Day 28

I am the Bread of Life

from the Lent 2016 reading plan

John 6:35, 6:48, Luke 22:14-20, Exodus 16:1-36

BY Rebekah Lyons

Text: John 6:35, 6:48, Luke 22:14-20, Exodus 16:1-36

This is part of a 10-day series on the person of Christ in the 2016 Lent study.

Pssst. I have a secret. I love bread. You too? Let’s keep this under wraps from all our gluten-free besties, shall we? (Though I dare admit, they’ve cracked the code on gluten-free treats that rival the likes of Paula Dean’s confections.)

No matter your grain of choice, Jesus knew He would get the attention of women around the universe when He started talking all things bread. Since I’m a context junkie, let’s back up a bit and set the scene.

Jesus goes public at a wedding, with that turning-water-into-wine phenomenon—because His mama told Him to. This moment makes me love Him so much, and her too. (I think of her as a not-gonna-take-no-for-an-answer kind of woman.) The miracle was the first public sign of Jesus’ deity. A few folks caught on to Him that day, specifically His disciples (John 2:1-11).

Jesus goes on to cleanse the temple, for church was never intended to be a money-making machine. He sure wasn’t casual about that fact. He started teaching in secret, and then in public, to anyone who asked. Jesus told Nicodemus He didn’t come to condemn, but to save (John 3:16-18). He waited for the Samaritan woman at the well, telling her she had not one hubby, but five—not that it would keep her from the Kingdom. Hardly! She would become one of the first evangelists (John 4:28-29).

That’s His way. Jesus offers gifts freely, to the least “deserving” of society. He sought out the overlooked, the abandoned, the shunned, and the outcast. He came for them (Mark 2:17). In return, they lept to Him like a moth to a flame. Crowds swelled, pleading for His healing touch (Mark 2:1-4). Even when they didn’t ask, He’d ask them, “Do you want to get well?” And after lying on a mat for decades, that man at the pool stood right up and walked (John 5:5-15).

Crowds absorbed every word. They sat for hours in the hot sun to feast on His teaching. One day before Passover, five thousand assembled. Knowing their hunger, He asked for a boy’s lunch—five barley loaves and two fish. He broke the bread, blessed it, and multiplied it. In God-like fashion the thousands were given enough to eat their fill with twelve full baskets left over (Matthew 14:13-21). This was a foreshadowing of God’s lavish provision, offering exceedingly and abundantly above what we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).

What I love about God is that He begins with the natural and He fulfills with the supernatural. Jesus fed them on a mountain, with literal bread in their bellies, because He knew He’d need to reveal a different kind of bread the next day. This spiritual bread, the bread of God, would also be broken on a mountain, blessed and multiplied, for all who believe. Finally Jesus broke the news as if He could not hold back any longer:

“I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me will ever be hungry, and no one who believe in Me will ever be thirsty again…I assure you: ANYONE who believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life.”
-John 6:35 (emphasis mine)

I can only imagine the earnestness in His eyes, breath strained with the weight of these words. His physical body, our bread, would be beaten, stripped, whipped, speared, chained, and broken, so we could partake and never be hungry again.

The offering of Jesus would be blessed by the Father and multiplied for ALL who believe. I will never fathom this gift—not in my wildest dreams. But we don’t have to understand; we have only to receive.


Post Comments (77)

77 thoughts on "I am the Bread of Life"

  1. Grace Castro says:

    Amen. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. Thank you Jesus, that on the cross you saw ME

  2. Kimone says:

    Happy International Women’s Day to all of you. Love and appreciate you all far and wide. Special shout outs to the amazing SheReadsTruth Team. Blessings in abundance.

  3. Caroline says:

    So good! Was just talking about this last night. All His gifts aren’t because of what we do, but because of His grace through the supernatural! Blessed are we for receiving His supernatural miracles.

  4. Lesley says:

    “I was sitting in a pool of my own devoured courage and purpose and hadn’t even noticed the attack.” Have you ever been there? I would love for my SRT sisters to join the discussion on “Swords and Sore Muscles” over at:

  5. churchmouse says:

    “Jesus begins with the natural and He fulfills with the supernatural. ” Thank you for these words, Rebekah. I’m reminded to be a good neighbor and friend, meeting the practical needs (the ‘natural ‘) of others, that they might then be willing to hear my words about Jesus (‘the supernatural ‘). They are equally important, working in tandem to further the Kingdom.

    1. jessiechatchat says:


  6. Traci H. says:

    ” But we don’t have to understand; we have only to receive.” My favorite part…

    1. Susan says:

      Proverbs 3:5 “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.”

    2. Megan says:

      My favorite part too!

  7. Shannon says:

    I hear people often being so critical of these chosen people because they were so hard headed and disobedient. Yet, that is me so often. So thankful today that God still feeds us with what we need even though we do not deserve it. And He makes it easy, if only we would obey Him.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Thank you for this humbling reminder, Shannon! So glad you joined us today.


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