I Put My Hope in Your Word

Open Your Bible

Psalm 119:73-88, Hebrews 4:12-13, Genesis 18:9-15, Genesis 21:1-7

I grew up going to church three times a week and met some of my closest friends (even to this day!) in youth group. Most of my Facebook statuses in high school were inspirational Bible verses that I hoped would encourage my friends at my public high school who weren’t believers. I went to a Christian university for my undergraduate degree, where mandatory chapel was held twice a week, and every student was required to take six semesters worth of Bible classes. I interned at a local church and even earned a minor degree in the Bible. And then, I went to graduate divinity school.

But somewhere along the way, I stopped delighting in Scripture. I saw it as something to be studied, but not something to be taken to heart. I began to think of God as something to learn about rather than someone to know. To date, this was one of the most confusing times in my life so far.

After a time spent in this confusing season, I was given a special project at work; I was instructed to go through the entire book of Genesis, chapter by chapter, writing discussion questions along the way for kids aged eleven to fifteen.

I don’t know the last time you read through the book of Genesis (maybe in January when we read it together, as an SRT community), but there are some stories in that book that are, well, a little less than age-appropriate for young teens. As I was going through some of the trickier passages, the discussion point I kept coming back to was that God keeps His promises to His people. His people keep turning away from Him, not believing Him, disobeying Him and turning to other gods, but God is consistently faithful to His promises.

One of the passages that fell into this category was the story of Sarah and her pregnancy with Isaac. When God told her she would become pregnant in her old age, Sarah laughed at the very thought (Genesis 18:9–15). But God kept His promise to her, and she bore a son (Genesis 21:1–7). After reading and working through the rest of the book of Genesis, I went into my friend’s office exasperated and frustrated with myself because I couldn’t find anything else for the discussion questions. She encouraged me to keep at it and do my best, and reassured me that maybe it was okay if God keeping His promises was the main theme of the project.

Soon after completing the project, I realized that what had been frustrating me about the book of Genesis was exactly what I needed to hear and understand about God in a season of my own confusion and doubt: God keeps His promises to His people. He keeps His promises when your world seems to come crashing down. He keeps His promises when your best friend betrays you, when a dear family member falls ill, when the plans you had for your life have suddenly fallen to pieces around you. I know He does because I’ve seen it in my own life. His promises to His people are true. We can put our hope in Him to do so (Psalm 119:81). What a beautiful gift.

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65 thoughts on "I Put My Hope in Your Word"

  1. J D says:

    God made me. He formed me. I am intimately known by him. He created all of me. He created my mind. He can give me understanding so that I can walk in his word. Don’t read Psalm 119 as a list of commands regarding what we should do. However, read it as a response to what God has done. I have no comfort without God faithful love, no life without his compassion, no learning without his understanding. People rejoice in God for what he has done for me. The arrogant are put to shame because of slandering what God has done for me. How blessed we are for being on this side of the cross. We have seen the salvation of God! Yet, we can cry out like the Psalmist, “How long, oh Lord!“ Let your kingdom come! God gives life and faithful love. I respond in obedience to his decrees.

  2. Buffy Rennie says:

    Sammi Lindauer, I tried to reply directly to you but it doesn’t allow me.
    So hopefully you get this message. I saw that quite possibly your honeymoon is cancelled because of your passport. If that’s the case, I offer the two of you a stay at our home in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
    Look me up on Facebook or Instagram. Buffy Rennie

    1. Gillian Swanson says:


    2. Kerri Darby says:

      Buffy, that is absolutely precious of you to offer her!! I’m crying at your tenderness! My husband is a pastor and I’m a teacher at a Title-1 school, and sometimes vacations are difficult financially. Vacations are such an “extra”, but also needed! Thank you for offering such a gift to her! It’s so sweet to see God’s people caring for one another in such unique ways!

  3. Mari V says:

    I forgive her! Those were my words exactly a week ago today!
    I forgive the young woman who hit my car, totally it, and leaving me without a car for nearly 6 weeks. I posted something here on SRT and I received some really good responses and prayer and stories of God‘s faithfulness.. YES GOD IS FAITHFUL! I’ve never stopped believing this, however in my human nature I was so hurt. Thank you to my SRT sisters who faithfully prayed and encouraged me last week. I wish I could show you a picture. With some savings I had, my mom, and my siblings God provided $5000 for down payment for a car. And my God took even further. And I say this all choked up. On Tuesday God gave me the exact car model and make that I wanted. Even the color. It may not be 2020 which in reality I could never afford but a 2016 and my monthly payments will not be stressful. Yes God is good and faithful and He hears our prayers and He meets our needs in his perfect timing.

    1. Margaret Lindsey says:

      So glad to hear this! Glad for you and for God’s provision!

  4. Shelby Pascal says:

    I’m a teacher, and there is so much unknown and so many questions. We are starting back virtual and 3 weeks later than the original start date. I’ve really been struggling with all of this and frustrated and sad. But I know that God is good and faithful. He will keep me grounded. He will remain faithful. My hope can be found in Him.

    1. Maricella Smith says:

      Thank you for molding our future generations… I’m a working mom and having to host school virtually is overwhelming! I feel terrible for my babies who are glued to a computer screen all day
      They miss their school and teachers and friends … fear they will never see them again, because in their little minds everything is eternal. I just praise and recognize your commitment and simply Thank you Thank You Thank You … blessings .. may God continue to guide you and give me patience – He is good and faithful, let us remain hopeful… he knows

  5. Maura says:

    vs 81, I long for your salvation. I put my hope in your word.” If my hope is in His word, my hope is in the Word – Jesus. God kept His promise and sent His one and only Son to redeem us. He is faithful and if we can dwell there fear falls away, focus on the faithful One and joy is our song. Tina reminding ourselves and others of His promises what joy and hope. One promise that has chased away my fears when they have tried to lie to me is He will never leave or forsake me. At times in my life when life has been crushing this repeated in my heart has reminded me I am never alone, no matter what, He is here. And I can know His love and faithfulnessnever abandons me. Share the promises that carry you through. Hugs Sisters and love.

  6. Sammi Lindauer says:

    I needed to hear this today. I am a COVID bride. My wedding is set for 10-10-2020 (we love our date!!) and while our plans are set for now, the unknown is frustrating. I also discovered last night my passport is expired and highly unlikely to be renewed by October (goodbye honeymoon). God keeps His promises. While I want all of the wedding glitz and traditional order all my friends got to have, I have my Mitchell. That’s all that matters. God keeps His promises. We are stationed where we are, not stuck.

    1. Kim W says:

      Buffy Rennie tried to reply to you but it wouldn’t let her. She has a honey moon offer for you. ❤️ she asks that you look her up on Facebook. I thought I would help in case u didn’t see her post to you!

  7. Ashley Ramos says:

    This is much needed right now and the state of our country. It’s crazy how families can turn against each other because of differing views but one thing that is true is Gods word and it’s unfailing truth. God knew these things were coming and whether these are the beginning of the end of times or not, it’s a bit more comforting to know Gods got this.

  8. Sarah Metz says:

    I will place my hope in the Word.
    It is my lamp.
    God is the Word & whatever is spoken, will be.
    God is a Promise Keeper & a Way Maker.
    God’s timing is always perfect.
    He works for the good of his people.

    When trouble arises remember where you have placed your hope. Anchor to it. The seas may rage but the rock on which you have placed your hope will remain – unchanged. Your situation I’ll change. God will always remain the same. Hallelujah!