King Ahaz’s Unfaithfulness

Open Your Bible

2 Chronicles 27:1-9, 2 Chronicles 28:1-27, Deuteronomy 27:15, 1 Corinthians 10:14

You’ll likely agree that idols are fake gods—mere substitutes we worship in place of the One, true God. They possess no truly transformative and holy power. But if there’s anything King Ahaz shows us, it’s this: Fake doesn’t mean harmless. Idols do, indeed, bite back. 

His father, King Jotham, was marked by his godly devotion. But King Ahaz and the people of Judah were committed to corruption. It’s not that they stopped being worshipers. It’s that they chose to worship false gods. We all worship something—a person, a thing, even an ideal. We were created to be worshipers. But here’s our fundamental issue: We know not to get into a tickle fight with a bear, but we don’t seem to know that idols destroy us. Common sense doesn’t translate into spiritual sense. And it’s our misplaced worship that leads us to our demise. 

They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery. But Judah’s imitation of Israel and the surrounding nations flattened them. King Ahaz made and worshiped the Baals, which led him to burn his children in the fire as an act of wicked worship. This in turn led to God’s judgment in the form of massive military losses at the hands of the king of Aram, the king of Israel, the king of Assyria, the Edomites, and the Philistines. The upshot of his continued rebellion was that his top political workers, half of his army, and his son were all slain. Cities were raided, captives were taken, and funds were plundered. 

What was King Ahaz’s response to God’s discipline? “At the time of his distress, King Ahaz himself became more unfaithful to the LORD” (2 Chronicles 28:22). Suffering is not the great purifier of our souls. It can lead us to God or away from God. It can soften us, or it can harden us. 

In King Ahaz’s case, his suffering was a further excuse for him to dig his heels in his idolatry. Disloyalty to God disables our reason. Instead of seeking God, he sought help from the king of Assyria, who double-crossed him. Then he “sacrificed to the gods of Damascus which had defeated him” (v.23). He looked left and right for deliverance, but he refused to look up. 

Don’t we sometimes use our suffering as an excuse for unfaithfulness? “I’ve worked so hard at this thankless job; I deserve a little forbidden pleasure.” “She disrespected me, so I have every right to expose her dirt.” “God’s forgotten me, anyway. Why bother praying?”

But Ahaz’s life doesn’t just teach us that idols bite back. It shows us that our suffering—whether brought upon ourselves or not—is an opportunity to turn from our folly and discover the One who suffered for us and suffers with us. 

When offered to God, our distress can become a plot device He uses to develop our character, making us increasingly faithful worshipers of Him.

(50) Comments

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50 thoughts on "King Ahaz’s Unfaithfulness"

  1. Ashlinn Garner says:

    good stuff right there.

  2. AG says:

    God help me to always remember to turn to you not in just the good times but also the bad times. Help me to understand these times are growing my relationship with you.

    Sending prayers for all of those affected by the tragedy in Nashville today. As a teacher this is my worst fear and I cannot imagine what those who have been affected are feeling. Lord be with them all.

  3. Rhonda J. says:

    Praying for any in Nashville and our SRT staff, and others that are affected. So sad and tragic.

  4. Melanie B says:

    Praying for the staff at She and hoping that everyone’s children and families are safe after the school shooting today.

  5. Melanie B says:

    Praying for the staff at She and hoping

  6. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  7. Claire B says:


  8. Jennifer Anapol says:

    The idols in my life include: my image, my stuff and my comfort. God, I pray that I would only worship you and not my idols.

  9. Mandy Ferrugia says:

    What a solemn reminder that our own sin and disobedience can effect everyone around us, especially those closest. Also, pride (once again) is one of the most dangerous weapons the enemy can use against us. It is so important that we keep our eyes above, and not on us.

  10. Mercy says:

    Thank you Quina for a thoughtful devotional. Suffering is not the great purifier of our souls. It can lead us to God or away from God (beware which way we choose). It is an opportunity to turn from our folly and discover the One who suffered for us and suffers with us. If we look close enough, He is in the mess with us, in the fire and deep waters. Flee from idolatry, fake doesn’t mean harmless. Greed is a form of idolatry as Paul says. I am thankful for these sharp truths of godly wisdom. I am lifting our sisters in prayers. The Lord is good, long suffering, humble and meek at heart. He has given us all things through our Lord Jesus, wouldn’t He freely give us everything else? May we be blessed and give Him thanks continually both on our bright days and also in valleys. We got 2 inches of snow today, brr…, though I am ready for spring. I pray you all have a nice week sisters and may the Lord be with you.

  11. Catherine McVey says:

    @Lynne from Alabama praying for you and Jack this morning for clear answers and direction.

  12. Catherine McVey says:

    @Lynne from Alabama praying for you and Jackie this morning for clear answers and direction.

  13. Kimberly Z says:

    Love this devotional today! I often forget to look up instead of just looking left or right. This past year I felt anger towards God because I often felt that nobody understands the hurt I’ve been through. I know God loves us through all our heartbreak and it’s comforting to know he will always walk beside you. That was hard for me to grasp when I was angry. @LYNN FROM ALABAMA praying for you to make a decision that gives you peace in your heart! Can’t imagine what you’re going through. @SARAH D. Good luck with your interview! I’m sure you’ll do great.

  14. Frances Aguilar says:

    Quina Aragon,
    This is so true! Every word you wrote hit me right in my heart. Thank you for todays reading!!

    Frances Aguilar

  15. Cindy Hanna says:

    Quina’s devotional thought “It’s our misplaced worship that leads to our demise.” is spot on. So is “He looked left and right for deliverance, but he refused to look up.” LYNN, praying for the decisions you are now facing. May God bless you abundantly with wisdom, comfort and peace.

  16. Dorothy says:

    When read what Quina wrote — “Suffering is not the great purifier of our souls. It can lead us to God or away from God. It can soften us, or it can harden us.” it made me think of several personal and family incidents. When my son died I was drawn closer to God but my other son and niece fell away from God. When my niece died my sister was drawn closer to God. Our faith can be tested in many ways but we need to remember Christ died for us. And God sent His Holy Spirit to living within us and guide us. Yes we will still sin and do wrong but we only need ask for forgiveness.
    Father God thank You for send Christ Jesus to redeem us and Your Holy Spirit to live within us to guide us. Forgive us for our wrongs and help us to show others to You. In Christ’s name, amen.
    Be blessed and turn to the Lord in good times and bad times.

  17. Shar says:

    What a beautifully written devotional. These are the lines that stood out to me today. “We all worship something—a person, a thing, even an ideal. We were created to be worshipers.” And, “idols bite back.” While we would never build a physical idol, our idols tend to be things like our jobs, our family, our possessions, a certain image, and the list goes on. Oh help me remember that the Lord is the only idol that won’t “bite back.” Only He is worthy of our worship. Praying for the prayer requests noted today!

  18. GramsieSue says:

    @Heidi – while I was reading your words of wisdom this thought popped into my head: “Seek the Giver, not the gift.”
    Something I have learned in the journey we are on. I want more of God each day.
    Blessings to all ❤️

  19. GramsieSue says:

    Lynne from Alabama, what a difficult journey you are on. I’m lifting you and Jack up to our Father for His care and wisdom. Thankful you can lean on Him and let Him carry you and your burdens.
    Praying for a great interview for you Sarah D.
    Kacie- what a sweet request “a relationship that is so near with the Father that loneliness is no more.
    Rhonda J – what a blessing to have your grandson come for a visit! Praying that you and your husband can shower him with love.
    Victoria E – praying for you to find the perfect daycare for Elijah
    And prayers for others as well.
    Steve and I have a crazy busy week with all our adult children and grandchildren here! 19 of us all together so we are feeding and entertaining and loving it all!
    Hugs to all my shes ❤️

  20. Mary Zustiak says:

    Hard stuff to read. My initial thought was how unlike them I am, and yet my sins are as bad in the sight of God as that of these kings. These acts of disobediennce to God have lead me to sorrow as well. God was gracious to the kings and I need to renew my gratitiude fo God’s mercy amd His grace to me that is new every morning. Thank you Farher and forgive me agaain this morning. Give me a heart to do right according to your word. Amen and amen.

  21. Heidi says:

    The podcast for this week mentioned this topic as well, but WORSHIP. It’s where it all starts, regardless if we are plan to or not. But whatever is placed highest on our priority list is in fact what we will automatically worship and is then what will flow through the rest of our day via our decisions, reactions, perspectives, etc. What/Who we worship will always be the filter we see everything through. I think it is a big part of why God has told us SEEK ME/MY KINGDOM FIRST — and THEN all these things will be added to you. When my worship and devotion is very FIRST to Him and His ways and His word, then the choices I make, reactions I have, perspectives I see from will be coming from the only trustworthy and stable One that exists. Just in acknowledging that there is a God and that His ways are higher than mine automatically puts my heart into a position of humility. I believe that is why Ahaz just couldn’t let himself do it. Just couldn’t acknowledge that the Most High God was in fact just that – MOST HIGH. Humility didn’t seem an attribute he cared much about.
    For ANYONE (including me!!) seeking advice, guidance, support – seek Him first. And not His immediate answer to your problem, but just the existence of Him and His ways. Seek to just KNOW Him personally. Then when someone shares advice, you will have the proper filter to see truth versus lies and wisdom versus foolishness. We cannot forget we are a part of an upside-down-Kingdom. The last are first, the poor are rich, those mourning are blessed. The expected, familiar ways of this world will never apply to the ways of our God.

  22. Donna Wolcott says:

    Traci, I too was drawn to that sentence, ” he looked left & right for deliverance, but he refused to look up”. How I wonder how many times I have done that. Kacie, sending you hugs and a prayer for peace in your heart. Have a blest day everyone.

  23. Rebecca W says:

    @Allison Bentley, I had written down that same quote! “when offered to God, our distress can become a plot device He uses to develop our character, making us increasingly faithful worshipers of him.” After all these years as a Christian it is finally sinking in to go to God FIRST! Oh, I always prayed but usually AFTER reaching out to my husband, or sisters, or friends. Recently I had fervent prayer answered that I had initially only revealed to God. Maybe God has finally gotten through to me, to trust Him first and foremost!
    Praying for many here.
    @Kacie- so sorry to hear of your heartbreaking breakup, I’m sure it hurts so badly! But keep holding on to your faith that it is all in God’s hands and He will take care of you! Praying for peace of mind and heart.
    @ Karrie- prayers for warmer weather and warm hearts in your home. ❤️
    @Ssrah D- prayers for great outcome from your interview!
    @mari v- Below 40!!! Praying Spring arrives sooner rather than later for you!
    Rhonda J- Hooray for your grandson’s visit! And walking without crutches! God is good. All the time!
    @ Lynne from Alabama- Dear sister, my heart aches for you! I pray for strength for decisions in caring for your dear Steve. I pray that the Lord will provide the finances you need as you make your retirement decision. But most of all I pray that Jesus would hold you close during this time. ❤️

  24. Zoey Ferens says:

    @Kacie Watson I pray that the Lord come close to you and give you peace. That your soul and your mind would be comforted and quieted by the only one who can bring rest. I pray that his will be done and that his plan is so much greater and beautiful than anyone could imagine. He knows and can sympathize with the hurting and unconditionally loves his children, he sees you and hurts because you hurt. I pray that you would feel his arms and be enveloped in his stronghold and know him more through this incredibly hard time. I love you sister and will continue to pray

  25. Alison Galyon says:

    Praying for you Kacie! Break ups are hard, and this will surely get easier with time. I am praying Psalm 52:8 over you- that you would be an olive tree flourishing in the house of God, and confidently trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever.

  26. Erica Chiarelli says:

    It’s sad and disheartening to see these kings but imagine from God’s standpoint…He keeps showing up, proving His love and faithfulness but so many kings get it so wrong or “partially” right (still wrong)!

  27. Cee Gee says:

    KACIE WATSON – thanks for sharing your heart need here. I love how you phrased your prayer request -” a small prayer for peace, trust, and a relationship that is so near with the Father that loneliness is no more.” Agreeing with you in that!

    KARRIE – praying you find that joy again soon!

    LYNNE from ALABAMA – bless your heart and Jack’s as you struggle through treatment and decisions. Adding my prayers for wisdom, discernment, and provision.

    SARAH D – Prayers of peace and poise as you tackle the interview today – so excited for you!

    KELLY NEO – Thanks for sharing that quote!

    RHONDA J – Yay!!! How exciting for you to have this visit with your grandson! Prayers for safe travel and happy times.

  28. Traci Gendron says:

    He looked left and right for deliverance, but he refused to look up. I have been praying for God to keep my eyes up for some time now. I needed to look to Him during my son’s illness and passing. I don’t want to forget what keeping my eyes up did for me during that time. To keep my eyes up is so so important. Let me not forget to remember just all He did for us.

    Praying over all the requests today.

  29. Nads says:

    @ KACIE WATSON…There is no small / insignificant request! I will pray for you ♥️ I too struggle will feelings of being insufficient and marinating in a the things I could have done differently at nauseum.

    But, with clear eyes, I read your comment and think “Lord, I understand why she feels like all her dreams and hopes are lost but OF COURSE that’s not true!! Lord Jesus, I feel so deeply inside me when I read her words that this lovely relationship has been a stepping stone to the far greater beauty awaiting her! Please Lord, may my feelings be true. Until then and always, draw Kacie closer to You.”

    I DO feel you, Sister…more than you can know.

    @ LYNNE FROM ALABAMA — I am praying hedges all around you.

    @ KARRIE – Please know I’m holding your hand on this cold day north of the border together; I do love how my flower bed looks each year but, hate gardening because it is among the issues that can bring contention in my household. I pray that God’s perfect peace and presence would envelop each of us Sisters in our homes and families.

  30. Allison Bentley says:

    “When offered to God, our distress can become a plot device He uses to develop our character, making us increasingly faithful worshippers of Him” mic drop!!! Lord please use my “plot devices” to reach others for You. Growing up I knew a lot of women who had experienced horrible things (children dying, husbands who suddenly died, extremely wealthy who lost everything) and it was always those women who turned and praised God that I admired most – what an example they were to me as a young girl! Their faith in Him developed my character even! Thank you Lord for Your wonderful blessings! Help me to stay anchored in You!!

  31. Kacie Watson says:

    Good morning! This is my first time posting here but I have been so encouraged as I have read comments through this study. I feel so silly coming to this place asking for prayer over something I keep wanting to minimize, but y’all my heart hurts. My boyfriend and I had been dating for 9 months and we talked and dreamed about engagement being soon, and suddenly he ended things. He brought clarity as to why but it still just hurts deeply. My mind races with thoughts of inadequacy and the areas I did things wrong in. I can’t seem to turn the thoughts off. I am having to ask the Lord daily to be surrendered to his will in this and for him to come alongside me in that. But I’m here and feel so lonely, so rejected, and it feels like my dreams of marriage and motherhood were just ripped out from underneath me. Y’all I’m struggling and would love if y’all think of me to just lift up a small prayer for peace, trust, and a relationship that is so near with the Father that loneliness is no more.

  32. Rhonda J. says:

    Good morning!

    As I was reading this “history” of Judah’s kings it kinda made me compare to studying American history and how we would label each president down the line of how they put God into their presidency. How would it show the ups and downs of our nation? It’s so hard to ponder on the what ifs, and what life would be like when we submit to our Heavenly Father and put Him FIRST in every part of our life, praying continually, and raising our kids up in his ways. Jesus tells us we still will have troubles, but wouldn’t we rather have troubles with God on our side?

    Our prayer was answered to have our grandson fly down to see us a week from today!! Sounds silly but this was a huge “wow”…for we have suggested this many times with a solid “no way” coming back at us! Thank you for adding your prayers!! This is the grandson that I have mentioned several times over the years that struggles with harsh parents and feeling unloved and unimportant. So there is a lot of guilt for us moving away and not being able to see them often as before. He will be 15 in April! Critical time in his freshman and coming years to not stray down wrong paths.

    @Lynn- praying for you and Jack, such difficult times. I’m sure this is not how you envisioned retirement years, and I’m so sorry you have to go through this.
    @Sarah- wishing you luck although I really know it’s gonna happen!
    @Karrie- I remember the 20 years of living up north outside Chicago and being SO ready for Spring every year! I love to be outside and garden and it would continue to be “winter” through May most years. We would get to June and I would feel robbed up Spring.

  33. Kerry Rowley says:

    @Lynne from Alabama. I’m in Alabama as well. Praying for you to make wise decisions.

  34. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “Jotham grew powerful because he walked steadfastly with the LORD his God.” (2 Chronicles 27:6)…Oh that his son Ahaz would have observed the life of his father and walked in his steps. — I, like many of you have adult sons that were raised in the faith – and for me – in a ministry home. But, they have chosen their own paths and have left God out of their lives. I pray that God will open their eyes and call them back to Him, and that they will listen, heed His call and follow Him. May each of us choose to do “that which is right in the eyes of the LORD” on a daily basis. LORD, help me to look to You each day and especially when troubles come – to seek You first and to trust You in every situation. Amen.

    @Lynne from Alabama – praying for you today. How hard it must be to go from being the one loved and cared for in a marriage, to being the care-taker. May God give you wisdom on whether or not to retire, grace to go through each day and may He be merciful to your dear husband Jack, and give wisdom to the doctors as they treat him.
    @Karrie – praying that God will remove the tension in your home and turn it once again into a place of joy.
    @Sarah D. – praying your interview goes well and Lord willing – you get the job! If you don’t get it, try not to be to discouraged – God may have something much better!

    Happy Monday my sisters – have a blessed day!❤️

  35. Searching says:

    Help us, Lord, to keep our eyes on you, and especially to look to you in the good times when we can so easily forget where our blessings come from. We will never be fulfilled or at peace when we give homage to idols of any sort, and we cannot sneak our disobedience past Almighty God.

    LYNNE FROM AL – Sister, I think of you and pray often for you and Jack. Lord, Lynne and I along with our other sisters here bring these pressing needs and questions to You. You know what is best for Jack and for Lynne, and we seek your wisdom and guidance on their behalf – for the care team, for retirement decisions and for financial provision that may make these decisions more clear. We love, praise and thank you, Lord.

    SARAH D – praying for your interview

    DOROTHY – such wisdom in your comment. Praying your son and DIL appreciate and seek the wisdom in the lessons you’ve learned- you’ll be the best grandma!

    RHONDA J – that would be awesome! Praying your grandson can visit (in Gods will of course!)

    KARRIE – praying for joy in your life, and relief of both anxiety and family tension.

  36. Karen Y says:

    For LYNNE FROM ALABAMA, “Lord, hear and act on the request for wisdom from your precious daughter, Lynne. Bless Jack with care he now receives that matches Your tender care as our Good Shepherd. Enable this heart wrenching circumstance to bring honor to You as Lynne and Jack walk on this path in strength, courage, and peace.” Amen.

  37. Foster Mama says:

    LYNNE FROM ALABAMA – I am praying for you; even in the moments when fully looking up feels like a strain with the weight on your shoulders, may you feels hands carrying and guiding you and all those around you and Jack.

    KELLY (NEO) -Why have I never heard this before “The same sun that melts the wax, hardens the clay.”
    ♥️ Thank you for asking; I’m thankful they have been given a bit more time to sort out their situation but still nothing on horizon re: where they can live next :(. Please also pray that God gives her wisdom and wise counsel about how she spends the little “discretionary” money she has — I want to just be Love so that she doesn’t pull away from me (we are among extremely few supports to her). Thank you for continuing prayer!!

    I had many little challenges this past weekend but, I’m thankful this series has reminded me to keep my eyes and my confidence in Him — ✝️ Please Jesus, continue to sustain us throughout this Lent (and beyond) ✝️

  38. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning everyone!! Thank you in advance for your prayers, my interview is around 12:45 today!! Praying the Lord would give me peace and strength, that I would rely on him, and that his will would be done. And I’m praying that this could be a good next job for me and that the Lord would guide me through it. Praying for you all!

  39. Michelle Patire says:

    @Lynne- I agree with Karrie, you have a lot on your shoulders. The Lord help you every step of the way and carry you through this difficulty. May He guide you to His will in your decision to retire or not.

    @Karrie- God bless you and your family. May you rest knowing the Lord oversees all hearts involved better than we can. May He bring peace and wisdom to all hurting/tense. May you trust Him and walk faithfully near Him. May He help you think positively and continue to seek Him when worry visits.

    @Whitney – saw your post yesterday. I literally think of the same song when I see those verses. I’ve been listening to “Kingdom” a lot bc of this study! So good.

    Thinking of all your prayers this new week, Shes. May the Lord guide us and help us live for Him.

  40. Ruth Harmon says:

    Praying for you all today! Hope you have a marvelous Monday!!

  41. Karrie says:

    Good morning ladies. It’s a very cold morning here in Canada and I’m praying spring is just around the corner. I’m ready to start planting in my garden and working in my yard. I’ve been very down and anxious lately, I feel there is so much tension within my family and don’t know what to do. I need to get outside and put those frustrations to work. Please pray for me that God shows me what to do to ease the tension and to find the joy in my home once again.

    Praying for you @lynn from Alabama in this difficult time. You have a lot in your shoulders to deal with. My first husband had cancer and I remember the stress, the worry, the financial strain at that time. I pray that God gives you wisdom and strength during this time.

  42. Taylor says:

    Such an important reminder to check my heart for idols and to turn to God in my suffering/trials before anything else. Praying everyone has a blessed start to their Mondays! @Sarah D good luck in your interview today! @Lynne from Alabama praying for you and Jack <3

  43. Elaine Morgan says:

    Praying for Jack and his doctors as they treat him. Praying for you, Lynne from Alabama that the Lord would guide you about retirement and that he would give you strength wisdom and peace about what to do. ❤️

  44. Sophia says:

    I am a little confused at the part where Jotham did not enter the temple at all. In the podcast episode it’s talked about that he learned from Uzziahs mistakes to not go to the sanctuary and offer incense. But should he not have gone to the temple at other points though? To learn, to pray or bring his sacrifices to the priest Laura to offer on his behalf?

  45. Aimee D-R says:

    Father we turn to You in our distress. Flood us anew with the Holy Spirit. Hear and answer our prayers. Lord You fight our battles. In the mighty and merciful name of Jesus, Amen.

  46. Taylor Heston says:

    “He looked left and right for deliverance, but he refused to look up” oof, that got me. I often pray and go to God for things, but do I go to Him first? Not always. Abba, I pray I reach out to you first and always seek deliverance, guidance, and hope in You FIRST. Amen

  47. Diana Davis says:

    So much to take away from the reading today! I’ve noticed mothers mentioned along with whether the king “did right in God’s eyes” or not. Some mothers were from foreign countries. This usually led to an unfaithful king. Mothers from Jerusalem tended to have faithful kings. We have a huge impact on how we inspire those we raise up! Reading about how Ahvaz turned to everything but God to save him convicted my heart. How often do I do the same. I try to take control and find quick fixes instead of claiming God’s help. Forgive me Lord.

  48. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “The same sun that melts the wax, hardens the clay.”

    Why some hearts grow harder under the Lord’s discipline and others surrender to Him is truly a mystery.

    Holy Spirit, help me stay surrendered to God’s will

    SHARON JONES – praying your sister’s heart yields to the Lord and moves to forgiveness

    FOSTER MAMA – how’s the housing situation for your goddaughter’s mother?

    RHONDA J – praying your grandson is able to come for a visit

  49. Erica Wilson says:

    What a sobering reminder. Help me, Lord!!

  50. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Good morning, precious She’s! Thank you so much for your continued prayers for Jack and I. He had a PET scan on Friday and his lymphoma is back but is centralized in the neck area. The oncologist wants to start chemo infusions right away. The problem is his dementia. There is no way he can sit through infusions. I had to sit with him and talk him through his 25 minute PET scan. Also those drugs will confuse and agitate him even more. Please pray for wisdom for his care team as to what to do that’s best for Jack. Please pray for me too as I struggle with the decision to retire or not. I can’t afford to but can’t afford to keep paying a sitter either. Lots of wisdom needed here!

    I pray over your requests every day, sweet sisters!