Scripture Reading: Exodus 23:4-5, Matthew 18:15-20, Luke 6:27-36, John 18:15-18, John 21:15-19, Colossians 3:12-13
I used to speed-read through the mandate to love my enemy because the word enemy felt too jarring to define any of my relationships. While I had experienced conflict with some people—along with the heated emotions that came with those conflicts—I didn’t think of them as enemies. That term evoked images of warfare and international conflict. Surely it was meant to describe an adversary threatening our well-being and safety, I reasoned.
That changed when my grandmother pointedly asked me why all the verses I quoted about loving others and doing good were applicable to everyone but a specific family member. She mentioned our relative by name, and the question pierced my freshly converted heart. This person had wounded me numerous times with careless comments and harsh words, and I harbored resentment. My granny’s question propelled me to wrestle with God and these verses because I had not understood the mandate to love any more than I had understood the definition of enemy. Begrudgingly, I recognized that Jesus welcomed all parts of us—including the thoughtless words of my family member and my failing to see my relative as a person still in need of Jesus’s love.
We hurt others in many ways, and our ability to hurt one another can make an enemy out of any of us. Our next-door neighbors, our own child, the cashier at the supermarket, a best friend, a parent, a spouse, or even you can become your own antagonist. There is nothing foreign about this reality, the ability to hurt one another; it wages war within ourselves and with others. The wounds we inflict complicate our ability to connect with others, ourselves, and God. And while we detest what hurts us, Jesus receives the whole person—all our complexities, insecurities, shame, struggles, tempers, and complicated histories.
When we endeavor to welcome others in the same way—that’s where my emotional brakes screeched as my granny challenged me to walk the talk—the good we are called to do mirrors what Jesus did for you and me. It’s to receive others despite their lack of merit. It’s not sweeping under the rug the wrong done to us. But it’s believing He finds them worthy even when we find them hard to love.
“But I say to you who listen: do what is good to those who hate you…”
—Luke 6:27
There is something about bringing Jesus to the battlefield of our emotions, as He makes us whole and receives us in whatever state we’re in. To love our enemy is a call to hope. Jesus makes room for possibility where, without Him, nothing but hatred might grow.
Written by Paola Barrera
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153 thoughts on "Make Room for Your Betrayers"
Woooo this was a tough one!! But really reminded me of how deep Jesus’ love goes and to model him is to model this deep love even for others who are hard to love too.
“Jesus makes room, where without Him, nothing but hatred might grow.” Sooooo good!
Been praying to surrender all my hurts to the Lord. And this study convicted me the most, to make room for our betrayers. Thank you Jesus for reminding me to forgive those who have hurst us, to don’t harbor resentment and to always exchange goodness and kindness even when it is hard.
So good. It is hard to love as Christ to those who have hurt you or your loved one’s. It takes complete surrender to the Holy spirit but when it is in action God is so present and loud!!
…God finds them worthy, even when I find them hard to love! God can show His love thru me…
The last sentence of the previous page is so humbling. “Jesus makes room for possibility where, without Him, nothing but hatred might grow”. That is my struggle so often. I am so thankful for the teaching of humility in Scripture. In another devotional today I read “humility is considered the proper attitude of human beings toward their Creator. It’s a grateful and spontaneous awareness that life is a gift “ . And that includes the lives of anyone that I might think is an enemy. We are all made in God’s image. And that is worthy of love.
I love that Paola said this, “But it’s believing He finds them worthy even when we find them hard to love.”
The word enemy seemed strong to me too. Someone who we find a little hard to love though..that I feel.
I talked to my grandma on the phone this week after years of pausing all communication. She was very verbally abusive towards my mother, her daughter, and I had had enough. I didn’t realize it until I was an adult- prior to realizing it, she was very present and active my entire childhood. I didn’t realize how much I missed her until I heard her voice on the phone- forgiveness isn’t easy, but man does it bring healing. I’m so glad Jesus is helping me make sure that I’m not the granddaughter who shows up to her grandmother’s future funeral without speaking to her for years.
I’m a day late here. My older son had surgery yesterday and I was at the hospital for a long while. Wow!!! What a study. What words of wisdom you ladies have shared. What lessons I have learned from each of you. What a great God we serve! Pondering everything about this today! Hugs and love to you all. I’m lifting up the prayer requests.
“There is something about bringing Jesus to the battlefield of our emotions…” So good.
Ah yes…this is a hard one, but I guess that’s the truth for any human. We all have someone (at least one)that we find difficult. I try to remind myself that Jesus loves them too!
And I must also recall that how I treat this person must be from love which results in kindness even when I don’t want to be kind..
Lord help me to love those who hurt me
I love this study so much. I really hear God talking to me. I have a specific person in mind as I started this study and I’m realizing I need to soften my heart and look in the mirror.
It is hard when your betrayer is the pastor of the church. I have been struggling with him and his family for several years. We had been going to that church for 30 years myself and 40 my husband. When the new pastor took over everything slowly started to change until we were no longer comfortable there and had lost every ministry we did there because of them. We finally quit going in June and have been trying to find another church home. It is really difficult when all of our important events in our lives were there and we no longer feel welcome. It is going to take time for us to get over the betrayal. God has moved us in other directions and we know He is moving us to where He wants us, we just don’t know where that is just yet. We keep trying out different churches. We have one we are really comfortable with and go most of the time, but we are trying out others as well.
Praying for you and your husband. This is a tough situation
So good I always try my best to love those who hurt me and make room for forgiveness and not hold grudges or anger I pray to God and let him do what he does
Thank you so much to everyone who shared their stories! They all touched me and encouraged me greatly.
This subject is always a difficult one for me to come to grips with; however, while reading through the scriptures, the devotional, and the responses, one thought popped into my mind and knocked me off my stubborn pedestal.
Knowing all things that would transpire, Jesus still called Judas to be one of his disciples, one of the chosen twelve. Knowing fully that Judas would betray him, Jesus still said “follow me,” broke bread with him, shared his teachings with him, welcomed him as a brother. If Jesus can show this type of love with full knowledge of the end of the story, how can I do anything less NOT knowing what the outcome could be?
Reading your comment Abby, I just said out loud “Wow!” The devotional really brought to light that I am guilty of much the same. Your comments about Judas and Jesus welcoming him anyway just leave me speechless! Thank you for pointing this out and leaving me with even more to reflect and pray about!
Todays response questions are:
What does scripture say about making room for your betrayers?
No animal abuse even if they belong to your enemy, if someone sins against you, then you have to tell them, love your enemies, we are to forgive our enemies, and 2 passages that don’t make sense to me as to why they fit.
Why does scripture urge us to welcome our betrayers?
The Bible says that we have to be nice to everyone.
Think of a time in your life when you felt betrayed by someone. Where appropriate, what might it look like for you to make room for that person?
This devotion has really hit home with me. My mom and I haven’t spoken much in the past year and a half. And then last Jan. she got married and didn’t tell me. I found out from Facebook. I was and still am hurt by that. But I hadn’t really considered her an enemy. And I have forgiven her, and I’ve told her that, but we don’t speak or see each other. I think I struggle with the forgiveness vs. reconciliation part of things. In my heart I want reconciliation, but not necessarily for things to go back to the way they were before we stopped talking, because it was awful. I know if we reconciled today it would be exactly the same. I always go back and forth on whether I’m choosing the “Jesus way”. I’m not ugly and I’m always kind when I do see her, but this devo, has me questioning if I should be doing more.
I am going through something so similar. Wish I could talk to you. It’s so hard
I created our SRT SHE’S facebook page just for that reason, so we could 1- expound and explore the readings more there together 2-to be able to reach out to each other further (back before we could actually REPLY on here!! So glad that finally works! lol) I even hope we can have more Topic Talks there using messenger or Coffee chats! Find us there under private groups! (you have to answer the question that you do SRT!)
Would love to talk to you! My Facebook name is Leslie Gray
Will hold your mum and yourself in my prayers, Leslie..
Keep doing what you are doing dear heart, giving all to the Lord before each meeting..
This verse, from the devotional came to mind as I write..
12 Therefore, as God’s chosen ones, holy and dearly loved, put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience..
Be patient, things will work out.
God is good. Trust Him.❤
My Sister Shes
I have been the betrayer.
I have been the wrong doer.
I have been brought low in guilt. In grief.
Over my husband.
Over my step daughter.
Praise be a Merciful God,
Who has seen my wrongs,
Has fostered forgiveness,
Has done & is doing wondrous deeds.
Healing hurts.
Softening hearts.
Standing alongside.
Our God is an awesome God!
“Above all, clothe yourselves with Love,
which binds us altogether in perfect harmony”.
Colossians 3:14
Struggling with some heavy stuff. My mom hasn’t spoken to me in years. Holidays are especially hard. I’d love to have restoration but not sure how it could happen as I’ve prayed about this for years and nothing changes.
My heart goes out to you. The holidays can be the most stressful time of year. I wish I had words of wisdom for you. I wish I could tell you it will all be ok.
I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine. Prayers. I left you a message above! :)
I am sorry for your struggles, Ashleigh.. God does hear your prayers, sees your heart and its desires for reconciliation with mum, trust Him for He works all things for good.. and He always wants the best for us/you..
God bless you, my love..❤️
As I’ve read the message today, I am reminded instead of my need to forgive others, but for the forgiveness I’ve received in my life from people that I’ve hurt. I have not only been given grace by my Savior, but from others that are displaying His fruits and it has worked wonders in bringing me to a place of salvation, restoration, and life within my Father’s loving arms. The forgiveness that we can extend as believers makes a difference! I’m living proof of that. I challenge us all to also think of the effect it made when people extended mercy and forgiveness to us when we’ve been the one doing the hurting, whether intentional or not. It’s but a mere shadow of the grace God gives us. Be blessed sweet She’s. ❤️
such great thoughts…. humbles me
yes, agree.
So good, Kristen..❤
Some of the verses were hard for me. “Someone that takes your things, don’t ask for them back”?? That seems disfunctional to me. Maybe I’m being to black and white here…
My mother always told me to turn the other cheek. I agree Kris that sometimes it takes time. You may have to step away from the person before you can fully forgive. It took me years to forgive (and I’m not sure I have completely) my step-daughter. I know I need to be mature and work on this…
Traci, be kind to yourself.
Forgiveness takes time and for sure, is never easy, but by and in His grace it is fully possible..
It is well.. Because God is with you..❤
Oh, so much to chew on here- In our jail ministry I just led the lesson 2 days ago on the GIANT of Bitterness. Because that’s what forms IN US when we let our enemies’ actions fester in us without forgiveness! And although some are true enemies, like someone said- they are also those that just rub us wrong or that we disagree with. And then there are those that we love, they hurt us deeply, but we still know we have to reconcile. Ugh! Why is it SO hard to live like Jesus!? lol. One reason is simple–The devil. Our adversary- the one that comes to steal, kill and destroy.
The devil loves for us to be offended! He loves to get us to build on that! And many times it is justified to be angry, but we must stop it before it turns to something worse in our spirit. Not only does it divide us, but it festers, grows, and makes us bitter! And bitterness hurts us. More dangerous- it hurts our relationship with God.
So what do I do with this–I simplify it by saying—Love everyone Rhonda. Love your enemies, love those hard to love, love those that betray me, love that spouse of mine that drives me crazy by his up and down mood every day, (erggg!) love those that falsely accuse me, love those that are far from God, love myself. Forgive easily and SEEK forgiveness.
Your comments are so good to lead our minds to many different ways to “make room for our Betrayers!” This is the perfect study for this time of year. Love you all and praying when requests are made as always.
Also- the song by Phil Wickham goes through my mind “The Jesus Way.” Here is the powerful last verse-
And I choose surrender
I choose to love
Oh, God my Savior, You’ll always be enough
I choose forgiveness
I choose grace
I choose to worship, no matter what I face…
It’s a choice…one step at a time (the Lamp at our feet) and the Holy Spirit working in us. Not our will, but
His will be done.
So good, Rhonda; thanks for sharing your jail notes! The song that keeps popping up for me this week is Love God and Love People- Danny Gokey. ☺❤
We had such powerful conversation!
That’s a good one too!
I choose forgiveness
I choose grace
I choose to worship no matter what I face..
I follow JESUS..
Love these words..
Thank you Rhonda for them and your sharing.
Much love and thanks for you, dear heart..❤
Talk about a timely devotion!! I am a high school teacher and just this morning got an irate, rather ugly phone message from a parent. She threatened to go to my principal if I didn’t call her back. She didn’t like the way I had talked to her daughter in class earlier in the week. (The daughter and I had a heated discussion because I asked her to stop working on her sketchbook assignment, which she should have been finished with, and work on her independent project. She completely disregarded what I said and we then had a “discussion” about following directions.)
My first reaction in my head was not very loving or kind but this devotion came to mind and God gave me the strength to say a quick prayer for the mom which I really didn’t want to do.
I am very thankful for this devotion.
Oh Kathy…I pray for guidance for you! I feel for teachers these days and the last decade. Many can’t deal with it and have lost their love for teaching. I pray for strength for you and wisdom, and patience as you deal with those that are hard.
Hi Kathy, Oh I know about those parent emails! And yes, I have had to hold myself back from responding too quickly. I have a great trick though. I write what I really want to say in ChatGpt, and then ask ChatGpt to make it nicer. lol. It works!
That’s Awesome Tami! I have never heard of this..boy do I need to look that up!! I need this for every day speaking to my spouse apparently. lol.
Kathy, praying peace for your heart but also the conversation with this parent to be peace filled..❤
Something God has showed me about loving my enemy is that it takes time. Sometimes you just need a break from the situation to cool down, to allow God to do a work in your own heart, to give you a new perspective. After you’ve had some time, you can see that person differently, and forgive. We put so much pressure on ourselves to do everything “now”, but maybe God would like to do a work in your own heart first, before you start “loving” your enemy. When my ex was unfaithful, I just had to step away for a few years before I was able to be friendly. And during that time God gently worked inside of me which enabled me to be kind and forgiving towards my ex. Then the kindness was genuine, not something put on just to be outwardly nice. Be patient with yourselves, let God lead you on what actions need to be done with your ‘enemy’.
This is so good, Kris. Thank you for sharing. I’ve learned similarly and am still learning that sometimes it takes time… ❤️ God bless you sis.
Thank you for this!
Yes! Great point Kris!! I totally agree. Often times I HAVE to step away, because I wasn’t at a point (on my own) to react correctly or in my own strength.
I had written something out and hit the wrong key and boom….erased the entire thing. Oh well….. Good morning and Happy Friday sweeties! I did want to say thank you for praying for me and my mom. I was finally able to apologize on Wednesday. I kept it brief and to the point which is what works best with my mom.
Awesome, Mari! ❤
Jesus still called Judas “friend” even when Judas betrayed Him (Matthew 26:50).
Great point!
Excellent point.
I struggle. Husband is in the ministry and my heart has been hurt recently by several situations. I don’t want my heart hardened but ministry is so hard. This was a good devo and I am going to ponder what I read and pray.
So sorry Bee. Praying for you right now.
Bee, my husband is also in ministry. Ministry is hard and it can also be very lonely. There is no hurt like the hurt that is caused by members of the Body. I have to be intentional about keeping my heart soft. This devotion was so good. If you get a chance read the devo at He Reads Truth. It’s really good. I’ll be praying for you.
Amen, Kathy! Been in ‘that church’ many years ago and recovery took years. ❤
Holding you close, Bee in prayer..❤
Thank you for sharing your story , it motivated me to seek the Lord in ALL circumstances.
Yes and amen, Paola. I need to expand MY definition of enemy, it seems!
So many others have mentioned their “enemies”. My MIL used to be one of mine. Things are better now (but still not great). Whenever we are together or talk on the phone, I pray for help with forgiveness… remembering that she is so. very. selfish. and also a sinner (as am I) And I also have been remembering something else that a friend had told me (as she struggles with her in-laws as well… I think many of us do). She often says, “Don’t take offense where none is intended.” Ouch.
I totally understand. My former MIL was difficult. I had a like/dislike for her. But my mom said something to me that helped me with the situation. She told me that my MIL loved her son like I loved Tanner. I saw her differently after that.
❤❤❤ wise mom, Traci!
“Things are better” I would take that as a move in the right direction.. Patience, is key.. Trusting God also to move at the right time, when hearts are aligned with His will is another..
With God, you’ve got this, Adrienne❤
Wow, that’s hard to grasp but definitely what I needed to hear today. Thanks for sharing Adrienne!
Please pray for me in this area. I harbor many of these feelings against my mother. I have forgiven her, but I’ve put significant distance between the two of us so that she can never hurt me again. I still have lots of feelings of resentment towards her, mostly because she refuses to apologize/acknowledge she did anything wrong and it’s all on me. Ugh. I just need a lot of prayer.
Covering you and your mother with prayers, Sarah. I think when we are hurt, the lack of acknowledgement and self-accountability from those who hurt us, makes it so hard to not be resentful. I’ve been there. It takes time and lots of prayer.
Praying for you Sarah
Oh Sarah….I know that feeling and if you read the above. I recently as my mom for forgiveness. It wasn’t over something big, but I get you. Sometimes its hard when they don’t realize they too have hurt us, but like some of the SRT sisters mentioned to me here, we extend forgiveness regardless. Even when its hard. Trust me I know. So sorry Sarah. I’ll be praying for you.
Hi Sarah, I learned a very hard lesson about harboring resentment towards my own mother. I also had a wall up with her and even through her stage 4 cancer diagnosis, I still was not able to completely bring the wall down. My heart was so hardened and bitter towards her. She passed await without me ever having reconciled with her. Oh I did the right things on the outside, but my heart was hard. I was not a Christian and the time, and now that I am, one of my biggest regrets is not having reconciled with her. I can never take back that choice. If I had only known the “Jesus way”…
Praying for you, Sarah, especially your heart to know God’s peace that surpasses ALL understanding.. Praying also for those feelings of resentment be washed away and replaced with grace and an abundance of God’s love for you, and in turn the overflow to your mum..
BUT GOD.., Dear Sarah, BUT GOD..❤
I, too, am convicted by today’s message, especially as my teen is wanting to bring someone back into their life who caused a lot of harm last spring. I do not trust this person and I do not want a repeat of last year now that my child is in a much better place mentally and emotionally. Add to it that this person is not saved, so I cannot expect them to act like a saved person. I’ve forgiven people who hurt me without asking forgiveness. Mama Bear is more protective of her babies, though. Lord, help my unforgiving heart.
I don’t have kids, but I can’t imagine how hard this must be as a mom! Praying for wisdom and grace for you!
Amen. ❤
This week a friend challenged me to look for the good in my sister as I confessed there was bitterness and jealousy. She reminded me that though she is not in relationship with God, she is still His child. Oouf did that hit hard. Yet to make room for a betrayer or enemy that is exactly what we need to do to Make Room for the love God wants everyone to experience.
Ladies, thank you for the prayers. I am seeing a doctor and nurse later this morning. Based on my symptoms I suspect an infection or reaction to the titanium chip. My body reacts differently as I have an autoimmune diagnosis.
Oh Danielle! I am praying… both for your relationship with your sister.., and for this issue with the titanium clip…
Also asking Jesus to grant you peace of mind and ♥️ as you yield yourself to His Peaceful Presence. ♥️
“ Begrudgingly, I recognized that Jesus welcomed all parts of us—including the thoughtless words of my family member and my failing to see my relative as a person still in need of Jesus’s love.” This is the sentence that caused me to screech the brakes of my rationalization of my sinful heart toward a family member. My “spiritual” declaration of being “done” with them and their actions. How can I be done with anyone Jesus loves? Father, forgive my harsh, judgmental heart. I am not Your Holy Spirit. I cannot convince or convict anyone but I can love. I am sorry.
Yes, so good!
Praying for a successful and peace-filled appointment, Danielle, and for wisdom for all! ❤
Joining you there Cee Gee ❤
Today’s devotional and scriptures about forgiving your enemies always bring one person to mind—my stepdaughter. Between 2017 and 2019, she put us through a lot, creating such a strain in my marriage that I even considered divorce. It felt as though something changed overnight, like a switch was flipped. Most of her actions weren’t directed at me but at my husband, and I could never fully understand why. Watching the hurt she caused him left me deeply resentful for a long time.
While I no longer feel resentful, I’m not at a place where I’m ready to have a relationship with her, even if she wanted one. I remind myself that she is a deeply confused person searching for belonging—evidenced by how frequently she changes faith denominations—which gives me hope that she’s seeking God in her own way. I’ve told my husband that if she wants to rebuild a relationship with him, I would never stand in the way. However, I remain firm in my decision to keep my distance because I don’t trust her.
Still, I pray daily for God to help me grow and to reach a place where I can tolerate her presence if she reconnects with her dad. This has been a challenging and ongoing journey of faith and self-reflection. I’m sharing this with transparency because, while I’ve made progress, I’m still learning how to protect my peace without closing myself off to the possibility of healing.
To clarify, the reason I struggle to trust her is that she badmouths my husband to the family while simultaneously reaching out to him privately, pretending to want a relationship—usually when she needs money. She has diagnosed mental health challenges, and it often feels like she’s always plotting something. I truly despise feeling this way, but it’s a reality I continue to wrestle with.
Praying for this situation and for you Maria.
I will pray for you. I am walking a similar walk. My daughter has been in a mental institution for 6 months. We have been warned that the insurance is running out so she will be coming home probably bear Christmas. She has not changed and causes much misery. I pray daily for the strength to choose love. And show her libe like Hesus shows me.
May God comfort and guide you as well, Sarah. That is very hard. Thank you for sharing. I pray that you find that strength daily and continue to follow Him and be with Him when you feel the weight of it all. Praying grace over you and Maria, as you both navigate these conflicts with loved ones… lord God, you alone lead and guide us into all truth. May Your will be done in these families. In Jesus’s name. Amen. ❤️
Also, Lord God do a work in these daughters who so desperately need liberation from the enemy’s grip. God please hear their heart’s cries and reveal the enemy to them. Show them You alone are savior and lover of their soul. Please deliver them from this evil and help them to seek after You, Jesus! God protect them and guide them, thank you. Amen
Amen, Michelle! ❤
MARIA and SARAH, my heart goes out to you! May God lead and provide nourishment for healing on all sides. ❤
A double Amen Michelle.❤
Looks like I’m hanging with you today Cee Gee.. In prayers.. Amen.❤
Praying for you Maria. Thank you for sharing!
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!”
Romans 5:8-10 NIV
This passage came to my mind this morning as I reflected on the command to love our enemies. God did this first, didn’t He? He loved me enough to give His own Son for me while I was still His enemy. ❤️ Remembering this changes my perspective and encourages me to extend love and grace to my enemies/betrayers too.
Great share, Kristi! ❤
Wonderfully put Kristi!❤
Even if I am doing the right thing in the outside, what I am thinking inside betrays me. Lord help me to love others and see them as you do with love in my words, thoughts and actions. In Jesus name, Amen
Love this AIMEE!❤
Wow, this week is really hitting me in the gut. Yesterday’s reading sparked the need for reflection on my own self righteousness. Today, I’m tired from a poor night’s sleep after alternating between raging and sadness about an issue last night with my husband. Nothing as severe or hurtful as Tina or Laura’s betrayals. It pales in comparison. But hurtful nonetheless. I woke this morning with anything but forgiveness in my heart. Today will take some long talks with Jesus to try to change and soften my hard heart.
Between yourself and Jesus, you’ve got this Karen..❤
I can hold a grudge like no other and have been betrayed by many of my friends. Hurt people tend to hurt people. But I was convicted this morning, God doesn’t hold grudges, our sinful nature betrays Him daily and He offers mercy and forgiveness freely no matter what and I must do the same.
I have hurt a friend/neighbor greatly in just the past few days and it has consumed me greatly. I have wrestled with the way I handled my hurt for weeks and now wrestling with the results of the final outcome. I am mostly torn up by the fact that I am the follower of Christ and she knows that and now I’ve set that example. I feel like crawling under my rug and never coming back out again. The SHAME is engulfing. Thanks be to our Lord for sharing His thoughts and words through Paola. I am received by Him, even as I walk with my shame, complexities, insecurities, struggles, tempers and complicated history. He not only walks with me through all of these, but carries, takes and heals them.
Sarah – shame is from the enemy. No one is perfect, we all sin and fall short. Don’t beat yourself up too much. But if the situation calls for it, perhaps an apology can be made, and thus setting another example?
I’m thinking of the US and the hatred between Republicans and Democrats that has been going on. Can Christian liberals and Christian conservatives set aside our differences and love our enemies?
It seems that both sides, though united in their love for Jesus, hold deeply rooted differences on key issues like abortion rights and homosexuality—topics that often create ongoing tension between Christian Republicans and Christian Democrats. These differences are not easily resolved, and I believe it’s something that calls for prayer—prayer for both sides to approach one another with humility and a willingness to listen. This ties into the challenge of addressing self-righteousness and finding ways to share biblical truth in conversations without appearing overly righteous. It’s a deeply nuanced and delicate topic that requires both grace and discernment.
❤ Well said, ladies!
Grace and discernment are key. I have been praying for both for years and fear I’m still not great at the discernment piece. I have asked the Holy Spirit to be a real and tangible presence that I can hear and follow. It is very hard to have such opposite opinions as my church friends and disagree on how Jesus would respond to the issues you’ve all brought up here.
I am struggling with this. I know all the people in my life group Republicans and I am not. I struggled to go to my life group because I felt I was in enemy territory. The people did not make me feel that way .
I stopped going to a church about three years ago because the pastor publicly declared his alligenace to the president elect.
I cannot get past all the anti immigrant, racism y,and hate of this party and the sexual predators and I am bewildered how Christians are 100% on board with these people.
I am fighting the desire to go back to Judaism because we were taught to welcome the strangers and not hate anyone.
I could understand if when the president elect takes office in January all the gays would become straight, all the abortion clinics would immediately close, all the Trans people would go back to their sex assigned at birth. Even if the pope were president these things would not cease to exist or go away.
I feel betrayed by Christians who support pedophiles and sex offenders, and hateful racist rhetoric.
Again I want to go back to Judaism after what I heard and saw during and after this election.
I am so sorry you are hurting and can relate to much of what you’re saying. I try to remember that neither side is being shown the same media, and different pictures are being painted or left out entirely to make each candidate look desirable and the other look terrible. Doesn’t mean I support the president elect (I voted blue), but it does mean that others in our lives who voted for him may not be on board with or even aware of everything he’s done or said.
Oh Tanya please don’t give up! I do so understand your frustration. While I mostly agree with the platform of the Republican Party, it has been difficult for me to understand why the president-elect had been chosen as the party’s nominee. And as Allison suggested, I believe there are MANY of us that are not on board with him personally. My focus issues are sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and God’s design for biological male/female, so I felt I needed to vote for the “platform of the Republican Party” (instead of the nominee himself…) I had a dear client, a staunch democrat and catholic, and we broke all the rules about not discussing religion and politics! lol!! I recall saying, we need a “God” party. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could “make room” for a party whose platform was to embody the truths of scripture?!?! And had a nominee that also embodied Biblical values?!?! Prayers, Tanya, for the healing of your heart. As we all move forward from this election, let’s pray for Christian unity, for humility and kindness for ourselves and our president-elect, and for the Holy Spirit/Biblical values to guide the incoming administration.
Yes Lord. You are God and we are not. You will always reign as king.
I read this in the pour over new and have held onto it. They referenced 1 Corinthians 13 as a reminder of how we are called to respond in love, much like we read in today’s verses on making room for our enemies.
“It’s easy to only show compassion for people who vote like you, but Christians don’t have the privilege of stopping there; we’re called to love everyone. That means loving people that you believe have un-loving beliefs/stances.”
I agree with you. I personally don’t understand how the president elect has a single follower. Of any time to vote against your “party” this was the election for it because unfortunately, my opinion, is he isn’t going to be the one that cares about these “issues” anyway, he just wanted the votes. And I’ve already had a deep personal friend leave the faith over it claiming that God cannot be good based on her experiences of what people define as “moral” any longer. I’m trying hard not to let it shake my faith because our God’s goodness spans generations. His love endures forever. So even if things are horrible in our lifetime, we have to be eternity minded.
Amen ❤️
Someone mentioned to me that Brooks & Dunn and Jelly Roll performed Believe on an award show this week – I searched for the live video of their performance… worth watching (to me).
When I saw the title of this devotional, I poured myself another cup of coffee, LOL. This morning did not seem to be a good time to dig up the whole betrayal thing with me. Nothing necessarily stood out to me in this writing, so I hopped over to HRT which I had forgotten about truthfully since our last study. And wham…I copied this:
Being commanded to make room for people in our lives who should love and champion us but instead have shown themselves as deceptive, disloyal traitors? In no uncertain terms: exactly, yes, and amen.
Betrayal is painful, but Jesus himself experienced it. Peter, one of his closest disciples, denied Him three times. Jesus’s response was forgiveness and restoration. His actions model for us a powerful truth: making room for our betrayers is not about condoning their actions but about releasing our right to revenge and entrusting justice to God. The world tells us to cut those who hurt us out of our lives, but Jesus’s way is different. It’s a paradox that is central to the gospel—that forgiveness and love can come through pain and betrayal. Just as Jesus made room for his betrayers, so it must be with us.
I mean, this describes my life for the last 8 years. Before that, I think I would have glossed over all of this and thought the same as this author, I don’t have anyone to forgive, I’m good. But when you live with the person who hurt you the most and they were supposed to love you and champion you, yeah, it’s tough. I had to literally wrestle with God because I did not want to do it. You know how there is that line between being loving and kind and generous and being taken advantage of? Well, I felt like I was being taken advantage of. I did not deserve my husband’s betrayal, I didn’t do anything to spark it, I had been a long-suffering wife who held down the fort at home and worked a full-time job while he traversed the world doing ministry and building a very successful organization. It seemed as though God was blessing everything he touched, and I was home slogging away doing all the grunt work. And then, wham, confession of an affair. I was wrecked. It has taken me literally 8 years to forgive and to give up my right for revenge and it’s hard to say, but I am not sure I am even there yet. Sometimes it feels like I have to start over again. Ugh. The Jesus Way is not the easy road. Trust me, it isn’t. But it is the only way.
Amen, the only way. Thank you, LAURA – praying for you.
Praying for you ❤️
Laura, I appreciate how raw your words are. I can feel the intentionality you have put into your marriage through your words. Praying for you and your husband. Hugs to you, sister.
Laura, I am sorry for your troubles. Praying Jesus meet you where at right now and minister to your heart, mind and soul. There is a lot going on for you to deal with in your own strength..
Speak the name of Jesus, sing the name of Jesus, over every feeling, every thought, everything, give all to God in the name of Jesus, This will be my prayer for you, that you will let go of all the hurt, bitterness resentment.., because I believe until we/you fully let go, it’s still there within us.. Praying for you, dearest..❤
As I read this I am reminded of so many people who betrayed me at my last work place and of how resentful I still feel towards them. Lord, help me forgive them truly and completely. Amen
Joining you Katie, in prayer for a heart shift, for you, and the feelings of resentment towards those that have hurt you to be be released to God, freeing you to live in His peace..❤
Getting to the place in my heart where I give way to God’s will in this area seems unlikely from my perspective. Yet for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world this is their everyday reality. They do not have the luxury of harboring unforgiveness, and God provides the strength for them to release their enemies.
May I submit to Your will, Lord as a response of gratitude for the mercy and grace shown to me.
MARI V – praying you and “A” will continue to develop a strong relationship. Also for safe travels for your sister.
TANYA EVANS – rejoicing that you found favor with the dentist and can proceed with the needed work.
DANIELLE B – praying you were able to get some answers about the concerns you have about your wound.
❤ amen!
Amen. Kelly, Amen.❤
My thoughts are all over the place on today’s subject matter. Enemies, what enemies? Surely I don’t have any, do I?? Enemies go both ways, people that look at me as their enemy and those that I consider my enemies. My goal every day is to lay down things that don’t matter now or won’t matter in the long run, and then move on. Occasionally I reach that goal.
Lord, help me to see where I’m failing to love my enemies and where a need might be met. Help me to lose my self righteous attitude in judging other people, especially those I feel are nurturing their anger towards their enemies, and instead to pray for your guidance and wisdom my life and in their lives.
LAUREN GW – praying for your family
ALEIDA – praying for Victor, that he would turn back to the Lord, that he would find a job and housing, and be able to stay sober from anything he’s depending on.
LYNNE FROM AL – praying for you and Jack
Also praying for our other caregiving sisters, including NANCY S, LINDA IN NC AND GRAMSIESUE.
TANYA EVANS – praise the Lord for the solution provided for dental expenses
MARI V – praying for A to stay strong in her relationship decision
MARIA BAER & ERICA CHIARELLI – y’all made me stop and give thanks yet again for being protected in my rebellion.
DANIELLE B – praying for the medical concern and that you were or will be able to speak to someone soon
Agreeing in prayer! ❤
I, like the author, can wiggle my way around these commands when using the word ‘enemy’. Then we are confronted with the fact that Peter was for awhile Jesus’ enemy…. Now I have to wrestle w/the very hard stuff of day to day hurts or family members who are difficult to love.
Only by God’s grace and the Holy Spirit’s filling can we do this! But what a huge witness it is to a world that does NOT love it’s ‘enemies’…..
Blessings on your Friday, Ladies!
Blessings right bactk, Sally.❤
It took me years to forgive my exes now wife! Years!!
She stepped, no thst is an understatement, she bulldozed her way into our lives and the weakened man, I now call my ex! She attempted to make herself comfortable, and obviously succeeded, in our time of great sorrow.. the passing of our daughter..
She would send him messages, and he would go off for hours under the guise of I need a walk. She would send him pictures of herself pouting and blowing kisses. She, slowly was winning my exes attention, big time!
There were many more suggestive texts, but there is no need to smear her, completely, as she is now my sons step mother!
In those early days, after he left us for her, oh boy, I, so wanted to tarnish her name! I felt to hurt her as much as she had hurt my family, my children.. I even hatched a plan to make posters with her picture on, like those most wanted ones, with the headline, Homewrecker on, and put on as many lampposts in her area, IN MY HEAD..of course! Oh, it always feels good to plan in the head.. until you come across a verse that says.. to even have thought it is a sin!
He brought me to my senses, every time.. in those thoughts, those moments when I wanted to give what I had received.. that pain of betrayal, thst pain of a double whammy of loss.. the hurt in my heart of another mother doing these things to another in her most vulnerable time, not to mention the children.
God graciously and mercifully gave me strength to not only see His goodness, if only through tired tinted lenses, but also live in it. Slowly but surely, and as day follows night, I grew stronger in believing that God had a plan for me, through my brothers daily phone calls and prayers, that was better than the pain and troubles I was facing.
I could not in those early days, have done good to, or, for this woman who stepped/stamped hard, on my already broken heart.
He covered me in His grace, to overflowing, so I could be gracious in His strength, so I could ‘make room ‘ for one whose appearance in my life, should have broken me, and I guess it did, for a while, but it also had me clinging to the One who makes way for a better day when we least expect it..
Funny, the sorrow of my ex leaving us now plays in my head as “as it was meant to be” rather than a great regret..
It took a whiiiiiile to put on compassion, kindness, humility.. these are not instant fixes, patience is needed as is the kindness of God.., but by and in His mercy, grace and covering of constant love, I arrived here today..
Today, some 19 years later, I bear no malice towards my exes now wife.. NONE! She is not my best friend, BUT GOD, surely moves in our midst when we have met at family events..
Thank you Father God for my journey and my story, of and for which I am so grateful. I see often, how you were in and close in my darkest and scary times, and I see your presence in the joyful times.
There is none like you Lord God, I am forever thankful that your heart is for me, always..
In Jesus’s name I pray..
Your daughter,
Forgive my lengthy missive today, my dears.. much to say.. lol.
Happy Friday, dear hearts. Stand in the lord of Christ who strengthens you to do ALL things.. even forgiveness!❤️
Ah, TINA … you never need to ask ‘forgiveness’ for any of your missives, where you share your heart and show us what our Lord God has done in your life ❤️❤️
Thank you, sister!
O, how beautifully God worked in your situation. Your journey toward forgiveness brings Him so much glory and honor. Thank you for sharing
Dearest Tina, I am so glad that you shared all of this this morning. I can so relate in so many ways! Thankfully, I never had to know or meet my husband’s “other woman.” Gosh, it is even hard to type those words! But because my husband chose to repent and ask for forgiveness and wanted to work things out, I had to live with him. So I felt a lot of the things you shared about your ex’s other woman towards him. And yes, it took a loooooong time. And to be honest, there are days when the bitterness still rears its ugly head. But I, like you, have come to see that this was all necessary. It was necessary for God to draw us nearer to Him and for Him to start the healing process in our marriage that I had prayed for for so long. Things are not perfect over here. I have come to the conclusion that they will never be. But God has worked through the pain to get me to the place where I fully trust Him with my life and He is my focus, not my husband or anyone else.
I admire your ability to forgive the other woman and be in a relationship. I am glad that I was not asked to do that. It may have been too far for me, who knows? I never had to meet her and she lives far away. Thankfully there is nothing tying us to her. Thank you for sharing your story.
Laura, the ability to forgive is and has been by God’s grace! We don’t have a relationship, as such, but civility, covered in God’s love and presence has always been my guide.
Praying for you to have complete peace over your situation and to trust God in all aspects of it..
Much love to you..❤️
Tina and Laura, As I sit here thinking about my “enemies” and who I need to forgive, I am humbled by both of your testimonies. Tina the double whammy has me feeling angry for you! And Laura, your commitment to your husband amazes me. I do’t know if I could walk in the forgiveness you both are offering. You have me really checking my heart when I can become angry and resentful over far less evils. Thank you for sharing!
Tami, don’t be angry on my behalf, rejoice that I walk in peace and Freedom even though I walked through that experience!
Amen. ❤
SWEET Tina! I love you! We love you! YOU are so loved by all of us here and we admire your vulnerability. It shows all of us that forgiveness of a betrayer is possible. Even though its been over 19 years (as you mention), I’m SO sorry this happened to you, BUT SO grateful for your ability to forgive and move on and HERE you are with us! I look up to you SO much! Can’t wait to meet you someday!
Love received, and being returned doubled!
The journey to forgive was not overnight.. BUT for GOD..❤
Looking forward to that hug, dear Mari..❤
Dear Tina – My heart breaks over this. Losing a chid is the worst pain you can go through. And to have to have endured this betrayal on top of it. I have no words. BUT you are an amazing woman of God. You help so many on this page. I’m praying God makes us velvet over steel. To be soft yet strong. I view you that way.
BUT GOD, TRACI. Only God..! ❤
Tina, what an awesome example you are! Thank you for sharing from your heart and love for the Lord! I am glad, at least, that the environment your son was exposed to (step-mom/committed relationship) turned out to be a healthy one- it seems! ❤☺❤ Love you!
❤ thank you Cee Gee. BUT GOD.. I give all glory to God.. Not in my own strength.. Any of it!❤
Thank you Tina for sharing your heart and wisdom. ❤️