Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Amos 5:14

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Pursue good and not evil
so that you may live,
and the LORD, the God of Armies,
will be with you
as you have claimed.
—Amos 5:14

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.

Click here to listen to this week’s episode.

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47 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. AZ Walker says:

    Praying for many requests, Michelle P’s coworker, Sharon’s cousin taking a tough turn, Searching’s meeting, Wendy B’s treatments, Rhonda’s Stacy, adult children, praying for those with anxiety, praying that you all will have peace and sleep , relief from pain. Praying for unity in the Holy Spirit and darkness will just scatter in our community and homes! I loved the situation of listening to to the Holy Spirit and holding a strangers hand. This is just so beautiful and I think just the right thing to do! Really encouraged me.

    1. Michelle P says:

      Thank you ❤️

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Thank you Az…
        Michelle hope things went better at work.

        1. Michelle P says:

          Update below :)

  2. Gwineth52 says:

    Dear Shes
    Choose life. Choose love.
    Pursue good. Praise God.
    Well wishes for a
    simple, stress free, no strain Saturday.
    As Tina tells us …”wrapped in hugs”.

  3. Alexis Dabney says:

    When I read this it just reminds me to be careful what I put in my spirit

  4. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Why should I ever fear – when the God of the Armies is with me. Thank you God for your ever presence.
    Have a blessed Saturday my sisters. Continued prayers for my cousin Tom, please. He is not doing well, he has never gained consciousness and is now on dialysis – they may have to make a decision tomorrow whether to continue life support.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Oh, Sharon, how sad! Praying he responds today! ❤

    2. Searching says:

      Praying, Sharon!

    3. GramsieSue says:

      Oh, Sharon! I’m so sorry to hear this! Prayers for all ❤️

    4. Michelle P says:

      I am sorry, Sharon, your family is going through this. Praying God’s grace sustains you and gives you peace that surpasses understanding in Jesus’s name.

  5. Mari V says:

    Pursue good…. ah yes…. as I take a deep breath… I was off work yesterday, I had a choice to stay HOME so I did! However, had another small argument with my mom. I was having a hard time processing. FIRST I prayed! Then I reached out to my counselor, no response, texted my sister in Florida and told her to call me when she had a chance. THEN I went on a run. Running and praying at the same time helps me process. I felt much better afterwards, next thing I knew it was time to pick up my daughter from school. It was a gorgeous morning and I was so thankful to have the day off! I tried talking to my mom again, but she said we already talked and didn’t want to talk about it anymore. Forgiveness. Its hard when the other is not willing to talk things through. I KNOW my mom loves me! I know she does. Later my sister from Florida called. I was open and honest and ready for constructive criticism. Instead she extended GRACE and validated my feelings. Pursue good and not evil… so glad that instead of lashing out to my mom, I reached out FIRST to my Jesus and the rest fell into to place. Happy Saturday sweeties!!

    1. Cathy McVey says:


    2. Michelle P says:

      ❤️ I understand the running and praying… :) although sometimes walking is a bit better for me! Lol. Glad your sis is there for you!

  6. Cee Gee says:

    When I read the verse today, I was reminded of the discussions we’ve had at lifegroup recently. Our pastor has had a similar focus as he has been preaching from the Beatitudes. Not one thing this world tempts us with could come even close to what God has PROMISED us. Why would we ever choose the temporary over the eternal? Every choice has consequences – some long lingering consequences. May God akert us to the snares out there and may we remain alert in watchfulness.
    Have a blessed weekend SHES! Love y’all and love starting my day in the Word with you! I am recovering from Covid, but feel much better this morning.

  7. Cheryl Blow says:

    Pursue good and not evil – I pray for wisdom to always discern between the two. Sometimes, our enemy comes as an angel of light. He is a liar and would like to deceive us.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      So true! ❤

  8. Aimee D-R says:


  9. Rhonda Johnson says:

    GM She’s. Wish I was feeling better this morning, but tossed and turned all night and feel beat up, and I looked in the mirror and almost cried at a sad new haircut yesterday. It’s not very flattering..kinda wanna crawl back in bed, but have my last small group today, and since I’m the leader I can’t cancel! lol. I am believing the God of Armies…will GO WITH ME! And give me the energy and zeal I need! It’s always nice to come here to meet with you all first after the scripture. :)

    1. Kim Buttonberry says:

      Awww, Rhonda, Sorry to hear that you’re struggling. Sleepless nights are such a challenge the following day! And I’m sure your haircut is not as bad as you see it- since your sweet face is connected to it! :-)
      Praying that our faithful Lord will equip you with exactly what you need today as you minister to your group. I’m preparing for my weekly Bible study to begin this Wednesday, so I understand some days feeling like if I wasn’t leading, I would surely stay in bed…Lol!
      Blessings and hugs from afar to you and all our sweet She’s today!

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Thank you for the sweet encouragement! (heart!) What Bible study are you doing?

    2. Carol J Mylin says:


    3. Cee Gee says:

      Rhonda, so sorry you had a restless night. I know that feeling all too well. Just REMEMBER THIS: your beauty is not in your haircut; it is in your radiant smile that comes from your love for the Lord. But, you could always wear a cute cap! My sister wore a beanie when her hair was growing back after chemo and she looked cute and confident!

      1. Cathy McVey says:

        I have worn a ball cap for the last five months since my chemo :). Now I’m excited to have hair but it’s coming in curly! Curly!! I haven’t had curly hair since I was a baby. My mom had a picture of me on the wall when I was two with curly hair! I’m 66 now, LOL! But I’m grateful to have hair, Rhonda J I’m sure you look adorable with your new cut! As many have already said, I too have had some crazy haircuts over the years. The good thing is hair will grow back. Love you all sisters! Have a great weekend!❤️

    4. Mari V says:

      SWEET friend!! I’m so sorry about your haircut, I think most of us here can relate. Let’s take a deep-breathe “together”. Its going to be OK. BUT I still want to validate how YOU feel. I’ll be praying for your bible study this morning. Love you sweet lady!

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Thank you ALL, ya’ll so sweet! Still hate my hair after trying to fix it..blah, but yes, I know sounds shallow, especially after you dear, Catherine, dealing with hair loss from chemo! I’m sure you are grateful for any…even curly! And I’m trying to curl mine to give it some texture! lol

    5. Indiana Elaine says:

      I can so identify with your restless night. I think it was 2 am before I fell asleep. I cannot adjust to the back sleeping since surgery. My daughter gave me many pillows to prop me up, but last night did not work. Hoping and praying for a better night for both of us tonight!!❤️

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Prayers for you for a good nights sleep and continued healing!

  10. Serenity Jo says:


  11. Caroline Bridges says:

    Dear SRT community,

    I hope this letter finds you well. You are loved, you are here for a reason. Seek help if you need it. Don’t think that death is the only way out of a bad situation. Life is better with you in it. God is there for you whenever you need him. We are a community of believers and it’s never too late to join us. We are not meant to carry anything alone. Tough times don’t last, but tough people do. You can’t outrun god.
    It’s a work in progress.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      God bless you, Caroline! ❤

    2. Searching says:

      Thank you, CAROLINE! ❤️

    3. Mia Faith says:

      So good, Caroline. Thank you for sharing this.

  12. Michelle P says:

    Hi Shes. Just wanted to update on my coworker situation I had asked for prayer for a month or two ago. Things were a lot better for a bit, I could sense he knew I was guarding my heart and being less open with him… he was more calm. Though, lately, he is still having anger issues some days and it happened again this week. So much where I asked my boss for a key to our job, because it was putting so much pressure on me to leave when this man wanted to leave (exactly when we close the cafe, not giving me time to clean up and really rushing me and creating a lot of anxiety).
    To my expectation (sadly), my boss made light of my coworker’s behavior, but did agree to give me a key and that my coworker could leave at close instead of waiting with us (huge relief).
    Today, I go back and am anxious to deal with this man (my coworker) bc now he knows I spoke up about him pressuring me. I will not be alone, thank God, I will have two other girls with me today. It does not decrease the anxiety this man gives me. One day he is super chill and cracking jokes, the next he is angry with me. I spent all of my therapy session yesterday trying to calm myself down from what happened the other day. I’m okay right now, and my counselor reminded me to give myself grace and keep my heart focused on the Lord in it.
    Please continue keeping me in prayer and my coworker, who really needs God’s deliverance from these anger issues.
    Thank you ladies. I’m here every day reading and praying with you all ❤️

    1. Laura says:

      Thank you, Michelle, for the update. Wow, that is a lot to carry. I am so sorry. I will be prayerful for this situation and for your heart. I will be honest, I worked for a principal who was like this coworker in some ways, except he was my boss too. And I finally couldn’t take it and decided to leave that school and transfer to another. It was the right decision for me and although I never like to just give up and flee, for this work situation, it was necessary.

    2. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Oh, Michelle, so frustrating to be on edge when working. Continuing to pray that the Spirit convicts your coworker.
      The snarky me would start leaving sticky notes around or on his windshield with scripture verses about anger on them…I’m a work in progress obviously :-/

      1. Cee Gee says:

        I had a similar thought! Our pastor recently spoke out quite frankly about controlling anger.
        MICHELLE, if I can, I will look back at my notes I mentioned in our sermorecap at lifegroup. I will for sure be praying for this whole situation and for your safety! ❤

    3. Cheryl Blow says:

      Praying for you Michelle and your co-worker!!

    4. Searching says:

      Oh, Michelle, how awkward and uncomfortable:/ praying for you – wisdom- and for this coworker – praying for conviction, awareness of anger and other unacceptable work behaviors. ❤️

    5. Michelle P says:

      Thank you all for your empathy and prayers! He didn’t talk to any of us all day… he was still upset we spoke up about him the other day. I feel so sad he has such a hard time letting things go and forgiving. He has the Holy Spirit.. I am certain he does .. I have felt the Spirit with him back when we first started… so I am believing God is going to help him…
      It is not my job to fix others, but God answers prayers….
      ❤️ thank you so much ladies. I appreciated all your comments and thoughtfulness!!
      I don’t feel led to leave my job as I do really enjoy it besides these situations. God will help us.

  13. Searching says:

    Pursue good and not evil, amen. May I use my time wisely and shun/avoid evil, period. No wasting time trying to decipher the degree of evil, or any wrong “just this once” thinking – just a hard No.

    SHERI FREELAND ❤️- thank you for bringing the types of armor to my attention, offensive vs defensive!
    MERCY ❤️
    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – thankful Jeff’s treatment went smoothly, and thankful Tommy was able to respond. Praying for healing.
    CEE GEE – ❤️
    RHONDA J – praying for Stacy
    ADRIENNE- praying re ultrasound results
    GWINETH52 ❤️

    Cousin update – continuing to improve, overall 4-6 months recovery
    Prayer request for wisdom, words and guidance for a critical meeting today.

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Agreeing with Searching in above prayers.
      Praying your meeting goes well today, Searching ❣️

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Amen to your comment about deciphering evil, etc.! I join you in prayer for this critical meeting today. Sounds intimidating so may God make a way where there seems to be no way. Love you, sister, and thanks for the updates! ❤

    3. Cheryl Blow says:

      Thank you for keeping me updated on the prayer list! Praying for all.

    4. MARTHA HIX says:

      Thank you Searching!
      Praying for wisdom and words of guidance for your important meeting today. ❤️