Israel’s Rebellion and Repentance

Open Your Bible

Judges 10:1-18, Isaiah 30:15-18, 2 Corinthians 7:9-12

My mother became a Christian when she was just a few months pregnant with me. I now realize she literally grew in her relationship with Christ while simultaneously teaching and leading me as she learned. In short, I grew up learning a lot about God. I participated in Bible memory contests, collected money for missionaries around the world, and had a part in both Christmas and Easter performances annually. And while my mother led me the best she knew how, I still rebelled.

I knew biblical principles, but I did not apply them to my everyday life. I knew the Bible as God’s Word, that He is the Creator of the universe, but I did not honor Him as my Father. I knew Jesus lived a perfect, holy, and blameless life, but I did not know He loves me when I cannot do the same. I knew Jesus died to save the world from sin, but I did not live as God’s forgiven daughter.

Having knowledge of God and choosing to live a life that honors Him are two very different things, and they will lead to two very different life experiences. This is exactly what is happening in today’s passage. There is no mistaking that the Israelites knew God. Judges 10:11–12 reminds us they had experienced His deliverance, His protection, and His love over and over again. Yet time after time they forsook the God they knew, preferring the comforts of what they could see and touch. They chose the false gods and cultural influences of surrounding nations over their faithful God. God did not want the Israelites to simply know about Him. He wanted them to know Him personally, to trust Him, confide in Him, and find their lives in Him.

God wants the same for us now. While we may not be tempted to worship Baal, our false gods are just as dangerous. The things we are so tempted to chase—money, people, success—are just as dishonoring when worshiped in place of the one true God. He wants His people to choose Him. It’s easy to look at the stories we read in the Bible and wonder how God’s people could experience His patience, love, and miraculous intervention and yet still put their trust in other things. It’s easy to point the finger in judgment, but it would be far more beneficial for us to reflect on our own idolatry. In doing so, we will likely find places in our own hearts where we need to repent, seeking forgiveness and healing from the God who longs to be gracious to us (Isaiah 30:18).

God is compassionate and merciful. He provides leadership, guidance, and personal opportunities to experience His love. But as His children, we must take action, choosing to surrender to Him and worship Him with our lives. The ultimate provision of His faithful love comes in the very person of Jesus Christ—the sure image of the invisible God the Israelites so longed for and the Savior we all need. He alone stands by ready to rescue. In our surrender to Him, we will experience the deliverance, forgiveness, compassion, and rest promised to His children (v.15).

(46) Comments

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46 thoughts on "Israel’s Rebellion and Repentance"

  1. Anjenae Torregano says:

    God thank you for all your mercy even in the midst of a stressful time of setbacks, I know that if I keep my head up everything will pay off as it should sooner than later.

  2. Drew Warren says:


  3. Pat Cramer says:


  4. Mary henderson says:

    Verse 16, about our God: “ And he could bear Israel’s misery no longer.” How sweet, loving, and compassionate is our Farher!

  5. Allie S says:

    Exactly my first thought. Possibly she has a judges

  6. Darla Wright says:

    Search me, Oh God, and know my heart I pray. Try me, Oh Savior, know my thoughts I pray. See if there be some wicked way in me. Cleanse me from every sin and set me free. Psalm 139:23-24

  7. Claire B says:


  8. Victoria E says:

    Amen Allison Bentley! That caught my attention as well

  9. Victoria E says:

    Teresa Donley- I am praying for you

  10. Amber Brooke says:

    how is it possible the devotional for today is written by wynter pitts?

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Hi Amber! We read Judges as a community a few years back, so this devotion has been republished. For more information on Wynter’s devos, feel free to visit her author page by selecting her name at the top of the devotion.

  11. Tricia C says:

    LEHUA K good to “see” you. Thank you for sharing. Don’t be a stranger. Praying for your friend right now.

  12. Tricia C says:

    TERESA DONLEY I am praying for you. God’s got this!

  13. Traci Gendron says:

    CEE GEE in answer to the question, “think of 3 specific steps you can take to live the life of a christian.”

    Pay attention to my speech. Make sure my words are delivered with love.
    Stop judging others harshly. (unbelievers – how can we expect godly behavior out of someone that does not know God)
    Be in prayer more. Try to just listen for what God is telling me.

  14. Teresa Donley says:

    I will be grateful if you could say a prayer for me. As many of you know, I was diagnosed with mild brain atrophy a couple of months ago. I had memory testing, and I’m going to see the neurologist tomorrow afternoon to get the results and talk about next steps. She had told me she would be looking for signs of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. I am frightened of both of them. I also had a sleep study last night. I should get the results of that very soon, hopefully tomorrow. I learned that certain patterns in our sleep can be indicative of Alzheimer’s. I have been amazed at how calm I have been after the first MRI and meeting with the neurologist. I’ve prayed,and God has answered. I know He’s holding me in His Hand, and I am not facing whatever this is alone.

  15. Teresa Donley says:

    CEE GEE- thanks for sharing the Max Lucado story. Truly, may I “preach” the gospel with my life. May others always see Jesus in me.

    I was also struck by the emotions the Israelites expressed when returning to God:
    – a clear name
    – indignation
    – fear
    – deep longing
    – justice

    I want to be sure to feel all of these as I return to God.

  16. Teresa Donley says:

    COLLEEN DEVEAU- “Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created.” (Esther 4:14b). Perhaps God does have a plan for your daddy to be an influence for him while he is in rehab. I’m praying for God’s hand upon your dad and on this time, that it will be beneficial in physical and spiritual realms.

  17. Teresa Donley says:

    ALEIDA- I am praying right now that Victor’s second interview goes well, and that he gets the job. I pray for him to be able to earn the money he needs to pay off debts and to pay for an apartment that is in a safe area and that he can afford. I’m praying that Victor is ready and willing to make the break from the sober living house. And that God blesses your momma’s heart as you watch your son struggle with these huge life decisions. I pray that he will turn to God.

  18. Lehua K. says:

    Good morning ladies! I thought I would pop in and see what y’all are reading. ❤️ I’ve missed you all and have been reading studies on YouVersion with my family. Thank you @Michelle Patire for encouraging me to pop in and comment, and for your graciousness in carving out time to chat yesterday and to pray over me. ❤️

    Wow, what a timely devotional to return to. This reading ties in so perfectly with something that’s been going on in my life right now. If y’all could join me in prayer for my friend who has lost her way a bit, and has put her dreams and goals aside for a relationship that doesn’t seem supportive of those dreams and goals. She has told me before that God put these dreams and goals in her heart, and she’s pursued them for over 15 years but lately her passion has waned and she’s been so different. My heart grieves for her but I know I need to press on with my own God-given dreams and goals. I don’t want to put her name here but I appreciate your prayers. ❤️

    I’ve heard it said before and it’s been replaying in my head a lot lately that when the enemy can’t destroy, he will distract. He does anything he can to get us sidetracked. It doesn’t matter what takes us out, as long as he gets the job done. I know that I’ve often taken myself out and while it pains me to say that, God has so much more grace for me. For all of us. It is one thing to know Him and another to actually KNOW him. It’s like knowing a celebrity and being really good friends with them.

    I know there are also areas in my life where I need to pursue God more instead of going through the motions and getting on with my day. I’m working on starting the day with prayer BEFORE I leave the house, where I can truly sit and dive in to His presence and process through any emotions/thoughts with Him… instead of simply saying a quick morning prayer in my car (at work) before heading in. I did that before and it worked wonders. And it’s been helping so far on Day 1 (today) ❤️

    Have a great day ladies and be blessed! Thanks for listening to me ramble :)

  19. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Thursday! Praying for you all.

  20. Adrienne says:

    CHERYL BLOW… same!

    Praying over each sister as posts are read. And my morning prayers include a blanket statement… “Please bless all my SRT sisters in the ways that they need and how You see fit.” Don’t want to miss anyone!

    The latest on Leo from the last Caring Bridge journal entry…

    “We’re going home. After 51 days in the hospital/rehab, Leo is finally going home. We’ll be leaving the hospital within an hour and we’ll be home in time for dinner tomorrow night.


    But it’s not the end of the road. There is still a lot for Leo to recover. He is alright, but now we will start to focus on getting him back to being great!

    Thank you to everyone for your love and support throughout this ordeal. We appreciate you all!”

    Keep praying for his recovery, sweet She’s! Thank you.

  21. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Good morning sweet SRT sisters!

    LAUREN GW—I pray for you and your family often. I am so sorry you are going through this! You are obviously much stronger than you realize to be able to hold it together like you are (even though you may feel that you are losing it)! God has got you and you are loved! ❤️

    ALYSSA MURDOCK MARTINEZ— As LEANNA THOMPSON said you are right where God wants/needs you to be! Don’t belittle yourself—you are doing an awesome work! As people used to tell me when I was a stay at home mom years ago— The salary for your job isn’t good but the benefits are awesome! ❤️

    COLLEEN DEVEAU—Continued prayers for your dad and your entire family. ❤️

    ALEIDA—I am so glad your visit with Victor went well. Continued prayers for him! ❤️

    RHONDA J—Continued prayers for your physical healing from your chronic pain. I am praying for your jail ministry and all the ladies involved. I am also praying for your friend Tracy. ❤️

    KELLY (NEO)—Thank you for asking about Gina. She is having her second chemo at this exact moment. She will have three rounds of chemo before her surgery. The doctor said that her tumors had shrunk a little after her first chemo! Praise God! She has the sweetest spirit even though she has a long road ahead of her!

    Thank you to each of you that continue to pray for Jack and I! Life is hard and exhausting right now but God is holding me together!

    Have a blessed day! ❤️

  22. Kris says:

    Lauren GW: I just want to encourage you to not take upon yourself more that God expects you to take on. We often think we are responsible for taking care and fixing all the problems. We are not. You do what you can do, leave the rest to God. You aren’t responsible for everything. Give yourself permission to let go and let God. You have small children who need you the most. And you must take care of yourself, be kind to yourself, give yourself permission to take rest time for yourself. I found a channel on Pandora called “guitar radio”. It’s the most soothing music I’ve listened to in a long time, just simple, no words, acoustic guitar. It may help to ease the stress for a bit. Love you!

  23. Allison Bentley says:

    Another thing that caught my eye today was verse 16 “…and he (the Lord) became weary of Isreal’s misery” which brought me back to Judges 2:17 “…The Lord was moved to pity whenever they groaned”. God the almighty has emotions just like we do and yet He remains faithful!! Years and years of watching His chosen children repeat the cycle of rebellion must be so emotionally exhausting for God – especially after He sent His son to “clean us up”. Just something to ponder today. Happy Thursday Shes!

  24. Kris says:

    I think this is very important to see: that God is not to be fooled with. We can’t just sin, turn our backs on Him, serve other “gods”, and think all is going to be just fine if we turn back to God. Yes, He is full of grace and mercy, He is always kinds and compassionate. But He is also Holy, and expects us to live that way, too. We can’t expect that there will be no consequences to our actions. I am humbled by the verse that talks about godly grief – that we should grieve over what we’ve done, we should grieve over how we have affected other people’s lives because of our sin. We should never forget that we have to live with consequences even after God has forgiven us and restored us. He isn’t to be messed with, sin is serious, He calls us over and over again to be holy because He is Holy.
    I am SOOOOO THANKFUL that God still takes me back and puts me back on the right track after I’ve deliberately left His will. I’m SOOOOO THANKFUL He is a God of redemption and restoration. That is enough to keep me wanting to live righteously.

  25. Tammy Stecker says:

    Isaiah 30: 9-11 sounds very much like America tidy. “Tell us pleasant things.”

  26. Tammy Stecker says:

    For Godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret—-I love that part of 2 Corinthians!

  27. Tammy Stecker says:

    Do you like close to your dad?

  28. Cee Gee says:

    Such beautiful comments and prayers this morning, SHE sisters! Thank you for sharing your hearts and personal prayers.

    COLLEEN D -What a long road for your dad! Praying in agreement with you!

    ALEIDA – Praying God’s will for Victor in the job interview, for housing and discipline needed to pay off debts.

    RHONDA J – Love your heart and rejoice with you in the collaboration with your son – so clever!

    Sharing something from a Max Lucado’s Encouraging Word Study Bible on Bible gateway – kind if long, but speaks volumes:

    People are watching the way we act more than they are listening to what we say.

    Saint Francis of Assisi once invited a young monk to accompany him to town to preach. The novice was honored at the opportunity. The two set out for the city, then walked up and down the main street, then several side streets. They chatted with peddlers and greeted the citizens. After some time, they returned by another route to the abbey.

    The younger man reminded Francis of his original intent. “You have forgotten, Father, that we went to town to preach.”

    “My son,” he replied, “we have preached. We have been seen by many. Our behavior was closely watched. Our attitudes were closely measured. Our words have been overheard. It was by thus that we preached our morning sermon.”

    John was a voice for Christ with more than his voice. His life matched his words. When a person’s ways and words are the same, the fusion is explosive. But when a person says one thing and lives another, the result is destructive. People will know we are Christians, not because we bear the name, but because we live the life.

    What would others say about your life? What kind of fruit are you producing? Think of three specific steps you can take to live the life of a Christian.

    Copyright © 2020 by Thomas Nelson.

  29. Rhonda J. says:

    GM She’s!
    For once the week seems to be going slow! Today’s devotion is one that I often share with people of my own relationship with the Lord. Although growing up a Christian and knowing and believing, I wasn’t truly living for God, in a relational way with Him. Over the last few decades I have a hunger for the Lord, and want to keep learning more and more. I have an adoration and overwhelming love for Him that He loves us and came for a sinner like me. I have to say SRT study has been a huge, huge part from plugging in every morning in the word, the encouraging devotions, and the insightful comments from you She’s! Also the relation experience we have together, sharing parts of each other’s lives and praying in accordance together. It is very special. I do wish it was made similar though to reply directly and get notifications when someone has responded to you or prayed for/with you! I miss the sisters we became close to, and now don’t know how/where they are! I miss JenniferlovesJesus, Churchmouse, Dorthy, Angie, Kathy, and others I can’t recall at the moment. But God- knows who is here for His purposes.

    @Michelle- Thank you, my neck is STILL hurting and frustrating, because it is on top of my everyday, all day back pain. Thank you for your prayers. I am praying things are better in your home. I so wish we could go have a coffee together and hang out…and make you sing for me!

    Ailda- praying for your son to get the job.

    I am praying for 2 girls in the jail that have court today, and may get released. They are the sunshine in the pods and at our meetings. I know God has worked on their hearts, but is it enough for them to have it together and stay clean and on the right track if they are released? It makes you want to reach out and help them, but that can backfire we have been warned. I am also in prayer for a friend, Tracy that has a devastating prognosis with the return of cancerous tumors. It is so scary, I can’t imagine getting a terminal diagnosis, it sure would bring everything into light, what is important and matters in our life. We would surely let the small things fall away, think of the finality of life and what it all means. On another note, my mom heart is joyous as I got my son to watch a single episode a couple months back when we were together for two weeks, and yesterday I finally got him to get rolling to watch more together! We watched 2 episodes, and are watching 2 more this afternoon! We push start at the same time, and text throughout, lol!! (I wanted to do a “watch party” on Prime, but they don’t give that option for the earlier seasons!) He loves films/movies and shows, so I wanted him to enjoy what a good show The Chosen is, and more importantly to get the impact of Jesus’ life! Sorry to ramble, but I figure with only 11 comments…ya’ll wouldn’t mind!! haha. Have a great day my friends!! And be blessed!

  30. Cheryl Blow says:

    Hi everyone! So true how I can look down on the people in the Bible about their idolatry! I need to quit looking at the speck in their eye and look at the plank in mine.

    So thankful for God’s mercy and grace and correction. A quote I read recently, we. Need to be able to distinguish between our needs and our greeds. I just ask the Lord to search my heart and show me any sun and idolatry in my life.

  31. Lauren GW says:

    This hit home today. Life has been hard and in my frustration, I have looked to all sorts of other comforts and answers other than God.
    Please keep my family in prayer. We are well into year 3 of severe military PTSD for my husband. Things escalated to a point last week where he had to be hospitalized, and I think the hospitalization only aggravated things.
    His dad is also in the hospital, had heart surgery this week, and is barely holding onto life.
    I am trying to hold onto my job and take care of 2 small kids solo. I am barely sleeping and feel like I am barely holding on.

  32. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “Having knowledge of God and choosing to live a life that honors Him are two very different things, and they will lead to two very different life experiences.” How true this is! Knowledge is meaningless if we don’t use God’s wisdom to activate it in our lives. “Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know. But the man who loves God is known by God.” 1Corinthians 8:1… I don’t just want to “know about God” I want to love Him, honor Him, obey Him without all the idols of this world getting in the way of who and what God intends for my life. In order for that to happen I have to be be in the word and praying on a regular basis. Listening (to His Word & Spirit) and communicating (through prayer) is needed in order to have a successful relationship. The Israelites constant failure was because although they knew God – they didn’t have a personal relationship with Him. Lord may I walk daily with you. Keep me from the distractions of the world. Keep my eyes on Jesus.

    Repentance (of sin) and rest (in Jesus) = salvation. Quietness (of my soul) and trust (in the Lord) = strength. Isaiah 30:15

    @Aleida – praise God for all the answers to prayer: a good visit, your hubby’s patience, Victor able to sell some stuff, and his interview! Praying God willing – he gets the job and that God will bless your mama’s heart by continuing to bless Victor!
    @Colleen – continued prayers for your dad’s healing and that God will use him as a light for Christ while he is in rehab.

    Continued prayers for all my She sisters! You are seen, you are loved, you are prayed for. Blessings to you all!!

  33. Mari V says:

    @Aleida, Praying for Victor right now for his second job Interview

  34. Cindy Hanna says:

    Wynter’s comments that God did not want the Israelites to just know about him, but to know him personally as trustworthy and life giving helped me to better understand the 2 Corinthian verses. Paul too wants himself and the apostles to be known as trustworthy and speaking true words of life to the church in Corinth. Happy Thursday She’s! Praying your personal lights of life shine out for all to see!

  35. Leanna Thompson says:

    Good morning!

    @Alyssa Murdock Martinez – Your impact is with your children. They see you and learn from you daily. It’s hard right now to see that you’re making an impact. Years ago I had a wall hanging that helped me.
    Continue On
    A woman once fretted over the usefulness of her life.
    She feared she was wasting her potential being a devoted wife and mother.
    She wondered if the time and energy she invested in her husband and children made a difference.
    At times she got discouraged because so much of what she did seemed to go unnoticed and unappreciated.
    “Is it worth it?” she often wondered.”Is there something better that I could be doing with my time?”
    It was during one of these moments of questioning that she heard the still small voice of her heavenly Father speak to her heart.
    “You are a wife and mother because that is what I have called you to be. Much of what you do is hidden from the public eye. But I notice. Most of what you give is done without remuneration. But I am your reward. Your husband cannot be the man I have called him to be without your support. Your influence upon him is greater than you think and more powerful than you will ever know. I bless him through your service and honor him through your love. Your children are precious to Me. Even more precious than they are to you. I have entrusted them to your care to raise for me. What you invest in them is an offering to Me.
    You may never be in the public spotlight. But your obedience shines as a bright light before Me. Continue on. Remember you are me servant. Do all to please Me.” Roy Lessin

    Have a great say SRT ladies.

  36. Michelle Patire says:

    @Foster Mama- I hear your struggle! @Lehua K and I were just talking last night about how it is hard to keep up with everyone’s comments. (She has been doing a study elsewhere for those wondering.)
    You’re not alone. The formatting here is hard. You really have to be diligent in checking daily or you miss the response of others. I wish there was a way we could get notifications for replies like we do on social media. But this is not social media, lol. Maybe it is better that way… But I do pray if it is God’s will, He helps the SRT staff to be more innovative with their technology. The books are amazing! And I believe that is their primary focus with these tools. But the chat forum here needs work.

    @Colleen D- prayers God continues to help you work through things emotionally with your life circumstances. Praying peace and trust to grow as you lean on Him.

    @Lynne from Alabama – prayers you stay faithful and joyful in the Lord. Prayers for Jack as he tries to make sense of the world around him.

    @Rhonda J- thinking of you! Hope your body is feeling better, today!

    @Mercy- hope you are well and things with work are going okay.

    All of other Shes- God bless you and your faithfulness to be here together!

  37. Foster Mama says:

    Good morning my precious Sisters,
    I have a somewhat selfish ❤️ (which I would prefer you see as the opposite LoL!) request!!

    I’m sad and so disappointed on the many days that (between Baby, fatigue life and my other commitments) I can’t read all the comments and be up to date with your prayer requests and praises…Is there any way we can choose a day of the week (perhaps Fridays) when those get repeated (even if briefly)?! That way on the weekend, we can all get caught up with many of our sisters’ lives.❤️

    Just a thought (that I plan to repeat next week too). Thank you for understanding this comes from my deep LOVE for each of you!!

  38. Aimee D-R says:

    Father forgive me for when I stray. In Jesus name, Amen

  39. Kristine Loughman says:

    COLLEEN DEVEAU- you drew a powerful difference between knowing “of” God versus knowing God in a personal relationship. It reminds me of how social media makes me feel like I’m keeping up with my friends’ lives, but we don’t actually talk to each other anymore. Sure, I “know” what’s going on with them, but it’s a false sense of relationship. True connection takes more time and energy, rearranging of schedules and priorities, but it’s worth it. God is worth it.

  40. Alyssa Murdock Martinez says:

    Lord thank you for never giving up on me, thank you for calling me back to you. I FULLY surrender my life to you I want to live a life that is honoring to you. I get discouraged because I’m a stay at home mom and I don’t know how I could impact anyone but I am hear help me to listen to your voice and obey what you want me to do.

  41. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “[God] became weary of Israel’s misery”

    At first this made me chuckle. Amazing that the Lord was so invested in Israel that even in their rebellion He was moved by their sorrows. How much more today when believers stray, He is ever near.

    ALEIDA POLANCO – prayers for Victor’s interview and continued recovery.

    MARGO – praying that Jose finds an opportunity soon

    MARIA BAER – how’s the situation with your toxic coworker?

    HEIDI – how’s Kin doing?

    LYNN from AL – how’s Gina?

    BLESSED BETH – how’s Louise?

  42. Colleen DeVeau says:

    Yes, @Dana. This is a beautiful thing. Thank You, God, for Wynter’s words an the life she lived on this side of glory. Please continue to bless her husband and girls. Stay close to them. Amen.

  43. Colleen DeVeau says:

    Good day to you, Shes. I’ve missed this time with you. I have been so undisciplined with my Bible reading lately. Although I have been reading Judges, more so in bigger chunks, I have been slacking on the daily reading. Like Israel, I know this is my daily bread, but I am not living like I need it every day. Perhaps I’m being too hard on myself, but God is using it to show me something. We need to long for Him like we can’t live without Him because WE CAN’T. He is our Source of life, our Everything. We need to live like this is true and not just know it in our heads.
    Father, forgive me for knowing You via knowledge about You and not fostering our day-to-day relationship as I know I should. I know I need You. Let my life, words, and deeds reflect that. I just want to know You better, to know You more intimately than I ever had, to trust You believing — not just knowing — that You will carry me when my feet fail me. You are my God; there is no other. Father, forgive me. Let’s start over today. I will choose to trust You and Your promises even when I cannot see. Thank You for Your faithfulness to me. Amen.
    Shes, please keep my earthly father in your prayers. On Tuesday, Dad was finally discharged from the hospital to rehab. I do not know how long he will be there. I will find out more information soon. I will trust God in the waiting. I know He knows what He is doing. Please continue to pray for my Daddy’s healing and recovery. Please also pray for his mission in rehab; perhaps God has him in this specific place at this time to minister to someone about God who may not hear it any other way. God knows what He’s doing. Thank you again for your prayers.
    I will continue to keep you in my prayers, too.

  44. Dana says:

    Love that Wynter is still here with us ❤️

  45. Aleida says:

    Hello my She sisters! Todays reading is very convicting as so often I can see myself focusing on worldly things instead of keeping my eyes focused on Jesus. Lately it’s been very hard. Our son Victor is still not doing well. He did come up last week for a few days and thankfully he was able to sell some things from his storage unit (mostly car parts) to make some money. Miraculously his dad and he got along (my husband has very little patience for his son’s ADHD brain). So I have a lot to be thankful for because it went better than I expected. But he is still a ball of anxiety
    Also he still not working and really needs to get his life in order
    because he can’t live in sober living forever.
    I’m asking you to please pray for a great job for him. He actually had an interview on Weds afternoon at Lexus of Beverly Hills as a service adviser (a position he had when he lived up here in Portland) and they called him in for a 2nd interview at 10am this morning (Thurs). Oh ladies it would be SO amazing if he got this job and was able to hang in to it long term Please pray that this would be God’s will. He would need to find housing next (rent in LA is SO expensive) and get his debts paid off ASAP. Thank you so much for your prayers!❤️❤️