If you could have anything in the world, what would you ask for? I’m sure a lot of us instantly think of material possessions. A new house, an enviable wardrobe, a relationship we’ve longed for, or a totally different body type. Esther could have asked for up to half the kingdom, and yet she asks for something far more valuable than stuff. She asks the king for life, for him to spare the lives of both her and the Jewish people (Esther 7:3).
As we’ve followed Esther’s story, we’ve witnessed the courageous orphan girl gain influence for this exact moment. The moment when she bravely asks for the right thing. If the sparkly things around Esther had distracted her, if she’d lost her focus on God’s bigger plan, if she’d asked selfishly, she might have blown it. While God is certainly powerful enough to save His people another way, Esther was called to be a part of His rescue mission. And it was the most important work of her life!
It begs the question, are we asking God for too little? You see, it’s a lie the world is feeding us, that wealth and admiration is the end all, be all. As C. S. Lewis so brilliantly put it, we are “like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.”
When we’re only praying for a checklist of things to make our lives feel nice and tidy, we are praying too small. We are settling for things that will one day turn to dust and leaving eternal life on the table! God is honored by our big prayers. We glorify Him in our hearts when we turn to Him with our heart’s desire.
Like Esther, when our King asks us what we desire, our first request should be for life. If King Ahasuerus, of questionable character, knew how to give good gifts to his friends, then as the apostle Matthew said, “How much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:11).
I admit that I have not always turned my desires over to God in prayer. I’ve falsely believed He’s too busy, or I’ve feared He won’t come through for me. While God is not a mere genie granting wishes, we must take seriously this instruction from Scripture: “Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart’s desires” (Psalm 37:4).
The truth is, we don’t always ask for the right things. Sometimes we aren’t even sure if our motives are pure. At times, our thinking, our vision, and our requests are too temporal or small, but the good news is that God wants to hear it all. Let Him decide what to do with your requests, but don’t hold back in asking. If anything, we need to ask more boldly! We need to pray more vibrantly.
Like Esther, let’s approach the throne of our King with courage and make the most important request of all. Let us ask for life both everlasting and abundant.

Plan ahead to read Joshua and Mark with us starting February 15. Shop the collection now for Digital Study Books for Lent!
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74 thoughts on "Haman Is Executed"
I needed this…a reminder that among the chaos, God will listen and guide.
I just turned 30, and a friend asked me what I am hoping for this next decade of my life, and it really stumped me. One thing I did say is a prayer of mine is that my husband finds a job he likes and is happier. But what is true happiness? I think on this passage, and my dreams are too small. I think if I could change my answer it would be that both my husband and I would know where our identity is found and where our true joy comes from and that is solely in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
I’m not even sure what to ask of God. What is the desire of my heart? Bigger more important things? My children to come to know Him more? I’m going to start with praying for guidance in what to ask of our King who will give us so much more than any earthly king.
Good things
Wow!!!! How is this not a movie yet? Honestly, Haman would have been so arrogant and proud right up until Queen Esther opened her mouth. Oh the look on his face!!!
I am loving these devotions. What an amazing woman Esther was!
Am I asking too small? What is more important- life or things? If I concentrate my prayers on seeking God and praying for lives my needs will definitely be met. But if I am praying for things only, seeking God and praying for lives don’t follow and may even get lost. This is how I make my praying effective – love God and love others.
Loved this devotional!
This devotion was everything! Especially emphasizing what would have happened if Esther did not ask for the right thing with pure heart and that we should question our intentions with what we ask for.
I need to start thinking BIG in my prayer life. I feel like I get in a prayer rut and pray about the same things. I need to take some time and reflect on what I should be praying for and bring those requests to the Lord.
Such a good reminder for me.
Wow this was a great devotion, something I’ve never thought of before. Sometimes I almost feel bad or guilty when I come to God asking for things in prayer because I feel like I’m not being grateful for what he’s already given me, but this helped me look at it in a different way!
This is soooo good. I almost did a praise dance in my office. I have been feeling the Lord put this on my heart this week. I have a need and lowered my request because I felt like that was too big of an ask. This reminded me nothing is too big or too hard for God. I’m going to make my requests known and then let Him take it from there. Today’s devotion has really stirred me up. Thank you Jesus.
I loved this devo study. It has definitely given me a new perspective on giving God my desires. This has been something I have been praying over a month now.
What an amazing story. To God be the glory.
This devotional has meditating on the question: what is the most important work of my life? Is it behind me, ahead of me, or perhaps in front of me?
Lord help us to trust and look to You
Praying for you and your baby Lindsey!
I pray boldly that God’s will would be done in my life. That He would lead me to a job that He ordained for me – no matter the location. I pray boldly that He would turn the hearts of my two best friends and my boyfriend to Him as their only hope. I pray for my own life that I would live it abundantly for an Audience of One.
Also this devotion reminds me of a book I read called the Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. Truly changed my prayer life in college!
There is such a beauty in the art of subtlety. Esther was not manipulating a king or pushing his hand, she was practicing simplicity and subtlety. Upon meeting him for the first time, she could’ve brought anything but simply brought herself. He offered her half the kingdom and she asked for a dinner with him. He again offers her anything she wishes and she simply asks for her life and to spare the lives of her people. By being “low maintenance” so to speak, she got even closer to the kings side making it more likely for the king to grant her request. That is amazing intuition that she showed. I picture the king as a proud, dominant personality — Like an enneagram 8. I imagine he never would’ve budged or granted her request if she came head-on. I see God at play in the time that she fasted before going to the king to ask for the first dinner. I imagine that God fortified her courage and also made the best path clear to her. It’s so amazing and powerful! Imagine how many people we can break through to about the word of God by not facing them head on and direct but rather subtle and from their side.
DAY 9: WOW, Hagan got what he deserved! He plotted on Malachi and ended up getting hung on what he built for him. Esther loved her people so much that she would do anything to save them and she did by asking for half the country… very smart woman! Ask and you shall receive from God BUT ask for the important things not the materialistic things of this world.✝️
Praying really hard for you girl! I had a threatened miscarriage with my daughter and I know how hard it is to walk into that very important appointment. ❤️
Thank you for sharing Tina. I lost my grandfather yesterday and am struggling. Your testimony helps me to understand in this text that God hears me and my prayers even when these hard things happen.
I want to thank you ladies for your prayers. My meeting yesterday went pretty well. I have another meeting to follow up with that same person on Friday. I appreciate how you lifted me up.
@ Lindsey: praying for you to have a healthy pregnancy, free of worries and anxieties.
@ Farabove Rubies: praying for a bigger home to be provided for your family, and for your parents in law. May God provide the help every step of the way in this process. Have faith in God for He loves to give good gifts. We recently moved out of a small place since having more kids, and we have seen how God miraculously processed the sale of our first home so quickly (during covid, after the first day showings, it’s sold), and provided a new one even better than what I had expected at reduced price. May God surprise you with His good gifts.
I love Kaitie’s last line in this devotional and I’ll be sure to write it down and save it.
I think it’s so interesting how King Xerxes asked Esther three times what her petition/request/desire is, and three times he tells her he will give her half of his kingdom. I wonder if this option is literal or symbolical (since King Herod also said this to Herodias’s daughter in one of the past devotionals). Regardless, not only did Esther look past the glitz and the glam of the Persian empire three times, but she remained committed to her mission to rescue her family, her culture, her people.
Today I found out that my job of 10 years is closing down within the next 4-6 weeks. As of now no one knows their last day of employment. Within the recent weeks my faith has really been tested all the way down to the unexpected death of my 20 year old nephew. He simply laid down to sleep and never woke up. Even in the tragedy my nephews death I could see the goodness, grace, and love of our unchanging Father.
For the first time ever I can truly say that I have NO FEAR, and only expect that Father God will work in the details just as He’s always done. Shortly after I learned of the news regarding my job a coworker called with great fear in her voice. I was able to pray with her and remind her that God is concerned about the things that concern us. Who’s to say that I was not positioned in her life for such a time as this.
Be Encouraged!!!!
Amen. Praying for you Tawanda
Kaitie has me thinking and asking God to help me be more aware of my wants versus my needs. Her question, “If you could have anything in the world, what would you ask for?” got me to thinking. I wouldn’t ask for material things I would ask for more time with my older son and my niece. At least to be able to tell them good-bye, how much I loved them, how proud of them I was and how great they turned out to be. Both died so suddenly but God does what He does for reasons we don’t know. I am beginning to understand some of the reason for my son’s death, to help others, including my sister, through similar situations.
Father God, I ask now for life eternal and everlasting. I ask for understanding of what is to come. Father, help all of us to spread Your Word throughout this world and help us to show Your love, kindness and generosity in all we do. In Jesus name, Amen.
Sisters be blessed.
Thank you for sharing, Tina. Really struggling with loss today as we lost a dear family pet suddenly yesterday. I know she was just a pet, but I am hurting. Brought back too many memories of losing my mom a few years ago. Thankful for an ever-present God who sees and hears, though I often question Him for not answering prayers in a way I can see and understand.
Oh, Tina! What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing. Thank you, God for doing things Your way and showing Your love in a a real, true and intimate way.
What a great reminder to pray with boldness and confidence. I don’t want to limit my prayers because I think they are too big or crazy. Praise Jesus that he hears every cry
If it’s important to you, it’s important to God :) we truly serve an awesome God
“Abundant Life” Father in heaven to glorify you! Amen
Tina sharing your story about your daughter has helped me in so many ways. I cried as I read your words. I know that God’s answer to me maybe to take Tanner out of his pain not in the way I desire. I need strength to be able to endure what He may have me go through.
Praying for a husband and partner in life.
I love how God showed me a reminder today through this reading that he is my refuge and safe place and he will deliver us from evil. I’m so comforted knowing that the plan the enemy had laid out for me will be used against him rather than on me. I needed that reminder today. Thank you, Lord
I pray daily that God would knit my son’s body back together in health. That he would strengthen his weakened muscles. Ease his difficulties with swallowing. Bless him with joy. I also ask for strength to endure whatever He has me go through with my son’s illness. I am very fearful of losing him. God has kept my son with me much longer than was expected. He is now 33. I am so very thankful for that.
Tina, I too have a similar story of believing that God ignored my pleas only to be gifted a vision of my dad, sitting with Jesus in heaven. I prayed for his salvation from age 7 until he died when I was 14. I was hurt and angry that God had let him die without even honoring the prayers of a child who only wanted peace for her dad, an alcoholic, sick with self-loathing and pain. I spent nearly 7 more years believing that God had not heard my cries. And then God showed me His mercy and whispered to me that not only had He heard my prayers, but that my dad was with him in heaven, whole and at peace. Thankful for his mercy!
Nothing is off limits in my Father’s house
Praying for you Lisa
I know it’s materialistic but if you ladies could help me pray for my husband and I. We are praying about buying a house. It feels selfish to pray for that but our current home is very small. We moved in when my oldest was a baby and now we have 2 children. I often feel selfish praying for needs like this but the Lord can and does give us the desires of our hearts. Also pray for my in-laws. They may have to move in July or august due to their rental being sold. My father in law has a terminal illness and my niece just lost her father on Halloween leaving my inlaws to raise her and our nephew. Help me pray they find somewhere too. We serve an awesome God.
Praying for you that you may have peace in this season and a healthy pregnancy! I have experienced this early miscarriage and know the grief that comes with it. God will be with you through this no matter what the outcome even when he seems silent.
Praying for you Lindsey! God answers Big prayers. Praying for His will to be done.
Praying for you Lindsey
Praying for you Patty, that you feel His embrace and tending to your sorrow. Indeed Tina, thank you. We do pray for healing and when loved ones die we forget that God’s answer might be to bring them to complete healing and in to His arms where they will never suffer again. Such a hard thing to understand when faced with losing a child. I am sorry for the pain you went through. In my own life my fear for so long was losing my child to her addictions, and though she was in a place for a long time where this could have been her story, I knew He was watching over her, despite everything. I am thankful He brought her to a new place and she is stronger now, by His saving grace, I had to give up the deceitful thought that I could save her, and remember there was only One who could. But God, His mercy and grace are always sufficient. I know you bless so many in sharing Him. Thank you Tina sending you warming hugs back wrapped in Prayers and love. Hugs to all you Sisters thank you for sharing your sorrows, your joys, your stories of our King and His redemptive healing love. What a blessing to me.
The first thing I thought of as I finished this beautiful devotion were my children. My prayer and desire is that they will serve the Lord for the rest of their lives. No matter what comes their way, my desire is for them keep their eyes on Jesus. Trials and disappointments will come but I want them to love Jesus so much that they know that whatever they face they can do this with Jesus by their side.
@Lindsey, praying for you and your baby.❤️ @Tina, thank you for sharing. I don’t want my faith to waiver when God does not work the way I think He should. Reminded that my hope is in Him and not what He does for me. May God show Himself to you all as you go throughout your day, ladies!
Tina, thank you for sharing your story, and a glance of your faith. It’s truly inspiring and a good reminder that God always has a plan and always hears our prayers… and His ways are higher than mine. His answer may not look like mine, but I can rest in knowing He loves me.
Reminds me of reading Jennie Allen’s book, Anything.
Lindsay prayers for you and the health of your little one! Tina and Beth what wonderful blessings these visions fromGod to bring you peace and true perspective. I’m so thankful there is more than life on this earth and it’s a good reminder for an eternal perspective.❄️♥️
Lindsey Erwin praying for you and with you right now, for our Jesus to multiply your HCG levels. Lord God be with Lindsey, you who are life, we know nothing is impossible for you. I pray your will with Lindsey be for this child who has begun to have all it needs to be strong and for both the baby and Lindsey’s health, may it be your will Lord. She is not asking her desire above your will, but for your will above all. Thank you Father for the ways we don’t even understand that you love us. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Hugs and love to you sweet Lindsey.
Praying for you Lindsey.
I am praying over your baby Lindsey! Oh may the Lord multiply your numbers!
And Tina… peace to you in your great loss.
I too prayed bold prayers… for my marriage. God saved countless other marriages but He did not save mine. I struggled with that for months until I realized that God did not steal my marriage from me but rather He saved me from a situation I did not know was as bad as it was. It has been horrendously difficult. But I see the light the He is shining brightly into my future now as a single mom.
Thank you for your beautiful story Tina ❤️
Good morning! I posted this in day 8 but will post it again here because I’m needing all the prayer I can get. Found out I’m pregnant (that in itself is a true miracle) but my HCG levels are super low and they are thinking I will have an early miscarriage. I go again tomorrow to see if my levels have risen any. Please pray that Gods will be done in this situation. Pray that they double or even triple and I have a healthy pregnancy. If that is not Gods will then please pray for peace for me. Thank you ladies! Your prayer means more than you’ll ever know.
Prayers being sent your way
@TINA thank you for your courage in sharing your story of BOLD prayers and how God answers them – even if we can’t understand it or if it doesn’t look like the answer we wanted. Love and peace to you.
“God is honored by our BIG prayers” – our faith is knowing that He can do all. I recently became part of a group of women prayer warriors who have taught me so much about the power of intercessory prayer. It does seem like such a big ask for a miracle but I’ve recently been able to see it happen in real-time. I needed to read this and go with courage to His throne to ask for both the small and big prayers.
Thank you God for always looking out for me.
Thank you for sharing, Tina! ❤️❤️❤️
Oh Tina. What a beautiful testimony even in your pain! Thank you for sharing.
Tina your wisdom and faith are such a b!eessing!
This opens my eyes to the way I am (not) encouraging prayer-lives in my children. They are forming the way and direction in which they will pray, forming habits as to what will be the first things that come to mind when approaching their Creator, and i have to sadly admit that it’s 98% about them. It’s thanking Him for gifts He’s provided THEM. Asking for blessings/specific requests for THEM. Acknowledging His presence and protection of THEM. God clearly tells us to come to him with all things and all matters. He is honored by their prayers. AND- they are severely lacking. It is encouraging a very selfish outlook on God and His purposes for them. I remind them that He has purpose for them that somehow include furthering His Kingdom into the lives of those who don’t yet know Him. Then I focus their relationship on just the 2 of them. That’s not right. I’m challenged to start encouraging very specific prayers over different groups of people so that their hearts can start becoming sensitive and intentional about others. So glad I read this today :)
Your story is so touching. Please continue to share it- God’s grace to you and your faith in response to it is so very beautiful. May your story encourage those who are lost or hurting, needing God’s comfort. I pray the comfort you receive from God gives you the ability to comfort those who are in pain. God bless you and continue to keep you in good spirits. May you keep your eye fixed on eternity.
<3 in Christ.
Tina, Our testimony could be the same. I too cried and begged for 4 years for healing for my daughter. She passed and my heart and soul burst. I am praying for some sort of peace she is now at rest. My faith has been tested. Praying God leads me out of this dark valley
I did not remember reading before that Harbona, the eunich specifically told the king about the gallows in Haman’s yard, that it was built for Mordecai, who saved the king. Details. I love when God shows Himself a part of the details. We know He is over all and above all. We know that the victory is already His. We know, He’s got this. In the details and the big picture, we can trust Him. Praise God!
Tina, what a reunion you and your daughter will have! All of heaven will rejoice with you!
Today I will pray BIG for what is heaviest on my heart and that is for the salvation of family and friends. Material possessions, successful careers, wealth and “happiness” (their primary focus) are absolutely nothing in comparison to peace and contentment here on earth and eternal life in heaven.
Oh Tina thank you for sharing, I remember when I had a miscarriage and God gave me a vision of my Rebecca sitting in a field of Daisy, with her long blond hair blowing in the wind. Such peace I received, some day I hope to paint that picture. He is so good, our God
I remember a time when I was bold in my prayer!
I prayed “..heal her please Lord.”. I prayed, “..make her well Lord, PLEASE.” I prayed, “.. take me Lord, and give her life. I prayed, I cried out. I pleaded. Boldly and with a heart that was breaking for what I could see ahead, I prayed to a God, I hoped would hear my cries, my bold tears..
My bold prayers in my head came to nothing, I believed,as my daughter slipped away.
You know the story, its always the same.. GOD DIDN’T HEAR MY BOLD PRAYERS. He didn’t save her. She died.
I will say it.. I will forever say it.. because I have seen, I have known, I am forever in His debt..
Dear wonderful, life giving, hope stirring, promise keeper God, He had heard a mothers cry, a hurting mothers plea. He had! He absolutely had!
In the weeks that followed, believing God had abandoned and not even given ear to my cries, I was in ‘His House’ reading Him the riot act, “.. You should have saved her..” “..why, why , why..?”
I am ashamed that I was so disrespectful to God in that season, whether I had reason or not, but here’s the thing, I believe God loved me more(if that is possible), in my rawness, in my brokenness, in putting another above myself..
Tired and actually out of strength to fight anymore, I sat down on a pew, and fell asleep.. there in the peace, God showed me where my daughter was, running through a meadow and shouting as children do when they are happy..”I am alright mum, I am happy..”
Tears flow as I write those words and remember that beautiful picture that is forever etched on and in my heart..
In the months that followed I got to understand that the bold prayers for healing, for my girl to be given life, for her to be made well had actually happened! She was free of the pain thst had been her suffering for so do long. She was now with God enjoying rest and the freedom that eternity offers. But most importantly she was alive in Eternity, healed , whole and absolutely happy.
Bold prayers, do get answered. I know, I have been a receiver of Gods faithfulness to do so, not always how we might want it to be..
But God.
Happy Tuesday sisters. Prsying God turn His face to shine on you this cold chilly day. Sending warming hugs.❤
Thank you, Tina, your posts are always so encouraging. Yes, God loves is in our honesty, in our our brokeness
In our raggedness. God called David, a man after his own heart. Davidalways let it all hang out to God and God never reprimanded him for it! He loved him for it.