Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
I delight to do your will, my God,
and your instruction is deep within me.
—Psalm 40:8
Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.
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27 thoughts on "Grace Day"
Happy Sunday ladies! Praying for you all today.
I love this verse! This is why I teach 2 & 3 year olds. I want them to have God’s word within them.
Late, family here for a week, so I won’t have a chance to read until late. ❤️
SEEKING UNDERSTANDING… Your comment about the donkey AND the foal and the cloaks and “Jesus sat on them.” made me do a little digging. The notes in my ESV study Bible said nothing, but this was in the notes of my NIV study Bible… “He sat on the cloaks. We know from Mark (11:2) and Luke (19:30) that he rode the colt. Typically, a mother donkey followed her offspring closely. Matthew mentions two animals, while the other Gospels have only one.” Another note referenced (same three Gospels) is/are the demons at the Gadarenes with the herd of pigs. My take on it, might be that Matthew is more detail oriented… which is hard to reconcile with the fact that Luke was a physician. ;-)
And, LAURA DIANNE… I left FB a couple years ago, and so I struggled with joining a group to follow someone’s cancer journey and also SRT. I usually go visit these groups on Sundays (and ONLY to those two groups. I am out of the habit of scrolling through my feed.) Looking outside of those groups just isn’t an option, you know? So maybe the same would work for you? I don’t know. Just thought I would share.
AMEN!! to Rhonda J’s comment!! Hope its OK, to ask for prayer for my own children, as I “see” them scrolling and stare at their phones and I’m not sure how much “time” they spend in God’s Word. I pray that they would “desire” to spend time with our Jesus.
LAURA DIANNE – I agree about the privacy. I felt that way with the SRT facebook page. Not sure I like it…
“Do it with a happy heart” This is something I would say to my children when they were little and I needed them to obey. Wish it was something I came up with, but it wasn’t. I learned it from a parenting class I took at church. Though we read this verse/s earlier this week, our GRACE DAY verse, Psalm 40:8 really spoke to me this morning. NIV says it this way: “I desire to do your will….” A few days ago I commented about me being legally separated an wanting to be divorced, but desiring to be in God’s will more. And I also mentioned that on this side of heaven I don’t understand why especially when there was abuse (mainly verbal and emotional), BUT God….. I want to be in HIS will rather than mine. THIS morning, our Grace Day verse JUMPED out at me “gently” and here is what I heard: “Do this with a happy heart Mari”
I’m taking a DEEP breath…I’m trusting My JESUS. Please continue to pray as this man (who I once called husband) keeps coming around my home (there’s a restraining order) and calls my my mom’s landline, doesn’t say anything, we just hear background noise. (SIGH) BUT… I will still TRUST my God, my Jesus! I KNOW He is with me! AND I’m still going to say, “Happy SATURDAY sweet She’s!!” LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH!
Praying for your requests as I read them and ask God to continue to bring them to my mind for the future. These devotionals, Scriptures and comments have been so helpful to me in my journey. I would appreciate prayers for my husband Bob. He is having surgery to have a small skin cancer removed from under his left eye on Monday at 8:40. It should be simple but it’s near his tear duct so praying no problems. Also he has a brain MRI on April 2 to follow up on previous brain tumor treatment. He gets MRI every 3 months. Praying for good results, no new tumors and wisdom for his doctors as he continues his journey. Praying for our family as we all process things differently, especially for our daughter to return to her faith and love for Jesus. Her name is Rebecca. Thanks so much, keeping you all in my prayers.
I love the visual of sewing the Word of God into our hearts! My first thought was, ouch! that would hurt! But that’s the point, isn’t it? It should “hurt” to bury God’s Word into our hearts because it means heart changes, dying to self, molding and shaping. But the verse says I will delight to do your will. The hurt, the pain, the valleys change us, they change our hearts. Reading God’s Word changes our hearts. But delight is the result! It doesn’t make sense and it does make sense!! Because I have lived that. And I know others have lived that. And it is such a delight to live God’s will. I want to sew His Word DEEP into my heart.
RHONDA J I am not on the facebook page. I quit facebook last year because I was able to see things that my youngest daughter posted and it made me too sad. It was my own fault for looking, but I had to take that step for my own discipline. I also enjoy the privacy of this group. I think I have been more willing to share. I hate admitting that, but I think it’s true. I will think about joining SRT in the future. I love you ladies and care about you so much, so I need to examine my own heart and see what is holding me back.
Pledge *of* Allegiance!
I love all of your insights into scripture. Tina, that visual is beautiful.
This verse is my prayer!
Thank you for prayers and I’m praying for you. MIA FAITH, Lynne from Al, Taylor, Jamie Trice, Kelly, Cee Gee, Martha, Nancy S, Grammiesue, Linda in NC AND anyone else I missed!
This reminds me if our “Pledge if Allegiance to the Bible” that I learned as a child at Vacation Bible School and still love to be recite and be reminded of as a leader.
“I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word,
I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
I will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God.”
LYNNE FROM ALABAMA – Thank so much for the updates! I am so glad to know you are here each morning. Praying for God’s peace for you and Jack and that God will give you just the right words/explanation to satisfy his heart. ❤
Delight twice this week. Something I need to do more of.
Let us delight in Him, sweet She’s.
Oh, sweet She’s, how I love your comments today! Tina’s comment about sewing the Word in our hearts touches me deeply because sewing has been my life’s work since the mid- 80’s. Needle and thread, stress and tears, sometimes, as I struggled to finish something complicated by the deadline…
But I can’t begin to tell you all how many times the Lord helped me through the years! He has prevented me from making mistakes in my work, shown me in my mind how something unfamiliar should go together, and just flat out kept me going when I wanted to quit!
His Word is what holds me together, too. So much of my story is wrapped up in how God specifically used His Word to speak truth to me, and clarify things that made no sense. He is SO faithful!!
Praying for you all as I read the comments, and I request prayer for my dear husband, Tom, please. He is having surgery on both eyes Monday, adjustments of the eye muscles to align them.
Blessings and love to you all!
Good morning, sweet SRT sisters! Thank you for your continued prayers for Jack and I. He is mentally about the same but the tumors on and around his neck are noticeably larger. He notices them and comments about them multiple times a day. He says that it is scary. I pray that he can be at peace about it. He doesn’t know that it’s lymphoma.
My friend Gina had her last chemo Thursday. She will have a pet scan in April and go from there. She has such a sweet spirit! Your continued prayers are appreciated!
I’m here every morning and praying for each of you and your requests! ❤️❤️
GM She’s Happy Saturday and Wkd!
The more you are in the word the more you love the word! It’s so funny that we can sit and stare at our phones for long periods of time, but then say we just don’t have time to read our Bibles. That is a must to understand God’s creation, His chosen people and their amazing stories to help us and give us direction, to understand how Jesus was sent to redeem lost sinners, and HOW we get to be a part of the story to love and encourage other people! It’s SO unthamanable that we don’t long to know this Almighty Creator that is also a personal God. What a shame to get to the end of our lives or heaven and know we didn’t utilize our precious gift! I want to live BOLDLY for God…I want to plant seeds, I want to pray for strangers and give to the poor and hug them, encourage those struggling! God help us to have eyes to see and equip us to feel your Spirit to move and know where you are calling us to be your servants!
Thank you Lord for every day, renew our hearts each day that we may die to ourselves and serve you with joyful hearts! Let us put our selfish desires aside, our prideful spirits, our jealous hearts. Let us LOVE like Jesus all people, those we don’t want to love or be with. It is so easy to love the lovable Lord, but I want to love the hard to love, see the overlooked, give hope to the hopeless. Thank you Jesus, for changing me, keep sanctifying me Lord, so I can be holy like you in heaven. Let it be Lord.
I pray that it is my delight to seek and do His will for me…that His instruction is deep within me. This reminds me of Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, all about doing God’s will, following His law and loving Him and His Words. ❤️ I pray that I would continue to abide in Him.and He in me!
As I read this scripture I am reminded that unless we are in God’s Word on regular basis – we won’t know His will for our lives. David knew God’s Word, inside and out. It was hidden in his heart. When we know the word, it helps us not to sin. (Psalm 11:11) God’s word is such an important part of the believers life, may we delight in it!
@Searching – So true from yesterday’s reading!
@Mia – is there any news on the recovery of your husband? Continuing to pray.
Praying for my sweet SRT sisters and your requests. “May all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You.” (Psalm 40:16)
Amen, TINA ❤️ studying His word, the Bible, to get His instructions deep in my heart and mind. Reminds me of BIBLE ….Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
From yesterday, Matthew 21:45 they perceived He was speaking of them.
This got my attention- they understood the parable, they (chief priests & Pharisees) knew He was talking about them. How often do I read God’s word – what He is saying (instructing) – and pretend I don’t understand, or that I do but it doesn’t apply to me… :/
TAYLOR – praying for your dad and upcoming biopsy
JAMIE TRICE – praying for your family
SHARON JERSEY GIRL – amen, All Hail King Jesus!
LYNNE FROM AL, NANCY S, GRAMSIESUE, LINDA IN NC – praying for you and your husbands ❤️
O it is indeed a delight when the Spirit wins over my sinful self and I follow God’s instruction and do His will…if only it happened more.
CHERYL BLOW – praying your shoulder surgery goes well
LYNN FROM AL – praying the Lord is sustaining you in His love and grace as you care for Jack. When you have a chance send along an update on Gina.
GRAMSISUE, DIANE MOM, NANCY S, SUSAN LANDRETH, LINDA IN NC and all who are caregivers – prayers for deep rest for you body and spirit
INDIANA ELAINE – continued prayers for Steve
LAUREN GW – how’s your mom? Any further progress for your husband coping with his PTSD?
This verse reminded me of a picture I had for a friend, whilst praying with and for her..
The picture was of her sewing the Word of God, the Bible, onto her heart..
Lord, my God, may I delight to do your will, and may I ‘sew’ your instruction deep within me..
Happy Saturday dear hearts.. covered in Much love ❤️