We’re halfway through This Is the Old Testament, our thematic overview of the Old Testament. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we’ll finish our look at the books of Wisdom Literature and begin the last sections of the Old Testament, the Major and Minor Prophets.
What Is Isaiah? This book is a record of Isaiah’s prophecies concerning the nation of Judah’s rebellion against God, His coming judgment, and the call for them to repent and turn back to Him. It also includes a promise of restoration and prophecies of a coming Servant King who will bear their sins.
How Isaiah Fits Into the Story: The first part of Isaiah emphasizes sin, the call to repentance, and judgment; the second emphasizes the hope of restoration. Many readers are drawn to Isaiah for the passages describing a future Messiah and those describing the Suffering Servant. But a full reading of the book enriches our understanding of how these prophecies, and more, are fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Suffering Servant.
Reflection Questions:
1. List some of the promises God makes in Isaiah 43:1–13. Which ones resonate with you the most? Why do you think that is?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?
Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.
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53 thoughts on "Isaiah"
I have redeemed you. I have called you by name. You are mine. I will be with you. You shall not be overwhelmed. You will not be scorched. I am the one who saves.
I was so encouraged by verse 1: “you are mine.” In a world where it seems like I’m constantly seeking approval & validation from others, this verse reminds me that I already belong & no longer need to “find my place” so to speak.
@Ashley – I’m sorry. So hard. Whispering a prayer for you, your family and his wife and daughter. ❤️
@Angie – “it’s never too early or late to start”
Thank you! I need to try again to add this to my prayer life. It hasn’t stuck, and I want to pray more for my girls.
Please pray for me and my family. My brother died one month ago, and his funeral is tomorrow. He was 30 left behind a wife and 3-year-old daughter.
Kaitlin Schroeder – celebrating with you at God’s mercy to you and your boyfriend’s life! Prayers will continue.
Kelly thanks for helping me understand it better.
Amen Blessed Beth, Pam C. and Audren Amen
Taylor praying for you and sometimes being by yourself – just you and God – can be the best thing, it might help you do some soul searching.
Lauren praying for you. You are so right that He is right there no matter what you are going through.
Katie Latham you are so right with God and Christ all things are possible.
Angie thank you for the reminder to pray for my son and for other family members that need it.
Maura what you said was so powerful loved it.
A M and AG you are so right He doesn’t take away the hard times but He will be there with us through them and after them.
Carleigh Bright your comments have allowed me to understand even better the Scriptures for today. Thank you.
Kaitlin Schroeder God does answer prayers and is great. So glad to hear the great news.
The parts of the passage that stuck out most to me was that I am precious in God’s sight, and He is always with me. These are such great reminders in this life!
Today was pretty eye-opening. The promises that resonate with me are all about how God sees me. Which is helping me realize what I’ve been told throughout my life (or haven’t been told). God is SO loving and SO intentional it’s mind blowing.
Very much comforted by Isaiah 43:2 Today I feel as though the rivers of depression will overwhelm me, but He promises to be with me, and they won’t!
ALL PRAISE TO GOD PRAYERS, HAVE BEEN ANSWERED. Yesterday my boyfriends dad was at hospital ICU with him in coma (it’s been week now) and he started to come out of it squeezing his dads hand and he had breathing test (which he previously kept failing as he was not awake) but his dad coached along and kept him awake and he breathed 15/20 min on his own, and BP was steady on no meds! That was praise for a miracle on its own but this morning his mom went and walked ion to room and found him without tube and talking and awake—she could not believe it! Liver doctor was so optimistic and alerted team immediately about his strength and progress. Kidney dr who wrote him off to die is baffled and cannot explain how he is as strong as he is (we know it’s God!!). That dr has been so negative and said he’s need a kidney too, NOW he thinks they might function with just liver transplant. Oh praise God he is SO good and SO faithful to those who love him and seek him with their whole heart, as I have. Isaiah 43 was in greeting card my parents gave to me at the start of everything—no coincidence God works a miracle today, and this is verse for reading!! I am in such awe, he is SO GREAT. PRAISE HIM!!! Thank you for all prayers—please continue to pray for transplant, I know God has his hand over this all I am not at all anxious or worried. He will make everything fall into place in HIS perfect timing.
Verses 10-13 were the ones that captured me this morning. Anne Jones thank you for sharing the little bit from the Message. I got mine out and was again taken with the poetry of that version. Thanks for the reminder. I’ve been loving Crowder’s new song Good God Almighty. It just seems to fit with this passage.
Munchkin I too went through something similar at the first of the year. I was injured in a fall, sick & spending too much time in the bathroom & alone because my husband was hospitalized with Covid & pneumonia…I could barely walk. I cried out to God to take every step. I cried buckets of tears. I Hate to cry! He held me through it all. It was my SRT sister’s prayers, my next door neighbors & my church family that He brought to me that saw me through some of the darkest times I ever remember in my 60+ years. God is sooo good. He does really love us, doesn’t He?
Lauren, the same goes…He holds us truly He does.
Love to you all. Have a blessed weekend. We’re in for record breaking heat here in the West. Stay cool!
There were three other verses in Isaiah, besides the key verse, that stood out to me Isaiah 43:7, and Isaiah 43:14-15. These verses really let me know that I can count on my God. I find with Isaiah and some of the other books of the Bible have to read several different versions to really understand what it is saying. My two favorites are The Message and The Good News.
Sisters be blessed and have safe and good weekend.
The last part of verse 43:1 I have called you by name, you are mine. It resonates with me because, HE, my God our Lord Jesus Christ, knows me by my name. HE knows you, by your name. And one day, hopefully soon, we will all be with HIM forever.
Vs2 – When you pass through the waters, I will be with you and rivers will not overwhelm you. Vs4 – Because you are precious in my sight and honored and I LOVE you. Vs5 – Do not fear for I am with you. I (God) in all these verses gives me a comfort like no other.
Vs12 – I alone declared, saved, and proclaimed – and not some foreign god among you.
Please keep praying for my son. He has had an excess amount of phlegm and has woken up choking on it in the night. Thank SRT sisters. Have a good weekend.
Another amazing selection and wonderful comments from all! When I saw we were in Isaiah my first thought was of ERB and Maura and their wonderful commentary on the book here. I love the first 2 verses of Isaiah 43, but especially the first one- it speaks to me today because it tells me that God loves me. Of course I know this but sometimes I fear that while I know He can do miracles and work powerfully in my life He will not chose to for various reasons. This verse tells me that He loves me, and that tells me that no matter what He does it is always from love. @Taylor- I’m sorry your plans fell through. I too used to be extroverted and have abandonment issues, now that I am in my mid 30s and have been through therapy for 12 years for these issues and the pandemic which forced a lot of my extroversion out of me I find myself needing a bit of solitude. It is wonderful to have alone time with God! I pray He will bless it and teach you so much about Himself through it.
Verse 2 stood out to me. It doesn’t say as Christians we won’t go through hard times and things. But we do have God to lean on and go through it with.
1. In Isaiah 43:1-13 God shows himself as The Redeemer of Israel by promising these things; to be with them, deliver Israel from Persia (by giving Egypt and Seba in its place), and to bring Israel’s descendants from the east and the west. All of these promises resonate with me because we have continuously seen in the Old Testament that Israel (like us) have continued to disobey God; they have worshiped other Gods, made alliances with other nations, and so on. God has cast judgement on them (because He is God and He is fair and His Word is true). However; in Isaiah 43 we see God promising to deliver them out of judgement. He is promising to bring them back to one unified nation of Israel. What an awesome God we serve that no matter how far away we stray from God, if we just believe in the Cornerstone He will always bring us back to Him. That’s the kind of redemption I need, that’s the kind of redemption I have received.
2. Today’s reading points to the story of redemption by showing us how it is that Jesus delivers us from our sin. He is a forgiving God. Just as He is a forgiving God, it is now our duty to forgive others in the same way that God has forgiven us (Colossians 3:13).
V.13 (NLT) “From eternity to eternity I am God.
No one can snatch anyone out of my hand.
No one can undo what I have done.”
What a divine declaration!!!
Verses 1 & 2 resonated with me. God promises that He will be with us in the waters( trials of life). He says that we will be in the waters BUT we will not be overtaken by them.
Same here Susie!❤️
Verse 5:
Fear not, for I am with you;
I will bring your offspring from the east,
Because I have a wayward adult child and I think in the Old Testament that the east denotes things away from god (sin).
I know this is specifically talking about bringing Israel back to the land, but it encourages me that God is also working towards redemption for my child as well.
I loved verse 2 in the reading and the way Ginny described it in the podcast. “When” we pass through the waters tells us hard times will come, but we will never be alone. God isn’t on the other side and it’s not that one day he’ll be there or if we’re lucky we’ll find Him. He doesn’t promise to take hardships away but he’ll be present with us through it all. ❤️
Dear ERB, your insights and kind words always bring me joy. Isaiah 47 shows again God’s compassion on Israel, and though He has allowed Babylon for a time to rule over them Isaiah 47:6. He is done with Babylon but we see His protectiveness in this same verse and 7 For Babylon has shown no mercy and Babylon is warped in sorcery and trusts in wickedness and they has made it the god. And again, Isaiah shows the futility of idolatry. And when God says there is not one who can save you, He is turning His back, for He is the only one that could, and in this case will not. It is a rough chapter, but evidence that our Holy God silences evil. And for us He does it verse 4 Our Redeemer – the Lord Almighty is His name – the Holy One of Israel. His love is the only thing that can redeem us. Dear ERB, He sees you, not just the surface, but all the intricacies He put into your very being. He knows all the ways you have suffered and He hears your words that through the pain have still praised Him and pointed others to Him. Beyond that He wants you to know in it all, He has been there even when you have felt alone, even in your fear, helplessness, He was there and He knows the depths and it is okay to lament and pour out it all, this is not the same as selfishness, this is crying out for Him. He loves you my friend. I speak boldly because these are words to myself too. Our God sees each and every one and finds us His lambs, to pick up, hold, let us feel His heart beating as He carries us through. I am long winded, but just want you to know you/ we all are loved in this way. ❤️❤️❤️ ps: thank you for adding me to your quote book, so honored
ERB, love reading how the scriptures come alive in my heart. I too wish we could all be together drinking are tea or coffee and reading verses then discussing our hearts in person. I enjoy seeing everyone’s thoughts and feeling. God is so good. I pray that God leads me to be able to share his words with others. Much love SRT sisters have a blessed weekend.
@Lauren I too go to mental health therapy and have found it very helpful. I suffer from depression and have been able to make great strides in helping me be able to cope with whatever life throws at me. I’m praying for your physical and mental health.
Taylor praying now for you and your friend.
FOSTER MAMA – praying for your meeting.
JENNA – thank you for sharing…I so agree.
ANGELA WHITE – I have prayed for you and thought as I read Maura’s post…I hope Angela gets to read this.
SARAH JOY – always appreciate and love when you share.
TAYLOR – Hey, maybe the book you take to the beach with you could be Relationship Goals by Michael Todd. It is a quick/easy read while coming straight at you. I also agree with RHONDA’s encouragement to journal your thoughts and desires. One day you will look back at them and be glad you didn’t rush or settle for less than God’s best for you as person and in relationship. The seasons of our lives allow us to enjoy different things. If I were able to go to the beach, I’d be the one off by herself reading my book and resting. I find I need both times with people and times of solitude.
MARI – glad you are safely at the wedding, enjoy!
MAURA & ERB – Hey, we are in Isaiah…where you are studying together – that has to be fun for you both!
LAUREN – May God’s love surround you. I love Psalm 91. Yesterday I was praying it for someone and it occurred to me, in verse 4 it says, “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge,” God can cover me with something as light and fragile as a feather that when it is a part of His wings, is enough…that is how amazing our God is. May he cover you.
CHURCHMOUSE – Respectfully we pray God uses this time in your life for renewal, health, and healing as needed. May our holy and all powerful Father shower you with Himself.
Thanks SRT ladies…as I read your posts I pray for you, whether a request or sharing. A new neighbor moved in about a year ago. I heard that she is a part of SRT and so when I went to welcome her I shared that I did it also. I watched as thoughts went across her mind and then she went, “Oh, you are Angie.” It was a humbling moment to be sure. Then I realized, we will all do that some day in Heaven. One day we will meet and our words will be like, “Oh, you are Maura, ERB, Mari, (put your name in here),” and it will be such a blessing to worship our King together.
I appreciate the reassurance of verses 5-7 of Isaiah chapter 43 that each of us if formed by God and he will gather those he has called from all directions. He has my children in his fold and I can trust them to him.
Praying for you Lauren, sending hugs, asking that you feel Jesus wrap you up in His love and His peace and love cover you. Taylor, time to be still and know comes in solitude. Praying your weekend gives you time to just be in community with Him and He blesses it all. Let us know what He blesses you with. Nan, thank you for your comment, it blessed me. Awww Isaiah, we meet up in Chapter 43. So love this chapter, eh ERB and so close to where we are reading in 47. This morning I noticed in 43:11-12. Which reminds me that Jesus was in the beginning, part of the Trinity and God reveals His love so mighty throughout this book, but also, over and ove declares He is the only God. “I even I am the Lord, and apart from me there is no Savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimed – I and not some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses, declares the Lord, that I am God.” He wants us to bear witness and as I have read in Isaiah, and see all the idols, it seems He is saying tell them the truth you know for they need the truth to pull away from the idols and find freedom, grace, mercy and peace. He is mighty to save. God help me to witness, give me words for those who need them, may they hear and see you Jesus in my words and actions. Amen.
Uhg. YOUR. Not you’re. That’s so annoying… ;)
TAYLOR- praying you’re little “me and God” day is beautiful and restorative… I understand the sad feeling (I too want ppl and activity and “fun” constantly..!!!) and hope you’re able to reframe it/redefine the weekend with a more supportive feeling :) Feels to me (someone with limited insight into your weekend, I know..!) like maybe God has requested a weekend with His girl Taylor and is kinda forcing you to rsvp YES. ;) I hope you can claim it as your new and intentional plan, not your backup plan. If you can, carve out some scripture meditation time, prayer, journaling… who knows what insights might be found! :) Make it a special weekend- have fun!! :) :)
From junior high through college I prayed Isaiah 43:1-4a (I wish I had gone through vs. 7 now) and Isaiah 44:1-5 aloud in my prayer closet daily for my two sons. Every place in the scripture where it would mention Jacob, Israel, or Jeshurun I would insert their names. It would sound something like: “But now, this is what the LORD says-he who created you, Cameron, he who formed you, Derrick: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;…” They are now adults, with families of their own and just last year I was able to get a print from SRT of Isaiah 43:1 (I have called you by name, you are mine.). On the back I wrote a letter to each explaining what I had done over the years. I framed the print and gave it as a gift. My oldest son now has it hanging in his sons room. Praying scripture for our children is a treasure. It is a gift that no one else can give for it comes from your heart and God’s Word as He has guides you. One day you may have the opportunity to tell them of the gift you have been giving. It is a gifting that doesn’t stop when they become adults. How much more in the senior years of our lives could we/should we pray scripture over our family. They may never know the treasure you have stored away for them but, God will, does, and it matters. It is never too early or late to start. It’s not a have to…it’s a get to.
I can’t tell you how much I loved your post. Thank you!
Amen and Amen!
SRT has been so impactful to me, and all of us! I never could sit and read the bible from cover to cover, and would basically either get confused quickly in what it was trying to say, or mind drifting about. These studies have been so helpful and life-changing over the past 4 or so years. Your comments truly add so much as well, so I hope everyone will never be hesitant to drop whatever is on their heart. I also want to mention The Chosen again and it’s impact. Type it into your browser, and you can watch the shows right on your laptop or device! So good.
Taylor- I agree with the person, and there will be many more thinking—Girl, enjoy you alone time!!! haha. You will long for it as you move forward in life with a husband and kids! No, I know you feel lost being without your boyfriend, but truly, better is coming, and you can’t rush it. I went through that season after divorce (which is so hard when kids are involved) but you truly have to let God work in your independent life, and not be anxious for what is not. You will only fall into bad relationships if you rush!;) Journal your woes and prayers and watch how God brings them to life! And that goes for all of those in the valleys of life! :)
Isaiah 43 reminds me that God not only redeem us, he truly cares about us and wants to be with us throughout everything we go through in our lives. Isaiah 43:1 I have called you by name, you are mine. Makes me feel so loved. Thank you God for loving me ❤
Isaiah 43:11-12.
11 I, even I, am the Lord,
and apart from me there is no savior.
12 I have revealed and saved and proclaimed— I, and not some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “that I am God.
Father, help me to be a witness for you in everything I say and do.
@Talylor: Wow! Don’t be sad in this moment of solitude. Rejoice! This your time with your Father. He wants this time with you alone, a moment of quiet, where He can speak to you and you can actually hear Him, because there is no noise. How wonderful!! What a blessing!!! I pray that you will spend many hours in deep and thoughtful reflection, asking God to direct your steps and lead you as you continue on your Christian journey.
Be Blessed and Have A Great Weekend, Sisters!
Today I was OVERJOYED to Isaiah 43 was the focal point of our reading!! I really love that chapter!! And the verses how God calls us by OUR names!!! So love-filled, peace-giving and fulfilling, my spirit always feels at “home” and at rest when I read these words… ❤️ I also LOVED
and highlighted the scriptures in Colossians and 1 Peter!!! SO much in these verses… I feel like we could all sit down and talk for hours about it… but here are the ones that stood out to me:
Colossians 3:16-17 and 1 Peter 2:2
MAURA, sorry about the rush yesterday… my 9yo “adopted” niece (a friends granddaughter who calls me Auntie) stayed overnight with me and was demanding ALL of my attention!! A pretty awesome parallel to what we’ve been reading if you think about it… God DESIRES all our attention and idols (as fruitless as they are) DEMAND it!! Funny what God uses (a situation with my niece for instance) to speak to us sometimes, isn’t it? …When reading 46 I highlighted almost exactly the same verses as you did!!! Isaiah 46:3-5 and Isaiah 46:8-13 pretty cool how God showed/highlighted the same verses to both of us!! And I absolutely LOVED what you wrote “If we have put God above all else on His throne, that which we have made so important becomes so small in the light of His glory. And He is the only One we will see worthy of our worship in creation, even the things we create we will give glory to Him. He is so worthy.” and put it in my quote book!! Thank you for putting the feelings I’ve been having into words!! Such an awesome nugget of wisdom right there!! I also LOVED your Isaiah 62:5 reference in regards to Song of Solomon and put that in my scripture book!! SO Good!!! Thank you! SO appreciate you dear Maura!! ❤️
Isaiah 47… another great (short) chapter with a lot in it!!! I loved the contrast in Isaiah 47:3-4 ..it actually spoke volumes to me about how sinful and shameful human nature can be.. ..compared to how MAGNIFICENT God is and how He STILL desires and pursues a relationship with us!! Pretty AWESOME and very humbling, but also SO full of love!!! Our God is so good to us!! …I then highlighted Isaiah 47:8-13 …with verse 10 particularly grabbing my attention. I fall prey to “no one sees me” way too often!! It’s a lonely road I walk (nothing compared to Jesus) but still it can be very lonely… I am constantly reminding myself that God DOES see me and knows BETTER than anyone exactly what I am going through and exactly what I need!! It also helps to have people like you Maura (& all you SRT sisters) along with an incredibly supportive family!!! Self-pity is just that: SELF …it means I am focusing more on me than on God!! And it’s GOOD for me to have an adjustment in thinking!!! Thank You Jesus for that!! …Another thing that stood out to me in verse 10 was wisdom & understanding… All too often we can get caught up in the “wisdom and understanding” of things and it misleads us, or takes our attention away from where it should be: on God. There is so much to talk about here.. I wish we were sitting and having tea and discussing it… so looking forward to your insights and thoughts dear friend!!!
Much love to all you dear sisters!! ❤️❤️❤️
So that you’ll come to know and trust me,
understand both THAT I am and WHO I am
This is from The Message version of Isaiah 43.
I’ve loved these verses in Isaiah since reading Lynn Austin’s book on King Hezekiah. The book made the verses come alive in a new way in a time where I was going through the fire and the deep waters. These have become such a comfort to me over the years. If I try to walk my path alone, I will be easily overwhelmed. But with God, all things are possible!
Oh sweet Taylor, how I cannot wait for you to enjoy time alone. I don’t know how old you are, I am guessing younger than myself. But, I too used to feel that way about doing things alone and now…..I may like my solitude better haha. Seriously, enjoy your time at the beach. Enjoy your book. Enjoy Gods beauty in your surroundings. I am jealous of your day alone with God and a book at the beach ;)
Today’s key verse reminds me of my children- I named them and in a sense they are mine (Gods first). I love them with all my heart, would do anything for them and I want to help them be happy and free!!
I find so much comfort in knowing that this is what my father wants for me too!! I am His- HE formed me, called me by name !!! How comforting to know that He is with me and I am never alone. Resting in His presence this morning!! Have a great weekend sisters!!
Good morning from South Louisiana. I’m new here, at least in the comments. I’ve been following She Reads Truth since November 2020. I’ve been going through mental health therapy for almost 4 months now and recently had a flare up of painful cystitis. I was doing very well in my therapy recovery and then the physical health issue came on. I was so tired, in pain and fearful last night I broke down in tears, hugging my knees and rocking back and forth. At one point, I envisioned the Lord’s arms around me, holding me as I cried; “I know you hurt, I’m right here.” Isaiah spoke to me deeply this morning – wherever we are, whatever our pain, struggles or fears, God is always near.
I am precious in His sight and He knows me…that is such an amazing promise.
Fear not, for He is with us!
Isaiah 43:1-2 resonated with me the most. Yesterday my weekend plans fell through so this is the first weekend since my boyfriend and I broke up that I have no set plans (as an extreme extrovert w/ abandonment issues being alone is very VERY hard for me). I reached out to what feels like every friend I had on the East Coast and everyone is busy or can’t hang out. I was even tempted to go on the dating apps and try to find someone to hang out with on Saturday but I knew I didn’t want to do that at all. I had a good looong cry about it yesterday so now I’m sitting here typing with residual puffy eyes haha. The weather is supposed to be nice and I only live an hour & 15 mins from the beach so I think I’m going to drive to the beach by myself for the day on Saturday with a book I just picked up from the library and some lunch. In my mind it feels “humiliating” to do things alone, but I know God is teaching me ALOT during this season. He’s truly all I have to lean on for strength and comfort this weekend. Please pray for me that I have a good weekend despite spending it in solitude. I know with God I’m never alone but it’s still hard for me.
ALSO, please pray for my best friend. She’s been having stomach/GI issues for a few months now and after multiple doctors visits, stool samples (sorry if that’s TMI), and multiple tests, she has to get a colonoscopy today and she’s very nervous about it. The prep yesterday was really hard on her and she’s stressed studying to take the bar to become a lawyer in a month (not to mention the one year anniversary of her mom passing is coming up in early July) so she’s just going through a lot right now.
I’m so thankful for SRT where we have this community to share our burdens, encourage one another, learn from one another, and pray together <3 I hope everyone has a blessed weekend!
Taylor, come to Texas. We can spend our alone time together. I have been single for a year and a half. I also struggle with social anxiety and doing things outside of my house alone. So I know exactly how you feel!! But do enjoy your alone time with God. I have started having time where I leave my phone inside and grab a book and read on the porch for a few hours. The first time was amazing!! And now I just feel refreshed every time I do it.
These verses are so calming, they give you such peace and assurance. What a way to start a Friday knowing we need fear nothing, nothing at all.
Goooooood Morning!❤
1. Verse 2 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you
and the rivers will not overwhelm you,
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be scorched and the flame will not burn you.”
This is such a good reminder to me not to be suprised by struggles and trials in this life but to look for God IN them because He promised to be with me through it all. I am chosen and loved by the Almighty, and I live in a fallen world, so until Jesus’ return overwhelming waters and scorching fires are a part of the territory.
2. Isaiah is so key to understanding the great lengths God was willing to go to bring Israel (and the Gentiles) into a restored relationship with Him. His plan for redemption of humanity was illustrated in Isaiah’s messages. Some details are yet to be fulfilled, but while we wait, we are to show the world His glory!
Amen Kelly! That was the verse that resonated with me too ❤️
Kelly, that resonated with me too.