Section 3: The Light Dawns
Scripture Reading: Luke 2:21-40, Leviticus 12:6-8
I sometimes feel like we’ve gotten so comfortable with Advent and the Christmas story that we forget how absolutely not normal every part of it is.
From prophecies of Jesus’s coming, to a virgin birth, to being placed in a manger and drawing the attention of wise men and shepherds from afar, none of this was normal.
Mary and Joseph weren’t superhuman people chosen by God to be Jesus’s mom and dad. In fact, stories like Jesus being presented in the temple remind us that they were just young, inexperienced parents. They followed tradition and did what they knew best to do while also knowing their son was actually the Son of God. So Jesus was brought to the temple and presented to the Lord, just like all the other young boys (Luke 2:23).
Now if you’re like me, you may remember hearing Simeon’s name, but have never really focused on his story. Simeon was a godly man. A man who the Holy Spirit had promised would not die until he saw Jesus with His own eyes. Then the Spirit guided him into the temple the day Jesus was there, and that promise was fulfilled (vv.29–30).
“For my eyes have seen your salvation. You have prepared it in the presence of all peoples—a light for revelation to the Gentiles and glory to your people Israel.” —Luke 2:30–32
The prayer Simeon gives is full of so much revelation and perspective. He declares that Jesus will be not only glory to Israel, but a light for the Gentiles and other nations. Not only was He coming for God’s people, He was coming for the rest of us, too.
Simeon mentions that Jesus’s coming will mean death to some, and life to others who believe in Him (v.34–35). He hints at pain that is to come because Jesus would bring both light and revelation (v.32). The Bible says that Mary and Joseph marveled at his words. How could they not?
Then we meet the prophet Anna who also testifies about Jesus. She speaks specifically about the redemption He would bring to Jerusalem. Can you imagine what it was like for Mary and Joseph to hear all this? Jesus’s birth not only fulfilled prophecy after years of waiting, He also came to redeem what was lost and to bring hope to those who didn’t deserve it.
And today we praise Him. We trust Him. We believe in Him because everything the prophets said about Him is true. This is our King. This is our Light of the World.
Written by Abby Flynn
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51 thoughts on "Jesus Presented in the Temple"
Glory to the lamb!
So good
I wonder about Jesus growing up as well- what was he like as a teenager?
That was supposed to say “glory” not “flowery”!
Claire B ❤️❤️ amen! Definitely a testament to His power and flowery. Jennifer Anapol thank you for praying for us! Kristen what a blessing and testimony. Praise God !
I loved today’s reading! I can’t help but wonder what Mary & Joseph thought about what Simeon said to them. I love the mention of the Gentiles here as well. We were always a part of his rescue plan!
I often wonder about Jesus’ childhood. I long for stories of how he was as a young child. I wonder more about his family life. My imagination is insufficient. I know that part of his life isn’t as important as later on, but I wonder anyway.
Kristen – what a blessing God gave your family!
Just want to share what happened today. My mother in law was in an accident, and had to be taken by ambulance. The car is totaled. She couldn’t control the car. On the way to Bedford hospital and received a text that they are releasing her. She is a woman of prayer and faith! She was hit by a semi truck twice and nothing is broken and she can walk. Thank God! This is a testimony of His Goodness, Sovereignty, and power!
Prayers for you all!
Victoria E, I pray that everything works out with your booster shot and that you and your baby remain healthy.
Amen, JENNIFER LOVES JESUS! And, yes, don’t we forget how “not normal” Jesus’ first Advent was? Amen to that too!
I don’t know if I never paid attention or never cared or what but today Luke 2:34-35 “34 Then Simeon blessed them, and he said to Mary, the baby’s mother, “This child is destined to cause many in Israel to fall, and many others to rise. He has been sent as a sign from God, but many will oppose him. 35 As a result, the deepest thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your very soul.” caught my attention and had more meaning. I don’t know why but something about what Simeon says after blessing Jesus just stuck with me.
Abby states how because of what the prophets said was true we trust Jesus. WOW!! That caught my attention too.
Sisters be blessed and always trust in Jesus.
Victoria E, all during Christmas I kept thinking of my daughters friends and you that would have their first child for Christmas next year. What a blessing it will be.
Tina, Amen
“We believe in Him because everything the prophets said about Him was true.” AMEN!
Hit “post” too soon on my last entry! Maura thank you for praying for me and our baby. Continued prayers would be much appreciated, I am going for my booster shot later today to protect myself and him from this latest strain of COVID and I trust that God will protect us from both COVID and any negative side effects. Thank you!
I was not actually familiar with the story of Simeon and Anna this is wonderful to read here. Maura God does answer our prayers, and I am praying for Tigist and her baby. I have learned that while Jesus did not come to rescue us out of every negative situation, the Lord often does when we ask, for He who offered up His own Son, how will He not also give us all things ? (Romans- I think in chapter 8 somewhere. I am bad with remembering chapter and verse numbers)
I can only imagine in my heart what it’s like to see God in the flesh. Simeon and Anna must have been trembling with joy! But I am very grateful beyond words that God is with us. Now. Forever. And I am looking forward to that day when we SEE Him with our own eyes. I am very excited!
Blessed week everyone!
@ERB— indeed! I was watching the Nativity story on Christmas Day and, as I watched the birth of Jesus, I thought “what a moment!.” This scene always makes me bawl my eyes out because in its simplicity, it is so grandiose due to its meaning— the birth of Jesus, a star that comes forth, the Angel appearing to the shepherds. Nothing about this moment, or those leading to it, is normal. I pray that we all continue to be marvel in the miracle of Christmas.
The story of Simeon and Anna is pretty cool. Imagine getting to hold our Savior
I hope you all had a great Christmas! God bless ❤️
Thank you, Abba Father!! For your grace, mercy and salvation!!
Happy Monday!
I cried last night watching The Shack. I think the movie did a great job portraying the 3 parts of God, and how they want an intimate relationship with us. It is on Netflix right now. I had read the book years ago. (yes, I know it was a little controversial through the Christian, community, but we don’t need to focus on that!) Just the beauty of knowing God is there with us in our pain, and even though there is evil, God doesn’t cause it, but can use it to work in us.
Have a great day she’s!
Dear Sisters, I have a prayer request for my dear compassion child, now woman, who by God’s goodness has communicated with me via messenger for several years. Her name is Tigist and I am asking prayers for she lost her first baby when she was 6 months pregnant last year, and now she is 3 months along in this pregnancy. I am sad for we had not communicated in so long that I was unaware of the loss and the second pregnancy. Tigist is a Christian. Please pray His protection, provision, healing for Tigiat and her husband. Victoria E, I know God answers our prayers, praying for you and your sweet baby. Thank you Sisters. So appreciate you mighty prayer warriors/sisters, our God moves mountains even when are faith is but the size of a mustard seed. Love to you all.
Sorry but I just remembered another Michael Card song that I was reminded of last week. “Celebrate the Child.”
This is such a beautiful read today! So many “little” moments to consider. Mary and Joseph possessed the least and presented the GREATEST sacrifice of/for ALL! Michael Card wrote such beautiful songs which were Scripture based. Two that I used to love: Simeon’s Song and God Will Provide a Lamb. I encourage you to Google them and listen. You will be blessed! As our pastor said yesterday, “Celebrate Jesus everyday!”
Thank you SRT and HRT for today’s devotions.
Thank you God for the gift of relationship through Jesus Christ, your Son.
Thank you for making available salvation to the gentile like me.
Thank you because I could never offer the sacrifice needed on my own, for You are the Lamb of God.
Thank you for being present in the moments.
For your Word that sustains me.
My broken heart has poured out through tears many times this advent season and You have loved me through.
Like Mary and Joseph who were obedient in all.
Like Simeon and Anna who persevered, prayed, and proclaimed your glory.
May I simply “be” yours. May I simply “love” like You do.
And, may I lay all expectations down and simply “trust” the One I love.
For a second advent is coming.
Thank you Jesus.
@Lisa Abels, thank you for the great suggestion. I listened to the sermon “Worshipping at the Dung Gate” this morning and read a commentary about the dung gate. So beautiful. I do like the portrayl of Anna in that sermon. Faithful regardless of her circumstances. Thank you again.
Time and time again throughout the Scriptures we are told God’s invitation is open to all. There is hope for every person to enter into God’s family now and forever. There is opportunity to know Him, serve Him and share His good news. He came from heaven to earth to redeem us. We share in His mission by reiterating His message and by loving others. That is our purpose, wherever we are with whatever we have. May 2022 finds us living out our purpose, to the glory of God, in new and more numerous ways.
I love two things about today’s devotion— first, that Simeon and Anna were two normal who just BELIEVED. They did not need miracles or big revelation. Guided by the Holy Spirit, they knew he was the Messiah.
And second, there are many times in the Bible that Gentiles are mentioned, but the way Simeon mentions that Jesus will be a light of revelation for the Gentiles gives me goosebumps. It’s as if, through him, the Spirit is reminding us that Jesus is an indescribable to US ALL. May we never forget this and continue to share the message with those who we come in contact with.
JENNIFER LOVES JESUS – I love your post name…thank you for your sharing.
Though Mary and Joseph could only afford a pigeon to sacrifice, they brought the “once and for all” sacrifice of the Lamb of God. Beautiful.
Love that, Karen! May we all be righteous and devout like Simeon and Anna. Waiting for the goodness of God. ❤️
So powerful – love this! Thanks for sharing!
He came “to bring hope to those who didn’t deserve it”. Thank you, Jesus.
@SEARCHING thank you very much! And thank you to everyone yesterday who prayed for him. This community warms my heart! Blessings on each of you today, may we all walk unexpectedly into a temple only to find Jesus ❤️
One of my favorite sermons is about Anna – it’s called “praising God at the dung gate” from Times Square Church. You could probably search for it on their archives- I love her story.
I love reading the comments in the morning from the other she’s. You all have added such beautiful insights this morning.
I give a sad chuckle to the truth of Abby’s words. I’ve been in church all of my life and I have personally experienced how easily I can overlook the deeper beauty of the Advent season. This is my first Advent study and I have so deeply enjoyed meditating over God’s goodness and the beauty of our Savior’s birth story. Jesus came so lowly. I am overwhelmed.
Oh my King, Father God, may Your glory shine brighter than ever in and through me in the year to come. In Jesus name, Amen
As I read today’s bible passage, I realized that I had been so caught up in my troubles and place in the world that I had lost sight of the reason for Christmas in the first place. Yes I knew it was for Jesus, but I had lost the joy of it all. May I never forget that He is the reason for the season and even if life didn’t turn out the way I had hoped, he still has plan for me and for each of us.
THES – thanks for the quote❤
One thing I love about Simeon and Anna is that they are the first 2 bones of Ezekiel’s vision coming together. Simeon from the soouthern tribes and Anna from the northern tribes. Israel united under her true King.
Also that the Holy Spirit spoke through both a male and female declaring the Messiah’s arrival.
A life of prayer, I’m trying to imagine how close and intimate Simeon and Anna were to God through their dedication to prayer. So beautiful.
Such a beautiful realization that Mary and Joseph could not afford to bring a lamb to sacrifice but rather a dove or pigeon. Yet they brought the Lamb of God, Jesus he who paid the ultimate price of sacrifice for us all who believe. Praise be to our Lord and Father for giving us a gift like this. I am strengthened by this example of love. I can walk through the fire and be refined, not burned up by the afflictions of this world. Lord Jesus help me remember your teaching. Your mercy. Your ways. Amen.
The prayer life of Simeon and Anna is an inspiration to me. They dedicated their lives to seeking the Lord in His temple. Also loved the reminder that while Jesus came to be WITH us and rescue us, there is nothing “normal” about His story. Lord, open my eyes to see your miraculous story afresh daily.
Ha! I love the first sentence Abby Flynn writes..
“I sometimes feel like we’ve gotten so comfortable with Advent and the Christmas story that we forget how absolutely not normal every part of it is.”
I have been reflecting a LOT on this very thing this Christmas. May we ALWAYS truly MARVEL at how NOT normal Jesus (& His story) is!! And may we not be afraid to follow in His steps/ways!! For we are in the world but not of it!! May HIS Light be the most prominent things in our lives. Always. Amen!!
Many Blessings on you dear sisters!!!
LIZZY BUTTERFIELD – praying for Nate, that he would excel through the testing, and be confident in the gifts and knowledge with which he’s been blessed.
And a belated Merry Christmas to everyone, from north Florida.
For my eyes have seen your salvation. You have prepared it in the presence of all peoples—a light for revelation to the Gentiles and glory to your people Israel.” —Luke 2:30–32
I have always loved Simeones story.
Simeones prayer, but I borrow it today, Lord God, I borrow it not because I have physically seen, but I have in my heart (and life), seen. I have known your saving grace, your faithfulness, your promises come to pass. I have been a recipient of your Word, your Truth, your Hope!
Thank you Lord God, for all and everything you have done and continue to do, Thank you, Lord God, Thank you..
Blessings this Christmas Monday wrapped in love, and prayers wrapper in hugs..❤
“What a glimpse into our Master’s humiliation! He owned the cattle on a thousand hills, yet He so emptied Himself that His parents were compelled to bring the poorest offering the law allowed. He stooped that we might rise; emptied Himself that we might be full; became poor that we might be made rich; was made human that we might be made Divine.” (Meyer)
(Just thought I share ❤)