Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
For you know that you were redeemed from your empty way of life inherited from your ancestors, not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of an unblemished and spotless lamb.
—1 Peter 1:18–19
Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.
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68 thoughts on "Grace Day"
THIS morning, I’m just glad its Saturday! AND I’m especially glad its a 3 day Labor day weekend. Although 3 years ago this weekend is when I fell of a bike that I had never been on and fractured and dislocated my right ankle and didn’t know it for five days because I was SO stubborn and it required surgery. BUT GOD…. and His wonderful plan! Though it was VERY hard not being able to run for 6 months and then slowing me down and hard to get started again. A sweet friend reached out and asked if she could join me on a run. Running was hard on her body and I was MUCH slower due to my recovering ankle so we started speed walking every Saturday, trained and “walked” a half marathon 2 years ago and continue to walk till this day. GOD IS GOOD! We have become such great friends (though we were already friends) and we not only speed walk but we talk and vent and MOST important we pray! Sometimes we pray as we walk. Other times we talk the entire time then sit to end with praying for each other’s requests. I am SO blessed God gave me this sweet friend. HE is SO good to give us just what we need!
So thankful
Once again I wad looking for another song and came across this song by Sovereign Grace. I am not familiar with S G music so I researched and found out their music is based on J L Packer’s book, “Knowing God”. Beautiful music, too. The video quoted Ephesians 1:7 also.
Before the cross I kneel and see
The measure of my sin
How You became a curse for me
Though You were innocent
The magnitude of Your great love
Was shown in full degree
When righteous blood, the crimson spill
Rained down from Calvary
Oh, the precious blood
That flowed from Mercy’s side
Washed away my sin
When Christ my Savior died
Oh, the precious blood
Of Christ the crucified
It speaks for me before Your throne
Where I stand justified
And who am I that I should know
This treasure of such worth
My Savior’s pure atoning blood
Shed for the wrath I’d earned
For sin has stained my every deed
My every word and thought
What wondrous love that makes me one
Your priceless blood has bought
A crown of thorns, pierced hands and feet
A body bruised, and Mercy’s plea
Music and words by Peter Gagnon. Based on The Valley of Vision prayer “The Precious Blood” © 2005 Sovereign Grace Worship/ASCAP (adm. by Integrity Music). Sovereign Grace Music, a division of Sovereign Grace Churches. All rights reserved.
Gracechurchsat published the video I watched. ☺
Sovereign Grace is one of my favorite groups. So theologically sound❤️
“Empty way of life…” isn’t that the truth. Especially as you get older you most of the things you were endlessly chasing were to no importance anyway. Then other things entrapped you into more emptiness. Only God. Only God can feel the empty part of us, He is the piece that makes all other things beautiful. Why did it take me so long to realize it?
Thank you, Rhonda, for pointing out that phrase. So true! He is also the PEACE “that makes all other things beautiful.” Great post, as usual! ❤
Notes recap from this week.. may each of your weekends be blessed and filled with Light and Love!!!
Acts 15:7-11
*God made a choice!! And that choice was restored unity!! In Him ALL are the same!!! He sees our hearts!! Let us let Him cleanse and purify us..let our faith and trust be strong and devoted to Him alone!! We are saved by grace not by anything that comes from ourselves!! Let us remember that, and live in humility, confidence, repentance and love… let us love and care as Christ unrelentingly and unconditionally loves and cares!!! Amen.
Isaiah 56:6-7
*let us join ourselves to God, to love, minister and honor Him by being faithful and embracing His Way alone!! Let us let Him gather us, let us meet Him and let us be united with Him!! Dwelling where He dwells!! Amen.
Ephesians 2:12-22
*yes!! Unity in God!!! (there is no other kind of unity) May we live UNITED to Him and become the temple God wants, let us dwell with Him in the Spirit!!! Amen.
1 John 5:3-4
*the LOVE of God is that we KEEP His commands and His commands are NOT burdensome!! Wow!! There is a LOT said right there!! For example living actions over words, and dying of self shouldn’t be something we dread, excuse or defend. …Then it goes ON to say that when we are born of God (in the Spirit) we OVERCOME the world (all its ways, paradigms & thinking are no longer important to us) and that FAITH is our victory!!! Wow!!! Going to let this sink down deep within and hopefully have it living (automatic response is God-focused/driven, nothing else/less) in me!! Amen.
John 3:16-21
*so easy to pass over a familiar verse/s like 16, but the following verses just show us how IMPORTANT it is NOT to skim/pass over something that is familiar!!! For there is always a fresh nugget of truth & revelation that God wants to give us, may we look, see and understand with His eyes, heart and wisdom!! ..I love how these verses talk about/describe light and darkness. Light exposes things and truth doesn’t mind being exposed, darkness on the other hand, loves to hide and has no desire for light or truth or anything like it to be made clear/exposed!! In other words, with God, there is Light, clarity and simplicity.. with darkness, everything is shadows/grey, confused/muddled and complicated. Quite an important distinction and one we want to pay attention to!! Are we living in the Light or are we living in the darkness? There is no in-between!! May we choose to live in the Light and Clarity of God!! Amen.
Ephesians 2:4-9
*dead to the old and ALIVE in the new!!! God took what was meant to separate and kill us and made a way for us to be fully restored!!! We are only where we are at because of Christ.. such a GIFT!!! I also really love that it says “saved by grace THROUGH faith”!!! This doesn’t allow excuses, like ‘grace covers everything’, it requires FAITH and reliance on God alone, which is such a GOOD thing as it is a reminder and call to live up Higher!!!
John 1:1-5
*some of my favorite verses!! They strip EVERYTHING down and take it right back to the beginning: God. Nothing was or is without Him!! May we remember this and carry the realization of this with us always!! Amen.
Isaiah 11:3
*what stood out to me here was not only the foretelling of Jesus but natural vs spiritual!! May we focus on the spiritual!!
Isaiah 11:4-9
*I can’t wait for the complete fulfillment of this day!!! Do what You need to Lord to bring this about!! Amen.
Psalms 8:1
*may we recognize, praise and realize the depths of this daily!!! Amen.
Romans 8:26-27
*Wow!!! We are so incredibly BLESSED!!! May we remember this and walk in the Spirit, always!!! Amen.
Proverbs 2:1-7
*let us accept, store up and seek the Lord and His Way above ALL things!! He answers and provides, let us REMEMBER this, always!!!
*let the eyes of our hearts be enlightened, and may we never stop giving thanks!! God gives us wisdom, revelation, knowledge, hope, faithfulness and love!! May we walk faithfully in these things!! Amen.
1 Peter 1:21
*May we be IN God, nothing more, nothing less!! Amen.
John 1:12-13
*OF God!!! So powerful and good!!! Let us remember that we are from You and let us walk as if You are physically right beside us!! Amen.
Ephesians 1:3-14
*Amen!! Yes!! THANK You Lord Father!!! Help me live in this identity and Your Way, ALL for Your Glory!!! Amen.
Back atcha, E, with the weekend blessings! What good notes! Thanks for sharing! ❤☺❤☺
I am redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. ❤️❤️
GM ladies. Can I please ask for prayer for my daughter Chela’s college move in day today? For it to go smoothly and for peace to reign in her (and me!), for nice roommates, and for an all around better year than last year. Also please pray against anxiety! Thank you!
Yes! Praying now and will continue! ❤️
I too sent my younger daughter off to college several weeks ago and it was hard. In the parent Facebook page this podcast was shared and I thought it was really helpful. Praying for a smooth transition for you all. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/8-things-i-wish-i-knew-in-college/id1646101002?i=1000666977090
Praying in agreement for you and Chela, Tami! I know you will keep us posted! ☺ ❤
I too just went through moving my younger daughter off to college for the first time several weeks ago. I pray for a smooth transition for you both. In the college FB page someone posted a podcast that I found very helpful called “8 things I wish I knew in college” by Mel Robbins. Some really great insights. Wish it wove in Jesus as the answer but I think you will do a great job of conveying that part of the message!
Praying. I remember doing this with my son. I know the feeling.
Good morning, precious sisters! I haven’t commented in quite some time but I’m here every morning and praying for each of your needs. Many of you are prayed for by name each and every day! ❤️ What a wonderful sisterhood this is! I can’t wait until we can all meet and hug (I am definitely a hugger) in Heaven!
Several of you have reached out through mail, email, and FB messenger to check on us. Jack’s cancer is spreading deeper into his neck and throat but is causing little/no pain. I’m so thankful for that! His mental capacity is decreasing. He is very tired now and we are home bound. We were getting out to grab something to eat or going for a ride but he just doesn’t feel like it now. He has outlived the prognosis that was given in January. I am trying to just take each day as it comes but staying at home all day every day is pretty hard to handle. I haven’t been able to go to church for a couple of months which hurts too. A coaching friend of his was coming the first Sunday of each month to stay with him so I could go to church but that’s not happening any more.
Please pray that God will give me strength to do what to I need to do. Jack has always been the best, most thoughtful husband and I miss that! It’s hard to see what dementia has done to him. Sorry to ramble on but I have one more request. Starting today we have eight family birthdays coming up in the next month (including mine). Please pray that he doesn’t pass on anyone’s birthday. Love to all of you! ❤️
Dear Lynne, sending hugs and prayers! You & Jack are on my heart and in my prayers often.
Sending lots of hugs your way!
Prayers, encouragement, assurance and (((hugs))) being sent!!!
Oh, Lynne, I hear you on the birthday request! Thank you for the updates in how to pray. I love that we can support you with virtual hugs (big hugger,too!), but I hate not being closer so I could give you in person encouragement. I know being shut in is nerve wracking. Praying as you requested and as God leads. Love and big hugs- maybe a real one day! ❤❤❤
WE love you Lynne! Hugs coming your way. You are such a great example living out your vows. PRAYING someone will come to stay with Jack so you can go to church or at least out for a walk, outside.
Praying for you & Jack and your w.
Oh Lynn, friend, thank you for allowing us into this difficult season of your life, I imagine sometimes you would just like to hide in your closet and bury your head in grief, while other times you want to hug Jack and not let go for a moment. All we can do is pray for you, and your family. You will be okay. God has your life just as He wants even if not ideal to us. But purpose in the pain, and testimony in the test. With lots of love sent your way, and a nice warm hug.
Oh Lynne, feeling your hurt through your words. Praying for grace and mercy for you and Jack during this very difficult time. Sending you hugs. ❤️
I know it’s not the same, but does your church have an online service that you can watch? Mine does, if you would like a link, and many others do. And you can find many services on Facebook or YouTube, either live or recorded.
Praying for you both, Lynne. My Dad passed on my youngest son’s birthday. I get that (your request). It is definitely bittersweet date for us.
I’m a hugger too. Looking forward to a big Lynne hug when we finally meet in heaven. And I look forward to meeting Jack! ❤️
Praying dear Lynn.
Oh I needed these miracles to remind today. Lord make a way! In Jesus name, Amen
Praising Him in gratitude with you Mrs. Laura! Thank you for sharing His goodness and the ways He is working in your family!
“empty way of life”
Thank You, Lord for filling me with Your Spirit. May Your love spill over onto others today.
MERCY – praying you have wisdom about Emma’s teacher request.
Continuing to pray for other requests posted this week.
Thank you Kelly. The principal called me at the end of the day, despite so many works she had, and she persuaded me to give it a try with this new man teacher for two weeks, so I am back and forth, your prayer on wisdom is so appreciated.
I am living in an ongoing miracle right now. I just have to pour this out as my heart is so happy and full right now. I am sitting on the back porch of a beautiful cabin beside a lake watching the sunrise. My husband, son in law and prodigal daughter are out fishing. My other daughter is still sleeping along with my precious little granddaughter. The only missing from this miracle is my son, who is still trying to run from his Christian family and did not join us. But that’s for another day and another miracle. Right now I am basking in the glory and magnificence of this one. That my sweet girl Taliah is with us. That she has come back to us. And it is only because of the power of God. We do not have the whole story yet from her as to why she contacted me on my birthday in June. We don’t don’t what changed in her heart, in her mind between her last hate-filled text to me in March and her loving birthday wish in June. But for now, we are just loving her, welcoming her back, making memories with her now. We lost 7 years with her. We can never get those back. But we know that God wastes nothing. That things are used for our good. So we continue to walk with him and trust him. He is working, dear shes, in our family. In mighty ways. My husband finally slept last night after weeks of insomnia. It has been an ongoing battle for him. And one he must continue to battle. It has affected our marriage a lot. But has stopped using alcohol to
Praising God with you this morning, Laura! And continued prayers for Taliah and reconciliation in your family.
❤️ Praise God for His miracles!
Giving thanks for God’s mercy and grace to your family.
Laura!!! What a beautiful testimony! Reminds me to never give up on God and keep praying. I could not be happier for you right now. God is soooooooo good!
Heart bursting for you!!
Great reminder “nothing wasted”!
Good girl for basking in the “right now” even as you await the “yet to come”.
What a beautiful answer to your prayers! God is amazing!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!
I know your heart is overflowing with joy this morning! May God continue to work and heal in your family, sweet sister! ❤️
Rejoicing right along with you, Laura! How amazing is our great God!!
What an amazing story that God is writing and that we get to be witness to! Thank you for always sharing. Praying for all prodigals. For God to pour His Spirit out in the mighty name of Jesus.
What a wonderful testimony of answers to prayer! Praise our Almighty God!! I am so happy for you and rejoice here with my other sisters at the miracles God is working in your family!
It gives all of us who have prodigals or unanswered prayer, hope.
Thank you for sharing. All praise and glory to God!! ❤️
All praises!!
What a beautiful story. Praise the Lord! May His hand continue to be at work in the lives of your family.
WOW..I am jumping for JOY for you my friend!! I know the longing of your heart has been praying and trusting for so long, Praise God! Sounds like a picturistic morning for the cherry on top! Hopefully she will be able to share with you some of the story and you all will have a beautiful bond.
Laura, thank you for sharing that beautiful picture with us! How wonderful – I can sense your heart’s overflowing JOY and pray for y’all through the rest of the weekend. May your son feel a heart tug to join you next time! Sending hallelujah hugs!❤❤❤
I’m imaging you sitting on that back porch, watching the sunrise. Taking a deep breath…. God is SO good, to give us, His children days like that. I’m sitting out on my porch myself. I too, struggle with sleep and so grateful I slept well last night. Thank you Laura for sharing with us this morning. So thankful for your Taliah is with you.
Praising God along with you. What a beautiful testimony of His grace and mercy!
This is so, so encouraging to read for me, as I pray through my own daughter’s struggles (different issues than Taliah’s). It’s an honor to continue to kneel with you in prayer for your family, Laura. What an incredible journey from March to now, and all the years prior.
Wonderful to read your post this morning. Such great news. I can feel your mama heart bursting with
God’s goodness. ❤️
YAY God!! Rejoicing with you dear sister!! Enjoy every moment!!! ❤️❤️❤️
So so happy for you LAURA.
What a sacrifice, what a Savior! So, so thankful for my redemption.
Praying for our lost and all lost this morning.
Especially praying for our caregiving sisters, LYNNE FROM AL, NANCY S, GRAMSIESUE, LINDA IN NC and others. ❤️
Amen! ❤ Continued prayers for you, too, sister!!! ☺