Jeremiah Stays in Judah

Open Your Bible

Jeremiah 39:1-18, Jeremiah 40:1-16, Jeremiah 41:1-18, 2 Chronicles 36:15-16, Romans 6:23

Suffering has a way of shoving cotton in my ears. When the going gets tough, I have a bad habit of convincing myself that God has stopped speaking altogether. At times, I find myself squashed by my perception that the Spirit has simply gone silent on me.

But then I read the words of Jeremiah, the prophet who spent his days weeping (with good cause) over God’s people and their disobedience, and I am reminded that God is hardly indifferent to us, our sin, or our suffering. Within today’s reading alone, just three little chapters of Jeremiah’s story, we find that his city of Jerusalem besieged as pagan officials laid in wait to accost his neighbors. The king fled and was captured… and then had his eyes gouged out. The sons and nobles of Jeremiah’s homeland were then slaughtered, and his countrymen were carried away into exile. And the cisterns that were meant to hold water were instead filled with the bodies of those who were slain (Jeremiah 39–40). Keep in mind: that’s just three chapters.

Jeremiah himself was left to live as a prisoner among the most destitute of his brethren. This single snapshot of Jeremiah’s story contains more heartache than you and I will likely ever know. Yet it was at that moment that “the word of the LORD had come to Jeremiah when he was confined in the guard’s courtyard” (Jeremiah 39:15). The sound of God’s voice speaking in Jeremiah’s darkest moment unstops my ears and reminds me that the things of this world, even the political upheaval of leaders, cannot squelch the word of the Lord; His plans will succeed. Suffering, imprisonment, and sorrows—none of these are a match for God’s power and goodness. There is no prison that can lock out God’s voice, nor is there a ruler who can censor Him.

With every form of comfort stripped from Jeremiah, what a balm God’s presence and voice must have been! The Book of Jeremiah is proof that there is nothing God’s children cannot endure as long as the Lord is still speaking. On every peak and in every valley, in times of plenty and in times of want, whether everything is coming up roses, or all we see is darkness—if we listen for the voice of our Shepherd, we will find that He is still speaking. He is not indifferent but engaged. God Himself is still wooing, always calling His children back to Him.

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59 thoughts on "Jeremiah Stays in Judah"

  1. Melissa Mcronney says:

    Thank you Jesus, reading these 3 chapters opened my eyes in so many ways..

  2. Angie says:

    Wow, that last paragraph was written for our current circumstances with the uncertainty and fear looming over us with covid-19! Heavenly Father, thank you for your reminders that you are always with us and are always bigger than our circumstances!

  3. Sharon Smith says:

    Could these words we read here be any more timely ? How I am in awe of our Lord? He sees our hearts and holds us in His very hands through this difficult time~ we are His ! Our names written in the palms of His hands ~ who do we look towards in times of trouble ? Our Lord , our God, our Savior! Walk in faith , hope and ❤️ this day, sisters!! God is with us !

  4. Abigail Tarpley says:

    “There is nothing the children of God cannot endure as long as He is still speaking” WOW this hit me hard today. I am humbled that He speaks to me at all, let alone that His spirit dwells in me and speaks to my soul constantly. Lord, help me to have ears to hear you more.

  5. Churchmouse says:

    Thank you Dorothy, for thinking of me and praying for me and mine. Finley has been on my list though now I can put a name to “the little girl Dorothy cares for.” My husband and I are following stricter quarantine measures on the advice of an infectious disease doctor since I am immunosuppressed and my husband is a practicing physician. It is difficult but there are many who are struggling far more. What an opportunity to care for one another simply by keeping our physical distance and yet what an opportunity to care for one another intimately in heartfelt prayer. We also just found out our granddaughter’s procedure /treatment has been moved up to June 12 which is better than the August date. Answer to the prayers of many on her behalf. AND our younger daughter and her husband moved into their new home in Alabama yesterday so they are getting settled. They will self quarantine as a precaution. They are blessed to have friends in the area. Another answer to prayer. God is good. He was good before our granddaughter’s procedure was postponed and he was good before our daughter and son in law got moved. He’s always good. He sees the bigger picture. He has the best plan. No better prayer than “Thy will be done.” No better place to be than in the center of His will. Bless you Dorothy and all my SRT friends. How you bless me!

  6. Paige Arena says:

    I loved this one.

  7. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love to know that God isn’t indifferent to our sufferings and that our circumstances, no matter how dire, can’t stop God from speaking to us. God’s will, will prevail no matter what the enemy throws our way.

  8. Dorothy says:

    Kristen I agree.
    Amen Tina, Tricia Cavanaugh, Sue, Wendy Picariello, Heidi, Maura, Laura, Jenna, and Angelica Ging.
    Churchmouse I know how I would answer many of those questions, thank you for making me think and realize I need to trust more in the Lord.
    Rebekah C. you have got me thinking and thanking you for that.
    Wow Angie I love what you said.
    Courtney and Bridgette Alvarez I sure will. I would like to add, we need to pray for those who have compromised immune systems like Churchmouse, her granddaughter, the littler girl I care for (her name is Finley), my son who has asthma, and many others.

  9. Bridgette Alvarez says:

    Courtney I am agreeing with you in prayer for deliverance and healing in Jesus name. Amen I live in Louisiana, about 40 minutes west of New Orleans and 40 east of Baton Rouge. Tensions are high here but God is greater ❤️

  10. Bridgette Alvarez says:

    Buffy: With every form of comfort stripped from Jeremiah, what a balm God’s presence and voice must have been! The Book of Jeremiah is proof that there is nothing God’s children cannot endure as long as the Lord is still speaking. On every peak and in every valley, in times of plenty and in times of want, whether everything is coming up roses, or all we see is darkness—if we listen for the voice of our Shepherd, we will find that He is still speaking. He is not indifferent but engaged. God Himself is still wooing, always calling His children back to Him. – maybe you can try deleting the app and try to download it again or just use the website.

  11. Paula Quinn Lichlyter says:

    Oh Lord, I confess I have complained about the things taken away from me, the things I want not being given to me or just being inconvenient to get. How patient are you! And how much more do I see my sin in light of this section of Jeremiah’s story. Forgive me. May my ears be open and my heart soft to hear your voice.

  12. Buffy Rennie says:

    Can someone tell me what the last few sentences are. The darn app keeps cutting it off.

  13. Courtney says:

    I do not know if any of our sisters are from the great state of New York (although I suspect they might be) but they now have over 30,000 Coronavirus cases and over 300 deaths from the same. I would like to ask you, when you are praying for the general wellbeing of our country and world, to make a special petition for New York and other hard-hit states (like California, Washington, Florida, Michigan, Illinois, Massachusetts, Lousiana, Georgia, and New Jersey).

    Thanks, Sisters!

  14. Ashley White says:

    This was so good and just what I needed to hear.

  15. Courtney says:

    Sisters we are living in dark and desperate times but, praise God, there is a balm in Gilead to heal our sin-sick world! Let us not forget, however, the healing power existing in each of us as we love, pray and care for others. And let us not forget that we can be that flickering light in the darkness every time we share the Word of God, bringing hope to the hopeless and peace and comfort to the frightened.
    So, today, let’s harness the power that our Lord and Savior has bestowed upon us as believers and be blessings to a world shrouded in darkness and pain.
    Please remember to care for yourselves as you continue to care for others. I am praying for you!

  16. Mari V says:

    Woke up later then normal. Read the scriptures and devotion but need to go back to re-read. I do know one thing. It’s through the tough times and boy have there been many! I have felt my Jesus so close to me. Those days were very dark and I was very scared. I could hardly even breathe. I remember sitting in the courtroom and the advocate that had accompanied me had to tell me “take a deep breath“. We were never promised that everything was going to be roses but when Jesus is the Lord of our life we can conquer anything! He is our true advocate, our faithful friend, and he promised us never to leave us or for sake us. I am a witness that this is true!

  17. Rachel Lockridge says:

    To clarify chapter 39:15-18
    “The Word of the Lord had come to Jeremiah…GO TELL Ebed-Melech the Cushite” the Lord was sparing Ebed-Melech’s life (previous chapter-38:7-13)
    Ebed-Melech was an Ethiopian or outsider that trusted in God and took a risk when he rescued Jeremiah from the cistern. I think the Lord was giving Ebed-Melech encouragement and telling him, I saw you take a risk for me and it didn’t go unnoticed. May we also be encouraged by this, taking risks for the Lord don’t go unnoticed AND we can still hear the Lord when we are confined:)

    1. Kyah Collins says:

      Yes & yes!

  18. Kelcy Pryor says:

    “Suffering, imprisonment, and sorrows-none of these are a match for God’s goodness”. My goodness this gave me so much encouragement. Jeremiah has been through all of that but God is still there talking and taking care of him. How hard must of been for him to see his city in ruins, his neighbors either dead or enslaved but there’s still hope. There’s still time for them to repent and turn to God for he is good and will restore them. I love this study! No matter what sorrows we face today, God is always with us. There is indeed nothing we cannot endure with God in our hearts! ❤️

  19. Dorothy says:

    I don’t know about you but when I read “There is no prison that can lock out God’s voice, nor is there a ruler who can censor Him.”which Erin Davis wrote in today’s devotional I thought Amen and that’s my God. She went on to write, “On every peak and in every valley, in times of plenty and in times of want, whether everything is coming up roses, or all we see is darkness—if we listen for the voice of our Shepherd, we will find that He is still speaking. He is not indifferent but engaged. God Himself is still wooing, always calling His children back to Him.” which is what I know I really needed to hear right now. I needed to be reminded to just listen for Him. He is always there, He always cares, He loves unconditionally. God will never let me down, He will never leave my side. As I read His word, these devotionals, and your comments I feel myself drawing closer. I will be reading other past reading plans too. God is calling me closer in these hard times. He is telling me even if I can’t be face-to-face with people I can still spread the Good News. As Romans 6:23 says “For the Wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.” Let’s spread the Good News together. Play your Christian music and podcasts so your neighbors can hear it. Go outside and read your Bible and devotional and maybe even read it out loud to yourself.

  20. Angelica Ging says:

    Such a great reminder that fills my cup. The Lords voice is present even at our darkest times. I think of all that is going on in the world and can’t help but Year for the Lord. Hear is voice but be still and watch to see how he is working.

  21. Angie says:

    This morning as I looked out my window, two beautiful robins strolled around the yard. They kept their heads up, except for when they pecked at a worm or bug for a little snack. A sparrow sat on the fence and watched them. A gorgeous cardinal flew from one tree to another. Yesterday, it was cool enough for a coat but, the sun was shining. Today it is supposed to rain. Clouds fill the air with an occasional peek-though of the sun. I was able to make a cup of coffee this morning, my green tea was delivered, and,…I found a delectable donut in my freezer that will be downright delicious when it thaws.

    Yesterday I checked on my neighbor. She knows of the Lord but, I do not think she would call Jesus, her Lord (from conversations we have had). She appears “hard.” She chooses to portray toughness over brokenness; most of the time. She has a lot of heartache type pain. Yet, she calls me friend. I realized, after talking to her, once again, how very lost and hopeless people are without Jesus. My head knows it all the time, but very often people are good at covering it up. It is easier to gloss over, or cover up, when everything is right in the world. Right now though, people are raw, and maybe ready?

    This pandemic is something we need to pay attention to. God gave us a brain, and we need to use it. BUT, running parallel to that thought is the Truth that God is God. The One God. The Only God. All-powerful. Almighty. Creator of the universe. Healing God. Holy God. He is the God who stays. He is constant and abiding. We. Can. Trust. Him.

    The lost world needs to see that trust in us. Whether we are a candle in the darkness or an oil lamp turned up brightly, we need to shine, especially now in this lost world. We need to be different. In our moments, in our days, may we see the robin and the sparrow and praise God for both. May we praise Him as the sun shines upon our backs or the rains streams down our faces; sometimes from our own eyes.

    A month or more ago we bought a picture, but just got it hung last night. It reads,… “Today is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever. In its place is something that you have left behind. LET IT BE SOMETHING GOOD. (and I would add, LET IT BE SOMETHING GOOD FOR GOD).

  22. Rebekah C says:

    Do you find yourself lacking faith?

    How do you get more faith?

    Hebrews tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.

    But how do you get that substance, the evidence?

    Paul tells us in Romans that faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.

    Are you listening?

    Do you gloss over the word of God or do you wait to hear from the Holy Spirit as you read?

    Have you read a certain book of the Bible only once? Paul emphasizes repetition, hearing and hearing, If you haven’t connected, read it again. Listen to someone read it. Read it out loud to yourself. Record yourself reading it and listen to it.

    And ultimately, choose to believe the word of God. Faith is a choice. Abraham made the choice to not only hear God, but listen and then do what the word of God says.

    Are you listening?

    James further tells us that just listening and reading it is not enough. I have read countless books that I enjoyed, and have re read, but honestly I cannot say that the little house on the prairie books changed my life, perhaps influenced me to try a few new recipes and dream about pioneer living, but I am living far from that life.

    The Bible on the other hand, has challenged me and has changed my life. When a family member (the ‘black sheep’ of the family) lay dying of cancer, my husband and I set aside our comfort and lives to take care of him. When others have gone without, we have given up comforts and financial gain for their benefit.

    My faith is not contained within the four walls of a church and within a book, it extends beyond the binding and leaves of the Bible, beyond the walls of Sunday morning service. My faith is messy, full of fumbles, and face plants, but it is glorious how God uses my feeble attempts at seriously taking the words and lifestyle Jesus Christ has lasted out and the Holy Spirit empowers me to be able to live, and does amazing things. It’s like He allows me to help His plan and really anything good I do is not me but Him working through me and it is glorious how He takes sincere and small efforts and turns them into something I could have never done on my own or orchestrated on my own. Most of what I do is listen and obey. Ok, I listen, argue, pout, and eventually obey. But I’m working on not doing those middle things not so much. When He speaks I try to listen, even if it’s hard.

    Are you listening?

    1. GramsieSue . says:

      I love this ! Thank you ❤️

  23. Jenna says:

    In every time and in every generation, the Lord always preserves a remnant of His people. I love how in this passage the remnant in the land is from among the poorest and weakest of the people of Israel. God, in His wisdom, chooses the weak and foolish things of the world to shame the strong and the wise. (1 Corinthian 1:27). Lord, help me to see the unlikely ways that you show up in my life and in the world today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  24. Laura says:

    When I went through a very intense season of “suffering,” someone who was praying for me, who knows that God turns ashes into beauty, encouraged me that someday I will be glad for this season of suffering. That I will look back on it and thank Him for it, because of what He was able to do through it. Well, it has been 4 years since I started walking through that fire, and I can say that I do thank Him for the suffering. Not because of the suffering itself, of course. I wish that I never had to go through that. But through that time period I clearly heard God’s voice (I now am more prone to listen); I felt closer to God than I ever had ( My heart remembers that closeness and longs for it daily); I opened up to others about my needs and my sorrow and allowed them to minister to me (I am now so much more transparent and real instead of acting like everything is always perfect in my life); I never stopped believing that God COULD bring me through this fire (I remain steadfast in that belief, knowing that He is God, and I am not, that He is greater than any sorrow, any sin, any hardship that I may go through). My faith grew by leaps and bounds by walking through this fire. My “ashes” was my husband’s affair. I expected the beauty to be a restored marriage. It eventually was. It took 4 years. But the true beauty is all of the things I just listed. The way God remained – spoke – abided. THAT, my friends is the true beauty and the true promise that I will forever be grateful for. I am so very grateful that God restored my marriage and made it better than it was before. But I am more grateful that I came away with a rock-solid assurance that my God is stronger and greater than any evil that this world has to offer and He will never leave me or forsake me. Praise the Lord!

    1. Jen Brewer says:

      Thank you for sharing this story, Laura. ❤️

    2. Kat Cowell says:

      Thank you for your sharing this, Laura. I have seen the truth of your words in my life in two seasons of suffering too – depression and infertility – and while I am not out of those seasons yet, they have brought a greater intimacy with the Lord than I’ve ever known, and I’m deeply grateful for that. The beauty isn’t always what we’re expecting it to be, but God always comes through.

  25. Maura says:

    So good to read His word and of His faithfulness. And your responses to His word Sisters. Our God is on the throne and with us in spirit and in truth. Thankful today for what He is doing in this time. Lord make us more aware of how you are working and how we can join you in bringing You, Your Word, Your Truth Jesus to all the people and places you bring us in this time. May we bring you glory, dwell in and shine your light. Hugs to you All. He has us. Know.

  26. LeAnn Schmitt says:

    Thankful for you all and the sharing of faith here. Continuing to read through Jeremiah I am struck over and over both with God’s holiness and his faithfulness. He provides even in the darkest times. He spoke to Jeremiah even when he was a prisoner.

  27. tanya b says:

    Good morning ladies all I can think about is the faithfulness of Jeremiah to hear God and obey no matter the cost and yet trust God through (what I see as unimaginable ) circumstances. This entire time Jeremiah had to hold on to the promises of God while going through the process. I think of 2 scriptures having done all to stand and stand until you see the salvation of the Lord

  28. Stacey Wilson says:


  29. Heidi says:

    “He has done JUST what He decreed…” – my reminder that God is faithful to His promises. Unfortunately a large part of the promises fulfilled in these chapters are rough to read through. But even in the hard parts, I can’t help but notice He still leaned on the side of concern and love for His people. He continued to remind “this isn’t forever”- it’s for-now. It’s to reshape hearts and bring you back. It’s to show My power and confirm I am the Living One True God. He desired so so greatly to provide and protect and build them up as a people, but they got there hearts into such a bound up mess there was no way out other than drastic. But even still- He still has His plan of redemption and knowing what I DO know if His character, I fully believe His mind was always focused on the redemptive part of His plan. That He was ACHING to get to the part where He got to hold them, love them, give them everything He desired. And He is still that God. He will do anything -allow His own Child to be tortured and sacrificed- ANYTHING, if it means the restoration of His children. I’m grateful to serve a God Who is big enough to continually pursue after me… that I mean THAT MUCH to Him.

    1. Natasha R says:

      Thank you Heidi, your words soothe my worried brain and tired heart.

  30. Wendy Picariello says:

    Heard this last night during our church’s devotional: Even though we are practicing social distancing, God is not. Therefore, we can boldly approach God’s throne. Even though we’ve been reading about the discipline of Israel, He never left them. There are multiple verses about God’s compassion. And he honors his promise to bring them them back.

    1. Sarah C.Keenan says:

      Thanks for sharing that. It was helpful to read right now.

  31. Sue says:

    ”the things of this world…cannot squelch the word of the Lord”
    No matter what is happening in my life or in the world today, may I remember the Lord is speaking. May I take time to stop and listen to His voice.

  32. Latoya Wanser says:

    How timely!

  33. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Thank you all for your prayers yesterday. Our God is bigger than all of this that we have going on. And, we know the final outcome. Lord, let us be your hands and feet to draw more people to You during this time.
    Praise His Name!

    1. ChappyBeach Girl says:


  34. Churchmouse says:

    God tells Jeremiah that He will rescue him and deliver him “because you have trusted in Me.” Jeremiah’s life was spared. His beloved city lay in utter ruin. The majority of the people and officials were dead or taken into exile. Only a remnant of the poorest were left to scratch out a living amidst the rubble. The world around them still swirled with violence. It all seemed so hopeless.

    Do I hold on to the Rock of the Word of God when my world seems desolate, when all seems dark and all my ‘normal’ seems crumbling? Have I placed my faith in the Truth of God’s Word or has my faith been in man and what they can accomplish, the solutions they devise? Is my vision short – sighted, focused on my present circumstances or do I truly walk in faith, believing without seeing? Do I turn to task force briefings for my hope or do I fall to my knees before the God of hope? Am I wringing my hands in worry or are my hands lifted up in worship? Help me Lord to answer these questions honestly and help me to place my full trust in You.

    1. Denise N says:

      So good….

    2. Laura Beth Peters says:

      Wow! Your question towards the end on turning to the task force for hope really stuck out! Thank you!!!

    3. GramsieSue . says:

      Truth! Do I place my faith in man and what they can accomplish, the solutions they devise?
      Oh my! My first thought this morning was “have they passed that stinking bill?”
      I’m not even going to turn on the TV today!
      A better use of my time would be to spend the day in prayer, worship, and study of God’s Word.
      Stay safe sisters ❤️

    4. Paige Farmer says:

      Thank you for this today!

    5. K D says:

      Yes oh yes Lord.

  35. Tina says:

    I think our current season, happening right now in our world, has suffering, imprisonment and sorrows attached to it..
    For many, the weeks ahead will reveal one, if not two or all the above. We are in a time/ season of crisis and uncertainty.. changing each day..

    But God..

    But God..

    But God..

    His Word is alive and active, sharper than a double edged sword..TRUST HIM Hebrews 4:

    His Word is not in chains, (or imprisoned) THERE IS POWER IN HIS WORD 2 Timothy 2:9

    …but the Word of the Lord remains forever.” This word is the Good News that was proclaimed to you. THE SAME YESTERDAY. TODAY. FOR ALWAYS..1 Peter

    Yes, grass withers and flowers fade, THINGS AND LIFE AS WE KNOW IT MAY CHANGE, but the Word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8

    His Word is TRUTH.

    His Word is FREEDOM.

    His Word is HOPE.

    It truly is amazing that we are studying Jeremiah right now, in this current climate, His word comes to us in our places of despair, in our isolation, in our sorrow.. in our trials..
    As I write, I had a picture of the Bible and Gods Word being stitched to our hearts..



    I’ll finish with these words..

    Jesus commented, “Even more blessed are those who hear God’s Word and guard it with their lives!” HOLD IT IN OUR HEARTS. TRUST AND OBEY. HOLD FAST AND BELIEVE.
    Luke 11:28 MSG

    Prayerful over each of you dear sisters..❤
    Stay safe. With love from across the pond…❤

    1. Julie Bayne says:

      Beautiful words! I was thinking those same things as I read today. Thank you for blessing us with your beautiful gift of words!

    2. Nancy Singleton says:

      Such an encouragement!!

    3. Jane K says:


    4. GramsieSue . says:

      Needed this today, and everyday. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. ❤️

    5. Nanette Duron says:

      Amen! Thank you for such a beautiful reminder.

    6. J Francois says:

      Amen Tina

    7. Natalie Johnson says:


    8. Catherine W says:

      But God is my company’s current theme. We are looking for “But God” moments in the lives of co-workers’ kids, in a messy and unjust push to move all foreign believers out of the country, in the lives of unbelieving friends, and I our own hearts. The same God who spoke to Jeremiah in darkness is the same God who steps into history and lives today.

      1. Sara Sowers says:

        I’ve been wanting to do a study of the words “but God” and when they are found! I think I’ll do that as soon as this Lent series is finished

    9. Candy B says:

      Thank you, Tina.

    10. Sara Sowers says:

      I was just thinking the same thing when I was reading this! Thanks be to God for always being there for us, through any situation!

  36. Kristen says:

    Yes! Terrible destruction and death were all around. However, I was cheering when I read these verses: Today I am setting you free from the chains that were on your hands.r If it pleases you to come with me to Babylon, come, and I will take care of you. But if it seems wrong to you to come with me to Babylon, go no farther.A Look—the whole land is in front of you.s Wherever it seems good and right for you to go, go there.” 5 When Jeremiah had not yet turned to go, Nebuzaradan said to him,B “ReturnC to Gedaliah son of Ahikam, son of Shaphan, whom the king of Babylon has appointed over the cities of Judah, and stay with him among the people or go wherever it seems right for you to go.” So the captain of the guards gave him a rationt and a giftu and released him. 6 Jeremiah therefore went to Gedaliah son of Ahikam at Mizpah,v and he stayed with him among the people who remained in the land.

    Yes, it was terrible, but God had the captain of the guard release Jeremiah, give him a ration, and a gift. In my mind, I took that as God not forgetting him, giving him favor, and providing! That was reassuring and a reminder of the character and goodness of God.