
Open Your Bible

Galatians 1:1-5, Psalm 16:1-11, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Colossians 1:9-14

A while back, I went to visit my husband at his office—a newly constructed, all-glass-exterior building with marble floors and a sense of importance that seemed to demand awkward elevator silence, especially as I stood there with my out-of-place bag of ice cream from the shop across the street.

I stepped out of the elevator and onto his floor, greeted by a kind receptionist who asked me to fill out a form on the tablet on her desk. It asked my name and then for my “host.” I typed in my husband’s name, and out popped a nametag: my name, followed by my host’s. My entrance into the building was guaranteed by his name.

When Paul opened his letter to the Galatians, he went through the same practice: “Paul, an apostle—not from men or by man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised him from the dead” (Galatians 1:1). Paul gained entrance into the church by his apostleship, dependent wholly on the person and work of Christ. He established his authority not by his own work or identity but that of Jesus and His resurrection from the dead.

Paul’s identity was the righteousness of Christ, and he repeated it throughout his letters. In his first letter to the Corinthians, he wrote, “By the grace of God I am what I am” (1Corinthians 15:10). In other letters, he introduced himself as “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by God’s” (2Corinthians 1:1; Ephesians 1:1). And in Philippians 1, the apostle referred to himself (as well as Timothy) as a servant of Christ Jesus. Paul fully embraced his new identity because it was given to him through faith in Christ.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come! Everything is from God, who has reconciled us to himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation….Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ…
—2 Corinthians 5:17–18, 20

When Paul introduced himself, it is as though he was writing on one of those “Hello! My Name Is” stickers, one that says: “Hello! My name is Paul, and I belong to Christ. Everything I am is because of everything He did.”

Galatians opens with a precious reminder and a challenge to remember: If we are in Christ, then we belong to God, and our identity is now bound up in Christ’s death and resurrection. We are sealed by His Spirit, waiting for the day Jesus returns. And we can trust Him, as the psalmist says, because He is our portion and our cup of blessing (Psalm 16:5). He holds my future in my hands, and the boundaries He has drawn around my life are good for me (v.6).

There are many days when my identity feels like a hundred pieces of a puzzle, strewn about on the floor just waiting to be put together. I am a wife, mother, employee, friend, volunteer coordinator, chef, sister, daughter, and also somehow still my own person. It is deeply refreshing to remember the truth today—that I am Melanie, through Christ and by the Spirit, a servant of God. From that one identity, everything else should flow, all for His glory.

(215) Comments

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215 thoughts on "Greeting"

  1. Michelle Pate says:

    From that one identity, everything else should flow. ❤️

  2. Amanda Lockshiss says:


  3. Jakaria Kirkwood says:


  4. Bethany Krawchuk says:


  5. Regina Williams says:


  6. Tammy King says:

    My church is about to start the Red Letter Challenge and the first part is about being. Interesting how God works in that I need to grasp my identity in Him before I can fully rest in being with Him.

  7. Mmakatso Angela says:


  8. Justina Robinson says:


  9. Rachael Hopson says:

    I think remembering your identity is so powerful. Anytime you have to make a hard decision, or are confused by something in life, seeing your true north takes some of that confusion and stress away.

    1. Lillian Habell says:


    2. Brittany S says:

      This really stands out to me… when I get all worked up or confused what to do .. I need to stop & remember who I am… I can’t solve it or fix the issue but He can! ♥️

      1. Heather T. says:


  10. Katelyn Crawford says:

    I really like this thank you!

  11. Michaela Jones says:

    My identity is in Christ and everything else flows from that! Such a great reminder today.

  12. Sarah Holmes says:


  13. Leslie Voels says:

    This Sunday, my Pastor asked the congregation, “What do you get out of bed for in the morning?” This message is a continuation of his sermon and a good reminder as I try to keep my actions focused on bringing glory to God.

  14. Brittanie Dix says:

    This is something I am working on. Mt identity in Christ. Glad it is the first day of this.

  15. denise flores says:

    Man what a sweet reminder of my and others’ identity when the world just throws all kinds of lies about it.

    1. Brittany S says:

      Amen!! ♥️

  16. Kathy Kim says:

    Thank you!

  17. Abbey Bradish says:

    So true.

  18. Jess Kamm says:

    Identity in Christ is so very crucial to our success as Believers in The Way. #identityinChrist

  19. Kiara Bagley says:

    I signed up for this subscription just a few days ago so I haven’t received my book in the mail yet but I love that I can read it here. I’m getting late start but just so glad to be here!

  20. Sheridon Couwenhoven says:

    so good!

  21. Jennifer Stukes says:

    So grateful for a Dad that while I was growing up would remind me “Remember who you belong to today, walk with the King and be a blessing.” I am made new and my identity is in Christ. So today let’s walk with Jesus and be a blessing!

  22. Tiara Garrett says:

    His word says we are made anew by his sacrifice, but I struggle with feeling like a new person.

    I struggled through life and I am putting trust in God and learning to let go of worldly things and people, but I also struggle with feeling worthy. I have always struggled with my self esteem.

    I often wonder what is the reason God keeps calling to me? What can I offer him? If he keeps calling he has a reason. I sometimes feel like I know, but maybe it is just the brokenness of the past that keeps me from freedom.

    Pastor said today, “his life given on the cross took my sin and I am FREE!” I heard him, but it didn’t really feel like he was talking to me.

    1. Donielle Fletcher says:

      I think that’s a wonderful perspective to have. I am sorry you feel like that, but that’s exactly how Paul felt. Just in our reading today, he described himself as unworthy. If we ask ourselves what we did for God to call us, we won’t find an answer. Because none of us are. He loved us, and there’s not a good reason why. But that’s beautiful. It’s grace. Give yourself some, please.

    2. Leah Moore says:

      Hang on. Even if we don’t feel FREE, the reality is God is there in your mess with you every second of everyday, and the more we sit with that thought the closer we become to walking in the freedom. He is patient with us, and sits with us in the mess as long as we need, but he does offer us complete Freedom. One baby step at a time I choose to walk out of the tangled mess, grieve my losses in life and let God heal my heart, he is kind and patient.

  23. Cait B says:

    This entry was exactly what I needed today. I am overflowing with warmth all thanks to these words. It’s hard to remember who I am but I know I can walk forward knowing above all, I am a servant of God.

  24. Kara Coppage says:


  25. Aysha Gerald says:

    This was a lovely reminder!

  26. Lisa L Hill says:

    Hello everyone. Been struggling with the treatment I receive from my co workers. But as I read the scriptures I can’t stop the flow of tears. I too feel unworthy to serve such a Holy God but then as I turn the page I see written We are Ambassadors for Christ. What an honor He’s given to me. I will write it on the tablet of my heart so I am always reminded I am an Ambassador for Christ!

  27. Emily Tucker says:


  28. Gina Cope says:

    “Lord, you are my portion and my cup of blessing; you hold my future.” Amen !!

  29. Candace M says:

    “Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord!”
    That is my motto today, and hopefully days to come. Such a great snippet to redirect and guide my thinking and actions.

  30. June Fessenden says:

    He is my portion and my everything!

  31. Ayanna Guffin says:

    Hi, my name is Ayanna and I belong to Christ! Everything I am is because of everything HE did

  32. Jen G says:

    Thank you!!
    Hi my name is Jenna, and I belong to Christ! Everything I am is because of everything He did!

  33. Karen Martin says:


  34. megan cantrell says:

    I’ve never officially gone through the Bible but I want to badly to learn more of what God wants me to know. A lot of what I’m reading is a bit confusing but reading the comments definitely helps and I hope to connect with some of you yo expand my knowledge and faith

    1. Lydia Shoto says:

      Love this! You will get there. Remember to never compare yourself. You will continue to grow as you read the Word.

  35. Shea Frederickson says:

    So grateful for this plan! My daughter is starting midd school this year & so the conversation of identity has started to come up, before opening this app I prayed for guidance & of course God brought me here. ❤️

    1. Joan Green says:


  36. Ashley Dembinski says:

    So much of the issues of this world would be put to rest if we would all walk in our Christ-given identities. This is one of the biggest tactics Satan has used to rob people of the gift of salvation. He perverts identities. Our identity in Christ is the foundation from which all else flows. We can not live out our faith unless we are firmly rooted in that identity, grafted into the body of the vine, the blood-sealed adoption into the Kingdom. Knowing without a doubt who you are in Christ is the game changer.

  37. Lindsey Burgess says:

    So excited to start my first plan with She reads Truth!

  38. sara Grace says:


  39. Kathryn Zell says:

    Nervous about piloting a new program at school and so glad for this opening reminder

  40. Sharica Rodgers says:

    ❤️ Philippians 1:27 “Just one thing: As citizens of heaven, live your life worthy of the gospel of Christ” CSB. ❤️

  41. Jodie Stone says:


  42. Taylyn Cole says:


  43. Trish Guier says:


  44. Anna Tober says:


  45. Jennifer Limbach says:

    Identity….. as believers, we are first and foremost children of the living God, thanks to Jesus Christ, his death and resurrection! For those of us who get caught up, deceived, misinformed, or lied to about who others think we are- may we remember Jesus and our true identity because of the amazing love He has for us! So happy to be back to SRT after many years away. ❤️

  46. Sarah Ritchie says:

    It has been a long time since I have posted and I just started back with SRT after studying other things for about a year. Galatians is one of my absolute favorite books of the Bible and I’m excited to dig into it with you all!

    1. Kristina Finney says:

      Same. Just coming back to SrT and studying my favorite section of the Bible

  47. Déja D says:

    Now matter what good we accomplish, it is because of the grace of God. We are first and foremost children of God!

  48. Aimee D-R says:


  49. Lisa Keller says:

    Thank you.. amen Melanie. I sure give people too much of my identity pie! Jesus keep unseating that people pleasing part

  50. sarah waninger says:

    in the midst of finding my identity in so many life changes…loved the reflection

  51. Bianca Johnson says:

    Glad I can finally join the group chat because that was amazing!

  52. Carla Fox says:


  53. Mary Littlehale says:


  54. Marie Baxter says:

    This is my second community reading plan. I love Galatians and Ephesians! I’d lime to get better and getting g up every morning g and walking in full confidence that I am his and have nothing to fear.
    I’m a special education teacher about to start my 20 year of school and feeling pretty overwhelmed.

    1. Tina says:

      Maria Baxter, first let me say, Welcome back! And secondly, add the verse that came to mind as I read the latter part of your post.. Romans 8:31
      “If God is for us, who can be against us..” Go be the person, God has called and knows you to be, a brilliant teacher!❤️

  55. Kimberly Z says:

    What an awesome reminder today. We more than just our day to day roles. We are daughters in Christ. How amazing is that. I was so absent on the last study I’m praying to be more present in this one. This summer has been crazyyy busy and I’m finally starting to slow down. Praying for you all today.

  56. Caroline Bridges says:

    If you have the study book then you get to read Rachel’s editors letter along with some background about Colossians.

  57. Adrienne says:

    I love. Love. LOVE. how Paul always opens his letter with “grace and peace”. It just is so comforting. I’m just sayin’.
    I have a “Hello. My name is______.” sticker by the door at preschool. It says, “Hello. My name is Adrienne. I am God’s child.” I absolutely love it. A pastor had given it to me once, and I’ve had it by the door ever since. It is a very good reminder. ❤️

    1. Cee Gee says:

    2. Mia Faith says:


  58. madie varney says:

    Excited for this series. I just had a meeting with my pastor for some events that have resulted in marital strain and he told me I need to focus on my identity that god has given me. He always seems to work his way in so that I can give him my full attention!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Amen! ❤

  59. Kathy Bruce says:

    This is my first study with She Reads Truth. I’m so excited to be here!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Excited to ‘meet’ you, Kathy!

    2. Tina says:

      Kathy Bruce… Welcome!❤️

    3. Tara B says:

      Welcome Kathy B!

    4. Mia Faith says:


  60. Victoria E says:

    Greetings friends new and old! Very excited to get into this study with you all! I am laid up in bed with a summer cold, but grateful for the the time to read earlier than I usually am able to!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      So good to see you again, Victoria! Prayers that the summer cold won’t keep you down for long! Love you! ❤

    2. Adrienne says:

      Good to see you, Victoria. But I’m sorry you are laid up.

    3. Tina says:

      Victoria E, you are like a ray of sunshine.. lovely to see you. Hopeful your summer cold is just that, and that you will feel better real sooooooooooooon.. Much love winging it’s way across the pond to you and yours..❤️

  61. Dana Douglas says:

    This is my first She Reads Truth study and I am so excited to get started!

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      We are thrilled you ate here

      1. Kelly (NEO) says:

        ATE? Oh boy!
        ARE here.

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Happy you are joining us! ❤

    3. Caroline Bridges says:


    4. Tina says:

      Dana Douglas, welcome!❤️

    5. Maria Baer says:

      Welcome, Dana!

  62. Jo Turnbull says:

    As someone who goes by mum or andys wife, having ‘daughter of the king’ as a title is good. Not about me but implying so much about who I am because of Him.

    1. Tina says:

      Jo, thst is such a truth you speak.. Amen to that!❤️

    2. Cee Gee says:

  63. Aileen says:

    I love that Paul makes the distinction of being sent by God not from men or by man because it challenges people-pleasing at its core — pride.
    My ultimate accountability is to God who has called me and sent me into the world. It is liberating in a lot of ways because His burden is easy and His yolk is light — and it is also weighty because if the God of the Universe is the one I am accountable to then it is necessary that I work and walk with an understanding that He is El Roi – the God that sees me.
    It shapes my values, my time management, how I respond to the person who cut me off in traffic, how I respond to suffering, and how I respond in the face of fear and anxiety. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who is constantly transforming me into the image of Christ so that I might boast in my weakness and confidently declare that I am putting aside pride, and people pleasing and that I am accountable to an audience of one.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Well said, Aileen!

  64. Robin Tella says:

    I am Robin, servant of the Most High God through Jesus Christ. Appreciated this today…living in the center of Hurricane Debby and love being reminded of what is important. Blessings, sisters…

    1. Alice Crock says:


    2. Cee Gee says:

      Praying for all in Debby’s path!

  65. Janet Worthy says:

    I am Janet, a child of the King, saved by His grace through His Son Jesus Christ!

    1. Cee Gee says:

    2. Kelly (NEO) says:


  66. Jennifer C says:

    Hello all! I am Jennifer, daughter of our creator God saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. I have never been part of this group before, but here I am, ready to continue to grow with others. ❤️

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Welcome, Jennifer! Glad to’meet’ another sister! ❤

      1. Jennifer C says:

        Thank you – I can’t wait to learn what we uncover as a group together!

        1. Cee Gee says:

    2. Tina says:

      In that case, Jennifer, welcome, welcome, welcome!❤️

    3. Kelly (NEO) says:


  67. Mercy says:

    IN Christ we have our identity. What is the void? In Christ we have the full redemption through the blood and the forgiveness of sins. If I may be vulnerable for a moment, I have been struggling for almost ten years with mother wounds (covert narcissist), and these wounds always try to shape me and define me. I struggle with the grief of this relationship I wish I could have with her. I want to know who she is, I want to bond, but walls are up. She “broke up” with me again yesterday, and I found myself crying again, grieving, after repeated cycles of reeling me in with “kind words” to then find fault, devalue, and then a break up, a discard all over again. I struggled with the orphan spirit for a long time. I would appreciate your prayers over this warfare and my sadness. The missing pieces of the puzzles (as Tina wisely said), only God can see and know what’s missing from what was stolen from us, the El Roi, the All Knowing. I never know emotional healing can take so long. But I know this much, that God is with us, in the absolute worst day, in the trauma, the neglect, the abandonment and the betrayal, and He will make everything beautiful in His time. I am greatly encouraged by your testimonies (thanks Laura for letting us in to your family story and see the hope). May the Lord be with us, to guide, to nurture, to sustain and to build up. It is by God’s grace that we come out on the other side healed, whole, strengthened with the fullness of joy from any obstacles or giants we might face. Be blessed dear sisters.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Oh, Mercy, I was just praying last week about your distance (miles-wise) from your family, thinking things were better now. Covering your broken heart in prayer. I have similar feelings about a relationship so I can empathize. Sending a sisterly hug! ❤

      1. Mercy says:

        Thank you Cee Gee so much. I wish my mother would have mercy on me, in His time. I struggle to come to a peaceful acceptance of who she is. But God knows my dear mother, which I pray by God’s grace I will get to know her too.❤️‍ :'(

        1. Cee Gee says:

    2. Aileen says:

      Hello Mercy, you are so right El Roi the God that sees you has never left you. I will keep you in my prayers

      1. Mercy says:

        Thank you Aileen ❤️

    3. Tina says:

      Oh my dear Mercy, holding you close as I lift you to Our Father God who sees you, and loves you, who knows your hearts sorrow, and who never leaves nor forsakes you. Asking for His comforting love to take away your sadness and replace it with the crown of the heir that you are through Jesus..
      You ARE the daughter of the Most High God, Mercy, hold fast to that TRUTH. That never changes.. God be with you..
      Much love,

      1. Mercy says:

        Thank you dear Tina❤️

    4. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Mercy, so sorry for your broken heart. May the Lord lavish His grace and peace on you

      1. Mercy says:

        Thank you Kelly❤️

    5. Michelle P says:

      Praying for you Mercy! Praying God helps you step by step discern what you should do with this relationship. I am sorry it is so difficult and traumatic. :(
      I can understand a bit with navigating a broken relationship with a parent… it is confusing.. to love and honor them, yet also have safeguards on your heart to prevent your own hurt.
      Glad you got some medicated contacts for your eyes ❤️

      1. Mercy says:

        Thank you Michelle ❤️

  68. Teresa Donley says:

    I don’t go to as many places where I needed to wear a name tag since I retired. But reading today, I have the picture in my head of filling out my name tag: Hello! My name is Teresa – a child of God through His mercy and grace. Ask me how you can be adopted into the family of God, too!
    I always enjoyed the name tags where people added a little something, and often commented on it.
    I wonder if anyone would take me up on that invitation.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      I love that, Teresa! That would make a great t-shirt (minus the personal name). ❤

  69. Joan Richards says:

    I am Joan, through Christ and by the Spirit, a servant of God. Forever grateful for mercy and grace.

    1. Cee Gee says:

  70. Rachel Bozeman says:

    In today’s crazy world may we all be reminded that we are in the Lord’s hands. Why do we worry? Thankful for a Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us, whether it be easy or hard. He is our portion and our cup of blessing. He holds our future. Indeed, we do have a beautiful inheritance!

    1. Christy K. says:

      Amen ❤️

    2. Cee Gee says:

    3. Tina says:


  71. Justaunna Sperry says:

    Hello! I just got my She Reads Truth bible and joined the community! I am super excited for this study and loved the weekly overview podcast!!!!

    1. Joan Richards says:

      Welcome, sister! Thanks be to God for the Holy Spirit whose job it is to gather us with like minded people. You are gonna like it here!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Welcome, Justaunna! Amen to Joan’s reply! ❤

    3. Traci Gendron says:


    4. Tina says:

      Hello and welcome Justaunna..❤️

      1. Kelly (NEO) says:

        Welcome abord!

  72. Cathy McVey says:

    I’m Cathy, child of the most high God, created in His image, saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ who was crucified on the cross for my sins. I am healed by His stripes. I’m grateful for each new day that He gives me with new mercies every day. Happy Monday She’s. I hope you all had a nice weekend. Love reading all the comments this morning. Prayers for each one of you today.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes!! HEALED by His stripes!! Thank you Father for healing our dear friend Catherine!!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Amen! ❤

    3. Tina says:

      That is a testament and a half, Catherine.. Amen.❤️

  73. Mari V says:

    I am Mari, daughter of the MOST HIGH KING! Happy Monday sweeties!!! Gotta run AGAIN! AS I have MORE training here in 15 minutes! Good thing my job is only 5 minutes away when driving.

    1. Cee Gee says:

  74. Traci Gendron says:

    I had a bit of a chuckle reading the opening of the devo. I went to see my husband at work and was asked the same, to fill out a form. My husband ran the company and I said, “Oh I don’t need to fill that out.” I was thinking I’m just little ole me going to see my husband for a minute. Not some important person from another company. Hahaha! I’m sure I threw the receptionist for a loop.

    Anyway, when I was younger I had those same feelings that I was so many things to so many others. Life is quieter now. I’m just me, a servant of God.

    1. Cee Gee says:

    2. Tina says:

      Traci GENDRON, you are not just you, YOU are a daughter of the Most High God doing His work! Just me, indeed!❤️❤️

  75. Cee Gee says:

    Great Scriptures, devo, and comments to open this study!
    We are studying Acts in SS and the focus yesterday was Paul’s conversion experience (Chapter 9). How time!y!
    By the grace of God, I wad born after doc thought my mom would miscarry.
    By the grace of God, I survived- mentally, emotionally, and physically- a dysfunctional home scenario.
    By the grace of God, I am saved.
    By the grace of God, I found SRT a few years ago and rejoice that I share an inheritance with you sisters.
    May God help us to grow in His grace as we study together. Love you all and keep your prayer needs on my heart. ❤

    The discussion on Tina’s comment about puzzles reminded me of the song, “There was Jesus,” by Dolly Parton. My favorite lyrics are the latter half:
    “In the waiting, in the searching
    In the healing and the hurting
    Like a blessing buried in the broken pieces
    Every minute, every moment
    Where I’ve been and where I’m going
    Even when I didn’t know it or couldn’t see it
    There was Jesus
    For this man who needs amazing kind of grace
    For forgiveness at a price I couldn’t pay
    I’m not perfect so I thank God every day
    There was Jesus (there was Jesus)

    1. GramsieSue says:


    2. Traci Gendron says:

      CeeGee this was a song I heard driving to Tanner’s house so often. We had it at his Celebration of Life. When Dolly comes in I get chills. So beautiful, but can way heavy on me at times.

      1. Cee Gee says:

        ❤❤ I pray any heaviness this morning is replaced by heavenly comfort, sister! Love you!

    3. Tina says:

      ❤️. Cee Gee. I love this song! There was Jesus! Undeserved, yet there He was.. the tears flow..❤️

      1. Cee Gee says:


  76. Cheryl Blow says:

    I can add nothing more than, I’m Cheryl, an Ambassador for Christ and my true identity is found in Him. This verse is one of my favorites!
    “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭16‬:‭11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    Praying for all of you! Keeping sharing what the Lord lays on your heart! It touches us all!

  77. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning She’s! I love the start of a new study and new names! I am Rhonda J, a child of the Almighty God, saved through Jesus Christ…trying to be a light that shines for Him in my NEW identity! This has been hard, because I was raised in the church! BUT, although I knew Jesus died for me, saved me, and now I could go to heaven…I didn’t make Him LORD of my LIFE until much later.

    It often takes the breath being knocked out of you and you have nowhere to turn except to Him. In your brokenness, He is our healer, restorer, and redeemer. It doesn’t happen is a process, but it is the most amazing road you could ever imagine! It is the discovery of the identity of Jesus in ME makes me a NEW CREATION that is the most miraculous thing EVER!!

    May I rise every day with this realization! The beauty that I have the Holy Spirit IN me, guiding and leading the way..putting myself in line behind him! (very hard) I hope to let Paul’s tornado of words encourage and strengthen me through this study!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Glad to see you here and hope flood damage in your area was minimal! ❤ love you!

    2. GramsieSue says:

      Love this!
      Also hoping not much flooding in your area

    3. Traci Gendron says:


    4. Cathy McVey says:

      I too thought a lot about you last night Rhonda. Hope all is well with your home. Stay safe! ❤️

    5. Tina says:

      Rhonda ❤️

    6. Mia Faith says:

      Rhonda, ❤️❤️

  78. Laura says:

    Love the Psalm shared with this reading. So good! This portion: The sorrows of those who take another god for themselves will multiply;

    Right? Chasing after anything but the One True God just increases our sorrow. In a world where identity is thrown around so much and we are told that we can “identify” as whatever we want, when the truth is here in God’s Word. Our identity is in Christ. THAT is what I want to be known for and live for.

    I attended my friend’s husband’s memorial service this weekend. She is a new friend and I didn’t know her husband very well. But the stories that were shared and the memories that were recalled had the same theme – he loved the Lord. THAT is what I want people to say about me after I am gone as well. If that is the main thing, I have lived my life to the fullest.

    Thank you for all who commented yesterday on my update about our meeting with our daughter Taliah. Her time with her sister and husband and new baby (she had never met husband or baby) went incredibly well. She even texted her sister afterwards and told her that she wants to get together and apologize for the hurt that she has caused her over the last 5 years. It is going to be a hard road for our Taliah in many ways because she is going to have to face the reality of not being part of our lives for the last 5 years and missing out on some major family events. We will need guidance from the Lord on how to handle this with grace and love. This study is very timely for us as grace is a major theme and we will need to have a lot of it in the coming months and years.

    Our story is still unfolding and we are on a journey. May we continue to seek the Lord’s wisdom as we navigate healing our family relationships and moving forward.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I love that we were invited into your story that is unfolding. It is beautiful to see your faith and steadfastness in putting the Lord first and staying true to his word, with love but not compromising or bending. That is so needed today and deserves true respect! If our kids can’t see that in us, then we really aren’t the example in Christ we are called to be! She will see your beautiful love for her in the end! There are so many influencers that have come out of the gay lifestyle that are making an impact that I follow! They are giving their testimonies, and Taliah is going to have a beautiful testimony as well to change lives!

      1. Michelle P says:

        Amen to this!!! ❤️

    2. Cee Gee says:

      I live reading that about Taliah’s visit with her sister and family. More answered prayer- hallelujah! Praying for all of your family as you tread this unfamiliar path of progress toward, we hope and pray, repentance and reconciliation. ❤ Deep breath, Laura! :) Love you, sister!

    3. Cathy McVey says:


    4. Mercy says:

      just so powerful of a story Laura.

    5. Tina says:

      This is such a powerful testimonial of God at work! He is moving in and for your family! Beautiful to be on the sidelines looking on! Thsnk you, Laura. ❤️

    6. Laura says:

      So very grateful for all of you as you journey with us. I tell my in-person people here about all of you, my online people. It is truly amazing to me that so many wonderful women are praying with us and yet we have never met each other. What a beautiful picture of the Big C church. Feeling very loved right now!

      1. Cee Gee says:

      2. Adrienne says:


  79. Kris says:

    “By the grace of God I am what I am” rings out to me this morning. I am so undeserving, I am so easily sidetracked, I walk right into trouble sometimes, but ‘By the grace of God’, He still loves me, forgives me, restores me. It’s hard to accept sometimes, but where would I be if I refused His gift? I would be making me bigger than Him if I refuse to accept His grace when I so don’t deserve it. But that’s what grace is – undeserved favor. The “deserved” don’t need it, its a free gift for the undeserved. Father, I receive Your gift of grace this morning. I don’t deserve it, but I acknowledge my great need for You. Please restore to me what I’ve so freely given to the locust (Joel 2:25). Let me know without a doubt that You are in the midst of me, that You are my Lord. (Joel 2:27). Thank you Father for making me Your very own.

    1. Cee Gee says:

    2. Tina says:

      Amen Kris..❤️

  80. Michelle P says:

    Yay! A new study! Always refreshing to start again :)

    @Laura – was delighted to read your post yesterday concerning your daughter and family ❤️ so amazing to see this progress and believing more progress for you and other Shes waiting to see change in their families (mine included!)❤️

    I was watching a YouTube testimony of a young man/singer named Joshua Bassett. His conversion story is amazing… he found Jesus while literally walking the opposite direction of Him (meditation/drugs)! And he mentions at the exact time of his dad praying and crying “Jesus open his eyes” he called his dad and asked him to lead him in a salvation prayer. So many beautiful details. I recommend listening if you’re struggling to have hope for the young Gen Zers in your life. His story reminds me of Paul… he was headed a totally different direction and yet God had grace on Him. ❤️ it was on the Zack Sang Show YouTube channel.

    Happy Monday Shes. God bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you.❤️

    @Mercy – hope your eyes are starting to heal and you are feeling better.

    @Searching – how are you feeling?

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I will have to watch! With my nephew..I said he is going to have a Paul moment!! I am believing for it!

      I always love the first day of a new study as well! They are ALL so good! But I do love going through books! I would love to do a not so popular book to pick through the meanings!

      1. Michelle P says:

        Amen, I pray that for your nephew:)

    2. Cee Gee says:

    3. Mercy says:

      Thank you Michelle for checking in. I was given bandage contact lenses to wear for both eyes full time for the next few weeks, and the doctor will recheck the progress.

  81. Melissa says:

    What a great start to a new plan. I need to pray daily that my identity not be found in the other things, but in Christ. In this world there are troubles, but when we hold fast to who we are in Christ, those troubles are put into eternal perspective.

    1. Cee Gee says:

  82. Sharon Scheibenpflug says:

    “For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the son He loves.” Colossians 1:13 Hallelujah and Amen! Brought from darkness to light and into His kingdom! Nothing like this reminder to “jump start” our week & new study! Looking forward to going through Galatians & Ephesians with you all!

    Have a blessed Monday sweet she’s – love you all!

    1. Cee Gee says:

    2. Tina says:


  83. G says:

    I woke up early and decided to dive back into a SRT plan and lo, and behold, a new one begins today! Thank you, Lord! I have a teen who is caught up in “this present evil age” despite giving his life to Christ some years ago. I know that “He who started a good work in [him] will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” I can’t keep my son from his testimony, and that is what this time is building. We can definitely discipline him, though! Psalm 16:7-11 was a comfort to me. I will bless the Lord who counsels me – even at night when my thoughts trouble me. I always let the Lord guide me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. ~ Thank you, Jesus.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      That is a good way to look at it..”I can’t stop him from building his testimony..” I will look at it from this view from now on when I think of my son that seems to be living more worldly than in Christ in his 20’s.

    2. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ so glad you joined!

    3. Mercy says:

      Praying over your son and for a turnaround, that any evil enticement be broken and cancelled in the Name of Jesus.

  84. Jen B says:


    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Glad you are here friend!Miss your comments!! Hope you are enjoying your new job!!

  85. Maria B says:

    Today’s discussion about identity reminded of a sermon at our church centered on Matthew 16:15 when Jesus asks the disciples “Who do you say I am.” Our identity in Christ, is a reflection of who we think and say He is.

    In our Christian community, I think we have “standard” answers to this question— Christ is the messiah, the Son of God. He is our salvation— but to we REALLY believe that? Or do we only believe that in good times?

    Also, with the distortion of the Gospel by some Christian denominations, it is not guaranteed that someone who identifies as Christian believes these truths about Christ, especially given the fact that we live in a postmodern Christian world today, which has drifted further away from God.

    So my prayer this morning is for us to have eyes to see and ears to hear the clarity and simplicity of the Gospel, and truly embrace the message and our identity in Christ.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, I agree, the profession of being a “Christian” is a very loose term today. And we see denominations distort and straight out conflict with each other over what the scripture says and means, it is worrisome to me!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ Joining in the concern about distorted gospel these days. Praying along with y’all.

  86. Colleen DeVeau says:

    “I said to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord; I have nothing good besides You,'” (Psalm 16:2).
    I have a little SRT card on my desk at work that quotes this verse, and lately, this statement to the Lord seems more and more true.
    “God, I really have nothing truly good apart from You.
    You are the very best thing.
    Everything else is ashes without Your beauty.
    Where would I be without Your love?” (my heart, 2024).
    I could linger all day on Psalm 16, but I also love the way Paul starts his letters with “grace and peace to you.” We would have and know nothing good without the grace and peace of God. We deserve neither thing, but He offers these gifts freely. As our brother in the Way, Paul extends and reminds us of these gifts we have in Christ. May we remember to extend these gifts to others.
    Father, help me share these gifts of grace and peace with all those I meet today at my place of employment. Although I was dreading this new day, struck with the pangs of needless anxiety in the night, You have woken me up once more, offering Your gifts of mercy, grace, and peace to me in the light of the day. Thank You, God, for another day, this beautiful new day that You have made. Help me rejoice and be glad in it and You and relish a new opportunity to share Your love and these other wonderful gifts You have given us with others. Help me remember that You walk with me wherever I go. Help me to trust You with every step I take. I love You, Abba. Amen.
    I love you, too, dear Shes. Grace and peace to you!

    1. Laura says:

      Beautiful prayer. Thank you for sharing your heart.

    2. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ love you, Colleen; love that heartfelt prayer! Psalm 16 is very special to me, too!

    3. Tina says:

      Beautiful prayer Colleen.. thank you for sharing. ❤️

  87. Erica R Chiarelli says:

    I’m so thankful for my new identity in Christ! ❤️

    1. Cee Gee says:

  88. Cat-tee says:

    Amen to all – love reading through and praying along with all that is shared! Happy Monday everyone ❤️

    1. Cee Gee says:

  89. Kathy says:

    Thank you, Melanie, for this reminder that my identity is the righteousness of Christ.

    1. Cee Gee says:

  90. Searching says:

    Moved this morning by the reminder in the last bit of Galatians 1:3, plus 4 …our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age …

    Thankful His deliverance continues in our present evil age.

    LYNNE FROM AL – continuing to pray ❤️

    1. Mendi from NC says:

      That verse also stood out to me today!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Amen, sister! ❤ love you!

  91. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Hello, my name is Kelly, a daughter of the Lord and King Jesus, fashioned by the Creater of the universe for His purposes, redeemed by His mercy and grace.
    LAURA – thankful things went well with Taliah. Praying you and your husband contine to lean into God through this and trust Him to make the changes needed.
    CHERYL BLOW – continuing to prayfor Brian.

    1. Laura says:

      Thank you, Kelly!

    2. Cee Gee says:

  92. Sally B. says:

    I love Psalm 16 – may we set the Lord before us today, knowing He is the one who gives us counsel and instructs our heart. We will not be shaken unless we run after other ‘gods’. May we walk in a manner worthy today and everyday!

    1. leap says:


    2. Cee Gee says:

  93. Tina says:

    Dearest MELANIE RAINIER, I Do not envy that trip in the elevator of the new shiny state of the art building!
    Jealous, perhaps of the fact that ice cream was the cargo making its way to the umpteenth floor!
    I have a fear of heights and the thought of getting in an open, all glass elevator fills me with dread.. like knees banging , teeth chattering, nail biting, heart pumping dread.
    ( don’t judge me, that’s my life and where i am at!). That said, I can admire those who get on and get off, like they own the ride!
    Seriously though, let me introduce myself..
    I am Tina, a Child, believer and servant of God. Greetings from across the pond..
    I am a new creation, for I have been born in Christ. The old me, is no longer, though, sometimes I am reminded of how far I have come, when ‘she’ pops up!
    I am an Ambassador of Christ.. growing each day, and drawing closer to Him in my learning and being in His Word..
    May God our Father and the lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.
    To God be the glory forever and ever.
    Thinking a bit deeper this morning, re the reference to identity feeling like 100 pieces of a puzzle. There are many different types of puzzle out there these days.. the 4’s( little peoples) 16’s, 50’s, 500’s, 1000’s and beyond.. some 3D ones nowadays too. Thing is, the puzzle is never complete or whole if one is lost or missing! You/we are ‘complete puzzles’ of identities being held together through Christ and the Spirit. Claim each piece of ‘your’ puzzle!
    Okay, nuff said.
    Happy Monday dear hearts covered in love, hugs and prayers for this coming week to be blessed, blessed blessed as we begin the dive into Galatians and Ephesians! ❤️

    1. Searching says:

      Sisters yet again, dear TINA! I’m not a fan of heights though maybe not quite as terrified as you ❤️

      Love the extra puzzle tie in!

    2. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Running with the puzzle idea…we are incomplete puzzles with many missing and broken pieces. BUT GOD and the Spirit heals and fills in those areas making us whole, AND the image on the puzzle, now completed, is Jesus ❤️

      1. Searching says:

        … the image is Jesus … amen, KELLY, may that be what people see in me.

      2. Tina says:

        Kelly, this is awesome… there we are.. a much more likely scenario of us as puzzles than my not quite perfect explanation!! Ha! Ha! Thank you Kelly!❤️

    3. Denise says:

      Tina your words are always encouraging and so well spoken. May God continue to use you to bless all of us.

    4. Cee Gee says:

      I love your testimonial introduction, Tina! I had to chuckle at ,”like they own the ride.” lol

    5. GramsieSue says:

      “Being held together through Christ”.
      So good.
      Blessings to you, dear friend. ❤️

    6. Mercy says:

      The puzzle analogy is so deep Tina! I pray God fills me in of the missing pieces. I am so bad with putting puzzles together lol.