How We Give Thanks

Open Your Bible

Ezra 3:11, Acts 2:42-47, Ephesians 5:15-21, Philippians 4:4-9, Colossians 4:2

“Let’s go around the table and have everyone say something you’re thankful for!”

If only you could have heard the audible groans at last year’s Friendsgiving (friends celebrating Thanksgiving) when I blurted this out loud. Either because my friends felt sorry for me or because I’m so convincing, they eventually obliged. And despite the initial awkwardness and some cheesy jokes thrown in to break the ice, it was a pretty cool moment. There in a crowded dining room of families with a messy playroom full of kids, God reminded us that despite the chaos, gratitude often ushers in God’s holiness.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
—Philippians 4:4

I’ve always had a tendency to want to control things (if you haven’t already picked up on that), so rejoicing is definitely not my first response to the struggles of daily life. But I’m learning that instead of my inclinations to jump to worry or control, the good stuff happens in what God calls me to do instead. We are to pray, give thanks, and present our requests to God (v.6). Things don’t have to be perfect for us to rejoice, and all does not have to be well to thank God for who He is and what He has done.

Today’s reading reminds us that we can give thanks for everything! Not just the good and easy stuff—but also the tough things that we know God will reveal Himself through. I love how in Ezra 3 we see the builders of the temple stop their work to sing to God with praise and thanksgiving. They didn’t rejoice because the template was complete. They rejoiced because the foundation was laid and the work had begun (Ezra 3:11)!

Do I thank the Lord for my progress? Do I stop to praise Him when there is still work left to be done? Or do I fail to recognize even the small ways that He is faithful? Am I making a practice of giving thanks to God the Father for everything? Or do I regularly complain to anyone who will listen about the details and difficulties of my life that I wish He would fix?

Rejoicing always sounds like a great idea in theory. But it takes commitment and a closeness to God to actually live it out and put it into practice. Thankfulness is about so much more than just a quick prayer we say before we start our day. True, biblical thankfulness is a practice and a lifestyle. It’s a way of life.

Lord, I want to follow after you with thankfulness and rejoicing. Help me to praise you in the process of what you’re doing, even when I don’t always understand. Thank you, Lord, for who you are, what you have done, and all that You will do!

(71) Comments

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71 thoughts on "How We Give Thanks"

  1. casey davis says:

    giving thanks even when things are hard.

  2. Kim Dishner says:

    Prayer is a discipline and practice for me.

  3. Karen Wilson says:

    Remember to pause in the middle of the work to praise Him!

  4. Michaela Hawkins says:

    “Rejoice in the lord always, again I say REJOICE!” Phil4:4
    This has always been my favorite verse, since I was a little kid. In good times, in stressful times, in tough times, this is the verse that reminds me what we have to be grateful for. Let’s be honest, sometime it’s easy to forget. Even when I’m not doing well in my walk with God, or I have drifted, this verse has the power to bring me back faster than anything because it just puts it all into perspective for me REJOICE!!

  5. Jessica Thomas says:

    I am grateful that I am reading my bible daily, daily people!! I thought I would never get to the point where I actively wanted to pick it up and learn more, it’s stopped being a chore and after 12 months of discipline in reading it daily (well mostly) I now look forward to teh next installment.

    I am so grateful for the journey God has brought me on and the way I am getting closer to him each day but I am also grateful for all the things I have yet to learn and the opportunities and challenges ahead which will help me walk more closely with him. I am grateful, right here and right now!

  6. Jeannie Cross says:

    I think being able to thank God in the scary and hard times is even more precious to God because He knows how hard it is to us to trust and not be afraid when we don’t see the way. Giving thanks and praising Him is, I think, a true act of faith. \O/

  7. claire bradshaw says:


  8. Danya says:

    I am grateful to have come over into 2024 in good health with my entire family intact even if my parents’ health is declining. Im grateful to have them a little longer.

  9. Rochelle Barwise says:

    I am geteful for an incredible team that I work with that are so ready to love and support me and point me to Jesus

  10. Kieran Elliott says:

    Allowing others to join in on grace and give thanks tells them they are still cared for, no matter how different.

  11. Mindy Teumer says:


  12. Candice Kedroe says:

    Lord I thank you, even in the midst of the storm I am thankful. Because I know you will see me through.

  13. Karianne K says:

    ❤️ so true. Feeling entitled is the death of gratitude.

  14. Holly Smith says:

    “Help me to praise you in the process of what you’re doing, even when I don’t always understand.”

    This hit home for me in a big way as I’m currently going through something that I’m not quite sure what God is doing, but yes, I need to learn to praise Him in the process regardless, knowing that He does know what He’s doing and His ways are ALWAYS far better than mine!

  15. Stacy Barbeau says:

    In this devotional I loved how she said to give thanks for the easy things and the hard things, and how God will show up in them. Also, for the small ways God is being faithful and the process you have seen.

  16. Ruth Polanco says:

    How do we put this into practice? By not comparing oneself to others as to what they have and what you don’t. The grass is greener where it’s being watered. Being thankful is a state of mind

  17. Lolly Regan says:

    Help me to praise you in the process Lord

  18. Angie Vernon says:

    Praise him in the process I love that, and definitely need to practice this more

  19. Katie Nordgren says:


  20. Megan Ashor says:

    “All does not have to be well to thank God for who He is and what He has done.” I love that there are no conditions for thankfulness, but rather it’s a posture and a practice. Such a restful place to be.

  21. Lakechia Smith says:

    This reminds me to give thanks in the not so good times. In these moments God is revealing Himself to me and showing what he can do and what he will do for his daughter❤️

  22. Kristin S says:

    I love this. It is so true we must always be thankful in the hard as well.

  23. Heather Carp says:

    Do I thank the Lord for my progress. That really hit home today. I think it’s very easy when it seems to be one thing after another of things going wrong. But if I turn to the Lord and thank him for my progress and like James 4:7 says resist the devil and he will flee from you.

    Thankful for this devotion

  24. Miri am says:

    I love the concept of thanking God in the progress or even just beginning something!

  25. Christy Moye says:


  26. Chelsey W says:

    Mercy this is beautiful. I love the metaphor of the water.

  27. Missy Csonka says:

    I like that being thankful and praising God can be viewed as a practice. I need to do a lot more of this. I liked today’s readings ☺️. I am tired of complaining and griping when things do not go my way. I want to have joy each day that He gives me to be able to exalt Him. I am so glad that God loves me more than anyone else ever can. Love and hugs to all of you SRT ladies!

  28. Claire B says:


  29. Kimberly Z says:

    44 And all who believed were together and had all things in common. – Acts 2:44 isn’t that the truth. My mom always said that growing up you’re the people you associate with. If you follow those who don’t follow the gospel it’s hard to make the right choices such as practicing gratitude. Practicing gratitude is a daily task just like getting ready. It’s HARD to remember to be grateful even when the moments aren’t bright. I am asking for prayers today as my sister puts in an application for a new apartment. She’s in an abusive relationship and has been hard to get her out of it due to the lack of housing she can afford plus bad credit. I pray this works out for her as my mom has also put in a lot of time and effort to find her something. Praying it works out and she gets out.

  30. Natasha R says:

    What an insightful devotional we have today! Israel rejoiced because the work had BEGUN. I, too, can rejoice in what God is starting in me, though I know there will be hard work and obstacles, and I’m not clear on the outcome. I rejoice because He is with me and His will is being carried out in my life.

    I am in Hong Kong and I read the devotional the morning after it is uploaded, so happy Friday, Shes. ❤️

  31. Mercy says:

    @TERESA DONLEY: prayers over your friend’s adopted daughter Aliya, what a nuisance and unnecessary accusations they had to face. May God give them favours and solutions to try again, maybe this time there would be nicer people who will accommodate, for driver licence, and citizenship, with SPEED.
    @SHARON JERSEY GIRL: Emily’s healing from surgery, so sorry, that must have hurt so bad.
    @LINDAK: expensive car fix to be provided, and your friend’s node lung surgery to go well
    @KRIS: healing from head cold, what lovely office view and thought you had.
    @SEARCHING: love the reminder to self to find joy. If we truly seek, we will find. And if we seek for reasons to be sad, we will surely find those too. Lovely how the Bible today teaches us to visit happy thoughts only.
    @COLLEEN DEVEAU: clearing of any heart issues, big words there tachycardia and atrial fibrillation, and for ongoing improvement for your father. Thank you for your update on your dad, praying he is in good hands, in good spirit.
    @TAMI C: strength for Chela to go through this emotional toll and school stress.
    @KATHY: what a mighty miracle and wonder. Praise the Lord for lung transplant and no issues.
    @KIMBERLY Z: how was your dad’s birthday celebration? I was thinking of you. I hope you all had an amazing time.
    @TAYLOR W: went back to see your comment, prayers for your brother and the spirit of suicide, depression, and any evil chains to be broken by God’s unmatched power.
    Be blessed dear sisters.

  32. Mercy says:

    Today’s devotional got me off a tangent somehow. I was stopped when Abby shared she had a tendency to want to control things. I love the transparency and vulnerability that our sisters/writers let us in, into the truth of self. My mother too has always had this tendency and I never realized it until I had a family of my own. Things fall apart so easily with little children and busy lives. You just wish things to stay put, stay clean, and in order. The older my mother gets, the more controlling she has grown to be and it robs her of so much joy. I read an article recently that speaks about characters and I thought of the mothers that I have met. It advises the readers to be like fluid, especially mothers so we don’t hurt, to be like water, to be easily adaptable. Pivot. Pivot I would say lol. Water will make way for anything that goes against it. Water will go around a rock, make way for it and soften the rock with time of its sharp edges. And our Lord is like the Living Water, so gentle, making way. Water is very soft, gentle, yet always adapts to other subjects around it, and quietly makes life grow. I thank the Lord for using the article and the water imagery to teach me how to be a mother or any role for that matter. Prayers for all the mothers and grandmothers. May we have grace for strength, gentleness, softness and adaptability through our Gracious Lord.❤️✨

  33. Anna Faith says:

    Thank you Jesus!

  34. Anna Faith says:

    Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you so much for all you have done for me. I will Rejoice in you Lord Always and Sing of your Love! Praise you God for always coming through. Help me now Holy Spirit to keep my Eyed fixed on you! I Love you Lord Jesus! Amen!

  35. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I can so relate @ Morgan Lyle, I have a one year old and a four year old, and it seems the work is never done. Sometimes I don’t feel like I can be at peace until everything is in it’s place, but that seems like it is only for a moment. I want to have peace during the chaos of life and in the midst of all the work. I am so thankful for my beautiful little family, and I pray I would focus on that especially during the hard times.

  36. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    @Teresa Donely – praying for your friends daughters situation. I hope that she is able to get her license soon.

    @Kathy – praise God for the new set of lungs your friends dad received. Also praying for the donor family. It’s sad that someone has to die sometimes so that others can continue to live…But isn’t that just what Christ did for us.

    @Tami C. – praying for Chela, may God take away her anxiety and homesickness and replace it with peace and joy. Will she be coming home for Thanksgiving or staying in the City? I am only about a 30 minute drive from NYC, if she needs a place to go. We’d love to have her!

    @Colleen DeVeau – praise the Lord that your dad is healing and that your symptoms have subsided! Thank you Jesus!

    @Susan Reagon – Amen!!

    @Linda K – praying that your friends surgery goes well.

    @Megan D, @L @Sarah @Taylor @Michelle and anyone else that is praying for a home and family, I will continue to pray for each of you – until God answers!

    I also have a prayer request – Emily (my future daughter in law) had emergency surgery on Sunday night to remove her appendix. She has been in a lot of pain. Please pray for her healing and that the pain would subside. Also for her salvation as she does not know the Lord.

    Thank you my sweet sisters!!

  37. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “True, biblical thankfulness is a practice and a lifestyle. It’s a way of life.” Thankful to Abbey for this reminder this morning. It’s so easy to complain about everything that’s not right – why is it so hard to be thankful??? When Abbey said this, “do I regularly complain to anyone who will listen about the details and difficulties of my life that I wish He would fix?” my reaction was ouch! This is me. But I want to become a new me. I want to be purposefully looking for things to be thankful for, and with the good, good, Father that we have – it shouldn’t be to hard. I just have to be mindful!…Lord, please make me more aware of your goodness and faithfulness that is extended to me – every single day!

    Thankful for today, the sunshine, and for each of you! May you have a wonderfully blessed day!

  38. Jessica Kolar says:

    Lord forgive me for where I have been ungrateful. Lord everything good is from you and you are the only truly good being, thank you that even in my mess and brokenness you love me and still have work for me to do and a place for me in your family! Love thank you for loving me unconditionally!

  39. Morgan Lyle says:

    I love the part about being thankful for the foundation and work starting. I have a three month old and a two year old. Work never seems to end and I often get overwhelmed. It’s a great reminder to be thankful to take care of my family and home. Not everyone is as fortunate. Thank you Jesus. ❤️

  40. Wendy Johnson says:

    So grateful for this community of bible readers! Thankful for the reminder to give thanks in all times, as a way of life instead of an occasional add-on.

  41. Gayle Craik says:

    I rejoice in all the greatness we will see with my 2nd occurrence with ovarian cancer!

  42. LindaK says:

    Good morning Shes I pray that I will remember, as Abby said that things don’t have to be perfect (being told that a possible expensive car repair is not covered under your warranty) for us to rejoice and all does not have to be well to thank God for who He is and what He has done to, to Praise through the Process! Praying for requests regarding health, pain, illness, anxiety, provision for wisdom and strength. Father help me not to be anxious about my circumstances but help me to lay my requests before you remembering that you are good and your mercy endures forever❤️. Special prayer request for my college friend Karen who is in surgery to remove a nodule on her lung. Blessings to you all❤️

  43. Munchkin says:

    I feel better today. Thank you for the prayers.

    I remember as a child making my parents say what they were thankful for. We were a small family as I was an only child until I was nineteen. They humored me and each said one thing they were thankful for. I think this year, I’m going to bring that tradition back. I have so much to be thankful for, even in the process as was said in the devotional. I’m in a period of transition right now, and I’m not sure what the future holds, but may I not be scared, because God is there wherever life takes me.

  44. Cee Gee says:

    In these Scriptures today we see lots of instructions about praise and earlier in Ephesians 5 we see a lot instruction s for the Christian life. the following verse of the day on Biblegateway seems appropriate:

    Psalm 119:18 NLT-
    Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions.

    Those instructions lead to a lifestyle, a practiced way of living. The old saying says ‘practice makes perfect’. We who are dedicated to living a life of obedience are designed and destined for perfection when Jesus comes. “I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6 CSB
    and from the AMPC –
    “And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.”

    How encouraging and THANKS worthy is that?!!

    SEARCHING – Yes! Always thinking and thanking! It DOES make a difference! Still improving slowly but definitely better each day now. Thank you! ❤ Continued prayers for your friends and the children in kindergarten.

    KRIS – Thank you for sharing that moment and your thoughts with us. I felt like I was there with you! Praying your head cold clears quickly.

    MERCY – Thank you! ❤

    KATHY – Praying for all affected by the transplant and especially for your friend’s dad and successful and uneventful recovery.

    Praying for all SHES! ❤

  45. Sarah Ritchie says:

    Thanking him in the middle. That really resonates with me today. Thankful for all you ladies and your insightful comments this morning.

  46. Lauren Hassell says:


  47. Traci Gendron says:

    That is something I need to remember to do, be thankful during the process. To look at where I was and where God has brought me too now. Such a beautiful loving process.

  48. Mari V says:

    I feel like I’ve always been open book here with all of you, my Beautiful sweet She’s. I look forward to meeting with all of you every single morning. Even when I don’t comment. What really stood out to me this morning was when Abby says that things don’t have to be perfect for us to rejoice And all doesn’t have to be well to Thank God for all that He’s done. I needed to hear that as I’m racking my brain about a lot of things right now. I will rejoice!

  49. Kris says:

    As I sit here this morning in my quiet office at work, still not feeling well from a head cold, I gaze out the picture window at the harbor that sits in the middle of my town, the sun is rising above the blue water, and I think “Thank You, God, for this view, the sunshine, the office that is quiet today since I don’t have a lot of energy, for another day to spend with You, Thank You for a job that provides for my needs, thank You for the car that gets me where I need to go, Thank You for my kids and grandkids, Thank You for peace and contentment in my heart, Thank You for Your Word that I get to read every day, Thank You for other servants of Yours that encourage and uplift me, Thank You that You never leave me, Thank You for being the Good Shepherd that knows me and loves me and protects me and guides me and directs me. Thank you for this group of ladies (at SRT) who are stumbling towards You every day, wanting to know You better and deeper. Thank You for Your Son who shed His own blood for the forgiveness of sins so that we may live a fulfilling, joyful life on this earth and then live in heaven with You forever. How can I stop thanking You? I can’t. There are too many things to thank You for that I will never be able to stop. You are a wonderful awesome God that will always be worthy of praise and thanksgiving.”

  50. Mandi says:

    Tami C- praying for you and your daughter. I have been in a similar spot with my college aged son and it IS SO exhausting.

  51. Paula Bilder says:

    Amen ❤️

  52. Michelle Patire says:

    Another thought: nothing is too hard for the Lord, also @Megan D- think of Sarah, Elizabeth, Rebecca – all older women who conceived. Sarah & Abraham were “as good as dead” – yet God brought life through her. This is not just a story, but an example. Don’t lose hope- God literally can do anything! He made everything!

  53. Michelle Patire says:

    Good morning, Shes! Well, it is currently morning for me, at least lol.

    So thankful to be here with you all and reading your comments. Not forgetting there are always the silent Shes reading along and praying with us ♥️

    This devo is so good! I appreciate Abby, very relatable.
    “Do I thank the Lord for my progress? Do I stop to praise Him when there is still work left to be done?”
    Let us praise Him along the way, like they did in the rebuilding of the temple at the foundation completion!

    @Megan D- I know it is hard. None of my siblings and I are married or have children (there are 7 of us, all 20s & 30s). My older brother and I are both in our 30s, waiting on the Lord for His perfect will to play this part of our story out. I can not speak to your story, as I do not know you, but I encourage you to keep expressing this in prayer with the community of believers around you. Let them speak over you and encourage you. That is what I have done. I often have brought my request here, too… It is painful, some days. I was just crying about it last week. I so desire to be a wife and mother. I just say from my experience, you are not alone, and God loves you just as much as He loves anyone. Seek Him and keep knocking, He will offer You wisdom & hope through His word and the body. Let your heart not stay discouraged. God bless you and keep you, Megan. And anyone else struggling in this area of life. Let His will be done and let us stay rejoicing in hope. ♥️

    @Gramsiesue – thinking of you and Steve this morning ❣️ The Lord keep you and comfort you.

    @Kathy- praise the Lord for this miracle of new lungs!! Wow. Doctors are amazing!

    God bless all you. Love you ladies ❣️ the Lord hears and sees all unspoken requests.

  54. Adrienne says:

    Your post yesterday, SHARON, JERSEY GIRL, fits me to tee as well. Thank you for putting that into words.

    Prayers lifted for you, loved ones, as I read them.

    Let as always remember, sweet sisters, that the thing we should be thankful for every day is our salvation. How great is it that He loves us so much, that He was willing to die for us!?!?!? If we don’t think we can be thankful for anything each day (even if the day/season might be yucky) we need to think again. ❣️

  55. Julie Hurst says:

    I love the reminder to thank God on the way and in the middle…. We are not done and the job is not finished….so thank God every step!

  56. Aimee D-R says:

    Oh Father forgive me for when I am ungrateful. I want to stay in Your presence with gratitude always. In Jesus name, Amen

  57. AnnaMarie Littrell says:

    Amen. ❤️

  58. Susan Reagon says:

    The reading from Philippians accompanied every assembly at my high school,and as a result became rooted within me.That was when I was a teenager,and now at the age of 76 ,I can say that it has helped me in good times and bad on my spiritual journey.I thank God for the Christian headmistress I had all those years ago

  59. Theresa says:

    Today I’m going to start looking for moments to praise God in the process. So often, I’m waiting for the finished work and forget that every step that gets me there deserves praise too.

  60. Searching says:

    How do I give thanks? I’m a work in progress but on those days when things aren’t going my way, I try to remind myself to find the joy (Nehemiah 8:10b). Even when things seem to be going straight downhill, God is still God, keeping those new mercies coming. Do I always stay on track with this? No but if I’m actively thinking and thanking Him, it makes a big difference.

    One phrase that jumped out this morning was in Ephesians 5:16 “redeeming the time” (NKJV). Make the most of it while we can, don’t waste a resource we can’t get back. Use today’s 1440 minutes wisely.

    Love the selection from Philippians!

    KATHY – praising for your friend’s dad getting the lung transplant, praying for a smooth recovery and acceptance. Also praying for the donor family and their loss.

    JENNIFER ANAPOL – good to see you again

    TERESA DONLEY – praying for your friend and Aliya, for the citizenship issue and driver license hold up to be resolved


    GRAMSIESUE- praying for you and Steve

    CEE GEE – improving?? And great reference yesterday Ezekiel 36:26. I had never looked at it in the context of me and now before ❤️

    KRISTINE LOUGHMAN – praying your plantar fasciitis is improved or gone!

  61. Colleen DeVeau says:

    I appreciate it so greatly that we are doing the “Give Thanks” study as a community once more. I was there the first time in 2018, and I have read it in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving each year since. I have needed it every time, and this year is no different.
    This time, I have been fighting strange heart issues of tachycardia and atrial fibrillation since the beginning of this month, BUT GOD HAS BEEN SO GOOD! My symptoms have been subsiding, and I am seeing His faithfulness more and more with each new day in EVERY LITTLE THING! He has been giving me “rest on every side,” and everything He has spoken and promised is coming true. He is with me and fighting for me. I cannot thank Him enough!
    How do we give thanks? We give thanks by doing just what we do here in this community day in and day out: we come together as His body. We give thanks by testifying of His goodness and sharing His love and blessings with those around us. We give thanks by praying for one another.
    Thank you, Shes, for your continuing prayers and encouragement. I love you all dearly. Thank you for praying for my father while he was in the hospital and as he is now in rehab, progressing slowly. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.

  62. Courtney-Erin Lowery says:

    Thank you God for family, church family, friends and a job…but most of all for saving grace! ❤️

  63. Deanna Rasch says:

    Valley of Vision has a prayer I love… “Lord I thank thee that many of my prayers have been refused… I have longed for Egypt but have been given a wilderness.”
    That is my Thanksgiving prayer!

  64. Tami C says:

    Lord help me “to praise you in the process of what you are doing, even though I don’t always understand.” GM ladies. Can I please request prayer for my daughter Chela. She is at her first year of college and is really struggling with anxiety/being homesick etc. I’m constantly trying to talk her off the ledge and it is exhausting as a mom. I need wisdom. Midterms have her at her breaking point. Her last one is today and she really puts a lot of pressure on herself to perform well and then self hates if she perceives she doesn’t. God gave me a confirmation that she is supposed to be where she is, but now I’m like “really God?” I’m trying to stand on his promises but my heart is breaking for her. Thx ladies.

  65. Tara B says:

    Praying for each of you dear sisters as I read through the comments. Praising God for you and this study, for the quiet morning and for my healthy family. Praying for my heart to see the blessings throughout my day, everyday and for others not to see a heart of discontent in me. Having a wonderful day!

  66. Kristine Loughman says:

    Giving thanks – it’s one of those things that everyone knows to do, at Thanksgiving we go around the table and publicly acknowledge our blessings, we say our rote prayers… we don’t even hear ourselves anymore. I went back and read through yesterday’s comments and what jumped out is: we give thanks to God because he is good. Period. And while we are of course grateful for our many blessings… we give thanks because he is good and his love for us endures forever. Thank you PEGGY PAPPAS for that reminder. And BRENDA, your comment about not needing to refrain our bad circumstances as good ones rang true. Sometimes life is just hard! There is no silver lining. In the past I’ve felt guilty for being unable to find the good. But we don’t need to do mental gymnastics to convince ourselves that horrible circumstance is actually a blessing in disguise. Nope, it’s okay to acknowledge it as the worst, but praise God despite it.

  67. kathy says:

    Praise God with me, sweet sisters!!! My friend’s father has a new set of lungs! He had been on the transplant list for the last year and a half. We were beginning to despair that this would happen, but Tuesday morning they got the call and yesterday he got new lungs.
    Praise God for this miracle and pray that he recovers completely, and that there are no problems.

  68. Mary Ann Graves says:


  69. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Praise Him in the process! Love that.

    DEANNA RASCH – praying looking for things to thank God for will encourage you in the rough time you are in.

    TERESA DONLEY – praying for Aliya’s situation to be resolved quickly.

  70. Tina says:

    Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

    I love this verse, I just do!

    RHONDA J. mentioned a song from Brandon Lake earlier this week, Praise you anywhere..
    It has become my new anthem as I dance around my kitchen, my home, and in the car!
    Waiting patiently, whilst dancing to be arrested for noise pollution.. bring it on..


    BUT GOD..

    Thank you Lord God, for your goodness, that covers me, always. Your grace, that is always there, even when I do not deserve it. Your mercy, new each day. Your faithful love that envelopes me, when I feel down. Your provision, when ‘cupboards’ are running low. Yor comforting arms, always there to wipe the tears away.
    Thank-you Lord God for who you are..
    Thank you from heart filled will gratitude..


    Blessed to walk with you dear hearts.
    Praying through requests as I send love wrapped in hugs.❤️

  71. Tina says:

    MEGAN D.. this verse from Psalm 37:4 came to mind as I prayed for you..

    Seek your happiness in the Lord, and He will give you your hearts desire..

    Megan, holding you and your request up in prayer, to the One who sees and knows already the desires of your heart. Trust HIM, He WILL not disappoint..
    For now, in the waiting, might I say dear sister, rejoice in the good around you, see His goodness for it is all aligning to His purpose and plan for your life.. Trust Him..❤

    L.. Holding you and the desire of your heart also in my prayers. God loves you and He wants the best for you.. He never fails!❤

    C.. praying❤


    GRAMSIESUE. Holding you and Steve close as I pray for healing for Steve’s body and for your mind and heart with the worry ..❤