Living the New Life

Open Your Bible

Matthew 11:28-30, Luke 9:23, John 15:1-11, Ephesians 4:17-24, Colossians 1:9-14, 1 Timothy 4:4-16

“We don’t know what God is doing with She Reads Truth, but whatever it is, we want to do it well.”

This has been the heart and intention behind SRT and HRT from the very beginning. Years ago, we sat across the table from our friend and mentor, doing the thing we seemed to do a lot of in those early days: asking our pastors for guidance. To this day, we often repeat the advice Dr. Grant gave us that day, reminding one another: “The greatest threat you pose to this community and the world around you is not in the words you write, but in whether or not you live consecrated lives.”

Consecrated lives—that is our call as followers of Jesus. Whether we are stewarding a friendship or a family, a platform or a classroom, our highest calling is to walk with the Lord and live our lives unto Him. But what does that look like in practice? We didn’t fully understand then, and we don’t fully understand now, but we are learning that Paul’s instruction to “train yourself in godliness” is not a mysterious calling (1Timothy 4:7). In Scripture, we find disciplines our living Lord instructed on and demonstrated that we can follow in becoming more like Him. 

The twenty spiritual disciplines in this study are not exhaustive, and they are not intended to be tackled or mastered all at once. They do not earn us salvation or make God love us more. While we’re tempted to aim for “a better prayer life” or even “a consistent Bible reading habit,” these important practices are just that—practices. They are not an end unto themselves, but rather a means of knowing God and orienting our lives toward Him. Ultimately, they teach us how to abide with Him and remain in His love. And as we do, He trains us in His ways and grows us up to be more like Him, bearing fruit in us that points to His goodness (John 15:4,9; 1Timothy 4:15). 

It would not be an exaggeration to say that out of all the studies our team has offered, this is one of our favorites. As people who desire to live lives consecrated to Christ, to train ourselves in godliness (1Timothy 4:7–8), let’s approach the coming four weeks eager to learn, ready for our toes to be stepped on a bit, and most of all, trusting a Person, not a process. When we learn to attune our hearts to learn from Him, we will find the rest our hearts long for (Matthew 11:29). Jesus has already given us all we need, including this community of people in the Word of God every day (2Peter 1:3). May we be encouraged as we learn together what it looks like to put our faith into practice.

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593 thoughts on "Living the New Life"

  1. Alle McCloskey says:

    I’ve been looking for a new study to work through with my teen boys each morning and this looks like a wonderful fit!

  2. Lisa Lear says:

    As I’m listening to the SRT podcast I am finding studies that draw me in. This is one! I found the podcast 3 months ago and have been so blessed and now I’m all in. I can’t wait to see how God continues to grow me through His word and His children

  3. Ashton Morris says:

    So.. The Lord lead me to start this series today && not only is it exactly what I need for where I’m at in life right now, but it also went hand-in-hand with today’s Our Daily Bread reading— He sure does work in beautifully mysterious ways, Amen


  4. Chelsea Kay Edwards says:

    This part of scripture in 1 Timothy 4 spoke to my spirit:
    “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”

    This is what I have been longing to pursue in this season of my life, but keeping myself at bay because of pain/loss/trauma I’ve experienced within this year. I’m so excited for my heart to wake up to follow him, focused on his desires for my life.

  5. Stella Barnum says:

    Im eager to learn these disciplines!

  6. Alyssa Tucker says:

    ❤️ love this. Hi everyone!

  7. Danielle says:

    Just started this bible reading plan, and although Day 1, it has touched my heart. Excited to build on my faith and grow in my walk with God.

  8. Patricia Riley says:

    Discovering the new life daily!

  9. Hannah pak says:

    Lord, help me abide in you and grow in your love as I daily seek to consecrate myself. Give me eyes to see the fruit of these disciplines as my desire for you grows.

  10. Lesley Benjamin says:

    excited to see a change in me

  11. Paige Hockman says:

    Very excited for this 4 week journey.

  12. Tiana Hernandez says:

    Day one & I love it already❤️

  13. Jordin Edwards says:

    I’m going to enjoy this as I am trying to change my life

  14. Jessica Spivey says:

    I’m excited to see where this plan leads me

  15. gina hwang says:

    i’m excited for this plan :) –

  16. Kenzie Tracy says:

    After the year I’ve had I for sure need this devotion in my life.

  17. Paige Hockman says:

    I have always been so bad about self discipline for myself not in my daily action but in my at home spiritual actions. I put it off and say I will make sure to read scripture and be with God tomorrow. I’m hoping this plan helps me get into a better place with myself pushing me to be better.

  18. Karen Watson says:

    Yes, Alee! This is my heart too. ❤️

  19. Lori Noedland says:

    I started this week with the podcast. Then I was made aware of this app. Hunger to learn more and more

  20. Sumire Arai says:

    And I want to sorry about I’d be say wrong to my relatives, and I am not hear what she says. It was true, and I want to apologize to her, and I want to be more faithful.

  21. Sumire Arai says:

    I have to care my relative and I am so worrying how I will be, to be right, so I read this today. It is my delight to I am yet branch of him, if he says, and I want to live more righteous and live faith, so I pray what I am in right and accept this problem. Amen.

  22. Sumire Arai says:

    I have to care my relative and I am so worrying how I will be, to be right, so I read this today.

  23. Alee Forbess says:

    I pray going into this, that it wouldn’t be for self satisfaction of reading the word to achieve what we are suppose to do as christians, but rather a time to be broken and humble enough and only glorify him with his words and knowledge

  24. Candace Hurley says:

    Just started this plan, and I’m ready for a more consistent following with God every single day. I have fallen short so many times. I want to make sure I stick to this plan.

  25. Maria Cristina Millward says:

    I’ve struggled a lot to consistently read the Bible. Excited to get started but leaning on God to help me not get distracted.

  26. Hannah Cena says:

    I am already so blessed with this plan! ❤️

  27. Tori Ketterling says:

    try to overcome my struggle of
    being inconsistent in staying connected to God and his word

  28. Tori Ketterling says:

    try to overcome my struggle of

  29. Jasmyne Ford says:

    I’m excited to be blessed through this plan

  30. Mackenzie Irick says:

    Excited to re-deepen my relationship with the Lord!

  31. Shiva A says:

    Really excited about this plan!

  32. liz leeper says:

    Im coming back to Jesus after a rough patch and can’t wait to learn about how to reimplement Him into my life.

  33. Kim Barclay says:

    I am approaching this study with a great desire to “reset” my spiritual walk. I’ll be honest, God just feels so far away today. I am hoping to draw back to where He is through this study.

  34. Kayla Willoughby says:

    This is a great place to learn the ropes and stepping stones! Thank you SRT

  35. Kasie Terry says:

    This is so encouraging and I’m so pumped for this study!

  36. Coraline Cuellar says:

    Amennn, just what i needed

  37. Lea M says:

    Putting my faith in to practice is something I’ve been thinking and praying about a lot lately. It seems so simple, and yet it is something I struggle with. I am excited to start this study and am eager to see what God wants to teach me.

  38. Danielle Henry says:

    I did this study when it was first released and I was scrolling through all my studies trying to figure out which one I wanted to restart and this one just spoke to me. In this current climate, I find my faith has started to struggle and I need to be in the Word even more bc my God is greater than what is going on around us!

  39. Johanna Maldonado says:

    I truly believe that today is the perfect day for me to start this study. God understands how I have been feeling and I need to get back to the basics and put my faith into practice.

  40. Kathy McGuiness says:

    Thank you for the time and effort you used to make this study available. Looking forward to the rest!

  41. Anna Baxter says:

    Awesome study, glad to be starting here :)

  42. Lauren K says:

    So excited to walk through these days with Jesus, it has been way too long since I’ve studied His word so I come from a place of guilt and insecurity in my relationship with him. If you happen to see this, sister, please be praying for me. Thank you ❤️

  43. Laurie Young says:

    A wonderful way to start this new year. Thank you so much!

  44. Jordan Merryman says:

    I prayed for the perfect study to be revealed to me for the season of life I am in. Of course, God never disappoints. Excited to see what these few weeks will uncover in me!

  45. Carla Francesca says:

    Thank you for this study! Can’t wait for Day 2!

  46. Haylee Price says:

    This plan will help me so much with creating habits with God in mind.

  47. Eleanor Pinney says:

    I’m at the beginning and loving this study already

  48. Taylor Moore says:

    Really trying to be mindful about giving more of my time to and I strongly believe this Bible study will help me with that.

  49. Zuri Berg says:

    I love this study already. Its opening my heart back up to the things that I tend to forget to do. I live in a ministry so you’d think it would be easy to live a new way. But i lived 29 years running for me. And God is showing me we have to learn and its ok to not get it right away. Its ok to have to go over some things again. Take the milk with the meat.

  50. Nicole Douglas says:

    So thankful for this study! Far too often I think I have to be perfect in my habits and when I’m not I feel like I’ve failed. But I’m learning and starting to believe it’s more about the process, practicing the process and trusting in this process. ♥️

  51. Mikaila Bright says:


  52. Shantise Byron says:

    Amen ♥️

  53. Emily Davis says:

    So excited to continue this study!

  54. Courtney Lee says:


  55. Brittany Craemer says:


  56. Stevei Kay says:


  57. Grace Williams says:

    I can’t wait to start this

  58. Melanie Bott says:


  59. Destiny McIvor says:

    Love it

  60. Emily Thornton says:


  61. Heather Bourland says:


  62. Lydia Holt says:


  63. Annie May says:

  64. Natalie Domina says:

  65. Alexis Dabney says:

    Father God thank you for meeting me were I am I pray that you open my eyes you be able to read that but you also open my heart to receive as well.

  66. Zoey Martinez says:

    Jesus, I pray that I would be open to whatever it is you want to share with me through this Bible study

  67. Jen G says:


  68. Nicole Douglas says:

    I just figured it out……..if you swipe to the left when your done for whatever day it’ll leave a check mark ✅. If for whatever reason you need to uncheck it swipe to the right. Hope this helps! ♥️

  69. Nicole Douglas says:


  70. Renee Gallant says:


  71. avery langwell says:


  72. Cassie RaeChesley says:


  73. Maike Schader says:

  74. Payton Frantz says:

    Loved this! So excited to read!

  75. Christine Orbaczewski says:

    I’m so excited to start this study!! I feel like GOD is far away and my heart hurts so badly. I don’t want to run from GOD but always run to HIM. Thank you LORD for a new day.

  76. Nicole Gonzalez says:

    You are sooo right!!! And this is my season, He is working in me and I’m all of us! ❤️

  77. Sheleana Taylor says:

    I’m exactly where I need to be at this appointed time. I’m excited about these next couple of weeks. I’m standing in expectancy for God to show himself to me even more!

  78. Julia Beuck says:


  79. Rachael Oliver says:

    So good!

  80. Dawn Oliver says:


  81. Jenn Mejia says:

    This is just true study I need to be doing right now. I felt like I “fell off” my disciplined practices while on vacation and yet needed the reminder that it’s not spiritual disciplines that save me, it’s Jesus.

  82. Taryn Hulsey says:

    Excited for this one!

  83. Jessica Buirski says:

    I am thankful for discovering this app as I go through this new chapter of life!

  84. Jasmine Sweeting says:

    Yes, amen. This study is much needed.

  85. Sherry Deeds says:

    Amen!! I am so weary, these Scriptures bring me such peace and comfort!

  86. Sarah Dearnbarger says:

    Wow!! This is such a good reminder that HE is patient. I never thought of it this way but that’s a really good point! :) thank you for sharing Tonya

  87. Claire Logan says:

    This intro says it all

  88. Michele Papan says:

    This study was presented to me at “such a time as this.” I’m grateful and so eager to begin!

  89. Mariuxi Guerrero says:


  90. Ashley Soto says:


  91. Raijieli Rakabu says:

    Love this plan

  92. Tonya Windsor Satterwhite says:

    One thing that we must remember is that timing is EVERYTHING with God. Even HE has to be patient for the right time to bring us into our season of work.

  93. Lyric Jones says:

    This is great ! I’m loving it already!

  94. Angelica Thompson says:

    I am excited to learn the disciplines and continue pressing into my relationship with God. I pray that he would speak to all of our hearts though out this study. I pray that this study will bless us, and help us to grow closer to him. In Jesus name, Amen.

  95. Denysha Crawford says:

    So excited for this study!

  96. Megan Brown says:

    Looking forward to engaging with this study consistently and re-forming these habits in my own life. Thank you!!

  97. Brandi Young says:

    Wow! First day and I truly feel challenged and loved by the Holy Spirit! Thank you for this! I am so excited!

  98. Deedee says:

    So glad to start this devotion today ! It was no accident i stumbled to this particular one I pray God speaks to whomever that needs it through this devotional like he did I . Because Lord knows this blessed me tonight !

  99. Monica Toomes says:

    God speak!

  100. Kelsey Bennett says:

    I am excited to focus on building my knowledge of God and live like Jesus through learning HOW to do it

  101. Jenny Murrie says:

    Excited to start back on a daily plan!

  102. Danika Edwards says:


  103. Mackenzie Ramirez says:

    I’m so excited to see what the word of God says

  104. Tiffany Pace says:

    So excited to start this plan!

  105. Evelyn Wheatley says:

    excited to learn about practicing spiritual disciplines & living out my faith

  106. Sharayah Pruett says:


  107. Rachel Blessum says:

    Excited to embark on this study!

  108. Pamela Reyes says:

    I’m excited to lean more into Christ.

  109. Angela Cartledge says:

    Looking so forward to this!

  110. Jessica Muong says:

    I am excited to read and grow in Christ. And learn a bit more about truly living out the new life!

  111. Kirsty McGregor says:

    I’m looking forward to learning more . Amen!

  112. Marion McGill says:

    I am so excited for this! I believe this study is an answer to a lot of what I have been struggling with! I can’t wait to get into the Word!!

  113. Bobbie 'Greiman'Grunwald says:

    I am looking forward to growing more. Learning more. Trusting more.

  114. Jessica Morgan says:

    Amen!! In order for him to dwell in me I must dwell in him. I just heard this quote at church a couple sermons ago, “preach the gospel always, & when necessary use words”! We must always pursue holiness but it’s an intentional thing. We have to meet God halfway. He gives us the tools but we must also put in the work. When we do is when God begins the transformation in us. It is then he is glorified and others will also desire the same.

  115. Tashawndra Davis says:

    I’m excited for the next 4 weeks!

  116. Vanessa Najera says:


  117. Amber Stainbrook says:

    I’m so excited for this !!

  118. Carissa Othic says:

    Excited to grow in the practice and joy of abiding more deeply, walking more closely with our Lord, that I may know His heart more deeply and therefore joyfully, and bear more lasting fruit for Him!

  119. Christi Stevenson says:

    I’ve done this study before and loved it! Feeling a little dry spiritually so I have come back to this.

  120. Jan McClellan says:


  121. Deana Steinke says:


  122. Tamara Hobson says:


  123. Ashley Soto says:

    Amén to living consecrated lives for Christ

  124. Jennifer Rhoden says:

    Would you mind sharing the name of the podcast series?

  125. Sarah M says:

    Looking forward to understanding what it means to live a consecrated life.

  126. Jan McClellan says:


  127. Kylene Atkison says:


  128. Cassie Douglas says:

    I am just starting this study for the month of June and looking forward to it so much!

  129. Traci Maes says:


  130. Lisa Jung says:


  131. Amanda Luckner says:

    I’m excited to start this study with you all! ♥️

  132. anna kieffer says:

    what’s the name of the podcast?

  133. Catie Brooks says:

    I am doing the kingdom of God study and it has impacted me to find another study to do in my free time and this one goes hand and hand can’t wait to see what else this study will show me

  134. Jordan White says:

    What’s the name of the podcast for this study? I couldn’t see it

  135. Elisabeth Weil says:

    just listened to the podcast for this study & it’s my first SRT study. new to the App & just really looking forward to how the podcast & study enhance each other.

  136. Sarah Frei says:

    This is my first study and I’m excited to open my heart to the Word of God.

  137. Shannon CraigDryburgh says:

    Really looking forward to this. My first study using the app

  138. Anjanette Brownley says:

    My first study and I am so excited

  139. Brittany A.Cross says:

    This is maybe my 11th or so study with SRT, and after finishing day 1 I can already tell this will be not only one of my favorites but the most impactful. I am beyond excited to be read by the Word and live my best consecrated life.

  140. Kyleah Mindala says:


  141. Dorothy J Winston says:

    My 1st study. Look forward to making this a daily process

  142. Yerianel Nelly says:


  143. Andrea Ball says:

    So excited to start this study.

  144. Crissy Godbey says:

    My first study! So excited to dive in and strengthen my relationship with Him.

  145. Crissy Godbey says:

    My first study! I’m so excited to dive in and

  146. Emily Wright says:

    Filling a bit lost on finding a study this morning, I prayed for God to send me in the right direction. This one was a glowing neon sign as soon as I opened the app and it lovingly slapped me in the face! So excited and thankful to be here!!

  147. Noelle Robinson says:

    This is my first stufy and I’m excited!

  148. Erika Sheets says:

    Thank you for your work in bringing this study to life, so that we may know YHWH more deeply.

  149. Amber Harrison says:

    This is my first study here and I’m so excited about it!

  150. Laurel Lail says:

    Excited for this study!

  151. Aislinn Heuer says:

    I have recently become aware of some major areas in my life where I need to make God my priority and live a life that’s honoring to Him. I’m so excited for all this study has in store, and thank you for it!

  152. Nora Ray says:

    So excited to start this today. Committing myself to this study for the next four weeks!

  153. Elaina Daddario says:

    So excited to start this

  154. Kate Condran says:

    Excited to start this study.

  155. Abbey Beckering says:

    Praying that this is my reset

  156. Dara Oshunniyi says:

    Love this!

  157. Erin Glee says:

    I’m doing a reset on my life. This study is perfect for that!

  158. Tinaja Oliver says:

    Lord help me to trust You!

  159. Claire Campbell says:

    I hope that being in Gods word every day really leads to a relationship with him. I find so much doubt in my life and it scares me.

  160. Sara Daneu says:

    “Trusting a person, not a process” amen. Amen. Amen! I am guilty of getting by wrapped up in logistics of things instead of focusing on the why. I am so excited for this!

  161. Chelsie Freeman says:

    Praying for a Christ oriented life, not a list of completed tasks. Excited for this plan!

  162. Tara Craig says:

    Rest for our souls! Feels like freedom!

  163. Tara Craig says:

    Beautiful Michelle!

  164. Tara Craig says:

    The word abide has been a theme I’ve been putting off since December 2020 + after reading today’s verses and chatting with a sweet friend I’m pressing into that word for the year and learning all I can! If anyone has great resources on abiding I’d love some recommendations! ♥️

  165. Michelle Halbrook says:

    Practices are “a means of knowing God and orienting our lives toward Him”
    Praying as I go through this study, my life will be more and more oriented toward Him!

  166. Jenna Erb says:

    Love this! 100% agree :) this is something I have struggled with as well. Thanks for sharing! Let us create healthier boundaries with worldly desires.

  167. Rachel Pequignot says:

    I was pondering on these verses and believe that if I want real change I need to let God convict me and purge me of the things that seem normal in our culture. Such as movies, tv, and being on social media too much. Indulging to much in worldly things. If I really want change I need to rid myself of most of these things or at least the time spent in them and create healthier boundaries with these worldly things so that I maybe able to be more filled with Jesus and less filled with the world

  168. Lyndi Goodman says:

    “When we learn to attune our hearts to learn from him, we find the rest our souls long for.” Loved this and so excited for this study.

  169. Kim Bollin says:

    Lord, humble my heart and help me trust your guidance. Tune my heart to yours and forgive me where I fail you.

  170. Samantha Peak says:

    I just started this study last night! I look forward to this being a study I walk away from with new found habits ❤

  171. Alexis Minick says:

    This is so good! I’ve been praying and thinking about this a lot lately, so I’m ready to dig in!

  172. Mari Sanchez says:

    God, please help me know your true character. To seek your will over my own. To grow in intimacy with you. I love you so much and yet I know there’s so much for me to learn. I’m excited for this study!

  173. Edith Arroyo says:

    Lord help myself and my group of friend live fully consecrated lives for you.

  174. Lisa McDonald says:

    So happy to find this study! Thank you!

  175. Gia Tejeda says:

    God, help me to remain true to you and to myself. Allow me to remain disciplined in the areas I am seeking help in. I’m so excited for this 28 day study !!

  176. Arianne Juarbe says:

    Wow this read was so good. As someone who grew up in the Christian community + the society we live today, living a consecrated life is difficult but not impossible, choose your hard! Today I’m choosing to start fresh and diving back into the word , rather than saying “I haven’t read the word I’ll do it tomorrow” and then I just don’t do anything for days. Everyday we can do better, God always pulls through for the ones who have willingness to receive the good things he has to offer

  177. Ariel Burgess says:

    Lord please help me stay committed to this study and not be distracted of worldly values

  178. Jennifer Nichols says:

    I’m ready to commit to a 28 day study! This is what is missing from my daily life. Studying on Sundays is simply not enough. I need nourishment all week! Lord please help me!!

  179. Kaye Stuart says:

    So good!

  180. Courtney Hunter says:

    Ready fo start the process!

  181. Abby Frederick says:

    “Trusting a Person, not a process.”
    That’s life changing ❤️

  182. Daniela Goodman says:

    “…Trusting a Person not a process.” ❤️

  183. Nancie Deming says:


  184. Ashley Rodriguez says:


  185. Ashley Rodriguez says:

    I am striving to live a more Godly life.

  186. Faith Rae says:

    Lord allow us to come to you in everything we do, and give us the spirit of discernment to see the plan of the enemy over our lives. In the Mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

  187. Jacqueline Logan says:

    I want to strive to live a godly life

  188. Catherine Funk says:

    Abide in Him and remain in His love ♥️ Amen.

  189. Brittney K says:

    I’m diving into this study ready to grow. Feeling very thankful for the community SRT brings ☺️

  190. mackenzie byrd says:

    Lord, let your word and growing a relationship with you be the biggest desire of my heart.

  191. Mayra Barillas says:

    I’m excited for this study!

  192. Brittany Kolodziej says:

    Trust the Person ♥️

  193. Asha Jackson says:

    ✝️ God is so good.

  194. Stephanie McCarthy says:

    I am really excited for this study and to put my focus back on the Lord. As a momma of 2 under 2 it’s been hard to get in the word. I Thank God for this study and hope to be able to take the time to read and be encouraged each day.

  195. Donna Erickson says:


  196. Ashley Harris says:

    I really appreciated how the authors described the purpose of this study as “orienting our life towards God.” The purpose of holiness disciplines is not a means of working our way to salvation but rather turning us towards the telos of the Christian life- knowing God and his sanctifying grace.

  197. Deb Malloy says:

    Thank you Lord for beckoning me to you today. Thank you for the reminder my spiritual life is more important than my physical. My relationship with you Lord needs tending. Thank you for loving and reminding me of my first love. You are faithful and full of grace and mercy.

  198. Lindsey Snowden says:

    How amazing, when your heart feels like it needs something “more” God calls and shows you exactly what that “more” is. As a wife and a mom with a full time career, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in all of it and let your soul become weary. But God always calls me back to Him for rest and to encourage me to know Him better. For this study and community, I am so grateful!

  199. Jennifer Deneute says:

    Me too!

  200. Susan Collier says:

    Really glad I picked this study!

  201. Brit says:

    Love this reply! So excited that you’re starting here with this study and I feel like I’m here for the same “relationship” reason as you!

  202. Brit says:

    As someone who was raised in a Christian home, graduated from a Christian school, doesn’t miss a service if at all possible, I know the answers to a lot of the questions, I know the stories like the back of my hand, but where I am always seeming to fall short is the relationship! I love the Lord and I do want my life to honor him but I often find that I put serving above relationship. I cry every time I hear the story of Martha and Mary because I feel like I’m falling short on “the good part” and no one is to blame except myself! BUT HE IS SO GRACIOUS!

  203. Susan Coleman says:

    I’m looking forward to this! Been a believer since childhood, and was raised to read the Bible, but now I need a refresher and encouragement to pursue godliness, but not in a religious way. Godliness has to come out of relationship to Jesus, and out of love for Him. My hubby has decided spiritual disciplines are religious and now it’s all about enjoying God. But I believe that it is biblical to have both. The relationship being first, but out of that should come a practical living out what the Word teaches. So I’m excited to go through this! Thank you, SRT, for doing this study!

  204. Erin B says:

    I have loved past studies with SRT. The community and the presentation of God’s truth here was food for my soul, BUT…I did not stay disciplined and lost contact for several years. Today, my birthday gift to myself was a recommitment to daily participation with God’s word and community. That strong pull within led me back to SRT and God’s gift to me today was a study on Godly disciplines. He IS SO GOOD. I am happy to be with you all for this study, and many more to follow.

  205. Liane Bastion says:

    Discipline is my word for the year. I started listening to the podcasts for this series and knew I needed to do this study. I am excited to learn more about the spiritual disciplines and to hear how God will speak to me through them.

  206. Andrea Chapman says:

    My first study, thankful for the guidance.

  207. Angela White says:

    I love how much of the Word is in these studies. It’s beautiful. I’m excited about this study

  208. Jackie Vaughn says:

    I’m excited to be apart of the She Reads Truth community and to have a resource that pushes my relationship with Jesus to be at the forefront.

  209. Eden Mabry says:

    The scripture references were so helpful. I am thankful that even at this late stage in my life, I am reassured by God’s word that it is never too late to re-focus my focus on God.

  210. LeeAnne Hayden says:

    This was my first study and it was exactly what I needed. I’ve been on and off with my Bible readings. So thank you for this!

  211. Sherry Richardson says:

    I feel that with what has been going on in the word…we need to live a new life…focus on Jesus

  212. Sherry Richardson says:

    I am excited about my first study and what better way to start with the title living a new life. I feee

  213. Kirabo Michelle says:

    As i start a new life i believe this will be of great help

  214. Stacy Meadows says:

    Thankful for the study and growing in my relationship with Jesus

  215. Kensy Orantes says:

    I can resonate with everything you just said Hailey. A few months ago I realized my dire need for Jesus & realized that I had failed to fully surrender in the past & decided I needed to this time because He was worth leaving it all for. The last few week I’ve gotten lazy & realized that I’ve stopped loving the Lord above myself. Thank God that through His Holy Spirit He is bringing all this into the light & making us realize our need to consecrate ourselves to Jesus. I’ll be praying for you sis.

  216. Oluseye Ashiru says:

    Training in Godliness… so many of us get trained to get ahead in our careers and businesses but often we never really think to get trained in spiritual disciplines that will help us to deepen our intimacy with God. So thankful for this study

  217. Hailey Santelli says:

    I’ve wanted for years to be more knowledgeable about scripture yet I always get lazy and fall away from reading daily. I realized when I read “train ourselves in godliness” today that I am never going to get better if I don’t put my sinful nature down and truly start training myself in Christ’s words! Asking for prays from all you ladies to start reading daily ❤️

  218. Sarah Weatherford says:


  219. Leah Kelly says:

    I am excited for this study! I am praying for wisdom and confidence as I go through this study.

  220. Kelly O’Hara says:

    With everything going on in our world, now more than ever I feel it is important to “train ourselves in Godliness.” Focusing on these disciplines and refocusing on this is important to me. Excited to dive in!

  221. Jill Criger says:

    Our pastor has been encouraging us to soak up every part of the word in these trying times of the world. It’s so important to me as a wife and mother to know the word so I can protect my family with Gods truth. I’m excited to dig into these Bible studies and have discovered my husband can use the men’s version. I’m a newbie so any advice to using this app would be so great!

  222. Maria Dasana says:

    So, ready for this!

  223. Hannah Tutton says:

    I was genuinely deciding that I needed to relearn what it means to be a follower of Christ and to live in Him daily, when I woke up this morning I opened this app and this was the first study that showed up. Thank you Lord

  224. Hosanna Patten says:

    Looking forward to reading this every morning!!

  225. Ernestine Martin says:

    ❤️ excellent

  226. Lauren Piekarski says:

    Excited to dive into a study with you all!

  227. Cristal Lindao says:

    Ready, excited and most of all humble
    Thank you to this team
    May be Lord continue to Bless this team and may the Lord continue to us them

  228. Connie Barron says:

    How do we get the lent books? Which ones do we need to pay extra for and how do we purchase it?

  229. Steph N says:

    Already excited for this study.❤️

  230. Maylene Saunders says:

    This is great already!!! I can’t wait to dive in ♥️

  231. Lishawn Lalonde says:

    Love this

  232. Sara White says:

    So encouraging. I want to continue to not focus on myths or unimportant things, but focus my heart on the one thing that has saved me. Training myself in the ways of Jesus.

  233. Lauren Marshall says:

    Excited for this study!

  234. Alanna Quesenberry says:

    Excited to dig into this study. Thank you!

  235. Sonia Songe says:

    I am so excited, I want to be able to live my life according to his will, and to have God near me in every aspect of my life, and that is what I hope to achieve

  236. Jennifer Strickland says:


  237. Heather Austin says:

    Looking forward to the fruit of a renewed mind from these practices. Several lies have taken root and I trust that God will reveal His truth to uproot the lies.

  238. Daisy Cordero says:

    Thank you lord for your love and grace

  239. Amber Candis says:


  240. MT says:

    I cannot wait to read more. I have struggled emotionally, physically, and spiritually during this pandemic (when so much is out of our control). I am eager to get in this study, apply it to my life, and be a Proverbs 31 woman!!

  241. Nancie Deming says:

    Lord, please give us the strength and grace to walk steadily towards You.

  242. Erin Wilson says:

    “The greatest threat you pose to this community and the world around you is not the words you write, but in whether or not you live consecrated lives.” – Dr. Grant
    Wow. That! Hit me deep. Good and convicting stuff right there. I’m stoked to see what the Lord teaches through this study. ♥️

  243. Presley Lewis says:

    I really like how she said that we are learning to attune our hearts to learn from Him. ♥️

  244. a. m. says:


  245. Sarah Elder says:


  246. Hannelie Burgemeister says:

    Lovely Kawena, that was meant for you :)

  247. Hannelie Burgemeister says:

    Thank you for sharing! This is really good ❤️

  248. Lovely Kawena says:

    Just got done listening to the podcast episode with John Mark for the 2nd time! Love it. He explains things so eloquently. Especially when he talked about becoming who we are and what we ache for. I get so wrapped up in frustration because I feel like I can never focus on my bible study because I’m a mom of 2 babies and its hard! But tonight I realized its about yearning to be in God’s presence not for his love. As long as I have that truth inside me and I keep Jesus and his hope in cherished in my renewed mind I know that I can live towards a more joyful and compassionate way of life! Amen

  249. Emily Feudale says:

    God helps us bear fruit!

  250. Malon Smith says:

    love this

  251. Katherine S says:

    Yes. It’s called She Reads Truth Bible Study.

  252. Sher Starr says:

    Is there a FB GROUP for this study?

  253. Lea Hartline says:

    This is my first study with She reads the truth. So, excited.

  254. Tamara-Louise Msimuko says:

    I’ve been praying for wisdom and a better understanding of God and His perfect will. I’ve been praying for the grace to SURRENDER. I pray that I can do something with it and not keep it to myself. I pray for courage.

  255. Robyn Kelderman says:

    So excited to dig into this every day! Our current sermon series is digging into spiritual disciplines too. I love when my daily personal time is connected to what is taught corporately on Sunday.

  256. Karen Hartman says:

    I am already behind so I am backtracking a little and going back to catch the ones I missed!! All that being said, I need more intentionality and disciplines in my life!! I struggle so much with this- I can never seem to stay with it and be consistent. Trying to give myself grace and just keep trying!!

  257. Monique Gillis says:

    This was good and so point with what the Holy Spirit has been showing me. Amen!

  258. Connie Barron says:

    I am behind in this study. This is my 1st one. Any pointers?

  259. Ashley Gard says:

    Definitely need to get back on track with daily devotionals. I also struggle with discipline and want to be more intentional in every aspect of my life this year and moving forward. Excited for this reading plan!

  260. Cassie Gibb says:


  261. April Lawrence says:

    So excited to start this reading plan! Been feeling distracted and this was perfect wording of hey my prayer life isn’t always going to be perfect., my bible plans aren’t always going to be perfect.. what’s important is conjuring to pursue God and abiding in him and getting closer to him.

  262. Sarah George says:

    During this stay at home order, it has been harder and harder for me and my family to get back into our normal gatherings for church and extra curricular activities. Living life with Faith being the practice is so important, even more now with all the restrictions we have to abide by. I pray that this study will bring me closer to God during these uncertain times.

  263. Kara Clark says:

    Yes! Same!

  264. Allie LamBaer says:

    Going through such a hard time right now – I need God and SRT more than ever. Excited to truly put my faith in Him and trust that He will get me through my pain and loneliness

  265. Melissa CoeKhazanedar says:

    Excited to delve into this study and draw closer to Jesus!

  266. Julia Clark says:

    Amen! I can’t wait to start this start! Ready for a Godily change in my life!

  267. Colette Pate says:

    Imma be real: I need to get back into God’s word and I hope this plan will teach me something I needed to know for a while. <3

  268. Amesha Brewies says:

    This plan is definitely what I need in this season of my life.

  269. Michelle Royce says:

    I, also, am behind on the study, but am looking forward to learning how to become closer to God

  270. Emily Ritson says:

    This is exactly the plan I need right now

  271. Shanika Cain-Barker says:

    Just starting today. Disciplines are a challenge for me. Looking to be more intentional and engaging to grasp them.

  272. Liz McGee says:

    Behind but starting today. Looking forward to the next 4 weeks!

  273. Chelsea Rae says:

    Excited to start this today. I pray the Word latches to my heart and I am reminded Gods love for me has no bounds.

  274. Blake Morgan says:

    Ready for these next four weeks!

  275. Jeannie Nowarita says:

    This is exactly what I need right now! ❤️

  276. Amber Quinter says:

    I am behind and catching up. Excited to read in community with other women. I want to drink up every word!

  277. Kelly Jendrzejewski says:

    This hit hard this morning. Faltering daily, trying my best, having a more difficult time with the world today. And having faith, it’s the simplicity that makes it almost scary. Faith in the Father and His ways, working towards being a better Christian, doing what we can as sinners…and He still loves us. I only wish it was easier to not sin and be a better person in today’s world.

  278. Kristina Mari says:


  279. Stephie D says:

    I love this!
    Now more than ever we need believers who are founded in the Word of God and who live according to the Word of God.
    Sisters, deny yourself as the passage says and it’s OH SO HARD but it is worth it! More than ever in history, our world needs to see believers denying themselves and living genuine Christlike faith. He has given us all we need for this and will go with us as we strive to be a light in this dark world!
    Press on and do not give up hope!

  280. Carolina Marston says:


  281. Anisa Anorve says:

    So good!

  282. Jada Scott says:

    I ordered the book from you guys how do I connect daily through the app?

  283. Brookd Graham says:

    I’m new to SRT, so I’m playing catch up this weekend! Excited to be on this journey to having a closer more intimate relationship with Christ. ❤️

  284. Noir Arnold says:


  285. Louise Marie says:

    I can’t help but be blown away (again) that God’s burden is easy and he is where we find rest. Quite my soul and listen to the father’s heart beat, whilst doing not striving.

  286. Josie Calloway says:

    So glad to be here! I’m excited to find rest in Jesus and his words. Thanks, Amy, for telling me about the study.

  287. Breanna Huntington says:

    Does the digital not include the questions for reflection?

  288. Monique Marion says:

    Ah! I needed this ❤️

  289. Jen ZiobronBell says:


  290. Audrey Brooks says:

    My life is given over to Christ and everyday is his not mine……and oh how I so want to not get in the way yet oh how I do.

  291. Deana Crawford says:

    thankful for she reads truth i need to learn more on being still and allowing God to work move and guide my decisions

  292. Leonie says:

    I love that the podcast addressed this, reading the Bible has been a practise I wanted to take seriously and actively take in the word of God, I felt myself becoming attuned at times and changing as I read not just reading and parroting it back without letting the Word affect me. I pray the Holy Spirit continues to minister to all of us as we read.

  293. Frankie Sheffield says:

    This is the dressing room , how we learn to take off the old our old ways of thinking and living and put in the new way of living and learning one day at a time .

  294. Christin Bush says:

    Is this where we come for discussion on what we studied each day or is there another group for discussion?

  295. Morgan Thomson says:

    First time diving into my bible outside of church and I’m MORE then ready. I’m so happy to be here ❤️

  296. Anna Gallatin says:

    Godliness is of value in EVERY way. I think of all of the ways that training for godliness affects every aspect of my life… the way I spend my time, the way I love and interact with my family, how I prioritize my needs and to do lists, the words I say. Yes, it is all affected.

  297. Nancy Taylor says:

    Trusting a Person not a process. I can find myself trusting in the discipline rather than just simply seeking to know more about my Lord. It’s not about being theologically intellectual but about being a faithful student at Jesus’ feet.

  298. Jackie Bunce says:

    One thing I know and have learned in life is that relationships are bidirectional. You have to put in effort if you want to have good and close relationships. It’s no different for having a relationship with Jesus. I need to have discipline and remember this.

  299. Deanna Carmona says:

    I’m excited about this study! Over the weekend my husband and I were talking about spiritual disciplines. With everything going on we both feel that we have fallen off a bit. Today a friend shared a link of the She Reads Bible. I was interested and did a google search.. and then found this app. Definitely no coincidences here. ❤️

  300. Deanna Carmona says:


  301. Brittany Peeler says:


  302. Julie Bailon says:

    I am new here. Praying the Lord leads myself and you all as we seek Him through this study!

  303. Alexa Lensing says:

    My sister recommended SRT to me and I couldn’t be happier to start with her in 2021❤️

  304. Cassie Brooks says:

    Teresa- I’m glad you invited us to join you!

  305. Madison Seay says:

    I am looking forward to the Faith In Practice bible study. Blessed are those who persevere in the name of Christ. Towards the end of 2018 I drifted away from the Lord and was miserable. Then, towards the holiday season of 2020, He called me back and I came. I am blessed because of this. Thank you Lord!! Amen!!

  306. Laura Gale says:


  307. Ashley Lenox says:

    Definitely a study that I need. I’m very thankful an advertisement for this group popped up on my Instagram. My walk with Christ hasn’t been what it should be, and I am hoping SRT studies can help redirect me this year.

  308. Denise Hill says:

    I am looking forward to this study and putting my faith in practice. Came along at the right time

  309. Andi Gandy says:

    I am so excited to start this study. My word for this year is priorities. I get caught up in the busyness of life and neglect the most important things. Grateful for this time with God and learning to reset my priorities!

  310. Amber Sapp says:

    I’m thankful for a Holy Spirit who guides me in the right direction

  311. Jennifer Ficklen says:


  312. elizabeth says:

    i am already loving this study so much! towards the end of last year, i felt myself drifting from God and having a hard time getting into the Word and really learning from it. i think this study is exactly what i need!

  313. Michelle Boss says:

    I’m looking forward to really studying the Word this year and to grow in faith. This first lesson is already starting to open my eyes to things I don’t perceive correctly about our Father!!

  314. Alina Valero says:

    I pray that all of us “walk with the Lord and live our lives unto Him”

  315. JWitt says:

    Blessed be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love;
    The fellowship of kindred minds Is like that to that above.

    This is what I find in SRT, kindred minds and hearts seeking Jesus. Seeing each other in the raw and sometimes messy day to day life as we seek Him. For 5 years I have met up with you women in daily reading and each day there is something new, something fresh, something only God can deliver. Welcome all those that are new and homage to those here long before me.

  316. Jennifer Ganancio says:

    I’m so excited to dig into this study. After reading Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, I wanted to learn even more about spiritual disciplines. I am praying that this study reinvigorates me and encourages me to grow closer to God!

  317. Javennia Henderson says:


  318. Erin Craig says:

    As I read the verses and beautiful words written by Raechel Myers, I felt so much peace come over me, remembering that God is in control of all things not me and I can rest in knowing that beautiful truth. Thank you for listening to what God wanted you to share with us Raechel.

  319. Aimee says:

    I discovered she reads truth through the any downs podcast. I ordered the advent study book and it was my favorite part of the Christmas season. I am thrilled to start the faith and practice series. Looking forward to learning more about walking in the way of Jesus.

  320. Erika Lynn says:

    Looking forward to this study and learning how to better walk with Jesus!

  321. Shani VB says:

    AMEN! Galatians 3:3

  322. Bunny Perry says:

    Ashley Daniel – I like listen on Saturday – I like to read all the passages first and then listen.I sit with my SRT book and follow along and it helps me to get a better understanding.

  323. rubi mendoza says:

    a great reminder that if we do things for ourselves without God being our reason why we are doing it, we are just self boasting.

  324. Heather Asbell says:

    Elissa: each day will show up the follow day…

  325. Heather Auchtung says:

    So much to learn. Praying that I will approach this as not another project to complete but as an opportunity to draw closer to Jesus.

  326. Kimberly Hernandez says:

    I’m so excited to be joining this community with this study! It’s my first She Reads Truth study and I’m so glad that I’m starting with this! Very good truths so far!

  327. Aly Bramel says:

    My prayer for us in this study is that we discover a simple love of who He is. For so long I’ve checked the boxes of Christian faith in the hopes that it would benefit me, better me, etc – in other words. I did those things for my love of self rather than out of love for the Lord. “If I do better at having a quiet time I’ll feel God more..” “Gee that person on FB always posts about their prayer life, I need to be more like them and I’ll feel like a better Christian..” Thoughts such as these have plagued me for long enough. Hoping through this study I can leave that all behind and simply learn more about Jesus and abiding in Him, for the sole reason that He is worthy of that, and not for a purpose of self righteousness.

  328. Sherry Gleaton says:

    I adore the layout of this study book! Prior to subscribing to the hard copy I was using a Happy Planner to journal the SRT plan in ….so I’m absolutely loving this!

  329. Rachael Davis says:

    I struggle w this as well. Love to ✅. Praying we , and those like us, can hold these disciplines with open hands and allow God to be our guide as to which ones HE would have us focus on first. Then, move towards a discipline of heart with desire to live for Him … and not the completed To Do list!

  330. Sherry Gleaton says:

    Same here!

  331. Toni Blanco says:

    Ready to trust again

  332. Kathryn Mick says:

    I am so encouraged to have this study as I start 2021. I didn’t realise that I had an unbiblical view of spiritual disciplines. I don’t know when that happened… But I am thankful that God has graciously reminded me that spending time with Him is not about “rules” or checking off a box. So excited to get into this study and can’t wait to see what else God has to teach me and walk through with me.

  333. Elissa Brueggemann says:

    I purchased this plan yesterday and day 1 is the only day available to read. Should day 2 be available? Any help? Ty! -Eli

  334. Lexi Beaver says:

    I love your words, Lauren, and I agree! Praying that you find the renewed joy!

  335. Lexi Beaver says:

    This sounds like a great study at the start of a new year. Fresh physical and spiritual journey, I’m ready! ✨

  336. Lauren Beddingfield says:

    Looking forward to reading this study. As a lifelong church member and current church staff member, it’s easy to neglect yourself for the sake of looking after others. It’s easy to forget that spiritual disciplines aren’t something you check off or something that is one and done. I’m excited to see what I learn in this study and hope that it instills in me a renewed joy in the Lord, His word, and in the people I serve in His name.

  337. Lauren Beddingfield says:

    This is my first one too! I’m excited!!

  338. Laura Beckom says:

    I love the idea of abiding in him and being trained in his ways.

  339. Dee Bell says:

    Years ago I read Richard Foster’s Celebration of Disciplines which opened my eyes to this rich topic. Looking forward to revisiting it with fresh eyes!

  340. Danni Blackburn says:

    It’s so hard for me to make spiritual disciplines a heart thing and not just a task to check off a check list- to still know grace and not make my relationship with Jesus dependent on my doing these things. (Enneagram 3)

  341. Amanda Chally says:

    I’m eager to start, but nervous to fail. I know God won’t fail me, but I am constantly failing him. I’m eager to be walk more in knowledge and wisdom.

  342. April Deason says:

    I’m so ready to find true rest in Jesus!! My heart desires it!! ❤️

  343. Nicole Wilborn says:

    I’m excited about learning to trust God more in this study.

  344. Ashley Daniel says:

    Is it better to read and complete work book before or after podcast?

  345. Kristin White says:


  346. Tina Reiter says:

    So excited to start this study.

  347. Anissa Daniels says:

    Great message to start a new year

  348. Melissa Pendergrass says:

    I’m looking forward to this so much! Would love the lock screen for the scripture. Anyone know when the current one will be added to the lock screen page?

  349. Lauren Moore says:

    Love this!

  350. Lauren Moore says:

    Love this study! ❤️❤️ we are called to pursue holiness and these disciplines create space for that pursuit.

  351. Kate Moore says:

    Excited to put His Word into practice! Lord lead me!!

  352. Tracie Sulpazo says:

    This is my first study with SRT…so stoked for this subject!!!

  353. Morgan Schlesselman says:

    So excited for this!! Great way to start 2021

  354. Maron Elgie says:

    This study came to me at a perfect time. He makes no mistake with timing!

  355. Melina Corsiuk says:

    Thankful for this study! A study I did in the fall ended by suggesting that we pick 1 or 2 spiritual disciplines to focus and “train in”. I don’t know many of the disciplines and I felt a little lost about how to take the next step. I’m excited to learn more about the 20 in this study and keep moving forward with my training!

  356. Christine Fetscher says:

    We are here! You are never alone though. God is always with you. Every step of the way.

  357. Patricia Broadway says:

    I am so excited to work on the disciplines. My desire is to be more Christlike. Inspite of this sometimes I feel so far from this goal. This is my goal for this year, to be more instep with Christ.

  358. Rebekah Watson says:

    I am super excited for this study!

  359. Tiffany Kuechenmeister says:

    As someone who is very disciplined in physical training but less so in training myself in godliness, that verse was definitely convicting! Looking forward to this study!

  360. Kelsey Kukal-Keeton says:

    Our sermon at church was over personal time with God. That in order to receive blessings we must meet with God in order to ask. So it was so funny or ironic that this study when I opened the app today was about again, praying and talking with God! I have really struggled with “finding time” to have alone time and now realize that it’s my duty to Make time and make this a priority.

  361. Teresa Fowler says:

    So excited to be doing this with my coworkers!

  362. Ashlee Sitzmann-Hedges says:


  363. Gale Smith says:

    I’m so excited for this study Day one was amazing!

  364. Celena L.Stewart says:

    I can’t wait for the rest of the message! I am ready to learn all that I can

  365. Taylor Samuelson says:

    I have been very excited to dive into this study. I have done previous studies and not joined the community discussion. I’m excited to grow and connect with you all.

  366. Gigi Williams says:

    This is an amazing study!!

  367. Courtney Dennis says:

    I am excited for this beautiful devotional and I am more excited to witness the change within myself in Jesus name

  368. Chelsea Little says:

    Excited about what’s to come!

  369. Sara Farrell says:

    I’m really excited about this study! I’ve only done Advent studies from SRT before, so I’m pumped to try a different one. This one seems great so far. I loved the spread on pages 18-19. Very good perspective on what spiritual disciplines are and are not. From today’s scripture, I really loved the Colossians verses. I like to use some of those as prayers before starting my quiet time.

  370. Heather Barlow says:

    I can’t wait for the rest of this study!

  371. Misty Shearer says:

    Day one was an awesome start! For me, it was a great reminder of remembering to step out of the world, pick up that cross and focus on God above all. It’s easy to get wrapped up in work and/or life in general, that we can easily slip to the back of the line in our walk with Jesus. However, today remined me that God is always there for me, but am I always there for Him? How truly disciplined am I in my Christian walk? Boy, I will be pondering and reflecting on this all night :)

    Lord I pray you guide all of us during this study, to show each of us where you need us to grow and where you need us to let go. I pray, Father, that when we put our feet to the floor every morning, we are ready to face the world by putting our faith into practice in mighty ways. In Jesus name, Amen.

  372. Jacquelyn Thompson says:

    Thanks for having a study on your app today I have a way to not be alone

  373. Emily Dafoe says:


  374. Hayley Thomas says:

    I definitely think this is going to be my favorite so far. Sooo much truth in the scripture from today’s reading

  375. Colleen DeVeau says:

    Amen. Thank you for the encouragement!

  376. Sarah Rose says:

    I am so happy to begin this study with all of you! I have not been consistent with SRT lately, so I am grateful for this fresh start!

    1. Mandy MillerWard says:

      Me too!

  377. Rachael Collins says:


  378. Diana Vigil says:

    What a beautiful day studying these scriptures.

  379. Lindsay says:

    Dear Lord, Over the next 4 weeks teach me, guide me, support me. Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart, in my HEART. Help me to practice the ways of doing so. Create in me a habit of yearning for your Truth.

    1. Kylie Hoffman says:

  380. Deborah Bassoff says:

    “Live a consecrated life” ❤️

  381. J. Angela Nichole Fett says:

    The quote from Dr Grant was especially poignant for me. I feel blessed to be in this community as we study spiritual disciplines together.

  382. Amanda Keldsen says:

    The verse 1 Timothy 4:8 really spoke to me due to my history of eating disorders and anxiety/depression.

    For the training of the body has limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way, since it hold promise for the present life and for the life to come.

    Praying to God to help me be more like him and less like this world everyday. Amen!

  383. Chrisa Walker says:

    This is my first subscription. I’m looking forward to learning and growing. I’ve walked away for quite a long time. Never fully denying God but never really saying Yes either. I’m ready fir yes. Learning and growing and just understanding him! Also doing it with a great group of ladies!

  384. Cindy Shirley says:

    Good words…made me think of “draw near to me and I will draw near to you”…it’s only God, and God alone.

  385. Cassidy Bleeker says:
  386. Jennifer Storm says:

    Amen. Day one was amazing. Thank you!

  387. Beth Truax says:

    2020 was certainly overwhelming if you tried to stay plugged in all the time. I had to cut a lot out and once you do it, it is easy to stay away. No more chaos. Everything is in God’s hands anyway. I do my part, I pray and I stay in his word. I am look forward to learning more. As Christians we do this not because we have to, or to earn Gods love, because God already loves us with maximum love and we humbly love Him in return.

  388. Kristin Mamrack says:

    I’m excited about this study and hope it provides an opportunity to grow my faith. I am struggling and desperately need to do that! It’s nice to find a community of Christians.

  389. Michele Force says:

    Grateful for a new start – and one that promises tools to help stay on track!

  390. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m really excited about this study!!

  391. Kaitlyn Mutchler says:

    Hey Kate! I’m kind of struggling with the same thing…I think I’m going to go from today, since it could be a tool to be more conscious about how I’m spending my time. I figure that I (personally) know I haven’t been spending my time all that wisely so I don’t want to dwell on my guilt by writing it down on paper

  392. Dorothy Saller says:

    I look forward to learning more about how to live more like our Lord. This journey is something I need at this point in my life. Have a great day my SRT sisters.

  393. Rita Richardson says:

    So happy to start this study, looking forward to joining this journey of faith

  394. Becca Streletz says:

    I am starting with today, but I’m also purposely trying to follow a ‘typical’ week without making any big changes. Already cringing at my media time

  395. Becca Streletz says:

    My word for 2021 is commit, and I’m so excited to tie that into this study.

  396. Suzanne Putnam says:

    Wonderful study that emphasizes the importance of staying grounded in Jesus and in the Word

  397. Erica L says:

    Doing the subscription box book and got a 2×4 to the forehead from the key verse. “Train yourself in godliness. For the training of the body has limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.”

    2020 was marked with learning how to care for my body after 3 babies. I’ve come to love working out, but have learned that if I take breaks it’s so hard to get back to it and if something happens outside of my control (injury), the lasting benefits are minimal. The pursuit of Godliness is challenging but whew are the lasting results so beneficial to every area of my life! So excited for this study!

  398. AZ Walker says:

    I had a late start with reading SRT today but did get up early and talked to God this morning about 2021. I journaled in the dark before the sun came up that I want all of doings to be for Him and not men. To Live for God and Do the Right Thing. This study affirms – thank you . I really like what Angie, Kenya and Churchmouse posted today and thank you Colleen Deveau for your prayers for all of us studying on these sites!

  399. Julianna Lane says:

    Been looking forward to this for a while! I’m excited to lean on Him and not the process of trying to improve!

  400. Heidi Anders says:

    I love it that I’m on my second plan of “She Reads Truth.” I love how the verse says, “take up my yoke and learn from me…” That verse speaks to me on a whole new level because how I have done things has been hard on me at times but really looking at the life of Jesus and how He did things still comes with weight but not to the point that it knocks you in the mud.

  401. Danielle Kemper says:

    Yes! I had the same thought/question.

  402. Anastacia Parks says:

    So excited for this study to develop some good practices to lean into God more !

  403. Ashton VanBrunt says:

    I love how she talked about the spiritual disciplines not being a means to an end. I get caught up in doing the right thing. I do not need to be perfect. I just need to put God first and the good fruit and strong relationship will come with time and devotion. Thankful for this study! Very excited for what is to come!

  404. Jess Whisner says:

    So excited to start this today. He is my hiding place for sure and I’m loving learning his rest ❤️

  405. Camille Russo says:

    My word for the year is abide/remain too and I was so excited to see it all over the first day! God is so good.

  406. Megan Swale says:

    I just got this Bible for Christmas from a dear friend…. and I love it ! Also …. this app is rad! ♥️

  407. Mercy says:

    I saw a new light in the verses John 15:10-11 that I never saw of before. When we abide in Him and carry out His commandments (aka live consecrated lives according to His teachings and not according to the norm of society), we will bear much fruit for the Father, and God in Heavens will rejoice in that, and we too have joy as the fruit bearer, or may I say co-bearer with God. Many times I see the process of bearing fruit for God is heavy labor, since people of the world usually say God calls you to suffer, etc. but this is entirely NOT true. The Word says the opposite. Bearing fruit together with the Lord as the product of abiding in the True Vine will bring joy (my joy will be full), and rest for my soul, as his burden is light (since He carries most of it, we can’t with our tiny hands), and He is very humble with us in the whole process, and other people will see us profiting (give yourself wholly to them, that your profiting may appear to ALL, 1 Timothy 4:15 KJV). Hallelujah. Glory be to our God. How gracious and precious He is.

  408. Heidi Jones says:

    I am looking forward to this study. I don’t feel like I have been abiding in the Lord like I need to. This study has already reminded me that apart from Christ, I can do nothing.

  409. Kara Lerssen says:

    My word is abide and all the readings and daily scripture have these for the days readings….God is validating my response to His leading for sure!

  410. Kate Amaezechi says:

    Is anyone doing the subscription book? I’d be interested to know how others filled out the spiritual inventory on page 20. It feels disingenuous to go from today as it’s a new beginning, but defeating to go on where I was at in December over Christmas break (they might all be filled in with binge watching Hallmark movies but I don’t think that’s a spiritual discipline). Any thoughts or input?

    1. Alyssa Jacobs says:

      Hi Kate, I filled it out as a typical week. I was honest and included what I normally do. I didn’t feel great about it but I assumed that was the point.

  411. Jennifer Lara says:

    I am so excited for this reading plan, as I have pondered the last month on changes that I need to make in my life. All of the scripture in today’s reading was wonderful and spoke to me, but more so it was “to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” Eph 4:23-24. I am ready to bear the fruit God intends for me. I will not let fear hold me back anymore! I’m very excited for this study! Happy New Year everyone! I pray God opens my eyes, and my heart to His WORD and that I am able to hear Him! Have a blessed day everyone!

  412. Ana Valenzuela says:


  413. Ana Valenzuela says:

    Incredible start to 2021. Our highest calling is to walk with the Lord and live our lives into Him. ❤️ very excited for this study!

  414. Ashley Martin says:

    My word in 2021 is confidence. I know by studying the word and learning to walk with Jesus will help me grow more confident in my faith. Having confidence in my faith will help me become more confident in everything I do. Thank you, Lord!

  415. PamC says:

    Thank you Searching for your prayers. Dave is hanging in there. They say he’s going in the right direction. I’m hoping I can talk to his doctor or someone today. Information would be a comfort, but not as much as the prayers of friends & family & the church.
    I’m excited for this study as well.

  416. Amber Marvin says:

    Thank you! Good for my soul!

  417. Jessica Benninghoff says:

    Thrilled to start this study and read alongside y’all! Praying for an open heart to His word and “pruning”

  418. Jessica Sidhu-Vasquez says:

    Love it Sarabeth! I choose a word or phrase every year too and I love that God finds ways to speak to us exactly where we are in him.

  419. Jessica Sidhu-Vasquez says:

    •••I’m very excited about this study. Many have mentioned that it’s the perfect way to start the new year and I agree! I Timothy 4:14 really spoke to me: “Don’t neglect the gift that is in you…” it reminded me that I have a calling to answer even when seasons in life get hazy and even when my own insecurities get in the way. My prayer is that this study helps me to grow in God’s word and to be the best version of myself. My word for this year is “sacrifice” [I choose a word or phrase every year] and this study is already helping me understand the value of spiritual discipline—which ultimately requires less of me and more of him.

  420. Karen P says:

    I pray that as I walk thru this new season that I steadfastly seek God’s will and not my own. That I am able to humble myself, giving up my own desires to live a consecrated life! In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen! Thank you SRT! I am grateful to be beginning this this plan!

  421. Nita J. says:

    Loved this study today – thank you!

  422. Carol R Wede says:

    What a blessed way to start 2021! Thank you for all you do reach out to your sisters in Christ. It has been an incredible encouragement to me.

  423. Kim Saggio says:

    Perfect way to start out the New Year, learning to walk with Jesus. I pray this study helps me be more dedicated. I have such terrible tendencies to start something and then drop it.

  424. Rachel Duan says:

    Matthew 11:28-30 was a great reminder that when we view our faith as an extensive list of rules the burden can be crushing. The perfectionist in me can get so discouraged when I always feel like I could be doing more and better, yet Jesus reminds us his yoke of discipleship brings REST through whole hearted and simple commitment to him. I was encouraged to focus on that 1st and trust the rest will come slowly at Jesus changes our heart.

  425. Brooke Henderson says:

    This is exactly what I need right now. My motto for the year was going to be “Trust the Process” and BOOM. Already needing to change it to “Trust HIM”. Thank you!

  426. Pamela Bryson says:

    What a great start to the New year! I love that you said these are practices and we are to learn from the person not the Process. Thank you Holy Spirit (heart)

  427. Aleyah Roberts says:


    How do I subscribe to Faith in Practice 28 Days Biblical Study? Or is that put into my email when I join for daily bible readings?

  428. Emily Brisch says:

    Amen! So thankful for this!

  429. Janet Celona says:

    A friend sent me this link today. I have to say all these verses grouped together have really inspired me to drink deeply of his truth. I have been in a deep depression the last month. Struggling to free myself, these words and comments have lifted my wings after many months. I am excited to grow with you my sisters. Thankyou for giving me a starting point… Thankyou my friend Sarah for leading me here and thank you Lord for making me clink on the link and not just breeze by. For guuding me to read all the verses and not just skip to the devotion. You are always my refuge and the lifter of my head…

  430. Sarabeth Segars says:

    My word for this year is “ATTUNE”. It seemed difficult to nail down and make sense of; however, God knew when he was doing. “When we learn to ATTUNE our hearts to learn from Him, we will find the rest our hearts long for (Matt 11:29).” Yes yes!!! I am so thankful for SRT and how it has impacted my life. I am also thankful that God provided a clearer picture of how to begin my year of being ATTUNED.

  431. Rachelle Martin says:

    So timely. I am thrilled to see this on She Reads Truth. We need to not only be hearers of the words but doers of the word. Thank you!

  432. Brenda L says:

    Does anyone know if it is possible to obtain a transcript of the podcasts? Today’s was Sooo good! Couldn’t take notes fast enough!

  433. Lisa says:

    We are days into a new year and already God has been preparing my heart for this study. Of course He has! Through the key point I taught to 4-year-olds at church yesterday (1 Peter 1:3- Jesus has provided ALL we need) to my word for 2021, purpose, it is all tied together. God amazes me with how He is always, always speaking if we just have ears to hear!

  434. Karen Firstbrook says:

    I love the juxtaposition of TRAINING yourself for godliness (1 Timothy 4:7) and finding REST in Christ. They don’t seem compatible – training and rest. But in Christ they are! As I discipline myself to know Christ better, I will rest in Him deeper.

  435. Michelle Martin says:

    My earlier riser joined me this morning for my quiet time. As I was reading Colossians 1 to him, I am reminded that this is my daily prayer for my 3 children. That they would be filled with Godly wisdom, walk worthy of the Lord, bear good fruit, be strengthen by His power not their own and that they would have endurance, patience and joyfully thanksgiving in their hearts.
    Thank you for this encouragement this morning!

  436. Traci Gendron says:

    I’m excited for this study! What a great way to start a new year. I pray that I can strive to be more like Jesus this year. That I will experience His comfort and learn His ways. That I can put into practice true change. Thank you SRT for all your studies! It has brought me back to spending time with God every morning.

  437. Abbie Snow says:

    Today’s scripture readings were really good for the soul!
    Has anyone set small and practical daily goals for themselves versus just one big goal?
    I’m thinking this might be my journey as I continue through this study.

  438. Rhonda J says:

    I get so excited when I see the number of comments left at the beginning! Why? For one it is so encouraging to see the number growing and knowing that more and more people are yearning to be followers of God’s powerful words! In a world that seems so lost and confusing, it feels good that “we” Christians are not faltering away. Secondly, I get so much personally from the comments, the ones asking for prayer and sharing a little of their personal struggles or aha! moments! Those that give us such clarity and wisdom!
    I have grown up being of faith and Christianity, but have always found it hard to open my bible and read and grasp! After finding SRT and reading every morning for a few years now, it has really helped shape and mold my faith and dependence on Jesus Christ, our savior, our eternity. Another thing that has become such a life-changing part of my faith journey is having Christian radio on in my car and my home (Klove or a local family-friendly worship songs!)In the beginning I clinged to them to get me through a tough divorce. But the station stayed and now it is just my choice of music. In this crazy world that gets so distracting, it is an anchor that brings your thoughts back to God all through the day! I hope some of you will give it a try! Especially those with young ones, it feeds into their hard! Nothing is better when you hear your grown kids, or teenagers singing a few lines of the songs without even realizing it! Even my husband! So find your local Klove today and join their 30-day challenge of listening to their station! Also, KEEP POSTING your thoughts! You can share anything with your sisters here in SRT!

  439. Elizabeth Hagan says:

    Thanks for sharing! I can so relate. I am looking forward to starting of the year with this study.

  440. M A says:

    Love this study already! “We must always remember that the path does not produce the change; it only places us where the change can occur.” What a great place to begin a new year, with newly developed practices to realign our eyes on Him and being more like Him.

  441. Ellen Nesper says:

    “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” Looking forward to seeking joy in the Scriptures and in spiritual practices.

  442. Savannah NicoleFrye says:

    so excited for this one!

  443. Kristi Bicknese says:

    So excited about this study! And the fact that the book is so beautiful just draws me in even more. I love the format and the focus of this study. So perfect for the new year!

  444. Breanne Anderson says:

    I love the way you framed this study by taking out the condemning part of spiritual disciplines – the way we condemn ourselves if we don’t read the Bible enough or pray long enough and end up feeling like God loves us less. The concept that God loves us NO MATTER WHAT is a hard one to grasp but learning to love Him more and hence become more like Him through spiritual disciplines is something I can get behind! Let’s go!

  445. Kathryn Kamin says:

    Trusting a person rather than a process-so good-looking forward to this!

  446. Shelli Hankins says:

    I’m excited to be apart of this community of women reading and learning together. This is my first online SRT study.

  447. Judy M says:

    Great study topic—needing it and looking forward to it!

  448. Cristy Marshall says:

    I love that so many comments on here are about your 2021 Words! Mine for the year is ACTION. And on the spiritual development side, that means not just wishing and hoping to be better with my spiritual disciplines, but digging in and DOING IT! If this year has taught me anything, it is that my well runs dry if I don’t take the time to rest in the Lord. I am a better mother, a better wife, a better friend and I just plain like myself more when I am yearning for MORE in my spiritual life. I am so excited to focus on spiritual disciplines right from the first week of the year – I want 2021 to kick start and reignite my passion to put God as first in my life.

  449. Amber deArmas says:

    Im so excited to be doing this study!

  450. Bridgette says:

    I was moved when I read today’s scriptures. Abiding in Christ, staying attached to the Vine, producing good fruit and in 1 Timothy 4:16 I’m reminded that these actions are not only for my salvation but for the salvation of others who are watching and hearing what I am doing and saying: my daughter, my sisters, my mother, my grandchildren, perfect strangers.

  451. Janet GreiderSweet says:

    Great way to look at it!

  452. KJ Johnson says:

    My word for 2021 is abide! Doing this study is perfect! I also heard the podcast with John Mark today and our Pastor quoted his book in his sermon yesterday. Then you said Annie F Downs is next week and he’s the John Mark she refers too! I love this community of believers and how graciously you all welcome us in. I have been so lonely this last year and so detached until doing the advent study. Thank you for extending an invitation to join on “that sounds fun” podcast! I pray many others feeling lonely will find this platform for a community of believers.

  453. Vanessa G says:

    I’m so excited for this reading plan. Reading the bible can get to be more of a chore, but thanks to the way She Reads Truth reading plans are set up, it peaks my interest again. Coming back to Christ is always necessary :)

  454. Lisa Daniel says:

    Living the consecrated life. Sounds like a great place to start this new year as we look forward to the path He has for us this year.

  455. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “Intentionally seek God’s presence”. Yes! I am excited to begin this study. I often pray that I will throughout the course of the day “remember God’s presence”, but to intentionally seek His presence – that’s a whole other thing! Looking forward to where this study will bring me spiritually. May Psalm 119:10 be my daily goal!

  456. Jessica Bascom says:

    *to be

  457. Jessica Bascom says:

    My husband suggested I check out this study since he’s doing the HRT one. We moved recently and it’s been really hard to build a new community during Covid. Happy that be here with you ladies and am looking forward to drawing closer to Creator.

  458. Janice Johnson says:

    So looking forward to this study and learning how to,live a more consecrated life.

  459. Brandy Deruso says:

    Make me and mold me after thine will while i am waiting lord im available to you lord!

  460. Denise Claycomb says:


  461. Lee Smith says:

    Thank you for this study.

  462. Rachel Martinez says:

    Excited for what’s to come!

  463. Stephanie W says:

    Thank you for calling out the temptation to make a “consistent Bible reading habit”
    certainly a goal I have every year and always feel guilty for not doing it perfectly (hi, type A here!). The more important focus is to know Him better and orient my life towards him.
    Excited for this study!

  464. Sarah Knepper says:

    My word for the year is Cultivate. This study goes right along with my intentions to cultivate a deeper relationship with God through his word. I love when things coincide like this. God ordained!

  465. Maura says:

    Praying with and for you Nad, His peace and His progress. Also for you and your husband Megan Keith, may Jesus give you strength as you put your arms around your church and multiply what He is doing. Looking forward to the pruning and the growing, Please Jesus, help me in this that I may bring you glory in my thoughts, actions and outreach to others may you shine through. Thankful for SRT and all of you Sisters. Praising God that you are out there shining His light, pouring out His love.

  466. Tracey Junker says:

    I truly had no idea how much I needed this. “What does it look like to know you have already been accepted by Jesus?” Well, I guess that’s why I am here. To serve HIM AMD my family better.

  467. Brittney Gould says:

    my first time following a SRT study! cant wait for what’s ahead to learn and grow in Him!☺️

  468. Monie Mag says:

    Monique I hear you as I also let my unworthiness flood my thoughts. I also want walk this year in full confidence that I am, because of Jesus, a child of the living God. By His strength and in his love we can walk pleasing him and bearing fruit for His glory

  469. Angela Sutherland says:

    Looking forward to this!! No matter how long you’ve been a follower of Christ, renewal of the mind is always needed!! It’s so easy to fall into a rut or let faith become just another thing to check off on your daily to do list…I want to be intentional right now. To take inventory of my walk with Jesus and make the necessary adjustments to get back into spiritual health! Bring on the sore toes, if it leads me closer to Him!!

  470. Brooke Smith says:

    I am so excited to start this study!

  471. Johnjalyn Bond says:


  472. Chelsea DoulaHansen says:

    Perfect for the new year. And was right on time for me this morning, as I thought on the homework my counselor gave me last week. It was to make a list of Christian character traits that I wanted to grow into.

    Thanking God for this study!

  473. Erin D says:

    I’m so excited for this study. I keep hearing “training” and “learning” in my walk with God lately. I’m finding so much freedom in the learning process, even though I’ve been a Christian for years. So glad we’re doing this study!

  474. Rachel McKib says:


  475. Tiffany C says:

    Thank you SRT & fellow Shes for your comments. I love reading how God is impacting your lives and encourages me to model your godly attitudes and actions. I’ve been finding it hard to keep God at the centre. It’s so easy to become distracted from minute to minute.

  476. Maribeth Miller says:

    Love this! First time doing a study and I’m already so blessed!

  477. Kara Sowell says:
  478. Adrienne Maples says:

    I am excited to join the She Reads Truth community! My first SRT study was the Advent study. Can’t wait to jump into this one!

  479. Nads says:

    @ Taylor…AMEN!

  480. Lindsey Pratt says:

    so excited for this study! I am so ready for it to bring me back and centered for what truly is important. I need to be a better model of this for my family – my husband and my kids. This was such a fantastic reminder that apart from Him, I cannot do this life alone as He intended it to be.

  481. Gretchen S says:

    When a new SRT study is going to begin, I actually find myself looking forward to Monday morning ❤️ Thank you for spurring us on.

  482. Katie McKinley says:

    I am the same way Monique. Praying for you as we move forward in this study!

  483. Angela Greenwood says:

    A good way to start the year. I like using the word practice. I will never be perfect on this side and that’s okay but practicing daily, all the time will be key for me.

  484. Dianna McFarland says:

    Abide with The Vine, Jesus. When I abide in Him I will be as I desire—all that He wants me to be. Abiding in Jesus turns my heart and mind to Him. Praying that as I grasp His teachings that they will take root and grow deeply in me. Then I will share with my actions and my words with others—Jesus will shine through me. (The pruning are not fun but I am just beginning to look beyond that first sharp cut to what is ahead). May I be fruitful for Jesus. Looking forward to this study SRT.

  485. Taylor says:

    Ready to be convicted through this study! I pray I have the strength, obedience, and trust to act on the ways in which I feel convicted and make the necessary changes in order to live a consecrated life. In this season of transitions, I pray that I would give up the reins of control and let God take the lead for His plans are much better than my own!

  486. Pam Fostano says:

    Really need this bible study, to strengthen my walk with Jesus!!

  487. Dawn Moye says:

    My word for 2021 is “Authentic” and I cannot help the feeling of how perfectly this study aligns to helping me discover what that really means!

  488. Lauren Marks says:

    So excited for this. A great first humbling morning of Scripture.

  489. Nads says:

    This is one of the few years I did NOT set any formal New Year’s resolutions…I just committed to put one foot in front of the other, make a list of things I’d like to do daily…This study is the perfect beginning to my year.

    Thanks Everyone for your comments today; Kenya and Angie struck a real chord with me today.

    PLEASE pray for me. My anxiety / the enemy has my head constantly spinning, reliving, reassessing my role, what was said, etc…spin, spin, spin…things impacting an extremely important relationship in my life and MOSTLY how it impacts the precious children involved. Please pray.

    I genuinely trust God but, it is doing little to quiet my brain’s chatter.

    Pray also that God rewards my husband for being patient with me. ;)

  490. Lydia Watson says:

    Can’t wait to dive in! What a great reminder that when I abide in the Lord, HE will prune my heart and bear the fruit.

  491. Rachael Anderson says:

    Sometimes the yoke seems heavy & unbearable… that’s when I know I’m not resting in Christ, but leaning on my own strength & understanding. Other times we’re right in the fire, like Daniel & his friends, and when we walk out of the fire, our clothes don’t even smell like smoke. How awesome is God to be with us during all those times?! The good, the bad & the ugly. He promises to never leave us nor forsake us. Those times that I’ve wondered where He is, I realize that I’ve been the one who’s moved. Yet… He’s always there, arms open wide, ready to welcome me back without shaming me or condemning me. A Jesus with gentle eyes, sometimes crying with us, knowing our hearts are broken or that we don’t understand. I picture Him crying at the tomb with Mary & Martha, even though He knew He was about to raise Lazarus from the dead. Jesus cried with them. He wept the Bible says. Why? I’m not sure, but I think it was because His friends were grieving and He was taking their yoke & burden on Himself, out of deep love & compassion. He really does love us deeply. He longs for fellowship with us. He died for us, that we might live again!

  492. ERB says:

    Yes and AMEN!!!! This has been on my heart (a yearning) for so long!!! A consecrated life. Lived ONLY and UNTO The Holy Spirit. God is drawing a line in the sand. Choose this day, this moment, this second, this thought, this action WHOM you will serve!! WHO am I representing? So convicting and humbling…but also so joyful to abandon everything else and just FOLLOW Him!!! He does the work, we just have to be willing vessels!! Lord thank you for LOVING us so much!!!

  493. Stacy J says:

    “29Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 28Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” I’m ready to trust a person and not a process. I can get tied up in the process sometimes and want to focus on learning from my Father God

  494. Victoria Fowlkes says:

    This study is perfectly aligning with my goals for 2021! So excited

  495. Karen Johansen says:

    Hi Jo! I am a farmer, so that verse gives me the perspective of Christ being the farmer in charge of me the ox. He already paid the price for my sin, so I do not have to work harder and harder trying to save myself (not that it would be possible, but the Pharisees acted like it was…). Instead, our service to Christ is one of grateful obedience. So yes, I can look forward to rewarding service in the fields with Him, as He is a gentle master that cares about me, provides for me, and has not laid a burden on me that is more than I can handle (like trying to pay for my own sin would be…). Hope this helps with this verse.

  496. Joy SchaffnerHicks says:

    I love the key verse from Timothy. “Train yourself in godliness.” A reassurance that we need to learn from reading and studying God’s word! And a promise for this life and the life to come. Help me to be faithful, God!

  497. Hayley Young says:

    Praying for a consecrated to Him, where I open His word daily and live in his ways.

  498. Camilla Sharp says:

    “Pay close attention to your life and your teaching; persevere in these things, for in doing this you will save both yourself and your hearers.” 1 Timothy 4:16 Our first calling regardless of our profession is to Christ. We must PERSEVERE, meaning it won’t always be easy, push through hitting snooze, push through anger and show love, and push through your doubt and believe that God has been doing all this for a reason and rejoice. Looking forward to see where this study will take me and encourage me with a closer walk with Him!

  499. Kelly says:

    I was lying in bed last night praying and asking God to share his heart with me and how I should calibrate my life for this year in terms of goals and resolutions. And the only thing I really felt was…tired. After the hurt and struggle of last year, all I feel right now is just tired. Reading the first scripture in Matthew was the perfect start to this year and reminded me that God is not looking for a checklist of goals to complete. Resolutions are good and help us work toward a better life but at this moment, I need to rest in Him. I’m so looking forward to this study and the tools it will provide to turn toward him in a life of discipleship and ultimately accept His peace.

  500. Monique Wanner says:

    In the study book it asked, “as a person who has put her faith in Jesus, what does it look like to live ‘knowing’ you have already been accepted and redeemed by Jesus?”

    I’m not very practiced at ‘knowing’ although I’ve been a believer for decades. I ‘know’ it in my head but not in my heart. I tend to focus on my unworthiness and not acceptance and redemption. I still catch myself flowing rules for approval. I desperately want to change in this area and obey out of love, respect and gratitude for Christ.

  501. Laura Caroline says:

    Jo, I definitely feel that tension too. In reading that I felt convicted about how quick I am to take up the world’s heavy burdens and obligations compared to how I make time to spend with the Lord. When I look at the godly people I know who demonstrate sacrificial love, they also radiate peace and contentment, even when circumstances are really hard.

  502. Jasmine R says:

    So excited for this study! What a great one to start off the New Year!

  503. Monica Godoy says:

    Very excited about this study! Ready to dive deep into God’s word in 2021! Blessings to you all at SRT!

  504. Casey Speer says:

    So excited for this study!

  505. Daria Lamakina says:

    An amazing devotional, so powerful. Excited to learn more. As Pam said a great way to start off 2021.

    Thank you!

  506. NanaK says:

    Such a perfect way to start the new year! Like so many of you, I am praying to receive this devotion in a way that will deepen my relationship with my Savior and also brighten my light to others in this dark world.

  507. Rosalyn Horn says:

    Love these Scriptures – great reminders of what living the new life as a follower of Jesus looks like. These are challenges but they help me grow in godliness – which is not just useful for now but also for heaven. I am so excited to learn from this study and see where I can grow!

  508. Alexis Gray says:

    Yes!! Love this. ❤️

  509. Lisa Hetrick says:

    Again I come to this new study feeling grounded. Attuning my heart ❤️ So good.

  510. Stacy Shreve says:

    Wow this right here is going to smart! Talk about pruning!

  511. KayPee Porter says:

    “…we have put OUR hope in the living God, who is the Savior of ALL PEOPLE, especially of THOSE WHO BELIEVE.” 1 Tim 4:10. I just completed the Advent Study on my own. I loved the study so much that I want to continue with She Reads Truth throughout this year. I highlighted the words above that refer to the community of followers. I am super excited to start participating in this community along with the Faith in Practice study.

  512. shelby kicker says:

    i was so encouraged to see Matthew 11:28-30 as the first passage in this study!! typically when we begin a new year we are supposed to feel refreshed and ready to start a new chapter, but putting behind the hurt of last year means first recognizing that the Fathers arms are open to welcome my weariness and my burdens.

  513. Stacey Wilson says:

    This is going to be a good one! The topic is needed but I love the heart behind it-to live consecrated lives. So good!

  514. Jessica Fowler says:

    Prune me Lord, help me to be a producer of good fruit!

  515. Pam Schmitt says:

    ❤️A beautiful and much needed start to 2021. I’m excited to create this discipline and learn more. I’ve been away far too long . Looking forward to learning . Thank you!

  516. Jessica Walters says:

    Very excite for this study!

  517. Audrye L says:

    Amen!!! I can’t wait to learn. This is already so rich.

  518. Amy Pilcher says:

    Welcome to all of you joining SRT for the first time! It has been a great blessing to me and I hope you find the same!

  519. Mary EGutridge says:

    “Knowing God & orienting my life towards Him”. I eager to start “training” with you all!

  520. Meg Jett says:

    “Matt11:29-Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

    I’m looking forward to learning more from Jesus this month…and really this year; I certainly need it!

  521. Lisa Shinn says:

    2Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.

    I love it when God puts a spotlight on a verse for me and I read it in a new way! The last 13 months have been devastation emotionally and physically. I have gone through all of the emotions with God and while I know that what I am enduring will be GOOD, I have had so many questions. But I see it here. I have been pruned. And now… while the bulk of the struggle is nearly behind me… I see that it is all so I can produce more fruit. MORE FRUIT. Oh God! Thank you!!

  522. Zekara Palmer says:

    Looking forward to growing and realizing that God knows and understands where we are at! He allows us to come back and reset when we mess up. He has called us to remain in him. He didn’t say we had to remain perfectly. The Grace and Mercy he gives us allows us to come with all our mess and he still loves us.

  523. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Rest & abide.

  524. Megan Henderson says:

    Very excited about this! Im ready for some deeper growth to start my 2021 off well!

  525. Mary BethWoehrle says:

    I can rest in His work. Not a slumber, not without steps, but a knowing that He has already made a way for me.

  526. Amanda McWhirter says:

    Yes!! Amen!!

  527. Amanda McWhirter says:

    Mindy, my first study was the Advent study over Christmas and I totally agree with you. I’m loving SRT!! So glad you are loving it too!

  528. Caroline King says:

    28“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

    2020 was a year of great stresses. May 2021 be a year where I put aside those stresses and learn and be led by the One who is gentle and humble in heart, to find peace in the midst of the storms.

  529. Jos ByHisGrace says:

    I saw 2 different drives here in today’s scripture reading. One is driven by the desire for more and more, the other is driven by Jesus, to go after a Jesus ( Luke 9:23). I can see it now where my heart and mind are resting. God really does give us a life compass.

  530. Jennifer Collings says:

    This is my first study also!! What a great way to start!

  531. Julie Garner says:

    “Like” :)

  532. Kat Lancaster says:

    Excited and open in the journey of spiritual maturity by examining my relationship with Him and growing to abide in Him. Praying that my sons will see how to grow in their relationship with Jesus as well.

  533. Searching says:

    PAM C -praying for you and your husband!

  534. Amber Owensby says:

    So encouraging to know that in Him we have all we need! Oh I pray I can simply remain in Him!

  535. Mindy Starbird says:

    I just read through Day 1 of my book. This is my first SRT study and I already love it.

  536. Brittany Gum says:

    This is my first study with SRT and I’m so in love! THIS is exactly what my heart needs this season!

  537. Kasey Ammons says:

    Can’t wait to get started! Doing this study is one of my aims to start the year off right. I and my husband made more personal independent bible study as one of our goals this year. This app is my half of doing that! I pray God will draw me into closer relationship with him, and teach me to live my life in communication with him on an hourly basis not just once daily.

    God bless!

  538. Kelly Gustovich says:


  539. Kenya says:

    To live a consecrated life – so many directions on that today. To turn from oneself, to love with abandon, to fear the Lord, to give up the ways of the world. The list goes on. Doesn’t it feel like a lot of pressure sometimes to live like this? Like it’s something only Jesus could amount to? Whenever I find myself feeling like that, I have to remind myself that even though God created me to live in his discipline, he didn’t create me to live perfectly. He created me for relationship with Him, and if I was perfect I wouldn’t need that. Even Jesus, in his perfection, needed God. So what more do I need it!? God leads us to a consecrated life through commitment to studying the word and a deep devotion to recognizing His spirit in every aspect of our life. I am looking forward to diving in and seeing what this study has to offer!

  540. Gabrielle Moore says:

    This is my 1st time with SRT . Started this morning and I am opening my heart soul up to all of it . I can’t wait to see where it takes me. Thank you SRT

  541. Ann B says:

    So excited to start this study with you ladies!

  542. Kate says:

    Trust the Person, not the process. I love that! Amen to that and I’m excited to do this study with y’all!

  543. Kristine Loughman says:

    “ 8for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” I think about this as many of us, I’m sure, have made our New Years resolutions to get in shape, get healthy, etc. What if I put just as much effort into my spiritual body as I do my earthly body? Also – I know how much work and discipline it takes to bring a body back under control after a nice two week holiday break! In the same way, I shouldn’t expect to just snap my fingers and magically have discovered some spiritual discipline. This also takes work, time, commitment. But it is worth the effort.

  544. Laurie Martin says:


  545. Magan Keith says:

    My husband and I are in ministry, but are going through a difficult season in the church we are a part of, as our lead pastor went home to be with Jesus in October. I’m looking forward to this study and focusing on my relationship with Jesus as we navigate next steps for our family as our church transitions.

  546. Bett Arbes says:


  547. Angie says:

    It is easy to say the right things, more difficult-yet necessary, to live them. I am thankful I do not walk this step by step journey alone but yoked to the Savior. He is strong. He carries the weight of the load as I walk with Him. Living a consecrated life is the desire of my heart. I am reminded of my today’s to do list: Count my blessings, practice kindness, live open-handed, listen and follow my heart as guided by the Spirit, be productive yet calm, and breathe His life-giving breath. The steps are mine, but lived out for Him. Amen.

  548. Molly Malloy says:

    Excited to build new habits each day using this study!

    Throughout this study I hope to live more actively like Jesus, learning about the spiritual disciplines, in my thoughts, words, actions, reactions, and attitude.

  549. Allison Brown says:


  550. Bernadette BeckstedPerry says:

    I feel the same way Heather! ❤️ May the Spirit guide our hearts back!

  551. Paula Dixon Williams says:

    I’m looking forward to this study.

  552. Jessica Goins says:

    This is my first experience with SRT and I am very optimistic! I have the book coming but just couldn’t wait to get started! I have been reading a few books from John Maxwell on personal growth and leadership and I feel these two might go hand and hand! I am very excited to learn more about the actions behind the reading as well. I have read a lot and sometimes get lost between knowing WHAT to do vs knowing HOW to do it.

  553. Melissa Ramos says:

    Excited and expectant to see God’s transformation of my heart and mind as I dive into this study.

  554. Churchmouse says:

    Practice in order to make progress. While I am made righteous at the moment of salvation, godliness as a lifestyle is an ongoing work. My prayer every new year is to know and serve Jesus better than the previous year. Old habits persist or attempt to return. Too often I rely on my own mind and forget I am to cultivate the mind of Christ. I am to abide in Him and His Word, not in my or others’ opinions. This abiding should result in obvious change. I want persistence to result in consistency and complete commitment to the cause of Christ. I trust a renewed study of faith practices will help in accomplishing just that.

  555. Amanda Sofía says:

    Thank you for all you do!

  556. Maiya K says:

    I am definitely looking forward to completing this study with you all. As I began this year, one thing I feel like God has been talking to me about it really just learning how to fully abide in Him – and here we are. Let’s go ladies!!

  557. Kali Spates says:

    This is a great to study to start at the beginning of the year! So excited to read more and really work on myself.

  558. Kristen says:

    I also read another devotional today on the First 5 app and recently read a devotional on my Bible app, and some of the same Scriptures were referenced! I have had that happen before where I see or hear certain Scriptures and then the same Scriptures are brought to my attention again! I heard a pastor on the Bible app talk about staying connected to the vine. He likened this to a cell phone being charged and plugged in.The phone can do lots of good things, but as soon as the phone comes off the charger, it starts to lose power, He said to stay plugged in! The writing portion had harsh words fro Jesus. I think it said that If we aren’t connected to Him, we will wither and burn up. (I may be paraphrasing.) May I learn to really listen and grow in His Word! Just because I have read a verse many times, may I not think I don’t need to focus on the Truth there.
    Today’s reading o the First 5 app had to do with our identity in Christ. So good! The Scriptures referenced can give such hope and freedom! It is a start to a study in the book Ephesians. Here is a link!

  559. Dianne Pacewicz says:


  560. Kay F says:

    I completely agree. I can’t let myself return to the habits of last year, no matter how understandable they may have been at the time!

  561. Holly says:

    I’m so excited for this study. Definitely yearning for more of Jesus in my life. I’m ready to learn how to follow His will even more.

  562. Abi says:

    So true and so amazingly encouraging. Thank you all at SRT & thank you Clare for your comment, definitely resonated with that! Thank you also SRT for your podcast, I’m enjoying listening to all the back issues during this time of much time spent at home!

  563. Clare says:

    ‘When we learn to attune our hearts to learn from Him, we will find the rest our hearts long for’ Yes! This is truth – The Holy Spirit has been showing me through the recent readings how turning to him provides rest and well-being. Being back in lockdown (3rd time!) it is tempting to lose all discipline, to not steward well what we have, to not live a holy life, after all, no one is watching! But this is a great encouragement and reminder to continue on, because He is the one who sees and cares. We do this for Him not anyone else anyway. May be attitude be that if Jesus to my family and may we find rest and peace in that place.

  564. Emily Taylor says:

    I’m looking forward to this study. Knowing however, that putting God/Godliness first sometimes means putting what ‘I want’ second. Sometimes that is hard.
    So Lord I pray for me, and anyone else who might be struggling to put you at the centre of their life, that we would put our trust wholly in you. Amen

    1. Gwendolyn Vincent says:


  565. Sarah Parkerson says:

    ❤️so thankful God led me here

  566. Kimi Norman says:

    If 2020 taught me anything, it showed me how undisciplined I have become. I know it was an abnormal circumstance and everyone has coping mechanisms. I am only speaking for myself. Unfortunately my coping mechanism brought about a spirit of slothfulness/laziness/apathy along with it. I am eager to revisit these disciplines and begin honing the practice of discipline.

  567. Beck Woolnough says:

    So excited for this study!

  568. Rebecca Eaton says:

    Excited to do Bible study like this. My life is busy working in healthcare so finding time to have Bible study with others is hard. I just subscribed yesterday. I’m looking forward to reading and deepening my relationship with God.

  569. Jennifer Johnson says:

    So happy you are here (in every sense of the word!) ♥️

  570. Heather Wold says:

    Sometimes staying consistent in the Word feels like a burden but that’s not how God intended. My hope this month is to be consistent in my time in the Word for the right reasons, not just to check it off the list but to really abide in Him. I want to fall in love with God’s Word again!

  571. Debbie Faries says:

    I am looking forward to this study.

  572. Lara Kayode says:

    #Wemove I’m excited to do this study

  573. Tonya Brooke says:

    I’m excited to begin this study

  574. Rose Marie Blasucci says:

    So inspired by the mission and eager to dive in deeper with this study. Thank you for this opportunity and will enjoy being on this journey with you all!

  575. Jeanne Scott says:

    Loving this in every way! I’m excited for what’s to come

  576. Rachel Nannini says:

    So happy I found SRT.

  577. Lana Thrasher says:

    Hi Angela,
    Are you related to the Thrasher Bros in anyway?

  578. Allie McCandless says:

    This is SO good!! I am so excited for this study!!

  579. Donna Ford says:

    Thank you SRT. I bought your Bible over the summer and I love it. And now I’m even happier I found this. I’m so looking forward to a fresh start. Thank You Lord God for this day and the people you lead me to. God Bless you

  580. Alexcia M.Lewis says:

    Alright let’s go! Excited!

  581. Angela Thrasher says:

    We are starting a ladies study at church in Anniston, Al in 2 weeks with this study. We are so excited. I am curious to know if Mrs. Bible Williams had family from our area. ANVERY VERY God fearing, Godly teaching family went to our church and his name was Lester Bible. If so, you would be doing them proud with what you are doing with Him and spreading the word. #EXCITED

  582. Whitlee Goostree says:

    Really enjoyed day one. Praying for everyone else that is doing the study.

  583. Truth Seeker says:

    I have been reading SRT for 5 years now plus reading HRT for a few years after I finally realized the value of the duel devotional studies.
    I have learned so much through these studies even though I was blessed to be born to a family of many generations (on both Mother AND Father sides !!!!) of Christian believers . I have always believed in God and the Bible and Jesus by Whose death, burial and resurrection my sins are forgiven and I am saved unto salvation which results in ETERNITY praising our God, our Lord and Savior forever and ever. !!!!!
    But – things happened to me as a young child continuing through my 20’s which caused me to be very angry and live life in great rebellion to God and His ways.
    I never quit believing in Him, but I chose to give in to my anger and “Do It My Way”
    This ended in a few decades detour which led me down a path of great sin which I now live with the very deep scars resulting from my rebellion from God.
    My heavenly Father working through my earthly father ( a great man of faith who loved His Lord and God and ME !!! his prodigal daughter) brought me back from a destructive suicidal (almost succeeded) path due to my great despair over past failings. I was convinced I ruined my life and had no reason to go on but my heavenly Father speaking through my earthly father said “I love you no matter what. Come home. You are loved. You are my daughter and I am here for you. I love you”.
    I returned home.
    Not intact.
    But absolutely AMAZED and blown away by the fact that both my earthly and heavenly Fathers were seeking me, finding me, and calling me home!
    Yes, it has taken a very long time to deal with the past, and yes, there have been relationships broken but not totally lost, and yes, scars upon scars that will never go away this side of heaven but as Tina says,
    “BUT GOD ” !!!!! in His great mercy and love has forgiven me and restored me and now I have turned my life to HIM and His will and His way as that is the best for me because He knows what is the best for me. His yoke IS light and He has allowed me to find rest for my soul.

  584. Michelle says:

    I received the She Reads Truth Bible from my daughter for Christmas. I’m not a “new” Christian, but “new” at studying the Bible. I really didn’t know where to start, so I went to the website and found this study. I’m excited to start this new journey, to understand and come closer to God and his word.

  585. Colleen DeVeau says:

    I am so excited to begin this study with all of you, and I am looking forward to what God is going to do through it. God, I pray that you bless every brother and sister that engages with this study and with this community. I thank you for each and every one of their lives and their pursuits of You, whether they are seasoned or brand new. I pray that You would open their hearts to Your word and the words written and spoken in this community. Thank You for She, He, & Kids Read Truth and the difference that they continue to make in our lives. May their impact expand and grow to reach more and more word-hungry souls in this world. May you continue to bless and keep them, in Your Name we pray. Amen.

    1. Gwendolyn Vincent says:


  586. Danielle Baker says:

    I am excited to start!

  587. Meg Weinkauf says:

    Excited for this study.