Jonah’s Flight

Open Your Bible

Jonah 1:1-3, Psalm 139:7-12

Text: Jonah 1:1-3, Psalm 139:7-12

This is part of a 7-day series on Jonah in the Lent 2016 reading plan. 

The book of Jonah begins typically enough. Another prophet, another message of repentance from God to be communicated to the world. It’s like the first bars of a familiar song playing softly on your stereo… but then the record screeches to a halt.

In an unexpected turn of events, the prophet Jonah hears the Lord’s message and bluntly refuses. He doesn’t simply squirm like Moses and Elijah and Jeremiah when the Lord called them to something beyond their wheelhouse. Jonah straight-up does not approve this message. You see, Jonah had an “us vs. them” view of salvation: God’s mercy is for us, but it is definitely not for the wandering hearts of those dirty Ninevites.

We know about Jonah, most of us. We know that God called Jonah to preach repentance to a crazy-wicked city and that Jonah disobeyed because he didn’t think these people deserved God’s mercy. But before we read further into this book, let’s break out a map and see in black and white Jonah’s heart-and-body response to God’s calling.

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Do you see what I see?

It takes very little explanation, really. God spoke to Jonah in the general vicinity of Joppa (see “The Call” on the map), Jonah barely glances east toward Nineveh, before he boards the nearest boat headed as far west as he can imagine (toward Tarshish).

And do you know what Jonah found in his escape? He found that nothing, not even his own dark, unwilling heart, can separate him from God. David discovered this, too, writing, “Where can I go to escape Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go up to heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, You are there” (Psalm 139:7-8).

Have you ever fled from the Lord? Ever sensed a strong tugging from the Holy Spirit, but chose to run in the opposite direction?

This is where we’ll leave Jonah today. But where will we find you?

Friends, I encourage you to sit in quiet for a while right now. Tune out distractions and pray.

Ask the Lord where He has called you and you have not obeyed. Repent of your disobedience and be forgiven.

Consider the places and people to which He has called you and you have responded with obedience. Praise Him for His direction.  

Ask the Father where He would lead you now. Who needs to hear His message of mercy today?

May we go in obedience and by His grace. May we have the courage to joyfully share the message of God’s salvation — a message that is just as much for the rest of the world as it is for our own souls.

If I take the wings of the morning
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
even there your hand shall lead me,
and your right hand shall hold me.
If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,
and the light about me be night,”
even the darkness is not dark to you;
the night is bright as the day,
for darkness is as light with you.
-Psalm 139:9-12 ESV


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113 thoughts on "Jonah’s Flight"

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  2. Genovia says:

    Would appreciate prayer to whoever has the heart to pray. I don’t know if Satan is attacking me with fear and guilt and holding me back from walking in something wonderful or whether God is convicting me. This reading really spoke to me and I don’t know if I’m headed to Tarshish or whether this is a good thing. God please reign in my life and above all things. Help me to let you take control

    1. Genovia says:

      Prayer from*

    2. Erin says:

      Hi Genovia, I will pray for you! I’m not sure of your specific circumstances, but I am also facing a similarly difficult decision. I can’t tell if my heart is being convicted by God or fear. I pray that God would give you wisdom and discernment, but also confidence in God’s love and forgiveness.

  3. Della D says:

    I’m still catching up on this, my first Lent study, and I must say….this one was a special blessing to my heart. Thank you.

  4. Faith says:

    I just realized my Ninevah is right where I am now. I’ve been trying to find a way out, and neglecting the call to do the work of the Lord here!

  5. Emily says:

    In psalm 139 it talks about us running and hiding from the lord. But what I LOVE is Gods response. He doesn’t come after us and try to find us or catch, but he leads us, and holds with his right hand, even as we run.

  6. Meghann says:

    Sure enough, as soon as I asked, the answer appeared

    1. Same here. Only I still have the urge to run in the direction of Tarshish.

  7. Andrea says:

    My blended family was welcome at our church for a time. Until we asked to be married there. This study has a lot of healing for my grief. thankfully we have found a new home. Flooded with grace and mercy. We have repented of our past divorces and look to God’s loving hand as we move forward in healing and love.

  8. Stacie says:

    Thank you for facilitating a moment with the Lord that truly allowed me to see a calling I was running from.

  9. JANK says:

    As I read this passage today, it also occurred to me that our choices to disobey God also affect those around us. Jonah made his decision to run but the men on the ship also suffered the consequences of his decision. Even tho they were not followers of The Lord. Like Jonah, our choices can have effects, good or bad, on the people we encounter every day. God pursues not only us, but his desire is for all to come to him. Even tho Jonah was running when they asked him -did he have anything to do with the storm- they probably worshipped many gods, He shared that it was THE Lord who was pursuing him. That in itself was a witness even tho he was in disobedience to God. I think that’s a pretty cool part of the story too, that even when we run God pursues us and we have opportunity to use our bad choices to let others know that yes! I made a bad decision, But God doesn’t give up. I’m thinking that not only the Ninevites were given a chance to repent but the people on the boat were also eye witnesses to a God who pursues us. He can use any of our decisions for His glory even when we suffer the consequences of running away from him.

    1. Laci says:

      This is wonderful, thanks for sharing!

  10. Casie says:

    The prayer prompts are amazing Raechel! Thank you! Ignorant rot I

    1. Casie says:

      Ignorantly I always thought Jonah was just about a whale!

  11. Katie says:

    Thank you for your exhortation to sit and ask the Lord to show me areas where I have turned and ran. He has been showing me that my own selfish heart is missing opportunities to minister because I am so focused on the “inconvenience” and irritation of having my plans interrupted. My plans (to make dinner without having someone hanging on my leg, to check off all of my to do list, to grow my business…) are not bad, but when I respond harshly in anger to the very people He has made my ministry, I’m guilty of the very same sin as Jonah. Lord, help me to love my children, husband, family and friends in the same gracious and merciful way You have loved me. Help me to be attentive to ways I can serve them and lay down my life for them, so that they might know Your wondrous grace a little better.

    1. eah08i says:

      Yes, yes, yes! Amen.

  12. Missy says:

    Love the map and the call to pray over these specific areas.
    Thank you!!!
    Thank you!!!

  13. Ashley Echevarria says:

    I want to thank everyone who responded with such kindness and encouragement to me the other day after my husband walked out. The support and uplifting I felt through all of your comments and prayers is strong. I truly felt your prayers. God is working in me and in my family for sure!!! I am fighting for my marriage because I believe that’s the right thing to do. Please continue in your prayers for us. I ask for joy, strength, wisdom, kindness and gentleness through all the pain and tears.

  14. Melinda says:

    This is my first time commenting because I’m usually on my phone reading the daily devotions but I have been doing SRT for a few months now and just recently subscribed to the monthly reading plan. I wasn’t sure what to think about the paper books at first (was hoping that they had the devotions in them as well but I’ve figured out how to make that work now).

    Anyway, this message re: Jonah is so amazing and the map is wonderful! I have been a Christian since I was a baby, grew up in the church, and have been born again since I was 18 and I have a FOUR YEAR PASTORAL MINISTRY & CHRISTIAN EDUCATION DEGREE but this is the first time that the truth of HOW HARD Jonah worked to avoid God’s word/will/call has really sunk into my heart and mind. WOW!! Just the thought of how much $ a ticket to Tarshish would have been at the time in light of the considerable distance is amazing to me!! Jonah didn’t just avoid his call, he did so at great personal effort and expense! Thanks for speaking this truth into my life!

  15. Kristi says:

    I LOVE JONAH so much. It is one of the books where I see myself so so clearly. My husband preached a sermon series on it a few months ago and one of the things he said, like it says here, is “I am Jonah, always running for Tarshish but ending up in Ninevah anyway because of God’s great care for me.”

  16. Bri says:

    I LOVE the visual of the map.

  17. Janice says:

    Today’s readings made me realize that sometimes God has no other choice but to send obstacles to our way to bring us back to him. Like Jonah, when we turn our back from God he will find a way to bring us closer to him. We can’t hide from God. He will always find us.

  18. Laura says:

    “He found that nothing, not even his dark, unwilling heart, can separate him from God.” Hallelujah!

    1. Laci says:

      Loved this as well!

  19. Stacey Brothers says:

    My soul needed this so badly this evening. Asking for forgiveness for my disobedience and excuses

  20. Christine says:

    This spoke to my heart today. My toddler fell asleep on our short trip to the store, so here I sit in the car as she naps thinking my busy day has an unexpected pause and then I read these beautiful pictures of God’s abundant grace and mercy. I am learning more and more that God transforms our hearts in some of the most unexpected, unseen, quiet moments of our days, that don’t need to be seen or experience with anyone else – just me and my Heavenly Father. My distracted heart is full of worship and praise!

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Love this, Christine! So grateful for you!


  21. B says:

    This is what I needed to read! I’m feeling like Noah — I just want to run and hide. I’m learning that the Lord has a mighty plan for my life and it would be much easier to submit and obey.

    I’d rather fall on the Rock and be broken than let the Rock fall on me and be ground to powder.

    Lord, I submit to your call!

    1. Laci says:


  22. Tiari says:

    Where have you called me Lord and I have not obeyed? Sometimes we expect God to call us to go great lengths or do great, big things for His kingdoms glory. I sat and thought that every major thing He’s asked of me, I’ve done. I’ve quit the job. I’ve prayed for my husband. Yet, He gently reminded me this morning that He expects my obedience in even the small, seemingly insignificant tasks of my daily life. Having breakfast ready before the kids have to come up to me and ask. Updating the family budget that I was supposed to do before payday today. Getting up and going outside to play with the kids. Taking time to sit down and creating a meal plan and grocery list for the week. Even these things are important to God and He commands me today (just like He’s commanded Jonah), to “Get up and Go!!” I pray that today God would should you where He’s commanding you to “Get up and go,” in the big and especially in the small, that you may go in obedience. Amen!!

    1. AmyBB says:

      Tiari- How beautiful your description of His call in your daily life. It is so easy to forget that the daily tasks in the scheme of life help God to create His kingdom on earth. Loving your family and taking care of them is in essence walking in His love. It will not be forgotten. Years from now your children will say- thank you and when they don’t remember, they will when their turn comes. What a gift you give your family by loving them well…

  23. Amen! Learning to rely on the Lord and not myself so Jonah is so perfect for me right now. Learning to rely on the Lord’s direction, His leading, His calling for me. It’s Him at work in me not myself so why would I rely on myself. Doesn’t make much sense. But my sinful nature wants to take control of everything. Even in my running to rely on myself He’s got me. He always has and always will. I am His. Must lean on His guidance and direction every second of the day.

    1. Pam B says:

      Amen! I know how you feel. I like to think that I can control my life, but that is just not true. God is always like no, you have to give me control. It’s so hard. Even though I know His ways are better, it’s still hard to hand things over cuz we don’t always know how things will turn out.

  24. Rochelle says:

    Wow! Needed this today! Grateful for the devo as. Well as the women here. Your comments inspire and encourage!

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Thanks for joining us today, Rochelle! We love having you in our community!


  25. K says:

    A pastor I love to watch and listen to online did a series on Jonah. Every week he would have you say, God is calling me to play a significant role in someone’s eternal story. Who is the person or people that pop up in your head first? That is not random. So often I am in the way of God’s mission. Lord, help me to be obedient and faithful.

    1. Churchmouse says:

      Wow. Your comment made me pause. Thank you

  26. Laura says:

    I actually didn’t read the passage as Jonah thinking the Ninevites didn’t deserve salvation or having an “us vs. them” mentality. It seems to me we aren’t actually told the reason Jonah didn’t want to go. Maybe it was because of an “us vs. them” mentality, but I also can’t help but think that maybe he was scared, or maybe he didn’t want to leave a comfortable life. Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about how American Christians (aka ME) are so reticent to give up our comforts when God asks us to boldly step out of our comfort zones. Praying today that when the time comes and I am asked by God to move, I will not pull a Jonah and try to run in the other direction.

    1. Esther says:

      Yes, I agree! I see how Jonah didn’t want to leave his comfort zone, was afraid and also did not want the Lord to show the Ninevites mercy. I see this in me too! How often I want to stay comfortable in my life, don’t do something because of fear and “choose” who should or should not receive mercy. Who am I to make such claims? Oh, that we would have hearts that would be receptive to wherever and whatever He calls us to. May we have hearts bent in showing mercy to others as we have been shown…in abundance! Thank you for your thoughts today, friend!

    2. Susie says:

      When you read the whole teeny book of Jonah….it is easy to see that he thinks he is better. But I think it us a bit of both…cockiness, as well as coming out of his comfort zone. But whatever the case, he ran…
      This is very challenging today…very personal. I almost don’t want to search myself…afraid of what I will find.
      These devotions r such a blessing.

    3. Churchmouse says:

      Historically, the Ninevites were the ISIS of their day. Cruel cruel nation. Jonah could not believe God would show mercy to them, not that they would ever repent. Jonah saw God’s call as a Mission Impossible. And he certainly didn’t want involved – he could literally be killed as the messenger! BUT GOD…

      1. Shay says:

        I was just thinking along those lines, @Churchmouse! It’s hard to imagine stepping into a Mission Impossible!!! I find it too easy to sit in my comfort zone & not ruffle any feathers or face any foes. But God….

    4. Pam B says:

      Today’s passage doesn’t tell us Jonah’s reason for not going to Ninevah, but he gives it in chaper 4 verse 2. He knew that God is gracious and compassionate and would forgive the Ninevites, and he didn’t want that to happen.

  27. Emily T says:

    I have never used this format to share my thoughts on a study before, but I feel like I just need to share that this kicked my butt this morning! I needed this. Lord, I am sorry I have run from you so many times! I

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      So happy you are here, Emily! Thanks for joining us today!


  28. LesleyRyden says:

    I have to pause in Jonah 1:1. “The word of the Lord came to Jonah…” I Am re-struck this morning by just what a miracle that is within itself. Our God speaks to us, our Creator Father speaks and tells us where to go and who to serve. He let’s us in on His plans for us and for others. We have the honor of being co-laborers with Christ in this broken world. Obviously it is not always easy but it is always a great honor and a sign of His great affection for us. “The word of the Lord came to Jonah.” He speaks- to Jonah, Moses, Noah, David, Paul, John, and you and me. Let’s listen, SRT Sisters. I would love for you to visit me today at:
    Love and Blessings!

  29. James Gurl says:

    Lord, I thank you so showing me mercy. So many times I failed you when you called on me. I turned away from you instead of toward you. I choose to do things my way and not be obedient to you. Father, please forgive me for all those times. All the times that I failed you. From this day forward, I want to walk in obedience and when you call on me I want to respond with obedience, love, and kindness. Even if I am in a uncomfortable or inconvenienced situation. I want to live my live for you.

  30. Churchmouse says:

    Raechel , your words are straight from God’s heart to mine. And they sting! I know exactly who I need to speak with, exactly who I’ve been avoiding and I also know how I’ve self – righteously convinced myself I have absolutely no obligation to reach out to them yet again. I. Was. Done. BUT… here’s your devotion this morning and the sting of Holy Spirit conviction… Oh alright, I’ll go. Even though I don’t want to. Even though I’ve said it all before. But You, Holy Spirit, are doing the speaking. Because this is Your idea. I’m Jonah, oh so reluctant. But I’ll go. Because I’m stung that You would choose to use me. Reluctant me. I’ll let you know what He does.

    1. - A says:

      Can’t wait to hear an update! Your words are always so inspiring on here, Churchmouse. I pray that they are just as inspiring to whoever you are going to speak with. Praying for them to be nothing short of being Spirit-led.

  31. Kelly says:

    We moved to the United States 10 years ago due to my mom’s urging. Since then, slowly but surely, my family has become broken. My parents barely talk and it sometimes feels as though if they are already divorced. The church we used to go shunned my family mainly because of a big mistake that my dad had made against a member of a church (gossip travels quickly and far) and partly because my family was never really accepted in that tight community because we were different in our lifestyle and jobs. All I want is for my family to find happiness and for my parents to reconcile. However, it feels as though if that’s a wishful thinking nowadays and sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t get married and continue the unhappy cycle of a typical divorce headed marriage. I don’t know why it’s happening- why my family had to be broken. And sometimes I want to cry out to God in anger but I do believe that God has a purpose…it just hurts though.

    1. Churchmouse says:

      Oh my, Kelly. What a difficult season you are in. Praying for all involved, that God would make a way where there seems to be no way and that each person would resolve in their heart to follow God’s leading and make the necessary changes. Praying for perseverance and strength for you as you place your hope and trust in God. Praying too that you do not take on burdens that are not yours to bear. I’ll keep praying

    2. Lisa says:

      I wanted you to know that your comment was the 1st one I saw this morning. I stopped and prayed for you and your family. I am sorry you are hurting. I’m sorry that a move to improve your life has made it more difficult. Please know that God hears you. Know that He loves you and wants the best for you. A difficult season in your life is just that…a difficult season. It does not have to define the rest of your life. God wants you to live well and be blessed.

    3. Brooks says:

      I am so sorry for your hurt! The Lord has good plans for you and desires for you to be a part of His church and know, experience, taste and see His love there.

      I encourage you to continue seeking a body of believers who speak Truth, act upon it and love people well. Don’t give up, the Lord is with you!

      I pray a woman will feel led to mentor you and walk alongside you as your grow in relationship with the Lord. Be faithful in each choice and trust in His goodness!

      1. Kathy says:

        Kelly, I am praying for you. I pray that God shows up and shows His grace. He will make all of this count for His kingdom. I pray that your family will find healing and that you will find a church that will love and grow you into the woman God wants you to be. Trust Him. He has this. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

      2. Irina says:

        My dear Kelly, sweetheart. My heart aches from your pain and situation you are in. I grew up in the similar family situation and as you cried for God to help my parents to love each other. Mind though that we were unbelievers. I came to God in my forties, when my own family was under of danger to break apart and again I cried to God to save it. And faithful God heard my cries and healed my husband’s heart and my marriage, and it continues to this day. It’s a long hard way, kelly, but it’s worth it. Do not blame any one, just believe that our God hears your every thought and heart’s beat and will lead you to something better than you can imagine or ask. Sorry if my language is not good enough to explain, English is my second language. I came to us 15 years ago and all the miracles I experienced with God happened to me here in this country. I will pray for you and your family.

        1. Kaite says:

          Irina, your English is beautiful and stirred my heart to thanksgiving for your testimony and more diligent prayers for those around me facing intimidating darkness. Thank you for not only sharing this with dear Kelly, but with all of us <3

    4. Kim says:

      Hi Kelly. Keep reading Psalm 139. Right after this morning’s text comes the part that says He sees all the days of our life. They were all laid out in front of Him before we were even born. Those verses gave me such comfort (and continue to do so) in my own marriage troubles. Those and that nothing is impossible with God!!! Take heart and keep looking to Him!

    5. Eunice says:

      Praying for you and your family

  32. Melissa says:

    I remember being 15 and having God tell me very clearly not to pursue a certain path in life. He sent me verses, he gave me dreams, and he spoke to my spirit. I still did not listen. I decided that I was tired of being the weird Christian girl at school and I was going to live my own way and do my own thing. I still totally believed in God and knew that his thoughts were greater than my thoughts but I outright refused to heed his warnings and follow his ways. Fast forward 3 years and I found myself crying out to God wondering how my life became so messed up and he again told me clearly that I had turned my back on him and decided to do this on my own and these were the consequences. I repented and came back to him but I sometimes wonder where my life would have gone if I had just listened to him and stayed the course. It’s always good to know that he was right there just waiting for me to come to my senses and return to him.

    1. April says:

      All things work together for the good! He can use your disobedience for His glory :)

  33. Patti says:

    I have been praying for a full time job for over a year. I thought I would be offered one last year at this time and I wasn’t. I felt overlooked, ignored and invisible. And it hurt. Really hurt. I knew I was in danger of becoming bitter about the whole situation. But God…… told me to hang in there. Now it’s been a year and it’s a little hard to explain but I now know why God closed that door. What a mess it would have been. So I’m sitting still and waiting for his guidance. Where he leads I will go. We still need me to have a full time paycheck, but God wants us to trust him, to rely on him alone. He is never late and at just the right moment – He will provide. Praise God that he sees me and knows what I need.

    1. Kaite says:

      This is beautiful Patti, praying for you as you wait in confidence!

  34. Buttercup says:

    How much misery I have caused myself by trying to hide or run from God. Father, reveal my sin today to me. Forgive me and lead me to be obedient. I do love you. I do want to do all that you say. I’m so unwilling so often. Forgive my very shortsightedness for others. May I be found faithful today.

  35. Michelle says:

    I’m having a hard time seeing the whole map and the words directly above the map. It seems to be cut off. don’t know if anyone else is having that problem.

    1. DeeDee says:

      Yep. Same here.

      1. Kristin says:

        I don’t seem to see a map at all?

      2. Sarah Jensen says:

        If you tap on the map, you can zoom out and see the whole picture. ththe whole thing map in a new scree.

      3. Sarah Jensen says:

        Whoops! Sorry couldn’t see my whole comment to edit it!

      4. Kelly says:

        Try to do the force touch! On my phone at least, I see half of the map and doing a force touch on it helped.

    2. Mandy says:

      If you’re on your phone you can click on it to make it full screen. This lets you see the whole picture and zoom in and out. Hope that’s helps!

    3. Sara says:

      If you click on the map, the entire thing will show up on another screen
      shshowoanother acre

    4. She Reads Truth says:

      Hi Michelle! If you click the map, you should be able to zoom out and see the whole thing! I hope this helps!


  36. Ashley Echevarria says:

    My husband decided to leave last night. I have never felt so incredibly crushed in my life. I held my three year old little girl while she watched her daddy walk out the door. I had so many thoughts rushing through my head all night but ultimately I begged God to just give me rest because I couldn’t think of anything else in the world that I needed more at that moment. When I woke up this morning I was reminded that even though I don’t know what I’m going to do and I don’t know what’s going to happen or even if I’ll have a home anymore, God has a plan and is with me even when I feel the most alone I’ve ever felt.

    1. Michelle says:

      Ashley, I’m so sorry. I will be praying for your family today.

      1. Buttercup says:

        Oh Ashley this breaks my heart. I’m so sorry for you and your daughter. Your attitude is right but that doesn’t help the pain. Give ALL of this to the One who made you. All your anger, pain, frustration and fears and know, know deep down He is in control. My prayers are with you.

    2. Ivey says:

      Ashley – I do not know you – but I want to pray in accordance with you and for you – I pray for Hope and Gods peace – I pray for your sweet daughter that she will learn of Gods unconditional love in this moment.

      1. Amy says:

        I’m so sorry that this is happening to your family. I pray for continued eyes on God and rest and peace, I’m glad to hear your heart is allowing him to be near you. Sweet sister, God collects all your sorrow in a bottle (ps 56:8) he is always with you and weeps with you. His love will cover you. Keep focused on him.

    3. ODS says:

      Ashley, I’m praying for you. I know, first hand, how hard this is. Just continue to lean on God. That is truly the best thing you can do.

    4. Langston says:

      My heart hearts for you. I’ll be praying for you and your daughter this morning, my sister in Christ.

    5. Kristine L says:

      Oh may you feel the hand of God sheltering your heart at this difficult time. May His grace and mercy overflow you like a rushing waterfall. Take courage, dear heart! You are not alone!

    6. JJ says:

      ashley!!!!! Rom 8:28 & 37
      just prayed those for you now!! rest in Him, the lover of your soul!!

    7. Koa says:

      Praying for your family, Ashley.

    8. Susy says:

      Ashley, I am so sorry. My heart hurts with you. Be assured of my prayers today.

    9. Joanna says:

      Ashley, praying for you and your daughter, as well as your husband.

    10. Churchmouse says:

      I have placed you and your daughter in my prayer book. Tears in my eyes as I pray for you both this morning. I pray too for your husband, that he would be aware of the devastation of his choice, that this is not in God’s will and there will be no peace from such a decision. Praying God would relentlessly pursue him to repentance. I pray that God would settle your emotions so that you can make clear and thoughtful decisions. And I pray there are those you can lean on for wise counsel and emotional support. You and your daughter are loved by many and by your Father who sees and knows and cares. You are stronger and braver than you know. The power of God is in you.

    11. Kelly says:

      You are so strong and admirable for looking towards God in that situation! Stay strong and seek God! Praying for your family especially you and your daughter. I am really sorry that this has happened. I also pray God reveals his plan to you soon.

    12. Heather (MNmomma) says:

      I am so very sorry Ashley…….Lifting you all up <3

    13. Mollie says:

      Definitely praying for your peace this morning and that you will feel the love of your Heavenly Father wrap around you.

    14. Sonja says:

      Praying for you Ashley-praying for clarity, peace and even God’s joy which helps as you are going through this. Praying for your little girl. These times are no fun.

    15. Allie Smith says:

      Oh Ashley, I am so, so sorry. Praying for you through tears…praying God will provide and give you wisdom, comfort and direction.

    16. Creed says:

      Our dear Ashley, please know that your sisters are lifting your family up to our Heavenly Father! He is our refuse in times of trouble. You are precious to God and He cares for you, your daughter as well as your husband and your marriage. We will stand with you in praying for peace and healing in Jesus name. Hugs!

    17. Megan says:

      Praying for you and your family Ashely!! As you are at home or in your car just doing life’s daily things I encourage you to have worship music on all the time. This is such an amazing way to always be reminded that Christ is with you and his presence is in this room. The words sung through worship music are always great and reassuring reminders, and we need these reminders all day everyday. Start with Lauren Daigle, you can listen on YouTube too. I pray that through this trying time it would be a time of building and not breaking. Hugs to you and your daughter.

    18. Creed says:

      Oh sweet Kelly, my heart aches for you! God sees and hears your pain and can handle your honesty when you cry out to him. Your family is being lifted up asking God to give you strength, wisdom and peace. I will stand with Churchmouse is praying that each member of your family will see that changes need to be made and will turn to follow God’s leading. Keep you eyes on Him and He will make a way! Hugs to you dear one!

    19. Brittany says:

      Hi Ashley. I’m sorry to hear this. I’m praying with and for you that God gives you the Peace and comfort that you and your daughter need. I also pray that He gives you the strength to get through this time. You are correct, God does have a plan for you and your family and he is always with you even if you do feel alone. Trust in his promises- he will see you through this. Sending hugs and prayers your way.

    20. Elisabeth says:

      Prayers for you Ashley and I hope you can feel the love of others surrounding you during this difficult time.

    21. Kim says:

      Dear Ashley – I had posted this earlier to Kelly but when I was in a similar situation, Psalm 139 brought comfort to me. God knows. He knows what’s going on, He knows your hurt and your fear. And He is with you. He will use this to His good purpose. I am praying that His love floods the cracks of your broken heart and that He will use those pieces to create something beautiful. I will continue to pray and know that you are precious.

    22. cindy says:

      I’m so so heart broken for you. Know you are never alone. Was reading this just this morning and I can see how it applies to you. 2 kings 6:16-17. My prayer for you and for all would be a deeper, clearer, more trueand complete understanding and security in our Lord Jesus. You are never alone. . Such a cloud of witnesses. God’s 100 % for you and can make something so beautiful out of the ash. Trust him in this. He loves you. Ashley, God has given you the remarkable ability to seek Him in this. He will not leave you orphaned. Be strong.. we are all lifting you up.

    23. Sheryl says:

      Ashley, I know what up if feeling. I’ve been there. I always thought I had to be so strong and for it all on my own. But may I recommend that you lean in real close to Jesus, nuzzle up so close that you can rest your head on His shoulder. May He be your comfort of love, peace and strength! I am praying for you and your sweet daughter.

    24. Mandy says:

      Sounds like he’s Jonah. There’s hope. God never gives up on anyone. Keep praying.

    25. Courtney says:

      I don’t know you, but I am praying for you and your little girl. God

    26. Kim R says:

      Ashley, my heart really goes out to you this morning. I know I’m really behind everyone else in the readings so I don’t know whether you’ll see this, but I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been praying for you this morning! I heard this song today and thought of you, it’s always been such a comfort to me in hard times. It’s called ‘Just be Held’ by Casting Crowns. If you get chance to check it out I hope and pray that it will be a comforting reminder to you, Sister in Christ! God is on the throne and has got you in his hands!!

    27. Megan says:

      Ashley, like Kim, I’m getting to this message much later than the others, but maybe there’s a reason she and I both got to it today? My heart broke to read your story, and I prayed this morning for you, your daughter, and your husband.

  37. Kathy says:

    God’s calling – funny thing – since Sunday I have been praying about whether I should get back into helping with the women’s ministry in our church. We used to do a ladies Bible study in the winter, one day conferences, luncheons, etc. but for some reason stopped. I had a long conversation with another lady Sunday about doing another Bible study and maybe a retreat in the fall. It wasn’t anything detailed, but I have been thinking and wondering if it was a nudge from God to get back into that. This morning He kind of moved from nudging to shoving really hard. So, Lord, I am moving ahead with this praying that You will keep me from getting ahead of You. Stop me in my tracks when I start presuming more than I should.
    Sometimes God is subtle and sometimes He is so “in your face, this is what I want you to do”!
    Have a blessed day!

  38. candacejo says:

    I am always amazed to be reminded of the great lengths, literally, that Jonah went to keep from obeying the will of God. Jonah’s home was in Gath-hepher, near Nazareth in Israel, Jerusalem was about 30 miles northwest of Joppa. So he travels to Joppa, where he gets on a boat heading for Tarshish; the most distant city in the known world! It is 2200 miles to the WEST, clear on the edge of Spain as you can see from Raechel’s awesome map. Nineveh, where God told Jonah to go, was at least 500 miles EAST of Jerusalem in modern day Iraq! Blows me away every time.

    Yet, I have done the same thing, over and over again. I might not have run 2200 miles and swallowed by a giant fish but I ran just the same. I’ve bargained with God, pleaded with Him and even ignored Him, all in an attempt to get my own way. It doesn’t work. I am miserable and the work of the Lord doesn’t get accomplished!

    Thankful today for the WORD…that light that shines in the darkness, our Mighty God who loves us, redeemed us and wants to use us for His glory. Blessings, it’s Friday! ♥

    1. Chrissy says:

      I don’t normally read or respond to the comments, but yours caught my eye this morning. Thank you!

      1. Colleen says:

        ^Same here!

  39. Michelle says:

    Thank you Lord for loving me through my disobedience. Even when I pretend that I don’t hear you, you so lovingly nudge me & remind me of the “call”. Give me the confidence to not only hear you, but to move according to your purpose and will for my life. Bless me Lord that I may be a blessing to others. In His Name……

  40. Peggy says:

    I thank you, Lord, for being there even if sometimes I would go to the dark place to sulk and pity myself, and no one has any more patience for me, and yet your presence is with me. You don’t give up on me. You pursue me. You are the Perfect Love. I love you. In my darkest moment, you meet me.

  41. Sarah says:

    This one hits home. Thank you.

  42. TGBTG says:

    8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
    if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
    9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
    if I settle on the far side of the sea,
    10 even there your hand will guide me,
    your right hand will hold me fast.

    Thank you, Father for staying with me no matter where I go. For loving me and guiding me and holding me fast. Your love is so strong and certain, it is my life-line. Thank you, thank you for loving me.