Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
Know that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps his gracious covenant loyalty for a thousand generations with those who love him and keep his commands.
—Deuteronomy 7:9
Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.
Click here to listen to this week’s episode.
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128 thoughts on "Grace Day"
Hallelujah!! Our GOD is GOD , His reign endures forever.
This brings me comfort and joy knowing that God is always with me and will always keep his promises
Just sharing a praise report:
The open mic I hosted last night was a huge success ❤️ thank you for praying those who did! I posted a song on my socials that I did with my mom :) @mishell.rose IG
And also, thank you for prayers concerning my singleness. I don’t know what was going on this week, but I had some things come up and it def was hurting my heart. God has been confirming my waiting is so worth it… so thank you for praying. I feel loved by Jesus! I pray you do, too. God bless you ladies in all your highs and lows. He is with us. ❤️❤️❤️
So happy for you that it was another success, but that doesn’t surprise me! I can’t wait to check it out! I love your videos of you and your mom!
Yay, Michelle! ❤
Please pray that I will be consistent in spending time in Gods word everyday❤️
Please, sisters, pray over my son. Hes headed to the hospital for a 4th time since June on a psych hold. Hes autistic and has rage issues. Pray for the staff, that they’ll show love and kindness to him, and pray this time will be the time hes finally helped.
Oh Ashley! Prayers for your son! And you. And staff to be loving and caring to him and to administer the help/ care he needs.
I know the pain; my son has been traumatized by psychiatric hospitalizations before, even when they were absolutely necessary. I’m praying for you now..
Hi sisters, I would like to ask for prayers please. A little over a month ago, after a few months of pain, I had some spinal X-rays. They were not good, they were followed by an MRI, which was worse. I have a meeting a week from Monday with the orthopedic spine surgeon, but in the meantime things seem to be getting worse. Just need some prayers to deal with the pain and for a treatment plan. I’m a very active person and I ‘m not handling this well. Thank you.
Prayers for all concerns mentioned.
Have prayed for you right now, Donna. I’m sorry you are experiencing such pain and pray you will have relief, that the doctors will know the best path forward for healing and for strength, perseverance and encouragement as you manage physical pain❤️
Oh, Donna, bless your heart! Praying in agreement with you and Wendy and for patience in the waiting. ❤
Prayers for healing and peace Donna
Lifting you up in prayer Donna!
Praying for you Donna!
Hi, She’s! “ May His favor be upon you for a thousand generations! “ AMEN!
Amen ❤️
“Know that the Lord”… I don’t have to “think” or hope that my God is faithful, I can know it – without a doubt.
I was curious as to what the Hebrew meaning of “know” in this verse meant. Here is what I found from Strong’s Lexicon…
The Hebrew verb “yada” encompasses a range of meanings related to knowledge and understanding. It is used to describe intellectual awareness, experiential knowledge, and intimate familiarity. In the biblical context, “yada” often implies a deep, personal, and relational knowledge, such as the intimate relationship between God and His people or between individuals.
From this explanation, I find that we are being commanded to know God not just intellectually or experimentally, but personally and intimately. It is only through us knowing Him intimately that we have the ability to trust that He is faithful – always – and loyal for a thousand generations!
It’s so hard to imagine our ancestors from way back when – my parents mother and father I can remember so that’s easy but after that – their parents, then their parents, then their parents, then their parents – it’s mind boggling! Yet God knows every single one and He has been faithful to them and all those before them. What an awesome, amazing God – His faithfulness never ends or runs out!
The song, Your Love Oh Lord by Third Day comes to mind…
Your love, oh Lord
Reaches to the heavens
Your faithfulness
Stretches to the skies
Your righteousness is
Like the mighty mountain, yeah
Your justice flows like
The ocean’s tides
I will lift my voice
To worship You, my King
I will find my strength
In the shadow of Your wings
Your love, oh Lord
Reaches to the heavens
Your faithfulness
Stretches to the skies
Your righteousness is
Like the mighty mountain, yes
Your justice flows like the ocean’s tides
Be blessed today dear sisters, you are loved. ❤️
Thank you for bringing the Strong definition in. Very helpful.
Yes, thank you Sharon!
Dear Shes
In the changes &
chances &
of this life…
He is constant!
Yesterday, I gave my worries to the Lord and prayed for my son to find peace and strength. He is training for a new job and struggling on the tests. I think I prayed 5 or 6 times throughout the day. My son called me last night and he passed the first round of tests. He felt like he finally was understanding the material. God is so good!
Praise the Lord! Thank you for sharing a testimony of answered prayer!
Praise God! You’re an amazing mom for praying so much for him.
Praise God! Praying for your son’s future rounds of tests, Karen.
Love it, Praise God!
The Lord keeps His promises! In one way or the other, BUT He keeps them. Sometimes it’s the way we had hoped, other times it may not, BUT we keep in mind our Father God knows what’s best for His children. I trust Him! Happy Saturday from sunny California where it was 39 degrees when I woke up. It’s a busy Saturday but fun. First hanging out “for-coffee” with a dear friend. Can’t wait! Later a birthday party for one our TK students! YEP, she invited the teacher and I and she’s SO excited we’re coming! It’s going to be fun seeing our students (mainly girls) outside of school. AND since it’s SO cold right now, my sweet friend Soma and I will walk this afternoon. Funny how a few years back the cold didn’t bother me as much as it does now. Brrr……. Love you all SO much! AND it’s a 3 day weekend!!!
Amen! ❤️ Sounds like such a wonderful day planned! Enjoy the long weekend, Mari V! :)
This week has been amazing in the Word. First week with SRT study. Loving it.
I love this verse. We are instructed to KNOW that the LORD IS God. Its not just a suggestion or a something up for debate; it’s definitive and an absolute truth. And, that truth is not only true for me but for my children and their children and their children. It does not change. What hope and comfort that brings. ❤️
Thank you Heavenly Father for your great promises. As we go into this day I thank you for the studying of your Word this week that has brought a greater depth of understanding of who you are, your promises and of the true hope we have in you. Continue to speak to and transform our hearts Lord, give us an increased longing for you, your righteousness, your Word and use us in ways to bring honor and glory to you. We thank you Lord for this community and that you use us to spur one another on and to join together in prayer. We praise you for the ways you have been at work in our lives, for the ways you have spoken to our hearts and the many ways you have answered prayer. Thank you, Lord! There are countless things weighing on our hearts in this SRT community – you know the needs in our lives – worries, trials, cares, burdens, children, families, health, finances, care giving and daily needs. Lord I bring these needs before you, you know the details Lord and I pray in the mighty name of Jesus that you would move in ways that only you can to bring that hope, help, healing, strength in these situations and encouragement to hearts. Thank you Father for your love for us, for your promises and for this day you have given us to rejoice in you. Amen ✝️
Beautiful Wendy!
❤️ Beautiful prayer, Wendy!! Praying in agreement.
Thank you Lord for Wendy. And thank you for this prayer. May it be so.
Amen! ❤️
Amen!! Thank you for this prayer Wendy
Amen! ❤️ Thank you for sharing your beautiful prayer, Wendy!
Amen! ❤
Yes, beautiful!
Beautifully written, Wendy! Amen!
I love the connection you all have here. It’s as if you all know each other. I don’t post often but I do love reading the comments. Because you all seem like such faithful prayer warriors, I am going to throw this out there. My hubby has been diagnosed with aphasia. It is a form of dementia that affects his language. Basically, what he is thinking in his brain is not necessarily what comes out of his mouth. Example: As he is looking out our front window, he says, “those are not working.” I didn’t understand, as everything looked ok to me. I asked him to show me and he took me out and showed me the plants. He was telling me that the flower bed was dry and needed water. So in his brain he said ” the plants need water” but “those are not working” came out of his mouth. It is a guessing game, daily, for me. He believes he says what his brain is thinking. So all that being said, could you lift my wonderful, loving, yet struggling husband up to our might God? Thanks ladies!
Oh Suzi, how sad. It reminds me of trying to figure out what my two year old granddaughter is telling me. And she leads me by the hand to show me what she wants…prayers for both of you as you navigate through your days. And a big hug ❤️
Thank you.
Same here! I don’t post often if at all but I love being a silent part of this group! Prayers for you and your sweet husband❤️
Thank you!
First, we are so glad your here with us Suzi. Praying right now and wrote it down.
Glad that you posted today Suzi, it’s nice to see your name!
It is amazing how we get to “know” one another here in this community. These are all a community of sweet sisters, where we can come – share our hearts and know that we are prayed for and we can share our doubts and struggles without being judged. It’s really a beautiful thing!…Welcome! ❤️
Thank you, Sharon!
And what I forgot to say…I will be praying for your husband. There are a number of sweet sisters here whose husbands are struggling with dementia. Know that you are not alone on this journey and there are others here who understand. ❤️
Praying for your husband and you Suzi❤️
Thank you, Darby
Praying for you and your husband, Suzi ❤️
Thank you, Christy!
Praying for you & your husband,Suzi!!
Suzi, I am so glad you feel comfortable and compelled to share this need. You and your husband will be in my prayers. Please keep us in the loop as you have prayer needs. God bless you with patience for one another. We will be here for you! ❤ Hugs!
Thank you!
I always think the same, that these women know each other so well. I am trying to post more when I am up to date. I so appreciate the faithfulness of our sisters to stand in the gap for one another. It’s beautiful.
I’m glad you are here. So very sorry that your husband has this diagnosis and for the ways it has affected your lives. Praying for you and your husband, Suzi❤️
Thank you, Wendy!
So sorry Suzi you are going through this hard situation! You definitely have our prayers, and hUGS!! Try to lean into God as much as you can and he will help you, one step at a time.
Thank you, Rhonda!
Precious Suzi, you are as much a part of this sisterhood as those who comment every day. I am so sorry to hear of your husband’s diagnosis. May God grant you His perfect peace and strength as you start this journey. ❤️
Suzi, I cannot imagine, but know I am lifting you, your husband and your family in prayer!
God is God … and I am NOT.
That is the quote that popped into my mind as I read that verse.
Michelle, looking forward to hearing how open mic night went! ❤
LYNNE FROM ALABAMA – thankful you felt our prayers and that you made it through that tough day yesterday! Love your spirit, sister! ❤
“God is God … and I am NOT.”
Yes!! Cee Gee
‘Nuff said!
It went soooo well! I was running around like a crazy person, but everyone enjoyed it!! Praise God!! Thank you for praying my sis ❤️❤️❤️
Yep..why can’t we get that through are stiff-necked, Israelite heads?! My new study Surrendered, is about just that, giving up control, and the need to “fix it!” And trying to control other people and outcomes.
Loved everyone’s comments! You are so encouraging to me!
Praying for all!
God is faithful! He is God! There is no one above Him!
Thank all of you dear sisters for your prayers yesterday! It was definitely a hard day (as every day is now) but we got through it. One day at a time, Sweet Jesus—indeed! That’s all I can do. I continue to pray for each of you and your needs. I long for the day we can all sit down together and have a cup of coffee and I can collect in person all the hugs that have been sent my way! ❤️❤️❤️
Sending another hug today ❤️
Praying for you Lynne! ❤️ Coffee time sounds amazing with all you sweet ladies!
Amen. God is God and God is good.
Tami, thank you for your prayers for us. Praise God that yesterday went well for BJ! Praying that today will go well, too! ❤️
Amen & Amen, Brooke Junior!!
GM ladies, Thank you for all of your beautiful prayers for my brother yesterday. Praise the Lord that the feeding tube was able to be placed. The doctors were skeptical, BUT GOD! Test #2 comes today when they start “feedings” that will show if his body will react well so more prayers needed please. If all goes well, he should be home by Tuesday. Rhonda and Tina, beautiful comments and insights as always. Searching, thank you for the recap. Lynne, praying for you and Jack. Have a blessed weekend ladies:)
Glad to hear the first good report and will pray for test #2.
Tami, thank you for your prayers for us. Praise God that yesterday went well for BJ! Praying that today will go well, too! ❤️
Tami, PTL! Praying all works as it should and that BJ’s body will respond as desired. Thank you for the update! ❤ If he could see all the prayers going up for you, him and his family
Praise the Lord✝️
So good to hear that it went well.
Praying his body can get the nourishment it needs.
Hugs to you sweet girl ❤️
Praising the Lord with you Tami and prayers he will be home by Tuesday! Praying for Lynne and Jack and keeping him safe and comfortable, praying for Linda and Gene’s tests and praying for GrammieSue and Steve’s health and their business and financial issues. Praying for our dear friends and family members going through hard things.
Tami, went back to yesterday’s comments. Joining the others here thanking God for the success of your brother’s surgery. AND praying the feedings to go well. Also praying as you mentioned yesterday to be the “light” for your family members. I’m writing this down.
Praise God for answer to prayer! Praying for “test #2” today. ❤️
Praise God for a successful first surgery! Praying that the start of feedings would be successful too and that BJ would be able to return home soon. ❤️ Continuing to pray for strength and comfort for you and your family as well.
Wonderful news Tami! Praise the Lord!
Like the others below, “KNOW” jumped out. A command that can only be obeyed if I abide in Him.
May it be so.
Great comments yesterday, Shes. You all are so precious to me and more importantly to God. ❤️
WENDY B and CHRISTY – happy to hear your good news.
TAMI – prayers for peace in the storm and your and BJ’s light shine brightly.
KIM MULLINS – may you find joy in your new position.
LYNNE FROM AL and GRAMSISUE – thank you for keeping us updated. Praying for your strength to be renewed like the eagles’. LINDA IN NC – you too❣️
❤️ oh Lord May we abide in you and know you.
“A command that can only be obeyed if I abide in Him” so well said ❤️
He is FAITHFUL! How many people have been faithful to you through your life? How many people can you count on to be there, even when you mess up or wrong them? Through your deepest hurts and trials, who can you run to? Where does our help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and Earth! When I leave him, and live in my awful flesh, He still loves me. His mercies and grace, new every morning! Giving me a hope and a Future, and beyond with eternal life!! How can that not make our feet dance every day and jump and shout with Joy!! Sing from the mountaintops!! Share with everyone!! I have the cure for disease and death!!! Whoop Whoop!! Praise the Lord!!! Hallelujah!!! (as I lay here quite, snuggled in a blanket with my coffee!! lol) But my soul is dancing and singing!!! And I have my little cardinal right outside my window come for his morning breakfast! Thank you Lord for the blessings!
Praying for you all going through hard times, the valley season. When it doesn’t feel like much blessings happening in your life right now!! May the Lord shine some extra sunshine on you today, letting you know he sees you and is with you. Thinking of Tami and Lynn. You are seen, and lifted up.
❤️ yes toe tapping at God’s goodness!
Like you, Rhonda, snuggled under a blanket with my coffee by my side and kitty on my lap. Mr. Cardinal on the rail while waiting on coffee to brew was a beautiful sight in this chilly, rainy morning. God’s goodness shines through all that as you said. Beautiful post! ❤
A beautiful sight(ing) indeed, Cee Gee!
Blessings abound!
Me too, (hours later as I slept in till 7am) snuggled with my blankie and coffee in hand! Love you Rhonda!
KNOW that the Lord our God is God..He is always faithful, steadfast to His Word, His covenant, His people! Hallelujah, thank You, Jesus!
Amen. Thank You Lord!
I do know that God faithful, merciful and a keeper of covenants – Lord, help me remember what I KNOW in the hard ‘is this for real’ times, the confusing and frustrating times, the times of blessing and abundance.
Yesterday’s comments generated a page full of notes, sisters – thank you!
WENDY B – ❤️
KARI – the prayer you shared ❤️
SOPHIE M – the long road ❤️
SHARON JERSEY GIRL – reminding us who saw the promise fulfilled
RACHEL – your testimony ❤️
TRACI GENDRON – thankful you and Ellie Mae got home safely. The fall was scary to read, glad you’ll be keeping an eye out for her closeness ❤️
JODY STRIKER – first, anchor in worship ❤️
KIM MULLINS – what a great answer to prayer!
TAMI – praying for BJ and family
SHERYL – your comment to CHRISTY ❤️
LYNNE FROM AL – continuing to pray! I just saw your comment from yesterday about the near fall(!) and moving Jack downstairs. Last night had to be so, so hard and my heart is hurting for you, sister. Love you ❤️
GRAMSIESUE- continuing to pray
LINDA IN NC – any update on Gene after yesterday’s procedures? ❤️
Amen & Amen, Searching.
Amen ♡
KNOW, in your soul, feel it in your bones, stitch it to your heart, that the LORD your GOD IS GOD, the FAITHFUL God who keeps his gracious covenant loyalty, His mercies new each day, His love forever true and whole, for a thousand generations. My peoples, peoples, peoples, peoples, people, and further back, have seen and experienced the Fathers FAITHFULNESS. And He continues to be Faithful, with those who love him and keep his commands.
Today I will remember the Goodness of God through the ages of my people knowing He will never change, His character will be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, as will His gracious covenant to His people..
Happy Saturday.!!!
Much love and prayers..❤
Amen and amen, sister! Love you ❤️
Reading “my people’s people’s peoples” prompted a memory of going to my great grandmother’s house to visit. She was in a wheelchair, and my only memory is that she would sit near the window looking out at her hydrangea bushes, and she would sing hymns for us to join her. That’s my only memory!! What a precious one!! I often wish times were simpler again, as far as no TV, tablets and phones keeping our young ones occupied. Actually, that popped another thought, we did play and climb trees out in her yard! Oh the good OLD days.
♥️Amen! Thanks for your encouraging post, once again!
“His character will be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, as will His gracious covenant to His people.”
WHO else is that consistent?
None other than the Lord!
Amen. Write it on the tablet of your heart❤️