Text: Exodus 33:1-23, John 1:14, Matthew 17:1-5
Do you ever wonder what people think when they meet you? When I leave a conversation, does everybody quietly give me a slow clap and gratefully nod their heads? Or do they all sigh with relief and laugh, relieved that the crazy lady has moved on?
What do people see when they see me? They might notice my grouchy exhaustion and my giant orange sweater (again). But what I want others to see is my loving attention, my interested eyes, and my empathy for them.
I’ve often thought of what it looks like to be a Christian. It’s not being nice at the grocery store or letting other drivers cut me off graciously—it’s not those little things. It’s one big thing: we look like Christians because of the presence and glory of God. How can that be? What exactly is the presence and glory of God?
Consider our prayers inviting God’s presence to meet us in worship: God’s presence isn’t simply a warm and euphoric feeling. In the Bible we read that the presence of God came with claps of thunder (Job 37:4, 2 Samuel 22:14) and made people cry out in fear (Jeremiah 5:22; Job 23:13-16). Even the fading marks of God’s presence shining on Moses’ face prompted the Israelites to tremble and plead with Moses to cover up the awesome and terrifying glow of God’s presence (Exodus 34:29-35). In the Bible, it seems that everyone who encounters the presence of God or His angels hits the deck with fear.
But instead of demanding that we cower from His holy presence, God mysteriously invites us to not be afraid. God invites us to come close (Genesis 26:24; Luke 1:20). The glory of God changes us.
So what does the mark of God’s presence with us look like?
A Life led by the Spirit. Moses and Israel actually looked to a pillar of flame to follow God. Without flame in the sky, we still have His never-ending promises.
A Spirit of Humility: God calls us to follow where He leads, even if He leads us into the wilderness. Seek Him. Honor Him. He can be trusted.
Identity in Him: He knows us by name, just as He knew Moses by name. He defines who we are. Our confidence comes from Christ alone.
A Spirit of Security: Just as Moses was hidden in the cleft of the rock, God shields us from a glory that would kill us if we saw it without filter. God shows compassion on us in our weakness, and keeps us safe. We don’t have to live in fear.
A Spirit of Worship: The presence of God invites us to proclaim the name of Yahweh. We direct our adoration to Him. He alone deserves our worship.
Delight in Christ: When Jesus was baptized, the Father called Him beloved Son. He takes delight in Christ. God’s presence invites us to delight in Christ also. The mark of God’s presence is love of Christ.
Without His presence, we have none of these things; we cannot manufacture them. To venture forth in anything without the blessings of God is fearfully futile, because His gracious favor is our only security.
May the God who “became flesh and took up residence among us” shine His light on our faces (John 1:14). May we reflect His goodness and mercy. When people look at us, may they see the glow of God’s glory.

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27 thoughts on "Israel Departs from Sinai"
God is trustworthy!! In a world of broken trust and heartache, it is so easy to forget that HE is the author of trust and CAN be trusted. Heading into a very scary court hearing tomorrow with a God who’s glory is so awesome that I can’t see it. Amen and thank God He is trustworthy!!!!
Praying for your court hearing today Heidi!
Wonderful article!!! I was reading up on this last week..sooooo good!!
Soooo good! Just good and solid. Need to keep rereading it. THANK YOU!
These passages have been SO good for me lately. I have a 4th (and final) job interview on Thursday afternoon, but it is incredibly comforting to know that God is in charge and he can be trusted. Praise be to God that he is our trustworthy guide!
Love this, Katie! Praying for your interview process!
I took notes like crazy, reading this scripture and the ensuing devo. So good, such fresh, deep perspective. Needed this today.
Also, I can never get over the image of God hiding Moses in the cleft of the rock as He passes. Such an overwhelming picture of His glory and holiness, but also His grace and compassion. His love. I was really struck by the…companionship between Moses and God. So close that Moses face shone sometimes. Amazing.
I am so thankful the same Spirit that resided Christ from the dead lives in me
What a convicting post! I definitely need to be more Spirit led!
“His gracious favor is our only security.” Writing that on all my bathroom mirrors today! Thank you, Rebecca for this profound devotion today. It’s a deep well from which I want to drink slowly today.
The little things do make us Christians…so true. So many people (me included) focus on being kind and generous and loving. But we focus on the wrong things! When we focus on Christ He transforms our heart and in consequence our thoughts and actions. When we focus on Christ all those “little things” fix themselves…everything falls into place! Great word this morning!
Makes me think of one of my old favorite News Boys songs…”Shine, make em’ wonder what you got, make em’ wish that they were not, on the outside looking for it.” I love the idea that I can shine with His love and glory and that will draw people to me so I can then direct them to Him. That it’s HIS work in me that will then draw glory and honor back to HIM from what is seen in me! How cool is that!!! God is amazing!!
Thanks for taking me way back with the song! ;)
I like that Rebecca gives us those 6 points, to be in the lookout for. Coco Chanel used to say,” before you go out ,take off one thing”.. Rebecca challenges me to see if my heart is not “wearing” the Glory of God in all its splendor…!
Love this Nath! Thanks for sharing. It’s so true. We should be examining our hearts daily!
So thankful folks can so eloquently share their different perspectives from the Word which in turn can help us share our experiences seeing His glory.
The presence of God’s glory is a really big deal. The fact that we can reflect his glory is amazing! Anyone regardless of their relation to God can do the little things that may make them appear to be a believer. But no one can fake having experienced the glory of God. It is inherently evident.
That is so true. Thank you for helping my heart see how weighty this is!
“And all the people saw the pillar of cloud stand at the tent door, and all the people rose up and worshiped, every man at his tent door.” (Exodus 33:10) I love this…when God’s Presence is near, we can’t help but worship Him…and it changes my perspective. It causes me to want to live in a way that others can see His Glory!
The Glory of God.. changes us..
Resting in this promise
“I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.”
Known, loved, blessed. Praying I can allow God’s love to shine out of me today. Not in the small things but in the important things!
I loved verse 11. At that time, it was only Moses who could come to God as a friend, but today, through His grace in Jesus, we all are able to come to Him as friends!
Such a comforting thought…
It seriously blows my mind to think about! The fact that he calls us friends, this Savior that died for me…Sometimes I just can’t wrap my head around it! It’s life changing for sure!