My two-year old attends a sweet little church preschool a few days a week. This Christmas season, she brought home a nativity craft which met the fate of most crafts in our home: tossed aside, buried under mail, and found a few days later. My five-year-old daughter, who had discovered it as I was making dinner one evening, yelled from across the kitchen table:
“MOM!” she giggled. “Is baby Jesus a potato?”
I continued stirring the soup, and without even looking up, I chastised her immediately. “That’s not very nice! Baby Jesus is NOT a potato.”
“But, MOM, look!”
Then she appeared next to me, holding a small Yukon Gold potato, wrapped in tissue, with a drawn-on smiley face. Huh. Well, what do you know? In this scenario, baby Jesus was, indeed, a potato. I hadn’t even looked up, so how could I have known? How could I have expected a potato masquerading as the King of kings?
The priests, prophets, and all the people in Jeremiah 26 were a bit like me, stirring soup and not even looking up, jumping to an instant conclusion. Now sure, “You must die!” is a bit more extreme of a response than, “That’s not very nice.” Still, I know how many times I’ve heard something I just don’t want to hear, let alone deal with, and instead of listening, I react instantly, disproportionately, given the context. Honestly, this happens almost daily. As for Jeremiah, he had prophesied that the temple would become like Shiloh, a city north of Jerusalem that had been utterly destroyed by the Philistines. Psalm 78 recounts the tale:
“But they rebelliously tested the Most High God, for they did not keep his decrees…
God heard and became furious; he completely rejected Israel.
He abandoned the tabernacle at Shiloh,
the tent where he resided among mankind” (vv.56,59–60).
No one, especially not the priests and people in power, wanted to hear that their city and temple would be destroyed because of their actions. Defensiveness reigned, and instead of hearing the word of the Lord and obeying, they tried to (literally) kill the messenger. But the Lord’s providence protected Jeremiah. A few officials stood up and spoke for him, reminding the rest of the group that the prophet Micah had made a similar prophecy (Micah 3:12), and when the people did turn and repent, the Lord relented.
In this story we see again, as we have so many times before in Jeremiah, a testament to the unwavering character of God. He does what He says He will do. Jeremiah believed it, and staked his life on it. He took God at His word; if the people would “correct [their] ways and deeds, and obey the LORD [their] God,” He would relent (Jeremiah 26:13).
As I read about Jeremiah standing there in the city center and proclaiming the unpopular, death-threatening message from the Lord, I’m reminded of Acts 17, when Paul stands in the areopagus in Athens and gives a similar message: “God now commands all people everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30).
There are others in Scripture who faced a similar situation: Stephen died while proclaiming the history of God’s unfailing covenant (Acts 7). Peter was arrested for standing in the middle of Solomon’s Colonnade in Jerusalem and shouting the truth (Acts 3). Jeremiah, Paul, Stephen, Peter, and countless more before and after, risked their lives to tell the truth. In today’s reading, we see a few leaders who stood up and risked everything to hear it. Truth-telling and truth-hearing are two sides of the same coin, and we are called to do both as followers of the Author of Truth.

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54 thoughts on "Jeremiah’s Defense"
Father, please relent. You are our hope.
Such a timely message in this global season and what it means to be a truth teller. But also convicted that it also means I need to be willing to hear truth too from God and repent!
May we never be afraid to be God’s hands and feet to being the message of Jesus alive. Jeremiah wasn’t afraid to speak his mind
This is so timely. We definitely don’t want to hear the bad news, or that we need to change, but God calls us to mourn sin and to be changed and transformed every day. How can we change and be refined in this painful and uncertain time? Run to God. Learn from Him. He will do the transforming for us! Thank you God!
Hello my sweet community of women.
I must face my disobedience daily and yet God always forgives. Why can’t I just learn and rely on His Word!
God does what He said he will do … His love is constant and He loves us. What a blessing.
Lord almighty help us to be truthful in telling and listening.
So thankful for this online community, especially during times like these. Times when our church’s aren’t meeting in person. It can feel like an isolating time.
I pray that I would listen to the truth, even when it’s not what I want to hear.
Jennifer – thank you for your comment. It’s something I will also be praying for on my own behalf.
“I pray that I would listen to the truth, even when it’s not what I want to hear.”
Katherine Lopez, Jen Brewer, Cassie Kendall when you ask your littles for forgiveness, as you did, then they see you living in God’s way and they grow up to live in God’s way.
Amen Angie, Jenna, Natalie, Candy B, Forgetmenotgard.
Thank you Churchmouse. Always so inciteful. Dealing with having to postpone our trip from west coast to Maryland to visit our son and his family. Been almost 2 years and was so looking forward to it. Been praying for wisdom. I feel fine and would go in a heartbeat even though I’m 73. But not only do I need to consider my husband who has type 2
Today’s reading reminds me of the importance of keeping a prayer journal. I can flip back through the pages and remember what God has brought me through and how He is able to bring me through my current and future circumstances. Jeremiah, and ultimately the people, were saved because God brought back to the princes’ memory Micah and and how God keeps His promises to carry out what He says He will do and also how being obedient to Him brings good results.
Agreed with what others have said. Times like these make me so thankful for this community. Not being able to meet with my church in person makes me realize how much I miss that gathering. Its who I want to be surrounded by now the most right now. This whole situation brings to light where our heart is. Who we cling to in this unknown territory. I’m so thankful we have a solid foundation to stand on. On this solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.
Today’s reading really convicted me and challenged me to be a truth teller even when there is risk involved. I’m realizing that even when I have the truth in my mind and heart, I hold back from speaking it if I feel like it will disappoint someone, or upset them, or if there’s any kind of risk involved. This even happened to me the other day when I ran into someone I haven’t seen in a long time and he asked if I recognized him—I said yes because at first I thought maybe I knew who he was and I didn’t want to look foolish, but then it became clear that I didn’t really remember him…but I felt like I was in too deep to admit it at that point. So I continued to have a conversation with him all the while hoping I would remember who he was, but I didn’t until later after I had left. And then I remembered that he had been my best friend growing up, but I haven’t seen him in at least 12 years. If I had just admitted I didn’t know who he was and he would’ve told me, I would’ve been able to have such of a more genuine conversation with him. I missed out on getting to truly connect with him because of my fear.
That’s a small example, but I’m realizing it’s just one more way that I tend to hold back speaking the truth out of fear. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I want to change. I want to be more like Jeremiah and Stephen, who boldly spoke the truth even when there were very real and apparent possible consequences. Lord, give me boldness and strength. Give me courage. May I speak what you would like me to speak and stop holding back out of fear and insecurity.
I echo your statements about fear. May the Lord use us both.
It was not only men in biblical times who risked everything to do what God required of them but also women who exceeded expectations. If not for women like Abigail, Joanna, Rahab, we as Christ-following women would not have godly, courageous women to look up to.
Angie: thank you for bringing that song to mind. It will be a sweet reminder all day…”Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!”
I feel undone by Friday’s and today’s reading. The people would drink the cup of Gods wrath for their sin. Jesus in John 18:11 said “The cup which my Father has given me, shall I not drink it”? I am so thankful for the obedience of Jesus, that he obeyed and took on the wrath for the sins of the world. For each of us. I feel shameful for how short I fall from being obedient. How quickly our Heavenly Father forgives when we turn to him and away from sin. How He longs to bless us. Praying for people to hear truth and believe the one true God.
“So now, correct your ways and deeds, and obey the LORD your God so that he might relent concerning the disaster he had pronounced against you.” Jeremiah 26:13
Through this study, God is continually showing me his desire for relationship with us. I am in awe at the number of times our reading for the day has related to the events of right now. It gives me such a peace and comfort to know that HE is the God of yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Lord, may I be obedient to you in word and action. Thank you for Jeremiah’s example. May your name Jesus be lifted high in our lives. Blessed Assurance Angie. Such a beautiful song. Our God loves us so much that He sent His Son, even though He knew His Son would be killed and in fact would be our Redeemer because Jesus was willing to die for us. Such a sacrifice for Us, even tho He knew we would still go astray. What Love is this? How can we fathom such grace? So blessed to be His. Hugs Ladies we are in His hands the best place to be. Our faith looks toward the Faithful One, time to tell of His love in a world full of fear. So many needing Blessed Assurance and Redeeming Grace. Lord give us the Word we need when we need it.
The truth hurts! After reading this, I “hear“ what my mom was trying to tell me yesterday. Why is it that we are more patient with a stranger or someone who is not related to us. Though she can get under my skin, I NEED to keep in mind she is my mother. And if I expect my own daughter to respect me, then I need to do the same. OUCH!
If you are motivated out of fear, you are not obeying God.
Thank you, Churchmouse, for sharing your insights every day. I look forward to reading them as much as I do the devotional reading and find nuggets of truth that inspire and challenge me. I too thank Him for this online community and pray His blessing on all involved as well as their families and loved ones.
I love the truth and pray that the Holy Spirit continues His work to completion, that I would continue to know the truth and communicate it well to those near me. Praying for the Church right now.
Angie, singing that hymn alongside you in spirit! I’m essentially homebound for the foreseeable future but prayer and praise have no boundaries or limitations. May we all make a joyful noise today! His blessings still flow!
I am so thankful for this digital community. Even when churches can’t meet in person, this community is still here. I am thankful for all of you, and delighted that God is bringing us together in online spaces. I’m praying that, even though scattered, God will unite His body and encourage us to stilk trust in His sovreignty.
“This we know- we will see the enemy run. This we know- we will see the victory come. We hold on to every promise You ever made, Jesus, You are unfailing.” -This We Know by Vertical Worship
As we’ve been reading through Jeremiah, this verse from Matthew 23:37 keeps coming to mind. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.” God goes to such great lengths to make us His people. I mean He had Jeremiah call the people to repentance for over 20 years. When I think about his heart toward us in this way, I want to take his Word seriously. I think that’s the only thing that will move my stubborn and unwilling heart to obedience and repentance.
No matter what political affiliation you are with. President Trump called for yesterday to be a National Day of Prayer. He acknowledged that this was done in the past. God is the only reason we prevail. Pastor Greg Laurie had his message online yesterday called: What to do when you don’t know what to do. Here is a link:
I thought I’d post in case anyone wanted to listen.
Katherine- I have found apologizing to my kids to be a very meaningful thing to the kid as well as myself. It is such a wonderful example to them! I think by apologizing, we can set a good example through our failures. Praying for both of us today (I have a 4 and a 7 year old and I’m working from home due to the virus) that we can have patience during hard times
Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine!
O what a foretaste of glory divine.
Heir of salvation, purchase of God, born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.
Perfect submission, perfect delight, visions of rapture now burst from my sight.
Angels descending, bring from above, echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Savior am happy and blest,
watching and waiting, looking above, filled with His goodness, lost in His love.
This is my story, this is my song,
praising my Savior all the day long;
this is my story, this is my song,
praising my Savior, all the day long.
God is still God, Almighty, All-knowing, in control.
Use this all for good Father.
And, thank you, praise God for the blessed assurance that is ours.
Jeremiah’s “defense” was undeniable obedience.
May it be so for us also Lord.
Thank you for posting this. Just beautiful!
Beautiful hymn thank you for sharing!!
Starting to get convicted over the many times the people are told to turn away, obey and be blessed by God. Why is obedience so hard? My kids struggle with it…I struggle with it… I’m just moved and humbled and thankful that we have a Relentless God who doesn’t give up on us
We want to hear what we want to hear and we don’t want to be told what to do (surely Covid-19 isn’t that bad. It’s just a kind of flu. Most people will be fine. Do we really need all these restrictions? This is all so inconvenient). We like to think we are independent, self-sufficient and correct in our assessment of any given situation. Our opinions are presented as fact. In God’s economy however, we would be called fools. We are wise to listen to the medical professionals and more so, we are wise to heed Gods commands. God desires for us to be dependent on Him, reliant on His promises and trusting in His Word above all else. Our opinions do not matter. God’s Word does. The people of Israel didn’t like what Jeremiah had to say and so they sought to permanently silence him. They could not fathom that they had sinned and needed to repent to avoid God’s judgment. How dare Jeremiah say such a thing! But Truth cannot be silenced. The Word of the Lord will always stand. Jeremiah lived to continue to boldly speak, to challenge the people to rend their hearts and repent. Alas, they did not listen and so destruction, captivity and exile became their future.
Let us not be foolish. Let’s follow the guidelines to restrain this virus. More so, let us heed the Word of the Lord. Let us esteem it for what it is – God’s true and loving expression of His mercy and grace. Let’s search our hearts and repent of any sin, personally and nationally, just as Jeremiah had pleaded with Israel to do. God’s Word is powerful, healing balm for such a time as this. Our acceptance of Him secures our future. And that’s the Truth.
Were the Jews in nazi Germany wise to obey their rulers?
I believe that there are no laws against helping people, bringing them joy and sharing the gospel.
We have a federal right that supersedes local authority, and that is the right to gather peaceably.
We have the right to protest what our leaders are saying.
It’s government officials who are insisting that we social distance ourselves and not gather.
Medical officials say to use caution, wash hands, and stay home if you have symptoms.
Medical officials say that the most vulnerable populations are people who are older and have compromised immune systems.
Do you fall into those categories? Why are you acting if you are?
Who is your healer? Medical officials or Jesus?
Who is your defender? Masks and hand sanitizer or Jesus?
Who is your provider? Your employer or Jesus?
Where is your faith? In the government or in Jesus?
Well said. Amen!
Lord help me to be a person hears the truth and tells the truth about You and Your Son. To spread the Word of “the Author of Truth.” I praise You and rejoice that You have allowed my son to get the home of his dreams. A home that will be big enough when the whole family comes to town to celebrate Your Son’s birth they can stay with him. A home he and his future wife will grow old in and they have said I can come to stay with them in. Father in Heaven I praise You for all the good things You have given me in my life. Please remind me in the bad times and the hard times of these good times. Amen.
Praising God for answered prayers!
Katherine, the journey of parenting is not easy… never has been!
There is no manual, But there is God..
Your story right here is an example of your love for your Josiah and Gods love for you and yours..
Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, there is truth, there is hope and there is love, always love! And the beauty of this sweet story is that that it followed the Word of the Lord perfectly..
…Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry—but don’t use your anger as fuel for revenge. And don’t stay angry. DON’T GO TO BED ANGRY. Don’t give the Devil that kind of foothold in your life.
Ephesians 4:26-27 MSG
God bless you Katherine and your little people. With love and hugs wrapped in prayers for more of His presence in your home. Amen.❤
So thoughtful Tina!! Couldn’t have said it better myself! ❤️ Katherine, sounds like your littles are blessed to have you as Mommy!
Today I filled my home and heart with anxiety and anger. I was harsh with my little ones and discouraged with God. But my 4-year-old son, Josiah (ironically), showed me the way back. We were finally snuggled together in his room for bed, and he began to apologize for something he had done earlier. I quickly followed suit and asked him to forgive me for my harsh attitude and angry words, and his forgiveness was quick and wholehearted. ❤ I’m so thankful or God’s swift and complete forgiveness tonight. I’m praying that God makes me a worthy steward of these little plants in his vineyard.
I love it! I love those little hearts. They are quick to forgive. Enjoy them mama. They grow up so quickly. I too, remember those times.
Thanks for sharing, Katherine. In the trenches with the littles and practicing asking for their forgiveness too when I’ve done similarly. Joining you in praying to be a worthy steward of my little vines! ❤️