Inheriting the Promise

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 6:13-20, Hebrews 7:1-28, Genesis 22:15-18, Romans 8:28-30

It was two o’clock in the morning, and I was on the floor in my kitchen, unable to catch my breath. My heart was racing, and my husband was away on a trip to visit family. I crawled to my phone and dialed my neighbor’s number. It was a risk as she was a widow in her seventies, likely unable to hear her phone ring in the middle of the night. She answered. “Please come over, something is wrong, and I need help.” She came over and sat with me as we dialed 911.

What felt like heart failure was a panic attack—my first of many in a season of fear, worry, and doubt. I doubted if God could bring peace to an anxious mind. I knew Philippians 4:6-7 backward and forwards: “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Yet, in the middle of an episode, it was hard to grasp the peace of God. Would I ever recover my “normal”?

Hebrews 6 addresses this uncertainty—is God faithful to His promises? When Abraham’s ability to create a family seemed impossible, God promised to multiply his offspring. And to prove that He would follow through He swore an oath. Typically, in the court of law, when we give a testimony, we swear to tell the whole truth “so help me God.” We swear on a higher power, but God is the highest power so He “swore by himself” (Hebrews 6:13). Why? 

Because God wanted to show his unchangeable power even more clearly to the heirs of the promise, he guaranteed it with an oath, so that through two unchangeable things…we…might have strong encouragement to seize the hope set before us. —Hebrews 6:17–18

Not only does God’s oath alone secure His promises, but God, in His love and mercy despite our doubt, sent Jesus Christ. Jesus, “the guarantee of a better covenant” (Hebrews 7:22), is the certainty of our hope. As we patiently wait for healing, answered prayer, a new community, a clean bill of health, salvation for a family member, and all the other things we are afraid to release to God, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” (Hebrews 6:19). We now inherit all the promises of God due to Jesus, the perfect priest, who intercedes for us (Romans 8:34). 

As I worked through my anxiety, God’s promise of peace delivered me, and my anxiety became manageable. Still, I wrestle with it, and when the doubt creeps in, I like to sing the bridge of the song

“Build My Life” by Pat Berrett:
“I will build my life upon Your love
It is a firm foundation
I will put my trust in You alone
And I will not be shaken.”

(60) Comments

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60 thoughts on "Inheriting the Promise"

  1. Grace Miller says:

    We serve a God who keeps His promises

  2. Lois East says:


  3. Sydney Scott says:

    Callie I’m sorry that things have been hard. Praying that the Lord fills any loneliness and calms anxiety, and surrounds you with his family

  4. Sydney Scott says:

    An anchor for the soul. In Christ, there is no condemnation. No abandonment. Never forsaken, always forgiven. Never abandoned but held. Even in loneliness, I’m never alone. We have this hope together. We have Him forever. He loves us forever. Holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, exalted above the heavens. Offered HIMSELF for our sins. To make us like Him in the eyes of the Father, and to save us for a life with God.

  5. Julie Robinson says:

    As I am in a season of working thru past traumas and wounds, Heb 6 with words like, “sure, firm and secure,” hold such WEIGTH for my broken heart.
    Nothing else is all existence is SURE, FIRM or SECURE! Not my marriage, my self, my closest relationships. We try to be but only HE IS!!

  6. Julie Robinson says:

    As I am in a season of working thru past traumas and wounds, Heb 6 “firm and secure” hold such WEIGTH for my broken heart.

  7. Callie Kovarik says:

    Kimberly, I feel like my story is the exact same. Also 31, also want marriage and kids, also fearful that I relationship is going to end.

  8. Moxie Grace says:

    Anxiety is terrible. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to the hospital feeling like I was going to die. All to be told I had a clean bill of health. And I’d done it all to myself from worry and anxiety. I’ve nearly passed out. Whoever suffers from it. I seriously am praying for you. Because it’s not fun. We have to remember. Faith over fear.

  9. Rebecca says:

    So grateful that God didn’t leave us with the old covenant! But chose to grace us with the full blossom of his new and everlasting covenant! Such a comforting hope in a world that at times seems to be spinning out of control. He is our beautiful hope!
    Prayers going up for all my sisters who struggle with anxiety, physical pain, suffering of family members, seasons of singleness, loneliness, loss. Hold tight to His covenant promises. We know the end of this story! ❤️

  10. Heidi M says:

    Praying for you @Dorothy

  11. Roxane Richardson says:

    I too have struggled with anxiety for the past year after losing my best friend of 31 years. Ruth was a sister to me although we were not related by blood. I had get on medication which I stopped taking because I didn’t like how it made me feel. I pray to God to keep my heart and mind clear and with diligence. Because there are times where I am so worried and anxious about stuff that I raise my blood pressure and give myself bad migraines. Thanks to God for keeping me together. He is my anchor. ⚓

  12. chelsy page says:

    Praying for you and your daughter @jennifer

  13. Michelle Patire says:

    @Dorothy — AMEN to Mercy’s words. God will avenge this evil done to your sister. May He keep watch over her and keep her safe from harm. Peace, be still my sister. Jesus is in your corner.

  14. Kimberly Z says:

    @ Amanda praying for you during this time! @Jillian Lee I too pray during my singleness and feel both of you guys during this time. It seems the older I get the more it feels like it cannot happen. Even though I don’t really believe it for myself I know God will give you the right man a the right time. I’ll be praying for you guys as I too deeply feel the pain of singleness.

  15. Kimberly Z says:

    This is is something I truly needed to read tonight. As somebody who has always struggled with anxiety and currently feels like my anxiety is out of control it’s nice to know I am not alone. I say this often but I truly am in a season of fear. Fear I won’t get married and fear I won’t kids. I truly can’t think of anything else I want and it has truly taken over my life worrying about it. As a 31 year old I feel old and hopeless which seems ridiculous to some. As I currently date a very sweet guy who I’ve prayed for I fear it will end and I set myself up to be let down because that’s all I know. I pray for anybody who is also in a season of anxiety and loneliness. I ask for prayers to that this new relationship will work out and that my anxiety will lessen.

  16. Susan Lincks says:

    I will not be shaken. Amen

  17. Arina says:

    Jennifer – Praying for your daughter and you!
    Also lifting up the other requests mentioned today: Dorothy, Kathy, Gramsiesue, Lynne, Courtney, Sarah D, Heidi, Amanda, Jillian, and all those suffering from anxiety.

  18. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I too have struggled with anxiety most of my life. I have many things to be anxious about as I sit in the hospital with my seven week old daughter who has rsv; but I’m just feeling peace. Peace that God will get us through this and peace that she will be ok. A part of me is wondering if this is peace or just denial. I am going to believe it is God’s peace.

  19. Mercy says:

    @Dorothy: praying for you. What an outrageous trespass, these hackers are unbelievable. On top of everything you already go through. BUT GOD. BUT GOD. He will be your defender. He is the Judge & Avenger.
    @Gramsiesue: may the Lord comfort you and give you strength, praying for Steve.
    @Kathy: praying for new joy and hope for you in this season as you lead your students. This too shall pass. Weeping may be at night but joy comes in the morning.
    @Bailey: praying for you. I agree it’s hard when the enemy uses his tools to come against us like a flood. What an ordeal in the middle of the night story you shared. Unless we went through the storm, we would not know Jesus could calm that storm. May you experience the calmness among the storm of anxiety/fear/panic attack, and enjoy the sweet days of the abundant life He came to give. It’s your portion, rightfully.

  20. Dorothy says:

    WOW!!! So much to take in today and the last few days. I’ve just been trying to absorb it. My life has changed so much in the last five days. God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and SRT have been my saving grace. The house we thought, yes I said thought, we were going to rent ended up with so many problems and code violations that now we are trying to get out of the lease. To top it off my sister went “crazy” on me yesterday. She got a phone call from some hackers and they got into her laptop but they were also on the phone with her for a bit. She now wears oxygen and when she goes with out it for a while she doesn’t think straight, well she thought they were in the house. They told her to send them Target gift cards — $1500 worth of them. They had told her they were her security company. When my son found out he heading into town right away. He called the police and a friend of the family to check on her because my sister told my son the hacker was in the house with her. I was at work at this time. They got to my sister before she bought all the gift cards but she had withdrawn the money. There was no one in the house with my sister, we don’t believe there ever was because she tried to tell the police and my son the person had been here all day. I was with her until she left for the doctor and no one was in the house with us. I did discover her oxygen had come unhooked during the day so that possibly could have contributed to her confusion — she also doesn’t wear it when she goes out of the house even though she has one of those small portable ones. Sorry ladies I guess I got carried away.
    Be blessed and know God loves and cares about you always.

  21. Janie Diffly says:

    Thank you Bailey for sharing! Anxiety is real and I have family members who suffer from this as well. It’s my prayer that they too can realize these Truths, The Triune God holds us us and can Not be shaken. He alone is our anchor.

  22. GramsieSue says:

    Oh my goodness! You ladies have lifted and encouraged me with your comments. ❤️
    “The winds came and the storms blew, but I built my house on You.”
    “We have an anchor that keeps the soul
    Steadfast and sure while the billows roll,
    Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
    Grounded firm and deep in the Savior’s love.”

    The storm is really strong now. All I can do is pray, cry, and hang on tight to Jesus. Steve has clear scans But he is is constant, extreme pain in every joint in his body. No one can tell us why…
    I watch him struggle to get out of his chair. He can’t sleep for the pain. He’s losing weight. He’s not going to work now. I don’t know what the future holds, But God does! God has the perfect plan. He has the best for us. Sometimes the best is not what we have in mind, But God…
    He never leaves us. He sustains us. He provides all we need.
    And to that I cling.

    Prayers for Amanda, Heidi, Lynn & Jack, and so many other sisters this morning.
    Hugs to all ❤️

  23. Cee Gee says:

    by Zach Williams
    When he told you you’re not good enough
    When he told you you’re not right
    When he told you you’re not strong enough
    To put up a good fight
    When he told you you’re not worthy
    When he told you you’re not loved
    When he told you you’re not beautiful
    That you’ll never be enough
    Fear he is a liar
    He will take your breath
    Stop you in your steps
    Fear he is a liar
    He will rob your rest
    Steal your happiness
    Cast your fear in the fire
    Cause fear he is a liar
    When he told you were troubled
    You’ll forever be alone
    When he told you you should run away
    You’ll never find a home
    When he told you you were dirty
    And you should be ashamed
    When he told you you could be the one
    That grace could never change
    Fear he is a liar
    He will take your breath
    Stop you in your steps
    Fear he is a liar
    He will rob your rest
    Steal your happiness
    Cast your fear in the fire
    Cause fear he is a liar
    Let Your fire fall and cast out all my fears
    Let Your fire fall Your love is all I feel
    Fear he is a liar
    He will take your breath
    Stop you in your steps
    Fear he is a liar
    He will rob your rest
    Steal your happiness
    Cast your fear in the fire
    Cause fear he is a liar
    Songwriters: Jason Ingram, Zach Williams, Jonathan Lindley Smith

  24. Traci Gendron says:

    I tend to get lots of congestion from food. I woke up feeling full and difficult to move it. My throat and nose was full but dry…weird. It makes me very uncomfortable. I have gone to several doctors with a little help, but the problem still occurs. It has thrown me off today.

    I cannot remember who wrote this, but I resinate with “Fear robs us of all peace.” Isn’t that the truth?! I pray that God helps me get my fears and worries under control.

  25. Kathy says:

    Life has been a lot this past week – lots of tragedy and sickness. At one point during school yesterday I had to go to the bathroom and just stand in the handicapped stall and get myself together before my next group of students came in. This morning when I started my quiet time I told the Lord that I was just weary and tired, frustrated, and maybe even a little angry at all the sadness we have been enduring. Then I opened my study book and read, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”
    BUT GOD…
    He is my Rock and my Anchor. He alone is my hope and my firm foundation. The storm is really strong for the people I love and care for and all I can do is pray and cry along with them. I don’t have any answers, but this is what I do know. God is in control. He is sovereign. Nothing takes Him by surprise. I will rest in Jesus, a better hope, a better high priest who intercedes for us.
    I love this quote from Charles Spurgeon, “I kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages.”
    Have a blessed Tuesday, sisters.

  26. Kenya Rafferty says:

    I think of Abraham and how he was so quick to follow Gods lead and give up his only son. A true reflection of what God would do later for us. Of course, we don’t have to give up our kids in sacrifice because God gave up His, but what are we still holding back and not giving God that we could be? If we can give up everything like God did, we will truly be free. Our reliance should be only on Him. Not on our plans or resources or challenges.

  27. Courtney says:

    Ugh this is exactly what I need right now, just a confirmation that I am not the only one struggling in a season of anxiousness and fear. For the most part I rebuke it and am handling things, but every now and then its like a whisper of someone trying to get you to doubt. (which I rebuke also) thankful for the promises of Jesus and the everlasting love he has given us.

  28. Allison Bentley says:

    After today’s reading I want to dive deeper “who is Melchizedek” I have so far read a lot of interesting things and can’t wait to find out where this rabbit hole leads. @Amanda can’t wait to read how God answers your prayers (times 7). Praying for all my sisters today!

  29. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Innocence and peace. This is what my heart longs for. We began this way at birth, before the fallen world layed its shadows upon us. My light source is Christ and He chases away the darkness. I praise God for this gift of rebirth and life in the innocent and peace-making Jesus. I choose Him above all else. And because of this I can access His sanctuary any time – “For indeed the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21). Here I find peace and strength to endure the hard things. “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul… sure and steadfast” (Hebrews 6:19) is and always will be Jesus. Through His light I can shine light to the shadows of this world. I can also add light to light, helping the glow burn brighter. This is the “better hope, through which we draw near to God” (Hebrews 7:19b). Father God, as I live in the world, make me a light of the world. Remind me of the little sanctuary in my heart where I can retreat to find strength because of Your covenant with me through Jesus. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.

  30. Sarah Ritchie says:

    Heidi I love how you described fear as “disordering” things. How true and I’ve never thought of it like that. Praying for you this morning (and Amanda) and thank you for sharing.

  31. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Hebrews 6:19 – Our hope and anchor is Jesus. Let this greatly encourage us!

    @Amanda Noble – praying for you, your daughter and your situation. May God open up a door soon for the perfect housing situation for you both. He hears, He sees, He is faithful.

    @Jillian Lee – praying that God will bring that certain someone in to your life at just the right time, and that you will have peace and patience in the waiting.

    A blessed Tuesday to you all my SRT sisters!

  32. Taylor says:

    Praying for @Amanda and @Heidi and all the other prayer requests mentioned and not mentioned!
    Jesus is the anchor for our souls <3

  33. Shirley Posladek says:

    Dear Sweet Amanda, Thanknyou for sharing your need. May the Lord of hosts surround you with His people and offer you the housing that you need, but also the joy that he has for you too. Take a step towards Hos call to action. Listen to his voice. He will lead you. Sending you pure love from your Father.

  34. Searching says:

    Standing firm on God’s promises – may we all keep our eyes on Jesus through whatever today brings. As has been mentioned, the evil one is looking for weakness. Holding on to the anchor and assurances of God and His word.

    AMANDA – joining these sisters in prayer for you and your housing!

    LYNNE FROM AL – I like early mornings as well. Covid threw me for a loop this summer and I’ve been trying to get back on my pre-covid schedule. Continuing to pray for you and for Jack.

    Praying for other needs as I read through each day’s comments.

  35. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning ladies, praying for you all. I wanted to give you an update on how I’m doing. I decided I am going go start on an anxiety medication that my doctor recommended for me, I plan to start it Friday. I am still in the same job, and I desperately want to leave. I applied to two jobs, but I am waiting to hear back. I wish I could just quit this job and try to find something else, but that is probably not doable. I am thankful that I can afford to live on my own, but this job is wearing on me mentally and physically. Please pray for an open door to a new job and wisdom as to what I should do. Been trying to stay positive and thankful for what I have, but I am just continually asking God “How much longer? Why?” Pushing through and have to remember that God is my constant. He is my strength.

  36. Beck Heath says:

    Amanda, praying for your eyes to be fixed on Jesus in such difficult circumstances and praying for God’s protection on you and your daughter. Jehovah Jireh- our Lord will provide!

  37. Summer Stevenson says:

    Lifting you up in prayer Amanda …

  38. Jamie Trice says:

    Lord I pray over Amanda and her daughter. I pray for your timing of getting a home that is perfect for them. I pray for you to settle her heart as she waits and trusts you in these hard times. I pray you put someone in her life to help alleviate her feeling of singleness. It’s your your Holy name I pray. Amen

  39. Jamie Trice says:

    Lord I pray over Amand and her daughter. I pray for your timing of getting a home that is perfect for them. I pray for you to settle her heart as she waits and trusts you in these hard times. I pray you put someone in her life to help eliviate her feeling of singleness. It’s your your Holy name I pray. Amen

  40. Angie Mills says:

    Jesus is our Hope, the Anchor for our soul. He is the Hope that we cling to when we flee to God for Refuge.

    Jesus offers a better Hope than Melchizedek. Melchizedek (meaning king of righteousness) was the king of Salem (meaning the king of peace). We have no idea who he was. He showed up to bless Abram after Abram had rescued his nephew Lot from five kings who had kidnapped him and other people from Sodom. Melchizedek blessed Abram and Abram gave Melchizedek a tithe. Melchizedek appeared on the scene and then left. He only blessed. He did not offer any sacrifices. He did not stay. We don’t hear of any prayers he prayed on Abram’s behalf.

    Jesus offers a better Hope than the Aaronic priesthood. These men would offer sacrifices every day for themselves and on behalf of the people of Israel. They knew what the people of Israel faced because they were weak themselves. Their priesthood did not last. They were prevented by death from remaining in office as priest. Furthermore, the priesthood has been destroyed since the complete destruction of the Temple in 70AD and the dispersion of the Jews throughout the world.

    Jesus is our Ultimate Hope. He is the Guarantee of a better covenant. His covenant is eternal. It will not be replaced by a different covenant. He became a priest based on His indestructible life and by an oath that God swore by His own Self—that Jesus would be priest forever. Jesus sacrificed Himself once for all completely fulfilling the requirement to reconcile people to God and completely saving those who come to God through Him. He is a priest forever because He remains forever. He always lives to intercede on behalf of His people.

    Thank You, Jesus, for being the Hope our souls can cling to. We know that You are our Salvation. We can only come into Your Father’s presence because You are present in our lives and have saved us from our sin, making us righteous to stand before His throne complete. Amen!

  41. Heidi says:

    Amanda- if your church is limited in resources, do they have any connection with another church perhaps nearby/next town over/etc that could help as well? Most pastoral staff have relationships with others in the area and it may be necessary that they stretch their arms a little wider… ? Just a thought…

  42. Heidi says:

    Amanda Noble-
    Definitely joining others in prayer for direction and provision… And in agreement that seeking out the help of the local church is a wise step for you and your daughter. I’d strongly advise prayerfully finding a church home if you do not yet have one- OR even walking up to the doors of the church offices in your town TODAY and sharing your story… as many have said, MOST churches – especially ones established in their community – have resources they can provide for all of these things you are going through. Be encouraged there is hope… You are absolutely seen and are not alone…

  43. Terri says:

    Dear Sweet Amanda. God is faithful. My heart breaks for your situation. I was in that similar place several years ago. Hold on to the truth that you know. Reach out and let others carry you. Hold on! Help is on the way. I’m praying that God opens the hearts of those around you so they will step forward and bless you and your daughter. I’m so sorry for the losses you have experienced and for the grief you continue to go through. I pray that God holds you so closely that you feel His presence. God send your servants to Amanda and her daughter. In Jesus name.

  44. Jillian Lee says:

    I too feel like I’ve been waiting so long for my prayer to be answered. I have a strong desire to be a wife and mom. I have seen unhealthy relationships broken off and seen healing but I still am longing for a Godly man to spend my life with and it just feel impossible that it would happen at this point in my life.

    1. Tabitha Clark says:

      I know so many in the same place as you, and have been there myself. Have you heard of Heart of Dating (it’s on most social media platforms and they have a podcast)? It’s a community of believers in the same boat you find yourself in, and offers very helpful thoughts and resources.

  45. Melanie says:

    @amanda noble praying for you right now. Where are you living now?

  46. Jillian Lee says:

    Amanda I am praying right now that God’s peace overwhelms you and your daughter. I pray in the midst of just being able to put one foot in front of the other you see God clearing a path and working every detail out. I pray you will see his hand in everything he is doing in your life and you will see the fruit of your obedience.

  47. Elaine Morgan says:

    I will be praying for you Amanda. Have you told your pastor about your situation? Many times the church can help find housing for members. If you are not a member of a church you should find one you are comfortable with and become a member. The body should share your burden. They can provide for you in ways you may not have experienced before. Just the comfort of knowing you are loved by a community of people who will not let you suffer alone or be homeless is priceless. This community will pray with you and for you but we are not near you to physically help. Nothing can replace being an active member of a local Church where the Bible is studied and practiced and the people are like family. I know because when I was starring down homelessness, my church came to my rescue. I was given a place to live for 10 months until I could get on my feet. It was a lifesaver for me.

    1. Amanda Noble says:

      I am an active member at my church, and they have been wonderful. But, its a small church with little resources. And please know, I’m not asking for help on here other than prayer. I know God will take care of us, just this morning felt more overwhelmed by the waiting.

  48. Jillian Lee says:

    Amanda I am praying right now Gos peace overwhelms you and your daughter right now. I pray in the midst of just being able to put one foot infront of the other you God clearing a path and working every detail out for you I pray you will see his hand in everything he is doing in your life.

  49. Aimee D-R says:

    Oh Lord Jesus thank You for Hope to anchor my soul. Amen

  50. Amanda Noble says:

    Good morning! I’m in a season of waiting for God’s promises to come to fruition. 10 yrs ago I moved 2500 miles away from everything/everyone I knew with my then 8 yr old daughter. My son died the year before and in obedience and under God’s leadership we moved away from the toxicity that was my family. I rented from my best friend of 20 years. God assuring me through prayer and scripture he had a plan for all this. In May my bestfriend died. The family is selling the property. The house that we are currently in is falling apart. We no longer have heat, a stove, or hot water because the gas pipes are copper and leaking. Im in the process of trying getting a home loan, but struggling to show I can pay my debts because I don’t live in debt. At anytime the property could sell and my daughter and I could be evicted. There are no rental properties near by. I’m tired in my grief, my loss, and my constant singleness. I know God will provide for us, but the waiting is causing turmoil that seems near impossible to endure. Please pray for us.

  51. Heidi says:

    I’ve heard that saying so often, all we have to fear is fear itself, and when placed in the boundaries of my salvation that statement is so true – First off, my fear isn’t doing anything to me but robbing me of peace. It causes worry which motivates my decisions to be untrustworthy and (usually) selfish/self-protecting. It puts ME first and others later on down the list… It disorders things, literally, and I do NOT want to see my life through a filter of disorder. I want to see it through the perfected order that Christ has brought. I am most definitely in a season of stress and being constantly overwhelmed. Which plays into my tendency towards severe anxiety. Praying for God to give me wisdom on what and how to let some obligations go – and trust that He will provide what is needed when I do.
    I’d love prayer for clarity of mind, wisdom, and boldness to act in faith on His callings in different areas of my life.. :) So grateful for a High Priest who relates to my condition… He understands us and leans into us and it’s honestly unbelievable.

  52. Kristen says:

    We sang a song at church this weekend that I’ve never heard before, but the one part said something like “The winds came and the storms blew, but I built my house on You. “
    Reading Tina’s post reminded me of this! He is our only Hope and He is the strong foundation. Let’s pray for all those that don’t know Him as Savior and Lord to be drawn by His mercy to see God rightly, their sin rightly, truly repent, and find forgiveness, freedom, and salvation. Kelly said on the podcast this week that the more she walks with Jesus, she sees her sin and depravity. She talked about living in a culture that doesn’t always even call out sin. So how would we see our desperate need to be forgiven and our need for a Savior? (I’m kind of paraphrasing,) However, when we see the depths of our sin and our hopelessness, the more amazed and joyful we can be because of the unfathomable grace of God and the Sacrifice and debt that Jesus paid.I’m thinking of another song now by Phillips, Craig, and Dean that says that We’ll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that Cross, so here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that You’re my God, You’re all together lovely, all together worthy, all together wonderful to me.
    May we all ever be undone at the thought of the Cross!

  53. Kelly (NEO) says:

    TINA – what a lovely song!

    The lyrics to Blessed Assurance came to mind today:
    Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine;
    Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
    Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
    Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

    This is my story, this is my song,
    Praising my Savior all the day long.
    This is my story, this is my song,
    Praising my Savior all the day long”

    Have a doublely blessed Tuesday Shes

  54. Lehua K. says:

    @BRON: I just saw a rainbow earlier today as well! I love the rainbow (and other things) as reminders of God’s faithfulness.

    So thankful for His steadfastness, both on the mountains and in the valleys. Like the author, I’ve had panic attacks before and it can be very difficult to focus on anything. Having a familiar worship tune/lyric or memorized scripture can be really helpful. <3

  55. Bron says:

    Needed this today. I was telling my children only yesterday when we saw a rainbow that it’s a reminder that God always keeps His promises. I’m so thankful for a merciful God who gives us that reminder to hold fast to the hope set before us when I start to question the very truths I’m teaching my children. Thank you Jesus!

  56. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Good morning She’s! I have my quiet time very early and sometimes feel like no one is up but me but can rely on my sister Tina to always have an encouraging word. May God bless you my sister and all of the She’s who gather with us! I am praying for each of your needs as I know you are praying for Jack and I. ❤️

  57. Arina says:

    It isn’t my good behaviour that qualifies me to inherit these promises, and my sin wont make me miss out. The law is annulled through the work of Christ (Hebrews 7:18). Liiterally, it is put away, in the same way as our sins are put away by the sacrifice of Christ (Hebrews 9:26). The law is no longer the basis of our relationship with God. I can live freely, without fear, knowing that nothing I do can make me lose my salvation. We are saved completely, to the uttermost (v.25)!

  58. TIna says:

    I love that song!

    I have, and to the best of my ability, will build my life upon Jesus’ love. My sure and firm foundation.

    As I was reading the devotion this morning, I was reminded of an old hymn we used to sing at school..

    Will your anchor hold in the storms of life..

    Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,
    When the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
    When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain,
    Will your anchor drift or firm remain?

    We have an anchor that keeps the soul
    Stedfast and sure while the billows
    Fastened to the Rock which cannot
    Grounded firm and deep in the
    Savior’s love.

    It is safely moored, ’twill the storm withstand,
    For ’tis well secured by the Savior’s hand;
    And the cables passed from His heart to mine,
    Can defy the blast, through strength divine.
    It will firmly hold in the straits of fear,
    When the breakers have told the reef is near;
    Though the tempest rave and the wild winds blow,
    Not an angry wave shall our bark o’erflow.
    It will surely hold in the floods of death,
    When the waters cold chill our latest breath;
    On the rising tide it can never fail,
    While our hopes abide within the veil.

    BUT GOD…


    Happy Tuesday wrapped in His blessed assurance of love, hope and faithful promises. ❤