Law and Promise

Open Your Bible

Galatians 3:10-18, Genesis 12:1-7, Isaiah 53:1-12, 1 Peter 2:24-25

Light wanes

On a Wednesday evening during Holy Week a few years ago, I attended the Tenebrae service held by a local Anglican church at a nearby theater. The Tenebrae service draws its name from the latin word for “darkness” and is intended to capture the depth of sin and brokenness—without resolution.

On the stage, there was a tier with twelve candles. Traditionally, one candle at a time is snuffed out until the room is completely dark, encouraging people to leave the room in silence. The purpose is to sit with the sorrow of Christ’s death longer than we feel comfortable, so that the triumph of Resurrection Sunday is all the more joyous.

I was nervous to attend. Friends described it as being a pretty visceral experience, and since I already have a personality that’s sharply attuned to darkness and suffering, I wasn’t sure it was the best idea. But the event was meant to commemorate the fact that Christ had been crucified to break the curse of sin and death. The very least I could do was sit in an old theater seat.

Darkness grows

In the dark rows, candlelight flickering, we watched the opening piece: the music video to Johnny Cash’s song, “Hurt.” I couldn’t help but see the connection between that haunting lyric and Christ’s agony in the garden of Gethsemane, “What have I become / my sweetest friend? / Everyone I know goes away in the end.”

In Galatians, Paul says that “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us” (Galatians 3:13). Although God set the law in motion, it could never save us. It always pointed to the cross. Because the law leads to death, only death could satisfy sin and lead to eternal life.

The heaviness of what I felt during this Tenebrae service was just a sliver of what Christ felt on the cross. He carried the weight of the whole world’s suffering on his shoulders. Can you imagine? Yet somehow, “for the joy that lay before Him, He endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2).

Darkness overcomes

Over the course of the evening, I could feel my breaths grow shallow and staccato-like. My friends were right. It was hard to sit through. More than once, I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, hoping to ground my body, while at the same time holding close the story of my Lord’s suffering. Thinking about Christ being made a curse for our sake makes me shudder because there was such a cost to fulfill the demands of the law—a cost so great that the earth grew dark from the sixth to the ninth hour (Matthew 27:45).

Light reemerges

But the shocking beauty of the gospel is that this “great reversal” transforms Christ’s persecution into our blessing. The law is fulfilled and replaced with a promise, and we never need to fear the darkness again. The curse has been lifted. It is finished.

Light endures

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66 thoughts on "Law and Promise"

  1. Emily Tucker says:


  2. Aimee D-R says:


  3. Tina says:

    This song came to mind when I read this devotional..

    Light of the world,
    You stepped down into darkness,
    Opened my eyes, let me see
    Beauty that made this heart adore You,
    Hope of a life spent with You.

    So, here I am to worship,
    Here I am to bow down
    Here I am to say that You’re my God!
    You’re altogether lovely, altogether worthy,
    Altogether wonderful to me!

    Thank you Jesus.. Thank you for for breaking into my darkness and bringing me into your light.. that has opened my eyes to see You.. Thank you Jesus.
    BUT GOD..

    1. Déja D says:

      It’s a beautiful song and I haven’t heard of it before. Thank you so much for sharing it!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ love this song!

    3. Karen says:

      Thank you, Tina.
      I love this song and it so appropriately reflects the truths of the teaching.

  4. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “{Christ}He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness…” 1 Peter 2:24
    Christ suffered immensely, and died for us. God turned His back on Him because of the sin He carried. There was darkness, pain, suffering, sorrow – all for us!…The least we can do is strive to live for righteousness. — But so often we fail. We think to much about “me” and not enough about Christ. Without Christ, we would be nothing, we could do nothing – we would have no purpose. He is our blessing, the cross of Christ is our blessing. Oh, the undeserved merit of God that was bestowed on us! Thank you God, Thank you Jesus!
    A great reminder of the price Christ paid for me and for you is in the song, Thank you Jesus For the Blood – very powerful, moving song by Charity Gayle, you can find it on YouTube, here are the lyrics…

    Thank You Jesus For The Blood
    I was a wretch, I remember who I was
    I was lost, I was blind, I was running out of time
    Sin separated, the breach was far too wide
    But from the far side of the chasm
    You held me in Your sight
    So You made a way, across the great divide
    Left behind, Heaven’s throne, to build it here inside
    And there at the cross You paid the debt I owe
    Broke my chains, freed my soul, for the first time I had hope
    Thank You Jesus, for the blood applied
    Thank You Jesus, it has washed me white
    Thank You Jesus, You have saved my life
    Brought me from the darkness into glorious life
    You took my place, laid inside my tomb of sin
    You were buried for three days but then You walked right out again
    And now death has no sting and life has no end
    For I have been transformed by the blood of the Lamb
    Thank You Jesus, for the blood applied (thank You, Jesus)
    Thank You Jesus, it has washed me white
    Thank You Jesus, You have saved my life
    Brought me from the darkness into glorious life
    There is nothing stronger
    Than the wonder working power of the blood, the blood
    That calls us sons and daughters
    We are ransomed by our Father through the blood, the blood
    There is nothing stronger
    Oh, the wonder working power of the blood, the blood (it calls us)
    That calls us sons and daughters
    We are ransomed by our Father through the blood, the blood
    Thank You Jesus, for the blood applied
    Thank You Jesus, it has washed me white
    Thank You Jesus, You have saved my life
    Brought me from the darkness into glorious life
    Glory to His name
    Glory to His name
    There to my heart was the blood applied
    Glory to His name

    May I walk today, and every day in the newness of life, living out my righteousness because of what Christ did for me. God help me to be what I am meant to be in Christ, by the help of Your Holy Spirit that lives in me. Amen.
    I got here really late today – hope your day is going well. Blessings to you all. ❤️

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Amen, Sharon, and thank you for the reminder of the song! I haven’t heard Charity Gayle’s version- haven’t heard it in years, but it has been a favorite of mine. ❤

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Clarifying- we have sung it at church, but I didn’t know who wrote it or if I did I forgot! Senior brain syndrome maybe

  5. Adrienne says:

    This week’s podcast makes mention of reading through the Bible in a month… I am not gonna make it through this YEAR! I’m just sayin’

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Same!!! ❤

      1. Jen Coen says:

        I did the “Bible in 365” and found that (for me) it quickly became more about getting it done versus really reading and interpreting and being moved by the word. I’m glad I did it, but maybe it’s for more advanced readers who can better understand all that knowledge daily.

        1. Rhonda J. says:

          I have the year Bible too…but took me longer. Someone asked me yesterday how many times I have read it! And I have no idea…only that once through..but I told her the important thing is I read it every day!! She is only 10, and I wanted her to absorb that IT is the MOST IMPORTANT thing to have in your life!!

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      A MONTH!? What! (rhetorical, of course!)

  6. Gwineth52 says:

    Good Morning Shes
    I have been pondering the through line found in Galatians chapter 3. Paul emphasizes the Promise God made to the “seed” of Abraham, not to the “seeds”. The Promise was pointing to the one supreme seed, Christ the Lord. Which the the Law coming over 400 years later could neither add to or lessen. (V. 16-18, paraphrased). This view helps me wrap my head around the spiritual contest between the Promise and the Law ( personal will). Where I fail foolishly at the latter, He fulfills in the former. It would be good to hear how these passages might resonate with other Shes.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      My comment yesterday pretty much covers my thoughts, Gwineth, though I had not read today’s passages when I wrote those thoughts. As I read today, I was thinking my comment was a day early! Lol ❤

  7. Cee Gee says:

    BAILEY, thank you for sharing your experience with that somber service! Beautiful devotional as always. ❤
    I am reminded of this verse:

    Matthew 5:14 “You are the light of the world — like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. 15 No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.”
    That verse right there- the last phrase- gives purpose behind our ‘doing good’. NOT to save our souls, but to GLORIFY the ONE WHO SAVED US!

    As another SHE said, let His Light shine through each of us today and everyday. ❤

    1. Christy K. says:

      Thank you for sharing the connection you had to the verses in Matthew. Such a beautiful and powerful reminder. ❤️

      1. Cee Gee says:

    2. Adrienne says:


  8. Kris says:

    Taking some time today to reflect, internalize the dark truth about what He suffered for me. It’s hard.

  9. Cheryl Blow says:

    I love these verses Isaiah! What a picture it paints of what Jesus went through for our redemption! What the law could not do, He did! I’ve never heard of a Tenebrae but sitting in the darkness would give us just a taste of what Jesus experienced as He took all of our sin and was separated from God! How deep Christ’s love for us! It is humbling!

    But praise God, the Light of the World overcame the darkness! Jesus reigns victorious having conquered death, hell, and the grave!

  10. Adrienne says:

    He became a curse for us, sweet sisters. (I know you always remember He did!)

  11. Susan Joiner says:

    My church has a Good Friday service very much like the Tenebrae service described in the devotional. It is one of the most moving services. It is somber, dark, and deeply moving. We too leave in complete silence. This probably sounds a bit odd, but it is a service I never want to miss. I always leave remembering what Jesus did for me on the cross and I don’t want to forget that…ever! I so appreciate my pastor for doing this service every year.

    WYATT UPDATE: he has begun his chemo and seems to be tolerating it well. The steroids he takes are causing some bloating in his face and maybe his little tummy, but other than that his mom says “he is eating her out of house and home”. Which in itself is also a blessing. Wyatt was born with a hole in the roof of his mouth. Up until he was one he had a feeding tube because he couldn’t eat by mouth. That was fixed just before they found out about his cysts in his skull. So, PRAISE GOD he can now eat and apparently he’s enjoying it! Your prayers for Wyatt are being heard, answered, and are so appreciated! ❤️

    1. Adrienne says:

      We had one too. My husband always hated it, but I have always loved it. (As much as you could “love” the agony, right?!?!)
      Keep sharing good news on Wyatt!

    2. Kelly (NEO) says:

      The boy is going to have an amazing testimony!

      1. Susan Joiner says:

        Yes, he will!

  12. Rhonda J. says:

    GM She’s! Great reading and devotional today! Brings to mind the song by Elevation Worship “No Body”
    Behold the Lamb
    Upon the cross
    Who takes away the sins of all
    Forgiveness flows
    From hands and feet
    As violence meets the Prince of Peace
    Behold the King” …

    Light of the world
    Lamb that was slain
    Lion who rose
    Mighty to save
    The fullness of God
    Won’t be kept in a grave
    Darkness, your hour is over”

    No enemy can hold You down (no)
    ‘Cause there’s nobody in the grave now
    One head gets to wear that crown
    ‘Cause there’s nobody in the grave now
    No enemy can hold You down
    ‘Cause there’s nobody in the grave now
    One head gets to wear that crown, yeah
    ‘Cause there’s nobody in the grave now”

    I love Easter services too…where it is dark…then we slowly light our candles and let the light build slowly! Jesus breaks through the darkness!! Sin can defeat the world…Praise God. Darkness cannot overcome us!! Praise God. Sickness and disease cannot overcome me…Praise God!! What a gift. I don’t have to be condemned to the law…Praise God!!
    Whew! I am so grateful for SRT readings every morning! Let’s go be the light today!!

  13. Kathryn Zell says:

    How true! Also check out Andrew Peterson’s albums titled Resurrection Letters (Vol. 1&2).
    He wrote a Tenebrae song that is on there.
    Now I’m going to listen to Shane & Shane.

  14. Lindsey Bradley says:

    I would love to attend a Tenebrae service.

  15. G says:

    Tenebrae sounds intense. Most of the time I am okay with the dark and know I am safe. Every now and then, though, old fears and memories of my childhood creep in. As we tell the kids, “Nothing good happens in the dark.”

    Speaking of kids, when my son and I returned from the gym last night he started singing the chorus of the song on the radio. I’m kicking myself because I can’t remember the song right now, but it is something we sing at church – probably Tomlin, Wickham, or Getty, lol. I sat in the car for a moment after he left and let it sink in that even in the midst of his rebellion, the little boy who loves Jesus is still in there with praise on his lips. “For you were like sheep going astray, but you have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.”

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      That’s so good, I must too remember that I planted songs of God on the radio, and church into my son, that he is a wayward sheep that will be reined back in by the Shepherd when the time is right!!

      1. Margaret W says:

        My son who claims to hate church (and he has suffered much abuse at the hand of a former church) loves Christian radio. It is all he will listen to. I know the Word is planted even more deeply in his heart than the pain. ❤️

    2. Janay says:

      Thank you for sharing about your son. It is a reminder to me with my son as well. That the little boy that used to enjoy youth service and vans is still in there.

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      I truly believe with all my heart that what our children learn young – scripture, memory verses, lessons & sermons they’ve heard – are buried within their heart. It is my daily prayer for my two adult (prodigal) sons, that God will bring to the forefronts of their minds – that what they learned as a child. One day, one day – God will answer that prayer, it is what I hope for!

    4. Déja D says:

      Amen! God is still living in his heart somewhere.

  16. Debby Blake says:

    This type of service sounds beautiful! Thank you for sharing ❤️

  17. Vera Herrera says:

    Thank you, Jesus.

  18. Mia Faith says:

    I have never heard of a service like that. I will seek it out though. Thank you for sharing. Oh, what a Savior!

  19. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning ladies,
    Praying you all are doing well and learning more about how to abide in Christ. Would love your prayers as meet the teacher is Friday and school starts next week. I’ve been feeling a bit anxious in the mornings, and I think its just nerves for the new school year. Please pray for peace and strength to start the year off strong, even after having worked with kids during summer camp. Praying I would rely heavily on the Lord and he would help me through this.

    1. Laura says:

      I will pray for you, Sarah D. I taught for 35 years, and never got over the “butterflies” before a new school year. Totally normal! Prayers for peace and patience as you get things started. Wisdom for dealing with the “tough” kiddos, and joy as you serve the “least of these” for God’s glory! You are part of one of the most rewarding AND difficult professions. Lean on the Lord to make it through. It’s the only way!

      1. Adrienne says:

        Same, Laura. I always have bad dreams about the first day, and I always have them the night before… it makes for a rough first day! This will be my last year, and so last “first day”… woohoo!

    2. Mari V says:

      Good morning Sarah, praying for you sweet girl! Our first day was yesterday. Remind me what grade are you teaching this year? Is it still kindergarten? I was moved to TK! You’re going to do great!

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Just prayed for you this morning, and will continue – now I know how to pray more specifically!

  20. Sarah Carmona says:

    This reading reminded me of a Shane and Shane song called “Embracing Accusation”. I don’t remember where I heard it exactly, but I remember one of the Shane’s saying that Galatians 3:10 was being held over him like a dark cloud and he got depressed. He knew that he was cursed because we can’t do everything written in the book of the law. It held him there for days until he was able to read more and clearly see vs 13. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by •becoming the curse for us•. And the song Embracing Accusation was born. Y’all should give it a listen!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Shane and Shane are a favorite of mine, too! Thanks for mentioning that song., Sarah!❤

  21. Searching says:

    The weight of darkness during that Tenebrae service – I can only try to imagine the impact. And as we are surrounded by the weight of darkness everyday in our earthly world, I am so thankful for Christ, the Light of the world.

    John 8:12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

    These words from Isaiah really drive home the intentional love of God in the sacrifice of Christ for ME …
    Isaiah 53:
    5 But He was wounded for our transgressions,
    He was bruised for our iniquities;
    The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
    And by His stripes we are healed.
    6 All we like sheep have gone astray;
    We have turned, every one, to his own way;
    And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.

    SHARON JERSEY GIRL ❤️- today also reminds me of God Really Loves Us. I’ll have to watch the video again that they recorded on an Atlanta rooftop. And love that you were able to see the Getty’s in concert.

    CEE GEE ❤️ beautiful words in the hymn you shared yesterday
    COLLEEN DEVEAU – ❤️ thank you for sharing the reunion story yesterday, good lesson – although I’m a bit puzzled that the host initially had doubts. Did they think reunion crashing was a thing?!

    AZ WALKER ❤️ thank you for prayers, still praying for relief as I wait on appts, and for wisdom and guidance once I find out my options

    1. Laura says:

      “As we are surrounded by the weight of darkness everyday in our earthly world…” aren’t we though? I get so discouraged and down when I hear the news and follow the politics of our country (which is always, because we are newsies in our house). Sometimes I think we are too far gone to be redeemed as a nation. Oh what little faith I have in God sometimes. My hope is in the Lord, thankfully. Otherwise I don’t think I could survive this Earth!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Amen, sisters! ❤❤

  22. Michelle P says:

    My church holds that same service every Easter season. We have a big auditorium and we are all given candles. We set the candles on a big cross and one by one some of the staff/volunteers puts them out. Scripture, song, and poems are shared about the story of Christ’s journey to the cross until we get to the part where He is crucified. The last candle goes out and we sit in the dark room in silence for a moment, reflecting. We leave silently through the back doors, quietly to our car. My pastor always says it is his favorite service. I try not to miss it, either. It is good to be reminded that Christ died for us in this way (and also that He of all people, knows suffering most).
    Have a blessed Tuesday, ladies. Let’s keep our eyes up… ❤️

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      I’ve not heard of this service before, but sounds like a great way to reflect on the cross.

  23. Linda in NC says:

    “O What A Savior” a Southern Gospel song sung by The Cathedrals came to mind as I read the comments this morning! The chorus
    O what a Savior
    O Hallelujah
    His heart was broken
    On Calvary
    His hands were nail scared
    His side was riven
    He gave His !life’s blood for even me

    1. Searching says:

      Yes, Such a great song!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ The Cathedrals- we lived them! Beautiful message in song.

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Beautiful song – thanks for sharing!

  24. Danielle Beatty says:

    What grace and what a gift. Grateful to read with all of you this morning! ❤️

  25. Patt Courtemanche says:

    Wow. Just wow! What a service that must’ve been. And what a Saviour we have in Jesus!

  26. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “He bore the sin of many and interceded for the rebels.”
    And He still interceeds for me today. Thanks be to God.
    From HRT:
    “One of the most foundational truths of the gospel, of being a Christian, is that we are unable to save ourselves because we are sinners. In our nature, we are rebellious against God and cannot make ourselves righteous and good enough to enter his perfect, holy presence. Yet somehow, some way, we convince ourselves that good works will save us and that following a moral code will gain us justification in God’s eyes. It is an easy thing to believe: do good and earn rewards.”

    1. searching says:

      Amen, sister!

  27. Tricia C says:

    Thank you for sharing that, Bailey.

    I can’t and don’t need to follow the law to be saved. I do it because I am saved. Thank you Jesus!

    Happy Tuesdsay, Sisters. Keeping you all and your needs in prayer.

    1. Danielle Beatty says:


  28. Melissa Richards says:


  29. Sally B. says:

    ‘The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light,…on them has light shone’. The reflections on her Tenebrae service experience remind me of the verse from Isaiah. Trying to live by the law robs us of the freedom we have in Christ and throws us back into darkness. Thanks be to God for His promise to Abram and Christ’s offer of redemption from our sin!

  30. Lisa L Hill says:

    Thank you Jesus for being the light of the world. May you light shine brightly through me everyday.