I really didn’t want to be assigned this passage because it’s hard to wrestle with. I’ve been a Christian most of my life, and still, when I read this passage about Isaac and Abraham walking up the mountain, I simply want to throw my Bible across the room. Why in the world would God ask Abraham to do this?
There are a host of things that God asks His people to do that, without faith and understanding of context surrounding these passages, seem really wild. Earlier in Genesis, God asked Abraham to circumcise every man in his household, even his servants. Today, Christians are asked to live in obedience to a lot of biblical commands which make no sense to the world and its culture today. We’re asked to think of others as better than ourselves. We’re asked to go out of our way to give to and love others—even our enemies. These commands might seem obvious if you’ve been in church for a long time. But outside of the lens of faith, they really make no sense at all. Only God can give us the strength and faith needed to obey Him.
And so, I’m left to believe that God must have given Abraham the strength and faith to obey even this seemingly insane command. Why would God have Abraham sacrifice this child, the one he and Sarah had waited and longed for throughout their lives? Why this child of the promise? If you remember Genesis chapter 21, you’ll recall that Abraham had just sent his other child, Ishmael, away. So now, if he were to go through with the sacrifice of Isaac, he would have no children at all.
But Abraham trusted God. He trusted that God was good. Abraham had learned that obedience to God brings greater blessing than pain. So if God was asking him to surrender to something painful—something as horrific as offering up his only son—then there must be an even more abundant blessing on the other side.
I’m not sure I would have had the faith to walk up that mountain. But because Abraham obeyed, we now get to witness, through Scripture, the first example of substitutionary sacrifice, as God provided a ram in the thicket.
Do you know who else walked up a mountain that led directly to an inconceivable sacrifice? Jesus. Only when Jesus walked to Calvary, when the Roman guard slammed hammer into iron, through flesh, there was no ram in the thicket (Genesis 22:13). Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords, became the sacrifice. God willingly gave His Son, and Jesus willingly gave His life because of His love (John 3:16). And because of His supernatural, unexplainable, indescribable obedience, we now have peace with God. Thanks be to God for obedience and the peace that comes with it—things that we may not be able to understand but can only pray to have His strength and faith to emulate that same trust in Him.
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130 thoughts on "Isaac Offered Up"
Thisnis always a harder topic to discuss with Christians and especially Non-Christian people. Claire Gibson put it in a way I think at least can kind of be able to help me in discussing it with fellow Christians.❤️
Was listening to a sermon literally before reading this (timing, am I right?) which was saying that gen 22.2 is the first clear mention of the word “love” in the Bible. And the law of first mention means it will have a v important meaning – what a wonderful way to draw our eyes to Jesus – how much He loved His Son and loved us, and how He gave Jesus for us. ❤️
What amazing faith that Abraham had!
Amen ✝️❤
Afternoon She’s! I am behind on my readings. We moved into a new home recently and I have been out of my routine. Abrahams story is a story of faith. He had seen Gods miracles and waited for it. So much so that he put his answered prayer ( Isaac ) on the line.. because he knew what the Lord could and would do. He had faith. Unnerving faith some may say. God I pray for us that we become so comfortable in our trust in you Father.. That when times get hard the first thing we do is fall on our knees and pray in reassurance that You have this Father. That our anxiety would wash away knowing that You are here for us. Thank you for Your continued miracles, Father. Amen.
Hello!!! May I get a few recommendations for a good study bible please? Thanks!!!
Hi Callie! There are so many to choose from and ones for specific topics. I encourage you to look through the website Christian Book Distributors to find one that will meet your needs. You can search study bibles and narrow version, type and age from there. Best wishes.
Thank you so much!
Callie, I have the NLT Study Bible. I love it. I also use resources on sites like Biblegateway. Two of my favorites are NKJV Wiersbe Study Bible and NKJV John MacArthur Study Bible, 2nd Edition. Our pastor a few years ago recommended the ESV Study Bible to my husband. My favorite translation, however, is the NLT! Hope this helps! ❤
I have the ESV Study Bible and really like it. I like the format and it has lots of good additional resources.
Thanks be to our amazing Savior for His continued grace and mercy. I pray that we may have the faith and trust in the Lord the way that Abraham did! Wishing you all a blessed day and praying for you all.
The Scriptures detailing Abraham’s life have encouraged me because his trust was not perfect. To me these chapters we have been reading speak of God’s patience with Abraham (with me) as He leads through trials that brought him to this ultimate trial God had prepared him to face. Some past trials A passed with flying colors – others, not so much. But God!
It doesn’t depend on me to get trust right every time. My job is to coming back to Him and trusting Him. (God will provide the lamb) Just as God came through for A and S in their lack of faith with Abimelech, His purposes will be accomplished and faith will be grown and I will be more prepared for next test of faith.
Jesus is the only one who had to be perfect!
I struggle often with “am I being faithful enough” as hard times continue in my life.
Because of His great love for us, He comes through! It’s not transactional-if I do this-He will do that. God is true to His attributes regardless of my successes or failures of faith.
Yesterday I wrote: “Thank You, God, that nothing depends on me. It’s all You. You are sovereign. Your plans for me are perfect. Nothing, not even I, can thwart them. Praise God.”
God will not ask anything of me He will not provide and empower. Easy to write but not always easy to live out!
Oooohhh…thank you for this reminder: “It doesn’t depend on me to get trust right every time. My job is to coming back to Him and trusting Him.”❤️
After reading this passage, and digesting it while working today… I have looked back on many times in my life where I have had to have “blind faith and love” as Norada Thomas mentioned.
Remembering those times today, has started to reset my faith today telling me I know i can do it again. Satan seems to have knocked me down spirituality and I’ve lost my footing. I need prayers to regain my spiritual strength .
Tonya, thanks for revealing your heart. I have experienced what you described and I pray God will restore your sure foundation quickly! My comeback progress was painfully slow, but God was guiding the whole way as always. Don’t give up HOPE! Hugs and prayers, sister! ❤
Eyes on Jesus, one step at a time, Tonya. May the remembered faithfulness of the Lord in your life lift and encourage your heart❤️
I think this passage is more about giving up control. How many times do we try to control, manipulate, and scheme to get things we want – or to get people to do what we want? Are we willing to truly give up everything we have, everyone we have to God to do with as He pleases? Do we often look at situations and think “this can’t be what God would want, so I’m going to do something about it”. Whether our children live or die, we need to give them up to the Lord. And anything else we have. Personally, I haven’t been all that good at this. Especially when it comes to my comfort. I’ve done so much manipulating in my life time, I can’t even count. But in recent years, God has really worked on me, and there is so much more peace when I let things/people go into Jesus’s arms… when I realize I’m not responsible for EVERYTHING. Trusting HIM do get things done HIS way brings peace and joy – even in the midst of hard times. Even when we grieve we can have peace that God is doing His will. Even when times are really tough and we are in pain, we can have peace in knowing God is in control.
Me again. This morning I was read a newsletter sent from a wonderful spiritual mentor that I subscribed to their email list. Coincidence (not) that it is about giving up our “Isaac”. The words really resonate with me, and i want to share in case any of us might need encouragement.
Here goes…
Many of you have said, “Lord, are you here? I don’t understand how I’ve ended up in this place of feeling like I’ve sacrificed my Isaac for you.” That was literally the phrase I heard “I’ve sacrificed my Isaac for you.”
I believe this is even more specific to pioneer families and those who have been pioneering in hard ground and difficult places. The last four years have been very costly and there’s been a high cost to this call, and many have felt like they’re at the place where they’ve sacrificed their Isaac.
But then I felt like the Lord was reminding me, and I want to say this, that in the story of Abraham and Isaac, God provided. God provided the ram at the last moment that was caught in the thicket.
I feel like the Lord is going to show you in the days to come that what we thought we sacrificed wasn’t actually the sacrifice. What we thought we gave up to follow the call and the high cost is not even the cost. We’re going to see that in the end it was the Lord who provided the ram in the thicket as the sacrifice. Meaning, at the end of the story He will reveal Himself powerfully through your storyline as Provider and Protector.
Right now, we’re only seeing one part of the story. We’re only seeing the part where it’s difficult. Just as Abraham must have felt, it was a challenge to go into a season or a moment completely prepared to give up everything, fully believing that was what he had to do. But I want to say this and prophesy this: I believe, especially in the next few years, we’re going to see the Lord provide the ram in the thicket.
This is the Lord bringing redemption, recompense, and provision to you and me where it’s felt like the cost has been too high, depleting us and running us into the ground. As we go into this week, I believe the Lord wants us to come to the altar and give Him those “costs” we have been carrying. Even right now imagine yourself heaping up all those disappointments, hurts, and frustrations onto that fire. Say, “Lord, I recognize there are situations I don’t understand. I recognize, that I don’t know how the chapters of my life will intersect, or why I went through what I did, but I trust you.” — it’s time to give it to Him. Can you do that as we begin this week? Give those burdens to Him. Maybe you need to even just go lay down on your living room floor, put on a worship track, and say, “Lord, here I am. I’m on the altar again. I give you all my questions. I give you all my frustrations.” Let Him deliver you. Let Him heal you. Then you’ll begin to see the Lord provide. And also, I want to say this: there is no sacrifice that does not produce oil. There is oil gushing from your life. I believe even this week the Lord wants to show you the oil that’s been producing consistently from this season of pressing, crushing, and high cost.
Bless you shes.
Mercy – thank you for sharing this! “the Lord wants us to come to the altar and give Him those “costs” we have been carrying. Even right now imagine yourself heaping up all those disappointments, hurts, and frustrations onto that fire.” Lord I lay my burdens, pains, struggle, worries at your feet! Amen
Mercy, thank you for sharing this❤️❤️❤️
What a great reminder! It’s hard to not push against things the lord asks us to do. I needed that reminder as I often ignore that. Happy Tuesday praying for you all.
What a reading today. I don’t know how I feel about this either. But I know this much, that our God is not a God of children sacrifice (Deuteronomy 12:31). It was a test. Even if we think that we have to sacrifice our most precious thing, God still provides for the cost of what He will ask of us. But unless we go up that mountain, we place it on the altar, we would not know if the ram in the thicket will be there. What a test. There was a source that says Abraham and Sarah did not live together after the binding of Isaac. She was somewhere else in another town, and Abraham did not return to her until she passed away. My previous pastor shared this info, I have not looked that up yet, but wow… it is a very harsh reality if that happens. The obedience and the sacrifice to test if one truly fears God is not for the faint of heart. But God is the one who provides, even if He asks us for a sacrifice, at the last minute, that sacrifice will be provided for in the thicket.
I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our beloved shes for your encouragement, counselling and much wisdom and love. I was going through a turmoil and your love, and the Lord’s kindness through your words have held me up. I am so thankful more than you ever know.
I will start training a new hire this month (training takes 3 months ) so please pray for her and I to have the stamina. Thank you shes. And always give thanks to God. He is amazing and worthy of all praise. God bless you all.
Dear Mercy, prayers for you and the new hire: for focus, diligence, stamina, like minds, and favor in your home responsibilities. Love you. Please check in when you can during the training period. ❤
Thank you so much❤️
There’s so much to take away from this reading, so many great perspectives from everyone here. Blind love and faith isn’t so easy to follow through on. I don’t know if I would’ve had the strength to be as obedient to God as Abraham was. Abraham is the perfect example for this
Oh for grace to trust Him more!!!!!
Yes and Amen
I love that Abraham had so much in faith in God that when he replied to his servants he said, “We will worship and then WE will come back to you.”
Such a beautiful faith.
I try to put myself in Abraham position and wonder would I have the faith and strength to bound my own child for the Lord. God calls me out of my comfort zone so many times and I need to be more obedient to listen and trust that he is good
My focus as I read (as many of you also mentioned) was on Jesus this morning. This time I was thinking of Him on the cross, but not the physical pain, rather the emotional pain. Knowing how deeply He loves, looking around and seeing His mother along with Mary and the disciples He loved like brothers and spent so much time with. I can imagine the heartbreak of leaving them behind, but He surrendered fully to His calling knowing He was the only chance for redemption. Sunday we sang Thank You Jesus for the Blood by Charity Gayle. I woke up with this song in my heart this morning. How appropriate for this read! I know y’all know the song, but sharing the lyrics anyway:
Thank You Jesus for the Blood
I was a wretch
I remember who I was
I was lost, I was blind
I was running out of time
Sin separated
The breach was far too wide
But from the far side of the chasm
You held me in your sight
So You made a way
Across the great divide
Left behind Heaven’s throne
To build it here inside
And there at the cross
You paid the debt I owed
Broke my chains, freed my soul
For the first time I had hope
Thank you, Jesus for the blood applied
Thank you, Jesus, it has washed me white
Thank you, Jesus, You have saved my life
Brought me from the darkness into glorious light
You took my place
Laid inside my tomb of sin
You were buried for three days
But then You walked right out again
And now death has no sting
And life has no end
For I have been transformed
By the blood of the lamb
Thank You, Jesus, for the blood applied (thank You, Jesus)
Thank You, Jesus, it has washed me white
Thank You, Jesus, You have saved my life
Brought me from the darkness into glorious light
There is nothing stronger
Than the wonder working power of the blood
The blood
That calls us sons and daughters
We are ransomed by our Father
Through the blood
The blood
There is nothing stronger
Of the wonder working power of the blood
The blood
That calls us sons and daughters
We are ransomed by the Father
Through the blood
The blood
Thank You, Jesus, for the blood applied
Thank You, Jesus, it have washed me white
Thank You, Jesus, You have saved my life
Brought me from the darkness into glorious light
Glory to His name
Glory to His name
There to my heart was the blood applied
Glory to His name
Songwriters: Charity Gayle, Bryan Mccleery, David Gentiles, Ryan Kennedy, Steven Musso. For non-commercial use only.
Oops, hit button before saying:
Love, hugs, and prayers! ❤
Love this song ❤️
What powerful lyrics! Thank you and hugs Cee Gee ❤️
Claire – thank you for your thoughts, honesty and vulnerability in the devotional the last couple of days❤️
This portion of scripture is always difficult to read or fully understand. In the younger years of my faith I know I did not understand the depths of Abraham’s obedience, Issac’s willingness of complete trust in his father or the clear foreshadowing of substitutionary atonement. As I got older and my faith matured and my understanding grew, the true weight of all that these verses tell is heavy and challenging. And not to diminish the great faith that Abraham had at all, but I do often go to Isaac and just can’t help but wonder what a complete faith and trust he had in his father to go so far as even willing lay on the alter. These were the days of the practice of animal sacrifice (and unfortunately also child sacrifice) so Issac knew what customes were invloved. I think it says a lot about both of their devotion, trust, faith and desire in honoring the Lord but also the depth of relationship with each other. They could only be in this place because they both had a whole-hearted commitment first to God but also to one another. What an example of the truest faith, grown and fostered by knowing the Lord.
May my desire and longing to abide in Jesus, to sit in His presence, to know Him and grow in love, commitment and obedience to Him be what leads me to walk in complete obedience, faith, trust no matter where or how He leads. Remind me Lord that you never leave, that your grace and strength is always with me.✝️
Well said, Wendy! ❤
Your comments are all so good!!! wow! I was struck by Gen 21 in yesterday’s reading: 12 But God said to Abraham, “Do not be distressed about the boy and about your slave. Whatever Sarah says to you, listen to her, because your offspring will be traced through Isaac, 13 and I will also make a nation of the slave’s son because he is your offspring.”
I am not taking away anything from Abraham’s obedience – I could not have done in even if I had been given the promise. But this verse makes me think that Abraham took God at his word – he was told his offspring would come through Isaac and Abraham believed that it would be so. Maybe that is how he was able to make the trek up the mountain – maybe that was his breath prayer as he took step after step. As someone commented a few days ago which clearly spoke to me because I can’t get it out of my head, “A promise is not any good unless you believe and act on it.”
So many beautiful comments! This story has always been hard for me. It’s always been a reminder to surrender my family over to God. He loves them more than I could ever love them. He will watch over them and take care of them. It all boils down to trusting God! Help me Lord to trust you more!
Thank You, Jesus, for being my “ram in the thicket.” Thank You, Lord, that You love me so much that You were even willing to sacrifice Your only Son to save me.
Amen ❤️
I want to send the heart emoji, but I’m on my computer.
Sorry this posted twice. It was supposed to be a reply to Abby.
If you have a windows computer, hold down the “windows” key and press the “.” – it will pop up an emoji list. If you’re on a Mac or Chrome – I’m clueless. ❤️
Wow incredible tip Searching, it worked for me. I am clueless with Mac too lol.
Such faith and trust Abraham had in God. He trusted God with that which was most precious to him and he had faith that God would raise his son from the dead – even though that had never been done yet.
Trusting, even though you don’t know where it’s taking you – that is true faith, and sometimes it’s tested.
Along with the faith and trust that Abraham had, I believe God also gave him grace in that moment. Grace that he needed to get him through the test, a grace that wouldn’t be explained until years and years later – yet God’s grace existed from the beginning.
I remember so clearly in my own life when God’s grace was the only thing that kept me trusting…It was 27 years ago, my youngest son, only 8 months old was taken to the ER and then admitted to the hospital. He was failing by the minute, and the doctors did not know why or what was wrong with him. I remember my husband asking, “Is he going to die”, I thought to myself, “that’s a ridiculous question, of course he’s not going to die, why would you ask that??” But when the doctor replied, “I don’t know”, it all became so real. As the doctor left the room I said to my husband, “if its God’s will to take him, then it has to be OK, He’ll get us through” he said, “I know.”
The only way I could have said or believed that it would be OK, was because of God’s grace – His amazing, abundant grace – that when the very moment it’s needed, He supplies…And as Christy commented in her post – It is “God who calls us each to our own story, and He wants to know our willingness to follow him, trust him, and obey him, in whatever or wherever that may be.”
p.s. my son ended up being transferred to a children’s hospital where he remained for 4 weeks. It was later discovered that he had infantile botulism. He fully recovered – praise God! And is getting married in June – Thank you Jesus!!
O Lord, may each of us here, be willing to follow You, trust You, obey You in whatever or wherever that may be. May Your grace be enough – because You are enough. Help our struggles, help our unbelief, guide us and uphold us with Your strength. In Jesus Name.
Happy Wednesday sweet she’s – praying for all your requests! ❤️
wow what a testimony Sharon! Thanks for sharing!
Wow, Sharon! I got chills thinking of the wedding and thought’ this needs to be shared at the wedding somehow!’ Agree with Tami- what a testimony of faith and grace! Love you!
“Trusting even though you don’t know where it’s taking you” by His grace – so powerful. Thank you for sharing your testimony, Sharon ❤️
What an amazing testimony. Praise the Lord for His hand on your sons life. Thank you for sharing❤️
Reading this moving testimony sent a chill down my spine when I read the dr’s words … thank you, Sharon, for sharing.
That is why I trust God and will do whatever he says
I found this interpretation from someone about Abraham sacrificing Isaac. And I found it interesting.
It was it reference to this question…If killing is a sin, why did God tell Abraham to kill his son?
‘My interpretation of this story has nothing to do with God testing Abraham.
Child sacrifice was normal in the days of Abraham. Everyone did it and practiced it. Abraham even knew all of the rituals to perform such an act.
The other “gods” demanded child sacrifices and the people of that era believed them and complied.
This story shows how YAHWEH is different from the other gods.
The ending is YAHWEH showed He doesn’t want child sacrifices.
Never child sacrifices in the name of YAHWEH.
In a world where the surrounding religions demanded child sacrifices, YAHWEH is set apart.’
I love that unique statement on this passage, Molly! It’s especially relevant in a world where we “sacrifice children” for the sake of career, money, or self-interest.
What great insight! Thanks for sharing, Molly B.
Thank you for sharing this❤️
So good!!
The parallels between Isaac and Christ are amazing. How God points to His sacrificial love of giving Christ, His only son, for our sins. That Abraham was willing to do this.
It made me go right to the day I had to give Tanner back to God. I had to walk that mountain. God was gently preparing me. He gave me the strength to get through the most painful time of my life. Tanner was God’s on loan to me to take care of until He called him home. BUT yet, my heart was broken in knowing this. I’m not alone in that heartbreak. God experienced it and so many other moms. God please continue to give me strength.
This is one of the tests that I think most mothers would agree we pray we never have to take. Traci your faith through your suffering and grieving is so inspirational. Thank you for sharing!
Love you, Traci! You are an inspiration! ❤
Your faith is inspirational, Traci. ❤️ Praying for God to continue to provide you with strength and comfort.
Your example, vulnerability, testimony and faith in the greatest of heartbreaks brings such encouragement to our hearts and great honor to the Lord. May His strength and comfort continue to lift you❤️
Much love to you, Traci ❤️
Good morning She’s. Had some thoughts written out and hit the wrong key and erased everything and I’m out of time! Love you all. Have to get ready for work. GREAT read. Happy Monday Beautiful She’s!…..wait…Tuesday (LOL)
Grrrrr. Praying the rest of your day goes better! Glad you made it safely home! ❤
Aw…thank you Cee Gee! I’m on my first break right now. Glad to be home, but miss everyone.
Thank you Jesus for your supernatural, indescribable, obedience, so that I may have peace with God. You ask so little in return- simply that I love you, and love others Forgive me Lord, when I become grumpy – thank you for the reminder that I once prayed for everything I have today.
Love this
Studying the story of Abraham has truly been one of the most thought-provoking and convicting things I believe I’ve done in quite some time—praise Jesus! Growing up in church, even attending seminary for a year, I knew the highlights of Abraham’s story, but I don’t think I ever truly sat in the timeline. Despite being a man of deep faith in God, Abraham struggles with lying…pretty frequently. We see this constant struggle between receiving blessing from God to lying to self-preserve, even at the potential expense of others. While Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac on the altar is without a doubt an incredible display of faith that God would provide, I can’t help but wonder if Abraham at any moment thought “is this the consequence of my actions when I did not place my faith and trust in God?” As a child of adoption, I always felt this need to prove I was worthy of having a seat at the table, or earn the love that had been given me—never because of my parents, it was just an internal battle I was always fighting. Unfortunately, in an attempt to maintain the appearance of “a good child,” I often found myself telling lies to make sure I looked the part I had created in my head of the daughter who deserved what she had been given. It’s taken a long time to dismantle this way of thinking—to find that loving Jesus and resting in His truth is far greater than battling it out on the ever-changing grounds of other’s opinions. Jesus is constant; humans not so much. Like Abraham, I have loved the Lord in so many moments, but I have also felt the heavy weight of persistent sin. While it is true that Abraham’s faith displayed in this story, like all humans mentioned in Scripture, is something to serve as encouragement for us all, it is and will always be God’s love, compassion, and forgiveness that serves as the focal point in Scripture and in our own lives.
I want to send the heart emoji, but I’m on my computer.
ABBY, what a beautiful post and I love your ending: “…it is and will always be God’s love, compassion, and forgiveness that serves as the focal point in Scripture and in our own lives.” ❤
❤ (this one is from TRACI since she wasn’t able to send one from her computer.) ☺
Thank you for sharing this insightful comment @Abby Hope Lancaster! I particularly appreciated the final sentence – it is encouraging to me that there are so many humans we have to look to in the Bible, but it is not their humanity that is encouraging, rather it is seeing how the Lord works through their humanity in compassion and with grace and mercy to bring about His Good. And how great it is to see this continue in the lives of the saints that we know in our own churches and communities.
I too, appreciate your last sentence. Thank you for that❤️
Great Insights She’s! It has always been a tough passage, read a lot over the years- but still makes us scratch our heads.
It shows us unwavering, unshakable faith. No compromising, no bellyaching, no sidestepping. Full on trust.
Knowing HIM is trusting him. Because we have an intimate relationship, developed little by little, or maybe even by one, quick life-shattering moment. But the more we know him, the more we are secure. We don’t freak out, we don’t fear and have so much anxiety we can’t move, or try to manipulate the situation. Yes, we need moving action, but it is always in the things we already know–prayer, meditation, listening, fasting, being with Him.
I can’t fathom the faith to sacrifice a child, but I have to believe that God is good, and wants my obedience. Abraham knew God would provide, and He did. And if we lose a child, and it seems as if he didn’t provide….then what?! That’s where the test continues…I have to believe God will still provide, just in ways unbeknownst to me. I’m pretty sure I’m not there yet. God help my trust and faith. I don’t want to be tested.
I would agree Rhonda…in all honesty, we just don’t want to be tested but there is no escaping. And do as you said, the more we know Him, the more we are secure❤️
If God doesn’t provide, then what? Lol. You are so real. Amen. Will we follow through? Will God follow through? Or what if His provision looks different than what we might expect. Or perhaps we could have looked at the wrong bush? Right? Navigating real life scenarios is very complex and challenging indeed. Love you sister ❤️❤️.
I completely agree with Searching that these two chapters would be a wonderful study by themselves.
I’m grateful that by faith, our lives are not limited to human rationality and problem-solving to endure the hard things and mysteries in life. And we can trust God, who knows our future and directs our steps in order to work out his plan for our lives that He works through those circumstances and He is the provider even in impossible circumstances.
Anytime I read this passage. It’s a reminder to hold loosely to the blessings that God has given to me for they are to bring him glory and not me. And if they are removed, I will be okay. I need to worship Him and not His blessings. I’ve learned that in this season of waiting, when God has given me dreams and hopes, it’s easy for me to jump ahead and turn those things into idols, and He has gently convicted me time and time again to surrender them back to Him. God calls us each to our own story, and he wants to know our willingness to follow him, trust him, and obey him, in whatever or wherever that may be. He is faithful to intervene at the exact right moment and provides precisely what we need when we need it most. Praise God!
Thank you everyone for your prayers over my interview yesterday. It went so well! I will keep you posted. I have 2 interviews left in the process. ❤️
Great post, Christy; thank you! 2 more interviews- yikes! Thankful it went so well yesterday. Continued prayers! ❤
“Hold blessings loosely….” yes. Good reminder. He will meet us in it all.
Glad your interview went well
Worship God- not His blessings— if that isn’t a word I don’t know what is!! Thank you for sharing- I will be pondering this all day!!!
Praying for your interviews.
Such a good word! Thank you for sharing; that’s something I’m going to be thinking about for a long while.
Many thoughts this morning as I read this familiar story
– [ ] Abraham didn’t seem to argue or plead with God or try to manipulate circumstances as we’d seen him do before. Is this a sign of his maturing faith?
– [ ] Immediate obedience-he got up early
– [ ] 3 day journey-lots of time to think. Did he think a lot about Gods covenant and how he was going to make his descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky through Isaac-how would God do that if he sacrificed Isaac? Did Abraham believe God would provide another sacrifice or possibly resurrect Isaac?
– [ ] Gods provision was coming up the other side of the mountain. Abraham couldn’t see it, but it was there. Often how it is with us. WE can’t see what God is doing or preparing, but He is at work.
– [ ] Isaac’s faith-he appeared so submissive and trusting. How did he survive that terror? Only God knows! Was it faith in his earthy and Heavenly Father?!
Just some thoughts for a difficult story to read again, but what always helps me is the foreshadowing of Jesus’ sacrifice for us.
These are great insights! Thank you! I’m taking note of them:)
Father I need You. My faith is strong and my faith is weak. Please help me to trust Hour ways are better than mine and to go where You lead boldly without fear. In Jesus name, Amen
Love the parallels of Jesus in this story
Thoughtful words and thoughts this bitter cold morning. Thank you Tina, Julia C and Erica! I do not like this story either. It is difficult to wrap my heard around. I did like the way the Podcast explained it, however. It helped a bit.
I literally read this yesterday for the Bible Recap and in reading it again today, I saw more…I pictured God walking with Jesus, providing Himself as our Lamb. I can’t imagine, as the angel of the LORD on the mountain, Jesus seeing Himself one day on that mountain, sacrificing Himself for the our sins and the sins of this world. It’s amazing, mind boggling! Thank You Jesus for this hard picture. We cannot imagine giving up our own children, let alone being asked but God did..He gave up His only Son because He so loved us!
“Hold blessings loosely….” yes. Good reminder. He will meet us in it all.
Glad your interview went well
Oh! Sorry. Accidentally posted this to the wrong person!
Beautiful picture. Thank you for sharing.
I’m a Bible Recaper as well. The overlap in reading these last few days has been neat:)
Could these 2 chapters be a study by themselves? A lot to soak in. Abraham’s trust & faith – mind boggling no matter how many times I’ve read these chapters. And the tie-ins to Christ’s sacrifice to us – so many parallels.
On trust/faith – when someone I trust betrays that trust in some way, do I ever really completely trust them again? Can they do enough to “earn” back my trust? Honestly, no. Even if there are sincere apologies that are followed by unwavering trustworthiness, there’s a piece of me that is still a bit guarded, somewhat on alert for another betrayal.
Thankfully, my God and my Jesus (MARI V ❤️) forgive me 100% when I fail to keep my word, when I lay down my faith or have turned my back to the Lord. My confession and apologies bring my heart back in line with His, God’s love never wavers.
TAMI – praying for Chela
SHARON JERSEY GIRL – principle vs promise – thank you!
CEE GEE – thank you again for video mention and also the lyrics, so moving.
CHRISTY – glad interview went well. Praying as you go through the remaining interviews
Thank you Searching!
“My confession and apologies bring my heart back in line with His, God’s love never wavers.” Amen, Searching!!! I am si humbled when I hear me pleas for forgiveness… once again, knowing that ‘once’ doesn’t belong in that phrase! I hope that makes sense! Good point about chapter studies! ❤
Great pondering ❤️❤️❤️
Amen. Thank you Lord
What always stirs my heart with this incident is the faith and obedience of Isaac. He carried the wood on his back (like the cross) and there is no record of him protesting being bound and placed on the altar his father built. Can you imagine the terror of seeing the knife in his father’s hand being raised?
CHRISTY – hope you hear back soon about your second interview.
SEARCHING – continued prayers for a full recovery for your family member with a broken arm.
MERCY – continued prayers for wisdom and peace in your work situation
I am a regular reader – never commenter with SRT but something you wrote Kelly NEO really stood out to me. While we often focus on Abraham’s trust and obedience (rightfully so), it was Isaac (the expected sacrifice) who carried the wood (similar to the cross Jesus carried) on his back up the mountain towards his sacrifice. The significance of his trust and willingness to be the sacrifice really stood out to me in that visual.
Agreed Jennifer. As I was reading I thought to myself “wow”!
Glad to ‘see’ you, Jennifer! ❤
I have often gone to Issac and commented on that as well. So many layers to these verses, all pointing back to the faithful sovereignty of God.
Yes, Kelly! I was wondering if Abraham was talking to Isaac as he was binding him, assuring him that God was trustworthy. I would hope He did as a witness to Isaac. Just don’t know!
Adding my amen to your prayers and continued prayers for favor for your houseguest! ❤
Thank you dear Kelly ❤️ trying to keep my head above the water.
Such a good observation!!
Thank you, CLAIRE ❤️
From HRT:
“The same God who sent His beloved only Son to save the world told Abraham to sacrifice his beloved only son. In both cases His plan was to save and give life. And in both cases His plan was to reveal His sovereign goodness, build His people’s faith, and lift up His Son in honor.”
Psalms 40:16-17 (MSG)
“But all who are hunting for you —oh, let them sing and be happy. Let those who know what you’re all about tell the world you’re great and not quitting. And me? I’m a mess. I’m nothing and have nothing: make something of me. You can do it; you’ve got what it takes —but God, don’t put it off.”
But Abraham trusted God.
But Tina trusted God..
But Abraham trusted God.
But Tina trusted God.
One of these statements is a truth, the other not so!..
Well, perhaps it’s a truth .. when it suits me. A truth when I am in a good or happy place. A truth when I’m telling my story and I can see beyond the beginning of the story..
Either way, that trust is not equal to Abrahams, that trust is like a pick and mix.. when it suits or is convenient to my life..
He still trusts me to TRUST HIM!
In that same paragraph as But’ Abraham trusted God’, the final part is.. ‘then there must be an even abundant blessing n the other side..’
That really took the wind out of my sails..
I mean, am I the only one thst can not see the woods for the trees, in a crisis. In an action that requires sacrifice. In a decision that would change the trajectory of people’s lives.
I love God, I really do, and I am so so very thankful for Jesus and the gift He has given and continues to give me…
But the act of sacrificing a long awaited dream and precious gift is hard for me to get my head around..
I guess it comes down to the size of trust! Right?
Rickter scale stuff..
Does my trust in God, move mountains or is it just something I say to get a reaction..?
Leaning more into His Word and promises today and trusting Him, God, in a way that perhaps I have not let myself go before..
When I survey the wondrous Cross on which the Prince of Glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss, I pour contempt on all my pride..
Forbid it Lord, that I should forget.. Jesus, the King of kings willingly walking toward Calvary, for me and mine.. and that His obiedience has brought me peace with God, and a Hope far beyond my lukewarm trust.
It is well.
It is well..
Let me, Tina, who seeks You, rejoice and be glad in You.
Let I, who loves your Salvation continually say,
“The Lord is great”.
Happy Tuesday, my Dears!
Much love and prayers..❤️
Good morning, dear Tina ❤️
I will spend some more time reflecting on your question: “Does my trust in God, move mountains or is it just something I say to get a reaction..?”
Amen, Tina. The line – “He [Abraham] trusted that God was good. Abraham had learned that obedience to God brings greater blessing than pain. So if God was asking him to surrender to something painful—something as horrific as offering up his only son—then there must be an even more abundant blessing on the other side.” gave me pause as well. Thankfully earlier on Claire points out that “only God can give us the strength and faith needed to obey Him.” May we lean hard into Jesus for that strength and faith everyday!
I really enjoyed that line as well.
Thank you, Tina, so much pondering to do on your sharp points. ❤️
Tina your comments are so raw and full of emotion. Thank you for pouring out your heart on this. Your post resonated with me, especially this, one statement is truth,the other not.
Tina, I don’t think my trust in God moves mountains, but I hope to get there someday. I think you are way closer than me:) xo
Amen and amen and amen!!!
What truth you speak, girl!!
Much to chew on today…
Agree with each sister’s comment! What a gift you have, Tina, and I am thankful for your sharing! Love you! ❤
Thank you Tina ❤️
Thank you Tina, well said and a lot to think on.❤