Knowing God Through Love

Open Your Bible

1 John 4:1-19, Psalm 36:1-12, John 15:18-21, 1 Peter 2:1-3

It happened every night, first at 1:27 a.m. and then again at 4:02 a.m.. A low warning whistle would signal its arrival, followed by a roaring screech that thundered through our sleeping city, only waking me. Its rumble traveled from a cracked window to the front door to my bedpost, then disappeared as quickly as it came.

That train on nearby tracks opened my eyes to the darkness. I’d seen the sky turn black before going to bed, of course, but I hadn’t felt it. Suddenly, I was hyper aware that at any moment, my safe foundation could be shaken and destroyed. There, in my bed with white sheets and a black headboard, I began a countdown to sunrise, staying awake to prevent the darkness from swallowing me.

Each morning, I’d attribute my sleepy eyes to the train, but each night, I’d remember it was fear.

I began recognizing minor details as “warning” signs—ambulance sirens, missed calls, late arrivals—and became sure something dubious was headed my way. I didn’t know what that something was, but I knew its tracks were headed in my direction.

Fear is ominous and undefined in both feeling and concept. There are times I know exactly what I’m afraid of, and others when I’m just plain afraid. Many nights, I’d sit up on those white bed sheets, Bible open on my lap, wrestling with anxiety. Over and over again, I ran into the same command: Do not fear. It appears generously throughout God’s Word, yet I’d never come across a concrete definition of “fear” by itself. But what reason do we have to not fear? When the walls begin to shake and the darkness closes in, how exactly do we just “not fear”?

When the train began to rumble into town, I wasn’t sure how to put the brakes on my fear—but I knew I could turn on the lights. Reaching over to turn on the lamp on my bedside table somehow illuminated my confidence enough to step out of bed and look outside. From my window, the street lights glowed and the train’s headlights shone in the darkness. I wonder if this is why fear isn’t clearly defined in the Bible, because it cannot stand alone. To really know it, we must turn on the lights.

And in this case, when it comes to our fears, it is by His light, by knowing Him, that we are really able to see and make sense of what’s around us (Psalm 36:9). To know Him, we must remember His love; He Himself is love (1John 4:16). And when we know His love, we know what it is not: fear. Because “there is no fear in love… perfect love drives out fear” (v.18, emphasis mine).

I’ve always read that verse in the context of my loving relationships, but what if we could also believe it in the context of our worst fears? If God is love, and there is no fear in love, then there is no fear in God. And because we are from God, He leaves the lights on for us. Held to the standard of God’s perfect love, fears don’t stand a chance. Maybe trying not to fear isn’t so impossible if it sends us searching for the light (John 8:12). May we always hold up pieces of darkness to the brilliance of His love.

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79 thoughts on "Knowing God Through Love"

  1. Jean Hevel says:

    “Our Father God is all the while effectually at work within me both to will and act according to HIS purpose.”
    Yes, I have experienced extreme fear and anxiety . Yes, I have claimed GOD’S Word out loud while feeling the fear and anxiety. Not once, but over and over again, I heard myself proclaiming GOD’S Word.
    Were the feelings still there as I spoke GOD’S Word?
    Did that stop me?
    First John 4:4 gave me the courage to go about my day no matter how I felt emotionally.
    Never,never, ever doubt the power of God’s Word.

  2. Michele Tully says:

    I remember when my daughter was a toddler and had really bad croup. I was terrified that she would suffocate and while we waited for her medicine to kick in, I laid her on my chest and played “It is well” on repeat until our heartbeats synced up and she began to breathe normally. It was remembering who was in control through listening to that worship song that pushed fear out.

  3. Tracy Scott says:

    May we always hold up our darkest fears to the brilliant illumination of Jesus our Light.

  4. Allisia Mata says:

    Wow. What a concept. As I think about this I think of the question I have roaming in my mind. How do I love when they don’t want to be loved? How do you simply not fear the rejection and do it because you know it’s right. Maybe the missing piece is allowing myself to hold the fear in the first place. Then holding it to the light letting it create something beautiful. Not perfect but beautiful.

  5. Mylinda Giles says:

  6. Jamie Kavan says:

    “Rest easy
    Have no fear
    I love you perfectly
    Love drives out fear
    I’ll take your burden
    You take My grace
    Rest easy
    In My embrace”
    Rest Easy by Audio Adrenaline

  7. Sam Marlin says:

    I’ve struggled with fear since I was a child. Not feeling safe, especially at night. I’ve spent countless nights wide awake, fearing something happening to my family or to me. Especially about physical safety; an intruder or an accident happening. I’ve wrestled with this truth!! But I have to keep wrestling- God is here, He is the light, He is perfect love.. and there is no fear in perfect love. Thanks for this!❤️

  8. Kirstin Gaschk says:

    I relate. I also woke one night with tight pains in my chest and feared it was the virus. I battled through the night and once i put some worship on my headphones the fear and pain left me. God is so much stronger than our fear. Pray that you will receive His boldness and peace when those fears try to creep back in.

  9. Zipho M says:

    As I was reading this my eye was twitching and as a children we were told that if your eye twitches at the bottom,it means something bad is going to happen and it’s going to make you cry. I thank God for this study today because I recognized a fear that had been engraved in us and would torment you up until that as thing happened. Today I was going to spend my day thinking and trying to figure out that bad that was going to happen. But I thank God today and everyday after this,for reminding me that “There is no fear in love,but love perfect love drives out fear”.

  10. Blake Ennis says:

    As I read this in the midst of CoVid19….yes yes and yes. God trumps all and comes in to give assurance and hope and peace…thanking God

  11. Jeanette Yocum says:

    I loved this so much. I can relate

  12. SD says:

    Today my husband and very best friend deployed. With the world being in a pandemic, this deployment is full of even more unknowns, less structured timetables, and more worries. I came to this reading today with a heavy, fearful heart. I am so thankful that even as we approach these unknowns that God has left the light on for us. I do not have to sink into fear as God’s perfect love drives out fear. So, so thankful for this reminder and God’s sustaining love during this time.

  13. Avis DeniseGraves says:


  14. Tamara Hoffmann says:

    Fear of the Lord is similar to respect and fear for a parent. We obey our parents because we fear retribution, later we learn to love them because they taught us to be obedient. Finally, we do not want to disappoint them because we love and respect them. It is the same with our relationship with our Lord and Savior. I do fear the Lord because He is Holy and I am nothing, all our best offerings are as filthy rags. But God sent Jesus, He stands in front of me and pleads for my forgiveness because I claim his righteousness. By his stripes we are healed, He casts out fear.

  15. Ruth Narcisse says:

    Hi Linda!
    I take the “fear” of the Lord as the respect you have for him not necessarily being scared of him.

  16. Jennifer Anapol says:

    God is love and by showing love to those around us, we are showing Christ to the world!! I think a very tangible way of showing God’s love to those around us is by meeting their needs. I pray the Lord would show me the needs of the people around me and give me wisdom in how to meet those needs.

  17. Linda says:

    My walk with the Lord is one that has taken me down several paths, sometimes the wrong one because of my humanly flesh. But I always come back, and start my re’s again . . .renew, rethink, rejoice, rebirth, etc. As I age I can feel this calling to come closer to my heavenly Father and honestly I love it. I have to remember with His love I can endure anything . . .it’s becoming solid in my heart, my mind, and my soul.

    However . . . .Here’s where I would love some help . . .my father was one to fear Big Time . . .so when I read parts of the bible and the scriptures say to FEAR the Lord . . . I immediately go back to the fear of my earthly father. Can someone help me understand what the fear of the Lord truly means . . . Thank you soooo much!!

  18. Traci Gendron says:

    Loving God & loving others is the key to becoming more like Jesus. I pray that God will help me open my heart to those that I have turned away from. I find it hard to love those that are different in minor & extreme ways. Which doesn’t make me very Christ like.

  19. Elizabeth McKinney says:

    Thank you Churchmouse! I needed that this morning. Blessings on a wonderful day Sisters!

  20. Kaila Smith Ramesh says:

    I have struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember. Usually there is no apparent cause. Everything will be going just fine then suddenly my heart begins racing, beating so hard that it feels like my chest is going to explode. I do have medical problems that cause my heart to race and the rhythm to be off, and I think most of the time this is what starts the anxiety and panic attacks. When this happens I try to go somewhere so that I can be alone with The Lord and just talk to Him, listen, and try to get my body back into a normal rhythm.

    I’m super thankful that I haven’t felt scared about this virus. I used to worry a lot, but through God’s Word, I finally realized that worrying about anything isn’t going to change it. At least not for the better. I’m not saying that I’m carefree, but He has given me peace about this virus and I’m so thankful for that.

    God bless all of you!

  21. Angelica Ging says:

    “Fear Not For I Am With You Says the Lord”
    I remember singing this verse in Sunday school and it has stuck with me ever since. It’s His hidden truth hidden in my heart that I find my childlike self cling to when I feel fear creep in. It goes so well with today’s verse “perfect love casts out fear.” During these uncertain times I can’t help but feel comforted by the Spirit that our Father up in Heaven has not forgotten us but remembers us and is constant.

  22. Jenna says:

    There’s that saying that says “where attention goes, energy flows.” When I’m feeling anxious, it’s often helpful for me to consider what I’m magnifying in that moment. Is it my fears or what I know to be true of God’s character?

    There are no easy fixes for anxiety and I don’t think it’s a sign of spiritual weakness to wrestle with fear. God, in his grace, gives us spiritual tools and medical resources to help us in our need. I think the Lord saves some of His best promises in Scripture for fearful people and we have the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s truth to us in those moments.

    A verse that has meant a lot to me during this time is from Nahum 1:7: “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.”

    1. Alicia Mason says:

      Wonderful words!

    2. Alyssa Myers says:

      Love this… thank you for sharing!

  23. J. Alison says:

    Thank you so much for this reflection. I think we all need it so much right now. I will hold fast to today’s verses and your words.

  24. Ashley White says:


  25. Diana Fleenor says:

    As I consider the concept of fear, I am grateful for the teachings from a number of sources which have help ground me in the understanding that there is “good fear” and “bad fear”. The fear of the Lord is said to be “a delight” of the one who is our Messiah, the Lord Jesus (Isaiah 11:3). The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom as stated in a number of places in Proverbs. The passage in Psalm 36 describes the depth of sin of those who have “no fear of God before his eyes.” The warnings to be aware of false prophets who deny Christ’s humanity and deity seem to intend to stir up a kind of alertness that may have a kind of feeling of fear in it. And how do fear and hatred of the sin Peter tells us to put away connect? Jude seems to connect these concepts, along with mercy, when he speaks about those who are sinning, saying, “to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh” (Jude 1:23).

    Yet, over and over again, we are told to “not fear”. But what is the object of those “not fear” instructions. Today’s message highlights the most needed truth: We who are in Christ Jesus are not to fear condemnation because he has taken on the penalty that we would have to pay ourselves if he hadn’t. What a relief from the greatest fear any of us could have! I’m thankful to the Lord for his amazing grace!

    1. Kat Cowell says:

      Thank you Diana for these thoughts and references! It’s so helpful to stop and think through the different types of fear in the Bible as you have done, and to ultimately remember that the fear of condemnation is no longer to be a reality for those who have taken refuge in Christ. What a wonderful word of truth!

  26. Tash says:

    I like to look up words in the dictionary that I read in my bible to get a fresh perspective on their meaning. Today I looked up the words in 1 Peter 2:1… malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, slander. Convicting, yes. It causes me to pause before God, acknowledge those sins and receive His grace.

  27. DOROTHY says:

    So as I was reading the devotional by Kaitlin it remind me of one of my favorite songs “Fear Is a Liar” by Zach Williams. The verse goes like this:
    Fear, he is a liar
    He will take your breath
    Stop you in your steps
    Fear he is a liar
    He will rob your rest
    Steal your happiness
    Cast your fear in the fire
    ‘Cause fear he is a liar.
    The first time I heard this song it really spoke to me because in many of the words of the verses I can see myself. to I have found when I am afraid the best thing for me to do is to take to the Lord. He seems to always be able to take my fears away. Just remember my sisters “Fear Is a Liar”.

  28. Maura says:

    This message is so timely. First let me say our God is so good. Night before last I started having some breathing issues, where my chest was tight and I couldn’t take deep breaths. Now is not the time to have anxiety attacks. Unbeknownst to me at the time that is what was happening. But all I could think was I don’t have any other symptoms and is this related to the virus. So I prayed for our world and asked God to heal it. The next morning, yesterday, it got worse, and finally I started texting my Physicians assistant. Checked my pulse, blood pressure at home which was all fine. She patiently went over things and I was going to meet her at the clinic in an hour if i didn’t feel better. and head to the er if it got worse. I texted relatives to pray and my daughters’ church prayed and I lay back and prayed and God took it and my breathing was restored. Fear, and anxiety for some is their body reacting physically to what is going on around them, others can be a chemical reaction to something they are taking. For many it is debilitating and feels like prison. In my past I felt horrible when I would have these times of anxiety. Please Pray for those imprisoned to be set free. Fear is a liar and God’s light illuminates that He is the healer. Praying for those struggling with anxiety, the peace that surpasses all understanding be yours, Jesus hold those paralyzed right now and bring your peace, grace and mighty love. Thank you for taking that away from me and giving me breath. I love you my Lord and Redeemer. Heal us in Jesus name Amen.

  29. Susan Crosby says:

    My 80 year old mom lives in our home and she has night lights in her bedroom and all the way to the bathroom. I like it very dark at night and it’s amazing to me how just a little nightlight brightens the paths. In these readings we see contrasts between evil/darkness and love/ light. It only takes a little of God’s light to outshine the darkness. His perfect love casts out fear❤️ The reading also warns those in Christ to not get to cozy with the world. These antichrists would like people to remain in darkness but if we are in Christ we have the light in us.

    1. Stephanie Heshka says:

      Love your analogy with the night light – how it doesn’t take much to light up the hallways and that running to God offers instant light. Thanks for sharing! ♥️

  30. NanaK says:

    Fear, worry, and/or anxiety can all be so overwhelming, and no doubt, we have all experienced one or all of these, maybe even within the past month of the pandemic. My mother-in-law is a natural worrier and the pandemic has thrown her into over-drive. We call multiple times a day, send cards, flowers, etc., yet her fear is making her literally ill. She “knows” the LORD, but she is clinging to her fear instead of clinging to HIM. Today, I am praying that her fears send her” searching for the light” (John 8:12). and her darkness will be covered with “the brilliance of His love.”

    1. Jen Brewer says:

      Praying in agreement with you for your mother-in-law, NanaK. ❤️

    2. Nancy Tuggle says:

      Praying for your mother in law!

  31. Kirstin Moran says:

    I loved the comparison of the light (Gods love) and the dark (fear). It reminds me of the song – fear is a liar. It’s so easy to believe, yet when the light turns on and we see can see the comparison it drives out the fear. Thank you Jesus that we don’t have to live in fear but can trust and walk in your light forever changed!

  32. Jada Steele says:

    John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.

    This devotion reminded me of this today. I have clung to this verse in times where I felt everything around and within me was just simply dark.

    In these uncertain times, I’m going to be clinging to it again this week. Because just because I’ve done wrong or the world is in turmoil, doesn’t mean that God is wrong or bad. It doesn’t even mean we have to be wrong or bad. Praying God illuminates this verse in my soul this week, so I can shine in the darkness and not be overcome by my own or the world’s.

  33. Rebekah C says:

    Fear is dispelled by knowing love.

    Know God know love.

    How do you know God?

    It is not enough to read the Bible. If that was so, the many atheists that I have met who know the Bible better than most Christians, would know God and yet they do not.

    It is not enough to know about God, you have to know God.

    This is the exact question that Nicodemus was about when he approached Jesus in John chapter 3. Nicodemus doesn’t know the nature of his questioning, he wants to know how Jesus attained his knowledge of God, the intimate knowledge of knowing God that he, a lifelong student and teacher of God’s word had somehow missed.

    Jesus explains it’s not what you know, it’s who you know and the way to know God is by rebirth. A rebirth of the inner man, the rebirth of the spirit.

    Jesus in this chapter and many others in John explains that this, spiritual rebirth, is something that God does in us. Paul emphasizes in Romans that it’s not by works or doing things that makes us born again, but by this internal working of God, the new man the rebirth is God’s work. Good works we do are a result of that, and good works God has prepared for us to do.

    Backwards from every other religion!

    We are new because God has changed us and in doing so we are fundamentally different than before.

    What we are before we know God is pitiful, sinful and hopelessly lost. There is nothing in us that can attain knowing God. In fact if we were to approach God we would die because ourselves are terribly horrible. Prideful, murderers, hateful, spiteful, ungrateful, unloving, unholy, people. And that’s just the start of what we are without knowing God.

    However, God solved this problem by making it possible to know Him. While we were busy being terrible, He became one of us, walked among us, lived according to how God’s love dictates and then paid the ultimate price for a life full of the worst offenses, death.

    If it had stopped there, his payment for our offense, we would still be left to the end, the grave.

    But God wasn’t content for the story stay in the grave, wasn’t content with just punishment being satisfied, God resurrected Jesus from the grave.

    With that death, on the cross, the old is taken and put in the grave. The murderer, the pride, the thief, the hateful old man, that person is put to death. But a new person is resurrected with the resurrection of Christ. While Christ took the old human nature and killed it, a new nature is born within us, the nature of Christ, the nature of Love, God’s love, is born within us with the resurrection of Christ.

    Nothing is more intimate than knowing a person who is living inside you.

    That sounds so … odd, but is the inception of being born again. The rebirth, the spiritual birth of God’s spirit living inside you. In this was you can know God, not just know about Him.

    Once that rebirth has occurred, you test whether or not it’s your flesh, your own heart or the voice of God chatting in your self. By the word of God.

    Read your Bible.

    Read the gospels over and over again to get a grasp on the character of Jesus. Read the Old Testament to get a grasp on the consistency of God the father and read the epistles, letters, to understand the gap between the old covenant and the new covenant we have in Christ and to understand what faith looks like.

    1. Ashley Thornton says:


    2. Alicia Mason says:

      Just Wow! Excellent!

  34. Tina says:

    Perfect love casts out fear.

    It could be so easy to believe the love I have for my loved ones is perfect, afterall my heart sings when I am with them, my smile is bigger when I hear their voice, or think of them, and these days of lockdown, oh the joy of face timing..
    My heart is full to overflowing with love for my peeps, yet..
    It doesn’t take much to fall apart, for me to think the worst, or feel insecure, helpless or weak.. or fearful.
    Here’s the thing..

    We live in a broken world, and I live in a country where the stiff upper lip, is not all its cracked up to be.. where things may look good on the outside, but on the inside, there are all sorts going on.. some good, some not so, and some so deeply buried, they cause all sorts of trouble without knowing..

    But God…

    The Bible says He does not give us a spirit of fear, no sir, He does not!
    So why then do I get troubled? Why then do I worry? Why then do I fear?

    My ‘perfect’ will always fall short of the perfect love of God.. and that is okay, because with God, though I fall short, I am whole in His love, His perfect love.. for now that’s all the perfect I need..


    Happy Monday..beloveds!!with love, much love..

  35. Erin B says:

    I see so much alarming fear in our culture right now, irrational fear of others, and of the possibility of a n y t h i n g going wrong, or being out of our control. As a Mom to small children, I often think about how people get to that point, and how I can point my babes to a firm foundation in Christ. If God says he is “working all things together for the good of those who love me”, and he is the Creator if everything, it seems that we do ourselves m o r e destruction when we doubt him in our fear.

    Not that anxiety is worse than other kinds of mental/emotional struggle, but it does have a way of unraveling us before we can begin. Seeds of fear (labeled falsely as caution and even compassion) are being sowed far and wide of late— I’m praying for God’s wisdom and discernment for his people, that he would protect us and keep our eyes on his faithfulness.

  36. CeeGee says:

    Rachel from Texas, I LOVE that song and belt out that chorus!

  37. CeeGee says:

    AMEN, Churchmouse!

  38. Erricka Hager says:

    Such a beautiful and timely message to lean on God to drive out your fears.

  39. Mattie White says:

    I have struggled with anxiety since I was a teenager. My brother had an accident and fell in the shower early on the morning we were supposed to leave for vacation. Looking back, he was okay. Just a concussion. But in that fear when we did not know how badly the tile floor and corner of the sink had hit him, it was terrifying. Even when I feel like I am safe and secure, a panic attack can hit me out of nowhere. I worry about my husband who rides a motorcycle every time he leaves on it and I find myself begging God to keep him safe as if he’s not already protecting him. Through God’s perfect love I can stand in his confidence and know that I am well protected and it’s all in his hands. That is what calms my heart.

  40. Kelsi Boone says:

    Wow this is such a relevant thought in the midst of all the chaos right now in the pandemic. The train right now in my life is the pandemic and that fear is rolling in. Lord thank you for leaving the light on and being love in this world full of darkness. God you are our refuge and you cast out all fear.

  41. Clara Hunt says:

    This i was too well timed… coming from a girl who wakes up with bags under my eyes every morning because im too anxious to sleep! Thank you Jesus for this reminder

  42. Lindsey Bailey says:

    Fear has crept into my mind more often lately. And it’s true, I can’t always put my finger on why it is there. But, in the stillness of the night, God has shown me that I can call Him into that place of fear. I lay there and pray, God, come closer. Come near. I don’t have to say more. He comes. His love has covered me in a blanket of peace time and time again. His love scatter the fear.

    1. Jennifer Martin says:


  43. Stacey Wilson says:

    Oh, these words. What a timely balm for our hurting hearts and souls.

  44. Churchmouse says:

    May I add that anxiety may require medical intervention. Our oldest daughter experienced post partum anxiety that was particularly debilitating. How grateful we are for her wonderful physician and counselor who walked her through this particular darkness. Our daughter is a strong, well grounded believer. She is a vocal advocate for transparency and intervention when it comes to mental health. You are not less of a Christian when you reach out for medical and /or therapeutic support. It takes great courage and strength to admit your need. God is faithful to answer the cries of his children. His answers may very well be found through those he has gifted in the fields of medicine, psychiatry, and counseling as well as prayer and Scripture. Please reach out.

    1. Cat Curl says:


  45. Lizzie says:

    When we don’t understand, when fear is too much, He is shining His light and, “How priceless your faithful love is, God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 36:7. He bears our burdens every day, Psalm 68:19. He works all things together for the good of those who love Him, Romans 8:28. And He loves us, 1 John 4:10,13,16. He has a good purpose for His children and His Spirit is ever present. Ezekiel 14:23. Trust Him! I praise you Lord, thank you for bearing my burdens and leading me in your light. You are the good shepherd and I love you. Thank you for seeking me out and delighting in me Isaiah 62:12, Isaiah 62:4-5. Thank you for the joy and contentment you give, Isaiah 12:1-6. I love you Lord, amen!

  46. Doris says:

    What a faith walk we are in to know the love of God, to know Him and to fear not.
    It’s faith in the Living God. When fear comes , dwell on His love. When it comes, think of His love for us. Know His love when it comes. God says, fear not my child, I’m with you always. And I know how to care for those who belong to Me.

  47. Rachel from Texas says:

    Lindsey I too have a 13 month old! :) praying you got some rest and your fears are relieved by His Word & the Truth that He is near!

    Also, this reading brought to mind a song I’ve been hearing recently from Gretchen Saffles playlist on Spotify called unshaken(look that up if you need some encouragement). The song is Stand in Your Love by Bethel Music.

    When darkness tries to roll over my bones
    When sorrow comes to steal the joy I own
    When brokenness and pain is all I know
    Oh, I won’t be shaken, no, I won’t be shaken

    My fear doesn’t stand a chance
    When I stand in Your love
    My fear doesn’t stand a chance
    When I stand in Your love
    My fear doesn’t stand a chance
    When I stand in Your love!

    1. Jen Brewer says:

      I was singing this song after this morning’s reading too! ❤️

  48. Angie says:

    On Sunday’s we often listen to our church and our son’s church livestream – one of the blessings of being home I guess. Both messages were on fear. Here are some points I wrote down or took from them.
    Six reoccurring fears people often have are:
    1. Fearing our shadow-side (meaning what might I actually do if desperate enough)
    2. Being unlovable
    3. Failure
    4. Incompetency
    5. Experiencing pain
    6. Being dependent
    Each of these fears (and I’m sure there are more) show us what we worship.
    1. Fearing our shadow-side shows a worship of self basically-faith in personal morality, self-righteousness
    2. Being unlovable – worships people and relationships, trying to fill our need for a Savior with humans
    3. Failure worships achievements and man’s approval
    4. Incompetency worships human knowledge and wisdom
    5. Experiencing pain worships pleasure found in many avenues: possessions fun, travel, sex, alcohol, substances
    6. Being dependent worship power or position

    Tim Keller said that the root of fears reality is that if I fully put my trust and faith in Him alone…He will let me down…so we supplement God with other things. Idols in our lives.

    Jesus plus idols is a criminal gospel – it is false teaching.

    Jesus + nothing = Everything is the only equation of Truth, Life, and laying down fear.

    “If God is love, and there is no fear in love, then there is no fear in God.”
    He Reads Truth today’s last line is: “We live in the shelter of God’s love and are defined by it.”

    Father, thank you for the sermons this weekend and messages of SRT and HRT but most importantly, thank You for Your love.

    1. Leslie Warnick says:

      Thank you Angie ❤️

    2. Jennifer Martin says:


    3. Jen Ryan says:

      Yes it resonates for me too Angie, thanks for so thoughtfully sharing with us.. awesome note taking too!!

  49. Sarah Metz says:

    ‘May we always hold up pieces of darkness to the brilliance of His light.’ ❤️ This brings so much comfort to my soul.

  50. Janna Jackson says:

    It’s so easy to focus on sin and what we shouldn’t do, it if we decided to focus on God and his character, particularly that he is love. I think if we focus on who God is, we will begin to see ourselves as God sees us and won’t cave to the flesh every time.

    1. Dee Wilcox says:

      Yes! God’s Word is a mirror, and when we read it, we see ourselves as God sees us. We study to show ourselves our identity in Christ, casting off our old identity and the sin that so easily ensnared us before. When we see Love, and we are reminded that He is Love and Light, we are empowered to walk as Love and Light in this world.

  51. Ceara says:

    So thankful for this reminder this morning. Between current world events, and a mass shooting in a small town where a lot of my extended family lives, I was awake most of the night last night struggling with my fear, anxiety and panic. This was a perfect reminder this morning that, even in light of current global (and local) events, we have no need to fear because of God’s perfect love. Thank you for sharing your heart and these verses today.

  52. Nancy Singleton says:

    I have a 25 year old granddaughter struggling with anxiety & fear. It doesn’t always have a name, or specific source, but it is real to her & can’t be reasoned away. I keep trying to get her into the Word of God, to see His light & love, & Christian music. I told her if she would set her mind on these things, there’d be no room in her head for anxiety. And of course I’m praying for her!

  53. K D says:

    I really appreciate this devotional. While our fears might not make sense to others, that does not negate them. But the beautiful thing is that God alone is the one whose light can shine on them, helping to lead us out of the darkness.

  54. Churchmouse says:

    How reassuring and comforting is the passage from 1John 4 today. Believers are at odds with the world. It’s a fact. There is much deception all about us yet we need not fear or become disheartened. We are from God (God!) and we are conquerors. No matter how the darkness swirls around us, greater is He who is in us. We are blessed to know the Spirit of Truth for we are empowered with confidence by it. We know the spirit of deception as well and we know it is a defeated foe. Noisy but not deadly. John reminds all of us believers of the great love we have from God and the love we are to have for one another. When we focus on His love for us and when we extend it to others, love multiplies, faith grows and fear finds no home in us. We can take a deep breath, live our lives contentedly. At all times, we rest in His arms. And our arms are linked to all other believers. We are not alone. We are a majority in Him. He loves us and He will never stop loving us. Amen and amen!

    1. Jane K says:

      Thank you Churchmouse I needed these encouraging words today and I need to reconnect with my sister’s in Christ. Surround myself with God’s love and the love of others.

    2. Mari V says:


    3. Denise N says:

      Praise be to God our Father!

    4. Tara Beatty says:

      Amen Churchmouse! We are conquerors!

  55. Blessed Beth says:

    Oh Linsey I will pray for you, I can’t imagine being under the fear of tornados, especially at this time in our world. I pray that tha you feel God’s loving secure arms wrapped around you, reassuring you of how much he loves you and will never leave you.
    You can go to Him constantly, He is always with you and will never leave you, you are his precious child.
    I think of the movie War Room, where the actress yelled at satan when you feel that fear you can do the same, I have done it when I reclaimed my street and children’s lives, and I must say it feels good.

    The reading today is so full of love, I felt His peace and reassurance .
    Thank you Kaitlin

  56. Rachel Thompson says:

    I agree with what she’s saying but I don’t get why she’s afraid or why this is to be feared? It felt really disjointed and the conclusion didn’t fit the evidence though I really liked the idea that God as love means he leaves the light on, he essentially drives out our fear

    1. Sheila Ezell says:

      Anxiety can bring on fears of all kinds. Many people suffer from being over anxious with many fears.

    2. Rebekah C says:

      I agree. There’s a disconnect between her fear and the solution: knowing God.

      I was left with a feeling that she feels that God is distant, which is not what the word preaches, and is not my experience.

  57. Linsey says:

    Thank you for your words. This devotional was so fitting for me in this very moment.I live in South Georgia, and we are under a tornado watch right now. I can’t sleep because my mind keeps thinking of my 13 month old across the house, of stories of mothers separated from children during storms. Thank you for the reminder that my faith is in God. As always, he has complete control, even in the midst of the storm. So often I allow fear to overcome me. But how can I fear when I know the truth? God has already won the battle!

    1. Jen Brewer says:

      Praying for all of you ❤️