Making Room for the Church

Open Your Bible

Acts 2:38-47, Acts 4:32, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Colossians 3:14-17, Hebrews 10:24-25, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28

When I say the word church, what comes to mind? With the rising number of disenchanted Christians telling their stories of hurt, it’s worth asking why a person would want to attend church with the reputation it has. But maybe when I say “church,” you immediately picture a handful of close friends because it’s been a safe, welcoming place of belonging and care. Or maybe, like me, you’ve had both experiences. You love the Church yet sometimes wish you could distance yourself from the pain or inconvenience that comes with living alongside other people.    

My husband and I attend a neighborhood church where he serves as the youth leader. We’re both “people people” (we finally made a shared calendar to keep track of our varying commitments!), and what I’ve realized since being with him is that, as a single adult, I curated my community so that I was primarily spending time with those who were like-minded. Since being together, I’ve found myself around a lot more people I have little in common with. Hospitality comes easy when you’re sitting across the table from someone who shares your love for quality time and deep conversation. But now, ministry and friendship have become less convenient. “Above all, put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity,” wrote Paul in his letter to a local church (Colossians 3:14). I’ve sensed God inviting me to not just make room, but to pursue unity with different kinds of people without needing anything in return, whether those are junior high students, staff members, sports moms, or new friends. 

God calls us to care for the people in our spiritual community. There is a calling to tetheredness, a “with-ness” in the lives of His people together. “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer,” describes Acts 2:42. Nothing in this verse implies that this was easy, convenient, or even mutually desired (the day I discovered not everyone in our church wanted to be my friend was a needed awakening—ooph!) 

We do a lot of things. But do we really see people? Do we extend warmth and welcome, seeking to know and understand? There are a few things, I think, that can hinder this: an overbooked calendar, an idolatry of self-comfort, or an aversion to difficult or needy people. Even so, it‘s for our benefit and God’s glory that we lay down our lives and pursue the best for one another (1Thessalonians 5:15). This means arranging our days so we have space to show up for God’s people in worship, service, and fellowship, sharing both burdens and joys together. And on the days when we are feeling tired or lonely, maybe they’ll be there to do the same for us.

(106) Comments

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106 thoughts on "Making Room for the Church"

  1. LaRae Taylor says:

    Ooff I needed this. Hit home this morning. I felt like t wrote that devotion. So blessed to have the church and Gods word to get through this life without bitterness and despair

  2. Nicole Powell says:


  3. Sam D says:

    Though we have not been involved in a Church in a bit due to life circumstances, this reading allowed me to reflect on the ‘church’ that was given to me the last several years as an active duty spouse. My fellow spouses ministered to my soul with our shared ‘with-ness’ on a daily basis. Though our upbringings were all different and our belief systems maybe weren’t the exact same as it would be within a Church, we were all able to minister to each other with our given gifts and shared each of our Faiths, even with differences. I am so thankful God gave me this “with-ness” for several years! We have all moved to different duty stations in the last 6 months, but I will cherish them forever. What a blessing to experience the Church in a non-traditional way with God’s people.

  4. Jennifer Jackson says:

    Church is less of a place and more of believers being the hands and feet of Christ each day wherever that day takes them.

  5. Brandi Young says:

    Happy Late Thanksgiving She’s! Making room for spiritual community is so important but like the writer implied “it’s simple but not easy” it requires prayer and real intention and the willingness to sit with those that may not totally agree with you!

  6. Victoria E says:

    Happy Thanksgiving all! So thankful for this community

  7. Amy W says:

    My husband and I were the youth leaders for 15 years and our kiddos became family to us. I would never change what we gained from our little church while we were there. Today we got to see one of our former youth and her babies. She brought our “honorary grandbabies” over to see us for Thanksgiving. It is such a blessing to be able to continue to share our lives with our former youth. My oldest daughter grew up calling them her brothers and sisters. She was the youth mascot from 2 years until she was 17. Unfortunately due to church hurt she never got to finish her senior year as a youth there. It was about that time that I found SRT and started reading with y’all daily. We tried to continue to go for 3 more years, just not as often, but left completely in June when they removed our last ministry we did there. We have been attending the local cowboy church at least once or twice a month and trying out other local churches. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and so thankful for this community.

  8. Sophie M says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, She’s! “Bless the Lord of my soul! Worship His holy name. “. This song comes to mind this morning. If you all can be praying for my family. We put an offer in on a home recently and are anxiously waiting to hear back.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, will pray for that Sophie!

  9. Rebecca Boerner says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!.

  10. Carol H says:

    Happy Thanksgiving – so grateful for all of you❤️

  11. Gwineth52 says:

    Happy Thanksgiving She sisters…
    These words in the devotional resonated strongly for me this morning….
    “God calls us to care for the people in our spiritual community. There is a calling to tetheredness, a “with-ness” in the lives of His people together.”
    …Especially the “with-ness”, what a wonderful way of life. I experience Shes as such a spiritual community. Sharing the metaphorical “ bread of life” as if gathered as a body around the Thanksgiving table.
    Blessings upon Blessings to one & all.
    Gratefully, Yours!

    1. Wendy B says:

      I like the word “with-ness” as well.

  12. R says:

    Happy Thanksgiving She’s!!!! So grateful for this world wide
    community of women
    dedicated to
    opening their bibles
    every day!

  13. Mari V says:

    Happy Thanksgiving sweeties!! I love you all SO much! I am SO thankful for all of you and this beautiful ministry of SRT.
    Thank you Amanda and Raechel for listening to the “call” to start this ministry. I now have sisters from
    all-over-the-world! Thanksgiving is probably one of my most favorite holidays as everyone is very intentional about gathering up with loved ones, even the ones hard to love. I know we all have them. I am blessed to have my sister Patty here from Florida! She definitely has the “joy-of-the-Lord” in her heart! AND my nephew and sweet wife are here from Oklahoma. Can’t wait to “gather” later at my brother’s and sister-in-law’s new home. SHE definitely has the gift of hospitality! I too, along with my sister and brother have experienced church abuse, BUT GOD… it did not stop us from seeking a healthy well-balanced church! And here we are! God is SO good! I’ve been at my church 26 years! I raised both my kiddos there. They’ve chosen to move on elsewhere, but that’s OK. They love JESUS and have GREAT (some from the church I go to) I met my friend Gretchen at my church, we were pregnant at the same time, had our boys two months apart and they are great friends till this day! Even our daughters are great friends! YES, I am thankful for “the Church” as it have given us “life-time” friends. AND I can’t forget my friend Soma whom these past 2 and half years has become so dear to me as we walk and pray every week. YES! God is good!

  14. Indiana Elaine says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all.
    The song, “The Building” by Emily Ann Roberts took on special meaning when our church closed two years ago. I attended there for over 50 years. The people were very special to me even though we were only 25 at the end. The building has since been sold and we are attending the new church and feel very much at home. The words to the song in part are:

    “It’s where I learned that Jesus hears my prayers
    And he’s walkin’ with me everywhere
    And no matter what I’ve done, I know I’m loved
    I’m always loved
    I know it won’t stand here forever
    But I’ll sure miss it when it’s gone
    And I’ll be forever grateful
    To call that church my home
    I know the stained glass never saved a soul
    And these pews ain’t on the roll that’s called up yonder
    I know the pulpit’s just a wooden stand
    But it’s felt the power of God’s hand
    As His glory filled the place with awe and wonder
    I know it’s just a buildin’, plain and simple white
    But it’s the buildin’ where Jesus changed my life
    It’s the buildin’ where Jesus changed my life.”
    Source: LyricFind
    Songwriters: Emily Ann Roberts / Michael Farren

  15. Nicole Burke says:

    Thanksgiving SRT Sisters! I am so thankful for each of you and your insightful comments! May you feel God’s peace and find joy no matter your circumstances today!

  16. Peggy Pappas says:

    It grieves me to think people are ” hurt” in the church. We have been in a couple unhealthy churches in our time but fortunately have been in healthy small groups despite this. Remembering we are all sinners equal at the foot of the cross helps us look beyond our own needs to care for our brothers and sisters in Christ. I can cover over a sin of hurt to provide a meal, pray for, give to a need etc because they are my brothers and sisters in Christ and I am to love as Christ loved me when I was His enemy. I am thankful for each of you and all I learn from you. May you each have a Blessed Thanksgiving Day.

  17. Cheryl Blow says:

    Oh my! All of your comments encourage me, make me cry and just want to say AMEN!
    I have had church hurt but my mama who is in heaven always told me that when people get together, someone can get hurt! That’s life but it is what we do with what life hands us! She would have known. I saw her insist on going to her in-laws house for holidays no matter how she was treated. It was bad enough that my dad told her that we did not have to go. She would always say. “She is your mother and we will go and be respectful no matter how she treats me!” While the rest of the siblings and my dad,and grandkids got great gifts, my mom always got the biggest panties you could possibly find, my brother usually got tube socks and I don’t even remember what I got. My mom was always thankful and gracious to her and taught us to be also. I might add that this grandma had more money than she knew what do with. My mother set a beautiful example of loving others even those who mistreat you. This is how we should love others. My grandma eventually came to Christ and had a heart change!

    Just a note, I do understand that some have had to get away from abuse in church. Just remember, the people who have hurt you are not what God has for us at church! We need each other!

    1. Kat D says:

      What a wonderful example your mom set. So thankful grandma had a change of heart.
      All kinds of hurt by ‘Christians’ lead others to question what an eternity continuing to deal with them would be like.
      Love your reminder: “Just remember, the people who have hurt you are not what God has for us at church! We need each other!”

  18. Traci Gendron says:

    I will be having Thanksgiving at our house today. The first time since Tanner passed. But I feel ready. I smile more now when I think of him. I’m very thankful for that. Last night I put up his tree in our tv area. It is filled with decorations that pertain to him. It brings me joy to do it. I feel that is not forgotten.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I love that you put up his tree, how beautiful!

    2. Mari V says:

      Sweet Traci…what a great way to remember Tanner! We love your sweet lady. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    3. Maria Baer says:

      Sending much love, Traci. So good that you can smile more now when you think of him.

    4. Cathy McVey says:

      I love this Traci. So happy that you are ready to share Thanksgiving from your home. Love that you put up Tanner’s tree. Sending you much love and blessings. Happy Thanksgiving!

    5. Wendy B says:


    6. Tina says:

      Traci, Thanks-giving in the moment you are in. So beautiful, putting Tanners tree up.. Blue-collar your Thanksgiving was wonderfully blessed..

  19. Wendy B says:

    As I read this, what comes to mind is that I (we) need to take the responsibility to be a voice and intentionally champion, support and uphold the church very seriously. We need to pray for unity, like minded thinking, for protection of our pastors, leadership and for Jesus to be glorified in the body of Christ. We need to be on the front lines of right relationships, healthy connections to edify and build up the church and support it’s ministries so that when the lost and hurting come to us they can find the hope of Jesus. Yes, there is legitimate church hurt that is not ok. In a situation where people have been wronged we need to apologize and seek and encourage reconciliation. But we also need to gently be the voice of reason. Over all my years I have sadly seen deep church hurt, that is harmful and divisive. On the other side I have seen that people have not actually “rightly” been hurt and have taken offense without recognition of Biblical Truth, personal responsibility and take on a “leave rather than deal” with things in a healthy, Biblical approach. The secular world touts a “walk away” attitude to protect yourself and that has seeped into the church. Please don’t mis-read what I’m saying and I know and very much aware that there is definite, legitimate wrong and many have been hurt and there are times where the outright wrong is not as easily restored. The reality is that just as within our own families were we have different personalities, preferences and ideas that can rub one another wrong, it happens within church too and just as we seek to maintain our family relationships we need to do the same for our church. We don’t claim that things are perfect, but we do need to be the voice, reason and encouragement for people to find community, fellowship, hope and discipleship and the genuine love and saving grace of Jesus within our local 4 walls, flaws and all. I am reminded in these verses and words that I (we, the Church) need to be part of the reason others want to break bread together, not starve.
    Jesus, show me your heart, your ways and how to be the church as you desire us to be. Amen

    Happy Thanksgiving US sisters. I am thankful for you all and the SRT community. Blessings on your day

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Lots of truth there, Wendy! That attitude of walk-away is prevalent in any type of relationship. We need to heed the Scriptures, not just read them. Happy Thanksgiving! ❤

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      That is said so perfect Wendy, thank you!

    3. Cathy McVey says:

      So well said Wendy! Thankful for you! Happy Thanksgiving.

  20. Tami says:

    This caught my attention today: “For the promise is for you and for your children, and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call.” Act 2:39

    Thank you Lord for my mom who is no longer here. I know now it the foundation she built that I am standing on now. She never got to see it on this side of heaven, but I know she is rejoicing that this once prodigal has returned home. I pray Lord that I am able to continue her legacy and plant seeds in my children. Although in the natural it looks impossible, if You did it for me, You can do it for them and others! I surrender my children to You Lord, knowing that You have them.
    Praying for all of our prodigals today ladies. Let’s not give up hope! Happy Thanksgiving!!! I’m thankful for all of you:)

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      ah, amen Tami! If he did it for me, he can do it for you! I think that line is in the song “I Thank God” by Maverick City! I see a lot of what you said in my mom, and the family! I came home, and hoping the rest of her children and grandchildren will too!

    2. Mari V says:

      Aw….this is so sweet Tami! Thank you for sharing. YES, your mama is rejoicing!!

  21. Rhonda J. says:

    The song today that was on as I was typing was “Take Me Back!” by Cochren and Co.
    I have the shirt from the concert…”I want go to Church!” I love it because I have wonderful memories of growing up in my hometown church. It was where our lives circled around. Church isn’t a building but yet it can be a beautiful place to learn and grow in the Lord.

    There was a time that I swore I would never go back
    I was blind to the truth, didn’t know what I had
    I was running, I was searching
    But every place I turned for healing
    Left me more broken than the last

    Take me back
    To the place that feels like home
    To the people I can depend on
    To the faith that’s in my bones
    Take me back
    To a preacher and a verse
    Where they’ve seen me at my worst
    To the love I had at first
    Oh, I want to go to church

    Tried to walk on my own but I wound up lost
    Now I’m making my way to the foot of the cross
    It’s not a trophy for the winners
    It’s a shelter for the sinners
    And it’s right where I belong

    Take me back
    To the place that feels like home
    To the people I can depend on
    To the faith that’s in my bones
    Take me back
    To a preacher and a verse
    Where they’ve seen me at my worst
    To the love I had at first
    Oh, I want to go to church
    I want to go to church

    1. Lanie H says:

      I love this song! It reminds me of a country song I used to love when I was a kid, “What I love about Sundays”. The old Baptist Church I attended as a child was certainly flawed, and I hated having to eat pot roast every Sunday at my Nana’s. And yet there is nothing I long for more now as an adult. That routine, my whole family being in one church where my grandmother played the same hymns every Sunday, and we all went back to her house and had pot roast. Those are some of my most precious memories. Hints why baby Iris is named after her

      1. Traci Gendron says:

        Lanie I remember not liking pot roast either! We would have it around 1:00 on Sundays.

      2. Wendy B says:

        Oh my pot roast…can hardly eat it nowadays. Ha, ha

    2. Traci Gendron says:

      I stepped away at around 16. Surprised my parents didn’t do something about that. Although I was pretty stubborn. But now, I like the church I’ve been going to. I haven’t met a lot of people yet, but the sermon is good. It’s light filled. The other church I visited was dark and they played loud music forever. It didn’t feel right to me.

      I love that your story about the name Isla!

  22. Rhonda J. says:

    Happy Thanksgiving She!
    First off I invite you to share a picture on our FB page to give us a glimpse of what you are thankful for today! I would love to see some of your family gathering/meal! Or if like me- no meal, no family- but something you are thankful for today in snapshot!!

    When I think of “church” I can now see it in the most ironic place- in our little room at the county jail. To see each of them in their unique, individual prayer or singing together as the group, or participating in our topic- it is a beautiful church each week that fills my heart with a whole new appreciation. Yesterday I was the only volunteer and prepared the lesson- ya’ll will get a kick out of this…when I was going through I thought- well that was a quick lesson, strange. When I got in my car and thinking why was it so short, I realized I had skipped the whole second page! The third page was only one paragraph! Basically I had only covered the first section! hahahah That is typical of me!! I usually end up in discussion!! BUT the good part is I covered that we should be simply thankful for the gift of Jesus—above everything that we know we have eternal salvation, and that is enough no matter what shall come! We had 2 new ladies and they both recommitted their life to the Lord!! I am blessed and thankful to be a part of this unique ministry of blessing these beautiful ladies each week and getting to see them give their life to Jesus!! That blesses me and grows my faith!

    I also look forward to going to homeless tomorrow night to feed our friends. That is another unique picture of the church that happens every week- not in a building but in a park, rain or shine, or storm, my friend organizes and cooks weekly no matter. To see her dedication is priceless. Tomorrow I hope to have a little prayer area to be able to really show them that Jesus is the true food and living water!

    I miss my family traditional Thanksgiving, and knowing my dad is declining. My sister was able to go see him and I am videoing often to be there as well. I am thankful for technology and that I will be able to talk to my son as well. I miss my mom that passed 10 years ago, and holidays kinda fell apart slowly from there.

    I wish all of you a very blessed day! And good luck on the Turkey! Something I can say I have never cooked- a Thanksgiving turkey!! (and never want to!lol)

    Laura–I am so thrilled for you today!! May it be blessed and your mother’s heart FULL!!!

    1. Tami says:

      What a beautiful way to spend Thanksgiving Rhonda, being the hands and feet of Jesus and ministering to those who need it the most. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly!

    2. Kat D says:

      Rhonda love hearing your jail ministry stories. So many social media comments about catch, release , repeat, YET what are they doing to help change the cycle or instill hope back into their lives. You are truly doing this and shining Christ light for them to yo see and follow Him. Thank you!

  23. Kristi M says:

    Thank you all so much for praying for me yesterday and sharing words of encouragement. I really felt God‘s presence in my classroom yesterday. I actually had a lesson observation in the morning that went really well – better than I expected. Then in the afternoon, God gave me the wisdom to deal with a few behavior issues that came up. I realized I forgot to mention yesterday that my students are 6-7 years old, so they are still learning how to control their emotions and interact respectfully. I really believe prayer is the key to battling the discouragement and frustration I’ve been feeling and helping me to show God’s love.

    1. Maria Baer says:

      So good to hear that all went well. Thanks for letting us know.

    2. Tami says:

      Kristi – I am a fellow teacher, you are not alone! This time of year is especially hard for me, getting up in the dark, coming home almost dark, I’m tired and lack patience sometimes. I pray daily to be an ambassador of Christ to these kids. I also need to repent daily. lol Not easy!

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Praying for all of our wonderful and faithful teachers here at SRT!! If you read yesterday that I am a “teacher failure!lol” I respect you all SO much and grateful that our collective kids have Christian teachers that sow into them!

    3. Kimberly Reed says:


    4. Traci Gendron says:

      Bless you! I cannot imagine being a teacher in todays society. And to be fair I don’t think I’d be good at There is such a lack of discipline. The parents seem to be right. I will be praying for you!

  24. Aimee D-R says:

    Lord help me to make the space and time, to love more and to always give thanks. In Jesus name, Amen. Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating!

  25. Danielle B says:

    Ladies, I’m so grateful God led me to this community a few years back. You all, your prayers and your comments are a blessing to me. This study has been a challenge towards hard growth and I’m happy to have you all with me in the iron sharpening iron moments.

    I pray the Holy Spirit gives each of us what we need as we go through this Thanksgiving time. We did our family meal last night to make room for my sister to join, while also allowing space for what others, myself included wanted for Thanksgiving.

  26. Maria Baer says:

    Yesterday, I came across a powerful story from someone in Western North Carolina who had been hurt by the church. He shared that, although he no longer identifies as a believer, he admitted to feeling a stirring inside because the primary people stepping up to help in his community are churches, Christian organizations and individuals, when the rest of the world (including the government) seem to have turned their back on them. These groups are going door-to-door, cleaning up, delivering supplies, and meeting needs with compassion.

    This moved me to tears because this is exactly what we are called to do—be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need and make room for them in their time of struggle. It’s a beautiful reminder of the impact we can have when we truly live out our faith. There are so many good people with a heart for sharing Jesus, and sometimes all it takes is stepping past our insecurities and hesitations to let His love shine through us. I pray that us, SRT sisters, go forth and make room for all those who need the hope and faith that only Jesus brings. Happy Thanksgiving, SHEs!

    1. Karen Elizabeth says:

      Love this ❤️ Thank you for sharing. My church sent 3 groups down the North Carolina over the last month.

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, we saw so much of this during a 3 hurricanes in the last 2 years! My church was out every day in my own neighborhood that incurred so much damage! We were providing meals, and we had people going in their mucky, ruined houses cleaning them out! They shared how the church was really there for them in their need! I think these hard times are when we can literally be the hands and feet of Jesus!

    3. Tami says:

      “It’s a beautiful reminder of the impact we can have when we truly live out our faith.” Amen Maria! Our pastor spoke about the mission field not being a trip to a far away place, but where our feet hit the ground daily.

    4. Kimberly Reed says:


    5. Mia Faith says:


  27. Crystal Pitzer says:


  28. Kristin S says:

    As i sit here reading this sad for people who have had church hurt or have struggled with the church, my heart breaks for them. Yes people in the church have hurt me over the years but the church has come around me and given love. I’m sitting here this morning crying because tomorrow has been 5 years since my mama got to go be with Jesus. I am excited for a houseful of people and yet also wishing I could just sit and remember her. Then i think of how she loved people. So I will show hospitality to all I come in contact today as well as those that come into my home. I am so thankful for all of you and the insight you bring to each study. Thank you for being here.

    1. Karen Elizabeth says:

      Praying for comfort and peace for you today ❤️

    2. Wendy B says:

      Have prayed for the Lord to surround you with comfort. Anniversary dates can be so difficult ❤️

    3. Tina says:

      Hope-filled your Thanksgiving, Kristin, was blessed to overflowing, yet covered still, in sweet memories of your sweet Mama..

  29. Laura says:

    My Thanksgiving this year is one that I, and countless others, have prayed for for seven years. All of my kids will be with me today! I have held off getting a family photo until my prodigal returned, and so today is the day!

    Thank you all for praying for our family through this difficult journey. I am praising God today for the blessing of family and prodigals returning. I am praying for heart change toward a relationship with Christ for all of our lost family members. Love this SHE community!

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      May God be in your midst as you gather today.

    2. Wendy B says:

      Praise the Lord! Blessings to you and wishing you a heart filling wonderful day with your family ❤️

    3. Allison Bentley says:

      Love hearing/seeing things we pray for!! So happy for you friend!

    4. Mia Faith says:


    5. Traci Gendron says:

      My heart is bursting in joy for you!!

    6. Cee Gee says:

      So happy for you! ❤ May this be the first of many blessed gatherings!

    7. Mari V says:

      Love this Laura! OUR hearts are rejoicing with you!

    8. Cathy McVey says:

      So wonderful Laura! Praying for peace and love at your table and in your home. May God continue to bless and bring together your family. ❤️

    9. Lynn F says:

      Praise the Lord! What a wonderful blessing. Happy Thanksgiving.

    10. Tina says:

      This so very precious, Laura. I hope the day was as close to perfection as could be.
      Thank you God, for this gift of United/reconciled family.❤

  30. Cee Gee says:

    I, too, am THANKFUL for you sisters who are so intentionally living out Hebrews 25b-
    “…encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.”
    This reading made me think of stained glass- each piece purposeful and beautiful on its own, but when meshed together with the other pieces and held together by the heated metal (LOVE Colossians 3:14).
    I found this just now:
    The metal in stained glass is called lead came. Lead came is an L-shaped channel made from a flattened and flexible metal which is held together with small solder joints. It’s designed to hold the individual glass pieces of stained glass in place and to provide a framework for the different shapes.”
    My prayer for each of you today through the hard, the happy, and the
    ‘who knows?’:
    1 Thessalonians 12:28-
    The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

    1. Karen Y says:

      What a wonderful insight. Thanks for sharing it with us. God is in everything, isn’t He?

      1. Cee Gee says:

        ❤ Amen!

  31. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “Nothing in [Acts 2:42] implies that this was easy, convenient, or even mutually desired (the day I discovered not everyone in our church wanted to be my friend was a needed awakening—ooph!)”
    Wait! What? LOL such a true insight.
    Being the church is being family. We all are adopted and loved by the Father.
    Praying for a peace-filled fay for all of you.

  32. Tina says:

    I wrote this whole missive, it’s gone to be checked over! That’s twice this week!
    Ahh well!
    I did end however with a love note to all in the Americas who will be sharing with family today in Thanksgiving.. travel safe and enjoy your time with family..
    Much love, as always..
    Tina ❤️

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Bless you Tina! Hugs from afar!

    2. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Thank you…will check back for your original message

    3. Mia Faith says:

      I will also check back for your original content.

    4. Traci Gendron says:

      I’ve heard this several times. Checked over?? What could possibly be needing “checked” on..

    5. Mari V says:

      Love you sweet Tina!!

  33. ERB says:

    My Thanksgiving prayer.. May your day be FILLED with kisses and blessings from God, straight to your heart and soul!! May you SEE Him in amongst all the “busyness” and may you have “Mary moments” where you just sit at His feet marveling at Him and all He is giving and doing!! May you bathe in His Presence and never let go!!! I pray PEACE over you and your household!! May the Spirit be so strong that you can’t do anything but stay and rejoice in it!!! I pray BLESSINGS over you and each one who enters into your home, may everyone feel, recognize, see and be blessed by God directly!! Let Him make Himself KNOWN!!! And may the unity we experience, just by gathering together, go one step further.. may we be UNIFIED in Him!!! Amen!! ❤️️

    —Happy Thanksgiving dear sisters!!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ Beautiful, ERB! Thanks so much and back atcha!

    2. Kelly (NEO) says:

      I receive and am thankful for you prayer.
      So glad to see your notes and comments yesterday.
      God bless you❤️

    3. Tami says:

      Thank you Erb!

    4. Mia Faith says:

      Beautiful! Good to “see” you!

    5. Cheryl Blow says:


    6. Traci Gendron says:


    7. Mari V says:

      Happy Thanksgiving ERB and thank you for your faithful prayers! YOU are loved!

    8. Tina says:

      A prayer to cover all basics! Beautiful!
      That beautiful I’ve copied it!
      God bless you ERB.❤

  34. Lydia Huter says:

    My version of church isn’t the building and large crowds but it is the shared encouragement amongst my friends and peers in my local online communities. We pray for those who are lost in our families and those who have outside friends and neighbors. It has brought me so much joy to be there with people who are so dedicated to sharing Christ with the community.

    1. Kimberly Reed says:


  35. Kim J. G. says:

    Amen. Today with family, not always harmony. Help me Lord to get to know and understand others.

  36. Searching says:

    1 Thessalonians 5:16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

    Lord, thank you for this community of sisters who gather daily here. Please guide me today as so many personalities gather together where tension will be rampant.

    Happy Thanksgiving, sisters!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      One advantage to a small gathering!
      Happy (and mannerly) Thanksgiving! ❤

    2. Mia Faith says:


  37. Linda says:

    Happy Thanksgiving girls! Be blessed!

  38. Tina says:

    A few less than ten years ago, the church I work with, called all staff in for an emergency meeting on a Saturday morning before 8am! When we gathered and before the powers that be arrived there were whispers… a Saturday..? before nine…? oh please God none of our leadership team had died..
    A bomb went off that morning and the effects of it has lasted a very long time!
    We were a thriving church that literally halved and then some in congregation. Hearts were broken. Hurt. Judgemental. Confused.
    This last week a landmine has made rumbles and people are again confused and hurt!
    Church is like any family, there are things that we don’t agree with that will happen. There are people that will hurt us. Because we are Jesus followers does not exempt us from saying or doing wrong. Certainly doesn’t exempt us from sometimes rising above ourselves and hurting people, big time!
    We are followers of Jesus, yet to be perfected, and so we WILL get it wrong. We WILL fall. We WILL hurt others. We WILL not please everyone and for absolute certainty we WILL get it wrong!
    BUT GOD..
    This place called church, is a place of fellowship, of gathering as one, to seek His face and worship the One who is so so very gracious to us. It truly is not about us, it’s about Him!
    “If you have a plank in your eye, remove it before you moan about the splinter in someone else’s.
    We are never going to grow as a church, as one, if we all have different agendas. Different ‘twists/slants’ on the Word (to suit).
    BUT GOD..
    Again He isn’t expecting perfect, but He is expecting us to get on, to ‘make room’ for each other, no matter who we are, look like, speak, dress, where we live. All those are surplus to requirement.. GOD WANTS OUR HEARTS.. our hearts, and everything else will fall into place by His grace.
    I read a story once of a pastor on sabbatical attending a different church far from his flock.
    At every turn he was greeted with a smile and a very warm welcome. After the service as he made to leave he was approached by the pastor who had delivered the sermon. He introduced himself and in the small talk the visiting pastor mentioned how welcoming the church was. The pastor proceeded to tell of a woman showing up, pregnant and dishevelled and wearing a coat too big for her. With no wedding band. She sat at the back .. no one approached her and service over, she left. This happen a couple more times, consecutively, not one person approached her. Middle of the third week, the local newspaper had a picture of this lady on the front page.. she had thrown herself of the bridge killing herself and the unborn child
    The story explained that she had lost her husband in battle and then discovered she was pregnant. She was lost, and in need of comfort, hope, grace.. she needed the church to make room for her in her loss, but they had judged her, because she had no ring, due to swollen fingers, and in her husbands coat, because she felt him close..
    So the pastor finished by saying. We welcome all with a smile now. Clothed, odd shoes, hair unkempt, lost, found, ALL, because we will not be the cause of another being lost!
    Church is messy, but it can also be a place of hope for those looking..
    This ‘Church’ right here called SRT, makes room daily for each of us in our brokenness, our sins, our hurts, our grief, our joys, our hopes and dreams, our hearts.. thank you, my people for that feeling of home each day, and I personally cannot wait to meet for real one day!
    Happy Thursday my dears.
    For those in the Americas, Happy Thanksgiving. Stay safe if you are travelling, and enjoy your time with family and friends..
    Blessings to you all from across the very cold pond!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Precious, loving sister…how blessed we are to read your ‘missives’! What power truth you share and that pastor’s story – especially convicting!!! Thank you, dear sister! It is very cold across the pond tonight indeed! Love and hugs!!! ❤❤❤

    2. Kebrina Vinglas says:
