He only had a few more days to walk this Earth. He knew the end was approaching.
In His last days, He passionately attempted to make the words of His Father’s message clear: He is the Son of God, our Savior. Days earlier, He physically cleared the temple.
On this day, He spoke in parables (Matthew 22:1). Through stories, He tries to make His point to the mixed audience of locals and religious leaders, making clear the demands of God’s word.
He could ask us the same. Maybe you have heard stories of Abraham, King David, a wedding feast, and a coin due to Caesar during the early days of Sunday School. Or maybe you’re reading for the first time as an adult today.
Jesus uses wordplay to point out that He fulfills these stories. On the days leading up to His death on the cross, the words He chose to explain who He is left all who heard them marveling, astonished, awestruck.
He catches them in their own snare when they ask Him: what are the most important laws to obey? (v.36).
He answers the upright religious leaders with the words of the shema, a prayer recited from their earliest days of the Jewish faith: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” (v.37).
Picture Jesus on stage today, lips close to the microphone that He clutches in His hand, His voice capturing the audience of believers and skeptics with authority and truth. He leans in for one last word. A well-known word. He drops the mic. He turns and walks away.
The words He chose to speak held familiarity and authority.
Are these words we hear authoritative or just words to recite: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” (v.37).
The Hebrew word shema means to hear. Do we listen to what Jesus is saying?
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46 thoughts on "Jesus Teaches on the Primary Commands"
Lord we love you almighty God!
Lord teach us how to love You ❤️
Thank you for sharing more of yourself with us. I pray for patience and peace but I also need to pray for my faith to grow from the inside out as yours has! Much love to you Sister!
Rhonda J, thank you for your words on today’s scripture. As I read I was in awe of Jesus. I was cheering as I read Matt 22:1-46y.
Such a great devotional today! I don’t even know where to begin. I got smart and started typing my post in my notes before I posted it so it didn’t post a 100 times. I can’t imagine what it would be like knowing your death was coming. Would I be more kind or unchrist-like? I pray to have one thought everyday which is to seek Jesus. @RHONDA J. Always love your sweet comments. I agree it is nice to see how differently our lives are yet we all are here for one reason. How cool is that. @MOLLY ROHRER I don’t know if you’ll see this post but I am so happy to hear about your dad. After my dads accident in May the hospital allowed us to bring in my parents little dog and I can’t begin to tell you how much of a difference it made. If that dog was meant to be in our lives it was for that exact time in our life. My moms sister cut herself off from her family after the passing of their mother a few years back. After my dads accident she started reaching out to my mom again which has been very sweet during a hard time. Things happen in such unexplained ways. @SEARCHING and anybody else who has prayed for my sweet friend we all appreciate it so much. Hoping it’s a good week for everybody!
Parables are so detailed and often difficult to comprehend. As I was reading the parable of the wedding feast it struck me: why did none of the other guests tell the man with no wedding garment that he wasn’t ready to be in the presence of the King! Why did no one help him?
As I read the rest of the scripture for today I see the commandments Jesus teaches: love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. The second is to love your neighbor as yourself.
I know I am ready for the wedding feast with the Lord, but who is not? My neighbor. I need to love my neighbor enough to make sure they are ready too. The lord doesn’t want any to perish, and neither do I. But what am I doing to follow this command to love my neighbor as myself?
Parables are so detailed and often difficult to comprehend. As I was reading the parable of the wedding feast it struck me: why did none of the other guests tell the man with no wedding garment that he wasn’t ready to be in the presence of the King! Why did no one help him?
As I read the rest of the scripture for today I see the commandments Jesus teaches: love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. The second is to love your neighbor as yourself.
Parables are so detailed and often difficult to comprehend. As I was reading the parable of the wedding feast it struck me: why did none of the other guests tell the man with no wedding garment that he wasn’t ready to be in the presence of the King! Why did no one help him?
Rhonda- I love what you wrote and all the examples you provided. It was really something I needed to hear. Our family is trying to make church a priority, but it is difficult with young children. But I keep repeating- this is something important to me that I want my child to love, appreciate, and grow in. Thus we endure the struggle until things get a little easier.
Jesus chose to speak to his disciples in stories so they could understand him. He knew they would miss it, in their worldly thinking, if he spoke to them another way. What do I miss that God is telling me? I did some research on the wedding feast and was struck by the man at the end who wasn’t dressed and thrown out. It seems harsh. But it presents a very real reality – we have to show up to our relationship with God completely willing and ready. We have to come giving it all or it won’t work. God is there, waiting, with open arms. But do we accept this invitation and truly hear what he is saying? SHEMA = listen.
Rhonda your post was so encouraging. I want to live my life so that others see Christ in me but it’s not always easy and I so easily slip up. As a newer Christian your post encouraged me to keep on keeping on!
edit: teacher**
I just realized I posted on yesterday’s devotional. Oh boy. Praying for you dear she’s. I have a prayer request. Kindly pray for my son’s elementary teach Ms. Carolina from her illness. She has been off since Xmas break. Thank you and God bless you dear shes!
God is good, all the time God is good!
Hello Shes!
Two quick notes on today’s scripture reading & community comments.
First: Jesus really knew His Old Testament & was able to turn the questions back on the inquisitors. Brilliance without arrogance. Truth in the face of treachery & tricks. I’ve benefitted by seeking Biblical commentary & delving deeper into context & summary. So worth it! So much to love about & from this Lord of David, the Son of God.
Second: She Kelly Neo provides the lyrics to the hymn “The Goodness of God”. Please take a listen to gospel singer, CeCe Winan’s rendition on the deluxe edition of her live recorded album, “”Believe for It”. Easily found on Spotify.
All heart. All soul. All mind. All will. Praise His Name!
Have a transformative Tuesday!
Amen & Amen
I never thought of the parables how Vina expresses it, “Jesus uses wordplay to point out that He fulfills these stories.” But she is so right it is “wordplay”. She then goes on to say, “On the days leading up to His death on the cross, the words He chose to explain who He is left all who heard them marveling, astonished, awestruck.” I think it might have left me that way also. It leaves me to wonder if I’m getting everything I should out of my Bible readings. That’s also why I like doing devotionals and reading the comments of you my fellow Christian sisters, it helps me to expand and grasp further knowledge of God’s Word.
Kelly (NEO) — you asked yesterday if things had changed with Finley the answer is no, I’m stilling having problems with her. But the other family, Kaylee’s family is over what they had.
Be blessed and LISTEN for what the Lord is saying to you today sisters.
Good Morning, She’s! Came to give an update on my dad: a PRAISE! He has decided to try, to get better, to live! He has begun to do his PT, AND has finally moved from the hospital to a long term rehab facility to further his PT. The place he was sent to even allows pets to come for short visits, so my mom was able to bring their little dog by which lifted his spirits immensely. AND, through all of this, my oldest brother, who has been estranged from us for years, has begun interacting AND helping in the situation by staying with my mom and caring for the dog when she is with my dad for long periods of time. this is HUGE, and something we never expected to come out of this situation, but it’s been an amazing curveball in the goodness of God. Thank you all for praying or the last few weeks as it comes to mind. Prayer is amazing and we are seeing the blessing of it. My dad still has a LONG way to go in recovering from the broken bones and rehabbing to a place of more self sufficiency before we figure out the next steps, but it’s finally going in a positive direction and my heart feels lighter!
The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. (Matt 22: 39)
My heart aches due to the unexpected death of Alex, a former student. Alex was a kind, gentle giant who was at the start of his adult life and career. Please keep his mom, Michele, in your thoughts and prayers as she processes the loss of her only child.
Lifting all in prayer today. By the time I finish reading all the comments I forget who is who, so I pray as I go.
As I move forward today I will strive to love the Lord with all my mind, heart, soul and strength. Have a terrific Tuesday and hope the grandkids enjoy the snow, Grammie Sue!
PS. I’m beginning a new bible study tonight at my church. Please pray that I learn from it and enjoy fellowship with new women I will meet. Thanks!
Authoritative!! There it is again.  Last night I was helping my daughter study for a test and this term came up. It was also a term that came up frequently during my child development class. So grateful for our Jesus, he speaks with authority yet in love. So much love, He wants no one to perish without HIM. Good morning, sweet sisters and happy Tuesday! Please pray as I try to extend Grace and Love at my workplace. If it’s challenging at times.
Wow, so much to ponder in Mat 22:1-46! I like to click on the “cross references” to get a better understanding of the passages. I can see a similarity to the Sadducees and the Pharasiees, both trying to trick up Jesus, to people of today that like to argue against Christians. They try to trip us up, and even use scripture that they argue means something else. I have a hard time with these people, but Jesus knows the perfect answers for them. I love the parable of the wedding feast, that all are invited, but many don’t come. They are too busy focused on things of importance to them-
5 “But they paid no attention and went away, one to his own farm, another to his business”
Then (the plot thickens), some came BUT-
14 “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”
These two verses are huge! So many are not paying attention to the INVITATION of CHRIST, which saddens us hugely when it is those closest to us, family and friends. And also in general, as in our nation that chooses not to hear and others.
THEN there are those that go through the motions, go to church and act the part, serve to be seen, and to be on a pedestal, given glory to themselves. Woe to them…
We are to put God FIRST in our lives and it should show! Loving God and it spilling over in every part of our lives! I want people to KNOW what I love! When you die what will they say about you?! I hope everyone knows I love JESUS! When you come in my house you will know right away I love the beach, Jesus, and my family. When you see my wardrobe you will see I love Jesus. (modesty, shirts with scripture…) When you see my car I have “binge Jesus” and other beach and Jesus stickers and my Jesus music on! When you see my schedule you will see Jesus. (Sunday, you know I will be a church, small groups, serving through the week..) When I talk with you…(I will speak only in ways that glorify HIM and to build others up…)
Of course I am saying these things not to brag…but only examples of the things I myself have questioned over the last decade of “is the evidence of being born again showing in my life?” Jesus has brought forth the fruits of the spirit, and I WANT to reflect this to people, not in a showy way- but to testify the GOODNESS OF GOD…just like the song Kelly referenced, and the way another SHE compared to being a football fan!! Our lives should reflect our LOVE for the KING OF KINGS, the ONE who sent His SON to die for us!! It is So BIG and jaw dropping to read the scripture and the amazing love story it is…for US, me and YOU…!! Also know…that this takes time, it is not overnight, for me it is years with SRT, being in scripture, meditation, reflection, and prayer. I wish I had this in my heart all those decades of mistakes and sinful lifestyle, but Jesus washes it all away when you accept and repent, and thank Him for the cross. Then we stay close! I love reading all the comments and all the different phases and journeys of you She’s! I love our young women that are so close to Jesus, how wise they are, and their love for Him and their tender hearts. I love the “new” She’s that are just coming to Jesus and learning of his amazing gift to us. And the wisdom of you She’s that have journeyed with the Lord for a long time. We all have huge roles to play to those unsaved around us!! So remember your influence as a Believer to the world! You got this!
@searching- the devil is at work all the time – thanks for connecting this in today’s scripture. @TaraB- thanks for sharing this today- am I living for God so that His light shines through me? Things I want to marinate on for a while! Prayers for all you SHES today!!
Thank you, Tara for recommending the He Reads Truth message for today. It was soooo good.
“Where does my love rest?”
Praying for all the requests from today and days past.
Hugs to all.
We are expecting a big snowstorm overnight so hunkering down. The grands are excited! ❤️
Goodness of God by Jenn Johnson(Bethel Music)
Tara, thank you for recommending the HRT. Where does my love rest? That question is staying with me.
Amen! Prayers for your rest to be found in Jesus today!
@Tara B thank you for recommending the He Reads Truth devo for today! I thought it was great in addition to today’s SRT devotion. I liked the last question of the HRT devotional: “Where does my love rest?” A good question to reflect on today.
Praying for your job search @Sarah D and praying for your friend’s mom’s healing @Kimberly Z! I hope everyone has a blessed day <3
Wowed is right.
@Tara B it is The Goodness of God by Bethel Music.
I love this, @kelly (NEO)! What is the title of the song?
I went and read the He Reads Truth message today. I love how he put it, “According to Jesus, what we love, informs how we live.” During football season, many love it and for 4 months live it by hosting friends, cooking certain foods, keeping a schedule to watch the games. Love it and live it. When we love God, we should live it where others see it in us. God’s will for our lives is to love Him with all our hearts, souls and mind and love our neighbor. “To live according to God’s will, we reorient our hearts to love God with a singular devotion.” May I seek to have that singular devotion in my life so that others see Him in me. Have a wonderful day She’s!
Oh Jesus. How I Love you. Amen.
To me, these Scriptures highlight the omniscience of God and the trickery that the evil one employs. We are reading about it centuries later, how these people reached into their bags of tricks & thought they could outwit or outsmart Jesus. Don’t we do the same thing when we listen to the lies, twist the truth to suit us and think God’s not paying attention or that He didn’t mean what He said? Lord, we honor You and ask that You have mercy on us and guide us to keep our focus on You.
KELLY (NEO) – I love that song ❤️
DIANA DAVIS – praying for your husband
TAYLOR – praying for you and your friends in your grief, and that all may be comforted knowing he is with Jesus
SARAH D – praying for your job search
LIZ EVANS – praying for you in the difficult situation
KIMBERLY Z – praying for your friend’s healing
Brings to mind one of the songs we sang this past Sunday
“I love You, Lord
For Your mercy never fails me
All my days, I’ve been held in Your hands
From the moment that I wake up
Until I lay my head
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God
… And all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God
… I love Your voice
You have led me through the fire
In the darkest night
You are close like no other
I’ve known You as a Father
I’ve known You as a Friend
And I have lived in the goodness of God
… And all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God
… ‘Cause Your goodness is running after
It’s running after me
Your goodness is running after
It’s running after me
With my life laid down
I’m surrendered now
I give You everything
‘Cause Your goodness is running after
It’s running after me”
I’m up way early this morning. I didn’t sleep good last night. I’m not a day person. Usually I work the night shift but I am doing some training. I wrote in my journal, “I am suffering from lack of sleep last night. Keeping my eyes closed was a fight. But then I get up and read God’s word. Opening my eyes for him is not hard.”
Lord, help me to keep my eyes focused on you today. Even with as tired as I am, I remember that you said to love You with all my heart, soul, and mind. Remind me of this throughout the day, dear Lord.
Have a great day sisters.  I pray that you can focus in on the One who loves you and just asks for your love in return.