One tomato. I had grand plans for our backyard garden, but all I got to show for hours of watering and weeding was one, tiny, red tomato. I wish I could wax eloquent about the satisfaction of eating the fruit of my labors. (Fun fact: Tomatoes are botanically classified as fruit.) Instead, my lone tomato humbled me as I admitted that my efforts weren’t enough to produce abundant fruit.
Today’s reading reveals garden rhythms as well. On the night before He was arrested, Jesus said to His disciples, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener” (John 15:1). Jesus comforted His friends by reminding them that God vigilantly tends to all of His creation.
Jesus’s encouragement continued as He described branches, which grew from the vine and produced fruit. These branches, representing His followers, would be healthy and fruitful as long as they were connected to the vine. “Remain in me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me” (John 15:4).
The apostle Paul further described this spiritual fruit, explaining that “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Galatians 5:22–23). These qualities shine collectively like the facets of a sparkling diamond. Together, they illuminate a Christian’s growing inner posture of dependence and obedience toward God, as well as her outer impact on the people and world around her. To this nourishing fruit I say, “Yes, please!”
But how do we produce such fruit? Do I summon my will power and attempt to weed out my sinful nature that so quickly yields hate, jealousy, selfishness, and worse? (Galatians 5:19–21). I may try, but as soon as I pull up one ugly weed, others sprout up in its place. This scramble ends with the same result as my backyard garden—little fruit and lots of awareness of my inability to produce it.
Are we sentenced to fruitless despair? No, we are given a resource that Jesus announces and seals with a promise: “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever” (John 14:16). What deep relief! God doesn’t intend for us to muster up spiritual growth on our own. Instead, the Holy Spirit is poured out on us to work in us.
Although we are dependent on the Spirit to produce fruit, we are not passive. As a sunflower turns its head to seek out the sun, so we can orient our lives toward God through prayer, Bible study, repentance, praise, and other habits. As Paul said, “If we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25). We are free to put one foot in front of the other, confidently seeking faithful obedience while resting and remaining in the promise that God fuels our movement by His Spirit at work in and through us.
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294 thoughts on "In Step with the Spirit"
And still he reminds ❤️
So glad I have picked up a SRT study again!
Dear Lord – please help the world acknowledge how important it is to walk in step with the Spirit. Help them know that the obedience will transform the world. Amen.
Thank you Father for caring so much for me and everyone that you continue to show us ways to get closer to you and to be more like you. Please help me and everyone struggling to keep you at the center of our lives to reflect and repent so that we can live our lives according to your word, and the fruits of the spirit. Amen.
This was day 1 one for me. I’m going through some health issues, and I need his love and grace with me.
Crazy that this is day 1 for this plan. I have been finding it extremely hard to not feel defeated when the ways of my flesh (which are like bad habits that have been in the making for like 10+ years) get in the way of me being the Christian I want to be.
Wow, Kenzie! I’m in this same situation. Divorced an abusive husband after years of trying to make the relationship work. I found a really nice Christian guy, but the relationship is starting to be obviously not Christ-centered and I’m taking a step back. Thanks for sharing, it’s always affirming when God reveals through other peoples’ stories and shows us we’re not alone.
The goal is to remain. ❤️
I have struggled with myself and my own selfishness. I recently got out of a
Relationship where I was not acting in the way I should have been due to still struggling with a very toxic and abusive relationship I got out of back in October of 2022 after 2.5 years
Kenzie I love how you worded this because I am battling the same exact thing. I didn’t heal from a past, toxic relationship and then jumped into another one right after . We both love Jesus but it has been such a struggle to set aside our flesh and really glorify Him. I know that a lot of it has to do with the fact I haven’t healed from my past relationships and the tendencies and behaviors that i learned in those 5 years. now im just done and sick of myself and want to give Him my whole life. im done bwing passive aboit jt
I’ve been praying specifically for this fruit for my sons’ lives. That they would be freed from the snares in their lives and be able to grow in the fruits of the Spirit. For myself, I want to be the sunflower- just instinctively staying turned to Jesus.
I am seeking today to be leg by the spirit and not led by the flesh.
Too good. I love the sunflower reference :)
Looking forward to learning more
Amen. I pray God’s spirit helps me grow out of my freshly ways
Very excited to go through this study!
Very excited about this plan.
I love this plan so far.
so excited for this plan
I’m step with the Spirit is something only the Holy Spirit can do within us as we remain in Him. This was so encouraging.
Just starting this study and am so excited to learn. Thank you for the Holy Spirit as our helper!
Hallelujah thank you for this Word and encouragement Abba Father through your vessel as I will stay close to your vine so I can become fruitful because with you I am nothing. Praise Jesus and the Father
Me too! That one will go with me forever!
How much God means to me dumb auto correct
At my church we were just talking abou the fruit of the spirit and how you have to be connected to God to bear his godly fruit and that really speaks to me because i didn’t realize just how much hod means till this weekend i lived this and ut is what j needed to heat
This is just what I needed to hear, I think this is a great study to help kick off the new year!
Thank you
Amen ❤️
great study! super excited to dive into the fruits of the spirit
Lord, help me to abide in you!
Just what I needed fruit of the spirit! god I need you everyday an to be more like you in every way
So good I read it two days!
I appreciate the part that talks about orienting our lives toward God.
So thankful for the Holy Spirit to guide and direct me
Beautiful message
I pray my head turns like a sunflower to the father and Holy Spirit
“Abide: accept or act in accordance with a rule, decision, or recommendation.”
Holy Spirit, teach me to act in accordance of YOUR will. “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done.”
Abide: accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation).
Comforting knowing I’m not to survive as a branch alone but that my vine isFather in Heaven.
How reassuring! We can depend on the Lord to produce the fruits of the Spirit as we abide! We turn to Him. In my experience, the Spirit is often forgotten, but it’s such an important member of the Trinity. May I be more aware of His presence and work. Blessings on you, SRT sisters.
Starting the day by turning my face to Him
Catching up — turning like the sunflower
I will be a sunflower to the Holy Spirit
Loved this! ❤️
Loved this!
We can not grow on our own.. we are not expected to!
Yes! So good
…a growing inner posture of dependence and obedience toward God, as well as her impact on the people and the world around her.
So good!
Amen! Loved this
A message that is always relevant ❤️
So thrilled to be a subscriber to SRT now, it’s completely changed my Bible time routine from something to check off my to do list, to something I look forward to every morning. Praise God!
“Apart from Him we can do nothing.” Such a humbling and beautiful reminder. ❤️
I agree. Also I’m new to this app. Doing first day trial:)
That’s awesome!
I love being reminded of the analogies to branches and fruits
What a blessing to know that we are not alone to weed out sin in our life’s but we have the spirit to be our guide.?
John 15:3 Already you are clean because of the Word I have spoken to you.
God has already put our sin to death so that we can know what true love is. We are ALREADY clean! It is not us that has negative behaviors, but “sin” living in us and God already freed us from that(Romans 7:17,20; Romans 8:2). All we get to do is agree that we are free(John 15:3), put on the armor of God and accept the Holy Spirit to live in our hearts(Ephesians 6:11), and love one another or allow the Spirit to love others through us as He loved us(Romans 8:10,11; John 15:12,13). What a gift.
Amen in Jesus name. Thank you alot. Ladies we can walk by the fruit of the Spirit because our Father has blessed us with the Holy Spirit ❤ God bless you all.
May I be like the sunflower, actively looking towards the Sun in my daily moments.
❤️ Amen
May we bear the fruit of The Spirit
Thank you God for the Holy Spirit that helps us to change our attitude to be more like Jesus and that it is not on our own will. Please help me to be humble and loving to others even my enemies and thank you for work you have been doing in me and for waking me up this morning. It’s in your precious sons name Jesus Christ Amen
Thank you Jesus may the holy spirit guide me throughout and may I always out the fruits of the holy spirit in mind
I will pray for you!
I need amd accept the Holly Spirit to come and guide me
So I may not be a weak branch and fall apart frome the vine. Lord, keep me close and help me be connected to the Vine, wich is Jesus Christ
I accept the holy spirit to live in me and guide me every day of my life. Amen.
I just happened to read this on a warm sunshiny day. It is 62 degrees. I think of my own tomatoe plants last summer around my own very small garden. Thankfully I had lots of tomatoes but to share with others. Mainly they were the little cherry tomatoes, not so many of the larger slicing tomatoes. This is how I see Christian growth sometimes, we grow very fast in the beginning and change alot of little things, but the big things take time just like the bigger tomatoes to mature.
Lord; fill me with your spirit so I will produce righteous fruit. Amen.
I needed this message this morning. I can’t do this alone, just like a branch needs a vine to produce any fruits. Thank you God, I hear you.
This is exactly what I needed to read as I rededicate myself to the teachings of Christ
Looking forward to growing my faith with God. I will seek Him, knowing that He will add to me. Thankful for this lesson, God is good & He is working.
A reminder that I can’t do this walk alone and be successful. I must be in community with the Father, always.
This was such a good, tangible lesson! Thank you!
Such a good word. He loves us so much. Resting in that truth today.
Such a great reminder of the faithfulness of God. He does not abandon us but has left His Spirit to guide us. I pray that His Spirit would guide me daily. I can see how I am not bearing good fruits in every area of my life but I pray that I would continue to rely on Him and that I would bear His fruits
This couldn’t have come on a better day. My morning began with chaos and anxiety. This reminded me that just reaching for and allowing the Spirit to hold me and lead me through it, could have given the chaos a whole new meaning and experience. I have lived 65 years and still have yet to master faith, patience and peace. Well, back to practicing all that I need to remember.
Really needed this.thank you Jesus
Loving this so far
I needed this today. What a great reminder that we can reorient ourselves to the Lord and acting on achieving the fruits of the Spirit. I’ve been down in the dumps between bickering demanding young kids, stress juggling with and school and kids and a crabby husband. This was a reminder that I need to focus on what I can be thankful for right in this moment with the sounds and chaos surrounding me in my hone right now and I need to keep getting into the WORD and spending time with God even if I can only grab 2 minutes. Happy Sunday everyone!
Thankful for this reading. It’s what I needed today!
I want to get more consistent about abiding in God to both grow my relationship with him and so that he will prune my dead branches and i can walk in the spirit.
I’m praying daily to remove the branches that don’t produce fruit and to prune the branches that do!
I feel God’s pruning! He is leading me to be in His word, especially with the nation and the world weighing heavy on my heart. This reading is a great addition to my day!
Such a timely reminder that our Christian growth relies on the Holy Spirit to produce fruit, but also relies on us daily seeking Him to experience that growth.
This is the second time in a year that God has led me to focus on studying the Fruit of the Spirit. I feel deeply directed that this is my focus.
It’s only day one of doing this plan and I’m enjoying it so much! This year I really want to reflect God’s character through the way that I live and treat those around me ♥️
I have been slacking off in actual bible study. I have been praying and reading but have been in kind of a “study funk”. I could blame it on this Covid-19 era, but we know that can become an excuse for anything. Since I have been a Christian for over 40 years now, its NOT an excuse! I confess that fact to let others know that even mature/long time Christians can grow weary and allow our emotions to get in the way of true study of the Word of God. It is exciting and refreshing to have a new year to begin anew! Blessings to you all in this new year of our Lord!
I decided to really focus on faithfulness in agreeing to homeschool our children this year and I’m looking forward to this study!
I pray daily for each fruit of the Spirit to continue grow in me. I need God each and every day with His Spirit to guide and direct me. That I might bare His Fruit! More, more of God and less of me!
I Do Admit that I am not Fruitful in Some Areas.Coming from a Hard Background;Love and Kindness Does Not Come Easy to Me.
Love this ❤️
Yes, please! Amen.
“Although we are dependent on the spirit to produce fruit, we are not passive.” I liked this because it reminds us that it’s as conscious decision to follow Him, and when we do, the fruits and His gifts will follow, and how encouraging that is!
This is what struck me as well! I love how tangible it is.
This is what struck me the most, as well! I love how tangible it is.
Absolutely true and beautiful illustration!
The pruning can be difficult or an easy assessment in life, but it is for the best . One step closer
“ Although we are dependent on the Spirit to produce fruit, we are not passive. As a sunflower turns its head to seek out the sun, so we can orient our lives toward God through prayer, Bible study, repentance, praise, and other habits.”
This is the best explanation I’ve heard about how we work with God to produce fruit. He does the work, but like a sunflower turns toward the sun, we can orient our lives toward God. Love this perspective. Thank you!
Self -control is the one I ask the Lord to give me today
I know the pruning that God is doing will make me better to serve him. It is a struggle even though I will be better afterwards. Its tough to believe it while the pruning is going on.
Currently in a difficult season of growth . He is removing and pruning my branches . I’ve tried on my own , but I am so thankful that the Holy spirit is poured out on me to work in and through me as I put one foot in front of the other . ❤️
Love this
Going through a season of pruning myself, while it is difficult I am excited to see the fruit that will come from my struggle
Father, Help me to grow not only in my knowledge of you. But above all I want to bear your fruit. I desperately need it!!!! You’ve promised us that if we seek you with all of our hearts you will be found. Lord please at the end of these 14 day’s I want to be TRANSFORMED by You. Amen!
Thank you so much Holy Spirit I love you so much ❤️
Pruning hurts but is so worth it later.
I’m so glad that He prunes us, so that we can grow and continue to bear His fruit.
So thankful that I dont have to do this alone or in my own power. Thank you for the GIFT of the Holy Spirit, my helper. There is freedom in this! My job is to be as close to Him as possible.
Keep close to the Lord
I need to lean in and actively listen to the Holy Spirit. I do not have to go at this alone. God uses all the circumstances in our lives to prune and take care of us.
He is making us new..
I so often want to produce fruit on my own & get so frustrated at myself.. Praise the Lord that I can’t produce fruit on my own though.. He produces it in me. All I must do is intentionally seek Him & abide in His love. What a sweet reminder that is ❤️
God is doing a Good thing.
Hmmmmmm, powerful word of God. I’m blessed
The analogies are great and also humbling. I can’t count how many times I’ve pulled weeds only to find more. Through Gods unending GRACE I can continue to work hard on my walk with Jesus. I’m not perfect but I’m still loved and cherished.
It’s astonishing that sunflowers know where to look to for nutrition.
We are not passive in this pursuit. Great reminder
So easy to look away from the sun/son. Refreshing reminder that all I need to do to return to receiving the light that helps me grow is look back toward the sun/son
Love the analogy of the garden this was awesome.
Sunflower analogy, looking toward the sun/son
Love it
I just love this analogy – just as a plant produces fruit by tracking and growing daily towards it life source, so too can we! Every time I wonder how I can achieve the seemingly impossible in this life lord, more time and focus on You is always the answer!
The garden… it takes nurturing and dedication and knowledge to grow a beautiful garden of “fruit”. The more we are in HIS word allowing ourselves to be nurtured by the Spirit, the more we walk in consistency with the fruits of the spirit! Learn God’s word and allow the beautiful garden to grow within you!
Much needed to remember I am dependent yet active in walking with the Spirit.
Keeping in step with Christ is not easy. We must diligently plan our every action and word spoke and make sure it lines up with the Word of God. I definitely lack in this and need to focus more on His Word.
I am thankful God is our gardener and He is sovereign in His care for us!
This just stops me in my tracks and has helped me realize how often I can take my eyes off of Jesus and go my own way—until I feel the prodding of His Spirit, bringing Him back into the center of my life. I pray that God will continue to prune me and shape me into the woman of God that He has designed me to be and that my steps are His steps. Thank you all for being here—sharing, encouraging, praying for each other.
Thank you Lord for your Holy Spirit that bears fruit in us. Work in us to do your will so others may hear the good news and turn to you and be saved.
Thank you for the reminder I am not to be passive in my walk. God provides the Holy Spirit to guide and provide. I have the choice to take these gifts and share.
Refreshing. Thank you!
So so good!
I love the analogy of the sunflower and the sun. I need to keep that in mind – keep my focus on God. Never lose sight of what He is doing in my life.
Love this❤️
I am in a very difficult situation right now, every day just survival mode. The garden described is ‘MY’ garden. I pull weeds all morning only to have more come again in a few days. I am really tired of pulling weeds. Thinking on Jesus being the vine, the Father the gardener and I just need to be connected to Him right now.
Me too.
You’re not alone
Awesome with what I’m going though
So good!
We must let the Holy Spirit that dwells in us lead, guide and comfort us.
Dependent. Not passive.
Lord help us to bear good fruit remove anything that is not of good fruit!
I have always been so drawn to learning about the fruit of the spirit. Can’t wait to learn and grow.
Tiffany I agree. I love the imagery here. Sunflowers stand tall in the light looking upward to the light.
“Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.”
This passage really resonated with me. We all have had difficult times in our life and God has pruned us through them and most of the time in my experience I always grow from those tough times and feel more enriched and alive! Happy to be a part of this!
Love the image of the sunflower turning towards the sun… the Lord just needs us to be attentive to His word and His prompting
My soul needed this today, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with the world and needed to find rest and joy.
I have been working on bettering myself in all area of my life. One thought I have had is “Lord show me the way” and I sit and wait. And wait. And wait. What stood out to me in the reading was “we are free to put one foot in front of the other, confidently seeking faithful obedience while resting and remaining in the promise that God fuels our movement by His Spirit at work in and through us .” I will be taking steps forward while leaning in on God and the Fruit of the Spirit.
Starting a day behind, but I am excited to learn more about the Fruits of the Spirit!
“Dependent but not passive”; I am going to think about this today.
The desires of the flesh never go away, but when we walk by the spirit, the flesh no longer has its grip on our lives.
Romans 7-8!! Following the going against what comes natural to us and what the flesh wants. But doing the opposite – remaining in the Spirit – is good.
That is so me lately also. I need to remember i can’t so it on my own..I need to not let my human nature way of thinking go and let God have it!
It is nice to have a reminder that God is Love, Patience and kindness. If you follow him he will never leave you..your vines may produce fruit in his favor of remembrance. Some.days are harder than others but I just keep reading, reading and reading to remind myself. In a garden full of thorns be the SUNFLOWER!
We are dependent but not passive! May we be like the sunflower!
Hi Claire – I had that initial thought when I started Proverbs, but after reading the “why” behind the format, I forged ahead and wound up learning SO much!! It will be a Book I return to often and I love having the topical format of the study book so I can go straight to the topic at hand. :)
All I can think of is that the yoke of the Lord is easy and light, and so it is with the Spirit. It is not easy to always stay in step with the Spirit, but as someone said, it is for me slowing down, leaning in and listening before reacting. Come Holy Spirit, Come.
I love the idea of the sunflower following the sun, it’s natural to them and what they need to bloom & flourish. I love that in a field of sunflowers they all follow the sun together too. My heart & eyes need to follow Jesus and I get to do it with community as well. After having a failed garden experience this year this is a great reminder that I can only do so much and the rest is a gift from Jesus.
This was exactly the words of wisdom I needed at this moment. Resting in God is where I need to stay. ❤️
It is singular, fruit of the Spirit, not fruits.
I loved the image of sunflower orienting to the sun, as we orient our hearts
That stood out to me too! I’ve been talking to God a lot lately about how we have a relationship, and reading that word friend was so affirming! He loves us so much and is so personal ❤️
If you have the study book there are questions in it.
If you haven’t listened to the podcast that corresponds with the start of this study, I highly recommend you do. It really adds to it.
Oh, SRT friends, I am so happy to be back. I was not feeling the proverbs study format like I do the traditional one like this. This will be a great two weeks as we plow though the Fruits of the Spirit while giving thanks with our families.
How thankful I am to know that God has sent His helper to work in us!! But I struggle with trying to work on myself on my own accord. I must strive to rely on what He provides rather what I think I can. Talk about the right study at the right time!
I cannot wait to see where this study goes. It came in at a time where we all need the reminder of the gift of the Holy Spirit.
These scriptures were really great for me today. I needed these.
I love the reminder that we are not passive, rather we can orient our lives towards God through our daily habits. I’m so thankful for this timely study and this group.
This is my first SRT study, and it’s such a perfect one to start with. I’ve been really focused on some of these same passages already for much of this year, trying to let their truth sink into not just my memory but the way I live my day-to-day.
I am here for this SRT sisters! What a better time than 2020!
Thanks for sharing! I know what you’re talking about. A certain Bible verse has been popping up a lot for me – at the baby dedication 1 week at church, during an online sermon, and then someone posted it on Facebook. I’m getting the hint, God. Haha
Have you ever felt like the Lord was chasing you with a specific word? Over the last few weeks, I feel like I have seen messages or comments about spiritual fruit in a variety of random places – a bible study mentions it, a pastor comments in their sermon, a book references it. And then I saw that it was the next SRT. I feel like God wants me to get something from this study. I’m ready to receive His word.
He calls me friend. What a beautiful reminder of the personal relationship we can have through the work of The Holy Spirit. So encouraging. We just need to surrender to Him. He is our all in all if we will just trust Him. ❤️
Pulling my own weeds only brings temporary satisfaction and can often bring up worse weeds especially if I don’t use the holy spirit for weed control.
I was trying to respond to someone else. Clearly ‘reply’ isn’t working.
The ‘law’ in Galatians is referring to the Jewish law in the Old Testament. Which we are not under. Romans is talking about the government powers we live under, I believe.
Really excited for this study and to practice working out the fruits of the spirit in every detail of my life!
Thank you Lord that you take the pressure of me in regards to bearing fruit. As long as I abide in you Jesus, obeying your Word, intentionally walk with you daily, you will enable me to be able to bear fruits- not just puny fruits but fruits to last. Hallelujah.
I pray Lord that you help me to yield to the Spirit and intentionally kill my flesh, so it has no power over me, let there be no resistance from the flesh standing in the way for me to fulfil your will, by your amazing grace. Amen.
I loved John 15:2 “ 2Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit”. That really speaks to me. Sometimes we dont know or understand why things happen the way they do, why certain doors are shut, or why some prayers go unanswered. But God knows what we need when we need it and is constantly refining us. I just pray that I remember that when in the midst of uncertainty or undesirable circumstances.
I am happy I tuned into this Bible Study. This is something I really struggle with. I love that God gave us the Holy Spirit for discernment and guidance. I need to continuously remember that Christ is in me and that I don’t have to try to do it on my own but to hold on to God and allow Him to work through me.
So powerful!
He is the True Vine! Apart from Him we can do nothing right!
Like any relationship we have…. this is a personal relationship….. we have to spend time with Him to have this relationship.
It is not a one and done it is a daily choice to accept this gift.
This study is exactly what I’ve been praying to God for! I’ve been filled with a new hunger for Christ and truly desire to portray the fruits of the Spirit everywhere I go!
Romans 7:15-18
I need this today. I have stop doing it on my own. Holy Spirt has me if I stop trying to do it on my own.
Great timing. Philippians 4:13
What a gift !!! God so graciously has given us the Holy Spirit and that we have help and we are not in this alone ! Thank you Jesus !
Praise GOD! Our Lord is so amazing. Each time I read about the Fruit of the Spirit, my mind goes to a mirror. I see myself. Am I keeping in step with the Spirit? Lord, help me to be better. Help me to see everyone I come in contact with the way YOU see them. Help me to always be patient with others. Show kindness. Be gentle. Show love when it’s difficult to even like. Help me not to hold back my joy. Help me to keep the peace in my household. Help me to have self control when I get so upset with my husband. Remind me daily the goodness all around me, and in me, through YOU!
Yesss exactly! I agree so timely!!
I agree Amanda, the desires of the flesh are far too easy to grab on to and run with. there’s no work you have to put in so it’s easy to want to choose. After I lost my aunt I did some reflecting over the past year. I spent this past year with fits of anger in my heart keeping me from producing any fruit and being there for my Aunt. I would find excuses to fit my selfish needs above others not seeing that I was allowing my hurt and anger to guide me instead of the fruit of the spirit. Hardest lesson I’ve ever had to learn bcuz I loss someone so precious to me and took her for granted. I can help but live in the I should’ve could’ve done. With all that being said I am excited to be a part of this Bible study and be equipped with the fruit of the spirit as I move forward.
Yes, wow this is so timely! All of my life has been a struggle of striving — striving for holiness, for success in mission, for recognition, for love, for virtue. But the fruits that I long for are not won by striving but by abiding. Jesus, help me learn what it means to abide! Not by my own strength but by your gift of grace!
I love the focus on dependence on God, not our own willpower, to “produce” the fruit of the spirit. Someone told me recently that we can’t embody what we haven’t experienced. So my focus this week has been on experiencing the fruit as gifts from God, instead of trying to “produce” on my own.
Themes of dwelling, abiding, and knowing really came through for me in the scripture for today, especially the John readings. It is comforting to me to know that even if I feel like I am pulling up tons of weeds and dealing with the struggle of that, that this eternal helpmate of the Spirit, this gift from Jesus, is always within me.
As an avid gardener and former teacher, I connect with the gardener analogy. I see myself as a planter and waterer of seeds–figurative and literal. Secrets of the Vine, by Bruce Wilkinson, is a terrific partner read for this SRT series. May we each be guided to new truths during this plan.
I feel like there’s so much to unpack on this small lesson! I can’t wait to dive in even more! I’ve been wanting to study more about the fruits of the spirit.
We cannot fix our sinful nature and produce good fruits on our own! This is so powerful! I’m always trying to win God’s love. Find my calling. Make sure I’m in his good grace. When I just need to be still in him and let him lead my paths!
The fruits are peace, not chaos, love, not hate, patience, not impatience, kindness, not meanness. Etc, etc. Jesus is a peacemaker, an example of love when it’s so hard to love.
Lord, fill me with your spirit, graft me to your tree, I accept your way and desire to bear and produce your fruit! Amen.
This study is right on time for me…and the rest of the world!
Yes! I love that! To abide in him! Abide in his love!!
I cannot wait to see how the Spirit is going to lead through this study. Can’t wait to dive in!
I cannot wait for this! The desires of the flesh are far too easy to grab on too and run with, which makes Satan sit back and smile .. but the fruit of the spirit takes work and dedication and in turn will strengthen our relationship with the Lord. This is exactly what I need. The world is a crazy place right now and being equipped with the fruit of the spirit is exactly the journey I want to be on. ♥️
“Remain in me and I will remain in you.” What a great reminder that we are not passive in this relationship, and that it is a two-way partnership. Even though our strength to pursue God is so fickle and limited, and his love for us is infinitely more than our love for him, it is important to remember that we still need to take part and be a “friend” or a “partner” in our own salvation and production of fruit. We cannot just sit by and do nothing…cause the truth will slip from our hearts and hearts become hardened.
Love this so much
Love this❤️
I have definitely noticed that if I am not keeping up on my reading the Word or spending time with God I am unsettled and quicker to act in my flesh and not in the Spirit. I am looking forward to this study and learning more.
“I may try, but as soon as I pull up one ugly weed, others appear.” This. I resonate with this all too much. I try to focus on “fixing” one ineptitude only to discover several more laying in waiting. Today I am reminded, once again, to pray, to talk with God, to be guided towards the Holy Spirit.
PATTI SAULS – I can identify with your disappointment in your gardening efforts. I rarely see the productive results I envision, but my heart won’t let me give up the process! I can’t help but feel that it is much the same for God as he tends the garden in me. I am THANKFUL His love for me won’t allow Him to give up!!! Thanks so much for this beautiful study today. Have a wonderful week everyone!
So great Allison! Pouring into others means we are spreading good seeds to them which then can grow in their own garden. Love it – thank you!
First time posting – clearing my “reply” didn’t do what I thought it would lol. Love this & am so excited to dig deeper!!
Remain. Breathe in. Remain. Breathe out.
I think I’m going to just repeat this today. Let us wash over me as I reflect on today’s scripture and applying it to my life in a real way. What does it truly look like to “remain in Him”. Growing up in the church I’m already fighting the legalistic answers to this question. But I want to look at this question with new eyes; from a fresh perspective, Holy Spirit guiding me. Remain.
I’m with you Jennifer! This semester has been a hard school one, with all the competition and the studying from home, and it seems like everyone has it together except me! Let us not grow weary of doing what god has called us to do (go to university in my case) and rest assured that we have Gods approval because he already won this competition!
I found that starting my day with reading the word of God (even one verse) is enough to fill the need to satisfy this world. You can do it sis!!!!!
I’m so thankful for the Spirit. I wanted to rush into my work this morning, but thankfully God calls me to himself first. I AM dependent on him, and I never want to believe otherwise!
“Abide in my love.” What a beautiful invitation and command. It is a welcome into His love, comfort, peace and ultimately bc of our proximity to Christ- fruits of the Spirit.
Such a good reminder as I was really ugly last week and need to change my ways. The devil is everywhere at work these days and I must start my day with the words of the Lord to give myself a fighting chance. Devil get behind me I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me Amen
In a way I’ve been dreading this study, because I know what it will dig out of me. But now that it is here, I wholeheartedly give my struggles to the Lord as He is the one who will change me into something beautiful. I wrote down a verse of a hymn in response to today’s devotional; Take my life and let it be, consecrated all for thee. This is my prayer for this study. God whatever you find in me that needs to change, Lord you can have it.
The study came at a perfect time, as usual. I have been struggling this semester with competition and envy. I’m exhausted every day from studying and the thoughts that overwhelm my mind. I’m going to start my days with the word of God. He is the only one who can help me. I want Him to receive all the glory.
Thank you!
I have an amazing boss at work. She loves Jesus! She’s also an amazing example of Christlike. But she is my boss and I respect her for that. I don’t always know everything that’s going on, or the behind scenes and all the personal stuff but that’s OK I am not the boss. BUT GOD… I am not his servant. He calls me His friend. He’s made things known to me. And he loves me very much. There are no secrets.
I am excited for this study and for the daily reminder of what the spiritual fruit looks like and gives out to the world. I always enjoy seeing churchmouse response because she always sums my thoughts up so well when they are all over in my journal.
Christine thank you for sharing the questions
There are reflection questions in the printed book for this study. They are: how are the works of the flesh different from the flesh of the Spirit? How is love, the first attribute of the fruit of the spirit, connected to the act of abiding with Christ? What do you think it means to “keep in step with the spirit?”
Wow were these the words I’ve needed. Through the Spirit God prunes us so that we can bear fruit. I’ve been feeling the pruning recently, the slow process of cutting away those ideas and habits that aren’t His.
I believe this study and it’s start on this very day finds me in the place where I need it the most. And I’m finding the start very grounding. So good! ❤️
Grateful for another SRT study. I much prefer guidance and support on growing fruit than growing the work of my sinful flesh.
This topic is so needed, especially these days. I’m so unbelievably tired of “Christians” speaking out in hate and ugliness and using the (false) guise that they’re “defending the faith”. The chasm between social and political parties has gotten so wide, it hurts my heart because as Christians- true representatives of Christ on earth- whatever side of the isle you land on, it’s our CALLING to bring unity and peace to this world, not to be a part of stirring up more strife. And even in my own home, I am STILL somehow struggling with the “new way of life” for work and school (kids). I need so desperately to be an example of Him to my children, but the stress of the situations keeps taking over.
I am praying as I go through these next few weeks that my heart is realigned and my mind is refreshed and the outpouring of my heart will be a living example of His goodness to others.
There is a WONDERFUL. bible study called “Living Beyond Yourself”, by Beth Moore that goes very deep into study of the fruits of the spirit. It’s probably the best in-depth study of the topic I’ve ever encountered. If anyone going through this daily study wants to go deeper I would recommend it for sure! I’m thinking about getting it back out and doing it again!! :)
First time doing this with SRT…looking forward to it ….have a blessed day ladies!!
Barbara Campbell, that’s what I thought.. but also wondered if there was a deeper meaning or if it was just straight forward… really appreciate your feedback!! Very helpful!!!
I love the encouragement to just keep walking…to keep moving forward with the disciplines of faith, but not to worry about the outcomes, to trust that the spirit will work in you. It’s too easy to look at the list and feel discouraged and think “I have no fruit”. CS Lewis describes getting over sin like falling asleep – you only accomplish it when you let go of trying.
I want my life to be characterized the the fruit of the Spirit. But so often I see more of the fruit of the flesh than I care to admit. I think I easily slip into depending on my own strength to produce the desired fruit, instead of partnering with the Holy Spirit. I need that balance of doing what is called of me to do and yielding to the Spirit leading. Jesus said it so plainly…remain in Him. Obey him. I’m excited for this study leading to advent!
Barbara Campbell, Thank You! That’s what I thought, but was wondering about a deeper meaning? Or if it was just straight forward… really appreciate your feedback!! Very helpful!!
Excited to start this study. Love the devotions, but glad I bought the Study Guide which has the dive deeper questions.
Taylor, I thought that’s what it was referring to… but wondered about a deeper meaning behind it? I really APPRECIATE your feedback!! It helps!!!
The Law referenced in Gal 5 is the Jewish Law given in Old Testament. It’s not the same as the Governing Agents in Romans 13.
Love the last paragraph in the commentary. The sunflower imagery…..
Patti, I love the sunflower analogy–we are dependent not passive!
So excited for this study! I love this format and the perspectives given through the writings!! The dig deeper questions were great, too, but so is anything from SRT!!
Loved the questions as well as the devotionals. The questions helped me in my own journey and the devotionals give me new insight to the Word.
This just goes to show you that we are all different. I definitely prefer this format over the questions!
Here’s a question:
In the passage from Galatians we are exposed to a contrast between the will of The Spirit and the will of the flesh. Why do you think it’s important to reflect on these to concepts side by side?
I liked the questions too. Used them with the older kids in the house at dinner
Looking forward to this study through Thanksgiving Break.
ERB, I think the law being referred to in Galatians 5 is the Jewish religious law of the Old Testament (not the Roman law). One of Paul’s big messages to the Galatians is that they were not bound by the laws of the Old Testament, and in Christ they were set free from following the laws of the Old Testament because the law was fulfilled through Jesus. My Bible gives a short commentary at the start of each book and it said Paul wrote Galatians because there were people trying to convince the new Christians in Galatia that they had to be circumcised (which was an OT law) in order to be real followers of Christ. Galatians 1 and 3 give more information on Paul’s purpose for writing to the Galatians and Paul’s argument they are no longer bound to the Old Testament laws because the law was fulfilled in Christ. I hope that helps!
My young adult life group just finished our second week of the Alpha course last night. Even though I’ve been a Christian for most of my life, the questions the Alpha course asks really makes you think about your faith and why you believe what you do. Last night’s big question was about the evidence of God, who Jesus was, and whether or not there is evidence for Christianity or if it’s just a leap of faith. Yesterday I shared with our group that I think people’s testimonies provide evidence for the existence of God. After reading today’s devotion, I would also answer the fruit of the Spirit is evidence of God’s existence in people’s lives. The fruit of the Spirit is phyiscal/experiential evidence of those who are followers of Christ. I will continue to ponder this thought throughout the day. So excited to start this new study! Have a blessed Monday everyone :)
The scriptures posted today were incredibly uplifting and exhorting, encouraging me to a higher place, which I LOVE!!
I do have a question though…
What is the difference between Romans 13 and Galatians 5?
In Romans it tells us to come under the government and Galatians tells us that if you’re led by the Spirit you are not under the law… this stumps me, and I would really like your ladies feedback…
Thank You!!
Romans 13:1-2 “Let everyone submit to the governing authorities, since there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are instituted by God. 2 So then, the one who resists the authority is opposing God’s command, and those who oppose it will bring judgment on themselves.”
Galatians 5:18 “But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.”
Thes, I also miss the ‘dive deeper’ questions!!
There are questions in the study book.
I agree with Thes. I loved the questions in the previous study. Thank you SRT for all the hard work you put into these studies.
God is the gardener. I am not. The Holy Spirit will reveal any sin. He will pull out that root and replace it with His Fruit. I stay connected to the Vine by consistent prayer, study, Christian fellowship and intentional worship. The tighter my connection, the greater the results of good fruit. God will do any pruning needed. I merely nurture fertile soil by staying in the Word. It’s a relief and comfort to know that the Holy Spirit does the heavy lifting.
Oh how I love the fruits of the Spirit, they give me such joy, peace and strength to get through each day. God bless you all!
I have to say beautiful study so far, bur i do miss the questions. They just made you think one step further.
Or is that just me? Maybe there is a option to do both?
I do not know or have anything to do with the “Pingback: In Step With The Spirit – Precursor Wellnes. I cannot delete it from my post so please do not associate whatever this is with me.
Blessings on all the lovely SRT ladies and may this new study bless ALL of us greatly !
So excited to start this new study book!
Bless you SRT for all the work that you do to bring the words of God to us in an understandable and relational manner so that we can put hands and feet to do His will and put His Word into every day practice.
I have grown so much by reading the daily scripture verses, the devotion and the comments from the community of ladies globally who respond and share and encourage each other.
May God bless you SRT and all the SRT ladies and may we show GOD to all we encounter in our everyday lives.