Kingdom Values

Open Your Bible

Luke 16:1-31, Proverbs 15:16, 1 Corinthians 4:7-13

We tend to pluck out Christ’s teachings and deliver them as neat and tidy Sunday school lessons. Every word is true and useful (Proverbs 30:5; 2 Timothy 3:16), and yet, when we place ourselves in the sandals of the original hearers and listen as they would have listened, we discover a depth we might otherwise miss.

Let’s use Luke 16 as our case study for this principle. Luke 15 sets the scene. A crowd of tax collectors and sinners had gathered around Jesus, annoyed that “this man receives sinners and eats with them” (v.2). The nerve! Jesus addressed their unrighteous indignation with a string of vivid lessons. If we were watching this text unfold as a theatre performance, our program might read something like this:

Scene 1: A sheep, a coin, and a son—three stories about the lost.

The curtains would then fall and rise again to…

Scene 2: A swindler, a beggar, and a rich man—two stories about true riches.

Christ’s words, “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much” (Luke 16:10, ESV), are scribbled into the bottom of my laundry baskets as a reminder that if Jesus can’t trust me to do laundry well and with joy, He surely can’t trust me with something more significant. Laundry aside, this is the point Jesus makes in the parable of the dishonest manager. Though at first glance it might seem Jesus holds up the manager’s swindling as model behavior, it’s not the dishonesty Jesus wants us to emulate; it’s that he views money as a means to an end. So should followers of Jesus; the accumulation of wealth should never be our goal, but if we can use earthly wealth for eternal good, we will prove ourselves faithful. “So if you have not been faithful with worldly wealth, who will trust you with what is genuine?” (v.11, CSB).

Fast forward a few verses. Jesus is still responding to the hard-hearted Pharisees (vv.14–15) when He tells the tale of a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. Lazarus dies and is in glory; the rich man dies and is in torment. After the rich man pleads for Lazarus to go to his relatives and call them to repent, the lesson ends with these words: “If they don’t hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead” (v.31). God’s Word has been beating the same drum since the beginning: wealth might make things easier in this life, but it’s not what matters for the next. End scene.

Jesus was talking to people who valued wealth and saw it as a sign of God’s favor, but He reminds them that the kingdom doesn’t have quite the same economy. The faith of a child—not money or possessions—is all that’s needed. Money is alluring, but it is a master who ultimately disappoints. God looks at our hearts, not our bank account statements. “And he told them, ‘You are the ones who justify yourselves in the sight of others, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly admired by people is revolting in God’s sight’” (v.15).

Erin Davis is an author, blogger, and speaker who loves to see women of all ages run to the deep well of God’s Word. When she’s not writing, you can find Erin chasing chickens and children on her small farm in the Midwest.

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45 thoughts on "Kingdom Values"

  1. Jennifer McElhannon says:

    This really hits home for me as I have a relative who is choosing to serve money over Christ—and they know it’s wrong to do so. I’m praying so hard for their soul right now in that they may be lead back to Christ. I had to really read and understand the first parable. I actually did a google search to make sure I understood it correctly.

    Money isn’t everything. It’s the root of all evil. And who is evil? Satan of course. I know I’ve dealt with avarice in my life, but not to the extent that I would sacrifice my family’s well being over it. Money is simple a means to an end. How we use money in this life determines how we live in our eternal life.

    It also enforces the greatest commandment, to love your neighbor as you love yourself. The wealthy man and Lazarus the leper are a key in reinforcing what we value in this life and how we decide to approach our relationship to money. Money can always been replaced, the things of this world can all go away, but the Kingdom of Heaven is eternal grace.

    Lord have mercy on those who choose wealth over You.

  2. Steph C says:

    “No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money” (Lk 16:13). It’s a matter of motive and priority. What is my chief desire? It’s not wrong to work and to earn money. But why do I do it? So I can guarantee myself comfort and financial security? Or so I have something to give to those in need?

  3. Dee Wilcox says:

    I was definitely confused by the shrewd master, but I think I’m starting to understand. Like churchmouse, beginning with what I know, money (how we use it and relate to it) reflects our values and what is in our hearts. We are called to be stewards and to be wise. I think that is the message there – be faithful and be wise with earthly so we can be trusted with genuine.

  4. Dee Wilcox says:

    I was definitely confused by the

  5. Tamara B says:

    Alxis and Rachel,

    I too had a hard time understanding this, but I googled it, and found an interesting sermon on it.(@ for dutch people).
    He states that we can learn from non-christians. Of course we are not to follow the bad behaviour, but the manager realised that money wouldt not help him, but loyalty would. Just like the prodigial son, once the money was gone, he had no more friends, but this manager has people who are thankfull/ friends, who will support him after his money is gone.
    We should invest in friends, rather than earthly possesions. You also see this in the story of Lazarus. The rich man had everything while on earth, but we cannot take earthly possesions with us, so he had nothing left once he died. Lazarus had nothing on earth, but finds comfort with Abraham.
    Dont’t live your life, trying to earn more, but invest in people, things that last. [Vs 9 And I tell you, make friends for yourselves by means of worldly wealth, so that when it fails, they may welcome you into eternal dwellings] He concludes from this verse that through your friendship, people may be saved, and join you in heaven. So use the money/time you have for Gods glory, (as the manager did for his own), and enjoy heavenly wealth

  6. Claire Bills says:

    This is really helpful thank you

  7. Ashley Thomas says:

    It’s so easy to get caught up in money and materialistic things that have no place in the kingdom of heaven. I, too, struggle with finding the right balance. I will share that once we started tithing on a regular basis (despite being beyond broke), our small business took off. God is all that matters in the long run. I aim to be a faithful servant.

  8. Kristen says:

    Chelsea, I don’t know if you will read this, but I used to want to plug my ears when there was talk of tithing. I was convicted about it, and we decided to follow it. My husband was laid off after for months, but God provided. We even went on vacation. My pastor doesn’t really talk about money a lot, but he did say that in God’s math, 90% is greater than 100%. I have found God faithful. My friend couldn’t believe how God provided for her. She was going to have to go back to work after being off for leave from the birth of her 3rd child. Her husband got an evaluation( or something like that), and got more money months before he should have. She was able to stay home. Just remember He is trustworthy.

  9. Chelsea V says:

    I am time and time again convicted of this. I hate this admit this but I really struggle to tithe…I am trying to pay off what seems like endless amount of student debt and my mind goes to how much quicker I could pay it off if I were not tithing…I know..horrible!!!! I have a horrible grip on it. Please pray for my heart in this area and to be a good steward ❤️

    1. Geneva Brown says:

      Praying for you. Know that you are not alone. When I think on tithing I know that regardless of the amount of debt I owe I owe it to God to trust him with what he’s already provided for me, and somehow, someway he provides all my needs and on occasions some of my wants. But know that God knows your heart and how you struggle yet you continue even through your struggling thoughts.

      1. Chelsea V says:

        Thank you so much Geneva!!

    2. Kelly Gratz says:

      Time and time again, I have watched God supernaturally multiply my resources when I have been faithful and treated all I own as HIS. We don’t give so that He WILL expand our resources, it must be from the heart, however, He promises to meet our every need. We must be faithful to Him. It’s all His anyway!

    3. Andrea Petkau says:

      Is this a season where maybe you tithe your time? Volunteer more regularly in your church? Then back to tithing $ when you are done with your debts?

  10. Jan says:

    The best explanation for me of this parable was provided in a class on parables by a Messianic rabbi who was also a Christian pastor. His name is Dr. Chad Foster. Look for his onine class on parables for a Hebraic view. The underlying theme is the urgency with which the manager moved to gain credibility points and future favor with those he dealt with in business before he loses his job. If this dishonest man was that motivated and smart, then how much more should we consider the urgency of the short time that we have to evaluate and manage the use of our resources on earth. How have we managed our Master’s resources?

  11. Alexis says:

    Guys, I so do not understand the parable of the shrewd manager. Can anyone explain what’s going on ?

    1. Natalia Phillips says:

      The parable of the shrewd manager is somewhat confusing, but let’s break it down.

      After many years working with the same company it is discovered that an employee is being dishonest on the job, squandering the company’s possessions/resources, of which the manager uncovers then terminates him. At that point, the employee understands that his reputation is ruin, and given his skill set he would have to take a step back in his career or become a beggar on the street. In order to ensure that he did not have to do either, the employee began to call people that owed his manager, and give them breaks/discounts on what was owed, in an effort to repair his reputation by showing grace and mercy on others, so that they would in turn show him generosity when the time called for it. His manager praised him not because of dishonesty, but the fact that he finally began to use good judgment and discernment, acting in the way that was expected when he was employed.

      In Luke 16:9, Jesus is instructing us to use our material blessings, “unrighteousness wealth,” to win souls for His kingdom. Through the act of caring for and giving freely to others, we are demonstrating what true discipleship is and how God’s love, mercy and compassion has transformed our lives, despite our shortcomings and that it can transform them also. At the end of the day, “when it all fails,” God doesn’t care about how successful we are or the wealth we accumulate on earth, but that our hearts are pure and we took what He blessed us with, sowing back into His people, mindful that we would receive the blessing of eternal life.

      If we are unable to use the earthly blessings He has sent to us to bless others, storing and harboring them for ourselves, we simply cannot be trusted with more, let alone eternal life. Also, if we cannot manage another’s earthly blessing (for example, doing the jobs we are paid to do) how can we be trusted in positions of power, or with our own businesses?

      We have to be mindful of where we place material things in relation to God, or we run the risk of turning those material things into our God.

  12. Afua Tobigah says:

    These scriptures tell me every role matters . Everything should be use for His glory no matter how small or big it is . As I cook and take care of the family or go to work , I’m being called to be faithful in it . As I expect God to use me for “bigger “ things he expect me to be faithful in the smaller things . There is nothing I have , no attribute, no certificate , no beauty, no eloquence, no relationship , no skill … that I have that wasn’t given to me my God. I really have to see God in the seemingly mundane things . I think this is a journey I God had been taken me through for the past 18 months . .
    It is important I take this seriously because like the manager , like the rich man … a day of accountability would come .
    The Holy Spirit would be guide and there are people on earth that would teach me the word.

  13. Mari V says:

    Yep, sometimes I do worry (which is sin). about what’s in my bank account. And then I remember God’s word. He’s got this. He’s taking care of me and my kids. I love how Erin ended her devotion this morning. “God looks at the hearts, not our bank account statements”. I pray that I will always have a heart after God. I am sinful and I miss that many times. BUT I’m grateful that I have a God who loves me unconditionally.

  14. Maura says:

    When I ponder this message from what the Lord has been working with me on, trust, it helps me understand it better. Do I trust my provider or will I become obsessed with my provisions. Which has been a battle for me at times in my life. The thinking that abundant wealth might allow me to solve not only my problems but those of others. Instead of looking toward my abundant God I can either use what He has given to bless others in my little and trust him to multiply the blessings and glorify Him, or I can focus on how it can benefit me. This passage is confusing in that it seems the manager is being praised for being shrewd and using his position for his own gain, but when we realize we have to make decisions daily to be faithful, there is a realization that being faithful with our little or much shows the depths of our heart and reveals our transformation of what we are allowing God to be King Odin our own lives. He is worthy of all we have be it two coins or millions. Thank you Lord for your provisions whelp me to be a blessing with all you have given.

  15. Sarah D. says:

    You cannot serve both God and money. Been thinking a lot about this, as I am trying to figure out what I want to do with my life (as a career)…I hear the voice of reality that I need a job that pays well that I can live off of, but I also hear the voice that says do something that you are passionate about and trust God with the money aspect. I’m considering transferring to a different college to study marine biology, so would appreciate any prayers you all could give. It’s a big decision and I’ve been struggling with it this past month, but trying to get as much information on it before I make a decision. So far in college I haven’t really known what I specifically can do with my major, and now that I’m looking into it, the major I’m in now just doesn’t sound appealing to me anymore. Praying that I will make a wise decision and trust in God’s timing and guidance.

  16. Jennifer Martin says:

    This message convicted me today. I haven’t been so careful with how I spend my money in the past couple years. Lord, help me learn how to better steward my money so that I can glorify You. Amen

    1. Geneva Brown says:

      I’m right there with you Jennifer praying for us both.

  17. Linda M. says:

    Beautifully said. Thank you.

  18. Rachel says:

    I am finding this explaination of the text very confusing…For clarification… it wasn’t the tax collectors and sinner that were complaining but the Pharisees(15:1-2).

    And the dishonest manager, what is up with verse 8?? “The master praised the unrighteous manager because he had acted shrewdly.” WUT? Verse 9 is just as confusing to me. I need to do some more digging but I’ll take anyone’s ideas/feedback! Thanks and have a blessed day…

    1. Sue Barrow says:

      Hi Rachel There are some helpful explanations further up the tgread.

  19. Stephanie says:

    Normally, and on a typical day, I gravitate to the verse “whoever is faithful in very little is also faithful in much.” I contemplate, how can be more faithful? What are the “little things” in my life?

    Not today. Today, “whoever is unrighteous in very little is also unrighteous in much” has jumped off the page and into my heart. Today I need to contemplate where in my life am I choosing unrighteousness? There are places. Dangerous places. Places I’ve been deliberately ignoring because, after all, they’re “little things.”

    Lord, correct these decisions in me. Purify every dark place in my heart. Help me to be fully righteous in your sight. Help me to choose faithfulness in every little thing. Change me, Jesus.

  20. Beth Hinson says:

    I tend to struggle with how I spend my money, what I spend it on, and how much I tend to obsess over it. I have always felt conflicted on this topic, but just turning to the Word makes me torment so peaceful and the answer so simple. “You cannot serve both God and money.” v. 13 I am so thankful for this release from earthly constraints and I pray that I learn how to steward my finances for His glory as I take this journey oh humility!! All I have, has been given to me so graciously by our Father and I will use that to bring Him praise!

  21. Beth House says:

    Last week I was praying about how to deny myself and take up my cross. God led me to realize that each day, in small ways, I am to deny myself. It isn’t always a huge, life-changing denial. I was led to get out of bed a little early to spend time in prayer. To get up off of the couch and help my granddaughter who was struggling to get something. In small ways I can deny my comfort and reach out to others. I believe that if I’m faithful in denying myself in small ways God will show me bigger and greater ways that I can follow Him.

    1. Kelsey McClure says:

      Amen amen amen!!! My word for the year is discipline. I am seeking to discipline myself in many ways— much like you said. May we follow God’s push he has given our hearts!

  22. Naomi M says:

    I am praying about my heart and tendency to be performance and results driven. I tend to be happy when I meet goals and disappointed/frustrated when I fall short. This performance mentality would have no place in Jesus’ kingdom: thinking about the rich ruler who met every worldly goal, and the poor man who met few…what am I basing my joy in? Christ and Christ alone? Let me find my joy not in performance or results, but resting in his deep abiding love.

    1. Julie Whitacre says:

      Yes, Naomi, & Amen! Thank you for sharing. This is my prayer this morning as well.

    2. Chelsea V says:

      Thank you for this Naomi!

  23. Meg Herndon says:


  24. Angie says:

    Amen Sarah and Churchmouse.

    Today is a gift, (Thank you, Father)
    may each moment be used as an opportunity,
    in the seemingly small or large to be found faithful
    in Kingdom Values.

  25. Churchmouse says:

    Understanding the Scriptures isn’t always easy. The meaning isn’t always plain as day through the first read-through. I often have to read it again, search some commentaries, and inevitably read it a few more times. Sometimes I’m still confused so I follow the advice of a teacher I once had who said “Start with what you know. Build from there.” I know that I am to love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and I’m to love others as myself. So I start there. From today’s selected Scriptures I glean that worldly wealth has its place but it’s never to hold first place and it’s to be used wisely, thoughtfully. And I glean that I’ve been given all the Truth I need to know to have a relationship with Jesus and gain eternal life. So my initial application is to evaluate my use of both my earthly currency (money and its use) and my heavenly currency (sharing the Gospel). Does the use of my money and my mouth promote kingdom values? Or am I like the one who commits adultery : I commit to be faithful and true to my first love but I break that vow and so prove myself faithless and untrustworthy. Plainly, do I profess one thing but my actions prove otherwise? So… This morning I’m praying about my money and my mouth. May my use of them glorify God. That’s plain and simple enough for me.

    1. Ann Johnson says:

      Wise perspective. Thank you.

    2. Janet C says:

      Love your perspective

    3. April D says:

      That really helped me solidify the lesson! Thank you as always for sharing your thoughts.

    4. Geneva Brown says:

      Your words really helped to clarify and confirm what I was thinking while I read these scriptures. I love your question does my money and my mouth promote kingdom values. When I read it hit me but it also turned on a lightbulb inside my head and heart. Thank you for sharing your views.

    5. Nolvia B says:

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts daily with community. God >$$

    6. Vanessa Lucius says:

      Thank you, Church Mouse; this is very helpful and encouraging.

    7. Audrye L says:

      Yes, thank you for breaking that down a bit. I could not grasp everything jesus was saying either. Sometimes it seems so simple. But sometimes I get confused. Your interpretation helps me think of what to pray for also.

  26. Sarah says:

    This is a very important reminder that God is in the smallest and biggest daily things for me. It helps remind me my true priorities instead of priorities society wants me to value.

    1. Shelley Chase says:

      So well said, Sarah! Very important reminder.

    2. Sara Kwan says:

      Amen Sarah! Good reminder to me as I get ready to go to work