I Will Give You Peace and Rest

Open Your Bible

Matthew 11:28-30, John 14:27, John 20:19-23, Psalm 55:22, Isaiah 53:1-5, Philippians 4:4-7, Colossians 3:12-17

When you think of rest, you may envision a quiet weekend in a quaint cabin in the woods, or perhaps a peaceful morning on the beach. Maybe you just imagine a morning when you get to ignore the alarm and sleep for an extra thirty minutes. The image we often have of rest is one of stillness and quiet, but what Jesus promises us goes beyond mere tranquility.

The rest Jesus offers isn’t a retreat, but a new way of living, drawn from an Old Testament concept called shalom. Shalom is more than rest; it is peace, wholeness, blessing, and connection to the Lord. This is only possible when we learn to rely on God rather than our own efforts, to cast our worries onto His back rather than piling them up on our own. This is the rest Jesus calls us to. And when we accept His invitation, we find His peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

Jesus tells His followers that His “yoke is easy and [His] burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). His “yoke” is a lifestyle, a commitment to walk in obedience to His teachings and in light of His example. Jesus taught the way of the kingdom, complete with the pace and priorities of heaven, and He modeled total dependence on God, the key to true shalom. When we follow His example, we learn we can take His peace with us wherever we go.

(93) Comments

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93 thoughts on "I Will Give You Peace and Rest"

  1. Allison Sherwood says:

    I feel like I am in the midst of learning what a balanced, human life looks like, and the concept that we can have peace in the middle of everything just sounds so lovely! Regardless of what my life brings, I can still have peace in Christ! Amen!

  2. Ashley Cesare says:

    Every year I chose a word to anchor to and last year’s word was “rest.” I found myself reliving in past sin, overwhelmed by my own thoughts and understanding. I needed to surrender completely to Jesus. And that is what I did! I focused on resting in his love and forgiveness. I felt the most beautiful sense of peace in my life. I won’t lie, there were times throughout last year that I did fail to rest in his plan for me. I would focus too much on my own plans and own understandings. I’m working on this, though! This year, my word is “focus,” really putting Jesus at the center of my life and focusing on the goodness that he is in my world. So far, I feel free and at peace! Amen!

  3. Poppy Waskett says:

    Let your reasonableness be known to everyone, the Lord is at hand. It is by His holy spiritual that I can be reasonable, patient, kind and compassionate, gentle and humble. As I go to work today and need those gifts I thank you Lord that I can trust in your Holy Spirit to help me. Alone I cannot do it in my own strength but with Jesus I can. Thank you for paying the price so that I can know that the Lord is at hand as I go into today.

  4. Julie Hurst says:

    I feel like this was written just for me. I want to truly find shalom in my life.

  5. Destiny Bibbd says:

    God knew I needed this today!

  6. Elspeth Scanlen says:

    I absolutely need this today. And for the next 14 days of quarantine.
    I need to memorise these scriptures!

  7. Jennifer Elzea says:

    It’s like this was written just for me. Such a beautiful reminder of the peace and rest I can find ONLY in Jesus!

  8. Jessica Rainbow says:

    Enjoying a restful morning and hoping to build more shalom in the rhythms of regular life. Thank you God for this opportunity to take a break and help me to lean on your for rest in you.

  9. Ashley Rhoades says:

    Jesus let me find rest in you

  10. Anneliese Peterson says:

    I need this today. ❤️

  11. Claire Faith says:

    I’m slowly learning the peace of Jesus can reign in the midst of the greatest chaos….it’s a lifestyle change/a mindset change to find God’s peace in the everyday!

  12. Carney Elias says:

    A wonderful day of readings and a reminder we constantly need. The commentary missed the fact that we need to rely on Jesus’ death in order to live fully dependent on God and walking in his peace. Jesus is so much more than just an example of God’s peace. Praise God that through Jesus death we can know his peace!

  13. Vicki Armour says:

    So many times I think of how much I call on Jesus to handle all my cares. Recently, my days are more stressful outside of COVID and when I forget to go to him in prayer I am so overwhelmed. Having so many deaths over these past four years, especially losing my husband to lung cancer and now the possibility of my oldest sister having the same disease, I must rely more on my faith than ever before. God has taken me through the darkest time and brought me back to light and life and he will continue to do so, I am confident of this.

  14. Krystyn Carey says:


  15. Julia Trainer says:

    I’m new here, and I started reading this reading plan a lot later than the rest of you. But I really needed these words today. I’ve been worrying a lot of things that are out of my control and in Gods hands. I keep reminding myself that is is out of my hands, but I continue to worry. Any advise on how to “accept his invitation” and fully rely on him?

    1. Jess Thomas says:

      Julia combatting worrying and anxiety is an active practice, and it doesn’t fix overnight, but it’s not impossible. I have found that training my mind to recognize when it’s worrying and then actively redirect it has worked to calm anxious thoughts. I often use Philippians 4:6-7 and other passages to redirect my thoughts, to re-fix my eyes on Jesus, and to let go of (again and again) the things to make me worry. Sometimes I even visualize myself actually giving something over to Jesus or placing it at the cross. I have been a “Christian” most of my life, but only in November 2019 did I finally start truly seeking after God. SRT has been so helpful in giving me direction in daily reading of God’s word, which in turn has begun to fill my heart with His words and peace. Different passages come to mind for different occasions (worry, fear, joy, etc.). I believe the Holy Spirit is using my time in God’s word to give me a little more ammo for my anxiety and a little more cushion of His peace, each day that I read. Prayers for you, Sister. Hang in there.

  16. Chelsea Clifton says:

    I really needed this yesterday but I’m glad I got it today. So much heaviness and praying to actually give it over to God.

  17. Elisha Anne says:

    He will give us rest! He wants us to go to Him, ti give up our own way and go with Him, taking His burden, which is light. May we learn from Him continually, humility and gentleness. Amen!

  18. Taylor says:

    Shalom is only possible when I learn to rely on God rather than my own efforts. Wow this really hit me today! Today’s Scripture readings, the devotions, and everyone’s comments were so encouraging and challenged me. I recognize I’m really bad at giving God full control over my life. Today’s devotion taught me that the key to true shalom is total dependence on God. Lehua K., your comment really encouraged me. I also struggle with letting go and letting God. I am so thankful that he is a patient Teacher, like you said! God I pray that I would surrender to your will for me and obey your teachings so I may experience true Shalom in you. I want to feel that wholeness and deep connection to You. Thank you for never giving up on me. I love You. Amen

  19. Erricka Hager says:

    Matthew 11:28-30; Peace is something that I’m truly learning to value. I’m also learning that it’s okay to forfeit people and things for peace. In this scripture the Lord promises peace and tells us do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. This scripture is so comforting b/c peace is a gift the Lord is willing and ready to give!!!!

  20. Lehua K. says:

    Praying for God’s protection and healing over you and your family, Cassandra.

  21. Judie Dionglay says:

    Praying for you & your family, Cassandra!❤️

  22. Claire Berkeley-Hitt says:

    JENNIE & HAYLEE, me too! Indeed, my alarm goes off each morning at 6 so that I can have a some time with God before my toddler wakes. Some mornings, she’s up before me anyway and I miss out on my time. Or my dogs wake up early, barking from their crates (this morning, 2am, 1st one then the other) which then wakes me and potentially our daughter so I get up with them and by the time I am asleep again I sleep through my alarm. And when these things happen, I smile and shrug and try to squeeze in my study at other moments. On the mornings when I am alone, though, the affect of having that uninterrupted time with God in the Word and the peace that I get from it is so powerful. Motherhood has turned out to be so much harder than I imagined so I have turned to God to help me as he has before and it makes all the difference. I really appreciate that other moms are also struggling to carve out their moments of solitude to seek God’s comfort, guidance, and reassurance.

    I would love to respond to your post directly but I am one of those who can’t do so; I’ve emailed SRT about this and did get a response that they know its an issue. Sorry to hear there is the problem with the highlighting in the app!

  23. Hannah Tidwell says:

    I am new to doing these readings. This one was my favorite so far!

  24. Lisa Vanderplate says:

    Loved this day’s study !!! So good <3

  25. Alisha Attella-Sevier says:

    15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.

    This caught me today. Beautiful!

  26. Cassandra King says:

    Writing from an er bed after 6 weeks of trying to recover from Covid. I’m overwhelmed and so tired of being sick. Jesus bore my sickness! He is even now! I don’t have to be afraid and can rest in his peace. So glad my regular morning time reading got delayed because I read this just a few minutes ago while feeling afraid and so tired of this illness. Please pray I don’t take home any new germs, and please pray for complete healing and safety for our girls. Waiting on results of labs, heart test and lung tests.

    1. Jen Brewer says:

      Praying for you Cassandra ❤️❤️❤️

      1. Andrea P says:

        Prayers sent!

    2. Jennifer Wing says:

      Praying for you.

    3. Carolee Moore says:

      Love and prayers for you and your family Cassandra.

    4. Sara W says:

      Praying for you Cassandra!

    5. Jennifer Wheeler says:


    6. K D says:

      Praying for you!!

    7. Elizabeth Carlock says:

      Prayers for a full recovery and safety for your family.

    8. Loree Broderick says:

      Hi Cassandra,
      I know you are struggling but do not let fear overcome you. Jesus is our Almighty healer! He will see you through this illness & you will find peace & strength beyond measure! Let your faith be overwhelming to take over. I lift you up to Him, He hears our prayers, knows our needs & loves you more than you can imagine!

    9. Caitlin H. says:


    10. Cassandra King says:

      Thank you all so much. Nights are tough! I didn’t get any sleep last night and am praying for a good night tonight.

  27. Jessica Williamston says:

    Isn’t so awesome when you read the word and notice how that word that message is currently being lived out in your life at that very moment. In this season God has done so much to show me his power and allowed me to live in his grace. I am so thankful for where he has taken me from and where he will bless me going forward. I know by continuing to abide in Him for EVERYTHING will produce a lifestyle centered around his promises. His peace is not evident by the absence of strife alone but by knowing his faithfulness is unchanging.

  28. Susan Crosby says:

    In Him we find a peace that passes all understanding. Our sin sick heart has been healed if we are believers. Our heart becomes whole. We find rest in Him!

  29. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love the promise of God’s peace and rest! Having a nine month old baby, rest is something that is so precious.

  30. Rebekah Long says:

    Praise God for rest and Shalom

  31. Kenzie says:

    In the second paragraph above, what do you mean when you said “Shalom is more than rest; it is peace, wholeness, blessing, and connection to the Lord. This is only possible when we learn to rely on God rather than our own efforts” what does the rather than our own efforts mean exactly? Do you you mind going into detail on that?

  32. Maggi O says:

    Nothing else in the world right now in the midst of all this covid destruction makes sense. But Gods peace is a constant reminder of hope and restoration.

  33. Maggi O says:

    Thank God that we can depend on Gods peace.

  34. Lehua K. says:

    I wish I could reply to all of your comments, dear sisters… The website won’t let me do it directly though. My thoughts and prayers go out to you ladies as I read through, please know that. :)

    “Let go and let God” – something I have definitely struggled with many times because of the tendency to want to take everything upon myself (even other people’s problems). I’ve had short moments where I do let go and feel that peace that surpasses understanding, and then before long I revert back to my old habits of taking the yoke back. In those moments where I catch myself, I need to remember to have grace with myself like He does with me, and to simply let go rather than beat myself up about it emotionally. It’s a learning process and I am grateful that He is a patient Teacher, one who is willing to take the yoke from me. But I must be willing to let go, He gives me the choice to do so and if I don’t, then I face the consequences of that choice in that moment and I feel the weight bear upon me, until I learn to let go again.

  35. Rhonda Turcotte says:

    Hi. Just yesterday I read that Shalom meant absolute wholeness, full harmonious, joyful, flourishing life in a book by Tim Keller. Then this morning as I looked out the window all 5 horses were lying down snoozing in the sun.Horses are prey animals and will only rest if they feel safe. We live in the foothills in Alberta. A special illustration of resting in God’s peace. And then I read all the verses from today. How we need this peace in this strangest of times. Shalom , dear ones

  36. Pam Williams says:

    Decades ago I was quite distraught over a situation and was bawling as I drove home. I cried out to the Lord and then I heard his voice say, But my yoke is easy and my burden is light. You need to exchange your yoke and burden with me. I have never forgotten that moment And have had to remind myself of it many times throughout my life.

  37. Cristina Higgins says:

    What pulled my eye today was in John 20: 22′ “After saying this, he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”” Now I thought they received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. So I go searching. This is what I find in a footnote of my Bible. John 20:22–The Greek word used here (for breathed) does not appear elsewhere in the New Testament, however, it is the same word found in the Septuagint for God “breathed” into Adam’s nostrils the breath of life (Gen. 2:7). The beginning of new creation life came from the breath of Jesus. The mighty wind of Acts 2 was for power, the breath Jesus breathed into his disciples in this verse was for life. I love the peace and life that comes from Jesus every day. I look forward to coming to Him every day.

    1. Georgia Di says:

      Would love to see these devotionals deep dive a bit more into the topic – like you just did!

  38. DOROTHY says:

    Today’s Bible verses offer so much hope and all we have to do is believe and have faith. Believe Jesus is the Son of God. Faith God, Christ and the Holy Ghost (Spirit) can do all things no matter how big or small. Most of all we need to turn all our worries, problems, concerns and troubles over to God. As the saying goes, “Let God and let go.” I know this is hard because at times I have a hard time doing it but I know every time I have done it I feel so much better. Now, especially, we need to turn our woes over to the Lord and “Let God and let go.” We need to have Shalom within us because then “we can take His peace with us wherever we go.” Have a blessed Tuesday my dear sisters and Shalom.

  39. Liz A says:

    Thank God we can find peace and rest in him; especially during these crazy/uncertain times. I’m grateful I can be certain I God’s goodness. Sisters, please pray for my bf Mario. He is searching for God & my prayer is that during this time where the distractions of the world have been taken away that He heads & experiences God

  40. Ruthie MacKenzie says:

    This was just what I needed to be reminded of today. I’ve moved countries as I got married to a Canadian and we’re having different paperwork issues of various kinds – but I know God is bigger and that he knew about these issues before I even met my husband. He knows what I need, and in His perfect timing He will show me the next steps forward. It probably won’t look like what I’ve planned or desired, but His way is better. And my job, right now, is to have the peace of Christ which transcends all understanding govern my heart. Thank you for doing such a great job in helping us fix our eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2) SRT!! It’s very very much appreciated!!

    1. Marie Kdjian says:

      Praying for you Ruthie! Xx

  41. Jennifer Martin says:

    I needed these readings today. Thank you SRT ♥️

  42. Cynthia Coffen says:

    How wonderful Mari! 26 years in his yoke :) May Peace be with you today.

  43. Diana Fleenor says:

    As I woke this morning, my mind went to a passage I read yesterday about being a generous and cheerful giver. In considering my own heart and actions in this regard, I began to feel very limited in generosity, or rather constrained in it. Ironically, I have monetary funds that I could give to those who are in need in the middle of COVID-19, but struggle to get the gift out to others because of my physical limitations due to a debilitating illness. I have been partnering with a young woman from my church who has physical abilities to be the hands and feet that I cannot be. I’m so grateful that she is the vessel the Lord is using to bring loving gifts to others in need. Yet, times like this morning, I feel a sense of “it’s not enough.” In these moments I question my heart.

    Today’s devotion reminded me that in order to love well, whether in word, deed or attitude, I need to rest in Jesus first. I am not enough, but he is! My giving can only be truly generous, cheerful and loving if he first fills me with love, generosity and cheerfulness. This is what I pray for today, for you and for me. Blessings to each of you!

  44. Traci Gendron says:

    Col 3:14-15 Above all, put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. And let the peace of Christ, to which you were also called on one body, rule your hearts. And be thankful. A good reminder for me today. To put on love. To let the word dwell in me. To give thanks always. He will give me what I need. Shalom; peace, wholeness, blessing, & connection to the Lord.

  45. Mari V says:

    Last night was not so peaceful. I went to bed sad. Disputes among siblings, especially when its your own children are painful. So I will lay my burdens upon the feet of Jesus and ask for prayer of you my sisters here at SRT. BUT I will rejoice! Today, Cinco de Mayo 1984,
    Jesus became the Lord of my life! 

    1. Michelle Yon says:

      Praise God!!

  46. Traci Gendron says:

    Col 3:14 -15 Above all, put o love, which is the perfect bond of unity.

  47. Jenna says:

    I’m really thankful that Jesus has made a way for us to have peace with God, the peace of a whole and restored relationship with Him. When we’re made right with God, the storms can rage and the mountains can be shaken, but we won’t be moved. That’s a good promise I want to cling to in a time like this!

  48. Jennie says:

    This morning I was in bed thanking God for the gift of sleep.. I just love sleep lol. But then my thoughts shifted to the idea of rest, and I felt the Holy Spirit tell me that true rest is not just staying in my bed, but sometimes it’s getting up early and starting my day slowly before the kids rush out needing a bajillion things (I have 4 kids) and then this verse came to mind. So I got up, realized my baby was still asleep (she’s usually my alarm clock), made myself coffee, and decided to come on here to read today’s devotion … then it all just came full circle. If I would have stayed in bed I would have missed out on true rest, abiding in Him before the business of the day takes over. I struggle getting up before my kids because like I said, I just love sleep. But God has been gently reminding me about this for a while- our souls need true rest, and that can only be found in our Prince of Peace. Ok, now gotta go… baby’s up! God bless you SRT family, I pray you all find true rest today!

    1. Haley Watson says:

      This is my life exactly. Thank you for reminding me of the difference between bodily rest and rest for my soul!

    2. Tina Chutz says:

      Thank you Jennie. I agree with Haley and am grateful to be reminded of the difference between physical rest and spiritual rest. I cannot tell you how many times I have missed out on the spiritual best God had for me by holding onto physical rest. I have been praying for that to change and it slowly is.

    3. Sarabeth Segars says:

      I am in a similar place as well. A friend encouraged me to let go of some expectations that I have (primarily entertaining my children the whole morning) and spend time in the word. She calls it “mama’s coffee time” and the children know that it is mama’s quiet time. Because my sleep is so disrupted, I have trouble staying awake first thing in the morning if I am reading. But a few hours into my morning, it is much easier. God’s rest and peace is so important. He has convicted me of letting His time go too many times.

  49. Maura says:

    Such a promise His peace and rest, such a gift. In Matthew 11:28-30 where Jesus says “Take up my yoke and learn from me because I am lowly and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls.” I am reminded that when we take up His yoke, he walks beside us and when He walks beside us we are so very blessed and what we are carrying is light because He is carrying us, holding us in incredible grace, hope that does not disappoint and love that never ends. Joy Sisters, our God has rest for our souls and peace that is beyond understanding. Shine on.

  50. Kelly Genn says:

    I had never noticed before that in Isaiah 53:5 it says that the punishment for our peace was on Him. He purchased our peace – and he paid a mighty price. Who am I to waste it? I need to choose peace and rest daily! Thank you Jesus!

    1. Kerry Rowley says:

      I thought the same thing. I had never noticed that verse before.

    2. Christina Fowlkes says:

      Me neither. Yes, who are we to waste it, so we’ll put

  51. Erika Bergsagel says:

    Shalom.. ahhh, peace that surpasses all understanding. Right before Easter, my church was doing communion pick up ..( from our church office due to social distancing)
    And my worship pastor was the one there when I came. He asked me if he could pray for me. So I told him a little bit about what was going on in my head the past weeks since quarantine…
    it didn’t sink in until just now. Shalom. Peace. True peace. My soul is at ease for the first time since march 16 when they closed our state!
    Yesterday the lord blessed me with many things.. but at the end of the day, I had the ultimate blessing.. shalom.
    I get it now Jesus.. thanks be to God!

    1. Melissa Graves says:

      Erika, thanks for sharing here…when it’s God who is giving the peace, it is in spite of circumstances, not because of them, as you have clearly demonstrated in your post! All glory to the King, I see Him flowing through you more and more all the time!

  52. Elizabeth Polley says:

    These are some of my favorite verses and passages in the Word. I always have had anxious thoughts, a racing mind, endless worry that I battle. It is something that is always in the back of my mind, no matter what. But the past few years I have really began to dwell on these verses and put my trust in the Lord, trying to give my anxiety over to Him. It is a daily, hourly battle but I have found that reminders of the peace God gives helps me to think more eternally, rather than dwell on the (sometimes insignificant) worries of today.

  53. Dona Bell says:

    Angie, your words today were beautiful! Empty my cart of excess, so I can rest in your peace. Just spoke to me today!

  54. Amy Pilcher says:

    This study has included some of my favorite scriptures. However, the highlight option doesn’t seem to be working in my app. I sent an email but haven’t gotten a response. It is only me or are others not able to highlight within the app?

    1. Lara Castillo says:

      I couldn’t get highlight to work in the readings either, but when I went to the Bible to read it (underneath the verse it says tap to read in the Bible) the highlight option worked in the Bible part of the app.

    2. Ashley Lewis says:

      Yes my highlight isn’t working either

    3. Jen Brewer says:

      I have had this issue as well, Amy! I have sent a few emails to support without responses though have seen improvements recently in the issues I mentioned so I imagine they are working on it.

  55. Doris says:

    What a time to be reminded of these promises, peace and rest. The world can’t give it, it only tries to fake it. To focus and meditate on His word is our way to be at rest and have peace through the times we are in now. May our neighbors and friends see us live in this rest and peace that only God can give.
    Enjoyed the thoughts on these scriptures today.

  56. Kristen says:

    Has everyone listened to the podcast that goes with this teaching? The podcasts come out on Monday. If you can, go and listen. May His peace be with you.

    1. K R says:

      The podcasts have helped me so much! They are a high light of my week!

  57. Natalie McMahon says:

    I love John 14:27 because it reminds us that God promises us peace through His Son but it will look different. It won’t be the world’s image of peace. It will be the kind of peace his Spirit offers where even though things are not okay, you know you are okay because your hope is in heaven and you are abiding in the Lord each day.

  58. Deanna says:

    Yes! I find the farther I get from reading the Word daily, the more apt I am to lose my peace. I’ve been struggling for a while, and I realize I’ve allowed myself to focus on what our family has been losing out on due to this quarantining. I’m refocusing on Him, not me.

  59. Angela Sutherland says:

    As a Mom to young kids, the thought of rest is like an out of reach dream. I needed today’s lesson to show me that rest in Christ isn’t so much about physical rest as it is a lifestyle. Having the peace of God comes from time in His Word and laying all my burdens at His feet and walking in the truths of the Word. Learning to live in love and unity is a part of it too. As I walk in His ways, He sustains me. He provides the rest that I need to keep going. I’m sure as my kids grow up and become less dependent on me for their every need, I will have more time for physical rest, but part of that will come from finding my rest in Jesus now and living a life that follows Him in front of my kids and praying they will adopt the same way of living. I pray they will see that peace doesn’t mean that everything is perfect and in order, but peace is knowing Who our anchor is in the midst of the storm.

  60. Melinda says:

    I’m so thankful for this community. I can feel God’s peace and guidance everyday during this quarantine moment. Thank you everyone for sharing your experience. I feel so blessed and not feeling lonely because i sm rest assured that The Holy T is always here within each of us. ❤️ Feeling so loved.

  61. Danielle McCutcheon says:

    Matthew 11:28-30 ❤️ I needed this devotion and to read these verses today.

  62. Blessed Beth says:

    Thank you Angie, our sermon on Sunday was about the armor of God and quoted Spurgeon also, thanks for sharing his and your words.

  63. Angie says:

    Yoked with Jesus in Shalom.
    Charles Spurgeon says when speaking of Matthew 28-29, “The peace of God serves as both arms and armor; it is both battle-ax and breastplate. It will be your heart’s comfort and your hand’s strength. It will be good for day and night, for calm and storm.”
    I paraphrase as he continued…This is the only passage in the NT which mentions the heart of Jesus, “gentle and humble.” The still, small voice makes us glad and we draw closer, close enough to hear the peal of thunder in His words of awesome power and authority, Jehovah Jesus says, “I am.” And as the thunder echos in my ear and reverberates throughout my soul, “the soft drops of eternal mercy fall upon my brow” and I hear again the gentle voice of Jesus saying, “Gentle and humble in heart.”
    George Macdonald talks about the addition of the yoke. (The yoke of Shalom, I add.) A yoke shared with Jesus.
    But a yoke is for drawing, for pulling a weight. What is the weight we harness ourselves to? What did Jesus live for? The will of the eternal, perfect Father. A cart empty of excess, drawing the eternal, laden with the will of the Father and the joy of Jesus.
    Shalom sisters, Shalom

  64. Tricia C says:

    I’m so thankful that even in the midst of everything going on now and at other times, we can have such a peace. Let that be a message to others. Let God’s peace in the midst of the storm, the peace that causes one to rejoice in the Lord, be known.
    I remember memorizing the Philippians passage many years ago. It came right back. Now I’ll be thinking it all day. Wonderful!
    Have a blessed day, sisters.

  65. Churchmouse says:

    I have found that the peace of God is most present when the Word of Christ dwells richly within me. Following the guiding of Col. 3:16, the more time I spend reading and meditating on Scripture, the more at peace I am. The more time I spend in worship, singing praise to Him, the more at peace I become. The more time I spend with my faith community, sharing testimonies and encouraging each other, the more peace I acquire. The more time I spend in gratitude instead of grumbling, the more peace takes root within me. Yes, Jesus gives me His peace. Col. 3:16 gives practical ways to cultivate His peace, to live in peace though all the world be swirling in chaos. I center on Him. I take Him at His Word. I feel the breath of His Holy Spirit. And I am at peace.

  66. Blessed Beth says:

    Oh what a way to start the morning reading these verses over and over, I can truly feel The lLord with me. I am a person who doesn’t sleep well, it isn’t that I am worrying, I just can’t sleep. God has taught me to take this time to be with Him. Oh these assurances and promises in His word have given me such peace and rest in Him. I pray you all experience it no matter what your day may bring ahead and remember the Holy Spirit will guide you through it, I feel and welcome His presence right now. Praying for each of you.

    1. Jen Brewer says:

      Thank you, sweet Beth. I am a light sleeper though sometimes worry or racing thoughts keep me awake. I often use that time to talk to the Lord but meditating on Scripture would be good to do then too. I was up almost every hour last night to pee (30 weeks pregnant with second child, our daughter) and your words encouraged me to use those night time wakenings to draw closer to Jesus. Thank you for your encouragement and prayers. Am always blessed by your words ❤️