After you finish reading today’s Scriptures, come back and read the essay here to dig deeper into the ways we see this specific promise at work in our day’s reading. Then join your fellow Bible readers in the comments to reflect on and discuss what you’re learning!
Jesus promised His followers everlasting life (more on that on Day 18!), but the hope of the Christian life is so much more than that. He also spoke of a new life that starts right here and now, what John 10:10 describes as abundant life. It is abundant because it is the kind of life only God can provide—characterized by full freedom for the oppressed, healing for the brokenhearted, and joy for all who trust in Him (Is 61:1, 7).
How do we experience this abundant life? By abiding in Christ and allowing Him to grow in us the fruit of His Spirit (Jn 15:5), by drawing near and allowing Him to cleanse us of sin (Heb 10:22), and by living out Christ’s love and goodness in our actions and encouragements with each other (Heb 10:23–24).
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113 thoughts on " I Will Give You Abundant Life"
AMEN!! ✝️❤
It hit today that he promises both abundant life now and eternal life.
So powerful. Thank You, Lord.
This hit me differently today
That is a great way to interpret that verse! And that makes much more sense than it meaning personal prosperity.
Jesus wants us to be like him! Love and respect like him!
We are commanded to remain in Him and bear fruit (John 15). Could it be that the promise of abundance is not that of personal prosperity but that of bearing much fruit? If we as branches remain in the vine, we will abundantly bear fruit. That shifted my perspective.
Afternoon, She’s!! Thank you Lord.. for this rich and abundant life! May we all take the time to slow down and recognize the goodness in our lives.. praying for peace over you all today, sisters!
When I was brand new in faith, I was told that once I received Jesus, the abundant life would come, and life would become easier, nicer, more successful. Some part of it is truth, however, there’s danger in partial truth. A crucial part is that the way to abundant life is through the wilderness, before the promised land always comes first the wilderness, and through the cross (of self-denial). None preach much on the suffering for the journey to the abundant life, because it simply won’t sell (but please pastors just preach the truth and don’t compromise, don’t shortcut it, don’t sugarcoat it for we need to count the cost!). I was hungry for the Word and the Truth. By God’s grace, I stumbled across many old books of preachers back in the old days, and they preached the hard truth. Thank you SRT for this, whoever the writer that wrote this for today: “How do we experience this abundant life? By abiding in Christ and allowing Him to grow in us the fruit of His Spirit (Jn 15:5), by drawing near and allowing Him to cleanse us of sin (Heb 10:22), and by living out Christ’s love and goodness in our actions and encouragements with each other (Heb 10:23–24)”. I love this! The Lord alone is our reward. The Lord alone is the joy. The Lord is our keeper and our shade. To know the Lord is eternal life (John 17:3). This is the abundant life. Abundant life is not to possess more material things, not having more cars, more toys, more houses, more shoes, more clothes or more collections. And Jesus said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses” (Luke 12:15). May we renew our mind daily. I was sold a different abundant life. But GOD! Embrace a different kind of abundant life today dear sisters if you might have misunderstood like me. Let no one deceive us, to lead us to utter disappointment to shipwreck our faith. Thank you all for your prayers on our recovery. The kids are all good, I am still on the mend praise God (thank you CEE GEE!). Our temperature is warming up tomorrow above zero. Isn’t the Lord so incredible? It has been so cold but it’s changing. So thankful for your prayers and encouragement. Be blessed dear sisters.
How do I experience this abundant life?
Here’s my little exercise.
1. “abiding in Christ and allowing Him to grow in me the fruit of His Spirit (Jn 15:5)”
I can do better.
You can amp up your prayer time, girl friend. Soak more in the richness of scripture. Embody the Fruits of the Sprit. (Galatians 5:22-23).
2. “drawing near and allowing Him to cleanse me of sin (Heb 10:22)”.
I can stop holding back.
Give it ALL. He has X-ray vision, you know. Nothing hidden. He is signaling forgiveness repeatedly.
3. “living out Christ’s love and goodness in my actions and encouragements with others (Heb 10:23–24)”.
I can stop patting myself on the back.
Am I doing what I do in service to God, or in service to myself. Seeking reward or recognition.
But, you know what, here I sit judging myself. When He never does. He even holds me tighter & tells me not to be so hard on myself. He knows me better than I know myself. He values every little thing about me. And He says “try softer”. Put down the pen, lift up your head, my daughter.
Whoa! Quite an abundance of words there! While the Lord my God has given, is giving, will give forever freely out of His abundance. So many good things! So big I can’t get my arms around them! More numerous than the stars as said to Abraham!
This is beautiful! “Try softer”. What you wrote really resonated with me. I am so quick to judge, especially myself. But God tells me look up bc he loves me anyway.
I appreciate this. The practical spelling it out is really insightful. Thank you❤️
Oh the sweet promises of God! Abundant life!
The Greek word for “abundance” is perissos, this is the definition:
1. exceeding some number or measure or rank or need
—1. over and above, more than is necessary, superadded
—2. exceeding abundantly,
—3. something further, more, much more than all, more plainly
2. superior, extraordinary, surpassing, uncommon
—1. pre-eminence, superiority, advantage, more eminent, more remarkable, more excellent
This is the kind of life that God intends for us, through His Son!…I don’t know about you, but I feel so undeserving of this kind of life. But God! That’s the kind of God He is – so loving, so generous, so compassionate! Praise God for this abundant life that we are gifted!
Also noticing in Hebrews 10:22-25 the active part we are to play in persevering in the faith…
Let us draw near to God (vs 22
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess (vs 23)
Let us consider how we may spur one another on (vs 24)
So much to glean today!
@ Donna Wolcott – how did your visit with the surgeon go?
@A Walton – continued prayers for your mom and your building situation
@Teresa Donley – continued prayers for Amanda
@Cheryl Blow – so sorry to hear of your fall, praying your wrist heals quickly.
@Kathy – prayers for wisdom and strength for your husband, and for your biopsy results.
@Cee Gee – thank you for sharing the song Peace Be Still by John Finch. I had not heard it before but this morning played it on repeat – beautiful song!
@Emily Defoe – praying that God will open a door for you to teach art.
@Traci G – praying for your hurt from your fall to heal.
@Taylor – it is SO, SO, good to hear from you! You have been in my prayers and I have missed “seeing” you here. Thank you for updating us on your life – continued prayers for all your requests.
@ Kris – thank you for what you wrote yesterday, I made note of it!..”Thru Him we are all victorious and we will overcome the obstacles this world gives us. The key is habitually remaining in Him.”
@Mia faith – will be praying for all the “anniversaries” that you have coming up.
Thank you all for your prayers concerning Jim, Debbie, and their son Matty’s sudden death. They met with my husband Jeff today as they would like him to do the funeral, because these past few weeks Matty had been mentioning Jeff. As I said yesterday – Matty grew up in our church and even though they have been gone from it for 5 + years, Matty never forgot Pastor Jeff.
I see God working us all toward healing from the hurt of when they left our church. All glory to God. Continued prayers are appreciated.
Love you all – thanks for listening!❤️
Beautiful post, Sharon! Continued prayers for reconciliation! ❤ So glad the song blessed you!
Thank you for sharing.
Have for this family and all who are coming along side to serve them❤️
Thank you YHWH for making a way for us to come to the throne of grace, YESHUA thank you for loving us to the point of death. Holy Spirit thank you for making our bodies your dwelling place. I pray for everyone of my sisters on this app doing this study alongside me may your words get inscribed in their hearts to know you more to understand our purpose in your perfect plan. May they see your supernatural work that surpasses time and space as we know it in their life. You are for them and you will use all of the trials, pain to grow us in the perfect way that only you can. You are refining us through it all . We love you and honor you and give it all to you, all our worries, our illness, our families all at your throne of grace. In Jesus mighty name!!! Amen!!
Amen! Thank you!
God is so good and He is so timely. I shared yesterday that the church where my husband is on staff has lost some of its staff. It’s all good and what I believe God wants for our church. But, now there’s the stress of continuing to minister and serve. I also shared that I had to have a biopsy done and it did come back positive. It’s basel cell carcinoma which is curable and slow-growing and could have been so much worse.
I say all of that to share how much these verses today meant to me, especially John 15:2, “…he prunes every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce more fruit.”
I don’t believe for a minute that God sends bad things into our lives. He is too good and too holy to do that. However, I do believe that He can take the bad that comes and use it for His glory and for my good. So, that’s my prayer during this time of uncertainty and yes, a little bit of terror.
Prune me, Father God. I trust You with all of this. Get rid of anything that hinders me from producing good fruit. Help me to abide, to remain, to make my home in Your love. Help me to keep your commands – draw near to you with a true heart in full assurance of faith. Sprinkle my heart and wash my body with your pure water. Help me to hold on to the confession of my hope without wavering.
Use this time to prune our church. Show us ways we can consider one another in order to provoke love and good works. May we not neglect to gather together and may we encourage one another.
Thank You, Father God, for this snow day from school. May I use this time to pause, be still, and notice your greatness. May I worship You today. I love You, Lord. You are good and You are so good at being God. And You are so good to me. In Your Name, Amen
Praying for you my Sister and for your family and church family. Lifting up those needs along with Praise to the Father Who makes the way!
Continued prayers for your church Kathy. ❤️
Thank you all for the prayers! I am praying for all of you!
The abundant life that Jesus gives us is peace and joy in the up and down. It’s knowing that no matter what happens to us, God’s with us and for us. He hears our cry!
Praise- I w we as able to sleep very well with my broken wrist! God is so good!
Please pray for my sweet husband having to take care of me.
Isaiah 61:1-7 stood out to me because that is how I want to live. Through Jesus I am able to live life abundantly. I’m free from the transgressions and shackles of my old life. His blood has freed me and protected me. I release all things that no longer align with me and Christ. I am made anew and am ready to live as God has always intended me to.
I pray I can be a balm to the brokenhearted that have lost children. That God would provide the words that they need to hear. Help those that are so stuck in their grief they can’t see a way out.
Yesterday I was out with Ellie (pup) and a woman stopped to pet her. I noticed she was wearing a cross necklace and a But God necklace! We had a long conversation after that. She text me this morning to go on a walk along the beach. She tries to find someone that needs to hear about Jesus. And she is doing it in a beautiful way. I had Miss Ellie Mae to deal with as she is in training (potty). But hope to go with her soon.
❤ What a divine appointment! How is your injury?
Don’t you just love meeting a new person who is a believer!!???!! You fly so high after a conversation like that!!
Today’s reading brings to mind an older Casting Crowns sing, Thrive (partial lyrics):
We know we were made
For so much more than ordinary lives
It’s time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive
Into Your Word, we’re digging deep
To know our Father’s heart
Into the world, we’re reaching out
To show them who You are
And a newer song by Josh Baldwin, Made for More.
Love, hugs, and prayers, sisters! ❤❤❤
(I am not liking the changes to the emoticons on my Kindle!)
Sharing some notes from Got Questions:
“This word “abundant” in the Greek is perisson, meaning “exceedingly, very highly, beyond measure, more, superfluous, a quantity so abundant as to be considerably more than what one would expect or anticipate.” In short, Jesus promises us a life far better than we could ever imagine, a concept reminiscent of 1 Corinthians 2:9: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” The apostle Paul tells us that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, and He does it by His power, a power that is at work within us if we belong to Him (Ephesians 3:20).
Abundant life is eternal life, a life that begins the moment we come to Christ and receive Him as Savior, and goes on throughout all eternity. The biblical definition of life — specifically eternal life — is provided by Jesus Himself: “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” (John 17:3). This definition makes no mention of length of days, health, prosperity, family, or occupation. As a matter of fact, the only thing it does mention is knowledge of God, which is the key to a truly abundant life. …
This teaches us that the abundant life is a continual process of learning, practicing, and maturing, as well as failing, recovering, adjusting, enduring, and overcoming, because, in our present state, “we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror” (1 Corinthians 13:12). One day we will see God face to face, and we will know Him completely as we will be known completely (1 Corinthians 13:12). We will no longer struggle with sin and doubt. This will be the ultimately fulfilled abundant life.”
Amen! I too looked up abundance and synonyms for abundance. MORE than we can ask or imagine! Thank you Jesus! How good you are!
Prayer prompt for today:
“Thank you for your promise of abundant life and that I get to experience this kind of life today.”
So well said! It is a daily battle, but yet, it doesn’t need to be. That quiet assurance is everything !
It is ABUNDANTLY c-c-c-cold here this am. (It feels like -16… which is warmer than yesterday!) Know there are sweet sisters here that have temps colder than that, but this is rough for this grew-up-in-southern-California girl! (However, I have lived longer here in NW Missouri than in CA now.)
Even so, I have such an abundant life. Thank you, Jesus.
John 10:10 is my favorite verse, and it’s the verse that changed my life. I was reading it a few years back, and thought “why am I not living an abundant life?”, and went on a life long journey with God to figure this out. My curiosity and searching and seeking has changed my life to that now I AM living an abundant life – not perfectly, but so much more than ever before. It can be done. He came that we would have an abundant life, He isn’t hiding it from us, He is offering it to us every day… we have to seek after it and it will be there!! I promise!!
I love this! When you said He is offering it to us every day, my mind went to the Israelites in the wilderness. So often the people despised the blessings of provision God gave, because the blessings were unfamiliar or not what they wanted (manna, etc). How often do I despise the abundance God offers me? Eek. Convicting.
Yes, Kris
“ He isn’t hiding it from us, He is offering it to us every day… we have to seek after it and it will be there!!”
Lovingly put! Hiding in plain sight!
Taylor!!! Welcome back. I think about you often during my SRT time. :) I am so glad to see you here, again. I pray you are able to find a rhythm with the Word again, even if it isn’t SRT. He is our daily bread. ❤️ love you girl! We have been praying for you!!
There have been times I have leaned heavily on the promises found in Isaiah 61.
God is able to give us:
BEAUTY for ashes.
JOY for mourning.
PRAISE as clothing instead of carrying a spirit of heaviness.
Double HONOR instead of shame.
REJOICING in our inheritance, instead of being in a state of confusion
DOUBLE the land.
I wanted to repeat that for those who may need it today. ❤️
Let the Word of God be your hope.
He is faithful, even in hardship.
Love you ladies. Praying for you.
Innumerable prayers in return, Michelle P!
❤️❤️❤️❤️ aww !!! God bless and keep you
Jesus is the vine and I hope He can continue to instill in us through His light and teachings more and more love, goodness, faithfulness, and peace.
The last number of days my comments have been going to moderation and posting at other tumes. Same thing yesterday and what I shared went right to moderation and has now disappeared. I even tried reposting much later in the day and this morning, but same thing happened, so we’ll see about today.
The life of abundance through a Biblical lense is perhaps difficult to fully describe and truly beyond what the world would define it as. Living and loving sacrificially, abiding and resting in His promises are where we find that true abundant life. As we read in John 10:10, it’s why He came and if I remain in Him, he is near.
Thank you, Lord for the life I can have because of you and that it is your desire for us to have your abundance.
❤ interesting about moderation!
I just looked again and in fact, it has now posted twice….so weird
Wendy! Thank you for being obedient and still trying today. I appreciate your message and agree Thank you LORD!!! Just wanted you to know that we did read your message.
Mine too just went to moderation..ugh.
I went back to read your comment yesterday. So good. Thank you for sharing Wendy ❤️
Off topic a bit – I read the first 6 verses in John 10 along with the selected Scriptures. Jesus (those beloved words in red) is talking about the sheep following the shepherd, and in v 5 says “Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.”
As a follower of Jesus, why am I even listening to ‘strangers’, much less following them??? Why am I not fleeing from evil rather than giving it space in my life? Am I not at least as smart as a sheep?
CEE GEE – John Finch is new to me, song is good ❤️
MERCY – praying for family health, peace & rest ❤️
TERESA DONLEY- praying for Amanda today
KIMBERLY Z – good see you more often!
JENN – answered prayer testimony ❤️
CHERYL BLOW – oh no! Praying for smooth surgery and recovery ❤️❤️
KRISTY – thank you, His peace & wholeness
KRIS – praying as you continue to work through estate issues with siblings. Love your take on abundance
KATHY – praying as your husband works through the church resignations
EMILY DAFOE – praying as you seek guidance on job. Are there perhaps volunteer opportunities to teach art in after work hours?
TRACI GENDRON – praying you heal a little more each day ❤️
RHONDA – casting, throwing our cares to Him ❤️
TAYLOR – so good to see you, praying for true rest and the Lord’s guidance as you wait on Him
SHARON JERSEY GIRL- praying for Jim & Debbie
Ooh, hard questions, Searching! “Am I not at least as smart as a sheep?”!!! ❤
Sooo true! Convicting thoughts. Am I not at least as smart as a sheep?!
My favorite scripture is John 15 where Jesus tells us our purpose here in earth is to obey his command to love people like he loves us – and he loved us sacrificially. It was life changing for me to realize my purpose every day is to sacrifice my time, effort, money etc for another person. In this way they experience the love of Christ. He also says this brings us complete joy and as his disciple -answered prayer. Obedience to this command to love people sacrificially and be his disciple everyday is now my life’s purpose.
I “accepted” Jesus into my heart long ago, but I haven’t felt fulfilled or connected to him as of late. I’m realizing it’s because I haven’t. Been abiding in him. Please pray for me to abide in Christ
Praying, Ali ❤️
Praying for you right now Ali! He is with you…always.
Yes! I will say a prayer now, Ali Adair, for the desire and habit of abiding in Him daily! (Habit, because even on the days we don’t feel like it, we still do it! )
Oh Ali, SO glad you’re here with us. By you being here, reading through the scriptures and coming here to comment, YOU are abiding in HIM. I am praying for you this very moment. Keep coming back. Welcome to this beautiful community!
Whenever you feel disconnected, just whisper his name. He is always there.
Praying for you Ali – may you from this day forward abide in Him. ❤️
I look forward to a day when worry no longer weighs on my heart. Scripture calls me to cast my cares upon Christ, yet in the rhythm of daily life, that surrender is not always easy. Still, in this moment, in the life I have been given, I am reminded that true peace is found in centering my heart on God. It is a life not free from challenges, but one where I rest in His presence. And the peace that comes with that—to me, it is abundance. Not in the sense of worldly riches, but in the fullness of a life lived in faith, trust, and the quiet assurance that He holds all things in His hands.
Amen, Maria! Beautifully said.
Amen! Couldn’t have said it better Maria!
Amen ❤️
I too am a certified worrier. Something I am truly trying to surrender daily. This quote is helping me. “Worrying is carrying tomorrows load with todays strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow if it’s sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” No wonder He doesn’t want this for us! He doesn’t even want me to carry today, let alone two days! Help us Lord to cast our worries onto your back. Prayers!!
Yes, Kristy!
A call to worriers! Take heed!
That’s never what He wants!
Maria, This was perfect!
You were definitely speaking words I needed to hear!
Thank you!
I wrote it all in my journal and am sharing it with Steve.
Hugs to you ❤️
I too can get caught in spirals of worry but I have really been working on surrendering my worries and trying to take a deep breath to reorient myself to God m, reminding myself he is with me and in control. Jesus take the wheel.
Thank you Lord for giving us abundant life in heaven for sure but also in our spirits as we navigate this crazy world we can rest in Your presence knowing we have abundant life in Ypu!!!
Abundant life doesn’t mean all the things and money and power, it means a life worth living, a life that we get to experience everyday in Christ knowing that the enemy has been defeated. We get to live an abundant life in heaven.
Father I receive the Holy Spirit and an abundant spirit led spirit filled life. In Jesus name, Amen
Amen ♡♡♡ This is so perfect for me to share with my daughter today! Thank you, Father ♡
Abundant life to the modern world, without Christ knowledge, is living the dream, having what the Jones’s have and perhaps spending what we don’t have to keep up with others…
The abundant life He promises is for sure PEACE of heart, not chasing the next thing.
HOPE in the process, not hopelessness in our disappointments.
Carrying the JOY of the Lord within, to help us through, not the momentary joy the world offers.
LOVE as Christ loves us, hard, and for real, always near, ever faithful, forgiving and with open arms, not the love that is here today and oops sorry, I don’t love you tomorrow kind..
I was talking to my friend about wanting and even suggesting to my boys my desire to have a holiday with ALL my family, ie, the sons, their children and the next generation.. That ask, I think, falls on deaf ears.. I feel like that would be lovely for me, to have them all together under one roof. That said, I do see them individually and together often for moments of great celebrations, but, this is an abundance I dream of.
BUT I had tears, because my earthly father came to mind, as I spoke. I left daddy at 17 to come and meet my mum and siblings and stayed. So from the age of 17 to 56 I only saw my daddy 6/7 times.. Which of us has/had the abundance?
Tears roll again in this cold light of day and life realization..
I am blessed beyond. I am abundantly blessed, when I look through the lens of my daddy life..
Thank you Father God, for the prompt, and realisation of what I DO have.. Pretty blessed and in your peace, joy, hope and love.. My life is covered in abundance. Thank you, Lord God, Thank you..
One more thing, I think a touch of abundant life happens here, with this study group! We live out Christ’s goodness, in our actions and words of encouragement to each other. We abide in Christ and we allow Him to give/fill us, the Fruit of His Spirit, by showing up each day or as we can..
This is a pretty good example of abundant life in motion.. Bless you my dears, Thank you..
Much love wrapped in gratitude for each of you, and hugs. The journey is made more beautiful because we walk together..
Yes, Tina, the real and lasting peace, hope, joy and love … keeping our eyes on our God and not the shiny ‘you name it’ that the Jones have.
I love that you have time with family even if not all of them at one time – do the smaller gatherings allow more quality time with each loved one?
And a big Yes! in the abundant life found in this community- thankful for each sister here. ❣️
♥️♥️♥️ Thank you for your words and taking us through the beautiful journey of your thoughts as you wrote.
God bless our lovely community here
Beautiful words, Tina!
Yes! ❤️
So grateful for you Tina and all here at SRT sharing, praying, learning, lifting each other up. It really is an abundance of blessings.
So beautifully said, Tina, as always! I share your desire for ‘all the chicks under one roof’ for even just a couple of days. I have accepted that it ‘ain’t gonna happen’. Praying that you may pull that off! ❤ Agreed about this community and Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, since he who promised is faithful.l 24 And let us consider one another in order to provoke love and good works..
Waiting for rain/possible snow here in the Southeast. Sending warm hugs your way, sister! ❤
Amen, Tina!
Thank you Tina, well put. Sending hugs across the pond (live in New England, direct shot).
for joys and concerns, dear sisters. ❤️
Blessings back to you Tina! ❤️
You bless us so much by letting us into your life stories. Pure joy and wisdom you have gifted us throughout the years, so faithfully. Hugs and much love to you precious Tina❤️
Abundance was the message I felt like the Lord spoke to me for 2025, and lately, it has been a period of slightly questioning that idea. What an encouragement and confirmation to open this up and be affirmed by His word this morning.
I have come so they may have the abundant life. Amen
Abundant life is “full freedom for the oppressed, healing for the brokenhearted, and joy for all who trust in Him”
SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – prayers for Jim & Debbie and all who knew Matthew.
KATHY – prayers for you church as you mavigate this season.
CHERYL BLOW – ouch! Sorry about your wrist. Praying it heals up quickly.
TERESA DONLEY – praying for Amanda’s treatment today.
Please continue to pray for my house guest – needed job and housing.
I don’t like those dark hearts, so I thought I’d try another red heart only that doesn’t even appear..:)
Kelly, praying for the young mama & baby – for a job & housing to be available asap
Praying for a job and housing.
Thanks for the prayers!! Praying for your house guest all the other requests
Praying for your house guest and strength for your family as you host and provide care in this waiting time.
Here’s where my early thoughts want to go with this promise – the abundant life now comes as we find joy in serving God and loving others in a culture that is often against us, causing what might not “feel” like the abundant life. BUT – in eternity we will glorify and serve God without distraction or discouragement in a redeemed creation! That’s worth holding on to the promise no matter the current consequences! May we encourage each other toward love and good works today and everyday, Ladies.
Amen and amen
Yes and Amen! ❤️