I Will Forgive Your Sins

Open Your Bible

Matthew 26:26-28, Colossians 1:13-14, Hebrews 7:26-28, Hebrews 8:7-13, Ephesians 1:7-8, 1 John 1:5-10, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19

After you finish reading today’s Scriptures, come back and read the essay here to dig deeper into the ways we see this specific promise at work in our day’s reading. Then join your fellow Bible readers in the comments to reflect on and discuss what you’re learning!

Luke records one last interaction between Jesus and His friends before He ascended into heaven. In it, we find a direct statement about one of His purposes as the Messiah: “The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead the third day, and repentance for forgiveness of sins will be proclaimed in his name to all the nations” (Luke 24:46–47).

Thankfully, in this conversation Jesus didn’t make any caveats, footnotes, or fine print about the kinds of sin covered by His sacrifice. No matter how dark or scandalous our personal sins may be, God extends forgiveness. As our perfect and sinless high priest, Jesus does not have need for someone to forgive His sin and is able to cover the sin of all who believe in Him. Once we take hold of this promise and feel the weight of our sin removed because of Christ, we are charged to share that freedom and hope with the world.

(149) Comments

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149 thoughts on "I Will Forgive Your Sins"

  1. Gina Meyer says:


  2. Tamya Hurry says:


  3. Tamya Hurry says:

    Amen ❤️

  4. Olivia Hanley says:

    Thank you God for washing me clean of all the sin and darkness in my heart. Thank you for your forgiveness and the beauty of who You are❤️ Amen

  5. Elacia Powell says:

    Amen ✝️

  6. Margaret W. says:

    Just now rested enough to get to today’s reading, but I wanted to thank you all for your prayers. We made our connecting flight by the skin of our teeth and made it home safely last night on time.

    1. Wendy B says:

      Great news! It’s always good to be home sweet home.

    2. Tamya Hurry says:


  7. Claudia Gomez says:

    Hallelujah! Praise GOD! His love endures forever.

  8. Nicole Powell says:

    What a way to end my night

  9. Mercy says:

    The theme of forgiveness brings me to the Lord’s prayer. How He taught us to pray : “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us”, another translation, forgive us our trespass as we forgive those who trespass against us. Forgiveness is a three-way street. It’s not one-way. Lord give me grace and strength to remember this when I need to reconcile with someone. Only by Your grace. Our family is under the weather, I would appreciate your prayers recovering to good health and joy. Be blessed dear sisters.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Oh, so sorry friend! It’s never fun when the Mom still has to be the mom when she doesn’t feel well, and if the children are sick as well!! Try to take it easy and rest as much as you can…maybe a few more television if it means you can rest! Hugs!

    2. Elizabeth Oster says:

      Praying for restored health and joy, Mercy.

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Praying you all feel better soon! ❤

  10. Karen Breaux says:

    Amen ✝️❤

  11. Kathy says:

    “For this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many, for the forgiveness of sins.” Matt. 26:28
    “He has resuced us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son he loves. In him we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Col. 1:13-14
    Every one of my sins have been forgiven. Every. One.
    Father God, I will not take this lightly or take this for granted. I now live in the Kingdom of the Son You love. I pray that through Your Spirit I will live as a worthy citizen fo that Kingdom.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, I was just singing along to the song playing right now that wrecks me every time..”The Blood” by Bethel Music.

  12. Sophie M says:

    Hi She’s! How grateful am I for a Savior who is mine and we are His! Thank you for Jesus sacrifice. Jesus last words on the cross was “ Telelestai “ which translates to English as “ it is finished “ but Telelestai Greek translation means “ paid in full “. Jesus was on the cross exclaiming our sins have been paid in full because of his sacrifice! How beautiful!

  13. Cee Gee says:

    This power song by Andrae Crouch has been running through my mind today. What fun it was years ago to sing this song!
    The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power
    Verse 1:
    The blood that Jesus shed for me,
    way back on Calvary;
    the blood that gives me strength
    from day to day,
    it will never lose its power.

    It reaches to the highest mountain,
    And it flows to the lowest valley;
    the blood that gives me strength
    from day to day,
    it will never lose its power.

    Verse 2:
    It soothes my doubts and calms my fears,
    and it dries all of my tears;
    the blood that gives me strength
    from day to day,
    it will never lose its power.
    Thank you, Jesus, for the power in Your precious blood that covers my sins!
    Love, hugs, and prayers, sisters! ❤

    1. Elizabeth Oster says:

      I’ll have to look for that one, Cee Gee. I got “Yes and Amen” and “Revive Us Again “ this morning.

  14. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Monday! Praying for you all this week.

  15. Samantha Carrillo says:

    Lord thank you for your unconditional love and forgiveness. What a beautiful way to start our morning❤️

  16. Adrianne says:

    Our Savior has forgiven our sins for all time! Jesus has done the hard work of opening the door to the promised land, we just have to walk through.

  17. Mari V says:

    Ninety-one-comments already!! That’s what happens when I have my SRT devotion later in the morning as I have today off for President’s day! I sleep-in!! JESUS did it for us once-and-for-ALL!! All we need to do is “accept” His forgiveness, invite Him into our hearts, no matter where we’ve been or what we done. I know that’s hard for some to grasp, this is where TRUST comes in and I trust my Jesus!

  18. Donna Wolcott says:

    Sin, not son!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ thanks again for the prompt! I am copying them. Both words actually work there! ☺❤

  19. Donna Wolcott says:

    Prayer prompt today is:
    “Thank you for your promise to forgive my son.”

  20. Adrienne says:

    Thank you, Jesus, for taking ALL my sin… the known and unknown, sins of omission, sins of commission… ALL of it! ❤️

  21. Suzi Rasmussen says:

    I love reading all of the comments here! I’m beginning to feel a connection!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ Great!

  22. Paula Mourin says:


  23. Cheryl Blow says:

    “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding,”
    ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    This verse! With the riches of God’s grace that He LAVISHED on us! Lavished on us! This isn’t stingy grace but poured all over us! He loved us so much! He is always waiting expectantly for us when we sin to turn back to Him and repent! When I mess up and sin, I love how He meets me where I’m at with a gentle nudge, that just lets me know that I didn’t respond correctly or when I gossip or let corrupt communication come out! That’s usually where my sin happens! With my tongue! I repent and start fresh! I need that grace V lavished on me! The older I get the more I realize how much I need him!

  24. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes
    It does not have to be the BIG bodacious stuff, it can be the SMALL crappy stuff, that sets me on the path of self condemnation. Hiding from God. In shame, in guilt. Sinful, sad.
    Yet, God PROMISES to handle it ALL. So I might feel free to lay it ALL at His feet. Without fear of rejection or condemnation.
    But I grow stubborn. I get hard headed. I try to muscle my way through. Yet my Lord remains soft hearted & accepting. He has already heard my confession. He already knows my crooked little heart. Why therefore cling & clutch?
    I especially like in our study prompts where it says “Jesus didn’t make any caveats, footnotes, or fine print”. Just take it to the once & forever High Priest in prayer.
    As I enter a new day, of a new week, God help me to fully receive Your goodness & kindness & mercy & redemption. And recognize my responsibility to extend that same compassion & consideration to everyone I encounter.
    To Him be all honor & glory!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, Amen! Thank you Gwineth! Through thick and thin, big and small…all and all!

    2. Donna Wolcott says:

      Amen! I struggle if I am worthy.

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Amen, Gwineth! ❤

  25. Wendy B says:

    It is really quite and overwhelming, humble thought when we consider the depth and yet simplicity of Jesus sacrifice and complete forgiveness available to us.The consequences and separation from God that sin creates is not without heartache; there is no free pass and we are instructed to “go and sin no more” not just carry as we want to. Obedience to Christ and the pursuit of holiness and righteous ness needs to be my heart posture but thank you Lord, that when I fall short, forgiveness is avaliable to me. May I never take the beautiful gift of forgiveness for granted ✝️

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, I used to take it so lightly, a given. Now it is so painfully beautiful and brings me to tears- the redemption, mercy, and grace, the coming after me-the one of the 99. Makes me think of the Hymn- What a Savior…not sure if that’s the name.

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Elevation has a song with that phrase in it, too. We sing it at church.
        What a Savior (refrain)
        What a Savior, what a Savior,
        What a Savior Jesus is!
        I will praise Him, ever praise Him,
        He is mine, and I am His!
        Does that ring a bell, Rhonda? Or …
        This is the one I am most familiar with;
        “Man of Sorrows!” what a name
        For the Son of God, who came
        Ruined sinners to reclaim.
        Hallelujah! What a Savior!
        Bearing shame and scoffing rude,
        In my place condemned He stood;
        Sealed my pardon with His blood.
        Hallelujah! What a Savior!
        Guilty, vile, and helpless we;
        Spotless Lamb of God was He;
        “Full atonement!” can it be?
        Hallelujah! What a Savior!
        Lifted up was He to die;
        “It is finished!” was His cry;
        Now in Heav’n exalted high.
        Hallelujah! What a Savior!
        When He comes, our glorious King,
        All His ransomed home to bring,
        Then anew His song we’ll sing:
        Hallelujah! What a Savior!

        1. Cee Gee says:

          O Come to the Altar- Elevation Worship- forgot to finish above. ☺

          1. Sophie M says:

            I love this song Cee Gee!!

        2. Rhonda J. says:

          No, not those, but when I went to the 2nd song you put…I was able to add that song to my hymns playlist! I had forgotten it!

    2. Wendy B says:

      The song running through my head since this morning is Thank You for the Blood by Charity Gayle

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        LOVE that one!

  26. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    There is nothing more comforting or convicting, than to know my sins are forgiven.

    I have redemption through His (Jesus) blood, the forgiveness of sins because of God’s grace that He lavished on me.

    To know that someone – someone who was perfect, sinless, had to die for me – that in itself should keep me from sinning. And yet, I find myself still committing sin. I am always sorry and vow to live a new day
    without sin but I do not. I can so relate to the apostle Paul when he says, “for what I want to do, I do not, but what I hate, I do.” Romans 7:15.

    But God! (as Tina would say) He has rescued me from the dominion of darkness and brought me into the kingdom of the Son He loves!! His kingdom, where I am redeemed and forgiven…and my sins are not counted against me! 2 Corinthians 5:19

    I don’t know about you, but it is extremely hard for me to forget my sin even when it’s been covered by the blood, forgiven, and as if it never happened. I wish that I could “remember my sins no more”. I would never consider me blameless, but God does – not because of anything I have or have not done, but because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.

    How can I not praise Him! His praise will continually be in my mouth. Psalm 34:1

    Thank You Father God from everything You have rescued me from. Thank You for redeeming me. Thank you for Your grace that You have lavished on me.

    I am reminded of this song today, Ever Be by Bethel Music…

    Your love is devoted
    Like a ring of solid gold
    Like a vow that is tested
    Like a covenant of old
    Your love is enduring
    Through the winter rain
    And beyond the horizon
    With mercy for today
    Faithful You have been
    And faithful you will be
    You pledge yourself to me
    And it’s why I sing
    … Your praise will ever be on my lips,
    Ever be on my lips
    Your praise will ever be on my lips,
    Ever be on my lips
    Your praise will ever be on my lips,
    Ever be on my lips
    Your praise will ever be on my lips,
    Ever be on my lips
    You will be praised
    With angels and saints do we sing
    Worthy are You Lord
    You will be praised
    You will be praised
    With angels and saints do we sing
    Worthy are You Lord
    Have a blessed Monday sweet She’s!

    1. Wendy B says:

      Yes…”I wish I could remember my sins no more” Sigh. ❤️

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Great post! Thanks for sharing the song, Sharon; it’s a new one for me! ❤

  27. Traci Gendron says:

    I can’t imagine living life without knowing I’m forgiven. Our sins cause so much pain for us and others and we’d have to hold onto that pain.
    With and through God’s forgiveness we can let it go.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, we forget how our sins and choices have that ripple effect on others!! That can often lead to so much guilt as well!

  28. Danielle B says:

    Lord thank you for your forgiveness because you desire relationship with us! As Rhonda said my I never take it for granted and live a life that glorifies you.

  29. Rhonda J. says:

    This is the BIG one! Of the promises of God—He Will Forgive OUR Sins!!! Wow!! The promise of forgiveness and restoration! With GOD!! I think it is the number one promise! All others kinda hinge on it? That we are shown Mercy. That we are Restored! That we can have eternal life with that Grace and go to heaven!! That I don’t have to earn it, or strive, or wonder!! It is such a precious, amazing GIFT!
    But you have to receive it, and repent! And God never brings them up again! What a mercy. I have regrets from my sin, but I still know God has forgiven them. But our choices do have consequences and it is good wisdom to discern and be mindful- we do not have a licence to practice sin. Holy Spirit will convict you, the closer your relationship is with the Lord. I often look back to those years in my twenties and thirties and wonder how I professed Jesus as my Savior, but not as my Lord? It can be confusing to non-Christians and young Christians alike. Thankfully mature Christians were there and having grace as well (yet accountability), offering instruction (iron sharpens iron), and loving me!
    There are so many different religions, and Christian faiths….we have to be in the Word ourselves, and ready to learn. We are also growing in wisdom and holiness when open (sanctification!). What we thought years ago, can come into better focus! The answers we thought we knew, were not correct. God’s truth and will for his disciples is in the word, in whole, not in single passages. It is good to be in the word with ya’ll each day, study after study, year after year!!
    Thank you for the Blood Jesus! Thank you for being the sacrifice! The veil is torn, our restoration has come!

    1. Danielle B says:

      ❤️ so good Rh da

    2. Mari V says:

      Yes, I agree our sins/choices do have consequences. Funny working with TK students, this is something I say to them often when dealing with their fellow classmates. AND I get it, they’re little and learning. BUT I say them, “think” before acting. Its so sweet when they start to “get-it” And as adults (ME) I try to practice this as well. I once heard a pastor give an acronym to “think.”
      Is it, Thoughtful, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind and if it’s neither of those then we shouldn’t be saying it. Sorry for the long response, but this came to mind as I read your well-thought-out response. Your so wise Rhonda, and SO very sweet! Love you my friend!

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Thanks for sharing T.H.I.N.K., Mari! Reminds me of quote from Bambi: “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.” ❤

      2. Rhonda J. says:

        Well thank you…I don’t think anyone has ever said I’m wise!! BUT ….I started reading the bible in 2014 after my mom passed because she was so wise, and God was like…um, she read her bible daily…get to it woman!! So, yes, we all gain wisdom in our relationship with Him! Praise God! Because one of those “words” that followed me all my life was the label “dingy.” (there is another “old” word!)

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Good word, Rhonda! ❤

  30. Starr Marie says:

    Thank You, Jesus ♡♡♡

  31. Tonya Woodruff says:


  32. Ali Adair says:

    Lord, please continue to open my eyes to my sins, and thank you for freedom

    1. Mercy says:


  33. Mia Faith says:

    Praying now!

  34. Kimberly Reed says:

    Praying with all of you today!

  35. Brooke Junior says:


  36. LaRae Taylor says:

    How encouraging to know the we are forgiven and no sin is too messy for His forgiveness. He is in the blessings and brokenness. May I walk in the freedom of forgiveness today! And be a light of love to others so they can ask me what is the reason for my hope and I can tell them all about my Savior Jesus!!

    1. Wendy B says:

      Amen ❤️

  37. Tami Cutler says:

    I think I take this gift for granted because I don’t REALLY understand it and what it means. As I was reading I asked the Lord to show me. I think being forgiven feels like freedom, like a weight lifted off of your shoulder, like a big sigh… I have experienced this. I carried around so much shame and guilt for things that I did when I was younger and in my wild days. Slowly the Lord walked me through it, and step by step, removed my sin and shame. He helped me to let it go and forgive myself. He brought me from a place of shame to a place of honor as his daughter. Maybe that is what his forgiveness looks like.
    Thank you for your continued prayers for my brother. Step 2, feedings with the tube, have been successful and moving in the right direction. Now we just need to get him home from the hospital so he can start to heal. Praying for your requests. Have a great day!

    1. GramsieSue says:

      Praise Jesus!
      He’s getting nourishment!
      Prayers for healing and strength ❤️

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Tami, thank you for sharing this painful walk with us, I just can’t imagine watching someone I love go through cancer It is a fear, actually. But I see God is using you powerfully to be there with your brother, to be his angel and caring sibling. Keep surrendering the burden to the Lord, it has to be so, so heavy. We are here holding your arms up with you..(your Aarons!) You are a shining light for the nurses staff) and your brother’s family! You are AMAZING! Keep Strong! (heart)

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      I too have memories of my younger years when I walked away from God and made my own path. Oh how I wish I could have a “re-do” but I can not. But – I can and am forgiven, praise God! Thank you for sharing your testimony…and praise God for success of Step #2! Continued prayers for your brother.

    4. Wendy B says:

      Praise the Lord for good news and encouraging steps forward ❤️

    5. Cheryl Blow says:

      Praying for your brother!

    6. Mari V says:

      Oh Tami….forgiving ourselves is probably the hardest for all-of-us! I can speak for myself carrying the weight of past sins/decisions, BUT GOD….I look UP and “read” HIS promises. And I too, take a big “sigh” and know, I am forgiven. Praying for your brother as you bring him home to heal. I know that sometimes being home is more comfortable.

    7. MARTHA HIX says:

      Great news about your brother! ❤️
      Continue prayers for you and your family.

    8. Cee Gee says:

      What encouraging news, Tami! Continued prayers for you all! ❤
      Ditto what Rhonda said about you! ❤

  38. Tanya Evans says:

    The word ” forgive ” in some cases can mean ,”send away”. Remember the scapegoat? The high priest in Leviticus laid his hands on the head of the goat and sent it into the wilderness. Jesus took our sins upon himself.

  39. Karen Y says:

    I’m remembering an old gym, Jesus Paid it All.
    Jesus paid it all
    All to Him I owe
    Sin has left a crimson stain
    He washed it white as snow.
    This visual of contrasting red/sin and white/forgiveness helps me better understand the power of His blood.

    1. Karen Y says:

      Hymn not gym. Ugh

      1. Foster Mama says:

        :) Have a blessed day!

      2. Gwineth52 says:

        Hey Karen Y
        It’s OK to say “gym”. It’s the “working out” of spiritual laziness. “Growing stronger” by His Might.

        1. Truth Seeker says:

          love the “gym” reply !

    2. AZ Walker says:

      I love that one too Karen!

    3. Wendy B says:


  40. Jamie Miller says:

    He came to reconcile. That was his mission, restoration. Holding nothing against us.

  41. Jody Striker says:

    I appreciate this reading and this fresh perspective on the sacrifice of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. I have been a Christian my whole life and I lose sight of the power and beauty of this gift. The elder speaking at our church this weekend talked about how forgiveness isn’t about your sins, it’s about the incredible value of the redemption payment. Jesus’ death and poured out blood was and is still priceless. It is so valuable that it covers any debt of sin and death. Thank you, Lord. Give us greater revelation of this. ❤️

    1. Emily B. says:

      Ooh, I really like what your elder said! Thanks for sharing!

    2. Mia Faith says:

      Jody, thanks for sharing this.

    3. Wendy B says:

      Thanks for these thoughts ❤️

  42. Aimee D-R says:

    Lord forgive me even those dismissive thoughts or prideful acts I don’t always repent for in the moment. Thank You for your unending Mercy and Grace. In Jesus name, Amen

    1. Tami Cutler says:

      Me too Lord!

    2. Foster Mama says:

      Me three, my Jesus!!

    3. Gwineth52 says:

      Amen & Amen Again, Aimee D-R.
      Ummm, “D-R”… “don’t rest; do right”, everybody!

  43. Bobbi Minner says:

    I’m so thankful for His forgiveness!

  44. Kristina Vanderink says:


  45. Searching says:

    Today’s title alone spoke to my heart, that He will forgive my sins. As in, really forgive, totally forgive, not to be brought up later to shame me, not as a tool to later exact payback or as a quid pro quo. And sins, plural. All of them. Even the ones only He knows. Lord, I am SO SO thankful for Your forgiveness. It is a most awesome blessing for the wrongs that I can’t undo, unsay, or unthink.
    Reminded of the first lines of Because He Lives –
    “God sent His Son, they called Him Jesus
    He came to love, heal, and forgive”

    LYNNE FROM AL – praying!

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


    2. Cheryl Blow says:

      Love the reminder of that song!

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Amen, Searching! My mom’s favorite song, too! ❤

  46. Kimberly says:

    The beautiful truth that forgiveness through Jesus is absolute, and it’s available to anyone who believes in Him.

    His sacrifice, His blood = our forgiveness

    We have this assurance (1 John 5:9) it is freely given (Ephesians 1:7-8), we are redeemed (Colossians 1:14)


  47. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Eph. 1:7-8
    “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace that he richly poured out on us with all wisdom and understanding.”
    Adjacent to Tina’s comments…at times is seems as though God is foolish to continue to pour grace out on an ungrateful, stubborn, selfish, faithless creature such as I. Yet, as Paul says above, God’s grace is poured out with full understanding of my wretchedness.
    MARGARET W – praying you and your team safely arrive home today
    ASHLEY SHAW – agreeing with you in prayer that your son is treated well.
    DONNA WOLCOTT – praying for the Lord to comfort you and give you peace as you go through the diagnostic process.
    SUZI RASMUSSEN – prayers for you and your husband.

    1. Searching says:

      Yes, Kelly, His never ending grace, mercy and forgiveness on us – wow.

    2. Cheryl Blow says:

      Praying for this requests! Yes, He forgives all our sins! Even my bad attitudes that no one sees or knows!

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Amen, Kelly! ❤

  48. Tina says:

    Jesus didn’t make any caveats, footnotes, or fine print about the kinds of sin covered by His sacrifice. No matter how dark or scandalous our personal sins may be, God extends forgiveness.
    This is such an amazing truth! Though it may not feel like that some days, days of self doubt, disheartening, disorientation.. Who am i? Where am I going? What am I doing with my life?
    BUT GOD..
    The truth is, Jesus paid it all, for us to receive the blessing of forgiveness from our Father God, in ALL situations.
    There is nothing He can not forgive.
    There are many things that are easy to say, but are difficult to believe, this statement above could be one of those, without a relationship and a belief in Jesus!
    I struggled for a time, to believe this, because my mindset was of the world, especially when you see brother against brother, or the troubles and disasters of the world.. It’s easy, well, it isnt, but when your guard is down, you can ask the question of where is God? What is God doing in this situation?
    I ramble, but thankful of this reminder today, that there are NO small print in the promises of God.. If He has said it, the He WILL do it!
    Full stop!
    He forgives my disbelief.
    He forgives my wandering.
    He forgives my dishonest behaviour.
    He forgives my wayward-ness.
    He forgives my talk back.
    My disrespect.
    My selfish attitude.
    My ungrateful-ness.
    My negative attitude.
    My lack of trust in Him.
    He forgives.
    He forgives me ALL!
    All I need do is believe in the One, He gave, to take my sins away..
    Everything is from God, Who has reconciled us to Himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.. That is, in Christ, God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them…
    This is a beautiful promise. Holding on to that this Monday morning..
    BUT GOD..
    Blessed Monday my dears..
    Much love,
    Tina ❤

    1. Searching says:


    2. Kimberly Reed says:

      Yes! All of this-Yes!!

    3. Mia Faith says:

      Amen! Thank you for this Tina!

    4. Danielle B says:

      Oh Tina, yes I’m grateful there is no small print either. Forgiven is forgiven in the eyes of God. Even more He knew what He as going to forgive before we even were. Wow!

    5. GramsieSue says:

      Yes, all of it!
      He forgives.
      So thankful this morning…every morning.

    6. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, thank goodness- because my sin seemed to be on “repeat” mode! It is shameful that I fought the same sin over and over. I would feel so guilty, and then fall right back into it, the consequence was swift and big, that led to more covering and spinning…like a snowball, but I wouldn’t learn. I wasn’t convicted because my flesh was more important to me. Ah…I am indeed a s.l.o.w. learner. BUT GOD….He finally burst through in a big way!! I am just now able to share some of that testimony…I say “we like to share the “good sin stories” but not the “shameful..even the Christians will be shocked by these disgraceful choices!” But it’s good to share those, it is freeing. I shared at jail ministry, and they see there is NOTHING our loving Jesus didn’t die for, paid in full! They were so sweet to jump up and hug me…!!

      1. Heather O'Malley says:


    7. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Amen Tina! ❤️

    8. Wendy B says:


    9. Cheryl Blow says:

      Blessed by your insight!

    10. Gwineth52 says:

      Yes, Tina!
      No matter the length of our list…
      He’s already crossed off every item.
      His love is limitless!

    11. Mari V says:

      Huge AMEN!!!!!!!

  49. Dayana Rodríguez says:

    How powerful it is to read who says it’s not in sin is fooling herself. God reveal us the sin we do not know. I confess I need more of you and by the blood of Jesus I’m forgiven and made a Child of God. How grateful I’m. Let your joy shine through me as a testimony of your loving power. Amen.

    1. Searching says:


  50. Rotsy Voahary Fanantenana Rasohaga says:

    My biggest challenge is to accept and realize that God loves me. When I look at myself, I can’t see anything loveable but He does love me and He sees His daughter in me so, I need to accept that.

    1. searching says:

      Yes and amen!

    2. Mary Ann Graves says:

      I totally understand and need to accept it also. Our God loves us

    3. Libby K says:

      Rotsy I’ll am praying for you now. I have felt that way in the past as well. For years actually. Praying that God reveals who you are in Him.

    4. Michelle says:

      You are chosen and loved! You are his masterpiece. Praying you hold on to the truths found in the Bible.

    5. Foster Mama says:

      This weekend, a sister introduced me to a song that I think speaks so beautifully to this…
      “Grace” by Laura Story
      I am the queen of “I’m not sure what You are seeing to love and hold onto in me, my Jesus” but I’m so grateful He does.

    6. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      You are loved. ❤️

    7. Cheryl Blow says:

      Praying for you! God will reveal to you His love!

    8. Gwineth52 says:

      Shine bright, dear Rosty.
      You’re one of His diamonds!

  51. A Walton says:


    I would appreciate prayers for my mom. She began to feel better after Christmas and now, for the last three weeks, she has been sick again. Doctors (Natural doctors and medical) have no answers. She had some tests this week and I am getting so worried about the “what ifs”. I am trying to control myself and give it to the Lord, constantly. Anyway, I would appreciate your prayers. Thank you.

    Just in case you are wondering… no update on the house building. We still haven’t gotten contracts from the builder. He promised us two weeks ago. I don’t understand the hold-up. He still talks as if we are going to break ground this summer? I hope so.

    1. Tina says:

      Praying for your mum and hoping there will be a breakthrough to finding out what and a solution to her troubles..
      Praying also forvthings to move faster for your house, but in the meantime, A. Walton, trust God and know that what He has for you, is coming.. He has promised good to you and yours..He is working.. praying covered in hugs..❤️

    2. Searching says:

      Joining Tina in prayer, A WALTON!

    3. Kelly (NEO) says:


    4. Tami Cutler says:

      Praying for your mom and peace for you in the waiting. I pray for swift answers!

    5. Foster Mama says:


    6. Mia Faith says:

      Praying now, A Walton!

    7. Rhonda J. says:

      Praying in agreement with all of you!

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Ditto! ❤

    8. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Praying for answers and healing for your mom and peace for your troubled heart, dear sister! Praying your house will be underway soon! ❤️

    9. DW says:

      Praying for answers about your mom and for wisdom in your house building journey.

    10. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Continued prayers for your mom, and for the building of your house.

    11. Wendy B says:

      The worry and weight of an unknown but very obvious illness is so hard. I’m sorry your Mom and your family are going through this. Have prayed❤️

    12. Cheryl Blow says:

      Praying for your mom and peace for you in the waiting! Also for the builder to communicate better with you!