillment of all the promises.
    2. My redemption is sure because my Redeemer is unchanging and faithful

    1. Claire B says:

      Kelly, great analogy

    2. Miri am says:

      @Kelly indeed a mic drop moment!!!

  56. Dawn says:

    Thank you Tina for this reminder!

  57. Tina says:

    VICTORIA E, praising God for your good news..
    He is Good. He is faithful. If He says it, He will do it..
    Absolutely joy-filled for you and your family..❤

    1. Victoria E says:

      Tina thank you and amen !!

  58. Tina says:

    What a way to end the old testament! As He was in the beginning so He is in the end… never changing!

    A reminder that nothing changes with God..His love for us remains. His heart for us never waivers..The same in Genesis,as He is in Nehemiah, as He is in Jeremiah, as He is in Haggai, as He in Malachi..

    He loves. He forgives. He holds on to us.
    He forgives. He holds on to us. He loves.
    He holds onto us. He loves. He forgives.


    No matter where we roam. No matter what or how we do. No matter the stuff that leaves our mouth or how irresponsibly we live our lives. No matter the disrespectful words that leave our mouth… no matter the distance we put between us and Him..

    He loves, He unconditionally loves us..

    He loves us. Oh how He loves us.( as the song goes)
    Praising Him and forever thankful for the love of God thst surrounds us and always..

    In absolute awe…

    But God..

    Happy Friday to you my Dears… always wrapped in love and prayers from across the pond.❤