It’s Saturday! The weekend is here, friends. Anybody else relieved??
We have a fun little announcement for your weekend (not THE fun announcement, though that one should be just. around. the corner. Eeeee!!)
There’s another brand new, beautiful study pack in the She Reads Truth store!
We’re currently reading through the Sermon on the Mount together (are you loving it like we are?). Next up, we’ll do a wonderful study of biblical Justice. After that, we’ll move on to… Hebrews! We’re so excited to dig into this challenging and rich book with all of you.
The Hebrews reading plan will begin on Wednesday, August 6, on the She Reads Truth site AND on the super-soon-to-be-released She Reads Truth app! Mark your calendars, invite a friend, and grab your study packs today with the special promo code at the bottom of this post.
the Hebrews study pack
We partnered with our talented friend Caleb Faires once again, and we think you’ll agree that the result is so fun and inspiring. Take a look!

The Hebrews study pack includes:
- 4 – 4.25″ x 5.75″, hand-lettered scripture notecards. Frame or display these in your own home (see the pretty framed photo below!), or use the postcard layout on the back to mail a letter of encouragement to a friend!
- 2 – super soft, wallet-sized scripture memorization mini-prints to correlate with Weekly Truths
- 1– 40-page booklet including:
- gorgeous, hand-drawn, front and back covers printed on sturdy kraft paper
- inside cover info graphic, serving as a “Reader’s Guide” to the book of Hebrews
- daily scripture references (correlating to the online reading plan at or on the upcoming SRT app)
- key verses for each day
- dot-grid study area for writing and sketching
- two lined writing areas for prayer and life application
- Weekly Truth pages with useful memorization tips and areas to study the selected verses
- a lovely benediction on the inside back cover (which you can also remove and frame, if you like)
It’s really pretty, you guys. And postcards!?! We are thrilled about the postcards. You can mail a couple to a friend (or an SRT buddy!) and also frame them like Raechel did here (how cute is she in that photo with the pup?) —

Order your Hebrews study pack by midnight Monday, 7/14/14, and choose ANY print from the She Reads Truth shop *free* with the code HEBREWS.
Code expires 11:59pm CST on Monday, July 14th.
Another fun note: The deadline to order your Justice study packs in time for the July 22 study start date is also Monday. This means you can order the Justice + Hebrews Study Pack Bundle (saving you $6), use the HEBREWS promo code for a free print, and get it all in time for BOTH studies! (You asked us for more time to plan ahead and you got it!)
One more pretty Hebrews photo before we go…

Order your study packs HERE.
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27 thoughts on "Hebrews study packs!"
I just found the study pack I ordered but was never able to do the study. Can I still find the devotional to go along with it?!
I have just ordered this study pack and would like to get some feedback on a good study bible to accompany it. Please list pros and cons of your choice. Thank you so much.
The study starts on august 6th, does anyone know when it ends? Trying to determine if I can do this study before BSF starts up.
Hi Nicole! The study runs from August 6-23. (Of course, it will also be available on the site/app long after that as well, so everyone can study at their own pace.)
Good morning, ladies! I just want to thank you, SRT team, for making such a lovely study tool available. I ordered my Justice study guide last week, my first one to order, and it came quickly. I was so pleased! You all are lightning fast! Thank you! This was my birthday month treat to myself, and I just so appreciate having the option of supporting the work God is doing through you all in this way. Thank you for setting up the studies to where they are not dependent on the study guides. I still feel very much a part of the studies, even without the guides! I can't wait to use my Justice study guide, though! :)
Just a thought I had this morning as I was rocking a baby who didn't want to sleep (so if this suggestion seems loopy, it may be because I am loopy with sleep deprivation!). Would there be a way of providing a downloadable study guide? Letting ladies who would like to support you but without the disposable income (like me!) download a version of the study guide and even some of the cards and print them for a lesser cost, at the same time supporting the work God has called you all to do here? I honestly don't know how that would work, but I've been part of an online study in the past where the study guide was printable, and wondered if it would work for you all, too. Have a blessed Sunday, ladies! Oh Worship the King! :)
Thank you for the sweet comment and the thoughtful suggestion! This is definitely something that is on our radar to consider for the future. And you articulated yourself quite well, sleep deprivation and all! xoxo
I think the material is beautiful! I truly support your ministry! I enjoy having a study guide/journal…it helps me go deeper in the Word! I would love an option to only purchase the journal/guide.
I'm getting a note that I need to spend $36 to use the code…I don't mind but I hadn't seen that listed anywhere. Am I doing it wrong?
Did you put the print you want free in your shopping cart? With the print it puts your total at $36 4then the code will make it $24! Hope this helps! :)
Exactly right. Thanks, Ashley!
I agree. As a single mom who gets no additional financial support and who has a kid in competitive travel soccer, I have to make a decision on whether I buy for me or focus on my kid. These study packs are AWESOME for accountability and also to dig deeper and make studying fun. But, financially at their current price points , make it hard to be consistent with getting them once you add tax + s&h.
Sister, we hear you and you are absolutely putting your money on the right place! This is exactly why we will always strive to keep devotionals on the web site free, so that everyone can participate. xo
Please consider selling the journals only for $16.
I love these, but alas the price point is too much and I have to just make myself a notebook of sorts to do each one. I just cant hit $30 every 2/3/4 weeks. I did get Nehemiah and loved it. The booklets are lovely.
I agree
Love that you make a notebook for your studies – that’s a great idea! We’ve seen several ladies put a SRT decal on a notebook to create a SRT journal. Perfect!
These are beautiful. . I hope one day I could do the rest of the studies with the packs. Ive done Nehemiah with the study pack being blessed by you. Thank you so much.. one day I’ll afford it. God Bless you.
As long as you’ve got your Bible, you’ve got the most important part of the studies. :) Everything else is details. xoxo
I love the printed studies and absolutely love the SRT community, but is there anyway to slow these down or lower the price point? At $29 a pop every few weeks, it's really tough on a ton of us to opt in. I know they're optional, but it's so great to have them for accountability. I love the hand crafted aspect and the prints but they're about $10+ more than an average study that's typically 12-16 weeks.
I totally agree. I wish they would just sell the journal separately.
Thank you to you ladies who have expressed your concern – we appreciate your feedback! Here’s some insight into our heart for the study packs:
The study packs were created in response to community requests for tangible resources. They are truly offered for when an individual wants to dive deeper into (or have additional accountability for) a specific study, or for when groups want to do a study together (in person or long distance). We’ll keep offering them for the foreseeable future because they seem to be serving their intended purpose well (yay!)… and because the community has asked us to! We also get that the study packs differ in price most mass-produced Bible study books, but hopefully they differ in style and quality as well. (And we don’t pretend to compete with the big guys!) One more fun fact that may be helpful to know: study pack sales allow us to continue providing Bible-reading and devotional plans free on the site for anyone who cares to join us. And for that we are so thankful! Know that we hear you and we’re taking note of your suggestions. xo, Amanda for SRT
I'm on both sides of the fence [so to speak] for the study packs.
I had them for Titus and Ruth and was blown away with how different my process became – more focused on praying, journaling out my prayers and giving myself a "motto" to take away each day – I completed Titus as a bit of a intense study over a long weekend due to being in hospital when the rest of the community was studying and really wanted to be ready for Ruth and the structure helped me immensely.
However, I do have financial difficulties at the moment – better than I was two years ago but still clawing myself out of the debt pile after painful circumstances that ultimately forced me to move back home with only the clothes on my back – but I digress, like others, the cost is rather steep for the length of time that the studies are. I completely understand that they are optional and supposed to be a supplement to the online study – but then again, I think the format would help so many others who take part in the community and who at present are feeling a little left out. As apposed to the mass-produced Bible Studies (likes of Beth Moore etc,) there are a few other ministries out there who currently have journal studies going on and pricing is differs substantially.
I don't know if you could source a cheaper printer or if changing the paper thickness would alter things, I know there was mention of digital printable versions being made available at one point and I just wondered what the stance was on that at present? I live in England, so shipping is an additional $15, so it does all add up (I've shipped both ways before, so completely understand that the shipping is out of your hands but maybe using the basic mail system would save some money?)
Like I said, I'm on both sides. I've used and loved the journals but I am unable to justify (and indeed afford) to purchase them for each study, especially when they are on average 18 days long. I love that you have decided to release info about studies more ahead of time, which would ultimately help a lot of people, but do think that digital pdfs would make them a lot more accessible to women all over the world who want to take a little extra away from the studies.
Thanks so much for taking time to share your thoughts, Samantha! We are absolutely listening and will continue to think on ways to better serve the community as She Reads Truth continues to grow. There are too many behind the scenes considerations to list them here, but suffice it to say that we are always dreaming up ways to bless the SRT community and we are taking all your feedback seriously as we do so. xo
So much has changed in the past 2 years, so I don't doubt that you have all kinds of idea's brewing behind the scenes. I just wanted to put forward my thoughts as both someone who has used the journals (whilst on a strict budget) and also as an international reader!
I would love to keep on studying whole books of the Bible as we have been doing recently, excited to see the community bloom right before our eyes!
Love it and I love the scripture prints for this study – Hebrews 6:19 is one of my absolute favorite verses.
So excited about this study! Hebrews is my favorite book of the bible!
Yay!!! These are beautiful!!