Text: Titus 1:1-4
I’m so excited because this passage is all about unity!
Paul loves Titus and he points out five things they share in common. These are the things that all Christians share in common, and it thrills me to think that we She Reads Truth girls have all this in common, too. It makes me want to hug you.
1. Close Relationship
Paul calls Titus his own son. This “sonship” comes from one person leading another to Christ. It is a sacred kinship of the spiritual life. Think of all the dear people who lovingly pointed you to Christ. Now gather them like family around the table at Christmastime. That’s the feeling I’m looking for. Our hearts rise up in loving celebration of this dear bond.
2. Common Faith
Titus and Paul were brothers in a common faith, just as we are sisters in a common faith because we believe the same truths and the same fundamentals. We agree there is one God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and one mediator, Jesus Christ our Savior. We receive our faith as a gift from God, and He is the tie that binds us together.
Our faith is like a shining jewel that we carry in our chest, and we are drawn together with others who carry that same jewel. We cling to same hope, and it will produce the same results in our eternal souls. That certainly gives me a reason to shake hands with you.
3. Mutual Benediction
Paul asks for grace, mercy and peace for Titus. And we all want that grace, mercy and peace for each other. I want it for you, and you want it for me. Here’s why:
We need Grace to help. To protect us from the dangers of comparison. No one looks as good as they seem on Instagram, and all eyes are occasionally wet with tears. Everyone’s life needs grace, and everybody’s toilet needs scrubbed. Seriously. We’re all in the same boat.
We need Mercy to forgive. Perhaps the more leadership and more authority you have, the more mercy you need.
And we need Peace to comfort. We all long for the comfort of peace of mind, restfulness of heart, and quietude of spirit. And we can all agree at the delicious sweetness of peace!
4. Common Source of Blessing
We are one in the source of our blessings. When the wagons of blessing come, one may stop at your door and one at mine, but they all have the same owner and left from the same depot.
Whatever grace, mercy and peace come to us, they come from the same place! We all eat bread baked in the same oven, you know? The same sacred blood mark of our Lord Jesus Christ is on every blessing, whether it comes to me or my sister in China.
5. United by Jesus
You know how we are all united at night by looking at the same moon? In a similar way, when we all look to the Savior, our eyes meet. Except it is more than that: Christ is our common reality; we are joined together in His life.
Christ is OUR Savior. He is not just a savior as in “a savior is born to us in Bethlehem” (Luke 2:11), or my savior as Mary sang “My spirit has rejoiced in God my savior” (Luke 1:47). But He is also our Savior. There is a blessedness in the communal “our.” We have a great reason to be knit together in love. We share Christ.
Let us keep close together with our eyes on Christ, shoulder to shoulder, darlings. And may we continually ask God for that blessed Grace, Mercy, and Peace for each other!
These five points are based on a sermon by C. H. Spurgeon (1834-1892).
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161 thoughts on "grace, mercy and peace"
I needed to hear these words of truth today, they encouraged me so much! Thank you !!
And the greatest of them all is love. To me… love is too big of a word to understand what to do next or how to carry it out…. so God must use grace, mercy, and peace to show us how to love each other as he has loved us. Just my thoughts from today :)
With all of the division in our country today, the idea of unity was surprisingly more refreshing for me than maybe ever before. No conflict can be solved without first finding common ground. Finding a common goal, united purpose, finding what you agree on is the only way one can have enough respect for the other opinions and views. Ultimately, unity, not division, is what is necessary for resolution.
I needed to hear theses words of truth, encouragement, and conviction today. Thank you!
I still remember how amazing it felt to be a part of a small group of women with one goal… To know Christ o a deeper level. These women, all a little older and more world wise, welcomed a younger college kid me in with open arms and loved me like I didn’t know was possible.and when I moved away to take my first professional job, they cried with me and made me feel I would genuinely be missed. I have tried over and over again to recreate that small group, but I haven’t been successful. I imagine that now, with 8 years of nursing, a marriage, and a child have made me a bit more jaded and cynical that I was a fresh, innocent wide eyed 21 year old. And it is harder to be vurnable and let myself be loved the way I did back then. But when a community of women come together like that in God’s name with a common purpose to serve Him, it truly is an amazing thing.
Lord, help us all to bond together in our common goal, which is to serve and Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. Also, to share that same Grace and Mercy that God’s love shares with us. God Bless everyone in the SRT Community.
This message really stuck out to me because I have a difficult time feeling alone. I mean sure I’m in college and have friends but my feeling is really emotionally distant and I can’t seem to get into the community at my church. Don’t get me wrong I adore everyone there.. But I find it really difficult to be vulnerable with them. The sermons are wonderful but for me the community is lacking and that may be my own fault. Needless to say I feel alone when what I need most is community of fellow Christian women to lean on and help stand. It’s hard to find that in a small college town.
As someone who is beyond the college years, be encouraged. We all go through times of loneliness. Take the time to draw closer to God. He really is all we need. That being said, community is important. Have you looked at attending a different church? One that has more to offer a college student? One where you feel comfortable with someone to be vulnerable? Or have you looked into ministry groups on campus? FCA, Wesley, Campus Crusade, Navigators, YoungLife, etc… I know attending a group for the first time, especially alone, can be intimidating. But like this passage says, you already have a bond with those people. You already share something in common.
Consider yourself hugged, sister.
Yes! It’s amazing that we can jump into this letter written so long ago and know that it’s the same fellowship we shares. It’s just as real knowing Jesus today as it was for those first followers of Jesus.
Sometimes I confuse unity with this world or with close friends who do not know him and unity of other believers. There is such a huge difference in what makes people one. No matter how hard we try to be close to others, unless there is the blood and love of Christ shared, the unity grows from our own efforts and is not reliable. I love when Jesus prays in john 17 that we may be one as he and his father were one right before he dies for us. What a picture to bring to mind when interacting with others.
“We need Grace to help. To protect us from the dangers of comparison. No one looks as good as they seem on Instagram, and all eyes are occasionally wet with tears. Everyone’s life needs grace, and everybody’s toilet needs scrubbed. Seriously. We’re all in the same boat.”
Whelp….all of that happened tonight. Talked about how good a life can be portrayed on instagram (but really, just in a photo), cried with friends….we watched Fault In Our Stars *cue the tissues* and I totally scrubbed the toilet for my lovely guests. Reading that tonight after my friends left, just made me smile at that fact that no matter how simple it is, God always weaves thing in our lives at the right time.
I really engaged with the line, “Christ is our common reality; we are joined together in HIS life.” (Emphasis mine)
Focusing in on the fact that WE are all a part of HIS life helps me to refocus and refresh the facts that:
1- I am not living for myself. Sometimes I forget that in the midst of my day to day struggles and joys.
2- I’m not alone!! I find such hope and encouragement in knowing that it doesn’t all rest on me alone. I have an entire world full of sisters pursuing the same faith goals!!
3- I’m not supposed to do this alone. The communal “our” breathes such strength into my faith and brings to mind the verse about the strands of three (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Together we are strong!! The devil knows this and attacks us here, doing his best to segregate and weaken us so that he can stop us.
THANK YOU for the encouragement and peace you’ve blessed me with today!!!!
I’ve been praying for unity in the Church, and reading this helped me to remember that we’re all unified through Christ. He built a perfect Church, and sometimes imperfect people don’t get it exactly right. If we all just keep the attitudes that Paul and Titus had, and Christ prayed for in the Garden of Gethsemane, His church will be unified in all things. Thank you for looking at Titus, it’s already been so encouraging!
The picture of my spiritual family at Christmas time is beautiful. We ARE united in the hope we share, and I am so grateful for the fact that our study and search of truth (here and in The Word daily) leads to godliness. I want to be refined and renewed and remade in Christ’s likeness; knowing that you all want the same thing and are praying for grace and peace just like me, with me, and even for me is so encouraging. Blessings to ALL of you from OUR Father & my little corner of Hume.
Thanks for sharing, Aubri! We love hearing your heart!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I have been feeling quite alone lately, in circumstance and heart, and this is so good to remember. I am never alone because I have Christ, and I am a part of a big beautiful family of believers that spans the entire globe.
Belonging to the church body – being part of an “us” or “our” – is particularly meaningful and dear to us single girls. Sometimes it feels like we don’t really belong fully to anyone…but that’s not true in Christ! I am His & He is mine and the church family is forever a place of belonging, both now and in the age to come. Thanks be to God!
I loved these lines: “Our faith is like a shining jewel that we carry in our chest, and we are drawn together with others who carry that same jewel. We cling to same hope, and it will produce the same results in our eternal souls.”
I think this encapsulates how I feel about the SRT community, and I’m glad The Lord brought me here to fellowship with you all.
Oh my goodness. Such powerful truth packed into only 4 verses! Praise The Lord! Can you imagine what our Savior could do through us if we all finally decided to work together as his children through our common faith in Him instead of our denominational differences? Thank you She Reads Truth for being one way to facilitate this!! Grace. Mercy. peace.
So happy to have you here, Sherry Lynn!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
This is what I need everyday.
it almost takes my breath away completely to be reminded of this truth.
how incredible it is that with every single day we not only get the privilege of praying for each others peace, grace, and mercy–but that were receiving those things from our savior as well. Jesus is truly beautiful, brings tears to my eyes to take time to harp on his beauty and love for us. Thankful for this day 2 post on Titus.
" We need Grace to help." This entire paragraph was truly comforting. It is easy to become jealous or envious of others who APPEAR to have perfect and happy lives without struggles. But the truth is, we are all facing a battle in some way and a struggle is a struggle… It is never easy. I pray that I have more compassion towards others and realize we are all trying to live a good life. I am grateful for knowing God and Im comforted that we can possess grace, mercy, and peace if we turn to him.
"We need Mercy to forgive. Perhaps the more leadership and more authority you have, the more mercy you need."
This hit me hard. I feel that too often I do not give enough mercy to my children. That I expect more of my TODDLERS than I would expect of myself. I need to be extending them grace and mercy. Definitely can't do that without the Lord!
What a beautiful commentary. I love the feeling of being tied together with others because of my faith in the Lord. Love my faith family!
Thanks dear ladies for the prayers. They were not only heard but felt (by me). The Lord held me firm, I still have a job, all is ok. There are a few challenges due to several issues. My prayer is this: Lord, establish the work of my hands.
Thank you for posting this answer to prayer! I'll be joining in with your prayer…keep updating:)
In the beginning the Christian faith was changing so much — some following person X, some following person Y, each with a different take — that it is easy to imagine how a lack of unity could spread quickly among early Christians. But Paul brings it back to the fundamentals: hope of eternal life: BAM. God never lies: BAM. God promised us this life before time began: BAM. These aren't the feelings or beliefs of a preacher and what he feels like — these are the fundamentals of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They speak for themselves as Truth.
We are all so different, each of us She Reads Truth ladies. We could poll each woman here and hear a different story — no two ever the same. And our stories of Christian walking are different, too. Some of us are new or newer believers. Some of us have always know the Lord. (I fall in between those two, although I've only really been walking closely for the last three and a half years!) Some have Christian spouses, Some came to Christ but their husbands don't believe (yet!). Some are called to singleness for this season. Some are called to singleness for life. We're so very different, and yet we are the same because for all of eternity we all serve the same God, the true and living God, and we will celebrate and worship together in Heaven one day.
One of the pastors at church has shared a quote by Augustine and I think it so beautifully covers what Titus is writing here with regards to unity and what She Reads Truth stands for: “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” Sisters, let's use the grace we receive from God, and the mercy we receive from God, and the peace we receive from God, to be in unity on the essentials, and to give liberty to each other in the non-essentials, and to love each other charitably regardless.
Rebecca says it so beautifully: "Titus and Paul were brothers in a common faith, just as we are sisters in a common faith because we believe the same truths and the same fundamentals. We agree there is one God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and one mediator, Jesus Christ our Savior. We receive our faith as a gift from God, and He is the tie that binds us together."
Love to all of you!
Grace , Mercy and Peace to you all dear sisters!!! I guess we all need that everyday…so I'm praying that we get that everyday for us to be able to share it to everyone else…
Would anyone like to discuss verses 1-3? I like how Paul introduces the thesis of the book of Titus- "for the sake of the faith of Gods elect and their knowledge of the truth which accords with godliness" – that is not only to the elect at Crete- but to us as well. Thats why Paul is writing this book. Knowledge of spiritual truth goes in accordance with godliness. Kind of like from day 1- a knowledge of do's and do not's. Godliness (our sanctification) is kind of a precursor, or forerunner, for our hope of eternal life. Almost as if its our preparation for eternity- the wedding banquet- which he promised before the ages began- and in His timing revealed His plan for salvation- the gospel- about 2000 years ago. (Isnt it amazing where we live in His part of redemptive/world history?). Paul was commanded and entrusted to preach the gospel and impart spiritual truth to Titus and other believers as well.
Is so great that God brought this word for us today. I myself have been wondering about these topics lately. I have become active in my church and I have realized that as a church we are lacking this union that is so important. Sisters please join me in prayer for my church, for us to find communion and to be united as a church. God bless you all!
Praying with you, Gema! Blessings, Carrie
Praying for unity founded in Christ, Gema!! May His spirit move mightily in your church!! Love you, sister!
“5. United by Jesus
You know how we are all united at night by looking at the same moon? In a similar way, when we all look to the Savior, our eyes meet. Except it is more than that: Christ is our common reality; we are joined together in His life.”
Seeing it in this light makes me feel so small(that’s a good thing) in the way that Gods grace, mercy, and peace is abundantly huge. Meaning, sometimes I put God in a “box”, making him small, but reading this opened my eyes again to how big He truly is. Thank you, this is definitely something I needed to hear.
(I'll come back to look at everyone's comments for more insight later). "There is a blessedness in the communal “our.” We have a great reason to be knit together in love. We share Christ." Father, I pray you'd forgive me for letting annoyance and anger at my sister (not on here, my actual sister) get in the way of the truth that we share you, and that therefore, we are to be knit together in love. I pray you'd heal the fractures in our relationship and that you'd help me to leave behind the habits and selfishness I have that create and deepen these fractures in our relationship/friendship. I pray that today, you'd help me to serve her as you have, and that you'd help us to have a day filled with your blessing. Forgive me, us, father, and help us to mend back together. I praise you for that, my dear Jesus. Amen.
Praying for peace, grace, mercy, love, and the knowledge that Christ has died for ALL to sink into the soil of your souls. Be blessed today, sisters. I love you all.
Praying for you, AnnaLee, as you reconnect with your sister. I will pray that the Holy Spirit brings healing and grace to your relationship. Blessings, Carrie
Thank you so much, Carrie. Bless you.
This can be such a turning point in your relationship with your sister, dear AnnaLee! When I was about your age, or a little older, I was able to reconnect with my sister on an emotional level (we were never physically apart from each other before that point) and we are now best friends. Not that I know this will happen for everyone, but I will definitely be praying for healing in this life-long relationship!
Thank you! Praise God. He's doing good things here. Your prayers are so appreciated, dear friend! Be so blessed this evening!!
I know this was about grace, mercy, and peace, but I just can't get past the unity talked about in the beginning. As Christians, we are indeed supposed to be unified. Sadly, I don't have a whole lot of friends, which means I don't have friends who build me up and encourage me to read God's word each day, to pray, to make loving God my number one priority in life. It made me realize just how much I need you guys. Every single one of you that comments here sharing stories and words of encouragement should know that you don't go unnoticed in my eyes. I need that, and, although I don't have the privilege of knowing you personally, I need you. So today, every time I look to God in prayer, I'll know that my eyes are meeting with some of yours. <3
Mandy, your words are so beautiful and they resonate with me too. I too have very few friends to fellowship with and haven't found a church to be planted in authentically, so SRT has been very needed and is continually blessing me so much. I need everyone too, and I absolutely love you for your honesty and sweetness. God bless you, Mandy, and may He guide you to friends who both Love Him and Love you very dearly. Hey, if you want, we can keep in touch through email and/or text (if you do text, haha). My email is [email protected], and I can give you my number if you email me. No matter what, be so blessed! Praying!
What sweet encouragement, Mandy. Know you are precious and valued here :)
The thing that blows my mind is that some day we will have the opportunity to know each other and worship God together in Heaven! So blessed to worship with you this side of eternity, Mandy! :)
I love this list of five commonalities that we share as believers. I struggle in this area sometimes of building friendships beyond seeing others at kid's events and what-not. I can be an introverted person and we also move around a lot for my husband's job. I decided this summer to cut out things like Facebook completely and focus on doing what I need to do to have people over more (which is out of my comfort zone). I am praying that God unites our family with more friends who share these common things. Lord, please bring to us friendships and those who share in our beliefs. I pray that my children, my husband, and I are all able to find some new friendships this summer who bring us closer to you. Amen!
What a wonderful goal! I will be praying for you in this noble effort for your children and family!
Is it just me or did everyone go scrub their toilet? Everybody’s toilet needs scrubbed, right?
~Erica, Alia
When my husband and I were engaged, we also looked for a church we would join together. We both came from 2 different but similar denominations and were members at 2 different churches at the time. We visited different churches and prayed about it and we decided to join a new church together, leaving the churches where we grew up. We always have good things to say about them when asked and we still visit and attend services and events when we can. At our current church, we were married there and our daughter will grow in her faith there. Referencing back to the passage, blessings flow from the same source and depot no matter where you are.
“We agree there is one God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and one mediator, Jesus Christ our Savior. We receive our faith as a gift from God, and He is the tie that binds us together.”
Because of many church planters, we are able to commune together with that same core belief in many different places of worship. Just like when we gather together here from all different parts of the world and walks of life. It is a big decision to make when getting married, but when you walk out on faith, now Alia’s husband was planted where he needed to be to become a pastor and youth leader and yet their search led them there. It was a big step to not be at the churches where we grew up, but I hope you both can find a church to where you both are in agreement and can continue to worship together. Congratulations and will be praying for our marriages.
I need to continually remind myself that we all serve the same God. He created each one of us. I think if I always kept that in mind, I'd have a way harder time judging some one, gossiping, etc.
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy….." (John 10:10). The enemy wants us divided! He wants us to compare ourselves to others so that we feel less adequate and less equipped to handle this life. But God calls us into unity!! This scares the devil because he knows that once we are bonded together we are much stronger against his evil ways than when we are on our own. "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12). When we are bound together as sisters in Christ with God in the center, the enemy doesn't stand a chance. The world we live in today is so broken and empty. I pray that God will use us that are here today to go out and be the light to those who are living in the darkness, that we are able to help show them who Christ is and that he desires nothing more than to have a loving relationship with them.
So true, Liane. The enemy wants to wreak havoc in our relationships. Instead of sharing in the celebration of other's blessings, we spend our time in comparison. Instead of encouraging one another through our walks, we tend to act out of judgement in a "shake-your-finger" way at those who make mistakes. Being bound together in unity and going on this walk together with grace, mercy, and peace is so much more rewarding. I am thankful for this message today as I know the Lord was reminding me of some things I need to work on in my life. Blessings!
I really like this Liane. It is so easy to fall into the trap of comparison or pride, thinking we are better off handling things on our own and not letting others in. The power of fellowship and unity is incredible and far more fruitful than walking through life alone. Thank you for sharing scripture to coincide with this too!
This devotion today reminded me of a verse that I had to go find!
"A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another;
as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye
love one to another"
John 13: 34-35 KJV
Here God said it again, we are to be united in love toward each other. We are to wish grace, mercy, and peace
on each other because we are to love each other.
Amazing how loving and secure OUR God is!
So thankful for this community this morning! Praying for grace, mercy, and peace for all the SheReadsTruth sisters out there!
The thought occurs to me (Holy Spirit whispered), there is no Instagram in Heaven! When I "see" a reflection of my spiritual life in Christ, it will be "framed" in the Saving work of Christ! Therefore, Insta will be transformed by Hista into the "Eternagram" we cast at the feet of our God and King!!!
Love that idea! So creative! Thanks for sharing!
I love that we all need grace, mercy, and peace. God's grace gives us the ability to show mercy toward others and gives us the ability to have peace in all things.
Our faith is like a shining jewel that we carry in our chest, and we are drawn together with others who carry that same jewel. We cling to same hope, and it will produce the same results in our eternal souls. That certainly gives me a reason to shake hands with you.
I absolutely love that quote! It is amazing how when you meet a sister in Christ, you just know before they tell you that there is a common bond. You can feel it! God has joined us together as family, what a joyous celebration we will have in eternity!
I love KNIT TOGETHER! Sisters how much closer can we be? Any knitters out there?! Can you relate to making your project …. A ball of yarn, needles,and pattern ……grace, mercy, end result peace.
This is also so applicable in our marriages. We need to both, as husband and wife, be looking at Christ and unified in Him.
talesofbeautyforashes, I agree. Great for marriages, definitely!
"We are one in the source of our blessings. When the wagons of blessing come, one may stop at your door and one at mine, but they all have the same owner and left from the same depot."
Oh, how I needed this reminder today! I've been known to look into my friends' cups and say, "She has more than me!" I've even told God that his love doesn't feel fair because I don't have the same blessings as so-and-so. I might not have the same blessings, but I do have his blessings. His grace, his mercy, his peace is just as available to me as it is to her. I often have to stop and remind myself that God has given her what she needs, and he has given me what I need. Just because they're not the same, doesn't mean they're not good or fair. And they all come from the same Giver! He knows our needs intimately and gives out of his abundant love. When I remember that, I am satisfied in him!
jazzymcphee, I am guilty of doing that too, especially with things like Facebook and Instagram. Seeing everyone post their "best" or those who get to go on vacation. I should compare less and be thankful for the blessings others are currently receiving. When I stop to really look around, God has given me blessings too so I shouldn't compare.
I sorely need grace, mercy and peace today. My boss has called a meeting with me to discuss my work. I have thought I was doing well. Good feedback from clients. I’m finding myself frightened and panicky, reminding myself of God’s faithfulness but somehow unable to hold onto peace. Thank you SRT for good words to start the morning.
Praying for you just now, Leenda. "not as the world gives", "my peace give i give to you" Hang on to Jesus Leenda, Jesus embodies "the peace" even during the storm!
Leenda I know this is easy to say, but I remind you that your first and real identity is as God’s beloved. No matter what comes of your work conversation, it does not establish your value. Praying peace for you.
Praying for you now, Leenda! The Lord is working in Your life– no matter what happens, remember He is for you! I pray today that Leenda would have peace, Oh Lord, and that whatever comes her way, she'd know You are holding her in your huge, loving, enduring arms. Sister, He LOVES you and will never let go. Hold that comfort near to you today. Love you.
Praying for you, Leenda!
Leenda, holding you up in prayer and hoping that all has gone well with you….sorry I'm late to this forum, just finished work and catching up on comments….God bless you sister….x xi
I'm just now getting on here, and don't know if you've already had your meeting, or how it went, but need to tell you a story. Today, as I was doing art with the 6-year-old I nanny, I found myself doodling "Peace I leave with you" and praying it over my SRT sisters who needed it today. One of those was you, I guess. Grace and peace to you right now, dear Leenda!
Praying for you, Leenda. No matter the outcome, I pray God gives you peace.
"In a similar way, when we all look to the Savior, our eyes meet."
Beautiful! Praise God!
Unity is a powerful word. I am a gatherer by nature,always wanting everyone to come for dinner,so to speak.So this mornings devotion is especially dear to me. No matter how we vary in appearance or status In life ,as sisters in Christ we have an eternal bond.
I can visualize the people who have been part of my life as a believer all sitting around my dinner table.We wouldn't be looking at the entre or the china, but would be celebrating this life we have been given in Christ Jesus. I love that picture.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1, 2 NIV)
Perfect timing for me today! Just moved completely across the country and had to leave all my good friends and community behind. Even though I'm getting plugged in a church and getting to know people – it's so easy to feel like the outsider looking in. I can also be a bit introverted (here too – been reading SheReadsTruth for a couple months now, but this is my first comment) – so I always feel lost on what to say, feeling we have nothing in common. The beginning of Titus is a great reminder that that's not true. A reminder I need to keep on mind more during this time! Thanks!
Welcome! Thanks so much for sharing! Just wanted to say I often relate to your feeling of being an outsider looking in. Being introverted sure can make social situations tough. But God is awesome and constantly reminds me that unity in Jesus is enough. Praying that He showers you with His grace, peace, and unity as you settle into your new church family.
Thank you for sharing Tiffany (I'm guessing that's your name, but if I'm wrong, I apologize!)! I haven't shared much on here except maybe once or twice and I've been following She Reads Truth since January. Yesterday I made a commitment to be more intentional about interacting on here. Again, I want to tell you thank you for sharing your story! Change can be so difficult and is often something we as Christians must face. Most often we are called to follow God with a blind faith — he doesn't always let us in on the whole picture, just one puzzle piece at a time. It's great to hear that you are stepping out of your comfort zone and building a network of Christians around you in your new home! Prayers that God continues to guide you on your path!
Unity is a powerful word. I am a gatherer by nature,always wanting everyone to come for dinner,so to speak.So this mornings devotion is especially dear to me. No matter how we vary in appearance or status In life ,as sisters in Christ we have an eternal bond.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1, 2 NIV)
Thank you for this scripture, Diane… "let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith." Amen… no matter who we are, let us run to Jesus. He has already marked out the race for us… all we need to do is run in it and rely on Him. Praise Him. Amen.
Newly engaged, my fiance and I have been discussing what church we will attend as two individuals become one in Christ in just a few months. It has been such a struggle for me as we really get to the root of denominations and talk about which core beliefs each church believes, so I began praying that God would change my heart for the church He wants us to go to.
Today's study completely hit me in the forehead with a Spiritual 2×4. This line especially: "We agree there is one God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and one mediator, Jesus Christ our Savior. We receive our faith as a gift from God, and He is the tie that binds us together."
It's not about finding that perfect church with the perfect people who believe the right things. It's about joining with my brothers and sisters in Christ and learning the mysteries of God together. HE alone is the tie that binds us together. WHEW! Such a revelation!! Shereadstruth is such an incredible community- thanks for encouraging me in my walk ladies!!
My husband and I went through the same thing a couple of years ago when we got engaged. We searched for a few months for a church we both could attend together because while we dated we had gone to separate churches. However, our searching didn't lead us anywhere. God lead us to the place where we were supposed to be. He is now associate and youth pastor. Just keep your eyes on Him, pray together, and God will show you where He wants you! Congratulations and God bless your marriage!
So encouraging to hear! Thanks so much, Alia!
Alia and Erica, thank you for your insights!! It can be so hard to not get caught up in the searching, in feeling like YOU need to find the church. I myself am going through the same thing, but after much prayer and searching, I got all fitsy with it– and the Lord told me to settle down, keep my eyes on Him, and let HIM guide me. It's not about what keeps us apart. He holds it all together.
Praying that both the Lord would soften and lead your hearts to the right church, and that'd He'd give you peace and confirmation with it. He is faithful to provide. :) Blessings.
When you walk into a room with a bunch of people you don't know, e.g. new church, womens conference etc., wouldn't it be great to have the mindset of "look what I already have in common with these lovely people: 1,2,3,4,5."
We do ourselves a disservice to Kingdom work when we enter that room thinking "nobodies like me, who am I going to fit in with?" Being of the shyer nature I have been working on this for two years now, and I've just added toilet scrubbing to my ice breakers list, so don't be surprised if some crazy women walks up to you some day and begins her conversation with "what toilet bowl cleaner do you use to scrub your toilet? LOL
We are all way more alike than we ever wish to believe — ALL sinners deserving the life sentence of death. Now if that doesn't end the comparison game and put us in love mode for one another, I'm stumped at what will. Love to you all!
I need this today. Thank you!! I am always very scared of situations where I don't know anyone, it takes a lot of courage for me to sign up for events at church where I am not tied in with anyone. But thank you for the beautiful reminder that even if I don't personally know any of the women at the conference or event, we have so much in common.
Yes! Praise God for you, Valanne! Lord, give me this same view as well– that we are all human, all in need of you, and all very, very loved by you! Praise you, Father God!!
You put a big smile on my face today, sweet one! What an absolutely wonderful mind-set to enter a room with!
Wow! I really needed this today. It’s a little weird but sometimes, I find myself thinking that God is only mine – not intentionally of course. It seems so amazing that everyone who is born again in Christ, can have the same relationship and closeness that I have with God. It’s so incredible to know that others pour their hearts out to God – not just me- and that they are given blessings and led by the hand of God as well. We are all united under Him and therefore should lift each other up instead of tearing down this unity.
Hi Katarina. That is so true! Because God knows us so fully and deeply, it DOES sometimes seen like we are an only child! How deep the Father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure; that He should give His only Son and make a wretch (me and you) His treasure! Have a wonderful, God-full day!
Amen Katarina. This blows my mind as well– I am so awe-inspired by the paths the Lord leads us down, and by how diverse yet bonded we are. :)
I have been mulling over this exact same thing today. How great and incomprehensible are His ways, yet it's possible for us each, individually, to have an intimate relationship with Him!
Fellowship has been near and dear to my heart lately. We watched a video by Francis Chan at young adult's ministry last night and he talked about how important it is to walk through this life beside one another and to help each other through the good and the bad. How neat is it to think that God already knew of each one of us who would come to this page this morning to meet and study His word? We are truly blessed!
I love Francis Chan!! He is so real and honest! So much so that a lot of the times I feel almost punched in the gut when I listen to his sermons or read his books. I love how you pointed out that God already knew who would be here this morning. He designed this message for each one of us to hear. It's awesome!
God is so good– can you imagine all He's preparing us for? For tomorrow's reading, for every person, the places we're in– we're constantly being prepared for things, and things are constantly being prepared for us. That's so amazing!!! Praise you, Lord, for this wondrous thing called life!! Be blessed, sister.
I really like this insight AnnaLee! 'we're constantly being prepared for things, and things are constantly being prepared for us.' Let's celebrate the blessing of walking in that truth! It really helps to adjust my perspective to the big picture when things go awry in the small picture.
Amen to that, Kyla :) I'll stay praying for you!
Something I think about sometimes is how much I love surprising other people with things that they weren't expecting and seeing how excited and shocked and thrilled they get, and I am so happy all of my waiting and bubbling over with excitement is worth it – and then I'm reminded of God, who knows all of these big and little details about our lives (like each of us being here and encouraging each other!) and how He must feel when He knows the amazing things that are to come.
So blessed to be sharing this space with you, Kyla! <3
"No one looks as good as they seem on Instagram, and all eyes are occasionally wet with tears. Everyone’s life needs grace, and everybody’s toilet needs scrubbed. Seriously. We’re all in the same boat." – Wow! I really needed to read that this morning. It's so funny how God will speak directly to you through the Internet. Last night when I couldn't sleep I was browsing through my Instagram feed and got caught up in the dangers of comparison. Then this morning I read this. I just looked up and said, "OK God. I get it."
"You know how we are all united at night by looking at the same moon? In a similar way, when we all look to the Savior, our eyes meet. Except it is more than that: Christ is our common reality; we are joined together in His life." — This really spoke to me too. I've always considered myself a bit quirky and very different from most of my Christian friends, so this is a great truth to which I can hold.
Social media can be dangerous when we start using it to compare ourselves to others! This is a great reminder that we don't always know what's going on "behind the camera' — we don't see the ugly truth of other people's lives. We need to remind ourselves that even those people that we think are perfect have the same troubles we do and like it was said above "everybody's toilet needs scrubbed"!
Isn't it such a relief to hear that "everyone's toilet needs to be scrubbed?" I erased my social media accounts because they started to become such a huge hindrance to my walk with God– I was always comparing, always idolizing, always forming my profiles around what I thought other people would like. How dumb! The Lord has made us with a careful hand, fearfully and wonderfully. No social network could contain the depths of our lives or the complexity of who we are! Praise God for that. :)
I also really relate to your comment about being different and quirky and different. I too sometimes feel out of place… I'm going through a big transition, my identity is changing a lot, and what I once used to relate to is not what I relate to anymore (I've found a lot of it to be hindering my relationship with Christ). Yet, I don't feel like I relate to a lot of my Christian friends. Truth be told, I LOVE the wholesomeness, purity and biblical truth found in many christian communities (christian bookstores, etc), but usually feel like an oddball in them. It's hard to know how I fit, and it's rough sometimes because I feel like I'm doing something wrong.
This is the most beautiful thing, though, and I hope it encourages you too: When we are walking with the Lord, there are no molds for who we are to be– Jesus is the only one to look to. When we are falling in love with and constantly pursuing the face of God, the only thing shaping us into who we are is the Lord's Hands. Think of Paul and Titus– so very, very different, yet bound by the fact that we are all clay being molded by the Potter. There are many backgrounds and personalities– SO many different stories– but as long as our beliefs align with the Word of God, we are His. I praise Him for that, and I only pray that He'd keep shaping me with His hands. I pray we'd stop looking for any other identity than the one we have in Him.
Thank you for this comment, sis! It's really encouraging to hear of someone who feels the same. Blessings!
Yea, I've read this and something similar several times over the past few weeks. And I so needed to hear it. Comparison will suck the joy out of me and leave me bone dry. This was again a good reminder of where my source is! Who my source is!!
And that yes, we are all in this together!! Same toilets, same moon, same stars, same Christ! :)
I love what you said about we all need grace to protect us from comparison. I just graduated from college and am looking for teaching jobs. It can be really hard to not compare myself to my friends who have gotten jobs or other applicants. But I find when I give each and every application up to God he gives me peace. Yes, there are many days of discouragement but there is also great joy in knowing that God can give me comfort as I head into this huge transition in life.
You are on my heart,sister! I am praying that God has provided you (or will soon) a mentor to come along side you in this transition. As a veteran teacher (Wow! – that makes me sound old :)) I know where you are and where you are going. Blessings to you!
Yes! I totally understand what you are talking about! I am going to be graduating from nursing school in December and I was looking for an internship or a job for the summer recently. It was so easy to feel bad when I saw my friends getting internship after internship that I had applied for when all I kept receiving was rejections, but once I gave the situation to God I found peace. The good news is he has brought me to an amazing job opportunity this past week that feels so right.
Praying for grace, mercy, and peace for you, and for him to lead you to the right job where he can use you for his purpose!
Praying for you during this time, friend! It's so easy to get caught up in what other people are doing and how we never seem to stack up. But here's the beautiful part: None of us stack up, in reality. Jobs or not, we are humans in need of grace and an intimate relationship with Christ. You have that! And He delights in you, no matter where you are in life! So have no fear. If you seem to have nothing right now, know that the Lord has a plan for you and He's working as we speak (or comment…haha). These rejections only mean He has something else lined up, so don't lose heart. He knows you and He will bless Him with what He wants for you, if you let Him! Keep bringing it to Him and I pray that you'd continually have His peace and joy during this time of change. Love you sister. Blessings.
Ha, I meant "He'll bless you"… you get it :)
Oh sister. I know exactly where you are because I was there less than a year ago. Praying for you and cheering you on from the other side of this mountain that seems unclimbable!
"You know how we are all united at night by looking at the same moon? In a similar way, when we all look to the Savior, our eyes meet. Except it is more than that: Christ is our common reality; we are joined together in His life."
I love this! When I have an ugly disagreement with someone, most likely, one or both of us are not looking to the Savior. If we are focused on Christ and united in Him, our petty differences won't matter!
Thank the Lord for that!! Praise God for you, Stephenie. Blessings!
I love that! Focusing on the Savior removes the focus from petty differences!
"Everyone's life needs grace, and everybody's toilet needs scrubbing. Seriously. We're all in the same boat."
Oh, how I love this line! Lord, help me to remember this as I deal with others. We are ALL flawed humans. We ALL need God. We ALL need our Savior. And we need eachother.
Beckey http://www.etsy.com/shop/queenbsbusywork
Amen Beckey. Father, help us to remember that we need You and that we need Your people throughout this life. Never let us go this alone. I praise you, father, for this community, and I pray you'd bless everyone apart of it.
Wen you feel like the only one on this road, it is so wonderful to be reminded of this. Thank you, Lord, for the examples of Paul and Titus.
Beautiful, Drasch. I praise God for you and for your insights and comments. Love you, sister. Your comment today reminded me of this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTRc06Y9x8Q.
I used to worship to it at my old church. It brought tears of joy to my eyes every time. Praise you, Father God, for such a lovely community as the ones we've been apart of.
"There's none too poor, too dirty, too broken
Too naked, too stupid, too drunken, to be
Thrown outside His love!"
YES! May we all be brought to repentance and LIFE by HIS enduring LOVE!! Praise you Jesus!!
Be blessed today, sister. :)
I love the point that Jesus is OUR Savior. I think sometimes it's easy to get focused on Jesus as my Savior. Working on your relationship with Him is all well and good, and very necessary, but He died for all, ya know? Maybe it would be easier to give grace to myself and to all others if I could keep this in mind more readily. When things are bad, I can remember he already took care of it. When I'm ready to judge or pity someone else, I can reframe it. "Wow. That person needs Jesus. Oh wait. I do, too." Instead of judging someone for their actions pray for them and for myself, that we are all sinful and need him. Let US all cling closer to OUR Savior, Jesus!
AMEN! Very well said from an obviously grace-filled heart! Praying that we all cling closer to our Jesus today.
Abellimentoviolin ~ Oh man, this hit home! How easy I find it to judge others and I forget, "I NEED JESUS, TOO"!
Ah, yes sister!! I caught myself judging people so many times at different stores today. :( I realize that judging stems from my own feelings of discomfort and insecurity, feeling out of place and insufficient in the eyes of God… both of these thoughts (judging others and myself) are wrong. May I remember that I'm hemmed in, behind and before, by the Lord's love… kept going and flourishing by His grace… made perfect by His sacrifice, that HE is my sufficiency and whom I place my trust & identity in… and may I look at all people with the same love, humility and compassion as the Lord Jesus did to me and still does, every single day. Lord, let your grace rain down, so that I may fill my cup overflowing and point others to You. Thank you, father. Amen.
Oh sister. This is so encouraging to me. I found myself nodding in agreement as I read :)
“Our faith is like a shining jewel that we carry in our chest, and we are drawn together with others who carry that same jewel.” Love this! So grateful to have been experiencing this personally of late. I pray that will continue in my journey and am blessed to have been drawn together here with you, sisters! Grace mercy and peace to you all. ❤️
Amen! Praise Jesus for SRT, as we are all diamonds being drawn closely together by His love– it's so life changing! Beautiful. :) Be blessed, dear sister.
Grace, Peace And Mercy. We need Grace to help, for comparison is a dangerous thing, it often becomes a distraction. TD Jakes says "Be Excellent On Your Own Level". Peace to comfort. Peace is very comforting and it is amazing if you experience the true peace of God, none can compare to it. Mercy to forgive. Many today still struggles with unforgiveness, but I pray God's mercy upon you, that like He forgave you, so will you forgive others. Forgiveness is the best gift you could give to yourself. That also leads to peace.
Im amazed by the little verses that reveals so much and Paul was just giving greetings, thats the Power of God. SheReadsTruth writers are so talented and gifted! Glory to God. I anticipate these devotionals every morning and they continue to bless me as if im here for the very first time. May God continue to bless you as you write for His glory.
Let us continue to gather together as we look to Christ where our eyes meet. Let us celebrate our close relation, common faith, mutual benediction, common source of blessing, being united by Christ for He is our common reality, in whose life we are joined.
A quick note though, am I the only person seeing mercy missing from the image above, or thats the way it should be??
God bless you all.
Hi Kimone, I did a little research after reading your post. In the NIV and ESV versions it only has grace and peace. In the King James Version, which is probably the version that Spurgeon was using, it says grace, mercy and peace. I think that is why it seems different. Blessings to you today.
That's how it should read!
Ok thank u guys so much. Blessings
"We need Grace to help, for comparison is a dangerous thing, it often becomes a distraction. TD Jakes says 'Be Excellent on your own level.'" Oh, how comparison usually does. It's important to reflect upon God's perfect Law and search ourselves for ways/times we've been missing the mark, to lead us to conviction, but it's dangerous to compare ourselves to any other person or to consistently reflect on our shortcomings to the point that it becomes condemnation. I've fallen into both these pitfalls many times! Father, let me only look to YOU for what excellent looks like– may I have mentors and role models, but may we all look to You and not to ourselves. Praise you, Father God. Thank you for your wisdom and encouragement, Kimone! God bless you!
God bless you AnnaLee. Glory to God, from whom are all things and in whom I am.
Relationships and unity are so important to God….how can we say our Father or our Savior when we are not connecting with others? I love how Paul opened his heart and accepted Titus, a Gentile, as his son. It did not matter that he looked different or came from a family that was so different from his own. All Paul saw was "our common faith." What a great example of grace, mercy and peace.
What a challenge to us sisters….opening up and exposing ourselves to others for the sake of unity, relationship and oneness.
This is a lovely way to say it. From this reading I take away the lesson that we need to be vulnerable before we can find real family in our faith. I pray that I can do this.
I struggled with relationship and unity in the past with nonbelievers, but until recently it didn't really happen in my Church community. I admit and confess I am struggling. I see God opening my eyes already to His word here in Titus. Looking forward to what he has to teach us.
Although is it safe to say that we need the wisdom to know who to open up with? We can only be unified with those who want vulnerable connection
Agreed, sister– God's in charge of making such friendships happen, and for that I am so grateful. The Lord has taught me to be transparent and vulnerable with sisters and in the church, but to make sure that these relationships stay centered on Christ and His will for all of our lives. Being vulnerable can too easily become us needing the other person if we are not seeking Christ first in any relationship. Lord, give us pure, Godly, vulnerable, loving relationships like the ones Paul had with other believers, especially Titus. Praise you, God!
Sweet AnnaLee, I worship God for the wisdom He has given you. It is certainly a great encouragement to all of us!
Awh, Thank you EssieJean!! You're so great!! (this is AnnaLee, my username here is weird, haha). :)
Sweetde2014~ Amen! Yes, opening up and exposing our sins, our moments of God inspired goodness, and our moments of need, are so difficult but what a reward with have in the unity of God and of our Sisters & brothers in Christ! Amen!
"How can we say our … when we are not connecting with others?
What a convicting question! I'm working on connecting more, as I know it's such an essential part of our faith.
It all comes from the same source. We have more in common than not. Such a blessing to know this. Grace, mercy, and peace. All for us, and all from the same Source.
I noted more of Paul's greeting in the first three verses as there were some significant differences than his typical greetings in other letters (assuming because this is written to a person rather than a church). But I noted his emphasis on God (rather than Christ which is what we see in many/most of his other letters) and God's plan of eternal life from before the ages began and that he waited until the proper time to manifest it in the preaching and proclaiming of his word, the Gospel centered around Jesus Christ our Savior! And that our pursuit of knowledge and truth should be rooted in and driven by godliness (v. 1), not a self-righteous approach to have to have all the answers or have it all figured out, and that hope of eternal life should stem forth from that pursuit and translate into proclaiming the Gospel to others.
And I love what you wrote, Rebecca, regarding v. 4. "Whatever grace, mercy and peace come to us, they come from the same place . . . . The same sacred blood mark of our Lord Jesus Christ is on every blessing, whether it comes to me or my sister in China." And the reminder of unity is beautiful. I love that Paul acknowledges Titus as his son, esp since Titus is a Gentile, thus establishing that the Gospel is indeed for ALL mankind.
Amen. I love your outlook Morgan. Always carefully read your words. God bless you sis as you continue to bless others. May Grace, Peace, And Mercy over take you in Jesus Name. Have a blessed day.
AMEN to your insights, Morgan! These three verses stood out to me as well. In them, Paul states his reasons for writing to God's elect. To further their faith. To further their knowledge of truth, which leads them to godliness. To remind them of God's promise of eternal life. To affirm God's call on his own life to preach the gospel of Christ. Because Paul tended to write in very long sentences, I often find meaning in scanning for key words, which he uses in abundance. The words that jump out at me from the first three verses of this long sentence are: servant, apostle, faith, knowledge, truth, godliness, hope, promise, eternal life, light, trust, command. Don't know about anyone else, but I think that's pretty cool! :) Thank you all for sharing! Have a blessed day!
Thank you for these key words, Jennifer! It's awesome that your study of Paul's writing has led you to this study habit– it helps me absorb the information more as well! I want to sit in each word and pray over them.
Lord, may we always be humbled before You as Your servants.
May you give us your boldness and wisdom to go out into the world as Your apostles.
I pray You'd give us faith that would not fail, no matter the call or circumstance.
Lord, grant us deeper knowledge of who you are and what your will is for this world & for our lives.
Let us plant and absorb your truth in our hearts as we read it and apply it in our lives– help us to do so!
May we strive more and more after Your godliness, even in the darkness of this present age.
I pray that reading your word would deepen our hope in your faithfulness and in the full life you have for us.
May we be confident in your promise of eternal life, and may we stand upon it daily.
Let us bask in Your light as we cling to Your truth!
Help us to TRUST you, with everything, always.
May we soak up your commands and cling to them as we live out Your will for our lives.
It's so neat to find this comment, Jennifer! Today I wrote key words across the top of my journal entry. Since I was just focusing on vv 1b and 2, my key words were Truth, Godliness, Never Lies (two words, I know, but they go together), and Promised. I loved it!
Amen! This insight is beautiful! Thank you. That Titus was called Paul's son despite being a gentile, truly crossing the boundary of race/culture/background… that our pursuit of knowledge and truth should never leave us feeling okay being independent, but ever more reliant on the Lord… Father, forgive me for being so distracted and being okay with feeling independent… studying your truth should always bring me closer to your side, falling more in love with who you are, no matter what. Praise you for your forgiveness and redemption. Give me a burning for your word always, Jesus. Praise you. Be blessed, Morgan!
"we are knit together in love. we share Christ." AMEN
"knit together in love." Isn't that the most beautiful thing ever? We're not knit together by good works, or by the same music, by location, by interests or by some same earthly cause (though they are noble). We're knit together in LOVE. Unconditional, unending, sacrificial, honest, joyous LOVE that comes from the Father– a love that makes us grow higher and our roots deeper. Makes us breath in fresh air! Praise Jesus for Himself– that HE'D love US first and knit us together into the most beautiful tapestry on Earth!! Hallelujah. Love you, sis. Be so blessed. May the Lord grant you peace, mercy, grace and love today & in the days to come. :)
Thank you for this post! It made me want to brew a big pot of coffee and pull up to the computer with a group Skype/Facetime chat open and enjoy some renewal and laughs with you all. Too bad I'd have a whole lot of coffee left at the end. :) It also made me want to go ahead and read through Titus ever so quickly as an overview of what is to come.
Thank you for a great introduction to the book of Titus!
Add chai tea to the mix and I'm in!
Stinav96 ~ I, too, felt the urge to make a warm liquid and gather everyone for a good group chat!
"make a warm liquid" made me laugh so hard! Thank you for that :)
Love you all! Coffee/tea dates would be the best. Praise God for all of your insight, your encouragement, and your love! Be blessed, dear friends! :)
Amen….Rebecca Faries…so very well said…..Thank you…
From Tina, …a servant ( in the making) of God and apostle, by the Grace of Christ Jesus Our Saviour….
I write to my She reads truth Sisters, in the faith that we have in common…….May God the Father and Christ Jesus Our Saviour give you Grace and peace…….I pray you know His Grace, peace, love, joy, mercy, love…..Love…Love….grace, peace….more love, Grace….peace….
With love, in love, for the love of God for always….my sweet sister's….AMEN.
God bless you……Tina…xxx
Amen. Thank you Tina. I pray you'll receive grace, mercy and peace from God our Father in abundance. May blessings over flow you from this day forward. God bless you Sis.
With Grace, Peace and Mercy, Kimone
Praise God for you, Tina. May He grant you blessing upon blessing, peace as you trust in Him, grace as you press into Him, mercy as you come before Him in honesty, and love unconditional, no matter what happens in this life. Have an amazing day, sister! God keep you! Love you! Blessings. xoxo :)
This is beautiful, Tina !
"We need GRACE to help, We need MERCY to forgive and We need PEACE to comfort"
** Grace, Mercy and Peace are what we should be praying for each other! The Grace to help each other, Mercy to forgive each other when we mess up and the Peace to comfort us when we need it.
Loving the book of Titus!! It is little but so powerful!!
Those are what stood out to me too. Big things come in small packages dont they? Glory be to God.
Yes Melissa! I don't often think to pray for these things!! May we all pray for them for each other more often!! :) May you receive the Lord's grace and mercy so that you may give grace and mercy to others. May you have peace and the opportunity to give it to others. Praise Him! Be blessed sister. :)
I read this to my boys and we plan on working on all three.
"Everyone’s life needs grace, and everybody’s toilet needs scrubbed." Love it!! And amen!
Praying for even more unity with the believers around me, and those around the world.