Living the New Life

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 4:17-32, Ephesians 5:1-5, Deuteronomy 8:11-20, Romans 12:1-2

We dress for occasions, and we dress for identity. We wear dressy blouses for work and switch to sweatpants at home—or maybe both, for all those who work remotely. We use uniforms to signify ranks and roles. We choose different looks for holiday dinners, date nights, or a party with friends. And I’m pretty sure we all made some questionable fashion choices as teenagers while signaling a desire for belonging through favorite band shirts and creative hairstyles. What we put on says something about who we are, sure. It also says something about who we belong to: families, fandoms, teams, or religions.

Paul used something like a clothing metaphor when he described the Christian life. “Put on the new self,” he wrote, “the one created according to God’s likeness” (Ephesians 4:24). After praising the Ephesians for their faithfulness and reminding them of God’s generous mercy, it’s time to give some practical guidelines to follow.

Many of us may have grown up seeing the Bible as a rulebook, but in this section on living the new life, Paul started with the heart. While taking off the old self and putting on the new is an active command, the first problem Paul highlighted is how the old way is less about action and more about our inner state, our hearts and minds. He used words translated as “ignorance” and “hardness of hearts” and “callous” to describe the opposite of life in Christ. And this callousness toward God and each other leads to all kinds of immoral behavior, “a desire for more and more” (Ephesians 4:17–19).

To stretch the clothing metaphor a bit, what are we trying to say when we wear an expensive designer piece? Is it coming from our delight in something beautiful and well-made, or is it an attempt at a status symbol? Is it coming from a place of confidence and belonging or insecurity and scarcity? We can see how good and beautiful things can be warped to darker ends. We could ask the same question about the way we dress to fit in a clique we want to be part of—or the one we want to stand against. At the center of it all, there is always the question of love and identity.

Before we can put on the new life, there are a few things we need to get rid of, like bitterness and anger, wrath and malice, envy and selfish ambition—things that lead to “disorder and every evil practice” (James 3:16). Instead of giving in to our insatiable greed, we are asked to learn contentment with all we’ve received. This removal is hard work. It means reorienting our hearts, acknowledging the ways the world has shaped us, and asking God to recreate us.But when we get rid of our threadbare ways of being, we can put on newer, better things: gentleness that comes from wisdom (v.13). Kindness, compassion, and the same kind of forgiveness we’ve received. There’s more than enough of this goodness to go around. And then, we start to look a little more like who we really are: beloved children made in God’s image, who are following Jesus, clothed from head to toe in His belonging.

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67 thoughts on "Living the New Life"

  1. Laura M says:

    You will never know how profound this blog post is for me right now. I have been behind in the reading plan, but God did it for a reason. I needed to hear this TODAY. He gave me insight yesterday into some issues of my childhood that have resulted in issues in adulthood. Now I feel a sense of freedom and know that he is going to recreate me.

  2. Margaret W. says:

    I am just now getting to the devotional, but I would like to leave a prayer request. I have a long time mom friend with whom I have had some significant relationship struggles over the last couple of years, to the point that I have considered just walking away from the relationship altogether. She has 5 children who grew up with mine, and 4 of them have attended Apalachee High School. One was there yesterday. I have put our issues (which she doesn’t seem to be aware of anyway) aside for now and supported her as best I can, but I am absolutely devastated and barely able to function. We have lived 200 miles apart for most of our friendship, but it still feels like the shooting happened in my own backyard. Please keep both of us and our families in your prayers.

    1. LindaK says:

      Praying for the students, families and community ❤️

    2. Natalie GA says:

      This is heartbreaking.I’m still trying to process this. We are about 30 minutes from Winder and my friend teaches at the elementary school next door to Appalachee.Praying for you,your friend and your families as well as the Appalachee community.

    3. Rhonda J. says:

      Prayers for you, your friend and all the surrounding communities! Especially all the kids that it has traumatized. Praying that the need for God is found in these situations, and that healing is found in God as well!

    4. Soma D Daigre Mama says:

      I don’t watch the news, but after your post, I looked it up. I am sooooo saddened by school shootings. As a teacher, who has to routinely practice lockdown drills, I can’t imagine having a real active shooter. Students who have experienced trauma, already get emotional/fearf just from the drill. Praying for the families of the wounded and killed. My heart goes out to them and the community.

      I have told you this so that you will have peace by being United to me. The world will make you suffer (pain/murder), but take heart (Be brave) I have overcome (defeated) the world. John 16:33

  3. Audren says:

    Oh my goodness, Alieda, praying for grace, mercy, and strength that can only come through God alone.

    I was able to glean a lottt from this morning’s devotional, its beautiful! Although, Tina’s story reminded me of my sister and I’s relationship. She’s 15, and VERY much cares what other people think. To the point where she will tell me to not join her somewhere if I ‘m not wearing the right thing, or will stay away from me in public we’ve gotten into many fights about this.

    I know I can’t be the only one who has similar battles with my own mind about what I can do to act or be ‘good enough’. It can be very difficult to rest in the idea that our Heavenly Father doesn’t see us the way the world does, one I wrestle with hourly. I pray we can all start to truly soak in that our Creator genuinely loves us, down to every tiny detail. Love you all!

  4. Kimberly Z says:

    Finds the strength to deal with this and come out stronger.

  5. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Thursday ladies! Praying for you! I’ve been pretty mia on here with life feeling like it’s just been extremely busy. Now that I’m through the summer I feel like I can finally breath. @MIA FAITH – praying for your family during this time. I agree most people in divorces tend to be rooted in selfish. Praying your spouse and

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I miss you when you are MIA Kimberly Z!

  6. Mercy says:

    I just love this verse, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship” Romans 12:1. The keyword popped out for me is to sacrifice as a form of spiritual worship to God. What a tall order but coming from the place of adoration, worship for Him (this would make me tear up). The clothing metaphor is so sweet. God wants us to dress appropriately to represent His Kingdom, the robe of righteousness, the garment of praise, and one day when we join Him we shall all dress in white (purity). This brought to my mind another verse about appearance on the note of appearance, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight” (1 Peter 3:4). God’s words are just so good, full of wisdom, guidance and discretion to lead us into what pleases Him. Lifting you up in prayers dear shes. Have a blessed Thursday.

    1. Soma D (Daigre mama) says:

      I too thought of the scripture- 1 Peter 3. God doesn’t prioritize outward appearance, but our inward spirit-gentle and quiet, humble, and obedient. Focusing on out outward appearance is very worldly, like focusing on money, or power. Jesus, again you point us to truth. May we be obedient in a society/culture that very much values appearance over character and heart.

  7. Rhonda J. says:

    You gotta LOVE these scriptures! It speaks to the heart of every Christ follower! Taking off the old self and putting on the NEW self IN JESUS!! We are IN Him, wowzer! What a beautiful thought, yet it is truth! And how should it be revealed…by getting rid of the old grievous, harmful, hardened ways and replenishing them with beauty, love, hope, kindness, and most of all-awareness!! We are covered, clothed in HIM! It protects us and gives us a new personality! That is SO good! Lord, lead us She’s to be humble and loving, always showing kindness, especially to the hardened ones that we KNOW can have a Damascus road, life-changing switch at anytime!! Could be from YOU seeding or watering- Don’t you want them to remember your kindness despite what they said and did to you??! That makes you think!! Lord, make us She’s willing, excitable disciples to always shine for YOUR Glory..Amen and Amen!!

  8. Mia Faith says:

    Today’s verses got me. I need some introspection and prayer about some attitudes I’ve been having. My son is going through a nasty divorce and the ex is making life miserable for everyone- me included. I’ve had some not so kind thoughts and a few words too. Praying for forgiveness and a change of heart. This all began a few days before my husband died. Misery upon misery. But God!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      So sorry you have so much on your shoulders! It is hard not to get angry in these types of feeds…especially if there are kids involved! Most divorces are rooted in the good ole selfishness…not looking out for the best interest of the kids. I pray peace for you today, and a heart of love when it doesn’t feel so loving!

  9. Diane Smith says:

    “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!”
    ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭139‬:‭23‬-‭24‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    I love the challenge of today’s devotional! That the Lord can walk with me through the moments of this day to direct my choices., my words and my thoughts is a great gift of comfort of peace to me.

  10. Eileen Dowd says:

    Praying for all the request that have been put at the seat of our Lord this morning.

    Would you kindly pray for me as well today at 2:30 PM Eastern standard daylight time? My church is asked me to consider taking a position with children’s ministries as their Director and I am, humbled and honored one just to do God’s will. Thank you ladies. Blessings to you all.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      How exciting! Praying that you are used by God for His Glory…and you have a blast doing it!

  11. Cheryl Blow says:

    Putting off our old self and putting on Christ! This is what I want to be clothed in daily! Whether I am going to something I have to be dressed up for or in my comfy clothes. I pray to be an imitator of Christ. Showing love to others and not letting my heart become hardened.

    Praying for all the requests! Your insights mean so much to me! Keep sharing!

  12. Cee Gee says:

    ALEIDA POLANCO – The quote in the devo that referenced James could be a foundation for a NEW understanding when Victor returns.
    “Before we can put on the new life, there are a few things we need to get rid of, like bitterness and anger, wrath and malice, envy and selfish ambition—things that lead to “disorder and every evil practice” (James 3:16).”
    Deuteronomy 8:18 always stands out to me:
    …”but remember that the Lord your God gives you the power to . . . Only through the power God gives us can we put off that old smelly, torn garment. Confessing here that I needed this hard lesson today. Thanks, Jen Yokel!
    SEARCHING – So glad for your cousin! Also VERY THANKFUL you had a good night! May the same be true for tonight. Prayers for wisdom and guidance as you learn of treatment options! Sending another gentle hug! ❤
    Gotta run. Love you sisters! ❤❤

  13. Gayle Trim says:

    Praying for you! God will help you through this and you will grow in peace and wisdom. I’m glad you’re giving it to Him.

    1. Gayle Trim says:

      My comment was meant to be a reply to Lydia.

  14. TheBestIsYetToCome says:

    Please pray for court tomorrow morning. The judge will hear the petition for termination of rights for my Foster that has been with me one and a half years. I know the Lord is testing and growing my faith, so grateful for this group. Thank you for always encouraging my heart!

    1. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Praying for God’s will and peace for you and your foster child! ❤️

  15. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Help me, Holy Spirit to walk in the new life, to live in Your love. Help me to imitate, walk and talk like my Father and my Savior!

  16. Carol J Mylin says:

    Good Morning dear Sisters.., As I was reading the scriptures and devotional this morning, a “tape” was running in the background of my mind… thinking about the “Rice Krispie Treats” that I made for a group this morning, and eagerly anticipating eating some leftovers… BUT GOD!! Jen then decided to emphasize “MORE AND MORE”!!
    Sisters, I don’t know where you are… but I am thankful for the conviction of God’s Word, and the faithfulness of His people, SRT , and each one of you as we submit to “what we know He is calling us to do… is it possible, that for me today, it is to be satisfied with “ enough… NOT more and more”… I think the answer is obvious.., thank You Jesus!

  17. Lydia Huter says:

    Pray for me, I have lost some friendships of people that I thought were going to be in my life a long time. We parted ways because we had some issues. I have been very bitter about it. I want to forgive them and let go of the pain and anger I have towards them. Please pray for me.

    1. Susie H says:

      Jesus please bring healing to Lydia’s heart.Help her to learn to forgive and bless her with solid friendships.

    2. Cheryl Blow says:

      Praying for you

    3. Danielle B says:

      Oh Lydia, I understand your pain as I also had long time friendships end this year. For me praying for them has not only helped me heal, but it has also helped bitterness not grow.

      I pray for your healing in this pain and I pray God bless you with other friendships!

  18. Searching says:

    Phrases that drew my attention this morning – “as the truth is in Jesus” and “be renewed in the spirit of your minds”, from Eph 4:21 and 23. Amen.

    Cousin – still improving
    Me – it was a good night, sisters!! Thank you, thank you for your prayers! Another appt today re: management options for the pain. Praying for wisdom in choices.

    LYNNE IN AL, NANCY S, LINDA IN NC, GRAMSIESUE- praying, sisters, for each of your situations and loved ones ❤️

  19. Aimee D-R says:

    Praying and trusting in You Lord. Father build my faith, reward my doubt. In Jesus name, Amen

  20. Sally B. says:

    What’s resonating with me this morning comes from the Deuteronomy passage – after Moses reminds Israel of all the trials in the wilderness to bring them out of slavery, he points out these came about so ‘He [God] might humble you and test you, to do you good in the end’. And that all other gods will lead to their perishing.

    Father, keep me humble and focused on You and You alone! Help me put off all the old, worldly habits for Your righteousness and holiness. Only by Your grace and mercy. Amen.

  21. Kelly (NEO) says:

    From Matt Capps on HRT today
    “as Christians we are called to put on the new self as a way to stand out from other people. This is a high calling! At the same time, there is great comfort in knowing that what we put on protects us and shields us. Moreover, we should thank God that by His grace, He has granted us this new self that brings us protection and identity, but more importantly, brings Him honor and glory.”
    SEARCHING – thanks for the update on your cousin and yourself. Continued prayers.
    DONNA WOLCOTT – praying that your granddaughter’s maturity will rub off on her peers this school year as they prepare to launch into the next stage of life.
    MERCY – how’s your daughter’s week going at school?
    HERSH – how’s your daughter’s feet?
    TAMI – praying the good reports keep on coming from your daughter

    1. Searching says:

      Thank you ❤️

    2. Mercy says:

      She is enjoying it and I am praying for her teacher that he will be doing well. Thanks Kelly for checking in :) Appreciate you!

  22. Tina says:

    When my brother, his wife and children and I travelled home for the 1 year anniversary of our parents passing, (a tradition that is required) we had much to do in preparation.
    Things and life begin a lot earlier than here, and so you can find yourself up and out to a bustling street by 6.30/7am!
    My SIL, was always coiffeured( she was that well apparrelled, I can’t even spell!)
    Seriously, from her slicked back hair with bun, to her gold studded dress coordinated with matching belt and earrings, to her sandals that I am sure Pilates wife would have killed for,and shoulder bag to suit, this woman was a vision! A beautiful vision that commanded a few hoots along the way..
    My brother asked me why I had not made an effort like that, as I was not even a tinsy bit, in any way on the same level of dress code.. My response was that I was comfortable with who I was, and that I did not need my outside to look good, tidy and clean, yes, of course, for people to see me for me.
    I have come a long way from that journey of attraction or drawing others to me via my outer look..(my SIL explained she like to make an effort for her husband,)I know to whom I belong and who I am, so I dress for comfort these days..
    In Paul’s words..
    I know what it is to be in need and what it is to have more than ENOUGH. I have learned this secret, so that anywhere, at any time, I am CONTENT, whether I am full or hungry, whether I have too much or too little. I have the STRENGTH to face all conditions by the POWER that Christ gives me.
    Philippians 4:12‭-‬13 GNT
    It is well. I know where I belong. To whom I belong. It is well. And I for sure do not need to dress up, down, sideways for that knowledge..
    Happy Thursday dear ones..
    Much love..

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      While I appreciate those who can put together such ensembles, the shopping required to do that sounds like torture to me (do not like shopping-in any form).
      God bless you, Tina, for being comfortable with who you are.

      1. Mercy says:

        Me too. Shopping is difficult for me lol.

    2. Searching says:

      I spent years in suits for work but it never felt like “me” and now I’m all about comfort. I also spent years living “… as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind, 18 having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart;” (Eph. 4:17b, 18). Thankful I have put that off, and put on Jesus! Just a side note that I saw an acquaintance yesterday sporting a walking cast…what happened, I asked. Short answer, “I broke my ankle and I’ve been told I am too old for high heels” …

    3. Kristin S says:

      I’m with you Tina. I want to be tidy and clean but i am not all about fashion. I dress for comfort and not to impress. With our work and my husbands job in the military we have to be at a lot of events and I have friends who buy dresses for each one. I am still wearing and rotating dresses from years ago. Just don’t understand the reason for money spent on something I’ll only wear once. But I to am comfortable in WHO i am and WHOSE I am. Working on teaching this to my daughter. As always thank you Tina for your wisdom.

    4. Rhonda J. says:

      I live in yoga pants! Yet, it was my JOB for 30 years, lol, but I have always been about comfort and cheap clothes. When I moved to Florida we down-sized more, I cut down to like 5 pairs of shoes and 1 purse. I could never see the reason to buy a purse just to show the name on the outside. I don’t mind people that love clothes and like to dress well, but you can tell who likes to do it for show, it becomes obvious! I’m sure my husband would like a little more effort on my part sometimes, but not the less money in our account!! lol!

      1. Mercy says:

        1 purse??? kudos to you Rhonda! I have a small mommy backpack for a purse heehee.

    5. Tina says:

      Here’s the thing, my thinking is that you can be coiffuered and looking ‘top notch’ on the outside and attracting all to look at you, but what does your inside say. If you are trying to gain approval.. from whom? And why?
      If you are out to make a point…to whom and why?
      If you need to change your appearance to suit others, for whom and why?
      If we dress to ‘impress’ others of what you have, but actually don’t have, so as to fit in, we need to rethink life.. this of course may be age related, you know life experiences etc..
      Nothing changes whether you are well dressed or not when you are comfortable in who you are, and to Whom you belong..
      Please don’t hear me wrongly, I love to dress up too, appropriately, but at 6.30 in the morning.. you are lucky to see me in matching pj’s!

  23. Aleida Polanco says:

    My sisters, Victor our son has decided that he wants to come back to Oregon. This scares us because of all the triggers he left here when he moved to CA for treatment. My husband and I are besides ourselves, bracing ourselves with what it will be like to have him live here temporarily (we told him he could only stay for 3 months) while he looks for a full time job and a safe place to live.

    He and my husband have also had a lot of altercations in the past. Please pray for hearts to be softened and a large amount of grace and empathy for both of them.

    Also please pray for wisdom and guidance for him and for us, and ultimately for God’s will to be done fully.

    Thank you❤️

    1. Tina says:

      Aleida, Iwill be praying for hearts and minds to know peace and for past events to stay in the past.. not to be remembered and brought up in anger, or used as a weapon against each other.
      I will also be praying for this fear you have to subside and for God to remove it, so you can see a new possibility that perhaps Victor can change, will change by and in His (Gods) grace and mercy.
      We talked about belonging and the feeling of home, the other day, trust God in this, totally. I get the apprehension, but don’t let it overtake you, be positive so that Victor can see the positive in being home.
      I will be praying also for your husband and Victor to find common ground, and find a peace in sharing space. For both to LISTEN and HEAR the other without blame or a recall of the past..
      This may be the journeys end for Victor in terms of changes and becoming who God created him to be.. give him a chance. Give God a chance to work with your help, not hinderence..
      Aleida, I may be speaking out of turn as all I know is what is told to us, I am not living your life and I sure don’t know what it is like for your family daily with Victor, but rest assured I am not judging, I am just offering prayer and advice that might help you all in this loving, kind situation you find yourselves in.
      Will totally be praying for you all..
      God bless you all.♥️

      1. Tricia C says:


      2. Kelly (NEO) says:

        Agreeing with Tina in prayer

    2. Mary Ann Graves says:


    3. Tricia C says:

      Praying Aleida

    4. Sally B. says:

      Continuing to pray for your family Aleida!

    5. Therese says:

      Praying for you and your family

    6. Searching says:

      ❤️ Joining TINA and our other sisters in prayer for you, your husband and Victor in this time of transition, and that a fresh start can be made between him and your husband. Praying that each of you will be able to recognize if the temperature is rising in a discussion and be able to step back or away as needed. Praying that Victor’s heart and mind are ready for the help and healing that only come from knowing Jesus, that he forges a new path when he returns to Oregon.

    7. Kate K says:

      Praying for you, your husband, and Victor.

    8. Libby K says:

      Aleida wow. I have been praying for you for weeks now. I’ll continue to lift you, your husband and Victor up in prayer.

    9. Cat-tee says:

      Aleida, continued prayers for you, your husband and Victor ❤️

    10. Pam Fite says:

      Aleida-agreeing with Tina and will continue to pray for you, Victor, and your husband.

    11. Jen B says:

      Praying with all of the other She’s for Victor, you, and your husband. God has a plan and you can rest assured you can lay this at His feet and give Him control.

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Good to see you here!

    12. D W says:


    13. GramsieSue says:

      My prayers joining with other shes.
      Hugs to you

    14. Cheryl Blow says:


    15. Tami says:

      Alesia I’m joining in praying also! God can move mountains! I can’t wait to hear the testimony that comes out of all of this.

    16. MARTHA HIX says:


    17. Mercy says:

      Dear Aleida, I feel the Lord wants to tell you to be strong, and be courageous. As your prodigal come home, host a party to welcome him, put on the ring on his finger, hug him and run to him while he is still afar. And don’t be afraid of the efforts to accommodate changes or lack thereof. There is the cost to love. But it will be the gift that keeps on giving to Victor, and God will pour His love onto you as you walk in obedience. Please choose courage and not fear. Many blessings are waiting ahead, He will walk with your family through and through. Hugs.

      1. LindaK says:

        This is such sound advice❤️

      2. Tina says:

        Mercy, this was whst I imaged too.. the prodigal son coming home.. the forgiveness of the father and the welcoming arms..
        You know as I write, I had a thought.. on forgiveness.. Aleida, dad and family, all need to forgive Victor his past to be able to move forward.. holding on to the past means you cannot move into the present or future, because you are stuck in what was.. leave it at the front door and as you walk into the house, trust that a new day, a new dawn is appearing covered in God’s grace and mercy for all..
        Love to all, absolutely covered in prayers..❤️