Holy Saturday

Open Your Bible

Matthew 27:62-66, Luke 23:54-56, Isaiah 53:8-12

Scripture Reading: Matthew 27:62-66, Luke 23:54-56, Isaiah 53:8-12

There is something so breath-taking about sunsets. Would you agree? A sunset has the ability to capture the day’s narrative with silky, smokey-sorbet colored lines in the sky. Or maybe you favor sunrises. How darkness gives way to dawn, singing awake every living thing with the promise of God’s magnificent mercies, never failing and always new. 

But do we marvel and consider beautiful the time in-between the sun setting and sun rising? Do we consider it set apart and worth beholding? Not blazing with exquisite colors, but the steady sacredness of mundane, constant, and ordinary—the life in between. 

Life in the in-between is where we find ourselves in today’s reading. It’s Holy Saturday, the shadowy time in between the Son entering the tomb and being raised on Resurrection Sunday. Today’s solemn in-between doesn’t appear beautiful. It doesn’t feel holy and sacred. It’s the day after a gruesome tragedy, quiet with shock, hazy with clouds of grief. The long-awaited, now crucified Messiah lay in a borrowed tomb with a stone rolled over it. 

Imagine for a moment how His followers and disciples must have felt in the raw in-between. From their perspective, everything was dark. They could not see the resurrection hope peaking above the horizon. Fearful and confused, in the grip of grief while holding on to a vague hope, they may have wondered, Was following Jesus worth it? Did I waste these years? What was this for?

And yet, in the midst of their questions and lament, Scripture tells us, 

“The women who had come with him from Galilee followed along and observed the tomb and how his body was placed. Then they returned and prepared spices and perfumes. And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment” (Luke 23:55–56).

They rested. They didn’t busy the silence of heartache away, they honored what was sacred in the uncertain in-between. 

What about you and me? Do we rest amid the doubts, the questions, the waiting and uncertainity? Do we rest in the in-between, when we can’t yet see hope rising from the darkness––the anxiety, depression, loss, illness, loneliness––that has set in our lives?

To rest reminds us that the coming light doesn’t rest on us. It’s the invitation of our text today. And it’s an invitation for the confused and fully convinced, for the doubtful and determined, for the wanderer and the wanting. It’s an invitation for you and for me, to fully live in the in-between, even if our hope feels but vague. Because even a vague hope can lead us to rest. 

So as we wait to behold history’s most glorious Son rise tomorrow, I pray we don’t miss the opportunity to marvel in the holy in-between. 

Written by Oghosa Iyamu

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42 thoughts on "Holy Saturday"

  1. Mercy says:

    Good News guys. Have you heard? He is risen, and alive forever more. Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future, and life is worth a living just because He lives. Joining you beautiful and amazing ladies of this blessed community to celebrate this Holy Resurrection Sunday. Praying for you dear sisters (Churchmouse, Victoria E, Searching, Heidi and your niece +friend, Brooke P, Traci, Michelle P, Rhonda J, Angie, Martha Hix, Sissy, Taylor and all others). Praying over your safety and health, your struggles, your families, your relationships, your joy/ peace and your faith walk with God. May anything that was dead (seem dead), anything that was killed and destroyed by the devil will be resurrected to life by the ONE who is the resurrection and the life Himself (John 11:25). Praying over SRT staff and SRT platform to be blessed and sustained, developed, expanded to further the gospel message to the nations. Hallelujah. Glory be to God! Rejoice in the Lord always. Be blessed dear sisters.

  2. Stormi Messmer says:


  3. Kelly Little says:


  4. Claire B says:

    Victoria E so thankful to “see” you…thoughts and prayers

  5. Melissa Mcronney says:


  6. Alayna P. says:


  7. Clarischa Ray says:


  8. Clarischa Ray says:


  9. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I can’t even imagine how the disciples must be feeling right now. I wonder if they remembered that Jesus had said he would rise after three days and if they even understood what he meant. They must have felt so hopeless and defeated. The only event I can compare this to in my own life, is when I was feeling hopeless about finding a husband. I was suppose to attend a prayer night that night, and I really didn’t want to go because I was mad that God hadn’t brought my husband into my life. I had signed up for online dating and the experience left me feeling like finding the right guy, who felt the same way about me, would be a miracle. I ended up going to the prayer night, more out of obligation than passion and met my husband there. God really does show up when we least expect it and many times when we are feeling hopeless. If you’re feeling hopeless and defeated, remember God is in control and has great plans for your life.

  10. Mercy says:

    With God everything is possible. I remember in the movie this is the words the Lord Jesus told his mother Mary on his way carrying the cross. If you ever witness a traffic accident where there are bloody graphic sights, you would probably get haunted if you are like me, i am afraid of the sight of blood. I would think of the accident victim for days, wondering if they make it. And to witness the Lord crucified alive, oh my, the trauma that must have followed his mother, his disciples and those who loves Him. But with God, anything is possible. Anything. Anything. Fear not, just believe.❤

  11. Margaret W says:

    So much of life is spent waiting, in the in-between. What a beautiful thought to focus on today. Those in-between times require us to draw upon our faith.

  12. Carla Powers says:

    The message of resting and marveling in the in-between was exactly what I needed to hear today. I am recovering from foot surgery and woke up this morning feeling anxious and unsettled with the stillness of this season. But I know this is part of a purposeful season of rest that the Lord intends to use for my good and His glory. So as I cease trying to busy the silence away, I will marvel at His goodness during this Holy in-between time! God is good!!

  13. Cindy Hanna says:

    Believe, Abide, Hope, Wait, Worship & Rest. Lord, we do not know what to do, but we look to you.

  14. Anne Carlson says:

    It may be something simple but it has never struck me so much as it did today that when the women followed Jesus‘s body to the tomb it was still Friday before sunset. They would have then gone home, mixed spices, and stopped their work before the Sabbath began at sunset. Today is the Jewish Sabbath. This is a day of spiritual faith, reflection, praise, and forgiveness. We are not merely waiting. It is a day of expectancy and hope!

  15. Cindy Hanna says:

    Like so many other She’s I was blessed by the “in between” comments in today’s devotional. Such a beautiful perspective. I’ve been struggling with an upcoming talk about anxiety that I am supposed to lead soon and today for the first time a connection and order to my many thoughts finally presented itself. I love the wisdom and practical applications I always find here.

  16. Rhonda J. says:

    Hi She’s! Hi Victoria, good to see you! Prayers for you! (Still wish we could see the little sweet miracle!)

    I have watched The Chosen every night leading up to Easter, and it is portrayed so well, the disciples and the Pharisees, and all the stories we know and love. The scene where Nicodemus meets with Jesus last night brought goosebumps and tears to both my husband and me. I didn’t realize Nicodemus was one of the two, in the verse we read the other day referred to that buried Jesus’ body until someone pointed it out on here. Wow. He knew He was the Messiah. I highly recommend that you all watch the series. There are two seasons. There was also the scene where all the disciples were discussing and trying to wrap their mind about everything in respect to being “chosen” and the why and what of it all. Very thought provoking. I am in awe that we have all these very words from them some 2000 years later to read at our disposal in the Bible! How did I ever think the Bible was boring? Now I relish it and absorb it like oxygen. I need it, my daily manna, my light in the darkness.

    I too can remember my “in the waiting” very clearly. I was devastated when my husband of 2.5 years said he didn’t want to be in the marriage any longer, and crushed my dream. I thought I had the perfect little family with our precious 2-year-old son. Nope. It was over. And what could I do? I felt despair, shame, failure, unloved, and fear. I hit my knees, cried out to God. I just couldn’t get my life right, failure again. But this time I knew God had me..finally. I am stubborn. I didn’t want to give up control. But now I could, I was so tired. Then the waiting came-the in-between. But in that waiting is where the faith comes in! The growing, the mending, the wisdom. It takes time, God’s timing to make you over, born again, a child of God. Yes I had grown up a Christian, loving God, but now it was a relationship with the Lord. Sometimes He has to get our stubborn attention, to make us look up and rely on HIM. I am so, so grateful that He keeps trying to bring us in. I prayed and waited patiently (somewhat patiently!) to see where God would take me and what He would bring me. The man of my prayer journals I longed for came in and swooped me up like a fairytale 15 years ago!

    Prayers for you Mari V. I remember your posts from 6 years ago! Lots of love and prayers. For all of you! The waiting is all most over!

    Happy Easter, the Day of our Risen Saviour! Hallelujah!

  17. Churchmouse says:

    Sssh. Today is silent Saturday. This is the day when the crucifixion of Jesus sinks in for all those involved. Those at the foot of the cross, the few female followers including His mother, the Roman soldiers and curious onlookers. The Pharisees back at the Temple, congratulating themselves on being rid of the troublemaker from Nazareth. The disciples gathering in the upper room, trying to process all that happened and recalling all He had said. It is a silent Saturday because Jesus has nothing more to say and noting more to do. Until…sssh… tomorrow.

  18. Victoria E says:

    Also after reading some more comments I felt I should share- this time last year we were about to go through our own “in between”. We had finally conceived our first baby after a while of trying and I was beyond excited, however right after Easter we learned it was a chemical pregnancy and I was devastated. I didn’t know then that this time the next year God would bless us with a healthy baby, and I was afraid it would never happen. Honestly I think I still struggle with the sadness of that time even with the amazing blessing God gave us right after. But I learned so much about God and having an actual relationship with him through struggling through the “in between time”.

  19. Victoria E says:

    Hello dear sisters! I managed to get 3 hours of sleep with the baby last night and have a few moments to read the devotional, reading and some comments today. Elijah is one month old now praise God and growing well. Thank you for everyone who has been praying. Please continue to pray for us, my doctor says I screened positive for PPD. Thank you and bless you all!

  20. Dorothy says:

    Beautiful devotional this morning. Loved every word of it.
    Sisters be blessed and rest.

  21. Patricia Lefner says:

    Thank you for sharing.

  22. Mari V says:

    Good morning sisters! I agree with you all, Oghosa, this was beautiful and inspiring!! I wasn’t going to say this but after reading some of the comments, here I am. I too, (as many here) have experienced the “in between”. The “in between” when we don’t know what is going to happen. For me that day ironically was around this time 6 years ago!! I made a hard decision (won’t give out details) , but I remember my kids and I were SO scared. Ironically it happened on a Friday night, and it was this Saturday, “the in between“experience that caused so much anxiety for the three of us. Today, my son, my daughter, and I, are in a much better place. We are safe. Please continue to pray as there’s still so much healing to take place especially for my son and daughter. I’m so thankful they both love Jesus. Please continue to pray for my son and daughter as they are still needing counseling.

  23. Rebecca says:

    Oh, I loved the devotion today. I needed to hear those words of encouragement for my own “in between” season that kept me awake last night, again. As I lay there, I prayed for forgiveness, as my time of suffering is so nothing compared to my Jesus’, yet it hurts so much. But I know this is only the waiting season and I CAN rest in the assurance of His love. Thank you for prayers lifted, and praying for you as well. ❤️

  24. Cynthia Hoover says:

    In our Good Friday service yesterday our pastor shared a new to me perspective on Barbarras, the criminal that was set free even though Jesus was innocent. He didn’t deserve to be free nor did he ask to be free. We are all Barbarras’s, it’s up to us to accept the gift that Jesus gave us. This touched me so much that I wanted to share it with my She Reads truth community. I am thankful for all that you share with me and pray that this image moves you like it did me.

  25. Ashley Bowman says:

    Oghosa, this is the most beautiful thing I’ve read in a while.

  26. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    There is holiness in suffering with Yahweh. The endurance to hold on past the point I thought I could comes from Jesus. Only He knew the pain of being utterly alone, drinking the cup of God’s wrath so I would not have to. On this Holy Saturday I can wait. I can rest. I have the beautiful blessing of knowing He will rise. He rose. Holding remembrance of this in between day for the disciples is such an honor. I can only imagine their grief and confusion. They saw Him crushed to death, but they could not see the seed. The offspring that would come were still veiled beneath the shroud of death. Locked away in a tomb, their King was gone from their midst. Yet, I love the faithfulness that remained in the small acts of obedience on the Sabbath. “After his anguish, he will see light and be satisfied” (Isaiah 53:11a). Our Divine Warrior finds victory in His resurrection. It’s hard to see past the crucifixion without knowing this was the ultimate battle of God against darkness and evil. This strike reclaims Yahweh’s people by offering restoration and reconciliation. The suffering warrior wins through a divine plan. And so today, I am reminded to rest in between. I think I will plant some flowers. Seems fitting for this Holy Saturday. A little music and hands in the earth like Jesus. Praying the seeds of hope and needs are pushed deep into God with faith that will bring peace in between the answers.

  27. Stephanie Berling says:

    Yet God who is rich in mercy has a purpose in all things. The Sabbath was given to us as a gift and what a gift it would have been for Jesus’s followers who were up all night, experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety, and deep painful grief. Thank you God for rest. Even when it is hard to pause you see our need and you provide it.

  28. Ruby Everett says:

    Thank you Churchmouse for your reminder that a lot can happen in 3 days! I always look forward to your comments and insights. Prayers for your healing and complete recovery. Happy Resurrection Day She’s!

  29. Kristen says:

    @Searching in agreement with your prayer. By God’s mercy may they(all the lost, all those that hate God, all that think they don’t need Him, all that are deceived by lies, false religions, or think they are saved, but aren’t) would encounter Him and hear truth and see the Truth and not be able to deny anymore. I pray that God would replace depraved minds with a mind to see our many sins, see Him rightly, and see ourselves rightly. I pray that all would see our depravity and our need to be rescued and saved and see that He is Holy. Instead of excuses or hate to and at God that true repentance would come and that each would have a renewed mind that hates what God hates and loves what He loves. I pray in His mercy that the desires to do, say, and think sinful things would be gone. I pray that the fear and reverence of God and the astonishment of who Jesus is and His sacrifice(His physical torture, the mocking, the denial, betrayal, abandonment were horrifying, but just to fathom that He drank the full cup of God’s wrath is beyond any human torture) would lead to all serving Him until we are called home. Amen

  30. Ashleigh H says:

    Thank you, Michelle Patire, for asking about me. Praying for you and your sister. Sadly, my procedure was cancelled due to a mix up at the office for when this time sensitive test should occur. A lot of frustration on my part because it means another month of waiting in my own “in between” as this procedure could result in a need for surgery or give the green light for an IVF transfer. Praying for God’s guidance and wisdom for all of us “she’s” as well as our hearts through this Holy Saturday.

  31. Kathleen Grant says:

    Thank you Lord JESUS Christ!!! Amen!!!

  32. Brooke P says:

    So incredible to think of the in between the disciples felt today, the true weight of the absence of their leader was heavy on them today. They had followed him for three ish years and now just like that, gone. And yet— only a few more hours until the tomb will be empty and he will appear. They cannot cling to him though, because he hasn’t ascended to the father yet. I’m getting ahead of myself BUT I am just so thankful for the time in which and the perspective we have been blessed with. It is amazing to put ourselves in the disciples place yesterday and today. Trying to keep my excitement flutters at bay when thinking of the sadness they felt today.

  33. Aimee D-R says:

    Hope in the waiting. You are the hope Jesus. Amen

  34. Stephanie Hyden says:

    I think most of the Pharisees and the Romans were afraid the disciples would steal His body to fake something, leading to what they considered to be ongoing “false teaching” and group/mob mentality, disturbing the peace…

  35. Morgan Latham says:

    “Jesus paid it all,
    All to Him I owe;
    Sin had left a crimson stain,
    He washed it white as snow.”

  36. Michelle Patire says:

    Yes @Searching — also praying for those without Christ to wake up in this season. God is moving, I believe it.

    Thinking of you, @Ashleigh H– not sure you’re doing these readings but praying you have a healthy recovery from your procedure.

    God bless you, Shes.
    God is faithful.

  37. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Yesterday I was thinking on how they rested, attended to Sabbath as they normally would. Imagine how hard, how heartbreaking this one must have felt, especially as they still were in the Passover week, and it was a high holy day (I believe). They were with Jesus just this past Thursday, and now He is gone. He was taken in such a gruesome, horrific way. But they’re waiting probably in grief. Just resting.

  38. LeAnn Schmitt says:

    These are beautiful poignant thoughts Oghasa. Thank you. This historic in-between that we remember today and the in-between that we live in now.

  39. Keelie Ann says:

    I have never taken notice of the detail of resting in the “in between”. I fully believe that Christ is my Savior and yet I don’t take time to rest is his promises. I try to do it all myself, make things happen that I have no business worrying about. This is an incredible perspective that I hope to carry with me through Resurrection Sunday and beyond!

  40. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Isa. 53:10 Yet the Lord was pleased to crush him severely
    When you make him a guilt offering, he will see his seed, he will prolong his days,
    and by his hand, the Lord’s pleasure will be accomplished.

    So what is this guilt offering that Jesus was made for us?

    Lev 5:14-19 The Guilt Offering
    14 Then the Lord spoke to Moses: 15 “If someone offends by sinning unintentionally in regard to any of the Lord’s holy things, he must bring his penalty for guilt to the Lord: an unblemished ram from the flock (based on your assessment of its value in silver shekels [Judas valued Him at 30], according to the sanctuary shekel) as a guilt offering. 16 He is to make restitution for his sin regarding any holy thing [the Temple was defiled with the money changers], adding a fifth of its value to it, and give it to the priest. Then the priest will make atonement on his behalf with the ram of the guilt offering, and he will be forgiven.

    17 “If someone sins and without knowing it violates any of the Lord’s commands concerning anything prohibited, he is guilty, and he will bear his iniquity. 18 He must bring an unblemished ram from the flock according to your assessment of its value as a guilt offering to the priest. Then the priest will make atonement on his behalf for the error he has committed unintentionally [Jesus said, Father forgive them for they no not wjat they do], and he will be forgiven. 19 It is a guilt offering; he is indeed guilty before the Lord.”

    Just as we rest in the in-between of death and resurrection, we are resting in the Lord’s promise of His second advent.

  41. Brea Shyng says:

    I hadn’t ever tithe time to notice how concerned the Pharisees were with the tomb being secured and the realization that on some level they likely believed Jesus. It’s interesting then that Mary and the other women are so shocked because even the Pharisees believed it enough to attempt to prevent it.

  42. Searching says:

    I thought about being in the “in between” as I was trying to go to sleep last night. To take the time and not rush as RHONDA J mentioned yesterday, as I think through the sacrifice Christ made (for me!), the grief of those who knew and loved Him, the smugness of those who thought they had finally gotten rid of Him. Walking through this week’s events in real time (forgot who mentioned that) has been valuable. And we are now living in the “in between” of His resurrection and His second coming. I pray for those who are reveling in their smugness today, thinking they are in control and don’t need a relationship with Christ – that they realize the Truth and come to know Him.

    CHURCHMOUSE – thank you for emphasizing the changes that 3 days can make. When times have been so hard and loss has been painful beyond words, I’ve thought and said, just get through the next minute, hour, day. I’ll add “3 days” to my thinking.

    MELINA CORSIUK – thank you for doing that research, eye opening and thought provoking as I didn’t have any idea of the properties of myrrh.

    LEIGH GORHAM – yes, I also noticed the repentant thief wasn’t mentioned yesterday. A good reminder that you can come to know Christ at any time, and in your darkest days, His light beckons, to give you strength for each step through the valleys.

    NANCY SINGLETON – what a powerful exercise! It brought tears as I tried to think about how that would feel, physically acknowledging and confessing my sins with each swing of the hammer. Let us never forget what He went through for us. Thank you, Jesus!