Making Room for the Lost

Open Your Bible

Psalm 25:3, Psalm 28:6-9, Jonah 3:1-10, Luke 19:1-10, Acts 9:17-31, Romans 5:6-11

Before settling into creative entrepreneurship, I lived a thousand lives in my work. As a young adult, I worked in retail, childcare, customer service, and as a barista for a quaint coffee shop in my hometown. As different as those jobs were from one another, every job I’ve had equipped me with some valuable skills, some of which I still use today.

One of those skills is an unmatched awareness of my surroundings. I gained that ability during an afternoon spent at the playground. I worked as a nanny at the time, caring for a 5-year-old. While at the playground, I took my eyes off the child for what seemed like a millisecond and lost sight of her. I panicked—the mere thought of explaining to the child’s parents that I lost their precious cargo made me short of breath.

Imagine my relief when I saw her sitting across from me. Where she was the entire time.

I often think of that day, but now, I think of it as a mom of two. What if my children were the ones who were lost? There’s nothing I would want more than to have someone find them.

The same goes for the level of trust God has given us. As disciples, we’ve been entrusted with a responsibility for those God has appointed to us. We live in a world where we are consumed by our lives, where the cares of our world can overwhelm our ability to see other people. 

On the other hand, there are numerous stories in the Bible that tell of Jesus’s specific ability to see others. This is true of our reading today with the story of a rich man, Zacchaeus. While Zacchaeus was eager to see Jesus, Jesus sought Zacchaeus out to spend time with him. Jesus noticed him before Zacchaeus even had a chance to speak. When Jesus made Himself available to Zacchaeus, the rich man received Him joyfully.

“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost.” 
—Luke 19:10

Just as God seeks us, we are called as members of the body of Christ to seek those who are lost. Because the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18–20) commands us to spread the gospel to all the nations of the world, this includes our own versions of Zacchaeus, the people around us who are in need of Jesus’s love. We make room for the lost, as Jesus made room for each of us.

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97 thoughts on "Making Room for the Lost"

  1. Kathryn Wright says:


  2. Latoddra Mason says:


  3. Nicole Powell says:


  4. Crystal Pitzer says:


  5. Sophie M says:


  6. Jennifer Jackson says:

    I’m so thankful for the love of God through Christ.

  7. Melissa Richards says:


  8. Abby Hope Lancaster says:

    Oops! My fingers went too fast.

    Jonah 4—Jonah is angry with God for God showing compassion to Nineveh after they repent and turn to Him. He perches himself on a hill hoping to see God’s wrath displayed as He destroys the city and the people. God; however, asks Jonah “does it do you well to be angry” (Jonah 4:4). God then sends a plant to provide shade to ease Jonah’s discomfort temporarily, and it’s believed that the plant was a castor oil plant. Castor oil was (and still is) a very interesting plant that is HIGHLY toxic until exposed to heat. Once exposed the heat, castor oil then becomes one of the most naturally benefiting plant derivatives still used today. In ancient Egypt, castor oil was most commonly used to treat eye infections, a natural laxative, moisturizer, and purifier. How funny that this is the plant God sends to Jonah during his temper tantrum!

    God ultimately sends a worm to destroy the plant and sends a harsh, scorching wind, but still Jonah remains steadfast in his anger even when asked a second time by God “do you do well to be angry” (Jonah 4:9).

    Oh Lord, how often can I overlook the mission and only see my own sense of justice? How often, even in my own self-righteousness and bitterness, do you attempt to send healing that I push away or ignore? God, please help me to not be like Jonah. Send me to your people to share your love and you truth, and help me REJOICE greatly when the lost become found and our heavenly family grows.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Thank you for the reminder of Jonah’s attitude! Amen to your beautiful lrayer. ❤

    2. Victoria E says:

      Abby thank you for sharing this!

    3. Kat D says:

      Writing this down:
      “ Oh Lord, how often can I overlook the mission and only see my own sense of justice? How often, even in my own self-righteousness and bitterness, do you attempt to send healing that I push away or ignore? God, please help me to not be like Jonah. Send me to your people to share your love and you truth, and help me REJOICE greatly when the lost become found and our heavenly family grows.”
      Don’t let me get so lost in Mosaic law that I ignore Jesus’ command to spread the good news to all nations. One focus. Love/Encourage others. No judgment. I don’t know how God is using their lives to reach others. Don’t let me get in His way.

  9. Abby Hope Lancaster says:

    Catching up on readings after the holiday, and boy did I feel out of step without beginning the last two days opening the Word—lesson learned.

    Reading the passage from Jonah, I couldn’t help but think about the following chapter (Jonah 4) and conclusion to the story, where

  10. Jessica Thomas says:

    Good Morning she’s. I have a christmas craft fair today at my church and as I lay in my bed this morning dosing I ask God to lead me steps today and help me to spread the word if iI felt like someone needed it.

    Now after coffee and todays bible study on Zacchaeus the same message is coming out – be vigilent to those in need.

    I am intrigued to know who is coming to my little 6 foot table and I trust God I will recognise them when they arrive.

    Lord you have chosen this day and this message for a reason, I put my trust in you!

  11. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Tina’s post from yesterday has finally shown up. So good.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Thanks, Kelly! It IS powerful! I left a reply, TINA. ❤

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Weird I don’t see it still!

  12. Traci Gendron says:

    I want to thank everyone for the sweet kind comments yesterday top my post.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Hope you saw the note in my comment today, too. We love you!❤

      1. Traci Gendron says:

        I did. Thank you!

  13. Cee Gee says:

    As we reflect on God’s/Jesus’ Presence in the lives of His people, I remember a long-time favorite song of mine.
    Surely the Presence
    Song by
    Heritage Singers
    Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
    I can feel His mighty power and His grace
    I can hear the brush of angel’s wings
    I see glory on each face
    Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
    In the midst of His children the Lord said He would be
    It doesn’t take very many
    It can be just two or three
    And I feel that same sweet Spirit that I’ve felt so many times before
    Surely I can say I’ve been with the Lord
    Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
    I can feel His mighty power and His grace
    I can hear the brush of angel’s wings
    I see glory on each face
    Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
    There’s a holy hush around us as His glory fills this place
    I’ve touch the hem of His garment
    I can almost see His face
    And my heart is overflowing with the fullness of His joy
    I know without a doubt I’ve been with the Lord
    Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
    I can feel His mighty power and His grace
    I can hear the brush of angel’s wings
    I see glory on each face
    Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
    Oh surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
    Songwriters: Cece Winans, Cedric Caldwell, Victor Caldwell. For non-commercial use only.
    I just noticed CeCe Winans is listed in authorship! I never knew that. Gonna see if she had a video for it!
    TRACI G – I was thrilled for you this morning when I read your post from yesterday! ❤
    Have a wonderful, restful Friday, sisters! ❤

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Well, I did not find a Cece version, but I did finally locate the Lanny Wolfe Trio version which is the one I was familiar with and the arrangement I play. BUT, I also was reminded of this song by Matt Maher with a similar message (I think Rhonda mentioned it recently ) and kind of fits with the making ‘room’ study:
      In the Room
      There are moments nothing can replace
      When Heaven and Earth meet face to face
      When a broken heart begins to change
      A word takes on fresh and a soul finds faith

      Where the unfulfilled are satisfied
      And the unknown scars are reconciled
      There’s an open door to brand new life
      Up close in the presence to the Savior

      I just wanna be in the room
      Wanna be in the room when You move
      And I’m not leaving
      Not leaving till You do

    2. Tina says:

      I love this song!
      Oh, indeed, surely the Lord is in this place!❤

    3. Kebrina Vinglas says:

      Thank you for sharing that song, Cee Gee! I grew up listening to the Heritage Singsrs

  14. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    I will be forever grateful that Jesus sought me out, when I was a stranger to Him. He sought me and bought me with His precious blood – Thank you Jesus!!… Oh that I would also seek out those who are lost and be bold enough to share the love of Jesus with them.
    From the hymn “Come Thou Fount”…

    Jesus sought me when a stranger
    Wandering from the fold of God
    He to rescue me from danger
    Interposed His precious blood

    Oh, that day when freed from sinning
    I shall see Thy lovely face
    Clothed then in blood washed linen
    How I’ll sing Thy sovereign grace
    Have a blessed Friday sweet she’s!❤️

    1. Tina says:

      Oh Sharon, as am I, grateful He sought me out!❤

  15. Aimee D-R says:

    Open my spiritual heart and eyes to the lost Father. Prompt my action. Forgive when I have sinned and not made room. In Jesus name, Amen

  16. Cheryl Blow says:

    This is such a great reminder to me of God’s great love for the lost. Jesus sought out Zacchaeus! Just like He sought us out before we came to Him! I pray that my eyes will be open to see the lost around me and to make room for them.

    1. Shar says:

      Yes! ❤️

    2. Tina says:

      Amen, Cheryl, Amen.❤

  17. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Good morning, sweet sisters! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday! I keep reminding myself that even though my life is not what I expected or planned right now I still have so much to be thankful for! That certainly includes all of you! ❤️

    I am still here every day but haven’t been able to spend as much time on the comments as I would like. Caregiving and running a household are very time consuming. I know I have missed some great comments but I try to catch all the prayer requests. I’m praying for you dear sisters every day! Love you all! ❤️

    1. Mari V says:

      We love you Lynne. WE are thankful for you as well. Prayers coming coming your way. I watched my mom care for daddy, so I have an idea of what its like for you.

    2. Michelle P says:

      ❤️ I echo Mari’s words. Glad you are still here. ❤️

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Love you, Lynne, and just thankful that you hang in here when you are able. I know it is hard to find the time! Love and hugs! ❤

    4. Tina says:

      Lynne from Alabama, (I smiled because your full name came up in auto fill), thankful for you too!
      It is always lovely to see you here as you are oftentimes in my thoughts and prayers..
      Look after you and ‘pop in’ when you can!
      Hugs to both you and yours..
      God bless you!❤

  18. Gwineth52 says:

    Good Morning Shes
    Do we remember we were once lost?
    Do we remember how, where, when we were saved?
    Perhaps a story not as dramatic as
    Paul the Pharisee or Zacchaeus the tax collector.
    Nevertheless, probably a hot mess.
    To the point; undeserving or oblivious or resistant.
    But Christ Jesus was patient.
    He came looking for us.
    He saw us.
    He saved us.
    And having seen Him.
    Like the Samaritan woman or Mary in the garden,
    He wants us to go & tell.
    On the secular side, embolden, it brings to mind a song from the pop artists, Mary Mary,
    called “It’s the God in Me”…
    “What is it you think you see, when you see me?
    You don’t know how much I pray.
    Don’t know how much I gave.
    Don’t know how much I’ve changed.
    I’m just tryna to explain
    It’s the God in me.”

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      YES!! I BIG yes! And I repeated it to my girls in jail! We are all a hot mess trying to do it on our own UNTIL we hit our knees because we can’t do it on our own! That is the beginning of our great testimony that will give others hope!! “A love so amazing, a love so divine…”
      Our living HOPE!

      1. Mia Faith says:

        Rhonda J – you might like to watch my husband’s service as one of the speakers was a man my hubby brought to the Lord while he was in jail. It’s quite the story!

        1. Rhonda J. says:

          Oh yes, you did tell me do I find it again?

    2. Traci Gendron says:

      Yes! This is so good.

    3. Tina says:

      This is so good, Gwineth! AND so very true.❤
      It’s the God in me.. Amen.❤

  19. Brandi Young says:

    So good to understand and be reminded that there are more people that need Him. And He is the perfect answer for all of them!

  20. Kelly (NEO) says:

    The “lost” aren’t hard to find. Ipicture an ostrich with his head in the ground, thinking he his hidden from view.
    I truly need to be more courageous in reaching out.
    Praying for your requests.
    Remember Advent study starts on Sunday:-)

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Hard to believe it’s time for Advent! We are repeating an advent study this year in jail ministry as well! Keeping our eyes looking up to THE GIFT of all gifts, and where our focus should be!! I do love this time of year, just wasn’t quite ready for it yet!!

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Yes Kelly! I too need to be more courageous in reaching out!

    3. Michelle P says:

      Good analogy!! Lol. Funny, too. Excited for that!!! Yay!!

  21. Tami says:

    “We live in a world where we are consumed by our lives, where the cares of our world can overwhelm our ability to see other people.” Ouch! Lord, help me to seek out the lost just like Jesus did and does. Give me eyes to see those that are hurting, that need a kind word, a smile, an invitation, an ear, a friend, YOU! Help me to preach the gospel, and if necessary, use words. Have a blessed Friday ladies!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes..ooph! Give me eyes Lord, to see EVERYONE as you see them- separated from your love and in need of you! Help to show me how to love like you!

  22. Rhonda J. says:

    GM She’s!
    This is our main purpose- to go and be disciples for Jesus! Go…to the Lost. Tell of his love and his forgiveness. This week in jail as I chose the songs to play, I started out with “God is not Against Me” by Elevation Worship because often they grow up in such horrible environments that make them think how could be good and where was he. Then I played “You Say” by Lauren Daigle..because God says something different about them then others have and even how they think of themselves. At that point we were able to start the lesson that we find thankfulness in Jesus Christ because He came for the Lost. He came for all of us, because all were separated. Thank God he made a way for us, that we are found- but we have to chose YES, I want you, I need you. Then we can Praise Him! Music can touch the soul! I love the two songs suggested today below as well! What kind of love- comes to each of us. It is an overwhelming, beautiful, precious love. And when we have it- we want, we need- to share it. It is an overflowing fountain and it should impact every aspect of our life. It motivates us to look for his purpose in all things, all circumstances! I am so grateful.

    1. Mari V says:

      Good morning sweet lady! I’m going to listen to those songs here shortly. I do know the one by Lauren Daigle. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    2. Michelle P says:


  23. Sara says:

    I have been a member of this group for several years and prayed for many of you. I’ve never posted, but I am asking for prayers from my 13 year old daughter, Kylie. On Wednesday, she was admitted to the hospital for heart issues, which are the result of a recently diagnosed eating disorder. Please pray for her body to be completely healed, and for my family, as we deal with such a scary and critical situation. I appreciate you and how faithful you are to prayer.

    1. Tami says:

      Sara – I’m praying for Kylie right now! And for you as you navigate this. May God’s love and peace surround you all.

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Kylie will be lifted up Sara, and prayers for you as well.

    3. Tammi says:

      Prayers being lifted right now for your family, your sweet daughter Kylie and wisdom for her medical team.

    4. Wendy B says:

      So sorry your daughter is walking the road of an eating disorder and your family is facing this. It’s incredibly scary. Prayed right now for healing in body, mind and soul for Kylie, medical wisdom and the right health professionals and supports to treat her, and for strength for you all.

      1. Gwineth52 says:

        I “second that emotion”, everything you prayed Wendy B.
        For Sarah & her daughter, Kylie.
        A total family affair.

    5. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Sara, sweet sister, I’m praying right now for Kylie. May she be completely healed physically and emotionally. I’m also praying for you. As the mother of two girls I can feel your pain. You are not alone in this. ❤️

    6. Danielle B says:

      Praying for Kylie and you during this time. May she not only heal physically but may she also heal emotionally.

    7. Tanya says:

      Praying for Kylie and for your family. God will walk with you and strengthen you through this difficult time!

    8. Lanie H says:

      Sara, I thank God for your request and that he hears us.

      for he has heard the sound of your pleading.

      I thank the Lord as he is our strength and my shield; and will protect and restore Kylie.

      My heart trusts in him, and I pray that Kylie will be helped.

      Therefore my heart celebrates,

      and I give thanks to him with my song.

    9. DW says:

      Praying for Kylie and for you as you walk with her in this.

    10. AZ Walker says:

      Praying for God’s healing touch over your dear Kylie. Please keep letting us know how we can pray for her as she gets thru this. I don’t post that often, but I am here every day too.

    11. Cheryl Blow says:

      Praying for Kylie

    12. Mari V says:

      Just prayed for Kylie. I too,echo all the prayers here. Lifting Kylie up to OUR JESUS! You too, Sara are covered in our prayers. Keep us posted. We will walk this journey with you. WE are here for YOU!

    13. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Oh Sara, I’m so sorry. I will be praying for Kylie, and for you. I will add her to my prayer list – may God completely heal her body, her mind, her heart, her spirit. ❤️

    14. Laurel W says:

      Sara and Kylie–praying for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, both short term and long term.

    15. Michelle P says:

      The Lord give your family wisdom as you seek how to care for your daughter. Nothing is too hard for Jesus. I pray you all know Him deeper through this hardship. May your daughter Kylie find strength and affirmation in what He says about her. May she feel the love of you and your family for her, lifting her up and helping her get back on a healthy track.
      I haven’t shared this here, but I’ve also been hospitalized for an eating disorder. It was traumatic… but I remember in that time feeling the prayers of others. It went deeper than just not eating. It was the lies of Satan I believed and received. May the Lord open the eyes of your daughter to discern truth from error. Truly, I believe God can do that for her… if she is willing to receive it. May she have a heart that is soft towards the love of Jesus. God bless you Sara. Thank you for sharing that with us. ❤️❤️❤️

    16. Cee Gee says:

      Joining our sisters in prayer for Kylie, you and your family, her care team, and for success in overcoming this health issue and the eating disorder. Thanks so much for trusting us to pray for your precious daughter! Sending grandmama hugs! ❤

    17. Mia Faith says:

      Praying now! My daughter is struggling with anorexia since the passing of my husband, her dad. She weighs less than 100 lbs now. Her bones are visible all over. It’s such a horrid situation.

      1. Lexi B says:

        Praying for you Sara and your daughter Kiley.

        Praying for you also Mia Faith and your daughter as well.

        1. Tina says:

          Lexi B, hello! ❤❤

      2. Searching says:

        Praying for your daughter, MIA FAITH, for the help and healing needed.

      3. Tina says:

        Oh Mia, I am so very sorry for your troubles! Praying for your daughter to find the strength to overcome this, and for you as you journey alongside her, in Jesus s life promising name, I pray, Amen.
        Much love Mia, covered in prayers..❤

      4. Jessica Thomas says:

        Mia Faith, your daughter is in my prayers today! Sending out love x

      5. Wendy B says:

        Oh Mia….so many layers of deep heartache for you. Praying for your daughter as well. May she know and recognize who she is in Jesus and find the intervention, strength and support she needs in body, mind, heart and soul and your entire family know out Lord is your Rock, Refuge, Comfort and Peace.

    18. Searching says:

      Praying, SARA, for Kylie and for your family. Praying for healing, for the best treatments, for the perfect counselors for her and that she will be in the right place mentally and emotionally to work with those helping her. I have a family member that in the field, who works tirelessly to help those in need.

    19. Traci Gendron says:

      Praying Sara.

    20. Elizabeth Oster says:

      Praying for you and Kylie, Sara.

    21. Tina says:

      Praying fervently Sara for Kylie and for your Mama heart. This must be so very scary..
      BUT GOD..
      He is near. He sees. He knows and He will, in the name of Jesus, restore Kylie to full health..
      Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers..
      Sending you so prayer covered hugs, Sara.. Stay strong ❤

    22. Sherry says:

      Praying for your Kylie.

    23. Therese says:

      Praying for Kylie ❤️

  24. Penny W says:

    This hymn came to mind today. Jesus was a friend of sinners. I should follow his example.

    Jesus! What a Friend for sinners!
    Jesus! Lover of my soul;
    Friends may fail me, foes assail me,
    He, my Savior, makes me whole.

    Hallelujah! What a Savior!
    Hallelujah! What a Friend!
    Saving, helping, keeping, loving,
    He is with me to the end.

  25. Maria Baer says:

    Heavenly Father— We come to You with humble hearts, asking for eyes to see and ears to hear those who are lost and in need of Your love. Grant us the wisdom to speak words of truth, kindness, and grace, so that we may reflect Your heart without judgment, confrontation, or fear. Teach us to make room for others, welcoming them as You have welcomed us, and let Your Spirit guide our every action and word. We love them, Lord, and long for them to know the saving power of Your Son. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    1. Dee Dee says:

      Amen to your beautiful prayer, Maria! Thank you for sharing.❤️ Lord hear our prayers

    2. Tami says:

      Amen Maria!

    3. Wendy B says:

      Amen. Echoing these words as my response.❤️

    4. Allison Bentley says:

      Amen @MariaBaer!!

    5. Tina says:


  26. Erin L. says:


  27. Searching says:

    So many prayers and praises yesterday, sisters, thank you. Saving yours, ERB ❤️ May we continue to show the spirit of Thanksgiving each day.

    The lost … that was all of us before Jesus. I continue to pray for the lost in my family, for friends, for the millions+ around the world who don’t know Him and don’t seem to care.

    Reminded of Victory in Jesus, 1939, Eugene Bartlett. First & second verses + chorus. Many of us likely know this one by heart.
    I heard an old, old story,
    How a Savior came from glory,
    How He gave His life on Calvary
    To save a wretch like me;
    I heard about His groaning,
    Of His precious blood’s atoning,
    Then I repented of my sins
    And won the victory.
    O victory in Jesus,
    My Savior, forever.
    He sought me and bought me
    With His redeeming blood;
    He loved me ere I knew Him
    And all my love is due Him,
    He plunged me to victory,
    Beneath the cleansing flood.
    I heard about His healing,
    Of His cleansing pow’r revealing.
    How He made the lame to walk again
    And caused the blind to see;
    And then I cried, “Dear Jesus,
    Come and heal my broken spirit,”
    And somehow Jesus came and bro’t
    To me the victory.

    Sisters, He sought me in the depths of my sin, and I’ll be eternally thankful.

    1. Tricia C says:

      I haven’t heard that song in some time. Thank you for sharing. So grateful for our victory in Jesus. ❤️

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Same! I sang along!! Thank you Searching!I have a playlist of Hymns on my YouTube…I think it is on there, but now I want to add it to the “Funeral” playlist! (sounds weird but I do want certain songs played on that day! lol) I will go to my grave trying to save the lost!!

    2. Tami says:

      Searching – he sought me in the depths of my sin too!