Jeremiah Compelled to Preach

Open Your Bible

Jeremiah 20:1-18, Jeremiah 21:1-14, Jeremiah 22:1-30, Isaiah 9:6-7, John 11:25-26

Have you ever felt God place a message on your heart that you couldn’t help but share? Sometimes that calling arrives on your doorstep when you least expect it. That was the case for me when my daughter was diagnosed with Down syndrome. God has used her life to show me His deep love for all people, regardless of their abilities or achievements. My eyes have been opened to the shortcomings in my own heart, and in the heart of our culture, to affirm the worth of every human being because they are made in the image of God. I knew God was leading me to spread the word about how “perfectly and wonderfully made” people with Down syndrome are.

Sometimes the task God gives us is unpopular. The truth can be divisive, and by sharing the truth of the gospel we may lose friends, family, and opportunities. In some parts of the world, the consequences of faith are far more dire, putting the very lives of believers at risk for preaching the Word. The prophet Jeremiah was no stranger to persecution. He was given the dangerous assignment of calling Jerusalem out for their injustice and unfaithfulness to God. And while he was faithful to preach that message, it was not without internal wrestling.

One might look at the prophets of old and assume that witnessing is somehow easier for them than it is for you and me. We might think they liked the public stage and all that came with it. But Jeremiah makes it clear he would run away from the spotlight in a second if it didn’t mean running away from God too. So why doesn’t Jeremiah forget the risky business of prophecy and find a more convenient, safe way to serve God? Jeremiah is compelled to speak out because, as he said, the Lord’s message “becomes a fire burning in my heart, shut up in my bones. I become tired of holding it in” (Jeremiah 20:9). His heart is so deeply tethered to the Lord’s that he cannot waver from his created purpose.

As followers of Jesus, God places specific callings to our lives through the movement of the Holy Spirit in us. For each one of us, the big-picture calling is to proclaim the name of Jesus. But we have all been entrusted with unique circumstances and gifts that shape the way we point the world to Christ.

What is the specific “burning” you feel in your bones? Are you being faithful to proclaim it? While it’s tempting to let the fear of repercussion silence you, look to the faith of Jeremiah for courage. He was a man who preached a dangerous message and experienced the backlash, but knew deep down he could do nothing less. The reason Jeremiah was able to be so bold was not because he was strong or special, but because he trusted that God is a “violent warrior,” one who could not be stopped (Jeremiah 20:11). That same powerful God is calling you and me to share the truth with the world in a very particular way. He will be with us every step of the way. The question is, will we let God speak through our lives?

(60) Comments

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60 thoughts on "Jeremiah Compelled to Preach"

  1. Sandra J Yoder says:

    May we be true to the “fire burning in our hearts.” Thanks for the good words!!

  2. Angela White says:

    I needed this today

  3. Hilary V says:

    Father tether my heart to yours.

  4. Hayley Walker says:

    This is such a timely message for our current world. Oh to have courage to speak to for the vulnerable and hurting at such a time as this. And praying our nations would see and act with justice!

    1. Russ says:

      If God love all humans. Then explain Psalm 5:4-6 and Psalm 11:4-6…also Jesus says in the Gospel according to John, He says if you love me my Father will love you…since the reprobate do not love Jesus Him being God…by the word of God He does not love everyone…He lives His own…His elect sheep given to Him by the Father

      Why is it so hard to accept what the word of God says…I suspect those who deny the word of God, have not received Him as Lord.

  5. Sarita Cochran says:

    You are not alone. I feel the same. I have prayed and asked God a few times. I’m learning to be still so I can hear him clearly.

  6. Stephie Gray says:

    I’ll be honest, I’ve never felt like I know what God is calling me to do. I’ve never felt like He has spoken to me in any way and I have no idea what I was put on this earth to do. I will pray that He reveals this to me and that I have the strength to do it, even if it’s out of my comfort zone.

    1. Lauren Love says:

      Some encouragement – Sometimes callings are few and far between, sometimes they’re obvious (like me feeling the need to comment on this post) and other times it takes us a minute because God uses unexpected things to “hem us in.” For awhile I felt the need to read Mere Christianity by CS Lewis & finally (after years) I acted on that feeling and bought the book. It has restored my faith more than I would have thought possible. I also feel the need to share this book with EVERYONE since it paints such a perfect picture of my faith. Growing up I always worried God would ask me to do hard things, so I would shy away from “feelings” I’d get. I simply shared that book on my Instagram story letting everyone know that I read it & I felt relief. The next week I felt a need to share this book with a friend who mentioned he no longer prays. I wrestled with the idea of sending it to him and finally killed my ego or whatever it was & sent it to him. He never responded, but I planted a seed & I knew I did exactly what God wanted me to do.

  7. Tammi Shank-Moore says:

    I was wondering if someone would way in on the devotional where it was stated God is a “violent warrior”. I would just like to hear others thoughts on this please.

  8. Connie Davidson says:

    ” Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10. I write Bible verses on index cards and make copies for my husband. trying to encourage his Bible reading. I am trying to be bolder about my faith and look for openings in situations to talk about God’s goodness and grace.

  9. Julia L says:

    This makes me think of the passage in Ephesians that calls us to continue to stand our ground in the face of evil and spiritual warfare. Jeremiah continued to stand in the strength of God and knowledge that this was his calling and God could be trusted every step of the way. Though I doubt many of us would call ourselves a prophet, we also are called to stand in Gods strength- not in pride or self-righteousness, but in love and truth.

  10. Susan says:

    I have had a message from the Lord for my husband since October that I have been too scared to share with him. He is a Christian just thinks that is enough and all this Bible reading I do is unnecessary. The message is regarding our business that has been open for 30+ years and may be time for change if we do not place God as priority. It is from the Book of Haggai and I need prayer to speak gently, calmly and that God go before me to prepare my husband’s heart.

    1. Amy W says:

      Praying for you, Susan – and praying for your husband’s heart to be open to hear.

  11. Stephanie Schwarz says:

    I am praying that God will bring back to the surface the “burning” thing I’ve been avoiding and have stuffed down for so long. May I be faithful and obedient in my tiny corner of the world. My past doesn’t define me, the blood of Jesus’ salvation claims me and I can confidently walk forward in hope, mercy and grace!

  12. K D says:

    Thank you for your thoughts Kaitie. This was such an important reminder to me – that in the same way God gave Jeremiah courage to speak boldly, He will do the same for me.

  13. Audrey Roseboom says:

    I have no idea what my calling is, but I’ve always felt a deep connection to how badly people need to see Jesus’ love and have felt extremely passionate about showing it to everyone I come by. Pray that the Lord will use my life to be a reflection of Him and that it will only be used for Hid glory!

  14. Kim says:

    I’m praying for you and your husband, too. It’s hard to wait. God can make a way!!! I’ve seen Him do it. Continue to be a gentle loving, non-nagging Spirit. And wait for God to change his heart. I’m asking God to help him receive the Bible…to know you and receive your love . ❤️

  15. Bridgette Alvarez says:

    Amen. I am in prayer with you about sharing the good word with your husband and God opening your husband’s heart to receive God’s word. I’m thinking back to the church’s prayer points from the beginning of the year, pray for opportunities and boldness for gospel conversations. I believe that God turned my husband’s heart towards Him before he passed away in November. It took persistent prayer and boldness to have those Godly conversations and sometimes rejection but of course it was worth it.

  16. Bridgette Alvarez says:

    I love ❤️ the reading today and totally agree with the vignette. God use me, speak through me. It’s my daily prayer.

  17. Parasa says:

    God, please help me and make me strong to share your message with many. Provide your knowledge and wisdom to serve you more faithfully.

  18. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I pray the Lord would show me what my particular calling is during this season. That I would feel a “burning” in my heart to share the message he has given me.

  19. Tina says:

    Dorothy, beautifully said.. sending you love and hugs..❤

  20. Carrie Brewer says:

    This convicted me today! The Lord has put it on my heart to share the gospel with my husband, but I have not obeyed as I am fearful of his reaction. I bought the He reads truth bible to give him for our anniversary next week and I am afraid I will chicken out and keep it hidden in my drawer. Lord give me peace to share the good news with others and help me show them grace when they do not understand. Open my husbands heart to receive your word and let the Spirit guide my words and actions.

    1. Laura Quines says:

      Praying for your husband now!!

  21. Barbara says:

    Chapter 20, verse 12 drew me to see how frustrated Jeremiah was. No matter the truth he told, no one listened. All his friends turned on him. Jeremiah begs the Lord “let me see your vengeance upon them, for to you I have committed my cause”. How many times have my thoughts been similar for far less serious matters! “I sure would like to see them get what they have coming. They have done me and/or my cause wrong and I want to see them fail!”. Jeremiah was human with human emotions and ways. He had to trust that God was on his side. Lord, give me the ability to trust as Jeremiah did.

  22. Heidi Velez says:

    So grateful for Jesus’ words spoken in John today! It’s been a hard 16 days getting here in the midst of The broken world around us!

  23. Dorothy says:

    When I read “That same powerful God is calling you and me to share the truth with the world in a very particular way. He will be with us every step of the way. The question is, will we let God speak through our lives?” I realized that much of what God has done in my life has been for a reason. When my older son died, I realize now it was for me to share my faith because many people ask how I got through it. When my other son got arrested for drugs and my father stepped in to be the father figure he needed, it showed me how family love and faith (my father’s faith ran very deep) can bring a family closer. Every year something in my life, sometimes big sometimes small, allows me to draw closer to God and Christ and share my faith due to my life experiences.
    God thank you for sending your son to die for me. I praise you and glorify you. I realize that sometimes the bad things in life happen for a reason and it maybe a while before I realize why they happened. Amen

  24. Liz Kuster says:

    I love the juxtaposition between David’s throne in Jeremiah’s time and the words of Isaiah about when Jesus will reign:

    7 Of the greatness of his government and peace
    there will be no end.
    He will reign on David’s throne
    and over his kingdom,
    establishing and upholding it
    with justice and righteousness
    from that time on and forever.
    The zeal of the Lord Almighty
    will accomplish this.

  25. Pam Williams says:

    Amen Angie

  26. Hannah says:

    What has really stood out for me today is that Jeremiah wasn’t finding this easy. Thinking about it, I’m not really sure why this was such a surprise to me – he’s not exactly sharing things that people would be glad to hear! But, I guess I always forget that these prophets from the OT were people just like me. They had feelings just like me. They had worries just like me.
    They were ridiculed for their prophesies. They were imprisoned. They were hurt in front of others.
    I’ve never given that thought that actually, they may have had their doubts. They may have wanted an easier life at times. They may have found it so difficult to go against what a culture believe and how they behave. Yet they carried on going.
    Despite feeling all of this conflict, Jeremiah carried on going – he couldn’t help himself.

    Wow. I want to be more like Jeremiah. I want to keep sharing and keep going even when I doubt and it gets hard.

    1. Kat Cowell says:

      I agree, Hannah! Thanks for sharing your reflections. You put into words what I was thinking and feeling too!

  27. Jenica Donahue says:

    Not sure if anyone else feels this way while reading Jeremiah, but it is an eerie experience to read the recent news about the coronavirus with the backdrop of Jeremiah running through my head.

    An American friend living in China has been witnessing the virus’ unfolding first hand and feels such frustration with how things are being handled here in America. He commented that his response, in trying to make people in the US more aware of the situation’s severity, is a bit like sharing the gospel. Sharing the gospel is of eternal significance; sharing the gravity of this situation is of temporal significance. Instead of the jokes I see flying around, what if we took it seriously? Instead of making fun of Jeremiah, what if we listened? Might we help contain something before our hospitals are overrun? (Even if the virus isn’t personally a risk for us, what happens when hospitals can’t take on people in car wrecks, needing chemotherapy, emergency surgery?) Might we save the lives of neighbors, grandparents, immunosuppressed friends?

    This is my heart and fear today. So much anxiety is swirling within me that it’s hard to see past it. And yet, I also know we are told not to fear. That our God fights for us. And so I’m trying to balance the dizzying news, and the personal and community responsibility to respond with wisdom, with the knowledge that Gods grace is sufficient today for today. His grace will lead me home. I can rest and trust in him.

    1. Jen Brewer says:

      Yes yes yes! Agree with your friend about the Coronavirus situation in the US as a healthcare provider who works in urgent care and wishes we had acted sooner. Also wish that the population at large would take it more seriously since many of the precautions we recommend are to protect the vulnerable (elderly, those with compromised immune systems/chronic disease, etc) rather than the otherwise healthy who will recover but very well could be carriers to others unknowingly. So many real concerns regarding this pandemic yet God is not surprised by any of it and will be with us. He has given us a spirit not of fear but power and love and self control (2 Tim 1:7). Joining with you in the prayer for wisdom and resting in Jesus and his all sufficient grace❤️

  28. Emmy Anderson says:

    i think ive spent years trying to figure out what exactly im here to do. all my endeavors have been half-hearted. And I’ve always felt God setting my heart on fire, like Jeremiah here… and i just let it sit there, like change burning a hole in my pocket

  29. Tina says:

    This morning before I started the devotional, I was looking through some older SRT comments and studies.. (from 2013-2015). Comments of mine and responses, WOW and OMG..

    It seems I wrote with a passion for others to discover and know God as I did. What He had done for me, a broken, lost, had no hope, ‘couldn’t see the woods for the trees’ sinner.. who was blessed to get a glimpse of Him in my brokenness, in my lost-ness, in my searching..
    I would never have said I was a ‘preacher’s, nor will I ever imagine myself to be one,…

    But God..
    Oh, But God..

    I see through my words, that He was changing me, moulding me, gracing me, each day, growing me to be the person I could be in His love, through my pain and brokenness, He was healing me.. and in my sharing my hope in Him, my love for the One who has brought me thus far, I pray, I was helping others..

    Through my sadness and in and by His grace, love and mercy, I did not preach so much as shared my journey.. and for me that in itself is a word worth sharing..
    Praising you Lord God for your presence in my life…Thank you Lord God, thank you..❤

    Sending out some love wrapped hugs to you my sisters across the pond, over the hills and closer to home..❤

  30. Chris Swan says:

    Let us all be faithful to our mission on this earth. As the director of our local pregnancy center, we are always reminded to speak the Gospel with courage!! We do so prayerfully!

  31. Allison Sherwood says:

    Finding my specific calling has been the big issue in my life right now. Pray for me!

  32. Mari V says:

    Wow! This couldn’t have come at a better time. I was feeling bad last night and this morning because of something I said to a young lady yesterday. I felt bad because I also love her mother very much and we are great friends. We are all believers. The subject of dating unbelievers came up and I quoted
    2 Corinthians 6:14 “Do not be unequally yoke with unbelievers”. I mentioned my experiences when I was young and the mistakes I made. My intention was not to step on toes. It was all out of love. I’m praying that I do not lose my friends because they also love Jesus just like I do.

  33. Maura says:

    I pray that God gives me strength and faith that speaks of His goodness, faithfulness, salvation, whenever I can. So thankful for all those Jeremiah’s who have spoken up evenin the midst of persecution,torture and shame from their cultures so that the Word of God and His grace, mercy and love could be known by the hungry searching souls in our world. Our God is so good. Joy to you Sisters.King Jesus is on the throne. Sing and shout His praise.

  34. Churchmouse says:

    “Hear the word of the Lord!”

    Powerful reminder to pray this phrase right before I open my Bible. It is my desire to heed what is written within, to regard it with the authority it alone holds. The word of the Lord provides wonder and warning, comfort and caution, challenge and choice, justice and yes, judgment. Oh that I would have ears to hear and a heart to obey. This is my daily personal prayer. And my prayer for our nation and world: “Hear the word of the Lord!”

  35. Jenna says:

    The book of Jeremiah is really reminding me that God is just in his judgments. It is very easy for me to minimize my sin and think that I’m not really that bad, but God is a holy God. He is good. Therefore, he must hate evil. As uncomfortable as the wrath of God is, he is right to address the sin in the world and in our hearts. Even here in the Old Testament, God’s grace to his people is so clearly on display. He loves them too much to leave them as they are. He sends them his prophets. He warns them of what’s to come. He gives them an opportunity to repent. It’s amazing to see that the God who sends his Son to bear the punishment we deserve on the cross is the same merciful God that we see in the Old Testament.

    1. Laurie Crary says:

      Amen and Amen!!!

  36. Sue says:

    We had the flu at our house last week so understand your analogy first hand.
    What a relevant way to explain today’s reading.

  37. Anne Jones says:

    Thank you Katherine for your comment. My thoughts and conclusions as well-being put so well into words

  38. Beth H says:

    Wow! What a challenging devotional. Will I let God speak through my life? Love verse 9. God IS calling me to share Him but I often feel to timid. I pray my heart and bones would feel the burning for Him. That I would share His truth with a very needy world. He is with me every step of the.way. Thank you Katie for the challenge this morning.

  39. Sara Terry says:

    I experience a literal wave of relief when getting to the New Testament part of the daily readings … my body has a literal “Thank God!” moment of releasing tension , and it is right , I should thank God! Light can’t be fully appreciated without knowing the dark , and Jeremiah has been that darkness for me .

  40. J D says:

    I am comforted by God’s sovereignty. He doesn’t look upon on our sufferings and wish that he could help. He is working all things together for our good. Satan is under God’s sovereign rule.

    We have a high king and priest who prays for us in the midst of suffering and temptation! Jesus said to Peter, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers” (Luke 22:31–32).

    Jesus said, “I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail.”

    I am resting in these thoughts today.

  41. Angie says:

    Have you ever been really, really sick? A few years ago we got a flu that was really bad. We were miserable. The, “I think I am dying,” or “I just want to die so it is over,” kind. A bacteria or virus had gotten into our bodies and was either making copies of itself or multiplying by dividing where one became two, and two became four,… Throughout the process, our good cells fought hard, and won.

    God’s chosen people are sick. The bacteria or virus of sin came in slowly and is spreading. Making copies of itself as one person introduces another to the evil. Dividing and multiplying, as children follow in the sins of their fathers. Jeremiah is fighting the good fight. But, it is hard. It is painful. It feels lonely like; it just needs to be over. Death would be welcome. But choosing not to fight the battle, is not an option; for God has called, and Jeremiah is His. Obedience to God’s call burns in His weary, worn body and mind.

    Our culture is not so different. Sin slips in and spreads. As His children, God calls and equips us for battle. We are covered in His armor. We go forth in His strength. But, it. Is. Still. War. War against the evil that wants to destroy those we love and even those around us that we do not know, but that God loves. Our Commander and Chief knows us, for He created us. He knows our thoughts. He knows our minds. He knows our strengths. He knows our weaknesses. And, He. Loves. Us. We. Are. His! We are not alone in the battle. This battle belongs to the Lord!

    We fight in enemy territory. This place is not our home. As charming as this earth may be. As delightful, and enriching the conveniences around us may seem. Nothing compares to being Home. Our hearts burn to once again walk with our Father through the garden. To be face to face in His presence where there is fullness of joy.

    At times the pain and loneliness may seem like, “it just needs to be over.” In those times Lord, strengthen us. For, when I am once again, Home, and I am looking into the eyes of my Father. When the grace of your gaze lands upon me. I want a multitude of your children sitting with me. When Jesus said in his prayer that he did not lose any of those You gave to him; I too long to sit beside those You have given to me. I am not a warrior by nature but, I will fight. I will fight for You Lord. And someday, we, in multitude, will bow before You, worship You perfectly and wholly, at Home. Amen.

    1. Rebekah C says:


    2. Cristina Higgins says:

      Amen sister! Thank you for your words and encouragement. So many times as I read your words I muttered, “ Yes, yes”. You blessed my morning.

  42. Kristen says:

    Amen, Katherine! May we never forget or take lightly the high price Jesus paid that day to provide us the life we have now and can have for eternity. I want to be undone each time I hear about the Cross of my Jesus! The cross brought terror to the people were under the rule of Romans. It was intentionally designed to do this. I read this article about how the horrifying cross. It is entitled: God’s Wrath was Satisfied: Wonderous love in an Awful Cross Here is a link:
    Read if you can! I also heard some messages that you might want to listen to by Tim Keller:

    How blessed we are to be able to hear and read about God’s Word through so many sources!

  43. Ab says:

    This reading has been difficult for me because I don’t have context in to a lot of the historical names and groups. I have focused, most of my life, in the New Testament and it is hard for me to read this completely taking it all In. It has challenged me to do a study on Jeremiah after this!

    1. Terésa Timmons says:

      I feel the same!

    2. J D says:

      I really love “The Bible Project” on YouTube. It will give you a nice overview of Jeremiah. With cool drawings!

    3. Jennifer Cummings says:

      Read 1&2 Kings before you read Jeremiah. It’ll give you nice historical context!

    4. Rebekah C says:

      Sometimes, it’s easy to look at historical context and think, oh, well, we’re not burning children on altars and the violence is not as prevalent as it was then, so we’re ok.

      Jeremiah is calling out these people for being idolaters, proclaiming love for God, but their actions not following, ignoring the poor and destitute.

      The question we need to ask God to reveal to us is: Are there idols in my life? Am I ignoring the poor? Am I ignoring the sick? Am I professing love for God but not living like I love God?

    5. Jonelle Olson says:

      Me too!!! This book is SO dramatic!! But I’m trying to just take in what I can. I highly recommend listening to the weekly podcast that goes along with this study. It’s very helpful in understanding what’s going on!! Press on sister!! God will reveal to you what you need to hear!!

    6. Andi Lozano says:

      Thank you for saying this. I have felt the same way through this whole study. I have a lot of trouble tying the written devotion to the passage I just read because there is SO MUCH to unpack in the daily reading.

    7. Bethany Mac says:

      I too recommend The Bible Project (just google “bible project Jeremiah” to find the video on YouTube). They are short videos (about 10 minutes) that give the background and a synopsis for each book of the Bible. The illustrations are great. It was a great supplement when I read the chronological Bible in a Year last year!

  44. Katherine Lopez says:

    Two things jumped out at me from today’s reading. First the repetition of “terror on every side.” Jeremiah had prophesied this as Pashhur’s future reality, yet in his lament he claims it as his own present reality. I can almost hear the tears and anguish in his voice as he mourns his own birth and existence.
    Second, I was struck by Jeremiah’s betrayal by friends and persecution by the priests, and by his torture put on public display for all to despise him. Centuries later Jesus would be “despised and rejected by men, and man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. . . . Surely he has borne our sins and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was pierced for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.”
    My heart is full of sadness for all this suffering, but also with gratitude for the life it has given me.