Be Thou My Vision

Open Your Bible

Proverbs 29:18, Philippians 3:7-11, Colossians 3:1-3, Hebrews 12:1-2

Text: Proverbs 29:18, Philippians 3:7-11, Colossians 3:1-3, Hebrews 12:1-2

I had a favorite teacher in junior high and high school named Mr. Twining. I remember a surprising number of details about Mr. Twining for his time as my “Critical Thinking” (chess) teacher and all the years he led me through Saxon Algebra. I remember his thick, sausage-y fingers that were almost always covered in a bit of a dark substance. “Wal-nuts!” he would answer with enthusiasm when we asked him why his hands were so dirty. Dude loved to crack walnuts.

I remember his wild white tuft of hair that sometimes stuck straight up when he was feeling particularly passionate about perpendicular angles, and the way he wouldn’t throw away a small piece of chalk—rolling it around in his hands and wildly writing formulas on the chalkboard until it dissolved into an exhausted cloud of chalk dust. It’s funny the little details we remember about people in our lives.

You know what else I will never forget about Mr. Twining? Whether he was teaching us “Protect your bishops!” in chess class or working through an awful problem in pre-calculus, nearly every day at the start of class he would announce, as he also scrawled on the chalkboard with his tiny piece of chalk, “WITHOUT A VISION, THE PEOPLE WILL PERISH!”

It wasn’t until much later that I understood this was not just a way to get us to show our work or win a chess match—this was Biblical! (Proverbs 29:18) In any event, it stuck with me. You can’t just wildly move your pawns around the chessboard without a plan and hope it works out. And definitely don’t start working a math problem without knowing where you’re headed. We all need a vision.

That was enough for me when I was eighteen. My “vision” at the time was pretty straightforward: get married, be an interior designer, have babies, maybe live in one of those cute brownstones in downtown Chicago. But true vision, as it turns out, is less strategy and more heartbeat. It’s less “rook takes queen” and more “the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Philippians 3:8). My endgame didn’t reach much beyond this side of Heaven.

I don’t pretend to think my heart has fully matured in this area—I know it hasn’t!—but I do see the Lord faithfully teaching me to “delight in the law of God in my inner being” (Hebrews 7:22). And when I set my heart on new marble countertops, the Holy Spirit reminds me of the lasting richness that comes from “setting my mind on things above” (Colossians 3:2).

It’s like when you’re learning to drive, and the inevitably awkward driving instructor nervously and repeatedly reminds you as you weave down the road (and take a few curves on two wheels, in my case…): cast your gaze as far as possible in the direction you want to go, and you’ll just naturally drive straighter. Also, safer.

I think this is why I love the hymn “Be Thou My Vision” so much. The author isn’t interested in anything short of Jesus. There’s no glancing to the right or to the left—no weaving from side to side. And when we sing this song-prayer ourselves, we call on the Lord to be our vision, our wisdom, our true Word, our battle Shield, our Dignity and Delight—our One Thing and our All Things.

When we ask God to be our “best thought,” our “great Father,” “soul’s Shelter” and our “high Tower”—that’s when strategy falls quickly to the wayside and we march to the beat of a heart that longs for Heaven.

Friends, Proverbs 29:18 is absolutely right (and, I suppose, so was Mr. Twining): without a vision, the people will perish. We can laugh about the reality that we could lose at chess, not get our Chicago brownstone, or run our car off the road if we don’t have a proper vision, but the greater Truth outlasts all of these things, and the risk is much greater: without a vision, we will most certainly perish.

As believers, let our vision be simply this: “that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.” (Philippians 3:10-11)

“Therefore…let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith”
– Hebrews 12:1-2


 (hymn artwork by Patrick Laurent of Quiet Boy Studio!)

by Dallan Forgaill, 8th century
(translated by Eleanor H. Hull and versified by Mary E. Byrne)

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art.
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;
Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

High King of Heaven, my victory won,
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.


Find an exclusive hand-lettered print with lyrics from “Be Thou My Vision” in the She Reads Truth shop!

Click below to hear an adaptation of the hymn on the She Reads Truth |Hymns II Spotify playlist


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301 thoughts on "Be Thou My Vision"

  1. Freedom Ramage says:

    I love the premise of keeping our sights on Christ. Our vision on things above. But also that He is our vision also in the way of sight. He sees 20/20 our comings and goings too! He knows what’s round each corner for us, He can see our futures. Trustworthy in all things.

  2. Regina Price says:

    I love this. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard this hymnal before ♥️

  3. Gabrielle Vanderwolf says:

    Yes our true vision is Jesus Christ, He’s not only our vision but He’s the Author and Finisher of our faith, our lives, our all and all because He is God our Father and Savior! He’s Lord of our lives, King of our hearts, Savior of our souls and lover of our hearts! let’s always keep our eyes upon Him, our footsteps walking with Him, our hands on His words, and our path with His path ( Psalms 23)!

  4. Crystel Garrett says:

    Let my heart not get wrapped up in worldly things, but instead keep my gaze straight ahead to my Father in heaven.

  5. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    One of my favorite hymns ❤️ and of course God has also been opening my eyes to how much I truly like stuff and things. I’m forever a work in progress until Jesus brings me home!

  6. Danica Wood says:


  7. Val M says:

    “Riches I heed not, nor mans empty praise, thou mine inheritance, now and always”❤️may this be true to me Lord

  8. Lydia Poteat says:

    Lord, hep me to run the race with You as my vision!

  9. Margaret W says:

    His riches never fade; his inheritance can never be taken away.

  10. Katie Biancalana Raker says:

    A great reminder that whatever “victories” we have in this world, nothing compares to Christ’s enormous victory over sin and death forever. What we have now is only a taste of what’s to come.

  11. Lani Winslow says:


  12. Shania Sola says:

    Wonderful and eye opening devotional. This happens to be one of my favourite hymns of all times, it brings be so much joy and comfort. Thank you Lord for being our vision :)

  13. Emma Donsworth says:

    Our vision should always be His!

  14. Caitlyn Stark says:

    “Be Thou my battle shield, sword for the fight,
    Be Thou my dignity, Thou my delight.”

  15. abi hixson says:

    one of my favorite hymns—sung over me at my baptism and since then holding a special place in my heart. beautiful and powerful.

  16. Molly Storey says:

    Love singing this in the bright early Morning. Thank you, Jesus, for constantly pulling us back and shifting our focus on You. Amen!

  17. Stella Owen says:

    This is a really good reminder for me because I’m 13, so think a lot about the future, and while that’s good, I really need to be visioning God.

  18. Kyla ElizabethSchrock says:


  19. Kyla ElizabethSchrock says:

    Beautiful word

  20. Allyssia Hale says:

    This is so beautiful, it’s such a privilege we have to worship Jesus and if we don’t keep Him as our vision, we take Him for granted.

  21. Abby Claibourn says:

    Christ is our vision and we can only see the truth through him.

  22. Georgia says:

    As believers, let our vision be simply this: “that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.” (Philippians 3:10-11)

    So true

  23. Paige says:

    “Be My Vision” by Norton Hall Band — one of the best versions out there.

    1. Meagan says:

      Is that group the one from Boyce college? I love them!

  24. Leilani says:

    Thou and thou only, first in my heart…wow, I forget this sometimes. Thank you for this amazing reminder that my vision for life comes from Him and Him only and that He longs to be first.

  25. Grace says:

    Be Thou My Vision is on if my favorites:))

  26. Rachel says:

    This is my favourite hymn!! I love digging deeper into the meaning & having a clearer understanding!

  27. Lizzy says:

    Naught be all else to me save that Thou art! May I live with such conviction!

  28. Kristen says:

    What an appropriate and needed message this morning – 2 short days after the election. Without a plan the people will perish. Praying for the leaders of this country and their plan, but ultimately God is orchestrating His Eternal plan!

  29. Grace says:

    Wow! I’m leading my christian club, and I’ve been so focused on us finding a vision, setting goals, and being organized and doing things the human way. However, tonight, through this, God showed me that we should let go our own desires and follow his vision. Hallelujah!

  30. Maddy says:

    Goodmorning guys! Really enjoyed this, Be Thou My Vision is my favorite hymn!

  31. Laura Jensen says:

    Yes, my vision is blurred…by circumstances, illness, injustice and pain. My vision is blurred by toddlers and a list of maintaining tasks that are never accomplished especially because of illness. I’m tired and honestly I need vision. I need my savior! I need his embrace more than criticizing my husband for not having the strength to embrace. We need Vision from the place that is deeper than grief and deeper than loss. Truth that transcends. I need Jesus!!

  32. Rachel says:

    Today I will set my eyes and my mind on things above.

  33. Mckenzie says:

    really been needing this. thank you!

  34. Yasemee says:

    I love that Paul really got it. He really knew nothing in this world was worth more than Christ and knowing him. His vision was based in eternal things not temporal, not having a dream home or nicer house or better clothes. He knew those things meant nothing especially compared knowing Jesus. Lord help me get to the place where I see it as rubbish , where my vision is you and knowing you and chasing after you. Help me to stop chasing he empty things that I usually chase. Be thou my vision.

  35. MSmith says:

    Wasn’t sure about the Hebrews 7:22 verse. Typo?Typo,perhaps?

  36. Joyfullmom says:

    I’m confused about your reference to Heb 7:22 and the verse you have in ” “? What version of the bible are you quoting? Thanksvets

    1. Joyfullmom says:

      Um, I have no idea why it auto typed Thanksvets instead of thank you

      1. Miriah says:

        I believe she meant Romans 7:22

  37. Abigail says:

    Truly amen!

  38. Chloe Grissom says:

    This is just what I needed tonight.

  39. Cora Lawson says:

    I needed this today. I fight a constant war with contentment and it is rooted in not having the right vision!

  40. blessed daughter says:

    spirit radio led me to this, so thankful!

  41. Faith Williams says:

    I have struggled recently with finding and understanding GODLY vision. i would often times think, “well God what else is there for me to do? Get married, have a career, etc.” But this message refocuses my heart and reminds me to simply lean in to God’s heart beat. His centering will guide the way.

    1. Phylicia says:

      What a beautiful sentiment! Your line “Simply lean in to God’s heart beat” is absolutely beautiful and a wonderfully simple way of putting His vision for us. Thank you for sharing!

  42. Adura Oyedipe says:

    I love this lesson it made me realize a lot of things I thought I was good but when I read today’s passage I was touched I love this passage ❤️❤️❤️

  43. Sophia says:

    Please pray for me! I am feeling so far from God right now. I know he never pulls away from us, but us who pull away from him, I know all I have to do is read my Bible. Please pray God will give me a hunger to read my Bible and a desire to grow stronger with him ♡♡

    1. Jules says:

      Sophia, I am struggling so much with the same thing, I lack motivation. I’ll pray for you definitely:)

      1. Sophia says:

        Thank you, Jules! I will be praying for you too!

    2. Michelle says:

      I pray you grabbed hold of that desire and that you never let go! It is all we have sometimes but it is all we need. I was in the same place last night but reading the word helped me get back where I needed to be.

    3. Ayana says:

      I’m praying for you ❤️ remember that he wants a relationship with you too

    4. Kasey says:

      Oh girl! I have been where you are and not that long ago! I will being praying for you! Persevere! It will be worth it when you get to the other side of this! ago

  44. Emily Sprik says:

    The line “Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise” really hit me. I have been focusing too much on earthly praise and security, but all I need to do is focus on JESUS and everything will fall into place with that vision. Exactly what I needed to realize today.

  45. rachelmm says:

    sometimes we’re too focused in ourselfs and we try to change things in OUR ways…. but there He is, reminding us that he must be our vision and that He loves us… best present ever!

  46. Sarah Joy says:

    The driving instruction analogy made struck home with me. Not only will you “drive straighter”, but safer. Without falling prey to the assumption that things are going to become easy to handle, and pain will suddenly heal, I found myself deeply encouraged by this. That keeping the divine Vision as my focus is ultimately the only path that when chosen will lead to healing.

  47. Jess says:

    I’ve been living the past month setting my vision on earthly things (mainly marriage and financial security), and 100% turning my heart away from Jesus. He prompted me this morning to get back into SRT. I think He knew I’d pick this study and of course He knew this is exactly what my heart needed. Our God is good, even when we’re knowingly straying.

    1. DianaL says:


  48. Christina Hargrove says:

    One of my favorites. Will be praying this all day!

  49. Elana Gomez says:

    Learning to play this one on the accordion!

  50. Jen says:

    I’m a worship leader at our church & we sang Be thou my Vision this past Sunday. God didn’t want me to miss the meaning. HE’s so good!

  51. HebPenn says:

    “But true vision, as it turns out, is less strategy and more heartbeat.” Love this!!

  52. Kayla says:

    Help me to set my eyes to see beyond the horizon and all the joys yet to come Lord because that is what keeps me going. Help me to not dwell on things in my present day but to focus on the blessings yet to come. Thank you father for being my lighthouse when I am too caught up in the ways of the world, you shine your light and pull me in to remember the ways of your word and to focus on you and your teachings again. Help me to not get distracted or come across temptation, but help me to live your word that I can become a lighthouse for others too.

  53. bryttie says:

    this country has no vision, thus all doing various things with no morals!!! without a vision, there is no follow through. love this

  54. Ceydi says:

    Loved it.

  55. Martha says:

    Be thou my vision Lord

  56. It can be way to get distracted with all we see around us. I loved reading: “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Heaven is the real goal and setting my vision and my eye on that WILL change how I live everyday.

    1. Kori says:

      Reading this really struck something with me. Thank you

  57. hanmahbeagle says:

    Exactly what my heart needed to hear this morning.

  58. Marsha says:

    I believe there is a typo for one of the verses. It’s Romans 7:22

  59. BV says:

    This song is like a slap on my face reminding me that God is my vision. With all these earthling things that only last for a short time we get distracted by them. This really put a focus back on me.

    1. BV that was a striking visual for such a peaceful song. But I totally agree about the practice of eliminating distractions.

  60. Emma says:

    A really good reminder of what’s really important. Really puts thing into perspective.

  61. Skye says:

    Love this. My focus is so often on this world – on my failings, on my burdens, how busy or tired I am. How insignificant this would all seem if my eyes were where they are supposed to be.

    1. Amylou says:

      You took the words right from my heart.

  62. Katrina Gering says:

    I love when things start to make more sense.

  63. Dee says:

    Rend Collective has such a beautiful version of this song. Such a sweet reminder to set all eyes and hearts upon Christ!

  64. Ahlaischa says:

    Houston TX here. Such a wonderful expounding of the meaning behind the hymn. It’s always been one of my favorites, will be song ok it all day tomorrow:-)

  65. Tisha says:

    I feel His breath breathed back into me… Thank u.

  66. Ainsley says:

    Awesome. I’m lovin she reads truth

  67. Hez says:

    Where is my sight focused??? What/Who is my vision??? Thank you for the reminder…

    1. Kelly says:

      Yes thank you!

  68. Lauren says:

    I needed this today

  69. Autumn says:

    Beautiful and touching

  70. Kerri says:

    This spoke to my soul. Starting my career I keep thinking where do I want my life to go and now I’m realizing it’s not where I want to go but where God may lead me. Man that’s a good way to start a day!

  71. Jenn says:

    I loved your example of casting your vision far so you can drive straighter. And safer. I think this is what caused me to think about how, if my spiritual vision is caught up in my dreams for here and now(short term), I’m going to swerve left and right and live in an unsafe way; however, if my vision is cast toward Jesus and eternity, I will stay straight and safe, no matter what comes in my path. I am reevaluating the vision I have cast for myself and also reevaluating the recent disappointments that have happened in light of this vision in which God has called me.

    1. Jordan says:

      That’s real good stuff Jenn!

  72. Morgan Albert says:

    Thank you for creating this devotional. These verses were exactly what my heart needed to hear. It is such a blessing to have this group of women come together and share God’s beautiful word. Thank you <3

  73. Carla says:

    I needed this reminder to keep my eyes on Jesus & not on worldly things. We just moved 1000 miles away from friends & family & I am having a hard time adjusting. I need to remember to lay aside every weight & look to Jesus.

    1. Sammi says:

      Wow! That is so hard! I hope that as your settling, God continues to be your refuge and vision and that you find beautiful community in your new place!

  74. Macy says:

    I have always loved this hymn. It helps remind me to do ALL things to the glory of God and for to the glory of God alone. Even the small things.

  75. Courtney says:

    Such an eye-opening message…Keeping my eyes on the prize

  76. Nyakuma says:

    ‘Without a vision the people will perish’ and how do we clearly see? by looking to Jesus. I absolutely love this.

  77. Jordan says:

    Amen! It was exactly what I needed to read/hear. It’s so easy to get fixated on the daily grind and so easy to lose track. This was a great reminder to stay on track and to remember to look above and focus on Him instead of material things. Thanks for sharing.

  78. Hannah says:

    God help me to seek you over worldly things! Keep my thoughts on you. :)

  79. fullafaith says:

    Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise…this verse always strikes a chord for me. I love words of encouragement and empty praise gets sought after too often.

    1. Rachel Gatlin says:

      Yes!! Love that you highlighted this verse!

  80. Anu A. says:

    Amen! Needed to read this ! Brought so many things into perspective !

  81. I love how Rachel points out that having a vision is not all about planning. We can make as many resolutions as we want but in the end it is all about having a heart that beats for Jesus. Oh Father may my heart be softened and tuned to your grace.

  82. Lauryn says:

    “that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.” (Philippians 3:10-11)

  83. Sarah says:

    I love this hymn and my husband and I had it sung at our wedding- reading this gives me a new focus and way to use this hymn in our marriage and in our family life!! I love it!! Thank you!

  84. Allie says:

    Lord, be my vision as I go to school today. Help me to show your love and light to my colleagues and students!

  85. Elizabeth Washam says:

    Success comes from knowing and following God, He is our vision for the future.

  86. I’m a “new artist” and I started writing a song today with my pastor. When he asked me the direction I wanted to take the song, God really laid it on my heart to seek out my next path in life. I’m currently in college and hoping to pursue my Master’s degree soon…but is that what I want for my life or is that the plan GOD has for my life? I’ve never really thought to sit down and ask myself these questions. Am I living for what I hope to acquire later in life or am I pursuing everything that God has put before me? Reading through this devotional sure threw scripture at me that put me in my place, and I’m grateful for that! Praise God that He has a plan for me that is far greater than my own!

    1. Sammi says:

      Wow! Amen!

  87. Abby Jones says:

    Christ is the only straight path and he will always be my Guide. I pray that I stay focused on Christ through everything I do.

  88. Chesney Crain says:

    Beautifully written. Looking to Jesus straightens our path and pulls our focus on him! Good word.

  89. Samantha Cuellar says:

    words and messages that literally are opening me into a wider and greater aspect in Christ!! AMAZING!!

  90. K8 says:

    I need this. I’m about to go on a trip that’s gonna have MANY temptations. I need to stay focused on Christ.

    1. Alexandra Snyder says:

      How was your trip. Stay the path! Focused on christ

  91. Steph Surgener says:

    What an encouraging and relieving reminder. Keeping my eyes and vision on the Lord is the only step I need to take.

  92. I thought that, back in October of 2014, I had my life all planned out, that is until I got the official news on the 20th that I indeed had cancer, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma…. Many songs would go through my head, “WHATEVER BEFALL – still be my vision, (You are) ruler of all!!!” I needed to set my sight on to Christ, my ways are not His ways, and I really needed to trust in Him fully. Now a few days after having my last chemotherapy session, I am tired and need to trust Him even more, not feeling all the best from the meds and steroids and food not agreeing with me. he got me through this “bump in the road” had me have to just about drop out of school because of my health, and change my thoughts towards my future. He pulled me out into the waters to strengthen me, and he still is using me. I only need to trust in Him!!!!

  93. Rachel Anders says:

    I needed this. I had my future all planned out with the love of my life but we took our eyes off God, and our relationship deteriorated. I believe it could have been built back up into a Christ-filled, fulfilling marriage, but that wasn’t Gods plan. My person I loved the most died last year in a horrible accident, the anniversary was two days ago. “Heart of my heart, WHATEVER BEFALL- still be my vision, O Ruler of All.’ Christ is my plan. Loving others as he has loved me (as close as I can manage) is my plan.

  94. Felicia says:

    My vision should always be looking toward Jesus, not on things of this broken world.

  95. Kaylan Williams says:

    How easily I am distracted by my own daily, momentary struggles and forget to invite Jesus in!
    I loved this reminder that we must only fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith! With my eyes fixed on Him, my vision and desires will be transformed into His. What a joy that would be! My prayer is to train my eyes to look for Jesus day by day, moment by moment.

  96. alisa says:

    Without a vision, the people will perish. Funny how this verse reference has surfaced from several sources lately. ❤️ thank you, God

  97. Autumn says:

    This is wonderful and beautiful!I love this.I have had my life planned out by myself,but there’s no way I can accomplish it without God

  98. Cristina Galvan says:

    Beautiful!!! Thank you for this reminder:) Ahhhh

  99. Alexis says:

    This was so great for me to read! I’m so set on my future… College, med school, marriage, kids, etc… I have it all planned out! But this made me realize that I don’t need to be doing that!!! I just need to keep my eyes focused on God because if my eyes are focused on God then whatever his plans are for me will naturally happen and I won’t have to stress about them! I don’t need to try and make it al happen myself! God has a plan for me and his vision is perfect unlike mine:)

    1. Linzie Easterling says:

      Yes I agree I need to do the same

  100. Kate says:

    A beautiful reminder of what to towards. Stepping back and seeing the bigger picture before u . Staring straight

  101. Claudia Brizuela says:

    “Without a Vision, people will perish!” – such powerful words! :)

  102. Kelly Peace says:

    What a great way to start off the week, and reminder of what really matters. P.S. Love Rend Collection’s version of this classic hymn!

  103. Kate McQueeney says:

    Such a timely reminder for me that whilst I try to work out this life myself. In my own wisdom and strength there will be heartache because that is sinful. I must keep my eyes on Jesus and my relationship with Him – that is the pure vision for my life. He will work His vision and the plan that He has for my life if I keep my heart and mind and eyes focused on Him and trust in His love and vision for me.

  104. Hilary says:

    I’m already being changed by these devotionals. I especially enjoy the hymn series because I can begin a song in my heart. Thank you!

  105. The #GanderVision is what life is about. God give us all a grander vision

  106. Hannah DeKotah says:

    I felt like I really needed to read this great and joyous passage, just feeling so in my thoughts and needing that way of saying you needed a vision and to just follow what God has for me.

  107. Estelle Dixon says:

    @Becky: you put it really well. I too have been hung up on where life is going,plan for tomorrow and be prepared. It’s actually a bit of a relief to be reminded that I don’t need to have a plan. God’s plan is far superior to mine and I’m so grateful that I can rest easy in this knowledge.

  108. Chloe S.N. says:

    love this hymn since I was a kid!!!

  109. Becky says:

    This was a really amazing post.. It just provides that much needed reminder of, fix my eyes on the One that is important. I have struggled so much with trying to plan everything, fix everything, but that’s not my job. My job is to fix my eyes on the lord and run the path he sets out for me!

  110. Christy says:

    I’ve never heard this hymn, but I’m searching it now. The truth of seeking first the Kingdom of God and having our eyes fixed on Jesus has been a theme running through my life the past couple weeks. This is a very timely study for me!

  111. Aly says:

    This passage in Philippians since reading it on this app has given me an entirely new perspective of knowing Jesus. We’ve heard the verses millions of times (at least I have) and yet haven’t let it take a root of understanding in our hearts. Literally NOTHING matters other than knowing Jesus my Lord! Everything I own I should be willing to sacrifice to know Him as best as I can. Those are radical statements, and thank you so much for reminding me of this amazing truth.

  112. Annelies says:

    This will help me understand what I should do

  113. Amanda says:

    His plans never fail!

  114. Shari says:

    I am praying that I learn to keep my eyes focused on the plans god had for my life and his word and his truth. I am battling letting go and allowing god to take control of my life. I find joy in the fact that I know his way is better than mines and I happily embrace the change and I thank him for his convection and grace and mercy. God corrects his children like a father or mother would and I know I am loved and precious in his eyes because he loves me enough to correct my worldy way of thinking

    1. Skye says:

      I have been struggling with the same thing and you just reminded me of how much God loves us and that His convection is how he is correcting me and guiding me and that it all comes from a place of love. Thank you so much for that reminder.

  115. Angela says:

    I sang this song for the Undivided conference this year with my church band. It was very moving.

  116. McKenzie Thomas says:

    Fixing our eyes on Him is so powerful. It seems like such a simple thing, but I need to constantly remind myself of how easy it is for my eyes to wander, and how unfulfilling it is for my eyes to be fixed on something else! Keeping my mind fixed on the Lords vision for my life and what is to come is the mindset I am praying he’ll gracefully remind me of…when I’m there mentally, I feel full and content.

  117. Emily says:

    Wow this really speaks to me.

  118. Heaven French says:

    This devotion is amazing!!

  119. Aimee says:

    Such a beautiful song, this Devotion makes it so much clearer and brings new meaning to the old hymn! I love the Rend Collective version

  120. Brittany Matthews says:

    Such a great devotion!

  121. Kate says:

    Even as I read I started asking God how he wanted to renew vision for my life, and to give me His vision for my life – really I was thinking in practical terms. God, help me make this decision or that decision. Should I take this job or that?

    And then I read “But true vision, as it turns out, is less strategy and more heartbeat. It’s less ‘rook takes queen’ and more ‘the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord'”. May my vision be to know you more Jesus, and may that guide my choices and the path for my life!

  122. Jess says:

    This may have been mentioned in one of the previous 152 comments, but I am too lazy to check for it. The reference to Hebrews 7:22 should be to Romans 7:22 instead. Also, great devotional!

  123. Michelle P says:

    Be Thou my vision, oh Lord! Amen.

  124. Catarina Pombo says:
  125. Lucy Wood says:


  126. Frankie Cardinal says:

    What a moving devotion!!!

    1. Lucy Wood says:


  127. Kenya says:

    Sweet symphony ❤

  128. Hannah Peitzman says:

    Be thou my vision Lord. This was such a beautiful reminder for me on the sunny morning. Father God, I invite you to be present with me throughout my day.

  129. Kimberly Yeung says:

    I’ve been singing this song for years in church and reading this really opened my heart to what the lyrics truly mean.

  130. Katie Barnett says:

    This hymn makes me cry every time. What beautiful sentiments! Lord, mold my heart to seek Jesus as my vision, my true heart always.

  131. Imani Johnson says:

    this is one of my favorite hymns and a prayer I find myself continuously praying. I needed this today to confirm so many things. my focus has to be on higher things and Jesus has to be my focal point.

  132. Alyssa Calvillo says:

    Love love love
    You are my heart’s desire Lord

  133. Callie says:

    God knew I needed this. Thank you Lord.

  134. happy2bAudraLee says:

    beautiful hymn

  135. Kelly Elizabeth says:

    God bless you all, women of every country, every community, thanks for helping other women like me to stay closer to the Lord

  136. shamekamichelle says:

    This devotional brought tears to my eyes. I have found myself in a dilemma recently and this was my answer clear as day! God gave me a vision, a purpose, a passion. When I lost my vision, I lost everything. I found myself lost trying to find Him and lost in my life with no direction so quickly because things were becoming more difficult than I was comfortable with. I had been praying about whether to put my purpose on hold and push through and finish the work God started in me. The devotional gave me hope! I must push forward with my eyes set on Jesus and cling to God with all my might. God will provide the vision and the direction to get there. I was blind and now I see! I must stay the course despite the difficulty. God will open the necessary doors. I know I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place, but God is with me and faithful. He would not have given the vision and purpose with giving me what it takes to complete it. Jesus never promised for things to be easy, simple, or without suffering. I must pick up my cross and follow Jesus!! God will give me all the desire of my heart when my heart and vision are set on HIm and things above. Feeling inspired!!

    1. Brandy says:

      Thank you for your words. I am with you in a difficult journey and have to lost site. Cheers to reclaiming The Vision.

  137. Momof4redheads says:

    Thou and Thou only first in my heart…I’m definitely writing that on my white board in my kitchen as a reminder. I might even do the whole of verse 3. What a beautiful hymn.

  138. Jennifer says:

    great devotion.

  139. One of my favourite hymns!! A beautiful reminder!!

  140. Britannia says:

    This is my all time favorite hymn

  141. Jeslaine Thompson says:

    I love this hymn, especially the Rend Collective Experience version. I’m definitely sharing this with my friends today! The feeling of centeredness in God I have in this moment is perfect. Just what I needed after a rough night of expressing my contentment with complacency in my faith. When you feel unfixable and stuck, God finds away into the cracks developed in your heart. I want to welcome his presence with open arms. Pray I can do so.

  142. Kelsey Ambler says:

    Just what I needed to read. <3 I have been distracted these past couple weeks and have felt wearisome. I knew exactly what I was lacking, my VISION to be back in Gods sight. Already over-whelmed with His comfort.

  143. Mary Beth says:

    Reminded that my soul’s cravings and deepest longings are only fulfilled in Christ. How worth it (indeed) it is to know Him and continue to search my heart for the things that I let creep in and occupy the space that belongs to Him. Praying this also for my friends, family, and you all, sisters.

  144. Olive says:

    How beautiful. I have always strategized everything and not all has worked, but God is faithful. Seeking more of Him and His desires.

  145. Lauren says:

    Listen to ascend the hills version of this song. Simply incredible

    1. Lindsay says:

      Agreed on ascend the hills! So great!

  146. Phoebe says:

    Rend Collective has a great rendition of this hymn, I encourage yall to check it out. :)

    1. Molly Story says:

      I love Rend Collective (:

  147. Phoebe says:

    Definitely needed this word today. Gods love and grace and Word never fails!

  148. Anca says:

    I think this is a great way to praise the Lord

  149. Amanda Callahan says:

    This song was played at my parents wedding and at my mom’s funeral. She died of breast cancer when she was 56. Every time I hear this song it makes me sad and I leave church if I can. Reading this I now understand the words I never thought to think about and it’s beautiful. It’s strange because I first heard this song at my moms funeral and never before and since then it’s been popping up. Thank you for sharing!

  150. Deborah says:

    I am new to this study and so excited. Many words jumped out at me as I read the lyrics. Having teenagers using social media – obsessed with the number of likes each posting brings – the words 'nor man's empty praise' jumped at me. This is good.

  151. Melissa says:

    I loved this so much. I really needed this, thanks

  152. This was an amazing post!

  153. Allison says:

    This gave me a new perspective, defiantly. I so often find myself sharing my faith to my friends and just hoping it works out, without a plan. I loved this because helped me realize a plan for how to take the hill country, and how to turn the world back for God.

  154. martyy says:

    this was good. I know strongly what my focus should be on

  155. Amber says:

    This is one of my favorite hymns! It gets me through some hard times and gives me perspective. This was a beautiful description of how to apply its message to our lives. “Be thou my wisdom” is my favorite line. It reminds me that His wisdom is endless and that his plan is perfect. If we put all our trust is this, we should live our lives without doubt and fear. As a control-aholic this is something I struggle with every day. This hymn is a wonderful reminder of everything He is to us.

  156. Kailey says:

    My husband and I recently learned that we may not be able to have children together. It’s a complicated thing and has required numerous doctor visits and many nerves and shed tears. It is devastating but something we are trying to stay positive about. This study hits home as it has been so easy to focus on MY vision about our future, my fears, and my sadness, rather than seeking the comfort of The Lord. This study reminds me that He is in control and he has a plan for our life–whether that involves children or not . I am ready for the future no matter what life will throw our way–I know God will be directing us in all things. We must keep our eyes on him! Hugs to anyone going through a low in life–we’ve been there and are still recovering!

    1. Samantha Daniels says:

      amen dear. praying for you two tonight ❤️

  157. Maria Warren says:

    Let’s stare at Jesus and let ourselves be wrapped in all his glory. He’ll lead us onto an amazing journey. Let’s persevere.

  158. Jo says:

    thank you for breaking that down..excellent

  159. Anna says:

    Been going through a bit of a rough patch lately and I’ve been realizing I’ve strayed from Gods path for me. I’ve been messing up and terrified of coming back into this app for fear of condemnation. But it showed me without ‘vision’ and Gods plan for me… I really have no hope. Glad I came back and I’m hoping to come back under his vision.

    1. Marianne says:

      Hi Anna. Just remember to pray without ceasing and God will never ever leave your side

    2. Marianne says:

      Also read Isaiah 42:16….”I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough spaces smooth. These are the things I will do. I will not forsake them.”

    3. Allison says:

      Matthew 11:28-30

  160. Kelly S. says:

    God is good and I’m feeling that goodness today.

  161. Roberta says:

    So perfect in just the right moment. How necessary to be reminded that our sole vision should be Jesus.

    1. Alexandra Maeve says:

      I totally agree! I so needed to hear this today.

  162. Ashlee Carr says:

    This is a very good study but when it said Hebrews 7:22 it was supposed to say Romans 7:22 it’s a great verse!

  163. Molly J says:

    I also really love the new version of this hymn that we sing at my church (Spotify has that version as an Ascend the Hill rendition). The new chorus goes “Oh, God, be my everything, be my delight
    Be, Jesus, my glory
    My soul’s satisfied
    Oh, God, be my everything, be my delight
    Be, Jesus, my glory
    My soul’s satisfied

    My Jesus, you satisfy
    My Jesus, you satisfy”

  164. ppamerican says:

    It’s incredible to take some time and actually consider the words that I have sung throughout my life without a second thought.

  165. Angelina says:

    Love this hymn and love the simplicity of the lyrics. A straightforward reminder of what my heart truly desires! ☺️

  166. amoamanda says:

    The first time I heard this hymn was Rend Collective’s “updated” version of it. I fell in love with their version, and then it began to really speak to me. I first heard it when I moved here to TN, away from my friends and family in FL. Soon, it became my theme song for life. I always want God to be my focus above all earthly distractions as He is beyond worthy of my praise and commitment. And He has so much He is wanting to do in me. He’s just waiting for me to let go of my world and follow Him. Now that I know this hymn, I have been to different church services and if they sing this hymn I’m reminded again of my purpose here in TN. It makes me smile every time I hear it. To me, it’s like God saying “Ok Amanda, remember, you’re here for Me. Let’s get going in My direction.”
    “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” -2 Cor. 4:18

  167. Beth Warner says:

    “Fixing our eyes on Jesus,the pioneer and perfecter of faith”~hebrews 2. Faith is the word I’ve really been meditating on, how I want to have more, Lord help to keep my eyes fixed on you.

  168. Laura says:

    I am a newbie and while I have installed this app for quite some time ago, I haven’t actually read any of the plans and only decided to give it ago today. And I can’t tell you how timely today’s devotion is as I really need this reminder. Been a tough day at work with my new role, I have been unhappy at this company for a while now and I’m also anxiously waiting for a response from the job interviews that I’ve been to. Really hard for me to let my mind and heart to open up and focus on to Him, I’m still learning it all because I feel I have been far from Him too. Here’s to hoping and strengthening and leaving it to Him.

    1. Beth Warner says:

      Good for you Laura, keep it up. You’ll get there. :)

    2. Amanda says:

      Your comments resonate so much with me and where I am with work, and leaving it to God

  169. Amanda says:

    I pray that He would be my vision always. Let me remember that the troubles of this earth will pass away so let me focus on His kingdom and His promises that truly matter.

  170. Hannah says:

    This is hymn is so beautiful!

  171. Whitley says:

    My first SRT plan & I can’t express how much I loved it. It is all too easy to get caught up in our worldly visions. Needed this reminder today!

  172. Sarah Liszt says:

    With school starting back up for me i have been so caught up in the future and all my plans. This hymn definitely refocuses me and what my true vision is.

  173. Denise H says:

    Love this song and your thoughts ladies! My favorite version is Ginny Owens’

  174. Wow I loved this hymn!

  175. vegasRGL says:

    LUV ❤️ this hymn

  176. Antimony says:

    I think my life would be much more stable … and I would not be as easily frustrated were this my true heart: “Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art”. Really puts life in perspective, doesn’t it? What is really important after all?

  177. Diana Anunda says:

    I needed this! Praise The Lord! Oh for grace to trust Him more

  178. Tori says:

    So beautiful.

  179. Jess says:

    Martin Luther said, “there are two days in my calendar. Today and that day.” Oh that we would live with that kind of vision and focus!

  180. I recently read someone comment that her husband often wouldn’t sing in church basically for the fear of being held to the words he sang. (It could have been here!) It really has stuck with me and I’ve ruminated on it ever since, as I love music so much. I sing in the choir and am a sub on the praise team, it is a major part of my worship and so deeply personal. Vertical songs are very much prayers for me, and I treat them as such. I’ve always adored this particular hymn and it’s lyrics, but never knew just how old it was. Amazing. But more importantly, what it means for my heart to sing it as a prayer. Oh Lord, please be thou MY vision and all it entails. It’s been awhile since I’ve thought this one through and I’ll be journaling it line by line to soak it up deeper. Thanks ladies.

  181. Sara says:

    I cannot explain how timely it was for me to have this devotional. I have always likes this song but today I intentionally took time to ponder the scriptures provided and sing the song. Thank you for leading me to a place of worship where I, broken, realize again that when HE is the center of our vision, everything else fades away and into place. I have been struggling with comparison lately, loosing focus and misplacing my worth. Today was the stern yet gentle truth and reminder to what I already know – set my heart on the things above and seek Him first. Looking forward to tomorrow!!

  182. Kendall_S says:

    Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
    Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.

    one of my favorites….love hymn week!! :)

  183. Janguay says:

    Hebrews 12: 1-2, “be thou my vision” amazing!!! Always been a favorite of mine and spoke again to me in a different way this morning. New mom here, so this was just a great read this am. Bless.

  184. Annie says:

    Oh goodness, this is exactly what I needed right now. God has brought my future husband into my life, but he isn’t where he needs to be with the Lord. It’s been so hard to keep my eyes on what God is doing and not on how scared I am because it’s not happening how I always thought it would. A soul is being wooed to God’s heart through this, an eternity snatched from the enemy..and all I can see is how hard it is. But the Lord has been repeatedly telling me through my family and now you all at SRT that I must keep my eyes on Him alone. So thank you! You’re such a blessing. :)

  185. Denise says:

    Lord, open the eyes of my heart so that I can see others as you see them! Thanking you for the voice of truth through the mighty song lyrics; thank you for eloquent writers that help us see You! Amen.

    1. Amen!

      Thanks for sharing this prayer with us, sister!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  186. Beth says:

    “Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.”

    This excerpt from the hymn Be Thou My Vision brings such comfort to me as I’m fighting anxiety, fear and sleepless nights. He is my light, waking or sleeping. He is my best thought; maybe I should think about Him more. As we transition to a new city and new roles this week, I will rest in His presence.

    1. Christina says:

      Beth this is a comfort to me as well as I am a new mom with a sick baby for the first time. And I already have a propensity to anxiety and sleepless nights. This is a phrase I will repeat and meditate upon when those anxious thoughts start to repeat themselves in my mind. Praying for sleep for you and peace during your transition!

      1. It is SO hard being a mom. Sick kids bring out our deepest fears. What helps me is remembering that these (I have 3) precious lives are gifts on loan and they belong to Him more than they do to me – and as such He loves them with a love I can’t comprehend even as a mom with unspeakable depths of love. To hear Him whisper that He loves them even more gives me such a sense of peace.
        Hugs to you. I’m laying beside a 3yr old who is just overcoming what may have been the flu. Prayers for you both.

  187. Julia says:

    Wow I really needed this devotion today. Yesterday was a rough day for me because of friend problems, but also questioning if I'm at the right school. I've had this burden on my heart for about a month and I just don't know where it's going to lead me. This made me realize that if I follow Jesus whole-heartely I will get to where I can glorify God at my full potential.

  188. Katie says:

    God has been taking me through His love story and a story of redemption. He's showing me what it's like to be adorned by my King and it's breathtakingly beautiful. My high King of Heaven, he is surely my treasure!

    1. Praising Him with you, Katie! Thanks for sharing what God has been doing in your life with us!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  189. megdtuttle says:

    I am so incredicly excited for this study and already so blessed by the scripture that was presented today! I'm excited to ask God to reveal his visions and plans and to allow myself to dream big for the Lord.

    1. Meg, thanks for joining us! It is such a joy to have you here!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  190. Emily says:

    For whatever reason, I don't think I've ever heard the third verse of this before! When I read it, my eyes welled up with tears at the line "Be thou my dignity…." It struck a chord. I had grand visions of the "adventure" that the life of following Jesus' call on my life would be. (And it is, I don't want to complain about that!) But right now, the thing I've been longing most for is just that – dignity. I feel stripped of my respect, my honor, my dignity by the fight I'm in. It was a timely reminder that the LORD is not only my shield and sword for the fight, but also my dignity and my delight in the midst of it.

    1. ShannonNichole says:

      Emily, as a mother of two staying at home I definitely relate to this. Nothing prepared me for the way I would feel lost and made smaller by choosing to “give” myself for my children and husband. As a woman who took delight in the respect and honor of holding a job and getting regularly praised and noticed, it was a huge wake up call to be at home every day where nobody even noticed how I spent my time, or thanked me for my efforts. You made me tear up as well considering that God is my dignity and my honor. He sees me, he knows me, and nothing that I do will go unnoticed by Him. I’m praying for you today, that you will feel God as your dignity and delight!

      1. Faith says:

        You took the words right out of my mouth.

  191. JferLynne says:

    "As believers, let our vision be simply this: “that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.” (Philippians 3:10-11)"

    I love that, and may this be my prayer today. Sometimes, I (we) forget that we will encounter suffering, trials, hurts, pains, being a christian doesn't make us exempt but I love this reminder all of these things happen so that we may become more like our Savior. What a wonderful, beautiful truth to set my heart upon and my vision on this morning!!

  192. loveHimso says:

    cast your gaze as far as possible in the direction you want to go, and you’ll just naturally drive straighter. Also, safer…. Without vision, the people will perish……..Acts 1:10-11, While He was going, they were gazing into heaven….They said " Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up to heaven? It's funny how we can start walking along one road and through distractions end up in an unknown field. Your intentions are always to walk the road that God has prepared but if you take your gaze off Jesus (even for a second) you can walk your way right back into the wilderness. We desperately as humans want to control the walk and the view along the way. But God (thanking Him now) always seems to pull me back on the road He planned. If the things I desire happen along the way then GREAT but if God has another plan then that's okay too because I know that He knows way more than me. Always check your gaze so that you won't be toggled about like a rag doll. Perfect peace resides when your vision is gazed at heaven.

  193. Abbie Hoekstra says:

    One of my favorite songs out there. So encouraging to know that we have God to help us see where we are headed when we wander and are lost.

  194. Shannon Roe says:

    I love this hymn. We sang it yesterday in church, and it was one of
    The first times I’ve had a chance to sing it corporately in a long time. This is a season when my husband and I are praying for direction in a lot if ways and asking The Lord for His vision. I love how He intertwines everything with gentle and precious reminders.

    1. I love that too, Shannon! What a good Father He is. So glad He continues to show you gentle and precious reminders of His goodness!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  195. Valanne says:

    "The author isn’t interested in anything short of Jesus." May this be my hearts desire and my action every day!

  196. Sarah Jane says:

    I’ve had grand visions of how to live- be a missionary, adopt and orphan. All good things, indeed, but nothing if our vision is out of focus. (And funny that in reading at the eye doctor!) ;)

    1. Emily says:

      And somehow, the reality never seems to live up to the grand vision. The real grand vision is getting to gaze upon Jesus, no matter where or to what He calls us.

  197. Miranda says:

    Today’s devotional reminds me to
    “…seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭33‬ NKJV)
    I want children. I want to be a stay at home mom. And I want it now! lol
    What does God want? He just wants me to look to Him, to go after Him, and let Him take care of the rest.

  198. Jackie says:

    True vision is less strategy and more heartbeat. -Rachael Myers ❤️

  199. Loida says:

    I love this version of this wonderful Hymn!

  200. Maggie Hite says:

    Definitely needed this reminded in the midst of death and heartbreak. His plan will always succeed and be victorious; it is my job to allow that plan to come to fruition with my faith. If only this constant reminded could be so easy to remember!

  201. Brandie says:

    Being eternally focused one moment, one day at a time can certainly prove to be anything but the easy way.
    Thank you for the reminder that he offers us the opportunity to set aside our dreams or even allow us to fulfil those dreams and we still need him for peace.
    He is always so much more than me!

  202. Christina says:

    The Rend Collective version of this hymn is my favorite. I’m exited it was on the spotify playlist.

    1. We love that version too, Christina! Thanks for joining us today!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  203. Maderia says:

    For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
    Jeremiah 29:11. I must continuously look to Jesus…for God's vision is far greater and better than I could ever imagine! Thank you SRT!

  204. Jessie says:

    Good thing you didn't get your Brownstone. Its cold here! Great, timely entry.

  205. Kelly says:

    "Without a vision, the people will perish"

    I am very easily led to fix my eyes on my vision and allow that to be how I guide my life. But Jesus calls us to set our eyes on him so that we can find pure joy in Him. May we today focus our eyes and hearts of Jesus change our ways knowing our true citizenship is in heaven.

    1. Naomi says:

      “True citizenship is in heaven.”
      Love this!

  206. Heather says:

    Thank you. This is exactly how I needed to start my day.

  207. Lys_in_RO says:

    Last night I arrived back in Romania after a visit home (Kansas.) This was a perfect reminder to start my first day back. He is the reason I live here, serve here. May He truly be my vision as I walk the path He lays before me. I needed this today! Thanks!

    1. (((hugs))) I know “re-entry” can be hard! Praying He remains your vision.

  208. Liz says:

    I just posted yesterday a picture of my churches Vision. Write it plainly and bring it before people often! Definitely something I feel God is telling this generation! Know why you do what you do!!

  209. Katie_K says:

    This has always been a favorite of mine! How wonderful to keep our eyes on Jesus for our hope and life. May He be our vision today and always.

  210. Ruth MT says:

    The Phil 3 passage came at me from two sources this morn. Paul says he lost all things for Christ’s sake. The last two years I have lost many, many things. But to CHOOSE to lose for Christ!
    All things are nothing with Christ in our vision. To see/aim for nothing but Him and to see all things through Christ’s eyes: that is the wondrous work of the Holy Spirit!

  211. Candacejo says:

    Though Fanny Crosby didn't write this particular hymn, I think of her when I hear it. Without sight from an infant, Fanny focused her vision on Christ from a very early age. If I remember right she wrote her first hymn at the age of eight!

    No matter her circumstance, HE was the focus. A year ago I went for my eye exam and always worried about my eye pressure (I'm just glaucoma SUSPECT) I wasn't prepared for the doctor to say, "So, do you know you have a MOLE on the back of your left eye?" What??!! No, not only did I not know it, I didn't know it was possible! (Yes, it is possible and they are just like regular moles…if they change in size, shape, etc. only then are they a concern) But who in the world has a MOLE on their eyeball????

    For an entire day I googled and worried and worried and googled. "What else?" was my continual thought. Finally I had to stop the worrying and realize that I couldn't change the situation. I couldn't reach in and remove that mole, nor did I want anyone else to!! I had to have a focus. I had to have a vision, as corny as it sounds. I had to have the Lord take away that fear and worry and be my true vision. Like Fanny Crosby, no matter what comes my way I will NEVER be without Jesus Christ. NEVER.

    Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
    Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.

    No matter what comes our way…if He is our VISION…our lighthouse as the sister said that we never lose sight of…we have confidence in the HOPE that He will not only be WITH us but He will be IN us and one day we will be with Him for eternity. No more worries then, friends!!

    Blessed Monday, wherever you are. ♥

    1. Wow! I, too, did not know that was possible! What an encouragement you’ve given today!

    2. WOW!! I love how God takes the most mundane everyday things and gives us a great truth… Even with the mundane is anything but! I had no clue. That’s fascinating.

  212. Melissa says:

    It’s so easy to get lost in the earthly plans we try to make and forget about setting our focus on Him and understanding that this life is His plan. I pray that I relinquish a bit more control of my earthly plan as I continue to learn about Him, read His Word, and build my relationship with Him. I pray for this community and raise it up to Him in worship because it is this exact community that has helped me to start shifting my focus. I feel so blessed to have found this place and am overwhelmed with joy in my heart for all that it provides! Praise Jesus!

  213. Jennifer says:

    I needed this after yesterday. It was the third anniversary of my Mom’s death and when I returned home after visiting the cemetery, I found my Dad had fallen and was lying on the floor. He is OK, but life is HARD right now. Today’s devotion has helped me refocus and regroup. Thank God for His protection, provision, and comfort!

    1. Candacejo says:

      Taking time to pray for you right now Jennifer. God is near. ♥

    2. Jennifer says:

      Thank you!

    3. Maderia says:

      I'm so glad that your dad is okay. Praying for you Jennifer!

    4. CarleeE says:

      My dad just passed away two weeks ago very unexpectedly. In a time of such turmoil I'm so thankful for the reminder of this hymn – that when grief or joy overwhelms us in this life, we are rooted in and can look towards the great Vision. Protection, provision, and comfort, amen amen. My heart hurts with yours today as you miss your Mom.

  214. Amy says:

    I'm grateful for this hymn coming at the end of the John study. I am moved, so deeply, by the cross, yet there are always times where I think "now what?" and struggle to tie all Christ did for us on the cross to my daily life. This hymn, though, is so beautiful, and ties the cross so closely with this daily life. I am grateful for all you ladies do!

  215. There was a time, when I was a young adult, that I ran away from hymns, or anything traditional because I had found so little of a relationship with God there as a child. Later, as an adult, I realized that these hymns, and the traditional teachings I received as a child, provided me with a sure footing. They laid the foundation that made it possible for me to keep going deeper with Christ and get to know him for myself in true relationship.. Now? Now, there's hardly a contemporary Christian song that bring comfort to my soul like a hymn sung from a heart of true worship.

    Love this new series!

    1. KSJoySeeker says:

      I totally agree…Hymns go so much deeper & are so rich in Biblical truth.

    2. Yes! I feel the exact same way!

  216. joanne says:

    Love this hymn, but never really looked at the words. So glad I did – now I love it even more! Thanks so much, Raechel!

  217. Kimmie47 says:

    My Dad once gave me this piece of advice, that throughout my life, I must keep my eyes on Jesus. Dad made this comparison – imagine God as a lighthouse at the end of a waterway. That lighthouse is our destination, and we have to continually move towards it. Though life may carry us this way and that, we must keep our eyes fixed on our goal. We can't get out of the boat and go another way, but instead keep moving toward that lighthouse. Though the twists and turns of life may slow us down, we must press on and remain fixed on our vision. What a good reminder today's reading was. To reach my goal, I must keep Him first in my heart.

    1. valerie says:

      love it!
      thanks for sharing!

  218. Kelly_Smith says:

    I am a planning, goal setting, Type A gal. Five year plans make me giddy. I distinctly remember getting to the end of my biggest five year plan (degree, marriage, job, baby) and hitting a wall. I had accomplished everything I (thought I) wanted as an adult. Now what? I was stuck. Praise God, His vision is bigger than mine! I love that line, "True vision is less strategy and more heartbeat." Oh how I need that truth! My Martha self wants to plan; Jesus calls me to just abide.

    1. Beverly says:

      Yes! I can relate. Thank you for sharing, Kelly.

  219. Micey says:

    One of my favorite hymns.

  220. Hannah says:

    Thank you for the clearer version of the hymn, it’s a favourite of mine! We had it at our wedding and I often wonder what my non-Christian friends and family thought to the archaic wording and whether they understood what it was saying. We were using it to boast in The Lord, to say this is our Lord, The Lord and he needs to be everything to all of us – although I am bad for seeing my end game as a bigger house, posher clothes and a family. Hopefully I will get chance to play the more modern version for those non-Christian friends and family.

  221. Amy says:

    It’s incredible to realize that even though we should have a vision, we aren’t forced to craft one on our own volition. Putting the Lord first and asking for Him to show us what He desires is the best vision planning strategy.

    1. Maderia says:

      AMEN AND AMEN AGAIN!!! I am reminded to pray that as I grow in Him, that His desires for my life become my own desires, and that His vision becomes what I envision for my life. Jeremiah 29:11 say that He knows the plans He has for me…And I know that His plans for me are great! His plans for us all are better than great! Thank you for your wisdom and insight!

      Happy Monday!

    2. Cinda says:


    3. CarleeE says:


    4. AMEN!! How freeing this is!

  222. Becca says:

    This hymn was beautiful. I’m looking forward to learning more about hymns and how they can still touch my heart today.

  223. Elizemerson says:

    This devotional was so encouraging. This hymn was pleasant and beautiful to my soul. It’s definitely difficult to focus on an end goal for a circumstance or situation in your life when you don’t have HIS “vision.” …a vision? …my vision? NO, HIS Vision that needs to take place in my heart. Without placing that trust upon God to act as a stronghold of His comfort, love, sovereign, and mighty hand in my circumstance, I will find myself lost, depressed, and confused… without any of His vision in my life.

    Lord, I pray for myself and all these women that you would go before them and place your vision for their lives, in their trouble times, that they may look to you: their God of peace, comfort, and hope. In Jesus Name. Amen.

    1. MNmomma says:


    2. Cindy says:


  224. Having lived in Gaelic- speaking Ireland for 4 years, this hymn is near and dear to my heart. My breath literally caught in my chest when I saw it was today’s hymn. I have always loved everything about this hymn, but sometimes I get stuck in the king James-type wording. A couple of years ago I meditated on it line by line and wrote it out as a personal prayer. I pray it leads whoever reads it closer to Christ.

    1. Hesaved83 says:

      Thanks for modernizing today’s hymn, thisgalsjourney and Raechel!

    2. Candacejo says:

      Beautiful prayer version of this hymn!! ♥

    3. James Gurl says:

      TY so much for sharing. As a new believer as hard as I try sometimes I feel as if I have no clue. I want to study the old hymns but was really having a time this morning. Can't ty enough for for making me see something I thought was so difficult become easy to embrace. I got caught up in myself for a moment but I have to remember to keep my focus on him and his love for me!!

      1. Oh, James Gurl, I’m so glad it helped you! Sometimes I have to pull out my dictionary and just chew on a particular word for a day or two. That helps it break out of the abstract for me.

    4. Jennifer says:

      Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I’ve bookmarked it :)

  225. Becca says:

    I LOVE this hymn! The words are so powerful and remind us to keep focused on God. Such a great reminder! I’m eagerly looking forward to the remainder of this study!

  226. tina says:

    Rachel, this is one of my favourite hymns…I printed out years ago, the words, and carry them with me wherever I go…not on my lips every day, but for sure, close by, as a reminder that my Lord and Saviour is all I need, and that my focus and vision should be Him…
    Thank you for this reminder…today….I shall certainly be singing this for a while, now I'm sure…


    Happy Monday Sisters, praying turns His face e to shine on you and yours this God given day…Be Blessed, whatever your plans….xxx

  227. Brianna says:

    I had never thought about Proverbs 29:18 while singing this. I’m excited about this study and being able to learn how to better apply these hymns to my own life.

  228. Shannon says:

    We had vision Sunday at my church today and this devotional could not have been more perfect as we’re starting out the new year with a clear new vision! “Be Thou My Vision” has always been one of my favorite songs, but it was really neat to see the meaning behind it and really think about the words.

    1. Jessica says:

      No way.