
Open Your Bible

Psalm 16:1-11, Romans 15:5-13, 1 Peter 1:8-9

Backstage, before any school music theater performance, our teacher would remind us: “Put on your Disney face!” The “Disney face” was a term meant to encourage happy, bright faces. We were to hold an extra twinkle in our eye, plaster on the largest smile, and over exaggerate each movement while we were on stage, to look as happy and as animated as a Disney character. But it was a façade. It was acting. Our smiles cracked around the edges, and the stage makeup smeared under the hot, heavy lights. The portrayed happiness was left onstage, a fleeting moment and not a reflection of the pain and problems of life off stage. Because in a high school musical, the story tends to end with a “happily ever after.” 

When I think of a Christian’s joy, I often think the world sees it as a fake, plastered-on type of joy. They believe we either ignore the real pain around us, choosing to remain ignorant of it, or we “fake it ‘til we make it.” After all, how could we possibly have genuine joy when everyone knows life is difficult and hard?

But “Disney face” happiness is not the true joy the Bible talks about. Biblical joy is not dependent on circumstances, nor is it something we have to force ourselves to feel. Our source of joy doesn’t come from ourselves; it is sourced by God who fills us “with all joy and peace” as we trust in Him and allow the Holy Spirit to help us through the trials and pain of life (Romans 15:13). 

To see me in real life, it might be easy to assume I’m a joyful person, and many would find it difficult to grasp that I struggle with depression and anxiety. These symptoms pop up out of nowhere, and they can make me feel out of control, unable to pull myself out of the grief and fear that I experience. Yet, despite my personal dark seasons, there is an underlying presence of joy that continues. It is the Holy Spirit who holds the grief and the joy together and allows both to exist at the same time.

Even though I may feel afflicted, I am not crushed. When I feel struck down by circumstances, I am not destroyed (2Corinthians 4:8–9). The power of Jesus to overcome sin, darkness, and pain gives me a source for joy. I can delight in a God who is not only sovereign over my life, but is also loving and slow to anger, compassionate and gracious (Exodus 34:6). And when things are tough, beyond my own ability to find a glimmer of joy, I am met in the midst of my pain. In His presence there is “abundant joy” (Psalm 16:11). 

So, despite how others may perceive our joy, we have confidence that joy is rooted in something more than a smile on our face. It is a gift from the Holy Spirit, an everlasting hope. And as we walk with the Spirit, we are filled “with inexpressible and glorious joy” (1Peter 1:8). 

(134) Comments

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134 thoughts on "Joy"

  1. Grace Mahaney says:

    lord thank you for the times you have carried me through grief and been my source of joy. help me to be present in my feelings. Some days I do feel as though I just ignore my problems and say it’s because of you but really I am just going on auto pilot. help me to feel my true pains and joys and bring them all to you.

  2. Adrienna Purdy says:

    As a lifelong sufferer of depression and anxiety, I don’t connect with the traditional definitions of joy, even as described here. I wish I was “joyful” in the free, exuberant way of children, but it has never been something I experience. When I went searching for an alternate definition, I found CS Lewis’ to be lovely. He describes Joy as something more along the lines of longing: seeing God’s goodness and wholeness in the midst of suffering and being satisfied by the longing for what is to come. It’s a desire for God’s kingdom, a pang of something that reminds you of what is promised. “It is…an unsatisfied desire which is itself more desirable than any other satisfaction. I call it Joy, which is here a technical term and must be sharply distinguished both from Happiness and from Pleasure. Joy (in my sense) has indeed one characteristic, and one only, in common with them; the fact that anyone who has experienced it will want it again.”

  3. claudia hamberlin says:

    this was such an eye opening read. joy is not faking it, but having real joy that isn’t based on circumstances. wow. i struggle with this a lot, but constantly trying to have joy in chaos!

  4. Tyasia Goodwin says:

    Remember your joy, sisters in Christ !

  5. Karyn Johnson says:

    Even in my season of grief God gives me joy❤️

  6. Molly David says:

    even though we may feel so much pain, god meets us in the midst and gives us so much to feel joyful about!

  7. Laurel Fleming says:

    Sometimes finding joy In pain and suffering is hard, but I believe that God is enough to where he would bless us with the peace and the joy and comfort even when it may be hard to grasp

  8. Brooke Burson says:

    I find joy even when life is the most difficult.

  9. Jennifer Reid says:

    Joy even though life is hard! Our joy is rooted in knowing He is with us!! We are not alone!

  10. Terany Garnett says:

    It’s so beautiful to think that God doesn’t promises to take pain away yet to give us abundant joy and peace. I always heard it together— joy and peace.

  11. Brooke Tillman says:

    This right here!

  12. Molly Fitzgerald says:

    Help me to feel the underlying joy when I fret over circumstance

  13. Aeslin gallegos says:

    Praying for joy , even In my times of trouble and hardship. I pray the lord gives me strength. ❤️

  14. Cindy McEachern says:


  15. Kaitlin Ulliac says:


  16. Jessica Erickson says:

    Lord my spirit could use peace and joy right now. Help me be reminded that you provide abundant joy!

  17. km smith says:


  18. Luana Bento says:

    Joy+Peace= Hope

  19. Jasmine Taylor says:

    I will always have everlasting joy, because of Him! ♥️

  20. Kara O’Brien says:

    “Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything will be all right, and the determined choice to praise God in all things.”
    -Kay Warren

  21. Claire Rock says:

    So good

  22. Tahryah Wheeler says:

    Amen ❤️

  23. Natalie Mccain says:


  24. Rachel Blessum says:

    I consider myself overall a joyful person because of biblical, God-given joy. Even through chronic health struggles and the bustle of life, I know God is in control ❤️

  25. Elisabeth Weil says:


  26. Jazmine Dinkins says:

    Amen ⚓️

  27. CLL says:

    I’m really enjoying this reading as it gives me knowledge to explain to others, if need be. Where before, I could not stand up to their ridicule, now I have a great defense!

  28. Vinelle Richmond says:


  29. Dee Gonzalez says:

    Amen! ❤️

  30. Dee Gonzalez says:


  31. Melissa Baker says:


  32. Janelle Morris says:

    This has always been hard for me to understand as I don’t always “feel” joyful. This has been helpful though. True joy is not based on my circumstances, it’s not found in chasing idols. It’s found in the unwavering faithfulness of the Lord, in not being shaken despite my circumstances.

  33. Mihut Adalia says:


    If I understood this corectly, the “joy” that this world gives does not last, but the biblical joy is everlasting and it depends on God

  34. Chloe Camilli says:


  35. Tina says:

    My understanding of joy is not a feeling of happiness when things are going good, but trusting that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is with me even through the difficult times.

  36. Katy says:

    “To see me in real life, it might be easy to assume I’m a joyful person, and many would find it difficult to grasp that I struggle with depression and anxiety.” I can relate to this statement so well! Thank you for this Bible Study.

  37. Madison Martinez says:

    Biblical joy is fulfilling because despite pain and suffering, we are able to acknowledge God’s presence and promises and walk forward step by step. I love how the author described this as the Holy Spirit holding the grief and joy together. How comforting it is to know we have a helper to lead us to the abundant joy… no matter the circumstances.

  38. Takara Gilbert says:

    God has spoken ❤️

  39. Nickkie Burgos says:

    Had I not experienced this in the past, I do not think I would understand this. The biblical joy is so filling. It really has a profound change on your perspective, how you perceive things & how you interact with others. This joy comes from truly finding your god given purpose and walking in it. It is immensely beautiful. Though I am joyful I will not hide that currently I am not experiencing that magnitude of joy because I have veered off a bit in my own direction. I strive to be where I was. It’s remarkable.

  40. Jessica Forsyth says:

    I struggle with the concept of joy probably more than any other biblical word or idea. I’m not really sure what it means if I’m honest. As the world describes joy, I wouldn’t say it’s something that I exhibit. Contentment amidst pain and suffering, I understand. Hope, absolutely. But joy? I’m not sure.

  41. Steffi Ching says:

    Praise God for the deep well of joy, peace and hope!

  42. Brittany Packnett Cunningham says:

    2020 has proven just how much joy can exist in even my most desperate circumstances. I’m so grateful that our God exists far beyond anything life can throw at us! It’s not always easy, but He is always right there ❤️

  43. SPT says:

    You are not alone. Sing a song…joy is there. JOY-Jesus Only You. He’ll never leave you.

  44. Jessica Marrero says:

    This was awesome!

  45. Ariana Gray says:

    This is something I struggle with regularly. I pray to one day be able to have true joy regardless of things happening in my life.

  46. Daniek Marinus says:

    This was so helpful and came right at the right moment. I started the reading plan a bit later and this was exactly the message I needed today. I’m having a hard week at uni, feeling anxious to fail exams and not get everything done that I want to do because I put too much pressure on myself. Knowing that we can have joy amidst these feelings is an amazing thing. So thankful for the reading and also reading everyone’s comments (it’s my first time around :)

  47. Courtney Shambaugh says:

    Joy is active!! This is a great statement!!

  48. Jasmine R says:

    Loved this!!!

  49. Mandi Ross says:

    Me too!! Taking a social media break and realigning my heart to what’s really important in life!

  50. Ula Richardson says:

    While I can say I agree and feel the same way! I am grateful to be able to make the decision to seek deeper revelation in reading my Bible and knowing truth!!! ♥️

  51. Hayley Young says:

    I love that joy is a gift. It’s something we can’t create or make happen. It’s not only a gift to us but our families, our friends and those we encounter each day. My prayer is that I don’t hide the joy God has gifted me from anyone around me.

  52. Michelle Royce says:

    I believe I need to study joy until I can better identify it. I do not know many people who show joy often. Now I understand peace better and I believe it could be what joy is often mistaken for. I have peace that God will help me I every circumstance

  53. Emily Dickerson says:

    Same! Social media is stealing my joy and overwhelming me. Planting myself firmly in front of Jesus at this time.

  54. Julie Waldvogel says:

    I think a lot of people, especially at my job, think that I have any easy life and nothing brings me down. I don’t have all things easy and am thankful for the JOY the Lord brings me ALWAYS!

  55. Taryn Barlow says:

    I learned today that joy is ACTIVE. We receive it, even if our circumstances don’t feel it. I need to work on not letting the circumstances around me, and the words of those who intend harm to my self-worth, steal my joy.

    I love when God gives me a glimpse of something that makes me smile, in the midst of a trial,

  56. Victoria Lynch says:


  57. Justine Smith says:

    I appreciate the conversation surrounding mental health. I too have had to take some time off of work to address the anxiety that has resurfaced this time due to my husband passing away at the young age of 52. I am holding on tight to my faith but it has been a struggle at times as I search for peace during this season.

  58. Amber Sapp says:

    Oh. To have a Joy that radiates. I have a friend like this and she is an absolute JOY to be around. I am drawn to her and seek her out when I am down and need to feel like someone truly cares.

  59. Di says:

    Thank you for sharing your skills and joy with others as you serve in the ICU. You are appreciated.

  60. Makenzie Benish says:

    What a beautiful message. I loved her tying in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

  61. Anastasia McLeod says:

    Loved this devo! So many great reminders in how we walk through our lives

  62. Heather Crawford says:

    Tara, thank you so much for sharing! I went through something similar in the summer of 2018, where I literally had to take time off from work to figure it all out. Since then, the depression and anxiety haven’t stopped but with each reoccurrence, I cling to Jesus more and more. Each time I’m pruned, I learn that I stumble most when I leave His presence. We can always count on the Holy Spirit to bring us back to the middle if we surrender to Him.

  63. Brandy Deruso says:

    I will rest and step into the joy of the lord! You are good lord! Amen!

  64. Joyce Walker says:

    The joy of the Lord is my strength!!! The world did not give it and the world can’t take it away!!!!

  65. Kammy Walker says:


  66. Leah P says:

    Thank you for sharing about mental health. You CAN love God, be filled with His Spirit and Joy AND face mental health challenges. God is still sovereign through every challenge ❤️

  67. Tara Archibald says:

    Funny you should mention joy and Disney in the same article! I have a Christmas face mask (thank you COVID-19) with the word “JOY” plastered across the front and right in the middle is Minnie’s face (making the “O”). Perhaps her smile can replace the one unseen on my face, whether it’s unseen because of the mask or because, like you, I too struggle with depression and anxiety. I thought I was good. I thought I had fought that fight and won with God’s word. Joy had become my life word, my name! But the darkness came back. And it was sneakier this time. Snuck up on me when I wasn’t looking, but others saw it. I couldn’t even hide the darkness this time. I thought it had robbed me of my joy too. I’ve been off work for a few weeks now trying to figure things out, figure me out, establish a counseling routine, and get my joy back. I thought I had lost my joy. But I knew joy wasn’t dependent on my circumstances so how could that be? How can I lose something that’s not dependent on what is going on around or in me? Then I read your article. Thank you for the reminder, for the ah-ha moment, that both pain/grief/darkness and joy can co-exist. Thank you for letting me know that they can both be inside of me, and that it is okay. I have joy because my peace and security are found in Jesus. I have joy because Jesus loves me. That never stops just because some darkness overtakes me for a time. His light is still in me. Jesus is still in me. Thank you and God bless! To God be the glory!

  68. Catherine says:

    When I’m studying and doing online devotions, I sometimes like to copy and paste things I’ve read in the Bible, the devotion itself, or in the comment section and intertwine them. I did this today and these two separate comments put together was like an “AHA” moment. Maybe it will be for someone else as well.

    A verse that always comes to mind for me when I’m trying to find joy in a not joyous season of my life is James 1:2-3, “My brethren, count it all JOY when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.”

    Fill in the word JOY above with any of these:
    Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life,
    the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be all right,
    and the determined choice to praise God in every situation.

    1. Andrea P says:

      Beautifully said. Thank you.

  69. Lauren Haykus says:

    My friends that really don’t have a relationship with God don’t understand how I am at such peace with what is happening. Some are so scared and sequestered they can’t function. It is so sad. I can only tell them why I am not. They must persue God on their own. I put myself out there to work in the ICU I praised God I could help people. I also have ignored TV news and media. This will pull you down God bless everyone.

  70. Nhu says:

    Thank you Tina for your touching story. Yes, may the joy of the Lord be our strength! Hallelujah.

  71. Veronica Means says:

    The middle paragraph hit way to close to home for me tonight. It seems that I have been in a “funk” that I can not pull myself out of. I need to remember to give it to God! I can not do this on my own. I need to pray about it and remember he is their for me.

  72. Sierra Arens says:

    A verse that always comes to mind for me when I’m trying to find joy in a not joyous season of my life is James 1:2-3, “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” This chapter of the study showed so much of God’s goodness!!

  73. Michele Force says:

    This was a beautiful quote – thanks for sharing!

  74. Brittney June says:

    Thankful for the gift of joy. Especially right now. I’ve been avoiding social media as much as possible- it’s stealing my joy constantly. I’m choosing to keep my eyes on Jesus and embrace the JOY he has graciously given me. He is so good.

  75. Laura Beckom says:

    I found this years ago by Kay Warren joy is this settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be all right, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation.

  76. Natasha R says:

    Joy is the fuel that keeps me going through these difficult times. I am surprised to find that it has not just allowed me to survive, but even to grow and flourish! Thank you, Lord. ❤️

  77. Courtney says:

    Welcome back, Tina! Thanks for sharing such a heart-wrenching story. I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through. But as you are oft to say “Oh but God! You’ve been missed my sister .

  78. Jessica Scott says:

    AZ- I finally stopped posting on FB when God was telling me to stop. So much better!!! It’s so hard because we are all addicted to it. Stay strong!

  79. Taylor says:

    I’m so glad I felt God tugging on my heart to read today’s devotion. Today I’ve really struggled with anxiety and uncertainty about the rise in COVID cases and increased restrictions/lockdowns across the country. I’m so uncertain about my future with my clinical rotation, possibly getting sick/loved ones getting sick, stressing about socially distancing and staying safe but “not living in fear.” And the first words I read from Psalm 16:1 were “Keep me safe my God, for in you I take refuge.” Talk about a God moment! He knew exactly what my heart needed to hear. He knew I needed to run to Him for refuge. Thank you Jesus for this special evening resting in the comfort of Your Presence and finding joy in the fact that You are sovereign, You love me, and everything that happens is working according to my good and for Your glory. Amen <3

  80. Suzanne Duka says:


  81. Lauren Webb says:


  82. Emma Collins says:

    Today is my first day in the SRT world and I’m so glad I found it. The post here and the study on joy is just what my soul needed.

  83. AZ Walker says:

    If anyone is trying to fast by limiting / staying out of Social Media it is hard but you can do it! I survived over a week and just by focusing on readings, shows, podcasts that are pleasing to God (going with my gut but am staying informed of truth in news outlets I recently found but am limiting news too) – I have felt such peace. I have been trying to do this for years. The negativity is just too tempting as I scroll and I am able to keep in touch with friends and loved ones without it. Joyce Meyer often preaches that we can choose joy and need to put aside our feelings and it’s hard to do but getting certain negativity out of my life is helping me get there. I agree Joy is a gift of the Holy Spirit

  84. Rhonda J. says:

    So happy to see you on here again Tina, missed you as others have said! You and others certainly touch our hearts with your comments and words of wisdom. We are all on a journey in this life, hard and difficult at times and happy and fulfilling at other times. I feel like the joy comes through all that when our eyes are keeping on our savior through it all. When we lose someone so close to us and it breaks our hearts to pieces, it is so hard to get through it, BUT with God, it certainly gives us a different perspective than with non-believers. We know we will see our love ones again, and they are in eternity with our creater, with no sorrow or pain. If that doesn’t give us new joy! Wow, I cannot wait to join!

  85. Pam Chapman says:

    Tina, your posting yesterday & today were an answered prayer. I’d been asking the Lord night before last if you, Angie & Dorothy were all right. The very next morning there you were. So grateful to hear from you again and see your written love on my screen. Thanks be to our Jesus.
    And thank you all for your insights and sharing.

  86. Michelle M says:

    It is so hard to not to focus on your circumstances when they are not going well…’s like a huge distraction in your walk with Christ. I have heard in the past few days about my job hunting is that God is setting you up for something better. I don’t believe that. I don’t believe that he setting me up for something better….I think that his only concern is my relationship with. Well let me put it like this as I focus on just my circumstances I find myself in so much disbelief, but what am I supposed to do ignore my circumstances and do nothing. I have joined this Bible study I have changed up my quiet time with the God, and I have started to listen to more podcasts to focus on Christ. I am just in disbelief that am I not do anything and anything that I do do I believe that it is what God wants me to do, but it’s like I am in the same cycle as I was last year. Pretty similar. I am scared that I am going to get fired!!

  87. Joyce Nofsinger says:


  88. Kristy B says:

    “And when things are tough, beyond my ability to find a glimmer of joy, I am met in the midst of my pain. In His presence there is abundant joy.”
    So encouraging. There is nothing like being gently reminded of the Truth we know and being reoriented to God to lift a weary soul.

  89. Joyce Nofsinger says:

    So true

  90. Joyce Nofsinger says:

    Loving this lesson on Joy. I struggle with anxiety. But when I make an effort every single day to spend time with the Lord I feel an unexplainable joy bubble up from inside me. Without Him I’m not so good. So thankful that I can connect with Him daily.

  91. Cynthia Johnston says:

    I have learned joy and suffering are two sides of the same coin. Through our suffering we cry out to the Lord and He is there with us. His presence brings us joy as we focus on Him and not our circumstances. Christ went to the cross for the joy set before Him. We are that joy! Hebrews 12:2

  92. Bailey Taylor Hurley says:

    Thank you for sharing this!! God fights for you!

  93. Stitch by Stitch says:

    I decided to jump in for the current study today. Joy. Of course, to she who has multiple diagnoses of treatment-resistent depression, Complex-PTSD, plus more, and lives in a rocky marriage.

    It is hard to be happy & yes the depression can flare at any moment for no visible reason. But I do know He who holds my eternity. I had a vision over 20 yrs ago of Jesus coming into a situation & holding my hand, that He wouldn’t have forgotten me. In processing and holding that so dear to my heart, I realized He was on my left side. Jesus’ right hand was holding my left hand. I’m thankful today’s reading included one of the verses on His right hand.

    My joy may not be seen in the everyday or on my resting face but I share joy when I’m out with workers and other people I encounter. Public work is harder these days. I try to share how much I’m grateful for them.

    I have 3 children (35 & 31×2) waiting to greet me when I reach heaven. That is joy deep down. But in that I know full well that the joy being in the full presence of God, our Sovereign Lord, reigns higher!

  94. LuAnn Fischer says:

    Thank you… needed that encouragement today!

  95. LuAnn Fischer says:

    Nancy – This is not morbid, it’s the hope we all cling to as believers. Thank you for sharing it! ❤️

  96. Summer Wadenius says:

    “Therefore my heart is glad and my whole being rejoices; my body also rest securely”
    – Psalm 16:9

    I pray to let my body, my soul securely rest in the arms of our God. This is where my cup overflows with joy.

  97. Thes says:

    Thank you I needed that reminder

  98. Hallie Polanco says:

    Nancy, this is not morbid but BEAUTIFUL as it speaks to the joy eternal that awaits us all. Because we have the perfect love of God, we need not fear death because it is not the end for us! Thank you SO much for sharing this. ❤️

  99. Allison Bentley says:

    Not morbid at all but rather spot on! Joy comes from the peace in knowing Christ!! Your mother knew that joy and it was her light shining through darkness that hopefully brought someone else to know the eternal joy of Christ!!

  100. Mari V says:

    …. “even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the Lord.” I found this to be so true. I go to sleep thinking or praying about something or I wake up seeking my Lord about life and I always know that HE is with me. I give God all the glory when I say this. My mentor often tells me how my “face” has changed. When we met my face was down cast and scared. Yes, very scared as I left and emotional and verbally abusive marriage. My mentor sees JOY.
    And that JOY can only come from my Lord, Who is restoring me to the person I was meant to be.

  101. Lindsey White says:

    I have only been a Christian for about a year and I feel like I am very much learning, and these have been SO HELPFUL for my relationship with God. I saw how joyful Christian’s were and I felt myself trying to fake it, but I’m realizing it cannot be faked. It comes from working on your relationship with God and understanding His love and gifts.

  102. Nancy Singleton says:

    My mother emanated joy throughout a 4 year battle with cancer, ministering to others at chemo, etc. Her faith & joy in the Lord was greater than fear of suffering & death. A year before cancer took her, she became septic, was in a coma, & nearly died. During that time God gave her a vision of Heaven, seeing her mother and sister in a beautiful, peaceful place. She spent her final year so fearless, peaceful & filled with joy. And as much as I still miss her, I can be thankful & assured that she is enjoying complete joy in the Lord forever. She taught me much about “dying well”-I hope that doesn’t sound morbid, as we focus on joy!

  103. Jodee Nelson says:

    Love that analogy! So true.

  104. Erica Askren says:

    Joy at the core is like a pilot light on the furnace. Without that little light flickering, a cold house awaits. But even with that small flicker, it can be enough to light up when we are ready to release it all in surrender.

  105. Donna Maynard Wolcott says:

    Tina, so glad to see your message, you have been missed!!! I’ve missed your “but God”. Have a blessed days sisters and thank you to each for your postings every day, your sharing enlightens my days.

  106. Moya Minns says:

    What does today’s reading teach you about joy? How is joy rooted in love? Where do you see joy in yourself and in your life? Where is there room for growth?

  107. Nita Niff says:


  108. Janelle says:

    Would it be ok if someone posts the reflection questions each day please? I find them so helpful because they make me think deeper than I do just by reading the passages alone.

  109. Maura says:

    Thank you Bailey! Morgan, I will be praying for your daughter, for healing and peace. Joy is the gift Jesus has for us daily. Time in the word, in prayer, reading the responses of you my sisters in Christ, all bring His joy to this heart. Welcome back Tina, His grace is so present in your testimony and responses and such a gift to us all. Praying Angie returns soon too, missing her insights. So lovely how Jesus joy, like the song, is down in our heart to stay. In the hardest struggles in my life God has reminded me of the wellspring of His joy, in the depths He does not leave us but holds us close and fights the battles with us. Praise and glory to our King, for He is worthy.

  110. Tam Jones says:

    Thank you for your insights friends! Does anyone have the reflective questions that go with this one? I purchased on the app here hoping the questions might be included but maybe you only get them in the actual book?

  111. Andi Barber says:

    I absolutely love this. The idea of our Christian joy! It makes me think of one non-christian friend in particular and how God gives me the strength to find the joy is the darkest situations-I will never stop showing her that joy even through her hard times.

  112. Alicia Gilbert says:

    Morgan, praying for you, your family, and your daughter. Before I went back to school, I was a dietitian. I know how much pain comes with a diagnosis like this for the person and the family, and I know it is a long journey. So I’m praying for recovery, that she feels supported by you and her medical team, and healing.

  113. AnneLyn P says:

    Morgan, praying for you and your precious daughter.

  114. Annye Howell says:

    Jesus Others Yourself brings me the most joy ! I have problems daily putting my quiet time first and foremost but it is when I Do that I get the most sincere Joy!

  115. Annye ahowell says:

    Jesus Others Yourself brings me most JOY. I still have trouble putting my quiet time before my social media time. I know when I put Jesus first I have the most sincere JOY.

  116. Mom to many says:

    Tina it is so good to see you posting again! You have been missed. What an awesome testimony of redemption and joy.

    This year it has been so easy to slip into patterns of discouragement and feelings of hopelessness and wondering where is God in all of this and this timely reminder of where true joy is found was needed by me.

  117. Angela Sutherland says:

    Joy is so much deeper and more sustaining than just happiness. When my father was diagnosed with cancer and early onset dementia, those days were filled with uncertainty, fear and…joy. When he passed away, there was deep, aching grief and…joy. It’s hard to put into words, but all I can say is “thank You, Lord.” His joy comes in the morning…even in the darkest of nights, morning comes and with it, joy. In the pressure cooker of life, may the world see our joy and Jesus, its source!

  118. Morgan Dunbar says:

    I have been in a dark, dark season since April. Our beautiful daughter was diagnosed with anorexia in the spring, a frightening result of the lockdowns. We have walked a long, terrifying road and we are still traveling it. It is the grace of God that puts a smile on my face, grants me joy in the simple things, allows me laughter in midst of such pain. He is good. All the time, ladies. Much love to you all.

  119. ERB says:

    Tina, I LOVE how you differentiate between Happy (momentary) and Joy (eternal) …I’ve never heard it put like that before and it is SO enlightening and encouraging!!! Thank you for sharing your story.. you helped heal and awaken my heart in a way that it needed to be and I appreciate that MORE than you know!!! (I have my own difficult story of abuse, health struggles, loss, fear, manipulation etc) …I am only here today because of the GRACE of God and because of what He showed me during my most difficult time: He is ALWAYS FAITHFUL!!! ….3 things God used to encourage me on this journey: 1) when David faced Goliath he didn’t see how big the giant in front of him was, he saw how BIG and how FAITHFUL God is!! 2) the image of an only see about 10% of an iceberg on the surface of the water, the rest is underneath!! 3) the story of Job!! All 3 of these things gave me HOPE, they showed me the meaning behind eternal strength & eyesight, and the depth of God’s faithfulness, love & trust!! I’m not saying that I didn’t have extremely difficult days..but His promises and His faithfulness are what carry me through!!! Philippians 1:6
    God, show me the difference between momentary and eternal… I am ready to see, to confront, to let go, to repent, to heal…shine Your Light even on those “secret” places that I’ve been too scared to deal with or be honest about. Thank You Jesus. Amen!!

  120. Rea Queen says:

    There is joy in HIS Presence and HIS Presence is joy! The abiding and remaining and trusting IS joy!

  121. Barbara Campbell says:

    Great word Churchmouse! We choose Joy (which we always have through the Holy Spirit) over circumstances… or in spite of them. This is why we are exhorted to Fix our eyes on Jesus… to set our hearts and minds on things above… that is the source of true lasting JOY!

  122. Jessica says:

    I am so grateful that you chose to write this out in the comments! I am hanging on by a threat on today on Hope with our foster care situation. Your comment made me go back and re-read. Thank you!

  123. Amy Pilcher says:

    Amen, your words really resonated this morning. Thankful for the joy God brings!

  124. Churchmouse says:

    In Romans 15:13, the phrase “as you believe” stands out. Joy is rooted in, and springs forth from, my faith. When circumstances are overwhelming I ask myself what I know about God, what the Bible says. Therein lies truth. I can view my situation in relation to my great big, all powerful, and loving God and joy wins out. My issues remain but I know that I know that God’s got me and I am ok. The joy of the Lord is my strength.

  125. Paula Kline says:

    Your story is beautiful and soulful and encouraging. Your joy found in suffering is a beacon of hope in a world that this scary and unpredictable with losses inevitable. Thank you for finding God and letting Him heal you. It is a gift to me specifically and to us all.

  126. Lnz says:

    Thanks Tina for your story. That is my greatest fear and I struggle deeply with anxiety over it. I have three beautiful and healthy children (praise God) but the anxiety creeps in and is choking at times. Learning to let go and hand my children over to Him( they are His anyway) is a daily struggle but I know that it will always be better for them in His hands and not mine.

  127. Evie HritzMcLarty says:

    Love the “despite what other” part. I struggle with this as I have a personality that always seems harsh until you get to know me. INTJ anyone

  128. Rose Holland says:

    Tina, my favorite song!

  129. Ellen says:

    Thank you for your testimony, Tina! Prayers be with you.

  130. Kathy says:

    Bailey, thank you so much for this. It was so timely and so needed.
    The last 3 years have been tough. My husband had major open-heart surgery in 2018. He is fine, but it was a long, long recovery. In 2019, my mother passed away and this summer my dad passed away. Three weeks later my uncle died. Then came 2020…
    I have been struggling with overwhelming feelings of sadness and grief. These words have brought such comfort. I needed the reminder that my joy is rooted in something more than just a smile on my face. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit.
    May you all be blessed with His joy today.

  131. Blessed Beth says:

    Thank you Tina for sharing

  132. Tina says:

    *supposed to read, ‘not a bad person’! Or maybe that is right.. Lol.❤

  133. Tina says:

    Like you Bailey to see me for the first time, or until you get to know me, one might believe I am a ‘nutter’! Some may even stretch to la la!

    I have always been a happy person (not to be confused with joy.)Life had been good, I did the obligatory church on Sunday, Easter, Christmas, and any other marked christian calendar date. I prayed from time to time, and when the children were little we would often pray at bedtime.. I was a bad person.
    My life and heart was shattered by the death of my only daughter at the age of 27.
    I struggled for years, and in the months that followed I would honestly go to my local church and ‘have it out with God. Not a pretty sight, I can tell you!
    But God..

    Oh yes, But God..
    He met me, in my sorrow, He met me with my tear stained face, He held me as I beat His chest with accusation, and disrespectful words.. He sat with me finally exhausted, a showed me the most wonderful picture my heart, my soul, my eyes will ever see.. my daughter running through a meadow, shouting to me.. I’m alright mum, I am happy, as she waved love my way..

    I tell you this why..

    Because this was the beginning of the next chapter of my life..

    A couple of years later, I got baptised on the anniversary of my daughters passing.. it was important to me, that my family understood that I was all in for God.. that He was restoring me, not to my old self but to the person I could now be, as I walked with Him..
    It has not been an easy journey, don’t hear me wrongly..

    But God..
    Being happy is great, but knowing joy, that is something else.
    The verse ..The joy of the Lord is my strength.. Jeremiah8:10 could be my mantra.
    I think what I have learnt and continue to be a student in, is that, happy and joy are for sure two different things.. happy is momentary, in the moment, joy is deep inside and is eternal. It is a heart shift, it is an appreciation of what is.. and what will is knowing God intimately, and knowing that He, and only He has got this, whatever this is at that particular time. You can have bad days and still know joy, life can give you lemons, but your heart can still sing!
    Being joy-filled means I can walk (most day), with my head looking up, praising my Savior, my God, my song..


    Happy Wednesday sisters wrapped in love and hugs and prayers for a joy-filled day..❤