Age has taught me that I don’t need a smaller view of my problems—I need a bigger view of God. Few truths comfort me more than the fact that God is infinite. He extends indefinitely in all directions; past and present, before and behind. Though the thought is truly mind boggling, Scripture is clear: He has always been.
God has no beginning, no point of origin. There was no “before” Him. There can never be an “after.” No one breathed life into His lungs, and no one can take His life from Him. “He is before all things, and by him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17). He is both the first and the last (Isaiah 44:6). He is “the Alpha and the Omega… the beginning and the end” (Revelation 22:13). He was and He is, and is He coming again (Revelation 1:4).
Though God created time, He stands outside of it. Since my finite mind cannot grasp His expanse, I like to think of Him like a paper-towel-roll God. Go ahead, grab the empty paper towel roll from your kitchen counter to see what I mean. Hold it up. Look at it from end to end and consider this: This is God’s view of our lives.
The Alpha and Omega existed before us. He will exist long after our earthly days are done. He can effortlessly see our lives from beginning to end, like glancing through a cardboard tube. This means our infinite God stands outside of temporary troubles. There is no heartache that can outlast Him, and no hurt He wasn’t around to see.
But as vast and incomprehensible as our Creator God is, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to put on flesh and dwell with us, to die for us, and to save us from sin and death. “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation… all things have been created through him and for him” (Colossians 1:15–16).
A bigger view of God turns my heart toward worshiping Him. That worship often boomerangs back as peace within my own heart. Every fear and worry we will face today, every insult and besetting sin—everything is fleeting. The things of this world are already circling the drain. Our lives are just a blip on the timeline of eternity, yet each of us matters to Him, our Creator. God, in contrast, is the end-all-be-all, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Today we can rest in His goodness and constancy. We can rest in His power and His “bigness,” and that is no small thing.
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33 thoughts on "I Am the Alpha and the Omega"
All of Life and all that is in it is all a part of the infinite mind of God;!
And the only way that Life can go wrong is by the finite-mind if man.!
How amazing that Isaiah’s words of prophecy and John’s book of revelation all claim the same thing, though written at different times. “Come near me and hear me, I have NOT spoken IN SECRET from the beginning” (Isaiah 48:16). This is tremendous. It reminds me of the calling in James, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded” (James 4:8). His calling is made known to all that want to listen, that want to change their heart around to seek a righteous life- a blank slate. In the old testament, God says, “You cannot see My face, for no man shall see Me, and live” Exodus 33:20. However, look at the significant upgrade God has revealed, “They shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads” in Revelation 22:4. He does not speak in secret, He is serious about his intimate relationship with his children. We will see him face to face. GLORY!!!! To me that is the greatest honor and privilege to dwell with God and see Him face to face. Just like the song I can only imagine, what that day would be like.
Thank you Jesus for reconciling us to yourself by your own blood. Thank you for the promise “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also” (John 14:3). I bless your Holy Name for you are worthy of all praises.
By reversing the title I AM and ask yourself AM I ?? AM I a good sharperd?
After reading this I challenged myself to imagine what GOD was seeing when he looked through that papertowel holder.
“ There is no heartache that can outlast him and no hurt he cannot see” After reading Revelation, Isaiah and Colossians…..whew! In light of who He is and what he has done, that he always has been and always will be, he never ends. It brings me to my knees in humble adoration. What a great way to end this study.
I love the perspective of “we don’t need a smaller view of our problems, we need a bigger view of God.” Definitely feeling that conviction!
I loved the paper towel exercise! It’s such an astounding vision to roll out the paper from end to end and then realize that God is BIGGER! Amen!
I’m in tears as I read this. . .the first time I have opened the Bible since I delivered my baby three days ago. . .we are in NICU and this is such a blessed assurance that God’s got her ❤
Love the opener! It was like someone grabbing my shoulders, looking me in the eye and lovingly reminding me how small my problems are when laid at the feet of my God!
Kelly, Have they checked your thyroid? . Recently had an incidental finding of a mass on my thyroid from a CT for something else. I had no idea what all the thyroid affected but have read hives could be caused by thyroid issues.
I pray for your friends and hope that God will make clear to them the path that He intends for them to take. And then, trusting in Him, I pray that they will be at peace with their decision.
Magnify an infinite God! Amen great study
How great He is the beginning and end of everything?! While reading I felt convicted that I don’t always start my day with Him. I don’t put Him first I put myself first. When I do read His word in the morning is it to get it out of the way or to spend quality time with Him? Thank you Lord for showing me grace and how I need to change to better love you!!
I love this. The imagery in Revelation is so wonderful to imagine. My daughter (10) frequently has asked how God got here. This is something that I can wrap my own mind around let alone to explain it to her. Any theological viewpoints that I could give her in an age appropriate way?
As I read over today’s comments, comments…screaming pleas for help, really…in another online study I participate in, and looking back at the events of my own past week, I am thunderstruck by the absolute desperation expressed by women of God. How is it we love this Alpha and Omega God, yet look at seemingly insurmountable obstacles in our lives? Personally, why must I give into feelings of anger at the dentist’s office when told I need another $3000 of work when I’m still paying off the $4000 from six months ago? Why did I just read online three horrific stories about women being abandoned by their husbands (Christian women). John 16:33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
So here is my takeaway. We live in this fallen world. We have been warned…many times. And many more times we have been assured by our Alpha and Omega God, our God-Vine, our God of Truth and Life, our Resurrection and Bread of Life, through our Good Shepherd Son and His Father-God, that He is with us, will never forsake us and has prepared a place of us. Can I see this, believe this, cling to this, return to it when my feet stray from that solid rock? Sisters, my prayer today is that I can and I will. By leaning into Him, day by day, minute by minute. By His Spirit, not my strength. Through surrender. Selah. Amen.
Yes, Churchmouse. Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
Kelly- I will pray for your healing and that the hives on your body vanish completely.
Angie- I will pray for your friends as they move on from the ministry and that they do not lose hope; keeping their eyes on God as He lays the path before them.
Love to you, sisters.
Praying for you Kelly. Thanking the Lord for you and asking for healing, whether it be wisdom from your doctor’s or just the touch of Jesus that you would be free from this pain and condition. Also praying for your friend Angie, may God them peace as they step in faith to what He is leading them too. May what is such a sacrifice become glory to our God and may they see all of His faithfulness as they move forward. In Jesus name may His love abound.
Wow, I needed this today. Today, I am struggling with the sleep deprivation that comes with having a newborn. We had a rough night and this morning I just prayed that God would renew me. I am thankful that God is bigger than my small problems and everything in this life is temporary.
Praying for you Kelly.
Jesus, the Alpha and Omega~ this is beyond my comprehension yet there is simplicity in the peace that comes from knowing He is present with me today. I can look at the day yet to come with confidence; stepping into plans He has for me.
Revelation 22 always anchors me in the comfort that there is an Author, not only to my life but to history, and therefore a thoughtfully planned end to the story. I can barely get into a tv show anymore if there’s not some indication that the writers have the end of the story arch in mind and are moving thoughtfully toward that goal. “Show without end” always tanks eventually.
What must it be like to look toward the future with only the impression that the world as we know it is a cosmic anomaly and human lives only a meaningless evolution in an unknown direction!? Thank you, Father, for sharing these glimpses of the future you have perfectly authored for this world!
Our God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Praise God!
Please pray for me. Since January I have had to deal with what I call hives, for lack of a better description. Now, after three doctor visits and a full allergy test, I am still dealing with these smooth, raised, feverish, itchy, red areas. When it strikes a fingertip or my forehead it is painful. If it is a severe bout they are painful. Today, I have an area that almost wraps around my arm just below the elbow. Yesterday it was my tongue. Most of the time they show up on my upper arms, torso and the back of my thighs.
I have thanked God for this condition and I am learning from it as well.
Pray for relief, to find a physician that might know what it is, and for relief (oh, I said that already).
Thanks! God is good all the time! All the time God is good!
Praying for you, Kelly. At first I thought it sounded like shingles, but they don’t move from one area to another like you have described. Praying for God’s wisdom for your medical advisors and for the healing Jesus provides for us. Come, Lord Jesus.
Kelly, I am praying for relief, diagnosis, treatment, healing and God’s loving arms around you.
Consider an allergy test by a chiropractor
I had a similar experience. I had to start taking Allegra at night and Zyrtec in the morning. If I don’t take them, mine come back almost immediately.
I hope you were able to find some answers. Three years ago I started having transient itching all over my body. My clothes were getting holes in them, I was itching so bad. Very long story short and after many doctors, I was diagnosed with autoimmune hashimotos. I take Plaquenil to keep the itching at bay. I’m still itchy, but probably 90% better than I was. However if I stopped Plaquenil it comes right back :( I feel for you it felt like a very difficult season in my life before I at least had some answers.
“There is no heartache that can outlast Him, and no hurt He wasn’t around to see.” So amazing to know when facing hurt. Thank you, Erin!
We begin and end this study with two of my most favorite names for my Lord… I AM and Alpha and Omega. Yes, there is definitely something completely comforting in the knowledge and truth that my God, Savior, and Lord was, is, and will always be. No thing at all, nothing can or will alter or change who He is and His plan.
This year has been filled with experiences, (by God’s plan and allowance), that put a magnifying glass to our temporal existence; the good and bad in this world we dwell, and the great need and precious blessing of a Savior. 2019 has been a year marked in painful loss, eye-opening growth, and surrender. Not bad, necessary-good, yet not easy, weighty though bound in much, much faith and trust. This year has made me keenly aware that I am powerless, finite, and limited. But, my Best Friend, the Love of my Life, my Savior and Lord-Jesus, came to earth as a man and understands my limitations, understands my heart, was, is and will always be not just enough but EVERYTHING.
Today I ask you ladies to pray for my friend. She is a pastor’s wife and one of the most kind, gentle, good women I have ever known. Her husband has pastored his present church for 15 years, and they love the people. It is home for them. He is a true shepherd for his flock and with wisdom and courage looks for God’s good, and leads. However, when we were together a few weeks ago, he had a heaviness in his countenance that was intense. This week, and weekend, they are sharing with the church that he will be leaving the ministry. True to who God has created them to be, they are transitioning in a way that is sacrificial and both honors and glorifies God. They are completely trusting God, but this love sacrifice, like the laying of Isaac upon the alter is…(here I’ve debated on what word is “right”…heart-wrenching, tearing them apart, painful…) is hard. Will you pray with me for their peace as they trust God in this life-changing step they are taking in obedience, especially this weekend? Pray for healing on their hearts and lives. Pray for affirmation and rest in the knowledge that I AM, the great Alpha and Omega who was, is presently, and always will love, lead, and guide them, using them for his kingdom. I pray for hope and sustaining power in their hearts and lives immediately. This has been difficult to type. Tears blur my eyes and then I can’t see if the words are typed correctly. I think of my friend, whose tears are like torrential rain right now as her heart breaks and yet together with her husband, they step forward on the path they believe God has called them to.
I am finally starting to realize that He is in control. He is good and He knows all thing. However, I can still find myself worrying, getting angry, or feeling anxious. I’ve been reading His Word for years, sat under many good teachings, read great devotionals, and didn’t let that change me. I’m making progress, but I need the Holy Spirit to guide me and remind me of His truth. Please forgive me, God and help me to remember that You are good, all-knowing, and in control. I don’t have to be the same. Your truth is for all. I must believe it’s for me too. Thank You for loving a sinner like me!
This song came to me:
Revelation 22 thrills and calms my heart. The words are majestic and specific and, above all, “faithful and true.” Believers don’t look into a future that is dark and despairing. Rather, it is bright and full of hope. This past year has been one of far too many doctor visits for three generations of our family. We are fully aware of the frailty and uncertainty of this life. We are also fully aware that our lives, indeed all of life, is in His strong and loving hands. Though He is outside time, He is also in my time, comforting, guiding and providing. Though He created the vast universe, He also dwells in me. Though His voice thundered all creation into being, He speaks in a still small voice personally to me. And I am encouraged! Revelation 22 tells me one day I will see the face of God. Imagine! Come, Lord Jesus! Amen! Come!
Yes and Amen! Thank you for your faithfulness in this community and beautiful words, Churchmouse!
I needed this today. Thank you Erin. Looking back on a week that has been disappointing from an earthly perspective your words have helped me to step out of the ‘towel roll’ (the phrase tunnel vision springs to mind) into the vastness and wholeness of God’s plan and see that it is part of the story. My story. God’s story. And I see the importance of the weeks events shrink before my very eyes. Soon enough the problems I saw as mountains will be blown away like dust, and I will be stepping forward through my ‘towel roll’ with purpose again, and finding glimpses of my savior in nature, in other people, in everything.
Thank you Lord that you care about me! I am seen and held and loved by you! Thank you for helping me to see that my worries about events and plans are unnecessary! Help me to focus on the good and right and true so I can live and love in the way you created me to! Amen