intro: this is the Bible

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 40:6-8, Matthew 24:35

Text: Isaiah 40:6-8, Matthew 24:35

Greetings, sweet Sisters, and welcome to the This Is The Bible plan!

As we get started, would you take a few minutes (six, actually) to watch this helpful introductory video?

Over the next 9 days we will study the characteristics of God’s Word, the Bible, the Holy Scriptures. We will see what God has to say about this text that we gather around each day, that shapes our faith and refines our hearts.

What we want to explore this week is: What is true of God’s word? And, what does that mean for us? How do these foundational truths about Scripture change the way we engage with it and with God? Can we trust the Bible? Do we trust it?

Each day’s reading will include a portion of Psalm 119, along with additional scriptures relevant to the day’s topic. Psalm 119 is a remarkable (and remarkably long!) psalm of David in which he exclaims his love for God and His Word over and over. And over.

David divides the psalm into 22 sections, one for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and we will read just a few sections each day. Our prayer is that, like David, we will allow our love for God’s Word to be the invisible thread that runs not only through this study but through our very lives. As Nancy Guthrie said in the video above, we can’t depend on yesterday’s truth meal. We need one today.

Go ahead, watch the short-yet-awesomely-clear video if you haven’t yet. And come back tomorrow to dig into this plan with us. The Holy Spirit is sure to meet us and teach us as He so faithfully does.

(897) Comments

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897 thoughts on "intro: this is the Bible"

  1. sheeran says:

    Spot up for this write-up, I actually think this website wants much more consideration. I’ll probably be once more to read far more, thank you for that information.

  2. Tamara LaCroix says:

    I have come to a crossroad where I need to re evaluate myself and my life. I am missing the big piece of my puzzle. God. I treat him as a pandora bracelet by using him on a prn basis , only when I’m going somewhere to show off. Bottom line is what is the condition of my heart. In reconditioning my heart , I have willed to get to that bottom line and get back to My God. Rediscovering God and falling in love with Him all over again through His word. His living word to quicken my heart recondition it and to make me alive again. My daily life with my daily struggle will not be the same if I don’t seek God first. I pray that the next nine days the Holy Spirit will move me and create in me a new heart. My journey is heavy and only with My God’s living word that I shall not be among the dead.

    1. Heidi says:

      Thank you for sharing your heart. I am praying alongside you for both of us!

  3. Sam says:

    I just finished This is the Gospel two week study. I’m excited to jump into this study for the next 9 days!

  4. Nikole says:

    Thank you God for putting it upon my heart to seek out this virtual community. Sunday is not enough; I need your presence every single day. Help me O’ Lord to be receptive to your words and grow continually in my faith. Amen!

  5. Katey says:

    I needed this app! I have fallen so far from God. I am ready to rediscover Him and fall in love with Him again!

  6. Amber says:

    I am excited about starting this plan. I feel like I have been so busy that I haven’t put enough time in for God. I pray this devotional gives me guidance and to help me get back on track.

  7. Kami says:

    I’ve been putting this off for a really long time. But, tonight (or shall I say morning), I start this. I want to grow my faith, my knowledge, and my strength in my faith.

  8. Vanessa Hernandez says:

    I’m hoping to get a better understanding of the Bible and grower closer to God and in my faith!

  9. EmmaElaine says:

    I’m a teenager looking for something to feed my heart, and I feel drawn towards the Lord even though I’ve never had any real religious experience in my family. I didn’t know how to go about beginning a relationship with God and hope to understand and know Him better through his word. Does anyone have any suggestions for me to begin living my life for Him? They would be greatly appreciated, as I’m very new and looking for guidance.

    1. Nomali says:

      Well praise God for the work He’s already, calling you to Himself. He loves you. You just have to put your faith in Jesus and realise that He’s the only One who can and who Saves. The Bible says in Romans 10:9 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved”. So believe and confess your faith sister and God will lead you. And read His Word and pray daily and you’ll a have strong and beautiful relationship with Him. I’ll suggest you start by reading the first four books of the New Testament Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And I pray that you experience His presence daily and grow in your faith. Much love.

      1. EmmaElaine says:

        thank you so much for your help!

    2. Amanda says:

      What an amazing chapter of your life that is beginning! First, lean into the word. Get a Bible (or use the Bible app) that is easy to understand! When I first began reading the Bible, much of it felt overwhelming due to the language used. Many versions (NIV or NIRV) break down the meaning of each verse. Second, find a church that you love. Which may be hard as a teen as you may be relying on your parents. Third, just talk to God. Use prayer as a daily fuel to your fire to learn more! Simple prayers are sufficient…just talk to God about what’s on your heart! Best of luck with this new chapter. Prayers to you!!

    3. Jasmine says:

      He says him self to pray about EVERYTHING. And he means EVERYTHING. He’s a God for you and he’s never gonna be out to get you. But start by reading his word or even listening to a worship playlist on Spotify or Pandora.

  10. Becca says:

    I go to a Christian university in south Florida and am finding it harder than I anticipated to find Christian friends. I don’t know if anyone on here goes to my school but you should reply to this post if you attend PBA. I’m in desperate need of Christ-centered friends to support me and I want to support others.

    1. Rebekah says:

      Hey girl, I literally just finished reading this devotional and your comment was the first one I saw. I may not live in South Florida anymore but I know a LOT of people down there still. I was born and raised in SoFlo and moved to Charlotte about 2 years ago. Please let me know if you’d like to get connected with some really great people who will push you closer to the cross. And let me know how I can pray for you. I will already start praying you are able to find Christ centered friends to do life with. Feel free to reach out to me on FB. You can find me by searching for Rebekah Joy Gonzalez. Have a great day!

  11. Susan says:

    So excited and grateful to be part of this wonderful study!

  12. Charlaunté says:

    I’m beyond excited to just dig in deeper and study these plans.

  13. Agaisha says:

    I’m excited to start this study! I’ve struggled so many times to read my bible and complete a plan, but this puts everything into perspective. Often times I do pick up my Bible thinking it’s all about me. It is indeed about God! Let’s go!

  14. Hunter'rose Kruse says:

    I’m extremely excited to just start this study and get to know the bible more and how to read it properly and understand gods words and give my all to him

  15. Regan says:

    The fact that God has given us full access to His living, enduring, transformative Truth is in and of itself an overwhelming act of grace and His love, but one that comes with responsibility. In our world, there are approximately 1,860 language groups (that’s right, entire languages) that have not a single verse of Scripture available in their own language. That means there are several hundred millions of individuals who cannot know the Truth of God today. With such incredible advances in commerce and technology, this is absolutely unacceptable in 2015. Organizations like Pioneer Bible Translators is doing something about this, but they need the hearts of God’s faithful people to respond to this need if they are going to ensure that enduring access to God’s word is available to every tribe, nation, and tongue by 2050 (a goal that is more possible than ever in history). If you would like to learn more about how you can advocate for the bible-less around the world, please visit ( and ask God if He would have you take action on the behalf of the spiritually impoverished around the world. Together, we can fulfill the Great Commission to “go, therefore, and make disciples among all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you.” Matt. 25:18-19 Some of Jesus’ last words on earth. Without the Scriptures, these people have no hope. Let’s build God’s kingdom together! Much love, Regan (daughter of the King)

  16. Lisa says:

    so glad to have found this study!

  17. I’m thrilled to start this new study with so many women around the world. But more importantly- I’m blessed. I’ve been doing a little soul searching & found Gods love to be unconditional. However, as a follower of Christ I must do my part and that is to work on a marriage with God daily.
    Hope you ladies have a wonderful day/afternoon/night.

  18. kelsey says:

    excited to get deeper into the bible and learn more about God

  19. Merchelle Jackson says:

    I am excited to see what Lord reveals to me in the next few days!

  20. Kamile Warren says:

    I’ve seen God change my life in so many ways and then I just go back to how I want it to be because sometimes I feel like reading the scripture is just taking up my time! I pray that God reveals himself to me and keeps me growing in his love and hold me accountable to being faithful!

  21. Abby says:

    Very excited to start this! My relationship with the Lord is not where it should be and I would like to get it back.

    1. Julia B. says:

      I hear ya Abby. I’m in the same boat. Me and my girlfriends are just starting this plan. I pray God reveals himself to us and that we set aside ourselves for a bit so that we can see and absorb him.

  22. Tara says:

    Very excited to see what the Lord wants to reveal to me through this study

  23. Lucy says:

    I agree with Terri. Thank You, thank You, Lord for bringing me here in the company of some of Your daughters.

  24. Terri says:

    Thank you lord for bringing me here today.

  25. Lauren Snedden says:

    Wise women! Very inspiring and I’m looking forward to this study!

  26. Christina says:

    Day one ladies! Woot woot! Im coming into this new learning experience with a positive attitude. I’m pregnant with my first child which could be here any day(: and if I’m not walking/following God how can I except her to. Really excited!

    1. Lucy says:

      How exciting! Praying for you and the new baby.

  27. Genesis says:

    I always find myself saying that I will do a daily devotional but I never do, and then I say I don’t have time, but I have 30 min every morning on my way to work and hopefully this will help me to do my daily devotional without any excuses! God bless!

  28. Meg says:

    The things in this life we consider beautiful will one day all pass away but gods word and its truths will remain forever. Invest in knowing those truths rather than gaining beauty from this world

  29. Brittany says:

    I hope this helps me to understand the Bible better and help my relationship with Christ grow. I’ve felt a little lost lately, and very much want to be closer to Him.

  30. Haley K. says:

    I want to get to know God better and understand his word but I never know where to start I think this will really help me in my walk with Christ.

  31. Ash says:

    I want to open my heart to Gods word, strip away all my insecurities and doubts and become a chess piece in Gods plan. It’s hard to surrender, but it feels SO good to just take His hand and follow Him and His word ❤️

  32. Rachel blackett says:

    i am about to start this plan, have just watched the video. i have to say what the woman said about Satan telling us lies (eg she said he will say youve had a busy day so go have a rest) was so totally true! !! God told me a few months ago to take a hour out of my day, when my kids go for a nap, and actually sit and read/study his word and pray. Everyday i have been like “i will do it later, i have soooo much to do” or “once i am fully caught up then I will start doing it” lies lies lies!!!! and of course i am never caught up etc. This week i was like right, thats it! I will do as you say Lord! Not only am i getting fulfilment and rest in him, but my housework is also slowly being caught up on lol! fancy that!

    1. Ashley says:

      That’s so great Rachel! The videos audio didn’t work for me (I’ll have to watch it on my computer tomorrow) but I’m glad you mentioned that was said! I struggle with laziness and I have to remember it’s satan trying to destroy my life by telling me I had a long day and I can just do nothing instead of doing the things I need to do! Thanks for sharing and I’m glad you’re reading everyday! I’m going to start reading and studying every day too!

  33. Chelsea says:

    Praying this devotional will help be become a better Christian and and just all around person. I’ve been battling with doing what the flesh wants to do and not doing what God wants me to do. So I pray in Jesus name that this devotional can open my heart to God and completely surrender to him!

  34. Maria says:

    I have been saved for several years but never been truly wanting the word until God spoke to me recently. Hoping this devotion will help.

  35. Heather says:

    I constantly thirst for the word of God, to learn and grow more with his words. I get stuck because I often read and study daily starting with a devotion and then go into the bible to further learning into the word, but often I find myself not understanding the words spoken. I want so desperately to understand the word and pray constantly to give me the Holy Spirit within to comprehend the verses within the bible. I’m praying that by starting these plans it will better help me in understanding the meaning behind each passage.

  36. Rebecca Glover says:

    I have the hardest time opening up my heart and allowing God’s word to resonate within me. After watching the introductory video and reading the excerpt from Psalms, it has put the Bible in a new light for me. I’m praying that I will open ,y heart and ears and learn how to approach the Bible from a different angle!

    1. Kayleigh says:

      I feel the same way Rebecca, I’m hoping to grow my faith and connection with these devotionals and reading scripture daily.

  37. Lane says:

    I feel disconnected and hoping this plan will connect me back to what I know is true, which is the word of God! Blessings to those that are seeking him through this reading plan!

  38. I just need to be reminded of the pose in God’s word and of how much I truly need it.

  39. Briana says:

    My spirit has been very hungry and thirsty for God’s word lately. I’m hoping this plan will be a good place to start to filling myself up with Him.

  40. I feel the same way! I grew up in the episcopal church but we usually only attended on Easter and Christmas. I really want to get closer to God and really understand the bible better. I just want a better understanding and to be able to have gods word in my life everyday, rather than just on Easter and Christmas. :)

    1. Trecia says:

      He will give that to you.

  41. Falon Nicole says:

    I don’t know where to start

  42. Cari Powell says:

    I really just want God’s Word to be alive in my life. I want to NEED to read it every day. I want to be excited about reading God’s Word, and I want God to use it to change me.

    1. Maggie says:

      I completely agree. I want to thirst and hunger for God’s word. I honestly don’t right now, but I pray he would give me that desire. (:

      1. Amanda Goodwin says:

        Hi Maggie (and to all else this may apply to) I would love to encourage you to press into Him despite how “spiritual” you feel! As it says in James 4:8. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you”. He loves that you and wants to give you the desires of your heart- and desiring more of Him is soooo great! Just pursue Him in every aspect of your life girl!

      2. Amanda Goodwin says:

        Hi Maggie!! I just want to encourage you and anyone else/ no matter how “spiritual” you feel, go ahead and press into the lord for deeper thirst and craving for him.
        As it says in James 4:8: “draw near to Him and he will draw near to you”
        God is so faithful and loves when His children come to him! Seek him with everything in your life and He surely will bless you!!! Keep pressing on into him!!!

    2. Tay says:

      I feel the same way!

  43. Morgan says:

    It seems every time I get close to God I get scared, and I push myself away. I’m really excited to get back on track, and stay on track. I feel lost in life, and I know what I’m missing is Our Savior.

    1. Nina says:

      I am the same way, Morgan. Surrender is scary. I’m in the place right now where I’m selfishly saying, “but God, I want to do all these things instead!” Trying to remind myself his plan is better than mine

      1. Morgan says:

        Nina, it’s nice to know someone understands. Together we can put aside our selfish ways and come closer to God.

    2. Bethany says:

      I am also in the same situation. Many times I’ve had such strong feelings to get closer to God. But some fear within me always pulls me away. I’m trying to fight and overcome it. Trying to remind myself of the same thing; his plan is better than mine.

      1. Abby Laine Polson says:

        I feel the same way. Every time I want to become closer to Christ, I get selfish and put my wants before God. But this time I’m putting God first.

  44. Ashley says:

    The Bible is not about me! I need to understand the context and how the events further His story, not mine.

    1. Nichelle says:


  45. Caitlin Diaz says:

    I’m really excited because I have lost my way a few times and I am hoping to bring God and his word back into my life!! ❤️❤️

  46. Jamie says:

    I’m so excited to begin this plan!!! I’ve wanted to read Ps 119 for a while too!

  47. Ashley Taylor says:

    So many people from all over the globe! I’m blessed to be part of this community! I read just a few of your posts here and thought that I’d add my own (from Texas!).

    I look forward to gaining the wisdom God has for me, to drawing closer to Him and His grace, and to find His will and path for me. May His will be done here in me as it’s done in heaven.

  48. Dawn Joy says:

    Very excited to start this – we recently had a teaching at my church based on psalm 119, so God’s made it very clear that NOW is the time for me to get back into the Word and get refreshed! Setting the reminder as my alarm =) never been a morning person, not am I good at the discipline of morning devotionals but here we go!

  49. Lauren says:

    This study looks amazing!

  50. Taylor says:

    It’s so hard to put in the time to read the word on a regular basis and I’m hoping that this app will help me stay on track with it.

    1. Miriam says:

      It’s been super helpful to me. Praying for you. :)

  51. Emily says:

    I am so selfish with my time!! This video hit a key point- the enemy wants us to sleep that extra hour rather than spend time in the Word. If I need more sleep, I need to go earlier the night before- to be disciplined and to be able to get up and spend time in the word.

  52. Courtney H says:

    I’ve been allowing life to get in the way of my daily relationship with the Lord. Children, depression, laziness, sickness, pain, etc. has become excuses for not coming to Him. I need that refreshment that comes from the word. I need His words to wash over me. I want a deeper yearning for Him and His ways. I want to be a prayer warrior for others so I have to be in the word to do so! I have had this app for a while, but now I will be using it. Pray for me to be faithful.

    1. Alexis says:

      Courtney, all the reasons you mentioned as “excuses” are actually reasons to come to His word daily. I have experienced your “excuses”, I absolutely have compassion for you. I also know that once you are in His word daily everything will lessen in degree. I have to struggle to give my issues to Him and trust Him to solve them , in His timing. But when I do I can handle, depression, anxiety, fear, family, deflated self esteem and the laziness that comes from curling up inside myself so much better. Being uncurled is being warmed by His grace and protected by His love. I am praying for you.

      1. Helen says:

        Thanks for putting it this way, Alexis. This is just what I’m like – curled up inside myself, isolated – and knowing specifically that another woman feels this way and is faithfully committing it all to God’s faithfulness encourages me to keep going and not feel so alone.

  53. Kellen says:

    I want to renew my mind, my thoughts, my life. And I have also fallen away from my time and growth with God, so I am also hoping this will guide me closer to Him and on the right path He has for my life!

    1. criswithcurls says:

      Kellen-you are not alone! I’m right there with you! I’d like to also recommend a book I just start that has really excited and encouraged me. “Women of the Word” by Jen Wilkin

  54. Sofia says:

    So happy I found this app! I feel like I have strayed away from Him and I need to refocus on Him especially going through tough times!! So excited!!!

    1. Emma says:

      Hey Sofia. I’m praying for you!

  55. I have allowed life to get in the way of my growth in Jesus – I always seem to be “too busy” for time in the Word and prayer, but I am desperate to get back to it! My heart and mind are in need of renewal and refreshment and I am thankful for this app and community to help me on the journey!

  56. CarlyBird says:

    I’ve read the Bible many times, done a lot of Bible studies, experienced lots of changes in my faith over the years. This app is a way for me to rediscover God’s word. I am hoping to reconnect with the Word as I am now and not as I was before. I am hoping to be accepted for who I am (very liberal Jesus loving person) and accept others without judgement!

  57. Emily says:

    so excited to start to dive in further to Gods word. as I head to college I want to keep mindful of what matters most and not let my faith sway with those around me

    1. Praying for you as you prepare for college!

    2. Amyleigh P says:

      Emily, sending you prayers for this huge and exciting next step in your life. May God open your heart and mind!

    3. Breana S says:

      Emily, staying close to God during college can be a challenge! But it is so worth the extra work & time! Spending as much time studying His Word during your first year is important! Finding friends that help & encourage is a blessing. :) praying for you as you start this new journey in your life!

  58. Haylee says:

    love it!

  59. Heidi says:

    Hi ladies,
    I’ve had the “she reads truth” app for awhile, but haven’t utilized it to its full potential! I’m starting Graduate school in August and planning a wedding on top of that! So my prayer is that this app will be a quick and simple way for me to find some devotional time each day! I can’t wait to dive in!

  60. Sparkles2611 says:

    Hi everyone.
    I am so excited to find this app. I have always struggled with any form of daily devotion so I am praying that this app will help me to really find a love of Gods word.
    Sara x

  61. Kayleigh says:

    So excited to have found this app!! I’ve been searching for a way to get back into the Word and to refocus my energy on strengthening my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I’m hoping this will help me become more of the Godly wife and (step) mother that He wants me to be!

    1. So glad you are here, Kayleigh! Welcome to our community!


  62. Lizzy says:

    I am so excited to get back to the “basics.” I feel as though I have strayed away from the bible for to long and it’s time to re-energize myself in Him. :)

  63. I continue you a bible study yearly with my mom and mother in law. I am hoping that this app and you ladies will keep me strong in my walk daily. can’t wait!

  64. Grace Doirin says:

    I love studying God’s Word. I thought it would be nice to start with this plan. Getting back to basics before continuing with other plans.

  65. Miranda Franks says:

    Hi Mindy! Great minds think alike, I’m doing this short plan before beginning the one in August also :)

  66. Sandy says:

    I’m brand new to this whole thing! But I’m looking forward to understanding and learning gods word. I can’t wait to see how my life will be changing for the better and I know this change will be great

  67. mindy says:

    Going through this study before the gospel study begins in August, and hoping some friends will join in with me! I so appreciate these studies and all of the scripture involved. Thank you!

    1. Hi Mindy! So excited you will be joining us for This Is The Gospel! Looking forward to it, friend:)


  68. Kayla Reed says:

    I found this devotional/Bible app today while searching college stuff online. I hope it’s great, I hope the studies are good, because I am having issues with being disciplined enough to sit down and read the Bible everyday. Hopefully I can get out of that habit.

    1. Hi Kayla! So glad you are joining us! Praying for you as you read Truth today!


  69. Elizabet says:

    I’m so excited to start this study. Like the video says, the enemy tries to lie to me when I try to study, but I know Gods word is my living guide. I pray that God will help me read and be fed every single day.

  70. Kanoe says:

    I have many friends that use this devotional & I started using it today. I’m so excited to see what God reveals to me through this. Thank you so much! God Bless You!

  71. Ylva Linnea says:

    I am searching for God, searching for a relationship with Christ. I were in an abusive relationship when I was very young witch made me develop the mental disorder borderline, I am working hard on just trying to survive every day. About pretty exactly one year ago I met a priest, I had never really thought much of my beliefs in the Lord and having a living relationship with Him even though I had been singing in a gospel choir for a couple of years, and sure I had felt his presence while singing I never thought I could get Him involved in my daily life, until I met this priest. He showed me joy and grace and how beautiful beliefs can be. So now, I have decided to give this app a try. So that I can develop a relationship with Him, understand His words, His grace, the joy. Find the rock in the storm when my mental disorder breaks me down to nothing, being able to remember that I’m never nothing, because He is in me and He love me no matter what. My thoughts are not His, my ways are not His.

  72. So excited to use this app!

    1. Welcome, Rachel! So glad you are joining us!


  73. Julia says:

    So excited to start using this app to draw me closer to Christ. Thanks for creating such great plans for me to use!

  74. Destiny says:

    I just got this app and I can’t wait To see how much my life starts to change.

    1. Welcome, Destiny! Praying for you as you read God\’s Word today!


  75. Loreal Nix says:

    I just downloaded this app and I’m really looking forward to truly understand the word of God :)

  76. Megan says:

    I got baptized the other week with my church at a camp in Hume Lake. I wanted to really start getting more into gods word and im excited to do this

  77. Chelsea says:

    What a great way to start the morning! Just found this app and looking forward to utilizing it and applying it to my morning study!

    1. Ashley says:

      Hi Chelsea! Mind if I ask how you added your profile photo? I can’t seem to find out anywhere.

  78. Ali Lindsay says:

    Just started using this app – so excited to have a guide for reading the Word

  79. Kaitlyn says:

    You can never stop learning from the bible I love it

  80. I’m very excited to get closer and deeper into the understanding of gods word!

  81. Erica Weiss says:

    Excited to dig deeper into God’s word!

  82. Maria says:

    So excited to start!!

  83. Sarah says:

    Just started using this app and starting this study! I am super excited and can’t wait to learn so much! To get focused on God and teach my children about God and all of his greatness.

  84. Melissa says:

    Just started this study this morning! Looking forward to turn my focus more towards the Lord and his purposes rather than constantly focusing on my own.

  85. Mary Ann says:

    This is muy first study. Excited to get started!

  86. Brittany says:

    This is my first time using this app and I’m very excited! Can’t wait to get into it and hopefully stick with it!

  87. Baylee Pursifull says:

    Can’t wait to start this study! First time using the app :)

  88. Very excited to start this!

  89. Kate says:

    I am so excited to start this study! I have been looking for a good bible study plan for quite some time, and I absolutely love this app!

  90. Kaylee says:

    Just started this as well excited to try this

  91. Stormy Gonzalez says:

    I just started with this app & am glad to have somewhere to start. The Bible, in itself, can be somewhat daunting to try and read alone. Thank you for being here and sharing your interpretations and knowledge with me.

  92. Marjorie Burke says:

    Hi! I’m from Costa Rica, and I just wanted to say thank you to the author of this great app, this is very clever! I love all the bible studies, I wish I could buy them all though. This is a great tool and I just want to congrats Jesus for what he is doing in you all!

  93. Abby says:

    8 The grass withers, the flower fades,
    but the word of our God will stand forever.- Definitely a verse to memorize!

  94. Taylor Brown says:

    very excited:)

  95. kaitlyn says:

    does anyone know where i can find a devo on the basics of being saved?

    1. BeccaZ says:

      Bible has a decent list with supporting verses. I just googled “devotional on basics of salvation”. They separated into 6 basic principles-it’s not important how they separated it but I think they got the key ideas and verses.

  96. SuzyQ says:

    No matter where we are in our faith walk, we must know that the Bible is all truth, alive, the very breath of God. Totally trustworthy!! What the Holy Spirit revealed to me this morning is that this is the truth about God first-His authority, my identity UNDER His authority!! I am so guilty of making every Passage about me first…forgive me Lord.

  97. Alex says:

    So excited to start this journey!!

  98. Alyson Grace says:

    For a while now, I have opened up the Bible not knowing where to start inconsistently reading bits and pieces and not retaining the verses. This practice has been really disheartening for me because I do crave to a deeper knowledge and understanding of His word. Often I worry about how my lack of scriptural knowledge will negatively impact conversations with those who ask/challenge my faith. Fear and doubt from this has caused me to accept the lies that I hear about reading my bible EX. You will have time later, sleep in your body is tired, listen to a podcast instead. I am so excited to have a tool to guide me through the bible daily and am looking forward to this spirit filled journey.

  99. aolani says:

    Amen! Thank You Lord!

  100. Tyler Reeves says:

    “I can’t live off of yesterday’s meal, I need nourishment today” -how amazing is that?! Wow that makes my heart condemned and happy all at the same time! I need to get more into The Bible ladies and I am so happy I found this app to help me do that! Hats off to the creators of this wonderful app, it’s a blessing already.

  101. Shawn says:

    God bless you Emma!

  102. Lyndsay H. Moncrief says:

    I’m new to the app but not to reading plans. I almost never end up finishing them. This app is beautifully designed and I love that I can read the comments of other women who are united in Christ. It’s encouraging to see the spiritual maturity and humbleness of these women. Encourages me to keep pushing as I strive to learn and grown in the body of Christ. God Bless!

  103. Emma says:

    I just got saved on July 1st & one of my friends who prayed with me suggested that I get this app, and I’m really looking forward to learning what God’s word has to say (:

    1. So glad you are here, Emma! Praying for you as you read Truth today!


  104. Alisyn says:

    Hi im 14 about a month ago i went on a weeked trip… We did a devotion in the morning used from the site. I got the app we i got back from the trip but i never used it. I just got back from a camp and during the camp i realized i needed to learn the bible and become closer to god. I was called to be a childrens pastor around the world. Yet i cant do that without knowing the bible and being close to god. I just got back today and in now going to start using the app as often as i can… (Busy life…) if yall could pray that i would get closer to god and stay true to him i would love it. I promise from now on i will read my bible and do a devotion every day.

    1. Caitlyn says:

      The more often you begin to read His Word, the more you will hunger for it! Keep pursuing God!

  105. Kaitlyn Crummitt says:

    Hi! I’m 15 and have just come back from an amazing week long camp focused on our relationship with God. I was convicted of not spending time with God daily. So it was awesome to find out about this app! I am starting with this plan first, to truly understand the foundation of our beliefs, to understand this book that God has given us! I am very excited! Please pray that I stay committed to spending time with God daily. -Kaitlyn

    1. Hi Kaitlyn! So glad you are joining us! Welcome to our community!


  106. Rae says:

    I am new to this so I hope I get peace from it … My heart is broken as well as my spirit . I suffer from anxiety over the second coming and it’s affecting my every day life my marriage and my work so from this I hope to gain a peaceful heart please pray for me

    1. MommaJohnson says:

      Praying for you Rae!! I likewise suffer from anxiety, but know that anxiety/worry is not from God! We need to tell Satan to quit attacking our thoughts! :)

  107. Tracy says:

    I’m new to this app. I grew up in the church and throughout my adult life have questioned my faith many times. I’m still trying to figure out my relationship with God. I’m looking forward to reading more of Gods word to redefine my relationship with him. Any advice on devotions would be greatly appreciated!

  108. Mariah Wilson says:

    Day 1 for me! Thank you for creating such an amazing app :)

  109. Morgan says:

    So excited about this app!! I use my YouVersion app so much so it will be a nice change of pace and scenery :)!!! Can’t wait to get into other studies for sure!!!

    1. Welcome, Morgan! So glad you are here!


  110. Jessica says:

    Im new to all of this. I grew up in a christian family and christian schools and it left a very very bad taste in my mouth. I was treated horribly by almost all christians i met including my own family. I have my own family now and am slowly trying this whole christian thing out for myself. Its a bit scary for me as i do not ever want to become like one of the closed minded hateful christians i learned from. Anyway, this is my starting point here so hopefully i can successfully figure out my path to God.

    1. Mikaela Renae says:

      It’s so common for Christians to lose sight of what’s really important – God’s Love – and it can so easily turn people away from Him. I have experienced some similar problems to what you shared myself, but have realized that I don’t want to turn away from my beliefs and faith just because those people don’t get it. The hardest part about this for me is trying to control my frustration with Christians who, for example, judge even fellow Christians, and explain why the way they live their lives makes them a better person. It’s not our place to judge anyone, or hurt anyone in the name of God as it sounds like some have done to you. Our one job as Christians – and as people – above all others is to love and show love to everyone, just as Jesus did for us. For me, this perspective changed my faith and has helped me to move forward in a relationship with God despite a lack of trust in fellow followers. I hope that you can find a similar strength through study and that God eases your fears as you develop your own new philosophy of life. Cheers to you and your family <3

    2. Rae says:

      Stay in the faith. I my self am newer to this and self taught I didn’t grow up in church I went cause a bus would run by the house . So I can relate some to the fear that comes from not knowing . I will say a prayer for you :)

    3. Grace says:

      I would suggest reading the book Love Does! It’s a great easy read by Bob Goff about Gods love in daily life!

  111. Erica Rios says:

    I’ve been on&off with this app( that is my fault.) I kept telling myself I was too busy to read Gods word but was more than willing to check my social networks each morning.Im going to get back on track &learn about our great Father who is in heaven ❤️

  112. Hello! I just got this app today and started with this study. I’m excited to try this as a way to spend time daily each morning with God in His Word and join a community of women doing the same thing!

  113. Jenny says:

    I am so happy that I found this app! I have been meaning to get back into my readings but I never had time. Now I don’t have any excuse because my phone is always with me. This is going to be a great 9 days!

    1. Welcome, Jenny! So glad you are joining us!


  114. Heather says:

    Found you through Pinterest. Excited to rekindle my relationship with God. With so much going on in this busy life it is so easy to put Him on the back burner. And I’m sad to say I have done just that. Started feeling so lost and lonely, negativity all around and realized it was Him I was missing. Thank you so much for this beautiful app containing such wonderful words of love… God’s word.

    1. Monique Birt says:

      I love your heart friend. Thanks for sharing this app with me! I love it.

  115. Francie says:

    It’s so refreshing to find an app that focuses on God’s Word and what it means for me today.

  116. Heucharisteo says:

    And here is where I start my summer…

  117. Taylor Tubertini says:

    Being an almost 21 year old female college student, it’s so easy to sway from faith. Having things thrown at you and telling you no or just simply distracting you makes it very difficult. I’m glad I ran across this app. Going from a private Catholic school of four hundred to a university of twenty thousand has really challenged me in my faith. Thanking God for leading me to this study!

  118. Sara says:

    Me too!! I just broke down because I felt so lost and far away from God. Seeing this and looking at this plan at this moment is totally an act of God.

  119. Emily says:

    I’m done with the excuses! Getting back into the Word today! Time to get my priorities in check and focus on what’s really important!

    1. Rachel says:

      Me too Emily!!!

  120. Becca says:

    I just joined a global bible study group from Love God Greatly that started Monday, and for 8 weeks we are to study Psalm 119. Then I just downloaded this study plan and what do you know? Each day will have scripture from Psalm 119. I think God really wants me to focus on Psalm 119! :)

  121. Melissa Clark says:

    Wow, so many comments! I am a mama of 3 kids (a 5 yr old, 3 yr old and an 18 month old) and have been trying to get my routine back consistently. Praise God that He led me here.

    1. Erin says:

      I’m with you! A 3 yr old, 19 month old, and due next month. Praise God for mothers who still crave Him despite busy seasons. May he meet us here.

  122. Hannah says:

    Can anyone recommend me a teen girls bible?

    1. Kaylee Davis says:

      With so many options , it’s so easy to be confused by the types of Bibles available! I’d suggest and ESV study bible so you can personally encounter the text and discover answers to any questions you may have right then and there. Also, the ESV, to my understanding, is more closely interpreted from the Hebrew text of the Bible and less of a paraphrase. Good luck! You can search out both teen or adult bible studies!

  123. Ganell says:

    I am so glad I found this community of women studying the word of God together. It’s awesome!

  124. Tina Cotton says:

    Would love to do this study soon

  125. Charlotte says:

    Woohoo can’t walk to start

  126. Jennifer says:

    I have been looking for a bible based app to help me study and grow closer In the Lord. I think I found it.

  127. Meghan Bradford says:

    I’m excited to start this, yet I know I often allow Satan to take over my time and I tell myself “I’ll sit down later.” I want to get past the beginning stages. “Consistency” needs to be my new best friend.

  128. Allyson says:

    Just found this app. Excited to add this to my morning devotional time

  129. Kathleen says:

    Have been wanting to read the Bible more regularly but lacked a place to simply start. This seems like a good place. :)

  130. Jazmine says:

    I am making a commitment now to get back in the word…

  131. Angela Su says:

    I’m a new believer. It was a hard choice for me to get started. Because I come from China. Most of my friends believe in Buddha,also my grandma. But I have been studied Bible with my American teachers for two years, and I realize God is so great,so powerful. I want to follow him in the rest of my life. God, please forgive me for the bad things I’ve done, and please open my mind to know you more.

    1. Lil says:

      What a wonderful testimony of the grave of our God Angela. Praying for you and your family and that their eyes would be opened.

      1. Angela Su says:

        Thank you! Sister.

    2. Melissa Clark says:

      I pray in Jesus name that He will surround you with other Believers to disciple you and for you to become a power-filled witness to your unsaved friends and family!

    3. Harpa says:

      God bless you. You are brave I know how hard it can be web your friends or family have other believes. I prey that God will give you strength to read and be testimony for other ladies for your chose.

    4. Marcy Nelson says:

      That’s amazing! I’m praying for you!

    5. Krystal says:

      What a beautiful message!! I have a friend who is a missionary in China. Your post inspired me!

  132. Jenna says:

    I just graduated college and moved back home. I was active in my school’s ministry, and made an amazing group of friends there. But having to leave that behind and move home has been really tough for me. Along with trying to find a job and make new friends, I feel so lost and anxious. Lately, I feel like I’ve put my relationship with God on the back burner. But I’m ready to change that. I’m starting back at the beginning, with the Bible basics, and aiming to be more intentional in my faith. God is so good, and I’m ready to give myself to Him completely and trust His plan for me. So excited for this plan, and the journey to come!

  133. Judith says:

    Been a believer for a long time; getting back to basics today.

    1. Hi Judith,
      Welcome to our community! So glad you are here!


  134. Ellie says:

    Yay!! Filled with love for Jesus and God.

  135. Ariel Wilson says:

    Excited to start this plan!

  136. Lauren Maher says:

    I am a graduate from james Madison university pursuing a masters in speech pathology. I came home for the summer completely dried out and tired. Not ready to let God be a part of my rest. I’m starting this study today to open myself to Him and give myself some much needed rest in the Lord.

  137. Quincee Maples says:

    I have been a believer and active member of church and worship since I was young, but bible studying has never been an interest to me. I realize that the difference between me and the women of Faith I so admire around me is that active, daily relationship with scripture. I am hungry for this journey.

  138. Trinity Greene says:

    I’ve been a Christian my whole life and I know I’m saved it’s just really been a struggle for me to read my bible everyday and stay committed to building a relationship with God. As a teenager, there’s a lot of walls to go around and I feel like a place like this where I can connect with other people that believe in the same thing as me is going to really help me.

    1. Rhya says:

      Hi Trinity :) I just want to encourage you to keep pursuing Him! As a teenager, you have so much passion and energy in your heart and you are unstoppable when all of that is directed toward Him!

  139. Jess says:

    This is my first time following a bible study plan. Looking forward to feeding my spirit and growing in the Lord.

  140. Karly Newman says:

    I’ve always been a believer. It’s just been one of those things that I do believe in it, but I don’t make it a huge part of my life. I’m looking to change that now. I want the Lord to lead me down the path He has for me, and I’m so excited to see how it goes. :)

  141. Silvana says:

    I have been raised with the word of God, but until recently I chose to really believe in Him. I have never really read the bible, so I’m excited I chose this plan to begin with :)

    1. Jennifer says:

      Walking with God and applying His Word is THE most fulfilling and exciting life- more than anything the world can offer. There’s always something new to learn and the Word will just jump off the pages when we seek Him. It’s truly hearing from Him.

  142. Jordan Reece says:

    day 1:
    Grass (flesh)- our bodies, all things in this life
    Flower(beauty)- outwardly appearances, the beauty of the earth

    “The Grass withers, and the flowers fade”
    – my understanding is that all living things die, myself & all the things of this earth.
    – the fading of the flower representing beauty meaning that beauty isn’t eternal, it too fades.

    “But the word of God stands forever”
    – though beauty & flesh die, God is eternal. We should be living according to Gods word because when it comes time for our salvation, we will be judged on how we lived according to him.

    I’d love to hear y’alls understanding of this verse

    1. Barbara says:

      Here’s what came to my mind after writing out “The word of our God will stand forever”…What will I be taking to heaven with me? Anything built on my flesh, the world will wither and die. But all things built from His Word will live forever. Those are the things that will follow me to heaven.

    2. Olivia says:

      As a follower of Christ, I certainly hope I won’t be judged for how well I’ve followed God’s word: even if I am always trying my hardest, my best is but filthy rags. Rather, I see the last line of this segment as being a reminder that His promise endures forever. A reminder that I will not be judged for my own efforts, but for Christ’s perfect life. After all, the point of the word is to help us to understand Him, and His great love for us in Christ. :)

  143. Lyndsie says:

    I am new to actually getting into the word to better understand who God is and what he does. I’ve had a bible for over half my life and I’ve periodically gone to Church and I got saved when I was young. It was so much easier to believe back then. I recently turned my life back over to God and I’m so glad I chose this bible study as my starting point.

    1. Andria says:

      That’s awesome! I really enjoyed reading what you shared!

    2. Mia Alvarado says:

      This is so awesome!!! I pray that you just fall in love with the Lord in a level that you didn’t know could be possible. Blessings!

      1. Jennifer Arellano says:

        I at that portion as well. I was saved in my early teens and continued a walk with God till early 20s when I strayed. Been back and forth all my life but I am on a desired path to stick with it daily as I want the fathers blessings daily.

  144. Christina says:

    I love that we can share and go through this together to encourage one another in Gods word I look forward to tomorrow!

  145. Cora says:

    I am looking forward to doing this devotional with you lovely ladies! I can’t wait to dig into the word daily and set aside time for it. :)

  146. Brooke says:

    I feel like we all are always so busy and constantly running around and just forget to sit down and take time to truly devote ourselves to the Lord and his word. I am truly excited to start this study and hopefully we can all encourage each other to stay on track and really dig deep into this!

  147. Andi Guevara says:

    I’m wanting and praying about being intentional with my time. I really want to make time to get into the Word daily. I’m excited about this plan. :)

  148. Heather says:

    I’m excited to get into a study with accountability from others. I am a homeschooling mom of two elementary aged children and have struggled to get up before my children to have my quiet time. So, I too have been too distant from the Lord. I love Him dearly and thank Him frequently, but I need consistency to build my relationship with Him through His Word!!!

  149. Mikki says:

    I am just retiring and my time in the word has been quite erratic. I am grateful to have a tool that will guide me and that helps with my own accountability.

  150. Rebekah says:

    I’ve been a Christian my whole life, but recently my plans for my life have overtaken His plans for my life. I need to reshift my focus and put Him in the center.

    1. Jenna P. says:

      I’m at the same point Rebekah, and I even give into the daily lie of “I don’t have time to have my quiet time and do a devotional today.” When in reality, I don’t have time not to be in the Word of God. My relationship with the Lord is weak, and my love for Him is small. I found myself constantly praying that the Lord would help me love Him, and was frustrated when it wasn’t happening. I realize now that I cannot love the Lord without loving His Word. I know and love the Lord through His word.

      1. Tatum says:

        I think I’m in a similar boat as you two. I’ve been part of a prayer circle and have been loving the growth I’ve had and proud that I’ve been making it about MY relationship with God and not because of my upbringing. But I struggle to hear what HIS voice is telling me. I’ve been led a few times now in the last week to read the bible in order to hear his voice and have stumbled on this app. I’m excited to see where it leads me.

  151. Bec says:

    So excited to start this devotional today! I have been looking for a new way to connect with God and am excited to have found this and be able to connect and fellowship with godly women as we go on this journey together!! Xo

  152. Alisha says:

    I am starting today! Recently had a baby and want some accountability to stay in God’s word even when life is crazy and I’m super tired! :)

    1. Bankerswife2011 says:

      I have 4 children. It’s so easy to let their needs overtake mine. A few minutes of scripture on my iPhone in bed is a great way not to lose my focus during these years!

  153. Rachel says:

    I just want to thank all of y’all for your wonderful words this afternoon. I’m kind of new here and its so wonderful to see such a strong community of believers connecting from who knows where in the world. Have a good day :)

    1. Rachel, it is such a joy to have you here! Welcome, friend!


  154. Traci says:

    “All flesh is grass… grass withers… But the word of our God will stand forever.” Stand strong against your flesh so you may not wither away like grass. Work on discipline yourself by the word of God, so that we will one day stand forever with our Lord. One thing I struggle with is self-control. Whether it’s me trying my best to refrain from biting my nails, staying away from social media, and to be as honest as possible, accepting all humiliation that follows with that, smoking weed or having sex. It’s hard for me. Our flesh desires the most ungodly things. Things that God warns us to turn away from. As of recent, I’ve turned away from sex and smoking, and that definitely only became possible for me through prayer and constantly receiving strength from God and turning to His word. I have to pray daily (day/mid-day/and night) just to refrain from these evil desires. We have Gods grace, mercy, and forgiveness. But we have to remember, on the day of judgement, we have no clue what God will account our sins for. Don’t test God. He is ruler of us all! He! Has the final say! So as I start this study today. I want to be completely honest in the comment section with what I gain out of each day’s study. And as I read “all flesh is grass… grass withers.” All I could think of were those fleshy desires I lack control of. Let’s break free from the control of our flesh. And instead, gain control. So that we will know! That we will stand forever with God, and his word. <3 I pray those of you starting, will join me in honesty and confessing, allowing yourself to indulge in humiliation. Let's be a blessing to one another as we all come together in this study. It will be exciting!

    1. Barbara says:

      Traci, thank you for your brave honesty! Praise God :) I too struggled with pot and also beer. But by staying faitfully in His Word, and through honest prayer with Him, he has freed me from those dead things. My struggle now is television. I have been spending way too many hours in front of it. But I know He will guide me into a healthy relationship with it, instead of a dead one.

  155. Traci says:

    Day 1 for me!

    1. Rebekah says:

      Me too! I’m starting over with God today. Wiping my slate clean

  156. Gabrielle Laird says:

    Starting this today!! Feeling excited about understanding the word better and becoming closer to the lord

    1. Traci says:

      Yay! Hello!

  157. Joey says:

    I’ll do it today

    1. Traci says:

      Welcome Joey!

  158. Mandy says:

    Excited to start this today. New chapter of life, new study :)

    1. Traci says:

      I’m excited to start this as well! Would love for you to join me in sharing what you have gained or just what comes to mind as we do this study daily!

  159. CassieC says:

    Starting today! So excited for this journey together :)

    1. Traci says:

      Whoop whoop! I started today! Just saying hello!

  160. Starting this today! Recently had my bachelor apt broken into while I was sleeping and I’m feeling “lost” and angry. This will restore my faith and reassure me of Gods plan.

    1. Traci says:

      Well amen! I’m starting today! Would love to hear more about what you receive out of each study!

  161. Amanda says:

    Here I go!!

    1. Miranda H says:

      Me too! So glad someone is jumping in at the same time as me!

  162. Sabrina Stanford says:

    Thank you for this study!

  163. Maddie Chilton says:

    Starting this app today! Love the idea of being able to fellowship and study with an app! Such an awesome idea:)

    1. Miranda H says:

      Me too! I found it yesterday and jumped in today! I’m at a place where I am struggling to fellowship, so my hope is to maybe get some (as odd as it sounds) through reading scripture together with other women! Love the idea of this!

  164. Hope says:

    I am also just starting. Looking forward to what He will do!

    1. Rachel says:

      Congrats! I hope you see the beauty of the Lords work!

  165. Katie T. says:

    Just started the app today! I am very excited to begin this study. I have realized that my study of God’s word had almost come to a standstill. Like the lady in the video said, the enemy of my soul has been working very hard to keep me out of the bible. But I am very excited to start this study to help focus on God’s word everyday and prove my enemy wrong!!

    1. Miranda H says:

      I am exactly the same way! And I just started today, too! Let’s keep each other strong!

  166. Cara says:

    Just started using this app and love it already! I have realized Gods word needs to be more important in my life and so excited I have this to use!

  167. Kim says:

    I have struggled when it comes to studying the word of God, even though I have grown up in a Christian household. I glad a have group of Godly women on this app to help me through this journey. I think this plan is a good foundation to begin with

  168. Shauna Cordle says:

    I am also just beginning this, and am extremely excited!! This app is incredible!!

  169. House Full Of Birds says:

    I am just beginning this, as of last night! Already, I have felt Him move and speak! So incredibly thankful for this app!

    1. Welcome, friend! So glad you joined us today!


  170. Amber Christian says:

    Just starting this today
    I felt led to get this app and start this!
    The video was amazing and exactly what I needed to hear. I’m excited! Let’s do this sisters!!

  171. Random question.. But how do I get my picture in the bubble instead of just the lady silhouette?
    P.s I just started this plan today. I’m so excited!

  172. Kjerstin says:

    Starting this today. Excited to see that there are others who have recently decided to do this also. I’m not alone! :)

  173. Natalie says:

    Starting today :) hopefully each day I am able to make time for these devotions. I need this in my life again

    1. Aura Ospina says:

      You can do it!! ❤️

    2. Claire says:

      Me too! Being eager to make time for God’s Word is the first step. You’re not alone!

  174. Amber_Ps139 says:

    Love the video!!! So much truth

  175. Shopgirl says:

    This is so great!

  176. Miss Mariposa says:

    Starting today :)

    1. Bri Castro says:

      Me too! :)

  177. Deana says:

    Excited about this :)

  178. Kameha says:

    Just starting today too! Glad to read along with you Ashlea, Amanda, and Renee :)

  179. Amanda says:

    Love the idea of a woman’s Bible study app. I’m starting today too!

  180. Ashlea says:

    Just started this plan today!!! Soo excited to get into The Word

  181. Renee' Martin says:

    Starting this plan today! Excited! 5-3-15

  182. Sydne says:

    Just started this plan! We got this ladies!

  183. Kayla says:

    okay 8 days i can do. baby steps. here goes nothing

    1. Saramonèt says:

      You can do it girl!

  184. Kelsie Perkins says:

    So glad I stumbled upon this app! I’m very excited to learn more about God’s word. God bless you all!

  185. Hailey Coughlin says:

    I’m really excited to get more into the bible and actually know what I’m reading! This app is amazing! God Bless!

  186. Shawnna says:

    So glad to find this app! I’ve been struggling with reading the bible, definitely see this helping me!

    1. Saramonèt says:

      Same! I’m super excited about this app and all it has to offer! :-)

  187. Aly says:

    I’m so exited to have found this awesome study tool to dive deeper into God’s word!

  188. Erin says:

    I’m so excited to renew my love for His word!

  189. Marjorie says:

    I am so happy and blessed to stumble upon this app .. God bless all of you

  190. Lauren says:


  191. Briana says:

    I am happy to start this deeper journey of loving and living through God’s word and creating an everlasting relationship with Him!

  192. Jacqueline says:

    I’m excited new to this ready to receive what God has for me

  193. Sarah-Marie says:

    Okay here goes nothing.
    Im hoping to discover and create an intimate relationship with God. I want a fresh start

  194. Renee Woods says:

    I will be Starting This Is The Bible Today Saturday, April 11, 2015-:)

  195. Jacklyn Brewer says:

    I have been one of those Christians that restricts God and worship to Sunday’s only. I’m longing for a more intimate relationship with my Savior. I’m excited to use this app and studies to help me develop a more meaningful and abundant relationship with God!

  196. April Rosalee Rodriguez says:

    Can’t wait!!

  197. Megan Shoe says:

    I feel like I need something fresh in my life! I’ve been a believer since I was 7, but I’m still missing a truly personal connection with Jesus. I’m looking forward to getting back to the basics in Bible study, and am looking forward to digging into God’s Word on my own!

  198. Eboni says:

    So very excited to have found this app. This is the study I will start with!

  199. Bobbi says:

    Just starting to take a look at She Reads Truth and starting with this study.

  200. Natosha.frost says:

    Excited to read this study as I sit at children’s hospital with my new preemie. We will be here a while and I hope this app is just what I was looking for

    1. Krystal says:

      Hi Natosha! I am a NICU RN as well as a mama. My heart and prayers go out to your family. May God give you peace, comfort, and strength throughout your sweet baby’s stay. There are many ups and downs, good days and hard ones, as I’m sure you are in the midst of experiencing. Hang in there & keep trusting the Lord. He created your precious child and he doesn’t make mistakes. <3 Krystal

  201. Amanda says:

    Hi I am new and I have no idea what to do next. I ‘purchased’ this for free and I can’t seem to find it anywhere. How do I start on this plan?

    1. Chevonne says:

      Go back to the plans page. Once you have purchased it there will be an option to start it

  202. Chevonne says:

    Just started today. I love the video and how it speaks to really understanding the historical context behind the scripture. I used to teach a teen bible study and occasionally an adult one and everyone really responded well to learning the history. I’m excited to be apart of an online bible study community! I pray that God uses his words to reveal himself to us. God Bless!

  203. Lauren Miller says:

    I am having trouble hearing gods whisper. Doing this in hopes it will open my heart to hear him. Prayers for that would be lovely!

  204. Heather Chua says:

    I found this app on Pinterest as well. I am excited to start having daily devotions again. It has been a while, but it is important to get to know the Lord by reading the Bible. So, I can’t wait to get started.

    1. Welcome, Heather! So glad you are here!


  205. Madison Dowdy says:

    Found this app on Pinterest, just after we started a new series at church. Which is a coincidence because the series is about daily devotions and how important it is to read the Word of God! Very excited!

    1. Welcome to our community, Madison! Praying God meets you here each day!


  206. Paige says:

    I wasn’t going to watch the video, but I did after reading comments on here. I’m glad I did. God’s word makes ME come alive. The Bible is about God, not me.

    1. June says:

      Hi, I just started. I’ll watch the video too. My daughter just introduced me to this. It’s been years since I read the Bible and I’m hoping I can stick with it. I have experienced Gods closeness when I had a desperate need and prayed a lot. I want to get back there without having to go through a traumatic experience. I think reading the Bible might be a good place to start.

  207. Nichole Wilson says:

    Excited to start this plan! And to be able to be in community with people around the world reading and learning from God’s word. I grew up in church, but my learning was focused on guilt and fear. As an adult I’ve moved away from that kind of reasoning for knowing God and being in relationship with him. But often it is hard to drown out the past and the video for me was a great reminder and reinforcement that my time in the Word is to learn more about God and to develop a deeper relationship with Him. I’m not always going to come away with something that speaks directly into my life situations and that is ok. Like she said in the video ‘The Bible is not about me. It’s about God and His story.’

    1. June says:

      I grew up in a church like that, it’s been years since I got out of that and now I come to the cross in praise and thanksgiving. I want to be closer to this God.

  208. Jaylin says:

    Isaiah 40 really speaks to me! It’s a scripture on comforting an anxious heart which I have felt since I’ve started college. I constantly struggle with “crying out” to the Lord instead of trying to handle situations on my own.

    I’m excited to be a part of this plan and hope to grow closer and learn more about God and his glory!

  209. Zunita says:

    This is my first plan but I am very excited to be a part of something that glorifies the lord

  210. Briann says:

    I am blessed to teach in a faith-based school, but also another job to pay the bills as the faith-based schools in my area don’t pay well. Despite this, God has already proven to be a constant force of positivity in my life (mostly often seen in my job) and this group is proof. I came on here disheartened and upset, but already feel a sense of calmness and happiness from reading the encouraging words of God’s followers on here.

  211. Looking for a motivational sister. Someone that will help me stay on track with my Bible study….

    1. Shauna Kopra says:

      Hi ShiAne! I would love to help you stay on track! What would help you most?

  212. So excited about this. Isaiah 40:8 is an amazing verse!!

  213. Maggie says:

    This message has made my day

  214. Tayler says:

    Re focusing my eye, and heart on God after an absence. I always forget that He is looking out for me, and even the small prayer I send up to Him each day he answers in His special way. I’m very excited to get back into my bible study.

  215. Ashlee Puckett says:

    So ready to learn new things about God and get involved in the word!!

  216. Clé says:

    Very excited about this!

  217. Heidi Wray says:

    I am loving this app!! I found it at the perfect time. My husband and I have been in counseling and our counselor said I need to focus on my relationship with God and everything will work itself out. I agree wholeheartedly. This app is helping me refocus each day. I am a sinner and I have to keep my soul focused on what is important!

  218. Ashley says:

    Can’t wait to start!!!

  219. Sophie says:

    Love this app so far!and this plan looks great!

  220. Marenda says:

    So excited I found this She Reads Truth app. I’m starting to recycle the devotions on another very popular bible app and wanted something new. I love the clean design of the app and the devotions seem fresh and purposeful. Can’t wait to go further!

  221. Heather Bell says:

    This is a beautiful app! Well done! I’m so glad that God caused me to stumble upon it! I’ve been very lonely & needed the extra boost of ladies reading along with me. That makes me feel a part of a family. Thank you!

  222. Tiffani says:

    Like many, I am so glad I found this app! One of my friends showed it to me and I love everything about it. What a beautiful way to connect with fellow women in Christ! So excited to start my devotional and dive into conversations with you all. Hope whoever is reading this has a great day!

  223. Jamie says:

    So excited to have found this app. Starting this devotion today and I am looking forward to a new morning devotion. Thankful for a place where women can learn and grow together. Praying blessings on each of you.

  224. I’m excited to start doing my devotions with this app. I’ve always been a Bible and notebook kind of girl but am branching out now. I’m also impressed and very happy you all have KJV available.

  225. Julia Arenas says:

    This is such a beautifully done app, I hope they include the NLT Bible version soon. I love how there’s a response haven for the female community

  226. Excited about starting this Devo…I’ve tried other apps and I’ve never been faithful to the project. Hopefully, this is the one.

  227. Kelsie Emerson says:

    As a medical student and don’t have help to pay my bills. I have to work all weekend just to get by. I’m hoping through this app I can continue to learn the Bible and continue to grow in my journey with Christ.

  228. Margaret says:

    I’m so excited to jump into this app! I’m a teen in high school hoping to learn how to listen to God better and really get into the habit of reading the bible everyday. I definitely listen to the devil inside my head when he says “you don’t have enough time” or “just sleep for 10 more minutes”. I am ready to stop making excuses and start spending time with God!

    1. Katie Rose says:

      I’m so glad your doing this! I am actually in high school too and I’m really excited to try and read the bible more and get closer to God. So excited!

  229. I am new to this app; and I am very excited to dive into these devotionals and bible studies that she reads truth offers. I hoping to find a better understanding in his living word and apply in my marriage to my husband and life in Chicago. Sometimes it so easy to get loss in the hustle and bustle of life; that a space grows between you and the Lord. I want to lessen that space that has grown over the past through years and live a life in honor of his glory.

  230. Kristina N says:

    I am new to this app but have been a fan of “She Reads Truth” devotionals found in my old bible app. I’m doing this to find God again and make a solid connection with Him outside of church and choir, and I’m hoping that understanding his word and history will be a supplement to actively living in love and prayer.

  231. Erin says:

    I just found this app and love it already! I am a new mom and with the freezing weather and sickness that has been going around I haven’t made it too church in the past few weeks but love that I can work through this app while my son naps.

  232. Kaitlyn says:

    As a missionary in Guatemala, Full time student, and working, I’m excited that I’ve finally found a bible study that is socially active and is readily waiting on me when I wake up every morning!

  233. Lisa says:

    I read about this app in the magazine Deeply Rooted and I’m excited to start a plan. I stopped my morning Bible readings after having each of my babies, during that newborn period when the sleep deprivation and constant pumping were just overwhelming. I resumed my Bible habit after my first child reached 6 months, but now my second is already 14 months and I am still having trouble finding the time to read the Word even though I know it is so incredibly important. Hoping this app will help. God bless you all!

  234. Mary Hamilton says:

    I’m brand new to this & very excited to start :)

  235. Carly says:

    I haven’t been going to my church regularly since I left for college and since I’ve graduated, it just kind of became habit. I’ve never admitted this to anyone besides my boyfriend, but the church I belong to is the one I was raised in and I have a hard time relating & paying attention to what our minister is preaching. I’ve been going to a more contemporary church with my boyfriend and I really enjoy it but many people criticize it saying its a mega-church built for “entertainment.” Anyways, amidst all this I just feel like there is something missing in my life. I don’t really have friends I can talk to about my faith or God. I’m hoping this will help…

    1. Nicole says:

      I was in the same boat as you for about two years. Lacking good Godly friends is so hard. Especially at the age you’re at. I was single for a year and just threw myself into the word and I worked all the time. My main priority being the Lord. I recently got married and over the past year I have left my home church and the Lord has blessed me with four amazing friends that I can talk to and relate to. They are all married and have kids (I don’t have any). But they are true examples of Godly wives and mothers. It’s encouraging for me to have them in my life. I pray that the Lord will give you friends. I know He will, it’s just a matter of time :)

    2. Raven Hinson says:

      Hey Girl I just want to encourage you to keep moving forward in your faith and know that it is awesome that you are doing what you think is best for you! Find community where you see it and seek it out because it is your relationship with the lords! You are so strong and He loves you so much! Prays are headed you way!

    3. Alyson Grace says:

      Carly, it is important for you to be fed spiritually. God leads your way, pray and trust in that. Maybe have an open conversation with your family about your church, you may be surprised at how they appreciate your own personal growth in faith. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a community, or try and attend a church event… You will find friends, sisters, and brothers. The Christian life isn’t meant to be walked alone :) It helps to have people that encourage you in your faith, keep you accountable, and pray alongside you. God Bless Carly! I’m excited for you to grow deeper in your relationship with Christ.

  236. Autumn says:

    Brand new in this app and I’m so excited!!

  237. “Take a small step. Give me just a couple minutes and I’ll figure out the rest.” This app means I can hold one of my babies and my Phone at the same time and find those minutes.” Excited where this will take me.

    1. Leslie says:

      I am doing the same… Trying to get back in the Word after having been overwhelmed in Newborn life… I am now able to read these and do midnight Feedings without having to pick one or the other

      1. Witsmom says:

        Same here, baby is 11 weeks old tomorrow. I’m craving time in the Word, but in bite size pieces that I can comprehend while sleep deprived lol

  238. I had an extremely difficult pregnancy and delivered twins prematurely recently and haven’t been able to attend church, bible study, or “have time” for devotions for a long time, but felt God dialing my number and saying “ta

  239. Jamie says:

    SRT, the image is covering the first paragraph and then some- I can’t remove it. Help!!!

  240. Alexandra says:

    Today I had a major anxiety attack so during that I was looking for something to read to 1) get my mind off my body and 2) to text my sister because we text each other what we’ve read each day. Matthew 24:35 helped me to remember God is in control.

  241. Anna says:

    I wish I could live for the lord and not worry about the world:(

    1. Jamie says:

      You can!! Pray, consistently without stopping. It’s amazing what God will do, what misconceptions and barriers he will clear. He wants your heart, give it to him. Simply say you surrender to Him and His plan. Praying for you!

    2. Raven Hinson says:

      You can live for Him! It is a matter of chasing after Him and not looking at what anyone else does! Do what is best for you on your own standards because yours are the only ones that matter! He Loves You So Much and Always Will!

  242. Maddie says:

    I’ve been going through some really hard times lately and I’m so glad I was introduced to this app! Hopefully it will help me to be closer with God and meet people who are also close with God.

  243. Hannah says:

    So glad a friend of mine told me about this app, it’s been a blessing!!!

  244. Kayli says:

    Hi I am new to this app and this looked like the right plan to start with. I ask for prayers as we all go through this plan together

    1. Welcome, Kayli! Asking God to meet you here each day!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  245. Mckenzie Salter says:

    This app came into my life at just the right time. I’ve been struggling to be in the word daily. Can’t wait to start!

  246. Kiki says:

    Hi I’m a young teen here and I hope to develop a deeper relationship with God.
    Thanks for this awesome app.

    1. Victoria Davis says:

      I’m a teen to :) I just got this app because a friend of mine told me about it. Not sure if I’m going to do it or not, just kinda Checking it out

    2. Welcome, Kiki! We are so happy to have you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  247. Ashley says:

    I’m new to this. I’m working hard to allow the Lord to lead my life. I look forward to growing spiritually as I take this journey.

    1. Welcome, Ashley! Praying that God would meet you here each day!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  248. Khombu says:

    New to this as well, but am so excited for my spirituality to grow and to become closer to God

    1. Welcome, Khombu! Excited to study with you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  249. Madison. says:

    Hi! I’m new here and I’m trying my best to get closer to God.

    1. Welcome, Madison! So happy you are here!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  250. A.S.H. }i{ says:

    I am ready to dig deeper this week, sharing this experience with all of you.

  251. Marlee says:

    I really struggle with making sure I read God’s word and speak to Him daily and I really think this app and the many plans available will help me change that! So happy and grateful that this was recommended to me!

  252. Holly Marie says:

    This is app is pretty cool. I’m so excited I found it :)

    1. Welcome to our community, Holly Marie! We love having you here!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  253. Christy says:

    Hopeful that I will draw nearer to God this week!

  254. Shannon says:

    Excited to begin this journey

  255. Anna Kimmell says:

    found this on someone’s Instagram and I LOVE it thus far! really excited to start!

  256. Kristal says:

    I haven’t been doing that well in being the Word consistently. I’m hoping and praying that this app and study will be able to help me get back to it. I’m looking forward to it.

  257. Abby Blankenship says:

    God is so good. Cannot wait to be on this journey with all of you!

  258. Sarah says:

    Definitely, an amazing example of how we as women can encourage each other and remind each other of the truth as sisters in God’s family. How sad that often our relationships with other ladies are not like this :(

  259. Maddie says:

    I love what the ladies in the video had to say – very true and very inspiring.

  260. Taylor Martin says:

    I love she reads truth! Keep doing what you’re doing!!!!!

  261. Kallie says:

    The Lord is beautiful and works in beautiful ways I want to continue to grow as a godly woman. Iv started this missionary called STOMP; sending teens on missionary projects. I pray to spread god throughout the school and trough tout the community. God has givin me fruit and overwhelmed my soul. He is beautiful. I pray to really start a revival. Will you all just pray for my missionary as well. (:

  262. Shelby says:

    Finally, an app tailored to my needs as a young Godly woman! Thank you so much for creating it (: xoxo

  263. Kat says:

    Thankful to have learned about this app and am excited to have found some great gospel- centered plans like this one ! An answer to prayer as I have struggled w my spiritual disciplines and needed something like this to help me. Praying I will continue to follow through w it , find joy in doing so grow in discipline by his grace

  264. Julia says:

    I haven’t been able to read the bible everyday but I found this app and hope this helps me get on a routine of reading Gods word.

  265. Tracy says:

    So excited that I found this app!

    1. Hi, Tracy! Welcome! So glad you are here!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  266. Love this app. Can’t wait to complete the devotions

    1. So glad you are joining us, Jessica!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  267. This is an awesome app

  268. Rae says:

    Praying that these devotionals will put me on the right path as I walk with Christ through the rest of this life. Really in need of some encouragement and haven’t found it anywhere else. Glad to have found this app (:

    1. Praying with you, friend! Asking God to meet you here each day!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  269. I’ve distanced myself from God for a little bit now.. beyond excited to have found this app! I can already tell it will be leading me in the right direction to getting my relationship back with Jesus.

    1. Zie Campbell says:

      In the same boat, darling. Hope this helps us both.

  270. Brittany M. says:

    Excited to have found this app through a friend on Instagram. I definitely need it!!

  271. Jessica Sue Lawson says:

    I stumbled upon this ap via Instagram, and I am so glad I did! I am constantly looking for new ways to read Gods Word

    1. Jessica Sue, we are so glad you are here! Thanks for joining us, friend!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

    2. My maiden name is Jessica Lawson. :)

  272. Kara C says:

    I was really looking for some inspiring motivation

  273. Jenna says:

    I just downloaded this app and I am really looking forward to having guided study in such a great format! I often find myself reading without getting much out of it or not knowing what part of the Bible to read. Thankful to have found she reads truth and follow along with the studies!

    1. Sarina says:

      You took the words right out of my mouth!

  274. Marisolee says:

    So happy to stumble on this app.. Really need it ..

  275. Nikki Boyd says:

    Megan, I would be thrilled to help. By “faith story” do you mean your testimony, writing down the details of your own journey w Christ?

  276. Megan says:

    Can someone help me? I’m trying to put together a faith story but I can’t seem to put one together. I feel like I have strong faith I just need help.

  277. KimH0288 says:

    So I “got saved” when I was 7 years old. I grew up in the church, went to the Christian school, and still lived my life all wrong. I knew it was wrong while I was doing it. Well now I’m married and we recently lost our first son, Greyson, at birth on November, 7, 2014. I was 31 weeks and he was supposed to be fine. I got really angry with God. Found myself turning to alcohol on a nightly basis. Don Sunshine recently did a MAD live event at our church. He pointed out that there were 3 types of believers, true believers, unbelievers, and make believers. I realized I was the make believer. So I made the best decision. I decided to repent of my sins and ask Jesus into my heart. I’m now trying to get into a devotional everyday that will help me grow as a Christian. I’m looking forward to seeing where He is going to take me.

    1. Nikki Boyd says:

      KimH0288, I’m so so very sorry for this loss of your son. From a mom who has had multiple miscarriages, I truly understand. You are putting Truth into your life and this will help continue the healing and draw you to Christ.

      As you seek Jesus daily, may His peace and presence sustain you and guard you from bitterness. It is thru the deepest loss that our God can and will reveal Himself in the sweetest and most profound way. I’m praying for you!

  278. Rachel Joy says:

    Love when she says to take a step back and look what God is doing in the big picture. I often get so caught up in my own insecurities and doubts that I am blinded to see what God is REALLY doing.

  279. Nikki Boyd says:

    Good morning, friends. So looking forward to this study. I’ve walked w a Jesus for many years and am currently serving as a children’s minister. I’m desperate to renew my hunger for Gods word and can’t wait to see what He will reveal.

  280. Sara Dalila says:

    So glad there is something like She Reads Truth to help women and young girls know the Lord more! Love it! ❤️

  281. Sukie says:

    I am new to this life with Christ. And I am new to bible study, but I look forward to coming here every day and spending time in the word. I’ve been in search of something for a long time. But never truly knowing what, and I’ve finally found it in Christ.

    1. Sara Dalila says:

      AMEN! Welcome to our everlasting family.

  282. Jessica says:

    Excited to start this study and join with my sisters in Christ!

  283. Kayla says:

    My friend introduced me to this study and it sounds very exciting, can’t wait to start!

  284. MommaXinfinity says:

    Thank you for this video. Such profound and beautifully put words! Eager for tomorrow’s meal!

  285. Chelsie Cantrell says:

    I have a friend who recommended this app to me. I am trying to better my relationship with God. I am excited to be reading theses interesting topics.

  286. Alex Gray says:

    I’m the bestie

  287. Ellie Hope says:

    This is awesome I’m doing it with the bestie

  288. Joscelyn Lissone says:

    I’m excited about drawing closer to God! My husband and I started a couples’ devotional & I was looking for something I can do individually as well. I’m looking forward to the virtual fellowship and support from this community!

    1. Laura says:

      Can I ask what couples devotional you are using?:) I’ve been looking for a good one for me husband and I. Thanks!

  289. Maria Hernandez says:

    I’ve been stuck in a bad spot for years. Now that my husband is deciding to change and get close to God I’m excited to find that path myself,bettering ourselves and our family.

    1. Maria, welcome to our community! Praying that God would meet you here each day and blanket you with His peace and purpose!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  290. Jess says:

    I’m so ready to start and I hope and pray that this app helps plant the seed to continue reading the word every day! So happy I found this app!

  291. Vanessa says:

    Hi! just found the app today. looks very clean and I love that there’s a community built in with it. Looking forward to growing with our all.

    1. Hi Vanessa! Welcome to our community! We are so glad you are here!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  292. Blair W says:

    SheReadsTruth is what I’ve been searching for in studies for years and I’m so thankful I’ve found it!

    1. Blair! Welcome friend! We are thrilled you are here!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  293. Bekah says:

    Excited to start this study!

    1. So glad you\’re joining us, Bekah! We love having you in our community!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  294. Jennifer Meyers says:

    I am also new. Very excited about everything I have seen and heard so far!

  295. VictoriousOne says:

    It’s so refreshing to be apart of so many women that are excited about digging into God’s word!! Let’s go ladies

  296. Dae says:

    I’m new to this & hopefully it will my relationship with God.

  297. Clara says:

    Hi! I’m also new to learning and reading the bible. I’m excited. ❤️

  298. Lexi says:

    I’m 15 and I’m new to this whole getting into the word I need to motivation and Advise

    1. Danielle says:

      So glad that you are studying!! Lots of exciting moments in high school & learning more about God will help you make great choices, great friends, and continue to discover who you are!

  299. Reva says:

    I’ve never actually finished a plan so maybe this’ll be the one

  300. Charityclark says:

    Yay! I’m excited to join all you ladies!

  301. Misty says:

    my thoughts are that the scriptures are so incredibly huge compared to us. the scriptures pointed to humanity as blades of grass that withers. His word is forever and we have been given a copy….so precious

  302. Rebecca says:

    I am expecting great things years as I begin this study.

  303. Excited to start:) I’m new!

  304. Sarah Bledsoe says:

    Can’t wait

  305. Ellie Hope says:

    I’m ready

  306. Nicholette says:

    I am so excited to delve back into the word and into my Christian faith! I was raised in a Christian family and after I graduated high school and got married I wandered from the path always hearing the Lord’s voice calling me, with the passing of yet another year I have realized that I no longer yearn for the material things of this world and the approval of everyone. I yearn for the Lord and to be closer to him, and I have heard such wonderful things about this program from friends and others I know. I am so excited to see where this takes me.

  307. Taliphia Porter says:

    Video wont play

  308. Lyndsay says:

    I can’t get the video to play? It’s not clickable for me

  309. Woman of God 86 says:

    Sounds good!

  310. Ceedwards13 says:

    I’ve met so many people who took a piece of the Bible (and I’m probably guilty of this as well) and used it as a guide to hate or work against someone, which drove me away from the church, and away from people like that. Looking at it as a whole, and seeing scholarly women who are willing to look at it from a historical perspective as well as from a living word perspective is a breath of fresh air. Thank you for this.

  311. Elise says:

    I just found this app today. I’ve been struggling with my personal relationship with Christ. Life and all the blessings he’s given me have taken priority and it’s been hard to find a balance. That coupled with doubt that’s been eating away at me from a tragedy that happened to a friend’s family several years ago. I see the relevance in the video and definitely believe the enemy has been trying to keep me from God’s word. I want a genuine relationship with Jesus and a life that is spirit led. I hope to be fully healed from my past doubts so I can fully surrender to his Word and I pray for change in my life but especially in my heart.

  312. McKenna says:

    Lately, I’ve been doing my best to grow my faith. It’s not that I don’t believe the Word is truth, but maybe I’m having trouble because I question my belief? If that makes any sense. I’m hoping “getting back to the basics” with this app will help me walk closer and closer to God.

  313. Stephanie says:

    I am so excited to have discovered this community that can really help me delve into the bible and understand gods word so much better.

  314. Rhiannon D'Ambrosio says:

    I am so thankful for discovering this app. Growing up as a catholic there was never any real stress on actually reading the bible, just make your sacraments and go to confession/mass and that’s it. I’m at a weird place in my life where I don’t really know what’s going to happen yet, but I’m recently maturing in my faith and I think that this app is going to help me greatly. Thank you so much for creating this, I can’t not wait to see where God takes me.

  315. Emma says:

    I am so thankful for the shereadstruth app. I have felt so lost and lonely and sad, but because of this app I have learned what it means to be free all in one night. Thank you for helping me and giving me the tools to achieve a relationship with my Heavenly Father again!

  316. Jaie says:

    Beginning this app for the second time. I have allowed life to get in the way of my desire for Christ and I want to get serious about allowing God to order my steps. I have a lot of time to sort through some things so this time I plan to make my devotional a and time with God count!

    1. Hi, Jaie! So glad you\’re back with us. I sure can relate to things getting in the way of my relationship with God, but I am just so thankful He is always constant when I am not. Praying He meets you here each day! Love to you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  317. Janelle says:

    I have recently found this app and I can’t thank you enough. I was having troubles falling asleep, so instead of goig on social media.. I statute reading your this is the word devotion. Man, was day 1 of this devotion is what I needed. See I have fears about life after this life, especially at night when I am in a room by myself and I have all the time in the world to think of crazy things. So thank you for the words and the text from the bible. I really needed that night. Since it help get my thinking. Back on Christ and not devouring satan’s lies.

    1. Janelle, welcome to our community! We\’re so grateful you\’re here. Praying that God would meet you here each day!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  318. Ashlyn Ann says:

    My small group leader suggested this app. I have been caught up with everyday life and i forget to read God’s word everyday. So hopefully i can get back into the swing of things.

  319. Tela says:

    I just found this app. Since school and work and life has gotten in the way I’ve really strayed from the bible and the Lord. I want a good devotional that I can apply to my life every day. Hopefully this one works out for me (:

    1. Welcome to our community, Tela! We are so glad you joined us today!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  320. VictoriousOne says:

    I’m really grateful for stumbling upon shereadstruth!! I know it was no one but the Lord who led me here. Excited to dive in to this study!

    1. Tricia Lynne says:

      I just so happened upon this app as well! And as you said, it was no one but the LORD who led me here. :) isn’t that wonderful? Praise Him!

  321. Kimi says:

    I feel the same as you Megan. I was raised in the church but have fallen away. I’m so excited to get back into the Word and draw nearer to The Lord.

  322. Megan says:

    I was raised as a follower of Christ, but I’ve lost myself in the world. I’ve been consumed by my own needs and wants instead of serving his kingdom. I’m excited to get back to the truth, starting with a true understanding of the Word!

  323. Shanna says:

    After I purchase the plans. Where can I find them?

  324. Kyla Oldham says:

    I’m excited to start this new plan and renew my faith! I’ve been in a rut, a new perspective, and fresh start is here!

    1. So glad you\’re here, Kyla! Welcome to our community!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  325. Christina Jones says:

    It’s time for a fresh perspective and to reexamine things that I already believe to be true. I’m looking to grow in Christ in a new way fitting of my new roles of a wife and woman of God.

  326. Sabrina Banks says:

    Feeling spiritually dead and I have felt this way for a few years. My kids are getting older and I know I need to help lead them as their mother to know God. Prayers appreciated as I attempt to crawl out of this spiritual deadness.

  327. shermaine says:

    I recently deterred away from God due to personal reasons, but I have finally gone back to him after a very long period and a friend introduced this app to me and I found it helpful in my devotion and I’m truly blessed to be in a community of other Christians where we can enjoy and share the word of God together.

    1. Welcome, Shermaine!! We are so happy you\’re here!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  328. Jenny says:

    I’m just beginning the RCIA (basically adult catechism) process and I pray that this devotional will help guide me through it and wash away my worries and doubts.

    1. Thanks for joining us, Jenny! Welcome to our community!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  329. becky-Jo says:

    Praying for the guidance that only His word can bring.

  330. Praying that God will use this study to ignite a passion in me for his word.

  331. Helen says:

    Really struggling with finding my feet in faith, and hoping this study will help me. I need to be pointed in the right direction.

  332. AndeMarie says:

    Great word! Excited to dig in!

    1. Welcome, AndeMarie! So glad you\’re here!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  333. I am glad to be here. Glad to know that God will help with my spiritual warfare. Instead of trying to prove whether God’s word makes sense , its vital that we understand what God is trying to do.

  334. Jenny says:

    This app is fantastic! My mind is blown!

  335. Danielle Duncan says:

    I’m in such awe at the platform that this has created not only do we get to learn about our wonderful God but we get to grow in Christ together. I have felt so down and on my own for the past three years and have recently been drawing back to my foundation. I’m so thankful for this app and you wonderful group of women!!

  336. Sophie says:

    I’m so excited to learn more about the Word of God that He has given us!

  337. Taylor says:

    I truly feel like I have fallen from my faith recently. I am young, but I feel that the mistakes and sins I have committed are overwhelming. I hope that coming here to read and devote myself to the Holy Spirit can reinvigorate the love for the Bible, my faith, and myself that I seem to have lost. Thank you ladies for helping.

    1. Laury says:

      Taylor, I’m with you in the same feelings and need to sweetheart Holy Father to bring me back to him. Have a Blessed Day.

  338. God has been doing a great work in my heart lately. I have been a Christian for a long time, but for the first time in my life, really, I am waking up wanting to spend time with God in His Word. I feel the Holy Spirit moving in my soul. This is my first day using #shereadstruth and I am so excited for this study! Grace and Peace

  339. Alyssa says:

    Loved the video – looking forward to this devotional & growing closer to God

  340. Chelsey says:

    I just started this and I already love it! My boyfriend was recently deployed and I’ve been having a hard time but turning my free time to Gods word has really been a huge help! I can’t wait to continue with this app

    1. Goldie says:

      Chelsey I will be praying for you and your boyfriend. Tell him thank you so much for his service and you for supporting him. Words can never say how grateful I am and we all should be.

  341. Dayna says:

    My grandpa pass away

    1. Erin says:

      Sorry to hear that, Dayna. May the Lord bless and keep you in these days ahead!

  342. Allie says:

    I loved what she said in the video about the lies that we believe. Lately I’ve had so much going on, and I think “well, I’ll probably have more time later so I’ll just do my devotion then.” And then I end up not doing it. It’s so easy to believe those lies. This app makes me excited to maybe get a better grip on my devotion time!

  343. Hannah W. says:

    High school senior, here. Struggling to keep up with my faith life during the rough academic semester and college application processes, but searching for God’s guidance and direction in these critical years of my life. Loving this app! ❤️

  344. Mandy says:

    I’m beginning this today; just downloaded the app! Really loving the easy accessibility

  345. Valerie Penner says:

    Starting today!! I really have trouble finding time to slow down and focus on God so I’m hoping that this starts a healthy discipline in my life of drawing closer to Him that blossoms into an adoring lifestyle.

    1. Tiffany says:

      Me too!! ❤️

  346. Today is the day! I’m starting this bible study, and can’t not be more excited than I already am! I’m so in love with this app and have really enjoined him sharing this app with others!

  347. Hello Chelsea and jenni, glad to see that I’m not alone in this. I’ve been a struggling believer and I just got saved about two months ago and found my way back to my lord, and although I work a lot I don’t want to begin slipping away because at this point in my life I don’t ever want to return to that dark place I once was, and my Christian friend found me and saved me, she suggested this app to me and I can not be more thankful to see that I’m not alone and there are others that struggle just like me and I share so much joy and I am as ready as the two of you for this journey in extending my faith and growing closer to God. I hope that everything is answered for you. You are blessed!. And never forget that Jesus loves you!. ❤️

  348. Chelsea Clay pole says:

    Just starting this today and I can not express how excited I am. I’ve been a struggling believer for so long and just recently I’ve decided to just dive in and give it all over to God. Ready for the journey❤️

    1. Jenni says:

      Hi Chelsea! Me too! A struggling and misguided believer that had to hit pretty close to bottom and have God catch me to awake again. My heart is full and my mind is ready. Looking forward to this journey. I love and share your excitement.

      1. Hello Chelsea and jenni, glad to see that I’m not alone in this. I’ve been a struggling believer and I just got saved about two months ago and found my way back to my lord, and although I work a lot I don’t want to begin slipping away because at this point in my life I don’t ever want to return to that dark place I once was, and my Christian friend found me and saved me, she suggested this app to me and I can not be more thankful to see that I’m not alone and there are others that struggle just like me and I share so much joy and I am as ready as the two of you for this journey in extending my faith and growing closer to God. I hope that everything is answered for you. You are blessed!. And never forget that Jesus loves you!. ❤️

  349. Lauren says:

    I’m just starting this too!

    1. Welcome, Lauren! We love having you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  350. Myam says:

    Excited to start this journey and dig deep into the word of God!

  351. Jen R From NM says:

    Starting today! Really searching for the truths in the Bible as far as why the churches of today cannot get past homosexuality and abortion to show Christ’s grace, love, and mercy to ALL.

  352. Kim says:

    Starting this Nov 9. I’m currently in SE Asia. I’m wife, homeschooling mom & Lord willing a light to my neighbors. Needing to be more disciplined – for my spirit and for my children’s as I am rearing the next generation of warriors. Looking forward to joining you ladies on this journey.

  353. Ashlund says:

    I’m excited to start this new adventure with God!

  354. Amanda says:

    I have the app and I cant see the video

  355. Ashleigh says:

    In starting this today :) I hope this will lead me closer to God (: x

  356. Bela says:

    I’m starting today! Hopefully this will help me get closer & have a better understanding with God :)

  357. Sarah says:

    Reading this from Bolivia where I’m working with an orphanage and seeking God in some really big, really scary questions. Praying He speaks to me through this.

    1. Rebecca Pelc says:

      You’re in my prayers as well ! Be safe and God bless you in your adventures in Bolivia !

  358. Hope Joanne says:

    Wow this is an amazing app, I’ve always struggled trying to read the bible and sticking at it but I reckon these plans are what I need to read more often!

  359. Micayla says:

    Starting from the beginning today. Praying these words will speak to me and help me along this wonderful new journey. I am also praying it will do the same for all of you wonderful ladies as well!

    1. Praying for you, sweet friend! Thanks for joining us!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

    2. Rebecca Pelc says:

      I’m starting today ! Hopefully we can both get what we’re seeking!

  360. Beth Williams says:

    Gods word is beautiful but I confess I have trouble seeing it that way. I feel my faithfulness is like the grass and the flowers. Satan tries to use that to immobilize me but I know that while we are faithless he is faithful. May I and others trust in him day to day and not in myself.

  361. Tiffany says:

    New Beginnings!!! I Can See My Blessings Flowing

  362. Megan says:

    Starting from the beginning! I want to dive deep into God’s work and prepare myself for the journeys I have ahead of me in sharing his word and his love.

  363. Sarah Munday says:

    I am also starting here because I need to start from the beginning and work on every step of my relationship with The Lord. As I go through these studies I ask that each of you pray for me and my walk to learn more about God. Have a wonderful evening and praying for each of you as well.

    1. Rebecca Pelc says:

      You’re in my prayers too!

  364. I’m starting here because I’ve lost touch with my relationship with God. Asking for prayers as I step back into my walk with Him. I love you beautiful ladies.

  365. Christian says:

    i can’t get the video to load

  366. Veronica says:

    This app is amazing! I live in a muslim country and there are no Bibles to be found anywhere! This app is truly a blessing and I can already see how it will benefit me. God bless! :)

    1. Sarah says:

      I’m glad you found it too!!

    2. Beth Williams says:

      Praying for you and for God to use you in your country in miraculous ways!

  367. Cara Young says:

    Really excited about this plan. I just downloaded the app, and I am starting today! I’m only 13 years old and my parents split a few months ago. It was very hard, and I had great friends that brought me to church because I was not close with God before, and it really has made a huge positive impact on my life. Really want to get in the habit of reading the Bible everyday!

    1. Carly says:

      I went through a very similar time sweet girl. I promise it will all be okay, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. Look to Him for strength xo

  368. leids22 says:

    I have been reading the Bible for more than 20yrs because it simply became a routine with my father, the church and my source of peace everytime I need peace or I feel down. But reading thru the day 1 of this plan and listening to the 6min video gave me a new and deeper perspective about the word. It is like starting all over again in reading the Bible, and it is not just a ‘word’ for me now, and it has started to COME ALIVE like a breath of air and food for the soul I cannot live without. It is not anymore about ME but all about focusing on GOD’S WORD about LOVE, MERCY AND REDEMPTION.

  369. Kayla says:

    Is this where I should start and move my way up the list as the current plan being last …I’m new to the bible

  370. Loida says:

    I’m starting this plan today. I’m glad I’m not the only one doing it now!

  371. Lindsey says:

    I just downloaded this app today and I am starting this plan today. I look forward to using this app and having the support of so many godly women!

  372. Kendra Gaines says:

    I’m starting this plan today. I read in the morning and evening but wanting to add a devotional for nap time as well. I need God’s word all day long, this will help me to refocus midday!

  373. Danielle Sears says:

    I’m starting this plan tonight and I am so glad other people are doing it at the same time and I’m not behind!

  374. Lucy McCloud says:

    Starting today as well. I have tried to read the bible without help before and as awful as this is to say, I never really could get into it (even though I desperately wanted to). Hoping this study will get me into the habit of and enjoying reading the bible!

    1. Elysse says:

      I’m starting today too Lucy! And I feel the same way. Without guidance the bible overwhelms me a bit. Where do I start? Glad to be beginning this plan together

    2. Caroline says:

      I feel the exact same way! You are not alone.

  375. Blair says:

    Starting today also! This will be my first study and I’m glad i found this one! It’s perfect. Thank you

  376. Caitlin Henderson says:

    Starting this today with a friend. Can’t wait to see what’s in store

    1. Yay! So happy to hear that, Caitlin! Glad you\’re joining us!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  377. AbbyNBlom says:

    I think I’ve been trying to live off about a meal a month lately and I’m past due for some real nourishment.

  378. Ali Hamel says:

    So excited for this!! ❤️❤️❤️

  379. Sarah Ruckle says:

    So excited for this study!! I’ve been thirsting for more of The Lord in my daily life, and this study looks great. constantly seeking to know more of His word!

  380. Kasey says:

    Just starting this study, and it’s actually my first study, so I’m excited.

  381. Ashley says:

    We just moved & my spirit is in great famine. Starting this study to renew my love for God’s Word & the time He & I so desperately need together as He breathes life into my soul.

  382. CHARLYERIN says:

    My community life group leader recommended this and I’m excited to continuing growing in the Word with a new devo!

  383. Juliana Valk says:

    My small group leader recommended this to me and I cannot wait to see where it takes me on my individual journey!

  384. Erin Watkins says:

    I am excited to get to know more about God’s word!!

  385. Alannah Hedges says:

    Just found this and am very blessed. God knows what I need ! :)

  386. Caroline Smithson says:

    Just started today! I’m so excited to see God do a work through an app and through me! ❤️❤️❤️

  387. Ivonne Vasquez says:

    What an amazing app! Im starting TODAY!

  388. Allison says:

    I am starting this today and I am so glad I found this app!

  389. Marissa says:

    Starting this today! I can’t wait to dive deeper into the bible!

  390. A high school teacher senior year recommended this to me and I kinda take it as a blessing! I’m so happy that I have found this! Exactly what I have been searching for! <3

  391. Stephanie Manley says:

    Starting today! This is exactly what I’ve needed.

  392. Kellie Eastham says:

    Love this App! Such a blessing and a tool I have desperately needed!

  393. Jane Clark says:

    I am so thankful I found this app. Sometimes it’s hard for me to get my bible time in when I’m on the road. This is a blessing. :) so excited!

  394. Ashley L says:

    So ready to dive in!

  395. Jayme says:

    Starting today!

  396. Sarah says:

    Starting today!

  397. Jenny H says:

    I am starting a bible study group TODAY and we are following this plan for the jest couple of week! In so excited to dig deep into the bible!

  398. Rebeca says:

    I am starting today too, it’s amazing what this simple app is doing!

  399. Megs says:

    Starting this today. I am hoping this will help me get into the word more. The bible is just so big I am never really sure where to go.

    1. Lana_Desiree says:

      I feel the same way! I am starting today and I am so stoked and ready to see what God has in store !

  400. I am so glad I’m not the only one starting this today since it is an earlier one!

  401. Jamie L says:

    I have also fallen away from my stillness with God and am praying this devotional will rekindle the flame I once had!!

    1. Marissa says:

      Jamie, the Holy Spirit will fan that flame for you through this study! Praying for you sweet sister!

  402. Ash says:

    It would be helpful to add captioning or a transcript of the videos for the Deaf Christians :)

  403. Jessica says:

    Love the video and thankful for this app! Can’t wait to continue the study!

  404. Sophie says:

    I’m excited to see where this and my new bible study group leads me. God is soooo good :)))

  405. Jamie says:

    Can’t wait to start this study:)

  406. Rebecca says:

    Starting today and hopeful that this plan will be just what I need to get back into the habit of daily study of God’s word.

  407. I can’t wait to begin

  408. Heidi Wilson says:

    I am excited. And truly was moved by the words in the video. I have let satan steal me away from my daily commitment to reading the Bible. I have been so lost and have continually been looking for something- when it’s right here in front of me. Looking forward to growing spiritually and getting back to following my daily commitment. And looking forward to being able to connect with others reading the same – so we can grow further through one another.

    1. Missy says:

      Hi Heidi! So glad you’re going through this plan also! I pray you will “stay the course” with this plan and that it will be a blessing to you! I too had let myself stray from consistent time with God and in his Word. I am recommitting myself again today and keeping Jesus at the center!

      1. Heidi Wilson says:

        Missy- thank you and Amen! Day 2… What a great message! This is his story!!

  409. Missy says:

    Excited to be starting this plan tomorrow with my teenage daughter. I’m hoping it will help us grow closer together in our faith walk and as a mother & daughter. Please keep us in your prayers & may this be a blessing to those will be taking part in this as well

  410. Amber says:

    I am so excited to start this. I have been lost in my faith for a long time…cold hearted and backslid. With three daughters now I know I need to set a godly example and rebuild my faith in Christ and His word. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the WORD OF GOD

    1. Missy says:

      So happy to hear you’re starting this and that you want to set a godly example for your daughters! I’m starting this plan with my daughter in hopes to grow with her in our faith walk. Praying this is a blessing for you and your family, Amber

  411. Estefania says:

    Really looking forward to the next fee days with this reading plan. To be in love with God and His word ist essential

  412. Adela White says:

    My Son’s sweet Fiancé shared this app with me. I super excited to continue to grow spiritually with a community of women who want to do same. God be with us all as we draw closer to Jesus with each passing day!

  413. Gabrielle Smith says:

    I stumbled upon this via Instagram. I must admit, I’ve gotten too caught up in the everyday life to pay much attention to my spiritual one. I hope this will be a beautiful reminder to take the time to get back!

    1. Ashley says:

      I found this via Instagram stumbling too! I am in Southeastern University to study for ministry and it’s amazing how ANYONE can fall prey to the business of the everyday and let their spiritual life fall to the wayside. I’m looking forward to this daily reminder as well :)

      1. I also found SheReadsTruth via Instagram scrolling! While I love their website, it is my prayer that with the app, I’ll be more apt to open it up and sink into Christ’s Word every day, not just see a scripture on Pinterest, pin it, and hope that’s good enough.
        So thankful for the women who made this app possible!

  414. I am so thankful I found She Reads Truth. I need more Gospel in my life and this helps me find quiet times where I can just focus on God.

  415. Katey says:

    Found you through Allume. Sad your session there is already full.

  416. Laura says:

    Such a nice simple refreshing interface, makes me feel motivated to read bible and hope this app and the plans can help me go back and rediscover my faith.

  417. Anyssa says:

    So happy i have this app. Beyond ready to grow deeper in love with our Lord, Jesus. ❤️

  418. Tiffany says:

    I’m so excited to begin this journey!

  419. Jessica Herrera says:

    So thankful for finding this. I have wanted something to help me find my way back to the bible

    1. So happy you found us, Jessica! We love having you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  420. Emily says:

    So excited to start this journey into another study

  421. Stephanie Cabrera says:

    I started reading psalm 119 last night and today decided to start this plan only to find out it’ll be out key reading. God is good.

  422. Elizabeth says:

    So excited for yet another way to encourage me to stay in the word!

  423. Janell says:

    Thanks for this! Soooo good!!

  424. Shirley says:

    I love this app, silly to say but yes I have a Bible. I like the side notes, it makes me think about what I read.

  425. Angiee1228 says:

    I am so glad too :)

  426. I’ve been aching for a new devotional, and I’m so glad I stumbled upon this app :)

  427. Jamie says:

    This is so wonderful and just what I need! I am so excited to get started!

  428. FeFe says:

    Looking forward to this study.

  429. Bailey says:

    It’s encouraging to be reminded that no matter what happens- God’s way to talk to us {His word} is always there, hence God is always there because He is FOREVER.

  430. Brianna Fischette says:

    So pumped to start this study! I can see that this app is going to do some incredible things!

  431. Brittany Ledford says:

    I was refereed to this app by a friend and my oh my how grateful I am for that. This is an awesome and incredible way to access His word daily and to gain knowledge and strength in The Lord. Thank y’all for coming up with this idea and being gracious enough to share with us all!

  432. Melanie Ingram says:

    This is such an accessible medium for spiritual growth! So thankful to begin using the SRT app and deepening my faith and love for The Lord. Love that this first study illuminates the beauty and necessity of the Word. Thanks so much!

  433. Alexandra says:

    I feel so blessed for this study and for this app .I would like to know how can I highlight the verses ,thanks

  434. Brandy says:

    I am so excited for this study and to use this app! I have been wanting to find a devotional to help guide me through studies of His Word for quite awhile now, but have been unsure how to find one that was the right fit. Then I stumbled across SRT. After looking over your website and reading the “What we believe section” I feel like this is going to be a true blessing in my life and study and help me to grow closer to God as I dive into his word.

  435. Lisa says:

    Thankful for this app and excited to have it as a help and tool in quiet times. I’m already thinking of all the people I want to share it with.

  436. Jenny H says:

    I am so excited to start this study! Whenever I click on the video though it brings me to a woman talking about net neutrality, so not sure how to see the actual video that goes with this study? Regardless I am looking forward to continuously growing with The Lord!

    1. Hi, Jenny! We are so happy to have you here! I just pulled it up from the app, and it looks like the Net Neutrality video is an ad from the video site. Click close at the bottom to see the video from The Gospel Coalition! We are excited to hear what God teaches you through this study!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

      1. Cassandra Avila says:

        Hello! I’m so excited that I’ve been introduced to SRT app

      2. Jenny H says:

        Oh awesome thank you so much!! I’m excited to start this plan with my bible group!

  437. Sheri says:

    Hi… Thanks for the invitation… In a way that reflects God’s feminine heart. I NEED more of God, & I know that means being open to hearing His word for my heart thru scripture… But, my fragile heart SO needs to be drawn by relationship with Him & not by duty. Thanks for making a place for that. Also, can you tell me how Misty & her family is doing?? I didn’t see an update on her blog link… Prayers of healing and gratitude, for us all… In His love, Sheri

  438. Ali says:

    So excited about using this app! Can’t wait to share it with the women in my small group!!

    1. Ali, we are so happy to have you! Thanks for joining us and sharing with your small group!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  439. Lia says:

    I didn’t want to watch the video because I thought, “6 minutes? That’s 6 minutes out of my quiet time and I’ve only got so long before I have to leave for work.” I’m so glad I did though…I was so encouraged…grateful and excited to begin studying God’s Word with this app.

  440. Rebecca says:

    I’m so thankful a friend pointed me in this direction. I’m looking forward to studying the Word and having more accountability in doing so. Thank you for your faithfulness.

  441. Hayley says:

    Just downloaded the app and I am looking forward to working through this study. Thank you SRT for putting this together.

    1. Hi, Hayley! Thank you so much for joining us! We are so happy you\’re here!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  442. sarah_chase says:

    With your new study coming out soon, I’ve decided to jump into this app and use it as my devotional study tool. I watched the video and was challenged when they said that the Word is not all about us. It’s easy as women/mothers to be so dialed in to our roles and tasks and only look to the Bible as a refreshment for what we are going through only. I’m hoping that SRT will help me see God’s bigger picture.

    1. Hi, Sarah! We are so excited you\’re here! Praying for you and glad you\’ll be joining us for the next study!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  443. Amanda says:

    This app fills my heart with joy. I have never been one for bible studies but I find these so encouraging and easy to follow along with. Thank you!

    1. Amanda, we are so grateful you\’re here! Praying for you as you study. We love having you in our community!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  444. Hannah Almeida says:

    Never really did a study on my own. My old bible study leader led this to me and I am very excited and READY to see God work and grow me in this season I’m in. Thanks!!!

    1. Hi, Hannah! We are so happy you\’re here! Praying for you as you study!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  445. Gina says:

    A friend of mine told me about this app…I’ve been struggling trying to find the perfect Bible study! I’m excited to get started!!

    1. I\’m so glad you found us, Gina!! Praying for you as you study!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  446. Josh says:

    Why don’t you make a men’s version? Lol

  447. Lauren Field says:

    I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this app. From the design (I’m a designer) to the purpose it makes my heart full!!!

  448. Mist3 says:

    I just ordered the Open Your Bible study. I can’t wait to begin!

  449. Hilary says:

    So excited to start using this app and to discover all of your great bible studies!

  450. Emma Scott says:

    So thankful i found this app for when im in a rush and cant sit down and have my own! Amazing words

    1. We are so glad you found us, Emma! We love having you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  451. Megan says:

    Just down loaded the app! Very excited to dig into the word!

  452. Camille says:

    I’m so happy I found this app, I can’t wait begin this much needed journey. Thanks xo

    1. We are so happy you\’re with us, Camille! Love to you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  453. Laura Nichols says:

    Can’t wait! So in love already!

  454. Ryleigh says:

    I have been searching for a devotion and i’m pretty sure i have found the right one! i can’t wait to study with you!

  455. Lacey says:

    I just downloaded this app! I am so excited and look forward to our study time together.

    1. Welcome, Lacey! We are so happy to have you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  456. Olivia says:

    I’m looking forward to starting the plans on this app. It has been a rough year and I have definitely been closer to God in the past than I am now. But I’m still thankful for the new mercies each day.

  457. Mitzi Wyles says:

    So excited about this app. Ladies please pray with me and for me for revival in each of our lives especially mine. It’s time to do what is right and live for what is right. Thank you ladies.

  458. I have been really been questioning my faith and I think I came across this group at the right time. Thankful is an understatement.

  459. So thankful for this app

  460. Carrie says:

    I haven’t really done a devotion in a long time but I want to get started back. My sister told me about this and I decided to do it! I already love this!

  461. Nicole says:

    If you really want to go back to basics this is a good way to start! Lord guide us all and may You be revealed fully in each of us today and everyday. The Word makes us alive indeed. Thanks for this SRT! Bless you!

  462. Cheri Williams says:

    Wow! This is exactly what I was looking for. So excited to get started!:)Cheri

    1. Thanks for joining us, Cheri! We love having you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  463. Julie says:

    Exited to start this new experience of online devotionals. Always started but never stayed through with one till the end.
    Exited for what The Lord will say to me.

    1. Welcome, Julie! We are so excited to have you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  464. Jordan says:

    I’ve been a Christian for a while but fell out of it a few years ago. I started attending youth group, bought a new bible and I’m really looking forward to bettering myself with gods word ☺️

    1. Jordan, that\’s so wonderful! We are so excited to study truth with you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  465. Charli says:

    I’m in a season of my life during which I feel The Lord is working to make me understand the importance of daily manna, that his word truly does feed us when we are intentional about receiving it. This seems like a beautiful way to explore that truth.

    1. Charli, thank you for joining us! We are so happy you\’re here and I\’m praying that God would meet you here each day as you explore that truth!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  466. Patricia says:

    I am looking forward to see what this app has to offer. The cares of this world really take atoll on my time with God, full-time job & homeschool, etc. looking for more accountability.

    1. Hi, Patricia! Thank you so much for joining us! Praying for you that God would provide pockets of time to engage and refresh in His Word! Love to you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  467. Latea Bell says:

    So far I am loving this app. This is helping me with all the questions I have been pondering over for a long time and could never find the answers to.

    1. Latea, we are so happy to have you! Praying for you as you explore and ask questions! Love to you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  468. Heather says:

    Very excited to have found this app – I’ve definitely let my quiet times with God slip over the years and hopeful that this will help me to return to these times and hear from God.

  469. Amanda says:

    This is so cool that we have a place to study and get an escape to study Gods word!

  470. Sarah says:

    Saw this app that a friend posted on fb about… I just had a baby and have a 4 year old… I’ve let my personal God time slip away. :( it’s time I started back in the habit! Excited!

    1. So excited you\’re joining us, Sarah! We love having you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  471. Wow . This is smth …. Pretty cool how we can all chat here ! Looking forward to start this series :)

  472. Michelle Turner says:

    I’ve always considered myself a christian but I want to take it to the next level. I want to educate myself and become a better Christian!

    1. So glad you’re here, Michelle! Praying God blesses you through your time in His Word.

  473. Abby says:

    I’m thrilled for this study!

    1. We are thrilled you are joining us, Abby! We love having you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  474. Faith Cranford says:

    Let’s do this!! Although i have always had God in my heart and grew with God in my life iv never really read or studied the bible… I’m 23 and married and ready to love God more than ever before… Let’s so this

  475. Jewel says:

    Looking forward to immersing myself into this study. Thanks and keep up the encouraging words and studies! To God be the glory!

  476. Liz Sikora says:

    Just heard about this app and am excited about it! As a mom of a two year old and a newborn, it’s so convenient!

  477. Melissa says:

    New believer, excited to read the Truth!

    1. Hi, Melissa! We are so happy to have you! Praying that God would meet you here each day! Love to you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  478. Mom2 says:

    Excited to start!!!

    1. So happy to have you with us!!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  479. Chloe says:

    Excited to learn academically and spiritually about His Holy Words.

    1. Thanks for joining us, Chloe! We love having you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  480. Sally says:

    I am so excited and eager to really dig deep into God’s Word again! I’m so grateful for a friend who inadvertently pointed me in the direction of this app and the wonderful resources it offers! God is so amazing and I can’t wait to see what He has in store! God Bless you, ladies!

    1. Hi, Sally! We are so happy to have you! Excited to see what God has in store! Blessings to you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  481. Jackie says:

    Just found out that this app was out. I cannot wait to learn more about God’s Word through this! Thank you SRT ladies!!

    1. Hi, Jackie! We are so glad you are with us! Welcome to our community!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  482. Aly says:

    Just discovered this app, and so ready to see how God speaks to me through it!

    1. So happy you\’re here, Aly! We\’re excited to see how God speaks to you, too!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  483. Kait says:

    Love this app!! Can’t wait to dig in.

    1. So happy you\’re here, Kait! Excited to dig in with you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  484. Shoma Smith says:

    .:. I was waiting for this app… I have been so busy that I haven’t completed but the Ruth study… I enjoyed the video for this study … Thanks y’all

    1. So glad you\’re here, Shoma! We love having you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  485. Shoma Smith says:

    .:. I am read for this

  486. Jenna Freeman says:

    i can already tell that i will thoroughly enjoy the daily readings in this app

    1. We are so happy to have you, Jenna! Thanks for joining us!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  487. Britt says:

    Happy to have found this app.

    1. We are so happy you found us, Britt! We love having you here!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  488. Lisa Olson says:

    Looking forward to digging into God’s Word. I need a fresh, new revival in my life.

  489. Alison Carpenter says:

    So glad to see the app is alive and kicking!!! Can’t wait to discover God’s truth in these new studies. Thank you ladies for making this happen! God Bless SRT ❤️

    1. Thanks for joining us, Alison! We love having you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  490. Amy Nicole says:

    So happy to have found this app and community. I wasn’t raised in a Christian home and it’s something I struggle with. I became a believer a few years ago and want to raise my daughters knowing and loving God.

    1. Hi, Amy! So happy to have you! Praying that you find community near you to support your faith walk! We love having you here!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  491. BladensMom says:

    I just found the app as well! I looked for it a would back when a friend told me about SRT but couldn’t fund it! Glad it’s here now.

    1. So happy you\’re here with us, friend! We love having you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  492. Daisie says:

    Found this community on Instagram. Day one of this study. Looking forward to it.

  493. Sarah says:

    I just found this app and am excited to start this study!

    1. Sarah, we are so happy to have you! Thanks for joining us!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  494. Jessica G says:

    So blessed and excited to start this little study! God Bless Y’all!!

    1. Blessings to you, Jessica! So happy you\’re with us!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  495. Renee says:

    Good Morning sheReadsTruth Community!! I’m Loving SheReads Truth APP it’s Gorgeous!! I’m Starting This Is The Bible!! I Pray I Learn Lots-:D!! God Bless Everyone!!

    1. Hi, Renee! We are so happy you\’re here! Praying that God would teach and encourage you so much through this study!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  496. Lgossmeyer says:

    Such a convenient way to get in the Word each day. I really have NO excuse not to now. (Not that I did before;) I’m so excited to break the streak of not seeking Him through a daily devotional. I’ve always had a hard time with consistency. I chose one of the shorter studies so that it’s not so “intimidating”!! Can’t wait to really get started!!!

    1. Hi, friend! Thanks so much for joining us! We love having you here!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  497. KarenE says:

    I can not wait to continue with this study:) as a special ed teacher I need to be refueled daily and I know that these studies are going to help me to not only understand what my Savior is teaching but how I can apply that to my life!!

  498. Krystie Ramos says:

    I am so thrilled to come across this app through IG and very excited to be part of this wonderful community of women who share something great in common…God! Cant’t wait to dive into each day’s devotional practice! Aloha!

    1. So happy you\’re here, Krystie! Welcome to our community!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  499. Kelly says:

    Thank you for the daily inspiration. Y’all have changed my devotional practice for the better and this app helps even more!! I look forward to my mornings and sitting down to His word everyday! God bless!

    1. So happy you\’re here, Kelly! We love having you with us!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  500. Emily says:

    Love this feature on the app.. Feels like I have sisters beside me during quiet time this am. <3
    In prayer for this community of women seeking Him!

  501. Rachel S. says:

    Feeling thankful for all this app has to offer and the hope of a change in my life closer to God!

    1. Emily says:

      Praying for you this morning! I always want to be growing closer to Him, too.

  502. Krista says:

    Trying to find a way to stay plugged in to scripture has been challenging since the birth of my son (3 months old). Looking forward to having a convenient way to drink up the Word while nursing!

  503. Ashley Johnson says:

    Seriously excited about diving into the word through this app. I am a baby Christian so having a community like this helps me, so many others to share their insight and wisdom along the way! Thank you so much for this!

  504. Cassidy says:

    I’m just getting started today with this app and plan. It has been shown to me in the past few days how far I’ve slipped from God and how little effort I’ve put in making Him the center of my life. Prayers for strength and guidance while I dive back into the Word again.

    1. Hi Cassidy, thank you for sharing with us today! We are so excited to be in community with you and will be praying for strength and guidance during this study! Love to you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  505. Elisa Mann says:

    I’m so excited that I found this app and a community of Christian Sisters!! Please pray for me today! Today would have been my due date if I had not had a miscarriage at the end of my first trimester. I know that God’s plans are greater than mine, and that the baby is in His presence, but today is still hard and my heart still aches

    1. Welcome, Elisa! We are so blessed by your vulnerability and willingness to share. Praying for you all day today that God would meet you in your hurt and show you inexplicable joy, moment by moment. So much to love to you today!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

    2. Krista says:

      I know that pain. It isn’t easy, but cling tightly to God’s promises. That helped get me through.

  506. Julia says:

    Just getting started myself keep me in your prayerrs going thru some trying times personally and recovering from health issues. I feel God is remolding me for something. Moving thru thr storm

    1. Cassidy says:

      Prayers and good vibes to you and your health Julia! We can make it through these storms…no matter how small or fierce.

  507. Karina says:

    I am alzo ztarting thiz today! Pleaze keep me in your prayerz. God Blezz!!! =)

    1. Hi, Karina! So glad you\’re here. Blessings to you today!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  508. Raquel says:

    I am in need of getting back to the word and found this app :) I am excited for this journey!

    1. Welcome, Raquel! So happy you\’re with us!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  509. Sarah says:

    Hi! I’m also just starting. I need Jesus so badly.

    1. Praying for you today, Sarah! So glad you\’re with us!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  510. Emily says:

    Love this app!!!

    1. So happy to hear that, Emily! We love having you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  511. Lindsay says:

    Glad to see I’m not the only one starting this late! So excited to have a structured study of God’s Word to look forward to

    1. Mollie Hazelton says:

      I’m starting late too! Better late than never, right?

  512. Kristen Savage says:

    Since having my baby, I have really allowed myself to push my time of sitting under the Word of God, to the back burner. I see the affect it has on my life, my thoughts and my attitude. By God’s grace, I want to commit to getting back to being disciplined to make the time for what is most important–setting my mind right and communing with Him and His living word! I pray that I can remain faithful and like was stated on the video, not believe the lies that will keep me from taking the time of doing so. Thankful for this community, and although a little late starting these plans, I’m doing so from the beginning and very excited!

    1. Ellie Heidel says:

      Kristen, I couldn’t have written my current thoughts any better than you just did — beautifully written and I am so thankful we are both part of this community! The Lord has brought us here to grow :) I am excited too!

  513. Catherine says:

    I am ready to put Christ first in my life, my marriage, and my parenting. I fail so hard and need the constant reminder that I am not the one in charge. Excited to start this!

  514. I haven’t read the Bible in about 10 years now. I am trying to get back to it with an open heart & new perspective, while allowing God to work through me. I am so incredibly glad to have found this app & begin my journey again.

    1. Ashley says:

      Lauren I think it’s so amazing that you are coming back to God’s Word!! He will honor your heart toward Him and desiring to put Him first in every area of your life! Well done :-)

      1. Thank you for the encouragement, Ashley! It truly means a lot! =)

  515. Samantha says:

    I am thankful for this study. It reminds me that it is not all about me but what God has done in scripture and doing so now. I pray this study gives me stability in my relationship with God.

    1. Dorothy says:

      I agree with you! I pray that we all review the stability that we desire.

  516. beauty4ashes says:

    This really made me see that the word isn’t a book all about me and how it effects my life but about God. Great reminder that I’m not the center of the world…

    1. Samantha says:

      I completely agree

  517. evhornbeck says:

    Going to use this series to get back on track and back in touch with God’s Word.

    1. beauty4ashes says:

      Same here! I hope God will help us both in learning who He is

  518. Faith says:

    Praying that God will meet me where I am. And that He will continue to work on my heart. I’m so excited about starting this study. Thank you!

  519. Sabrina Garcia says:

    I’m super excited to get started. It’s been far too long since I’ve dug deep into the word! Can’t wait to continue learning!

    1. So glad you\’re with us, Sabrina! Praying for you as you begin this study! Love to you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

    2. Morgan Lavinia says:

      I’m super excited too! I’ve been without the Word in my life too long. I can’t wait to reinstate it as the standard for my life!

      1. Samantha says:

        That’s awesome and encouraging Morgan!

  520. Sarah Beth Sydnor says:

    I am so excited that I found this app and can’t wait to get started! Any tips would be greatly appreciated! :-)

    1. Hi, Sarah Beth! We are so excited you\’re here! My biggest tip would be that you ask God to meet you here every day :) Praying for you as you begin this study!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  521. Praying that God reveals himself to me more & more through this program. Every moment seeking God is sweeter than the moments before.

  522. I’m looking forward to going through this series. I think the video was great – but I believe God’s Word is Jesus, not the Bible. I fully believe the Bible is God inspired and we can hear from Him through it and we get to know Jesus and God through Him. But as we know, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. But I am so excited for this series and to hear God speak to me through this.

    1. Liz says:

      I’m going through a lot of life changes right now and not handling it very well. Honestly I am looking for inspiration

  523. Emily says:

    I’m new to SRT and I have to say something about this community… Wow! Love all the support! Grace.

    1. Hi, Emily! We are so happy to have you here! Love to you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  524. Astrid says:

    So excited for this. I feel like I have listen to the enemies lies for a long time. But not anymore. I can’t wait to start feeding my spirit :)

  525. Pony says:

    So pumped! I have been following “she reads truth” on my Bible app, but had no idea it had an app of it’s own. Praying that I will make it a daily effort to dig into the Lord’s word. Thank you for this!

  526. Ann Tyler says:

    I am very excited that I was told about this amazing program. I love that it is only women because I feel that it helps us understand it much better and it’s easier for me to relate. I grew up in the church and continue to attend today but it’s so nice to have a refresher of everything and to learn the same material in new and exciting ways.

  527. Crystal says:

    I’m also very new to this – I went to church with my grandparents as a child but never took the time to really understand God or His word. I’m at a point in my life where I have a lot of questions and concerns about the future, about my existence, and about God and I really hope this app and all you wonderful women can help me figure out some of the answers.

    1. MeredithCook says:

      I have a similar background growing up in church but never living it fully or really having the desire to dig deeper. One thing my grandma (who is the most godly woman I know) tells me when I express to her that I wish I could have a deeper relationship, she always says “you have no idea how happy and overjoyed God is that you are digging and seeking and questioning” he wants to be close to us! I just think through all of my failures that is such an incredible thought that he is rooting for me. I am praying that he guides you through this app and in other unexpected ways!

    2. Claire says:

      I’m currently at the same point in my life. I pray that God will strengthen our spirits and bring us closer to him, reassuring us that he is greater than our fears.

  528. Whitney says:

    I loved these plans when they were on the Bible app, and I love that She Reads Truth finally has an app of their own! I’m so excited to get into all of these plans!❤️

  529. Heather Rinehart says:

    When you purchase a devotional book, where does it go?

    1. Emma Rio says:

      Look in the devos section of the app! They should be under purchased :)

  530. Rachel says:

    My husband told me about this app yesterday and downloaded it right away. Today I got on and add this first plan. Just watching the video and reading the intro I can already see so much truth and wisdom. I am so excited to see how The Lord uses this program and those who have written it in not only my life but women around the country!

  531. Tracy says:

    Work has been slow so I have a lot of free time. What better way to spend it by learning and reading more of the bible! I’m extremely glad that I came across She Reads Truth. Thanks for this great app!!

  532. Leah Berdine says:

    Loved the video! I’m excited to allow the Word to make me come alive!

  533. Jasmine says:

    So much truth in that short video! I plan on sharing this app and particularly, this devotion, with my fellow students at USF that I do ministry with. It’s so refreshing and humbling to reminded of these truths!

  534. Ana says:

    Hello all! I’m not necessarily new to reading the bible but, I am new to zy his app and spending a set time with God. Unfortunately, he hasn’t always been first with me and I’m changing that. I wish this app had forums because I have a few questions that have nothing to do with anything on here! Lol however, it is relatable and relevant to my walk with Christ.

    1. Hi, Ana! We are so thankful you are here! Your questions are always welcome here-our community is all about pushing one another toward Christ! These are some of the most encouraging and wise women you\’ll ever meet! :)

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  535. Kristen says:

    I’ve always had the desires in my heart to read the Bible but had every excuse in the world to decide I just couldn’t. I’ve just realized the Bible is not about me. It’s about The Lord Jesus Christ! And by just that simply realization I’m praying and believing by faith, the Word or God will be spoken from my tongue daily. ❤️❤️

    1. Sarah Maria says:

      I was in the same boat as you. I’ve always wanted to start reading my bible, but I kept coming up with excuses after excuses…then an event happened in my life and I was hit by the storm of reality and I know it was God putting me in my place. Now I’m determined to get my life together and start living for him again❤️

      1. Sarah, we are so happy to have you! Excited to hear about the ways God is moving in your heart and look forward to seeing you here again!

        xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  536. Darrion Page says:

    I am completely new at this. I want to learn how to fully trust in god and believe what the bible says. I an struggling with it and hope you ladies can help.

    1. Courtney says:

      I will be praying for you (every day). Hugs, Courtney

    2. MeredithCook says:

      Praying for you Darrion! (Beautiful name by the way) It’s not always easy but the God who created the universe is so excited that you are seeking him. What an incredible thought. You are so loved!
      Jeremiah 29:13
      “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. ”

      That’s a promise!

  537. Allison says:

    So excited about this study! This will be a great way to keep me accountable!!!

  538. Nicole says:

    The video was amazing! I also listen to satans lies. They have such a negative effect on my life. I need more of Gods word in my life.

  539. Brigitte says:

    Nancy Guthrie is an amazing woman of God, she has been transparent in her walk with God. A perfect expert to include in the first day of this study. Looking forward to digging deeper!

  540. Nicole B. says:

    This is quite amazing. I’m so excited to get started and dig deep! Praise God for this great tool of study and the women who worked so hard to make it happen.

    1. So glad you’re here, Nicole!

  541. Madison says:

    Yes, I definitely agree with this video. We so often give in to the excuses put into our minds, but we need to fight back against the enemy and not give in so easily. This is the almighty God’s WORD! How could we be so complacent as to put it off? So excited to begin this study tomorrow.

  542. Amy Van Wyk says:

    Staying in the Word is an area of my faith that I struggle with. I often listen to Satan’s lies that they discussed in the video. I look forward to the rest of this study, as well as using the app!

  543. Shelby C. says:

    Wow! This app is incredible!! I’m so thankful that I “stumbled” upon it! God is so good! ☺️ I can’t wait to share with all of my loved ones!

    1. Brigitte says:

      You can also sign up for the emails which include the current study for free. Simply go to shereadstruth. Com.

  544. Deanna says:

    This is exactly what I’ve been looking for! Excited to plug into this study and watch the word of God unfold.

  545. Amber Balkcom says:

    Seriously, the best app ever created. It brings joy to my heart.

  546. Allison says:

    I love SRT! I tell soooo many people about it & I’m so thrilled and excited about what God has in store for the wonderful creators of this community!

  547. Taylor says:

    What a great app AND plans! Thanks for putting this together!

  548. Autumn Rose says:

    I love that this is an app now and everything is at my finger tips. Looking forward to digging back into the word and the sharing this wonderful tool with others!

  549. Tiffany Lemoine says:

    I love that this app connects women who are wanting to go deeper with Christ as we study His word together. Such a sweet way to use today’s technology to create a community all over the world! I will be sharing it with friends. Also, I’m excited about this study! The video had a lot I needed to be reminded of. We need His word DAILY!

  550. Hannah says:

    So glad this app is available now, excited for this new journey!

  551. Rin says:

    Truth for today!

  552. Maela Oldham says:

    I love this app, because it makes it easier for me to dive into the Bible during every spare moment. It is so exciting!! Thank you #Shereadstruth!

    1. Hannah says:


  553. Fergie says:

    So excited to learn about such an amazing app!

  554. Lauren says:

    Going to have my mom get this app so we can do the studies together! :)

  555. Celisa says:

    Woot woot I’m so glad I saw this app! I try to follow the website as much as possible but now all I have to do is open the app :)

  556. Brenna says:

    Excited my friend showed me this app! Such a blessing already!

  557. God bless everyone!!

  558. AliciaDanzr says:

    Just shared this with my life group at church!! Thank you SRT!

  559. Taryn Daniels says:

    I am blessed to discover this app

  560. I’m really excited to have found this app. I’ve heard great things about it and am looking forward to what God has in store for us through it. :)

    1. So glad to have you, Sharayah! Welcome.

  561. Laurel says:

    So excited to join with sisters to learn more about our Jesus

  562. mrscmroberts says:

    So very excited to start using this app! I have been waiting forever it seems like, but now it’s here!! I have been so blessed by God’s word & the writings these ladies make for us to learn from. I am sure I will also be greatly blessed by the new community of people to share with! #shereadstruth

  563. Gracia Arleen says:

    WOW!! I love how we’re not studying the Word because it is about US and how it should relate to US but we’re rather leaning into the breath of God and hearing what HE wants us to know about HIM and HIS revelation!! We truly need to keep being reminded about praying for humility and wisdom from God before digging right into His Word :) GREAT video, very wise and eye-opening! God bless xx

  564. Jessica Woodard says:

    So excited about this app!! I can do my devotional anywhere, anytime!!

  565. Kristina says:

    I’m finding that more of my time with God is caught on my phone…I’m sure there are deeper nuances to be pulled out of that statement, but in this stage of life I’m too tired to contemplate them. That being said, I’m so thrilled to use an app that marries The Word and community so beautifully.

  566. Molly says:

    Really excited about this app!

  567. Lappell says:

    Very excited to have started this app and devotional!! Coming off a week and a half vacation, and unfortunately my devotional a were also on vacation. Boy do I miss my favorite chair, coffee and alone time with God!

  568. Elise says:

    Very excited about this app!!!

  569. Iliana says:

    Great devo!

  570. Jillian says:

    Hi all from CT, USA, I struggle with fully committing myself to God. I always seem to flake away and forget the person I once was when my faith was much stronger and it’s because I focus on money and forget my friends and loved ones and my faith. I also center much around myself and forget that it is God that comes first 100%. I need to strengthen myself spiritually and remember that God comes first.

    1. Kelsey says:

      Me too!

    2. MeredithCook says:

      Praying for you right now Jillian! The Lord can do a major work in your heart! Sending love from TN!

  571. Bodil Morgan says:

    Hello from Denmark :) I am struggling with being in the Word and with this srt app launching it’s motivating me to start again. And hearing these wise women talk about God’s word was just so helpful – I wish I had mature spiritual women like that in my life. Satan keeps leading me away every day, but it’s time for that to stop.

    1. Linda Carpenter says:

      You have lots of us here now to encourage each other! I pray that His word will bring you peace and an excitement to return daily! Even more than once a day! Greetings from Wisconsin, USA!

  572. Beth Starkey says:

    Challenged to think of the Bible as GOD’s words… Not written by men. God’s inspired letter to us. That it’s about God and what Truth He is revealing… It’s about Him, not me :)

  573. I struggle with “approaching the text as an academic assignment to conquer.” Will definitely be relying on the Spirit and this sweet community!

  574. Sharayah says:

    Really excited to get my life back on track with God guiding me. He has blessed me so much in this life that I need to have him the credit and adoration he deserves.

  575. I’m am so excited about this app and the community it represents as sisters in Christ!!

  576. Kristin says:

    So excited about his app and the ability to meet Jesus every morning without my feet even touching the floor! So excited to FINALLY be in the Word. <3

  577. That video was an amazing way to start my day off right :) thank you

  578. lauren says:

    amazing how much wisdom was in that short video. what a way to start my day! thank you!

  579. MelissaAC says:


  580. Jessica Kinney says:

    I really loved what was said about first learning what a text from the bible means, instead of only searching for what it means for us.

    1. sarahisme says:

      I loved that too!

    2. Bethany says:

      I think that’s a fantastic way to approach the Bible!

  581. cindylou52 says:

    Loved the phrase in the video "leaning into the breath of God" – that's what bible study is to me…..thank you Lord that you allow us to "lean into You" – Help us all know more of you… seek You, to know You, to love You with every fiber of our being….. .

  582. nekwayai says:

    My Journey with God is pretty new and I am so grateful for these posts…everyday I discover different facets of God's love and His grace.

    1. Mallory says:

      And that will continue to happen!!! That’s so exciting that you have begun your journey! Congratulations!

  583. Nadine says:

    I didn't get to check out the video until just now. Wow. WOW! All I want to do now is figure out a way to get to Orlando this year for the next conference.

  584. Sue:) says:

    So excited to start this study with all you #Srt sisters! I, too, felt moved by the quote"We can't depend on yesterday's truth meal. We need one today". This brought to mind the gift of manna for the Israelites as they journeyed through the wilderness. The manna had to be collected daily, and if someone collected for more than their daily needs, it would become rotted. His mercies are given fresh every morning, for our daily needs, our daily portion. Daily we must come before God for our needs of that day to be met.

    I am so in love with this word; this daily, living, God breathed word. In Him we find our strength daily.

  585. aleshasinks says:

    I loved this video. And it is such a needed reminder that God's Word isn't about me…it's about God! But He will speak truth into my life through it and through the revelation of Him and His purposes on this earth.

  586. kmaberna says:

    I'm really excited about this plan. Although I was raised in a Christian home, I still don't feel like I have the foundation I need to understand and apply the Bible to my life. Recently I've been convicted of how little I read the Bible, and how much I need to spread the Word and the Good News. I've been focusing on me, rather than on other people. Honestly, I haven't seen much change in my life since I became a Christian, and I really, really want that to change. SUPER excited for this plan!

    1. Jessica says:

      I feel the same way and I am trying to incorporate it in to my day more

  587. Brendasan01 says:

    I'm really looking forward to this study. Thank you SRT and all who post on here. It's great to study with women from around the world. God is so good!

  588. justemmahh says:

    "We can't depend on yesterday's truth meal. We need one today." WOW. I'm glad this is our next plan. I mentioned on a previous post that I have been struggling to stay consistent in my word. Praying that God brings me (and all of my sisters here) to our knees in desperation of His life-filled word daily. I can't wait to fall in love with it.

  589. Jennie35 says:

    Hi I am Jenny A. And I am somewhat new to this blog/Bible study (middle of January) and I am just loving getting to know all the ladies that started she reads truth….. I love that they open a real live Bible and touch the pages and breath in Gods truth…… I guess that is one of the many reasons why I have loved this Bible study from the beginning when God directed my fingers to this 'home'.I loved reading about why you all started this blog/Bible study and your Bibical beliefs……. I am somewhat saddened that I wasn't able to start reading this study in December I had Avery unique December……… But, I can not wait for this Bible study on falling in love with God's word and what it is and means for us……. I can't wait to fall more and more in love with Him and learn more and more about Him like it was my first encounter with the Man who created the stars, moon, and earth…….

  590. Jessica says:

    So glad to become involved again with you SRT ladies! :)

  591. Good day everyone! This is exactly what I need, to better understand the word of God…how it will affect me, the people around me…and how to apply them everyday in my life…the need to live by these words excites me so much!

  592. KayLee says:

    Needing this very much as I struggle to really believe the Bible. I feel like I pick and choose what I want to believe, with Jesus being the savior of the world being my most solid belief, and then poo pooing the maybe "not so important" things along the way (ie rules, timelines, even some testimonies)– I feel gross saying that but I'm being honest. Looking forward to this study as I want to fully believe every word of the Scriptures again and hear what God, Himself, says about their truths. Praying for all of you SRT sisters xoxo

    1. kmaberna says:

      I definitely understand, because I do the same thing! Praying that God will help both of us as we go through the study. :)

  593. Good afternoon, ladies! Like you, I'm looking forward to where this study is going to be taking us. I echo in agreement with so many other women on here…I need to show up daily to be nourished by the Lord, and not depend on yesterday's meal.

    I loved the point in the video that we need to approach the Word of God by looking firstly at what God is saying, not what we think He is saying to us. I know that I fall into the trap of self-centeredness when it comes to the Bible, and my prayer is that God would focus my heart on Himself first and foremost.

  594. Betty McBroom says:

    Is there a written transcript of the video? Do you plan to incorporate more videos? Please remember not all participants hear/lip read well enough to understand videos. Thanks

    1. Hi Betty! Thank you so much for this reminder! We don’t normally incorporate videos, but this one offered such a good overview of the topic that we thought it would be a helpful addition. It certainly is not mandatory to the study, and we’ll be covering much of this same ground in the study itself. At any rate, I will look for a transcript, and – if all else fails – comment back with some of the more important nuggets. Thanks again for chiming in!

  595. Natalie Q says:

    Dear sisters, hello from Ireland! I've been following SRT since the first Soul Detox study two years back. I've been dipping in and out since but never commented! The times when I've dipped in, I've felt rich with God's love and blessed to have a community of women around the world I can learn from and be encouraged by. But once I have a few days away from a study, I find myself lacking in motivation to get back in.
    I moved after getting married but have struggled to build solid friendships where I am and am greatly missing fellowship. Therefore I'm thankful for SRT, for all of you and I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide me in following this daily, (to not depend on 'yesterdays' truth meal') and drawing me closer to Christ! xxx

    1. Natalie, we're glad you've stuck around! Please don't ever let a few missed days keep you from joining us here. We ALL struggle and we all need grace for that and so much more. You are welcome anytime, caught up or not. :)

    2. Hey! I'm glad you're here! Don't let the enemy keep you out of the Word of God by convincing you that you can't join back in if you've missed a few days. Come as you are!

  596. AnnaLee says:

    I feel bad because I can't look at each person's comments today (I'm in a bit of a rush!), but just know that I love all of you– and I am SO incredibly excited to dive into this study with all of you! One of my mentors and close teacher-friends and I once talked about what the bible is and what it means for us, and she suggested I read Psalm 119. Ah!!! The way God will be working here fills me with such excitement!!!

    I love one of the ladies' comments in the video that went something like this: "We need to stop approaching scripture like it's immediately about us. It's about Jesus." So often, I do that mystical-chance thing where I flip open the bible and read a random passage. Sometimes, it's completely of God and exactly what I needed to hear, but other times, it seems completely irrelevant to me and I end up making a bunch of crazy assumptions about my life. Lord, help me to start viewing your word as ABOUT YOU, and a way to understand and KNOW YOU more! it's not about me. Lord, work through this study to help me gain truth on your truth.

  597. Valanne says:

    Excited to be back. I took the 1st John series off because I've been sick. All I could muster was to read from bible, no deep devotion time or journaling.

    Confession: Some days though, I didn't even read from my bible, so the video was such a testimony to how Satan can work with my weak flesh. It's not like I was comatose–no I checked in on social media or read from my book, so you see, no matter how tight we think our amour is, we daily need to check it for leaks. And the best way that I've found is to daily be in His word, eating it up–it sustains me!!!

    Can't wait to see how this study moves in all of our lives.

    1. You aren't alone in that, Valanne. That is why we gather here together – to guide each other back to the Word and to remind each other of the Truth. Glad you're here.

  598. Liane Michelle says:

    I find myself more restless on the weekends. I seem to be searching for something and unsure of what I am searching for. It's a "Hello McFly!" moment (for my sisters who may not be familiar with that pop culture reference, it's from the movie "Back to the Future"). My soul is searching for God!! It's missing that daily "truth meal" that I have neglected to feed it! I am so excited to dive into this study & see what truths God has cooked up for me!!

    1. LaurenC_ says:

      I completely relate to your comment, Liane. I have also felt restless, bored, and out of it lately. I have started and stopped the SRT plans since the beginning of 2014, after being a pretty faithful reader for a while. Just kept getting behind, never caught up, and decided to wait until today's new plan to get back into it. Meanwhile, I have been so restless and searching for what felt like an unknown… but of course, my soul has been searching for that connection with God that I have neglected! He hasn't neglected me, I have neglected my relationship with Him. He hasn't been unfaithful to me (thankfully) but I have been unfaithful to Him. The last few days have been tough ones, especially today, but I am glad to be back here in the SRT community. Reading comments like yours helps me to sort some things out. Really hope to stick with the plan and with God's word this time.

  599. Liane Michelle says:

    "We can't depend on yesterday's truth meal. We need one today." Oh how true this is!! Another SRT sister commented above how she finds herself less vigilant on the weekends about reading her Bible. I can relate. Monday through Friday, I wake up & after letting the dogs out, I start my day here with this wonderful community. I am excited to dive into His Word and see what he has for me to hear that morning. But then Saturday comes and I always think "I'll do it later, I have all day", but I don't end up reading. Then Sunday comes and I think " Well, I'm going to church today (two churches in fact!) so I don't really need to spend that time reading Scripture this morning".

  600. leah says:

    jumping in to this study excitedly! my walk in reading God's Word has changed from when i started and would love to understand it a lot more1

    1. Leah, for some reason I pictured you literally jumping when I read this comment. :) Glad you're here!

  601. Ioneem says:

    I am really looking forward to this study with all of you. I am in sunny Arizona for the winter and early mornings are wonderful spent in Gods word . Thank you SRT and all reader comments. Praying for Diane. God is good all the time.

  602. Reeve says:

    "The Enemy of my soul wants to keep me out of the Bible" (Nancy Guthrie)

    So very true. I feel that everyday and sadly I have listened to the enemy of my soul for too long. Very thankful to have made it here today. Thanks for posting the video and for your faithfulness in posting these studies.

    1. So glad you're here, Reeve. This is a struggle for me, too, even as one of the "faithful" writing these posts. So you are not alone, Sister. Come gather here with us sinners anytime you like. You are always welcome. xo, Amanda

  603. Kyla F says:

    I'm so excited for this study! I just had surgery on Thursday and this is the perfect way to focus my morning time as I recover and heal. The video provided great insight and a refreshed perspective on scripture, too. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Valanne says:

      Kyla, Lifting you up in prayer as you recover. I do pray that the next nine days are a sweet refreshing time for you.

    2. Candacejo says:

      Praying for your recovery!

  604. Carolyn says:

    I once used a similar phrase to yesterday's truth meal in a breakout session I spoke on and it was we can't take in more air to breathe later we need to breathe now for now and that is just as with God's word. We can't and should fool ourselves in trying to stock up. Excited to join you all here I did the advent and LOVED it!

  605. Kia Perry says:

    Good morning! I cannot tell you how refreshing this was. Staying in God's word has always been a struggle for me for all the reasons mentioned in the video whether it's a busy schedule, not being able to relate, or pure laziness. Now, that I've seen this video and heard these ladies, I'm going to try reading it without focusing on me. Isn't that a novel idea, that the Word isn't about me but about God! We're not at the center! Carrie Sandom hit the nail on the head with that one! I'm going to instead focus on what the Word meant back then and as a piece of the "bigger story" like Nancy Guthrie said. This was so helpful! Thanks for sharing this video!

  606. tricia says:

    I'm looking forward to another wonderful study of the Bible. I can't get enough of God's word!

  607. Shelly Pfuhl says:

    I love the bible!! I love Gods Word. I like to look at it word by word, break it down to the original text. I like to read it from all different translations. I'm grateful I live in a country where that opening the bible alone or in a group is still a freedom!!

    I love all the evidence of the bible. The artifacts, the dead sea scrolls, the parchments of paul. It's astounding how accurate the bible is. How it was written, how it tells the same story over and over. Love it! Here are a few notes I've written from a sermon years ago about biblical evidence.

    1) The greatest evidence regarding biblical reliability is changed lives. Changed exactly in the way the bible says will happen (2 for 5:15)

    2) Manuscript evidence. Other documents such as Natural History has 7 documents found (or written) 750 years after the original. Homer's Illiad 643 documents found (or written) 400 years after the original. And people believe the words of these documents without question.

    The Bible: 24,970 documents found (or written) within 50 years of New Testament Times. No other document in all of history adhere to the original text than the bible.

    66 books
    40 authors (most of whom never met)
    on 3 continents
    in 3 languages
    spanning 1500 years between authors
    One Story! AMEN!!

    1. shelly says:

      Correction: 2 Cor 5:17

    2. I just love you, friend. Your comment made me smile. And YES to number 1. When I think about "how do I know the Bible is true?", the historical facts are important and interesting to me, but what rises above all this is that I've experienced it. I know it to be true because I know the God and Christ and Holy Spirit of the Bible to be true and active and fully trustworthy. What a gift.

      1. Shelly says:

        Absolutely…. the greatest evidence is lives changed…. exactly how the bible say it will happen! All Things New!!

        I Love God's Word. I take Him at His Word! Factual evidence or none.

        That being said the evidence is overwhelming. :)

    3. SHELLY! I LOVE this! Like you, I'm a bit of a nerd (can I call you a nerd? I know I just met you…) when it comes to evidence for the Bible. I'm a history major, so I *thrive* on nerdy bits like manuscript evidence and textual correlations. I love that we are part of a faith that is rooted in faith AND fact.

      1. Shelly says:

        I'll take it!! Yep I'm a bible nerd. I love the Greek. I love it that there is sooo much factual evidence for the bible. Even if that didn't exists, I'd love God's Word. Before I knew all the "data" I loved God's Word.

        Now that I know it…. Mind. Blown!

        1. I agree!! I love that God's Word satisfies all of our needs…factual, emotional, spiritual, analytical, etc.

  608. TJ says:

    Love it! Thank you so much for gathering ladies all over the world to kneel at Gods feet and seek Him. It’s so easy to get caught up in seeking His hand each day but we really need to seek His face.

  609. Janee White says:

    I loved the comment that we cant depend on yesterdays meal. Such a profound thought. I dont think anyone ever said, "I dont need to eat today, I ate yesterday (or the day before, or on Sunday, or last week)." I loved that thought. And like the one lady said, I sometimes skip my quiet time with the Lord because I know Im going to be doing something else with His Word later on that day.

    I have never studied psalm 119, so I am looking forward to it. I missed the last half of the last study because of a move, but Im settled now, and God's timing is always perfect. God bless you sisters, and I pray you hear Him speak your name when you open the pages of His Word….

    1. Carolyn says:

      I once used a similar phrase in a breakout session I spoke on and it was we can't take in more air to breathe later we need to breathe now for now and that is just as with God's word. We can't and should fool ourselves in trying to stock up.

    2. Valanne says:

      It really spoke to me too. There usually never is a 'later', if I play that game, I find myself crawling into to bed with a big "L" written across my forehead for falling into that trap, yet once again. Praying for us both to be starved for His word!

    3. Candacejo says:

      Glad you are "settled" and back Janee!

    4. Welcome back, Janee! We're in the middle of a move, too. Living with my mother now, but moving into our "new" home this weekend. Just wanted you to know that I am with you in that transition. Will think of you as we get settled in, too. xo

    5. Hi Janee! I understand the moving process…last year I lived with my future in-laws for a few months before my husband and I got married and moved into our house. It can be a crazy time of transition! I'm glad that you're making time in the Word a priority though!! If you can, try and make your own "haven" in the middle of your move…even if it's as simple as a comfy chair, a small vase of flowers, and a fantastic smelling candle. Give yourself a space…a nest…that is a put-together place for you to spend time with the Lord. As women, I think we can be deeply affected by our surroundings, and even a small corner of calm can be incredibly beneficial. I hope that makes sense, and I hope you get settled soon!

    6. Brendasan01 says:

      Glad you're back! God bless you in your new home.

  610. Deb says:

    Chicago, IL here. I am so thankful for the posted video. Wow! I'm a pastor's kid, a worship leader, a Bible college grad and I heard truths today that whether they were for the first time or the umpteenth time, I heard them new today. Thank you Lord for this WORLD WIDE!! community of believers. Your Word does not fade, it does not die and it crosses oceans, language barriers, cultural barriers, it strikes at the heart. We are YOUR people, I can't wait to dive into Your Word with your people to learn more about our God!

    1. Deb, I'm struck by the same thing this morning — how fresh and new this "old" truth feels, AND how amazingly beautiful that we are scattered so far and wide reading it together this morning. So thankful for you ladies. – Amanda

  611. Kellie says:

    Isn’t it comforting to know that truth is truth forever? I know that might seem simple or obvious but that revelation just jumped out at me after reading these scriptures today. Truth will never fail. Truth will never be wrong. It is guaranteed for life!!! How sweet to have something so sure to cling to in this day of growing uncertainty. I am so excited to begin this plan with you all, I can already tell it to be eye opening. Praying you all are blessed on this Monday!

    1. Kellie, I read the first sentence of your comment and just exhaled with relief. It is simple, but I NEED that reminder. Daily! Thanks for sharing. So glad you're joining us here. xo- Amanda {SRT}

    2. Destinee says:


  612. Beckey says:

    Great points in this video! A lot for me to mentally chew on today. Looking forward to this powerful study.


  613. Janet says:

    Video is great. My church is doing the 30 series "The Story"

    1. My parent's church went through that last year and they loved it! Definitely gave them some scope into the grand overarching story.

  614. Jadyn says:

    What a great video, I needed the reminder too that the Bible is about God, his story and what he is doing in the world, NOT about me. I can't wait to dig into this study.

  615. Joanne Sher says:

    I am do, excited about this study. Love psalm one nineteen – and loved the reminder that the Bible isn’t all about me. Don’t ask what the Bible means to me – ask what the Bible means. Powerful, profound, and just what I needed!

  616. nafisara says:

    Good Morning from Nj! I too am excited about this study! I hope that as my love for Gods Word grows, my inspiration to share his Word with others grows as well. Holy Spirit order my steps.

  617. Liz says:

    Hello SRT community, I’ve been with you for a few months but have never commented on anything. I really can agree with the video and like one of the ladies said about satan’s whispers, some truths for me, must be learned over and over…and over again. I’m one of those people who spends less time in the Bible over the weekends (even with going to church) than m-f. Yesterday, it really hit home how much louder satan is when I don’t start my day off with prayer and study.
    At any rate, as always, I’m looking forward to the new study.

    1. Liane Michelle says:

      Thank you for sharing this Liz! I also struggle on the weekends with spending time in the Word & I've noticed that I am more restless on those days. I always seem to be searching for something and not sure what I'm searching for. Well, duh! It's that time I've missed spending with Him. Even on Sundays when I go to church, I still need to start my day with Him, to hear what He has to say specifically to my heart.

  618. Misce says:

    Hi to every early SRT readers from UK. :) I'm not from UK though, I'm studying with you all the way from the Philippines. :)

    @Claire – thank you for sharing the link to that blogpost. Her story moved me to tears today!

    Excited to start this study with you all! Good morning and God bless! :D

    1. Candacejo says:

      And we are glad you are here Misce! Love your heart…

  619. Sean-Nika says:

    Great to see so many UK sisters. (I’m in the states in Ohio lol)

    May God bless each and every one of you on today and forever more. May this plan increase our understanding and help us grow in the wisdom of the Word.

    For me, this plan is very timely as I need to refocus my busy schedule on what really matters and on what will never change. Today’s scriptures were definitely a call out to that. It’s not about me. I will be more vigilant against the lies of the enemy as, like the video, I may hit the snooze button one too many times when i should be praying or reading the Word. Keep me in prayer as i will also be praying for the family.

  620. Wendy says:

    Morning all,

    Another UK early riser here ;) Oh I am so looking forward to this. I have been trying to study the word more by myself of late and really wanting to get into what IS the truth of Gods word? What is the context here? After watching the video is like I have watched 3 women discuss my hearts cry. So for me this study is exceptionally timely. Praise God! Looking forward to digging deeper with you girls. Have a great day y’all.

    1. Mrs. Richards says:

      I love the “y’all”! I’m from Oklahoma and it’s awesome to see the UK using some Southern lingo :) have a blessed day and I hope this devo speaks volumes to you!

  621. tina says:

    Good morning to the early risers from the UK. I am also here! Amazing…
    Looking so very much to taking in and breathing in Gods word anew…with heart, with love with new eyes….
    See you tomorrow……until then, God bless your day, sister's, whatever you are doing….sending some Monday love to you all x

  622. iamMrsL says:

    Another UK early morning reader here!

    That video was so much richer than I thought it would be(!) with years of wisdom! So important what attitude/assumption I have when I come to read the Bible each day.

    I am looking forward to this plan, I want to really LOVE his Word.

  623. Claire says:

    I can’t wait for this study, I want to be over come with love for God’s word once again.

    I want to exclaim my love for God and his word over and over.

    I can’t comment this morning without sharing a blog that Diane (one of the writers here) linked to on facebook last night. I woke at 4am uk time read it and my heart has been broken. I have been praying so hard for this family who have lost so much. Please read their story here and pray with me

    1. iamMrsL says:

      Thanks for sharing the link.


    2. Shsron says:

      Thank you for this link. These symptoms can explain so much for some people in my life. Thank you

    3. Jennie35 says:

      I can't wait for this study to begin as well. I am somewhat new to she reads truth Bible study and have been loving this adventure of falling in love with God all over again and learning about who He is…….. I am so excited about this Bible study! Just reading Matthew 24:35; "Earth and sky will be destroyed, but the words I have said will never be destroyed." I know I have read that passage many times but tonight it was like I was reading it for the first time…… So powerful!!!!!!!! So exciting-can't wait…..

    4. How did you upload a profile picture?